HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-15, Page 5PH�I'BO'YitACTOR AND DRUGLESS
Goderich, Phone 341 2 to 5
Office tours -10 'to 12 a.m.,
and 7 to . 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday. ,., • •
10 to 12 a.m.- only on Wednesday,
Monday and, Thursday at.Mitchell.,
Mineral fume. j•baths by appointment
5. i South St.
T SURANCE CO. -Yarm and .
iated town property, insured.
Offrcens-'Wil lam Knox,. President, ,
Londesbaro ; W. R. Archibald,„ Vice-
Preeident,' ,Seiafort.h ; M. A. 1teid,
Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea-
Directors-•-;Wna. Knox, Londesboro ;
Alex. lixoadfoot, •Seaforth Chris.
Leonhardt,' Dublin; -I3..T. Trewartha,,
Clinton ; 7`12os. `Moylan, Seaforth ; W.
R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. McEwing,
Blyth; Frank. McGregor, 'Clinton; Hugh
Alexander, • Walton.
Agents --E. A. Yeo, R.Ii,. 1, Goderich
James Watt, Blyth ; John E. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Brucefield ; , R. F. McKercher,
R.R. '1, Dublin ; :i. 1'. Prueter, ' Brod-
• Polley -holders can make all pay-
ments and get their' cards receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton ; Calvin Cutt'
(Grocery,_ Kingston Street, Goderich, -oft l'-
1. H. Refd's General Store, Bayfield:
Rev, N. II. Turnb AcceptsInvitation,
of North Street United Congrega
Mon Rev. W. P. Lane Retu°ing
from Active Ministry
The 'congregation of Narth street
United elearar have extended an in-'
vitatan to Rev. R. II. Purnlbull of Port
Elgin. to ,beciyme their pastor• in suc-
cession to . Rev. W. P, Lane, who will
seek superannuation at the meeting of
the London " :Conference next nncnth.
Mr. Turnbull has accepted the in'vita-
t o cat .C, •to tbe a tion o.
n st111 e4 f nr� h �
..tel ►
r J ti
: Conference. If the call Is ratified, Mr,
Tartbull will take over his charge here
On the first Sunday in July,
- ,1uinbufl, a nnxiive of Iiziudus
Ont., has been, three 'yearn at Port
Digin. :Besides his wife he has a small
daughter, Judith. i
Rev. W. 'P.; .Lahe and ':tlrs, ]clime
intend.'to make.' their home at Toronto,
where their daughter, Mrs. G. E. Myers,
The final meeting of the' Presby terian
oun people for the term was held on
Y gl� 1a ,
Monday evening, May 12th, at 6.30, in
the lecture -room of the church. It
took the form of a "pot luck" supper,
which was •quite well. attended bv mem-
bers and friends. .A .t the. eonclu$ion of
the ni�eal, 'a fsliort t iiag-song was held,
with Miss Eileen Bogie at the piano.
A vote of thanks was extended to those
responsible for the planning of the:
supper and also to Re'u. D:: J. Lane
for his co-operation during the. past
year. ,Owing to.thefact that the
president, Oliff Lowery ,-. was unable to
Abe present, the erection of officers was
left over until next fall, When the
usual weekly meetings 'kill be resumed.
-'1`h ={G t21d''litis' bifid a''ver tic atfI'
and interesting year and it' is Sincerely
hVPed that all the' members will return
to carry 'dn next fall, l
YOURBuck ft up right now -
and feel like a million
Your liver 'is the largest"organ.in your body
and most impgrtant to your health. It pouts out
bile to digest food,• gets rid of waste, supplies
new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach
your blood. When your lifter gets out of order
food decomposes in your intestines. Yogi, be-
come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't
work properly. Yon, feel "rotten" -headachy,
hackachy, dizzy, dragged cut all the time.
For over 35 yearsthousan4s have won prompt
relief from these miseries -with Fruit-a-ttviis.
• So can you now. Tey Fruit -a -lives -you'll be
simply delighted how quickly you'll feellikea
new person, happy and• well again. 25c; Sic.
�� � � . Liver Tabltet9,
You Roil Thein Beffer Wii'h
erten ==
MAGE +Rmt$#
being thebondsman. •eaa was de-
y� Reeeived
`""'""'""" PuttingScrews feandc d i► L. li . 'Paisley, sit uGuests
`(' Minutes,`1e $C' jchlor Oi ii Tr � It rant sed law at Kirkland 'elle before at Nurses' Home
moving to ,Kitchener. 0 Mt. s.tviinau,
with a Notebook) pleaded, o guiltynand elected uruniary `� "
(By .a Sian ov t p d, t
The 'lawn mower is' arlightier than the . . 11 1 Alexandra Hospital field
Police are Cheolt in , Automobile' 'eoa rr n > a 5. at Annual Birthday Party. of the
� • trio, v� kith w ill proceed o M ,� • < .
Speeding and x ega , .2 poll.p`
Bicycle ° Riding A Tale ,of Vnhaappines$ • on Saturday
d Ar, W.X� F. •Golfitly took thewtnes;�,", ^..
A pollee checkup 'desl;;nctl to in; 'stand to tell of tier e�lrreuxinstmites sur- The annual "birt'lclay party" of
prove truffle condltt iaViu Goderich,. rounding the unsucc'et sfu1 attemlYt 'of • Ale1andra He pital,was ;held on Satter-•
' a tourhg; West "fWawanosh Yea'mato . . i
Wath respc*et to both motorists and ting last'a the nitrse''hvane; The new
t take her own life, a charge to 11,14 stile
r'• -•,-
,bicycle -riders Is in 'lYru;;ress rand of- . wing of the reaideixee da'�s open for
�r`. Pleaded
guilty. Hr, Gallow al 'he ins action and was the su'krjnct of bunch
fenders are being 'brou,,ht before -
the found :the woman, une011W1ou ; in the f theart of
M,Iagist'ate' iso that an object lett>aon loft of the barna, at t9 o'clock on the 0Iail►ld eminent en p_
r tr
z i� f A rll 1. t t
a • ' � taught h them and •i rn n.
may t� t a enc a all ,others, iriUn ,•,•0 1 After , r quest' were received by 3Irs. q . • C.
Four such et -tenders niadc' their, rt �• ilhiii) ho{lI teen used she gradually � ,
a , gi i , I 1 1 `i > s h r an told (;.PWdc?1., 'vice -pre idelit•.of 'the Womens
pearanc' befpre Ia�,rstrutc Jlakina last awoke frofxi ai deep., . tui o dr I; �tta ixi'liar a114 bits. 4. W.::
! n ai:
i ua t
f a '�
ihurs'tl . x`"tli�. C•hYvWXl, Pei-irestrrr , that lnr2a slie lltrd�. �eo�r'>tt�rne q y ,' .. ax�.. -
1 d Hunter looked carter the num4 rou} gifts:
the prcis vont n be given clue publicity. Li2iinieat hea�-ilylaislrcn with chloroform .iia ter served t the diniia;;arpUm, the
A local y.ottth was charged with pt,r which her husbband had, used. on a frac..-
m1ttin;, another boy to ride on the turgid' a . ° She had unfolded:'`a tale of table beg lovely with spring (flowers,
.-:R he Mrs. A... D. MoLean ant h Ms. E. W.
'crossbar of. his 'bicycle, .i breach of a unhappy wedded.'life; 'Stating 'that s• {;atria- presided, assisted by,_''�Irs. W.
town by'iasv which for years has 'been had purcbaseci the, 'money,` but thfarm on which they P. Lane cess. G. U. Watson, fairs, U; E.
altogether toe mullion. '1.1ae 3•wuth ivas lived with her owna't-'her , +
gvven• a lecture on the until e'r; ,to him- husband refused to 'work it and often
Campbell, Mrs. R. J. P. 'Walter, Claire
serif• and others of such a 'practice and: stayed out tni2yt. II* also 'beat: her; John :.urisonu Wand •'Miss Claire
,. ,,r previous o the ReYnUlds.
said.The ni ht
� a allots_, she
a ed tgo on . u - „
ort.rrdee Sen
t ci With the warning
thft a second morning on which she had
.Gifts o m
were re'
,r .d the followingiiss C. Iteynoltls, .1Irs•
r a
iV he cid
off Y fi h._.
ent.'c ti o 1 k e.. R1 .. r worth 1. _j. Ig
,.3__._u..d . a.ilai:,, zt, fartc. Nt.ws of if b W. I'. Lane, Mx,. G. �i. Watson, :r�rs.. i�.
the prosecution ,pread like wildfire spent nn the highway :dot>king for J. 5aults,.� Mrs.,.'%f.It>hn Munson, Miss
among bicycle -riders and police report her husband.
that already there has loon anCathed • ,before the'Magistrate, the 1)Lckson, Mr. A, •1.,. 'Robertson, . Miss
+. Isabel Sharman, Miss'Clara Sharman,.
I)rcnement. The same goes for side husband attempted -to refute his wife's
�v alk riders. statements but was reventecl by the ,Suss 31.:x.. Bissett, Miss �I;urritt. firs.
> p
Fined for Speeding (otlrt. IIe was told' that he was to McKee. r Mrs. R. J. P.
Traffic Wheel- cul clock blame for his wife's predicament, and Other donations 'were: p eel William p ' '.
Bradley hitting ;fifty-five milds, an hour adv Ned to atop running around. and go Walter, 9jars fruit ; Mrs. A. D.31e=
Holmeshe ied
Lean, n jars fruit ;Mrs. It. J. Acheson,
waa travellink only sixty. The traffic . Crown ,.1..ttorney
2 'bath towels
on .Kingston street. °W. L. btuthgate to work. , - : p Miss B. Mai icar, 2
far; fruit ; 'Mrs. E. W. Oarrie, 1 jar
She was its changeable as a ten -dollar
The fuestion of the (lay ; "Which way
will Itussia jump?"
aria swer`.! of the hour: PeoliarblY
straight ul>and dowvn."
Mused the Earlier to himself a h e
watched ;his t4on4a1e rt piece of pie in
they c.tr > atl pour )our the 'tea on the
late ,.Spring daWare iae'e frim.
This column like to take the
: 'n would
initiative in recommending to,the Town
Council that the rlield-gun captured
from theGermans in 'Che .first -(rent
War be donated to the 'Government as
a contribution toward the ,,31lied war
effort with the recomnendation that it
It least
bullet -S.
It at ens
will give us some s(atsfaction,, in knod-
i:ng-hlaat the Nazis ruts flava it returned
to 'them in a form they decidedly will
not relish, to say the least.
Said Mr.' Henpeck to his wife as he
s'neaked in late one night:
"1Brrrrr," shivered the 'black sheep,
"They've cut off my wool;
Hand me some. ,pajamas,
The nights wire still cool."
officer says .the boys "'step on her" as no desire that puniSlunent be meted fruit Mrs. A, I .• Sturdy, 1 cloy: glasses ;
The corvette •`Goderich" was
soon as they leave the Square, hut .that out. He said that the couple hatl,vbeen t 2
launched at Toronto 3'e=�terdcjy,, lint it his' 'braaiii-now patrol tar also can' reunited for a week and reports were A Friend, , vase A Friend: Jars.
is this column's prediction that it will some stepping Iif pushed. He's not that things were going;smoothly, so far. piol:les; Mrs. F. Lawrence, I, jar 'fruit;
y �: 4 popular with the sailor boys o boasting' , ;' t about this contl'ition of affairs
Women's Institute: 2 lamps. ; Mrs, John
never be a. 1 p doing any boa, ting' tea to -how fast her' T o bring -
Hunter, jars fruit : Mrs. D. E. Ga'inl�
as the curvettes in 'Goderich.
paidi ,and •coats.
Southgate t.'aell WU$ the
Iitun1 UU•le1;t vl LLu isiu v' u. uu. •bell, ': jars frinit; %1iS`i M. Strang, 1. jar
The tease was adjourned journed sine 'die:
.. ., Graham, dog
� fruit; . '':fir;. J. '\I. G ah€t '% ,
- ,� .fit.,.
1 . LLS-":�t21 Qwtk l -'O? t..: --Lloyd- . a
12., entar dove op M PI.aulson' aid a>• sir 1 "
�._....-._, ,P slur' IF fine:-. ..�...�-�.::.. __. � �., .. ...-. :... •
�g _. i •eii �rir�' {.:
- •a „la gs :firs. Bnrnetl,' T n
-corncobs. --headline'. 'With corn bt. for Uilipin off, forty=ii`^e,.on Britannia Mr1ITLAIVD PRESB' T 1iI�L trmo2 �,i1Te, fruit ; lZ s..I. <(x. Smith, z
laatiic' ingredient anything woulde •bt a • The twenty-seventh annual mieeting .
welen1 explosive. bars jani; Mrs,' L. C': Chapman,. 1 jar
po 'lZ
•- of the. Maitland 'Pres•byterirtl :Society of I .Jam ; 'Galerrh Township.. Hospital
;Poor Uncle Silas .was getting the oaths' burning u this road going. the �iT.�I.S. of the .P)•e5byttrial' U,hur%h 1 .L u. land, 2 �maftress 'pads ;' Mrs. El -
Worst of it. In fact, he had got the' and .from the '•�Pa. " on 'S�itturdtiy nights o in (_'..iiiadri will be hal<Lat Knox Presby- i Y2dl;e, 1 jar fruit ; firs: 'F, W. Thomas,
Paulson" was trapped tei•lan church, Kincardine, on..Tuesday,' •1 jar' rt ; ;',ins. 'Chas• ,Saunders`.fruit
d .on the to 'bus
Square after a race . y May 2Otlr, with"foreno'on and, afiternoon 1 and pickles; Mrs- Cecil 'Baxter, 2 jars
Maude 'Muaselman prominent r si- �sessioti::. The Morning .session will bei fruit; :firs. «..A. t.oulthurst, j€us.
r 2 ar
l7 Lane, •� Ian
D.- J.J
i fir ,
• i lritle
reports fromt
he rec•rc*ta.rres
t o
devoted t
dent ofKitchener,
te.herier, w€ta.reniandred for
week on a charge of defr•auditi; • Mrs, or the clifferehnt departments, and ini fruit; llr, °'�'Ir. H, Itoliert sou, electric
:Inuit I-Ioo'per;r (tgecl . ...sixty-five, a of ,, the afternoon Mrs. K. 'MacIJean will 1 fan. a
Howick townaliip,,out of .$-1,000, allelrwd-.I give a report of the Provincial Annual. 1 ' r yesterday
1. in gerr address will. Ire giv=en by :miss Diner -Waiter, I was he e • y
y a gold unpin„ stock deiil in. 193 7; ,
• i g . returned! and haul.- a steak. Waiter -Yes,' sir.
The lapse :or. time was not' etplarneci.. Dorothy 1)gn�,la., recently r � smile today? �I�i'ner.
Ba _ ' from Formosa, And a discussion and , Will yen -have the
Bail of �i�,UUU wa's rene«cd, a lri•utltor,, ,_
,,n ! ',question bo . Will be conducte4,ity :1Irs.: Well, I might a; well, if no one_else:
Iii rl>c> t >(ttssc lYiian, %i ii)t r plot in€t� ,�.. , using it!
.� is uarni,
cline distributer in 'Iiur•'on county, C. H. •McDougiali. . •
road, which Chief of I'olice Ross •calls
`'the- ."dance 'hall speedway.", Police
have many 'complaints of., thoughtless
of il Av
it al
when it
dull aErahh thundered at. him, "And
don't. yo'u dare say another worm.-:. pe.
You he€ii.
u she.
heaved ed a
l he
?.nixing bowl at' phis, head -because lie
never`. answered her. . -
"The siren has just souneled,"-a.amaicl
somewhere. in Kent told her employer,
th 1
man on t
'Three air-raid stories -all true::
"'and I have laid your tea on'the lawn.
.”Short air raid last night," said the
he bus.. "Yes- hardly worth
'ttiltting my teeth in,replied his.
t;ompanion., -:
The•A.R°1'. warden told a -man -to tali„
cover. '"'I''ve got to pay for the war,
he protested. 'Oin't'I look at 'it?" -
Tried, to Remove His Dog from.Fatal
Current -Inquest Held
'HENS'ALL,- May 12-A.' coroner's
jury; investigating the death of seven-
year-old `Gerald -'Parker, , returned. a
'verdict this afternoon thatthe boy ivas
electrocuted when. he -<tried ' til, reprove'
-. the:lifeless Body of his dog from a
Hydro wire. on 'his father's farm on
May 2. A fallen tree had brought down
Ithe wire: Dr. J.. C. Dunlop, coroner,
presided: Witnesses were examined by
C"rown.. Attorney D. E. 'Holmes, of
Goderich. . -
T1re verdict said iii part the boy came
to his death by' electrocution by hand-
ling a, live wire brought .down 'by a
part&y� decayed tree. A.- falling tree on
the south side, of the road near the
farm, had brought with ,it a' Live wire
'carrying 4,00() volts.
Witnesses tad of;'finding the -boy And
of rushii'ig hurl: ,tom'---I-Iensa11, where .- he
was etrz;rn.inecl by I)r. Ivan S',millie and
pronounced dead. - The witneSsess . in-
cluded Dorothy May Keys, of Mftc heli,:.
cqusii2 of young Parker, Who was Nvith
him when the accident occurrtcl.; Har-
old Parker, father of 'tlh5i'..l hiltl, who -
o -told of how he pullett%his on from the
Wire,- his evidence being corroborated by
Mussel Keys, , who Accompanied 'him to
the scene after the 'Keys girl had"given
the alarm. a .r
I)r. Smillie told cif_ a post-mortem
hel;cl the- follow trig day w iich showed
.death t:tl '1i.;l.,ye-lteeii'(liie to eleetrdu-
II .I, 'Hampton, Exeter; and I. K. `
Sitter, Toronto, hydro engineers, ,,told
of arrangements in effects -go Ferning the
supply of power to the 'line. and it was
impossible, they said, to learn of a
.,break in the line, unless a consumer
eornpiained of ,an interruption. The
jury watt - composed of Stan Tudor,
Ato erii iii) Gtr rlet -Case, Fred. Belr, -
Orville Twit-chell, Jarncss Sangster, Her,,, ,,-.
a11 aynian, Fred Raters, . -a11 of '' ''
Ilen'salr1. a °
Daily 7.30 a.m.; d' .25 p.m. -Leaves.
'Goderich for Stra;'tford, --Toronto,
Hamilton, 'Buffalo, London; Detroit;
Tavistock 'and Woodstock. Depots --
Bedford, "British ' and Royal 'Hotels.
Phone hotels or 305 for information.
4410=11 YEAR. . e 20
R � I
Business Director;
Ding—EY E'.: /1Qi S 6
X11 Barrister, Etc.
013ace-Court House, Goderfelio
Telephone 55.
WM. • .9.. 'rSiilllHERLA.ND
Barrister a>xd. • Srolicit r
It'c1rsrt Mortgage 'Security,r
Urban Loans Avail'akr1e.,
�, 7ii0
ri . Phoate
t. God.
Ol^th n5
r >� ERS
ONTE'ITH and MO.�` T 7,'H,
1,1 Chartered A,ecountants
7 Downie .Street,- Stratford
To i alto Quite , 802 Bay Street
juOM. GUNDItY, G;Opif1 UOl ,
.LI .- -.
Telephone 119
Sales attended to anywhere and
overy effort made to give . satisfaction.
• Farmers' sale notes discounted. 6
A satisfactory, courteous ':service for
Farm, Prolierty. or Household Sales.
Rates- Reasonable.
l J
Du. F. J. bL..i! ( t S 1lliJit, b.3iE, yEA•,
Late House Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, aas-
lsistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital
Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon-,
• don; England.
53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267. > eh Goderich,
Next visit Bedford Ido , Ge
Wednesday, May 28th: from 2 ,p.nx.
till 5 p.m.
:Near-sighted Old, Lady (atparty)-
Look,' Grace, there's a real odd-fasli-
aoned girl. ' Tier' dress buttons all the
way up the back. I)aughter Nonsense,
mother.. That's' her spinel • • A
J. W. Craigie
Get Our -Automobile Rates
Phone 24 Goderieb
J.# R: YAN
Real Estate and Insurance..
Office-and Residence:
11 -Trafalgar Street
Phone 663 —
FOR SHALE -=-'Houses of all kinds,
choice (building lots, 'business
property and several good farms.'
Let;' me show• you some real
bargains. Buy now.
Now -"North West Mounted' Police's" with Gary Cooper and Madeleine
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -
The pieta re'you have swaifed fort Chaplin 6api'alksi, -Ana-
ntiartistry to 'a travesty on the totralarians. Starring .
Charles Chapli,l-Jack Oattic anti Paulette GodTdard
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -
%:n�glaricll' grbea.teat comedy star, •as is bewildered army reiruitwho
et.o •tiniglerlinisad:veniirrets and winds• nil) tiding a kite
44Yt! ." ',i the Air
)Y ,.
with .Polly ^ Ward and Garry u"%t°*lx,
Matinees Wed., Sat. and holiday's' at 3 pan.• • ,
Coming 4°A Girl, a Gny and ar Gob" starring George Mhr°phy
Don't Neglect Your
T pp /�q $�� (/��� whoCh
Child's [,`� yq�p, Eyes:
It 1a o.VbUd ot2 rF.1r�5J6
se wel'1 complains of iaead4
aches, the 'parentswouri' he
wise to +become suspielens of the
eyes.. They are . often
fotata . t & be the e...use . of
Mahe your appointment early,'
by Pb,0nin$ 555,1.
F. T. Armstron
'• 0,11,00ETRIST
COC' - � •-� A' t .. � r
Goderirb •.° >
'Wednesday at l .ucknow :.
p HeIp To Those
Pass Middle'Ago.;
'When men and women getpast •
middle age their .energy and activity, .
in' many instances, begin to decline, . .
and their general vitality is on the :. .
wane: + «a;.,
Little ,sicknesses and ailments'seem
harder to shake' off then formerly,
and, here and there, evidences of ..
breakdown begin to' appeal'.
• Now is the thee when those who •
wish to maintain their health aid'
`vigor, and retain their' energy un-
. should take a course Of
'lburn s Health and Nerve1,°
alis.: •
• They brace •np and invigorate the
system, and help stall off the decrap -
tude of advancing years.• ` Y
Via T. Milburn 0a., ittd., Toeaato,, Ovag
efti oi ,.OSO
PEP, VIM, 'TIGOIt, • Subnormal?
Want normal pep, -Virzi,' Vigor, vitality?
Try OStro: Tbnic Tablets. ; Containt
t,nies, •stimul,ants, oyster ' elements
aids to normal pep . after 30, 40 or 50.
Get a special introductory- size for only'
Try this aid to normal, pep arid 'vim
today, Fo; sale at all good drug stores.
._the' other d ,c a woman burst into
tears ie,spurt andtold the magistrate
theslrtstliad been jilted °four times In
the last two years. The experience had
naturally unmanned tier.
.Pimples aKill
Many -a--- •Rornance-
ho lives of many. young people
acre made' miserable by. the breaking
out of pit es on the mace.
• The trouble is not no 'much phi=
cal ° pain,,, but it is the mental suffer-
ing caused by the embts rasing die-
figurement of the face which. very
often makes t e' su$'erat tishatnied
'go out in company. •
Tho quickest way .to get .. rid of
pimples is to improve the genera ,4
health by a thorough, cleansing of
the blood bt its imputitieg.
Burdock Blood` Bitters clew
and laded the blood — Get rid of
' purples by tithing E.13.11.
lutaiera Os. :O*t,
(A11 Arms of the• Service)
a• •
Do Not Fail Theni!-
Do YOUR Share --- Preserve: YOUR Heritage
For Information Apply to Nearest Armoury or
No.' 1 Distir`ict. Depot, Wolseley Barracks, London.