HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-15, Page 3ria Combining:The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star , • Ming Dust on - the Port Albert Road ITO BE MitlIT,IN'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE1St, I Tile Canadian Cheerio, 010, already And11.0 '. AirPOrt Site, Near known to many of the readers of this - Olint011.?-40.1 Serene Paper Mad eow destinedsto become more widely known, this week is announcing cat 011 Harbor ' through, till) celumns of the press O'f . ----"-- .s. Oanacia, the 'United' States, and Isle*- SO far XS thif'BIne WateT trighwaY J'''!., fouudland "the prOmotion 0 a MOve- 0011cerned, life-haa jUSt. 'beeil one tlling ment of faisreaching imPortance and tei°11bOtlferRA.F., at. algOillearnee. • - s• beteber. First . ThisIS a plan. to, premote 'an annual 11, waa Mud, then elieW, then* Mud againi and now dub -great eloude , ,aceortitne to OM°, offteere.It hat; Macle life very' disagreelble at the sleaintiliCrecentda--Ya.v- Itlirelt.A-JVOtheet, rode a abort diatanee on 41, goVernseenC grader yesterday and his grey -blue anis tot= Was tainted Us a khaki brown in, les0 than .ene AblIndres1 yards. fie re- • ported a "low ceiling" and, "vieibility' a.lInsost, nil.",.. • But seller as in eight, Today' two ears, of road.oil are being spotted and evvill boplactabon Metteset siding. The oil will be laid at onee freer Dunlop to ;rt Albert., The contrattore ale al- ready heiie„.: It Waa -stated - that the road Was not yet ready for ening, but that the earlinesg of the Season made it imperative. • - AS to what efrect this early gravelling and oiling., of Aber Dun -Port Albert streteh wfli have on paving prospects road mer are at . variances Some say tie road will not e paved ,thrs year, that it is not ready for pitvieg. Others . say that the Oiling is only a temporary xneasure and means nothing. • Still others seephegy that 4'some sdrt ogpit Wadi :top. Surft,tee" will be put • lune. international 4*ShUt4teg Dtke to be held thesSir,st 'iSuntlaY' Of ',./Iltler The purpose behind the inauguration of this erefitis to encoarage visitation, of the Sick and 'disabled by those members -of -soelety wlio erclinarily,_mas not . give. ran& thought to the less fortunate iiiiOng them. - Realizing the desirability and need for such an occasion, the •Oanaclian Club tof Cheer has decided to sponsor Shut - Ws pay An the. hope and belief that it may bring some extra cheer and fellow- ship into the lives of the shut-in. - The CanadianCheeilo Club is not a financial organization, having no feegl .i.or dues for membership;• it IS dedicat to the social life and help of the handl - capped, and its 'returns are raeagured by the.eucouragenlent it Is bringing, into the Ilse& of those Who cannot mix in the normal social life of =handicapped s The movement is a worthy one and shoUld be an important factor in ,help- ing, to 'Make the lot of •the shut-in a happier one. • There has been considerable conjec- ture -over the news of a gamey being made for u third airicort just south- of Clinton, On No. 4:highway. The sur- - veyors are -said to haVe, arrived last • Saturday Morning and to have cep - pietist(' their ,Work by Monday night, an sanuseally •ghort -stay. ,The farms of Mervin 'Hanley and Norman Tyndall was lbTSer . G. :i Ms, are gaid to have been optiont and an sliarSOPeratd y reportedly orderedamaved. _ ' The guess of local, amateur airnien WaS that ,this. site was for an emergency landing dela...for 'Sky Harbor) but of-: -Metals ;at that airport laughed at the • ideas wasmot needed and they Rae* nothing Of it, it was stated. Port Albert °Metals professed not to 'have. • 'heard of the snrvey. - "This:is the foarth prospective airport Site to !be surveyed In Huron edenty, ° since Sky Harbor and, Port Albert were •• built ".The first was at Amberley,the tee,and in. Stanley, theythird in ,Stephen, near 'Orediton, ands nowstliessOlinten• aS1tte We shallsee.what we shall see." ,Much work isibeingp done these days _s:t_ the ..a.ounds...et peeSsAlbert, Airport -Streets tire being improved and areas between the huts 'sind taxi strips - 'levelled preparatory to grass -seeding. The Brennan Paving Co. is doing the work. It is planned to lay out some flower beds and to improve generally . the appearanee of the camp °rounds, • ;which were left th a mesa' rak ° owing to the late construction Work. ACTION AGAINST -COUNTY Case Ariding Out of Fatal Aecident Last &Muer zeifig - Heard at London, ' LONDON,- May 13.--A civil action •aiahist the °Minty of Huron in Which jiaims totalling -$19;5901 are -put farward was commenced before Justiee Makins. yesterday afternoon at the sloe -jury sittings . iof the, Supreme Cotirt. The action arises out ef, a motor fatality last July uear the village of Gerrie in Which two girls, Mary' Elizabeth Ed- wards and Ida Ritchie, were killed •and .several other persons injured. The plaintiffs are dieted as James A. Ildwards and Annie 'Edwards, ISarents of the dead Mary_ Edwards; Clara Ritchie, mother .Of, the ' dead Ida Ritehie; Edith Ritchie, a sister of one :Of the vietinas and a passenger in the -car; Rita' May Galloway, a passenger; OliversGalloway, her father ; Eleanor Larson, another ,passenger,„ 'and 'her° father, Everard ()arson. ••• The -,ffetallta, .,,,,aecarred at what is known as libarlytte bridge,' "three and a b.alf Miles south oftheyillage of Gorrie, en the county road renning between' ZfstO,Wel and Gerrie. The., plalutifft contend that ad the Car, which was driven .by Lorne Jardine). t ame on the ,bridge l strtick a steel red 'projecting. into :the road, which •went through the -Cif;-eausing it to, swerve into the west side of ,the bridge, and a„Portion of the bridge to collapse. Testimony heard yesterday afternoon dealt with the condition of the bridge; and reasons which Might „iiave caused tt collapse, as well as the :general 'con- dition. of the road,and' lack of guard rails at •the approach to the ;bridge. _Campbell Grant, ef Walkerton, is ap- pearing for the 'plaintiffs., and N. F. Newton •for the County of Huroe. The small villases of Tiverton' and 'Glamis in Bruce county had an excit- ing time Monday evening,. according to reports reaching airport .circles here. Al 10 O'cloek that night an, airplane flewso low over the village lieuselops that the roar of the engines awakened. the -whole countryside. Mang:people got out of bed. They were sure the.'plane was in distress and wad going to crash. In Tact, One imaginative woman "heard' the crash" and the news Spread like , wildfire. People emerged from, houses tarrying lantern's. The ,PrOVincial • police at Walkerton were notified and responded promptly. The whole cauntryaide took up- the: nIghtsseareh. Goderich was,asked if there, Was a 4p1ane unaccounted for at port Albert, hut Tuesday mornins the information was that all R.A.F. 'pieties had re- turned to their base Flately. •• Word. from Sky Harbor' is 'that. no .. date has ,been fixed for the departure of the next,..olass of student pilots.. ' 'The . regular schedule has not been in effect -since early in February.., The -element- ary twtotal is Well ahead of as -dying schethile, thanks to excellent /Weather and inereased number Of daylight boors, There' nave' beetno staff ehanges and ever -y:01114 -1e going anseothly, a re- porter was if old. GODERICII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1941 toivettp Goderich Takes to the Water Mayor and Mrs, )11rovirn and Others from.Ctoderich Present at Launching Canada's 'rapidly growing navy re- eeived another 'addition YeSterday When the ?thineseeper,"Goderieli," named, in honor 'or' this teisti, was launthm at Toronto, . Tile launching was carried out with traditional reremellY, Mrs. . E. pou8146' Brown, wife of Mayor Brown; having ,the. /UMW- Of.,christening the -neW craft as it slid, down rthe ways at the yards of the Dufferin, Shipbuilding. Company. Vlight-Lieut, D. J. Lane, ena.Plain of the Huron County Plying Training Schooly officiated in, a brief 'service or prayer for the safety •ef the snip and o'f her creW as, she engages In the service for which she has been built. 13eSides Mayor Brown, others present from Goderich_ were 'Deputy Reeve -'W."• J.113aker, 'Couxielllor D. D. Mooney, ex - Mayor C. .0; Lee' and Sheriff 'Nelton Hill. The Ilurta,Old CBoys' Association „OeToronto wa represented by Presi- dent A. G. Smith, J. A. MeLaren„ Walter Buchanan, Ross MeCreath, Mrs. B. IL McCreath, IL M. Jircksou and David Thompson. _President Ratliffeof, the Dufferin Shipbuilding:Co., Mrs. Ra.tliffe and other representatives of .the Com- pany also. were ,among those present. • As the trim little craft slid into the water, vessels in the harbor joined in, a chorus of whistling in 'welcome' to the newcomer, and - nearby factory whietles joined In the noisy salute. At: lunch at .the Royal York Hotel, after the launchleg :Mayor Brown pro- petAed a lout to the new vessel, • and; Oeramander A..0., Turner of Toronto re - speeded., At the conclusion _of lunch Mrs. Brown was presented with an en- graved silver tray as a souvenir of the occasion. Before the ceremony Mrs. - Brown was presented with a beautiful sheaf of ,red roses. • . • . H.-POLLOCK GOES TO TORONTO A dhange .in the staff of the local branch _of the Royal Bank took piss* this week. Howard Pollock, :who ha • held the position of teller for -over two years, has been transferred to the Yonge and Biooe branch of the bank in Toronto. 'His place will be taken by S. Hunter of Brampton, who •comes here from Grand Valley. Howard, whose home is near R,ipley, has made man' friend's in 'Goderich... He was a popular member of the intermediate baseball tele in 1930, ,holdiegsrlown the position of shortstop. • He ,was Ilse one of the tap golferof the Maitland Golf Club. • He has been a. member of ":0" COMPanY, Middlesex-Hurpn Regiment, sirtee last ,•suaimer, holding the rank of corporaL He leaves Goderich with the _wishes of • his , Many friends for a seccessful future.- - • CHARAC'I'ER BUILDING • , Theme 4,M -eating of Central Home and Schwa Club e interestingimeetine of the Central Home and School Club Was held at Central school on Tuesday afterncions Miss •Eleanor Snider .and Mieti Eileen Bogie displayed talent in a piano duet and a lovely ereealeratraber wag given by Misses litag1e4 ktillespie and Smith., Mrs. C. A. 'Baxter gave a report of the twenty fifth ecsaseetion of the Home and Sehool. 'Federation, held at Toronto, • In 'Easter week. .the theme of the convention Was Character Building. Character,it was pointed out was founded •first on example, ceeond on ex- planation. '`We shall never , have .4,1 better genern.tionufitil parents realize their Anty and do eomething about It, it is neeessery to explain, the reaeon for right beliavion": Third is _ eeligioes edueation. ''`Eiveryberty In benefited by the Peace a mind Which ecenesfrom faith in God." The home; it was held, still rerimine • tlte major factor in eh raeter-bu e • INCIPIENT FIRE. Spark e from, a chimney Gtavitid the ° roof of •tho Royal Hotel, -Hamilton etreet, „smoldering tvt noon on,' Saturday laet and the lire brigade had to be ealled• to put thinge Maier pontrol.• Little tiamege was infileted on the, building., but if, the wooden eiringlesof the ‘roof had been.all6Wed to smolder Mieh looger a serioue fire might have . developed. P OLICEVI AN ZOT 03 A NOT A 'ITAPPY ONE Se Thinks Mex., Butier, id itipbflunips the, JW–A. L Joaaings Appointed • ills Piste Things happened *tit kaleidoseopte rapidity in municipal pollee eirelee last Week -end. On Pridgfy Afternoon last Alex. Butler, who had held the position Of night tin:eatable for only nille•••dara, walked into the Town lialteo inform Toevn ,Olerk KnOx Ae Wished to quit.. He said that after nine nighterof walk- ing the 'beats in the IOU, dreary hours of darkness he 41il net ellooev to be- tomePoliCeMan. didn't like his job. ,eo,inOntaittoatuorfdAl'eswatnteortlueignefithi thweseu ieChas jurisdiction '• over •the pollee, met to select 'a successor and later in the day CoutteI1,. in special session 'confirmed the'l appointment of A. E. Jennings, former and counter eonstable. The selection waS made from more than 'twenty applications 0U. Ole. The salary remains tat the' Sante figure, $1,0Q0 a year, - • . • ',Mr. Butler' never donned a' uniform: A new suit of politenitin'S blues, made to special measure, arrived the same day that he decided, 'Ito quit. It still adorns as -hanger, in a nearby tailor shop, a little too roomy, a little too• short in both arms and legs for Con - Stable Jennings. What, to do about this is of course; asanatter for Council. . The job of Might constable is right down Mr. Jennings" aliey. • He has the Policeman's temperament and per- spective, acquired through years of experience: He 'Wets en th'e job on Saturday night and officially= took over .his dutles -Sunday evening, Mar 11th, at .8 -Meth. cella Were occupied by prisoners ,on 'Saturday night and Sun- day, but this, perhaps, was only a co- incidence. • ,L_Mr. Butler 'naeanWhile has returned to histormer. line ef `Work; hafing taken. a position with M. J. Ainslie, meat Merchant. 'ENGAGEMENTS 4NNOUN6ED, • Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Fraeer, 'London, annoence the engagetfuent 'of their eldest daughter,' Jean Medina). te Private, Howard Dawson Wilkins, son of Mr. and Ws. 'Aibert J. Wilkins,. of Goderich, the marriage to take place early in June. „ The engagement is announced of Frances' Elaine Whitely, daughter 92 Mrs. Whitely and the late Dr. J. Benson Whitely,. to Corp. Donald '-ilegirfald Price, ,son of Mr: and Mrs. Frank Price, of Birmingham, England ; the"marriage to take place in St. Peter's church;IGoderich, on Saturclaysalay 31, at10".a.m. 3,1, and Mrs. A. IL. Itotach,, Dungannon, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Emma. Bernice, and Robert Elwood Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, Listowel, the marriage to take phiei the latter part of May. ST. GEORGE'S W.A. .The monthly meeting of St. George' W.A. was held in the 'Guild room yester- day afternoon, with a small attendance, The president, Mrs. Calder, opened the meeting with a °Scripture reading from St.' John 15, followed by prayers. Splendid reports were given of the Diocesan annual held in Cronyrt London', last month,by the four dele- gates, Mis1enary„ Miss, Brown, Miss lUlis and Mrs, Lieeunah. Mies Burritt • /110Vtql a vote of thanks to the delegateS. The meeting closed with prayer, after Willett a eoCial cup of ,tea Wg.0 8erved. ST. ,JOSEPII'S RECITAL Students of Se.hool of Music Show High Talent and. Excellent Training , Th,e Collegiate Inatitute auditorium" was filled to its capacity with music - lovers, on Friday evening. for .the an- nual graduation and recital of St. Joseph's 'School or Music, conducted* under the direction Of Mother Magellac The progra:m of, vocal solos, • duets and choruses and .and piano, solos and duetsWas' excellently presented by the talented young artists. Their ,skill ills interpreting thes classics 'delighted, the OndieneesSald WAS sgmte to the s'Plendid tutelage they had received from Mother Magella, ' At the opening of the recital, Mies Madeleine Lane L.W.C.M., senior vocalist, who passed her musical exam- inations with first -Class honors, had thei diploma conferred' and gold medarpre-. sented to her by Father 'IL Fallon, .Miss bane was intrbducedby Miss Mary Ahl. During , the interrnission Miss fMallie Bisset was awarded the special' prize for highest .standing in- pano examina,tions„ 'Father Fallon again made the presentation. The program was as follows: Part X . 1Vocalsolk Group I—(a) d' Arte" Titom: "La ToSca," (b). Selected,. (c) • "'Birds Are Singing," • by Miss ••Madeleine Lane-, XJ.W.C,M.- Violin so10---1"The Two Guitars." Inter- inezzo, by Rabert Bisset. AcCompart- 1st, Miss Mollie Bisset. • Vocal solo—(it ) "Il Baccio.," (b) Selected, by Miss Marjorie Hays. enseinble.—(a) The Manikin,' (by -"Air Fierce Mareet," by Miss Mary 41, 'Robert Bisset, Vincent Smith and Sail Graf. Planer, solo---"Valse," s Spanish panee" • (Grade .IX),' -.Nnyellette," lax Miss Mollie Bisset. Vocal' t r1O---Serenade, "Come, Silver 'Moon," by the Misses Frieda Barbour, , 'Evelyn O'Brien and. Marjorie Hays. ' Part V! • - ;Vocal solo, Group II—(a) Waltz Song from `Roneect and Juliet,' (b), ."Into the Night," (e) Selected, by Wes Madeleine Lane, L.W.O.Ms Violin! solo—"Allegro Brillante.," "Frits - quite," by Miss Mary .A.hl. Chorus -(a) "Roses," (b) "Little, Darcio,icl,". by thevocal students. s 'Plano solo•—:4Elves it Play,9 "Hungar- ian 'Dance," by Miss Mary Joyce Straehan. Violin ditets:-"Melodie," • "Petit Frag- , silent de Sonate," by Miss, Mary Ahl and Robert Bisset , Piano Auet----1(a) •Selectedsby the Misses Gloria 'Chisholm -and -Barbara Henry. TEACIIERS itE.PINGAGED At a opecial meeting of the Publie School Board* yesterday afternoon it *OS deekled to- re-etfgage all the present teaching staff for the coming year. Six teachers were granted ealary inereaece of "$23 each and %tee Iterniee Iregarth was granted eh literertee of $r10.4, Movement of Grain Continues Brisk Seven >Cargoes Arrive the Pat Week—Notes from. tb,e Waterfront The movement of grain intethie port contiunes at a bib* pace, In tile past week, seven vessels brought in gralu Cergoe% Ivor with whole eargees to the elevator, two With. cergoes 'divided between elevator ai4iuUl, and .one with whole cargoto the Mill, • . Last fkkgrocla outadoq*hiought 248,674 bus. ,of wheat front' Port William to the elevator. - The -Saskatoon, which he'd come in. on -Thursday morning; elettrecl for Port wigiam that evening after loading 320 tone of salt. Tbe Canadoc arrived on PrldnY morniugefrom Fort WlUIarn with 244,- 415 hue, of wheat for the elevator. . The tanker Iocolite arrivnct ;Satur, da3r evoning I -rem •Sarnia with. oil for the Imperial 011 'Company. She left again for ,..Sanala the next morning. The•A.. A. Midgets came ba 'on Slanday morning from Fort William with 43,052 bas. of ilax, 21,984 bug. of wheat, 240791 bus. of feed, 10,040 bus. of oats and 15,883: bus. of barley for the elevator. She loaded 50 tons of salt and cleared on Monday evening for Fort William. The. str. Joseph P. Burke arrived fit= Fort William early Sttnda,y morn- ing *Ith 59,47e bus. of wheat for the• elevator and wheat foe tbe mill. The str. Vandoc came in at Sunday midnight from Pert Willittinewith 206,- 441 'bus.. of wheat for the elevator and Wheat f .themilL' • The str. Massey arrived on. Monday morning frem Fort William •ivith cargo of Wheat for the mill. The Mantadoc arrived from Tort Wil- liam on Tuesday morning With 254,40 bus. of wheat for, the elevator, Perch ',fishing is still good from both a • • piers • and breakwaters. Herring are being -caught as well as perch. One ed Bombin Gederich man- made e Rikich f twenty Raid in Lon on herrhig 'a a $14gie in'arning' ° .•••••••:•,••••••• Sister and Niece of Local War Interesting 'Pro -grain • at Baptist Air Attack chum} on supday mornh,g Vbteran. Victims of 3.10the-T-s' Day was fittingly observed 1. IVIOTHERS' D,AYSERVICE I NO. .-. ATWAX MEW 01111% OLD L. H. a B. at the Balstiit ehurch with a special Joseph •Juck, Marystreet, OTL 1.1011407 1 ervice, in the' morning combining, th received a cable informin,a him of -the regular eh:tar-eh service and the •Supday deathof his Sigterislitr,se Pratt, and school. : 4. choir, -atiginented by mew. - 'her daughter, •.3.1rs..Gileves, as a result beis of,the Sunday sehobl and of a 'German air raid on .the east end cif ,ottered 'seecial ,musie •,throughout the London' on April 2Oth i direct hit -day. and: the Misses Verna ;Miller and wan made' on. a -.surface shelter in the Lulu 'llenjamjn sang two 'duets. The steeet en :front of OSAlame, killing' pastor, Rev: A. J. ,Milligan, • gave an lts occupants litaftintly„ "•';`‘Sthers in the Object lesson, at the morning service to house .at the -title escaped •deith. Mrs. show •• that •sucla valltes • as love, the Pratt 'andn her daughter had' 'beeir in. thurch, and • the word ef God cannot thelabit of going into the,shelter every be destroyed in this world where so evening -at 6.30 and:etaybagin witil v'elock, the next morning. Mr. juck states that his sister liad been warned to leave thesdistriot, but., like %many other DOS:tenders, she pre- ferred to stay and be Able' to provide home for hei 'son, Who is engaged le essential war • work in London. , The, son, who_works , as a -tire spatter at eight, Was on duty at the time his .indther was killed and was not injured. Another War Vasualty • Mr. -Jeck's mother died, on -Christmas Day. She was injured in a fall and token to a rnearby hospital, which was bombed shortly after her -arrival there. 'She was not „injured in the 'bombing, but the excitement brought about her death. two dayssafter her removal to anotherpos,pital. • * An Uncle of •Uii. Jug:: who Mies on the south-east, , coat Englahd, has last two different home:s" by bombings. .Atsoventy7fenr, he VarkS as an air raid warden. His spirit -in shrugging his 'elloulder-a at his losses and carrYing on Is typical .of- the unyielding. spirit of the English., • • A Ilghtm' g • Mt. and Mrs. .anck's. only on, Ken- neth, is a sergeant in the, Elgin Regi- ment ,•( A.F.), now stationed at •Val - Cartier, 'Quebec. .„ Mr, Itick has four nephews in the' army -defending Eng- land, :one, nephew, in the 11...e.F., and another' was captured while fi*ting with the .B.E.F. In France him. year and -Is now a prisoner -of -war in Gei- many."' Mr. Juck. is himself a veteran of the last ;war.- SITS. Juck si nephew, ,P.O. --Tern Cooke of Cilinfon; with the R.C.A..F. In 'Canada. Piano solo—"Joyous.elytime," by Miss Barbara Henry - Vocal solo -1(a) "The teittle Brown ' Owl," Obt. 'Selected, by Mies Axis 3 wr4rrener. Piano dtiet--4"Bri ht a Bt tt n " b g • a 1 0 , James Reynolds and Donald Scott. Vocal eniembIe—"The King'Is in London,". by the Veen students. , 7/14aptA SCHO-LARSHIP • GOES TO GREAT-GRANDSOn • TORONTO, • May 10.—A. great-grand- son, of a forriter Goderich barrister Was awarded lest. eventing a eeholarship established by the barristers daughter: The seholar.ehip, in, moiety of John Macara, and establiehed under the will of his daughter, the late Mrs. Jean Glasgow of 'Philadelphia, was awarded by the Senate of the Ueiversity of Toronto toILIL Princely It was the first itward orthe new schelarship. ' ,• 58T11 vvEnnxivo ANNWERSAIrSt' Mr, and "Mee John Ileherteon, Pork street, who reeently turned to their home after spending ethit winter in Toronto, are today celebreting' their fit/tee-610th' weddieg anniyereary et the hotne their:eon, 1. Hoe/aril Itoliert- eon, Colborne township. • A .p.0„-Itat,a% Canadian Legion, has voted $30 to the British WeieVietime Pue(14 'NEW SENIOR PROVINCIAL POLICEIVIAX FOR., HURON 'Vim& Fox of Welland, Succeeds Cott. stable 'Sidney Cook, Recently Re- ., sfigned---exee'' ' - In tOIV11 onMonday afternoon In - specter of 'Kitchener, chief a the Provincial pollee district in which Goderieh' and Huron County are situ- ated, announced the appointment of Frank Fox, of Welland, to the position of senior Provincial policeman and County high constable of Huron, with headquarters at ,Goderich. Constable Fox, w'ho •taltes over on June, ist, is no stranger here., Seven or eight years ago lie twice acted as assistant to the late P. 141. )1COoy, and on one other occasion, he supplied on holidae, relief. A young -officer at that time, the late Mr. MeCoy spoke highly bf him. 110 suceeeds former ConStable SidneY Omer, who, after a brief stay in Goderich, recently resigned from the Provincial pollee force after eighteen, 'year& eervitee . THE WEATHER e The temperatures for the peat' week and for the corresponding Week of last year, aa officially. recorded, were as follows: • 1941 1910 , . Max. Mine Max. Min.' Thitra., May 3"-, .45 49 , 514, 39 Pre, May -0 ..te.53 38 ' 641 co 'aft t., May 10 49 35 57 Sun.lay 11 L53 , 34 ellon., May 12 ;eel* 343 01 35 Tues., May 13 40 CO 39' Wed, May 14 41 69i 48 :.Reeve TUrner reports thitt Ms. father, Robert W, Turner OfVert Eight;bati been greatly interested in the reports of tbe eloeing et the Oliettu-'W'inghatn.*c- tion of the O.NAt. ...Mr. Tatter ttenter, who is in ilia nittetieth year, lilld‘riu4 'POtne frem Devonshiret England, to thio country and wee living at Exeter *hen the London, Huron & Bruce'. 'vitae being eonstrueted. He 'MIS engaged to help a railway Suryeyer who was VrOrking out of Exeter, ,This 'was ° in; the year 'SOble -years- Eelly",s trip on the opening: of the rod to Myth; so Mr. Turner considees he to would have bads a claim on the railway People had they been inciting to give any consideration to old veterans such as he aag Mr. Kelly on the oc- casion of the final trip from Wingham. XillYLLIS BA/40=ER totAmmtirgs Vintsz: 1•••‘+‘•••••••• Relatives and %tends Mond. 4radook; ' hag Exercises at Itendon- .. Mlss Phyllio Baeoltler, daughter of Mr, and MTS. 4, Saeebler, North street, was among the 1941 class of graduating nurses •at•St. joetephPs Hos- pital, London. Tile graduation exer- cises were held: hr the auditeriura of the H. B. Seib Teelinical 'School, Landon, on Tueeday evening of Met week. Ditelemes were presented to. tie mem-, bers' et the graduating :class ,during an impressive eeremony. • Later in (the esening the geaduatesheld a reception 'for their guests le the recreational hall of the Mirees!_residence St-~Josephls HospIralr • Guests of Miss' Baechler who at- tended from Gciderieb, Mr. and Mrs. E, BacChler and family, Mr. and Mrs.'J,. E. ,Baechler, jr., Mrs. Baechler, judge. 'and 3.1n8. -T. M. •Ooktello, Mrs: 'Charles SaundAre,e. J. B. Whitely, .111es Tielee-M.acEevan, and 'Miss • Jeanette Martin. -Miss 33aethter 'will continue to Prac- tise her•profession in pondon. - • • County V1ctor3r Loan Organization Huron lithtt Not Be in VA COntribatielt to the War Effort Canada Is 4 War ete. a Volantary- oUy 02 Great Britaite---engageel S. war , the result whielt O10044 aged the lives of rawly geaerations of 0411- adianst 'It the world i� be a p114.0 worthilering ire. this, war IOWA be wont -- and it can be won'only the,expeadl- tut* of every effort cattadlt Can put Int* thet - • Ottuadians are *tangly peeing tap, ° taxes to provide the Materials with , which mode= war is waged, but even these heavy taxes are not euthelent te meet the immense entItti on, aircraft, ships, tanks, guns' and all the other paraphernalia of wan The Oovereuelent is. asking the'people. -Canada tit lend of their eaelt. resources for War puts Poses, and everYi Cantieliante eaeaja ,respond to the best of his abilitee In. CountYOf -.Huron an *prolix". -- ation. Is being set up, to oxganiae the eouney ferdthis loan, announeetnent of' which is made this week. ' 4-itf this. org,anIzation 'One% •1410e. ,r Warden of the Oonnty. of IlUron, it; honorary.,ehainnan, and Judge T. M. Costello is honorary vire-chairman Chairman of the executive eommittee 18'3. D. Thomas of •Goderieb, and vice-. chairmen are Oanntheit of Wit:tee -ham,. Thomas- Pryde of Exeter, Z.' 0. Shearee of, Clinton; -W. re, Willvte 41. , Seafortie Illugh pt Benmiller. G.' W. 'Schaefer Is secretary and E. C. Williams essistant eeeretary. atiembere of tie exeentiveecoeiniittee -are as :1(AloweeeThonme-Prerele- .of - Exeter; A. Y. McLean a Seaferth, K. Waetele of .Goderich, Mrs. D. J. Lane of Goderieb, R. S. Hetherington; K.0„ of witightin4:13.."-D. Mooney a doderich, A. EL Ex'skine of iGoderich,.p. E.• CamPliell of :-Goderieli„ J. G; Mullen" -of-Seaforth, J. W. McKibbon °et Wing - hate, F.. Fingland, at.c., -a Olinto4, M.Oreech of Exeter, K. .1. Ilueston' of Howiek township: • Joint thairmen of the -county selee conamittee are H. Cedampbell of . haul, Thomas Pry& of Dieter,- j; 0. Shearer of 'Clinton, 'W. 4 Whyte of Seaeirth. A., McLean ttf Seafortb. is chairman Of the minty.. publicity 'committee, with. ;Wilkes °LA/4e- • rich and T. Oruiltshanks of Wing-. ham as vice-chairnieu. aq"...1Vsiiiller of Clinton and Goderich is secrefarY4. . The cominittee for the county Huron to handle special *fines hakt • K. Wurtele Godericlt as eltairman' and -W. C. Attridge of Gedericla, Dr. 3, Ms- iGraliem Goderieh 'and OwenC Oorabe of Olinten joints, vicesohairs men. • Thd employees' committee tor the - county of Huron is headed by R. S. , Hetherington, K.C., of Wingham as ,chairman, with J. B. Reynolds ef Gode- rieh and D. Maltby of Clinton as vice - 'chairmen. • -• A. II. Erskine -is chairman of the county admithltlifittiremd finan,ce eone. mittee and Dk H. Downie af Gode.rieh, Alex': Smith of Goderich and B. Whately of Goderich are viee-elaaitniell. D. J. Lane. is. chairman- of the wUraen's committee and Mrs. Ids Sanders of Exeter, Mrs. A. L. °lose ot sSeaforth and Mrs. J. W. McKibben eit Winghain are vice-thairnaen. Tlae ehairman of the transportation committee is D. D. aloolieSf of Goderich, and. vice-chairmen areTiarper Rivers Of . Exeter, II. C. McLettn •of Wingham, Dr. F. 3. Bechely ,Seaforth and F. W. Rowed V Goderich. • R.A.r, BAND TO 'GIVE CONCERTS ON THE SQUARE The, Town Council 'hag agreed to al- low ' the Port Albert R.A.V. band the use of some of the Town band ingtru- relents, with thestipulationthat they are to be ,eeturited good 'condition or replaced,•andsalth thoftirther agree - meet that the R.A.F. band. will give some !concerts on the Square +luring the summet. • W.C.F.IWL WITHDRAWS' 'APPEAL, There was no sitting of the Ontario Municipal Beard to, hear the assess- ment appeal of the Western Canada many ;transitions aretaking place. • Flour Mills.0o. The Company decided Mr. S. Greenslade, superintendent of to withdraw the appeal andsthe assess - the 'Sunday school, assisted at the anent was confirmed, the Town, Council morning se-rvice and, on -behalf of the- ag,reeing, to withdraw its cross-appeal. .Sunday sehool a nd'IB.Y.P.E.:, elude s The °Ontario -Municipal Board Was te presentation speech to 1i.s Verna give the' hearing in Goderich on Tues - Miller in recognition of her faithful day, but in (view of the agreement the service 'as pianist for both organisa_, sitting was cancelled. Aloes. .Miss Vera Wilkins, ..raesident of the B.Y.P.P.; presented the gift, a beantifully bound •copy a the illible. i Flowers were presented to the fol- lowinganothers: Mrs. C. Love, youngest mother; Mrs. A. 'Glutton, oldest mother ; ' Mrs, S. Greenslade,. youngest grand- mother; Mrs. A. 'Osbaldeston, oldest grandmother ;Mrs. Miller, mother with youngeSt child ; Mrs- Hilton, of Win- iiipeg, another learning the greatest dis- tance; Mrs. Geo. Johnsto:n and Mrs. Jas. Miller, mothers wilt, the best Sunday seheal.-. a ttendance. A.TTENDANCE AWARDS. AT KNOX SUNDAY SCHOOL • :Mother's Day wga .4ob wired at Knox Presbyte-flan chnrch with a combined church and Sunday.school service on 'Sunday morning. The service' was Con- dueted by Rev, D. J. Lane and diplomas and seals for .attendanee at Sunday school were nresenteds by Mr. E. '0,', Beaceme ,superintendent of the school. The awards were as follows: ' Diplomas-LBensim, .Stteenghatt, Ruth Reid, Jimmy MeArthiir, Donald Stokes, 13111y •Schaefer, iNorine Malloilgh, Helen Inglis, Jean Warrener, Frank. e.lcDon- a1d; Ernest K.neeshaw. • . First seal -Billie Merriam, Marilyn McCabe, ,Gertrude Beattie, Ituth Phares, Bob Duquette, Archie McDonald, Stan: ley Merriam, Marjorie Johnstan. , &tad seal—jack McDonald, James Carol Anne Sanderstin, Doris `11cI3rien. , , • " Third- 'seal---Mary-Lati Sandersan„ Bruee Erskine, Mary .A.nri Erskine: FOUrth seal—Ilarry Warrener, Ruth Stokes, .13111y 81anaCrson,' Jack Erskine. Fifth seal—tua McDonald, Irene Betty Dzidnette, IBetty Smith, Mary ,Stratighals Eunice Milne, Bob Moore, Catherine Cutt, James Saunders, Fred Stokes. • . Sixth seal—Billy Newcombe, Donald ' Rivers, Donald AlacEwan,Molly Bisset. Special diplenia-41fohn, Schaefer. Second teal on speelal Eleanor MacEwatt, Peter MacEwan. Third seal on -special diploma— Robert Bisset. Fourth seal on special diploma— Grant Johnston. 40 MAgONS FOREGAtillat Masons teem ate 1141q$' of Sonth Huron as well as repreeeetatives from _London and :Guelph' gathered in , the Masenie rooins here.. on Tuesday even- ing, the oceasion belie the ()tidal visit ef II: M. M. Tiehborne 02 Goderich, Deputy .Grand, 'Master of, lon h Huron distilet. Prof. Noleoe. Holt Of Wotan University - wa the glitV4t epealter. During -the evenieg a tasty lunch Was served. • ("AnEir INSPROTION , The mental' om.r.' cadet imoectipn will be held on Monday afternoon" at 2 p.min the -vie-nifty of the eektiele -in eai*.of unfavorable 'Weather the In- .spection will be held indoore. 1 DEATH 'OP MRS. A. G. GAMBLE The death occurred yesterday, after an illness of a few days, of Adelaide. Mary 'Horton, widow of the late A. G. 'Gamble and daughter of. the late Horace Horton. ,'The funeral service - will be 'held at St. George's chtirch on rrid-ay afternoon and interment will be in Maktland -cemetery. SUCCESSFUL IN YE,AA'S WORK . Miss*Roberta Johnston, daughter of Mrs. Johnston, and the late Robert Johnston, has received congratulations fromathe dean of the Ontario College of: Education on her suceessful year's work. She has been informed that she has been recommended -Without examinatibns. *n During the last war the people i:of the eounty of Huron, responded admirably to the appeal by the Government Tor money to carry on the 'war effort its it then was. Now the necessitk is pluck - greater than It. ever Was before, and: as 'oar King, staled many montha,ago, "THIS TIME WE ARE ALL IN THE ritONT Huron County Raised $28529 in War Services Campaign -42% Over Quota Huron Cpolinty exceeded its objective and raised $28s729 in the ',Reran War 'services 'Rind .canipaign, the executive committee .Ietaaned at it meeting in Clinton' Monday Welling. .The amount raised is :$8,529.00 over the Vote.; or 142 per cent. of the money asked, The +Heron eampaign was so success- ful that the executive. advised Warden Leirper that, while Perth svas still canvassing, the results were beyond question and that he•svoeld be quite eate in otelertegek.,new„ hat ,for 1111, wife. Warden Leiper early in the cam pa ign. .shallenlptsi !Perth. _County Warden. MeOalluna and wagered that Huron 'would exceed its quota by a greater percentage then did Perth. Asiarge measure of the sueeess of , the eampaign is sant, to the unique Municipality Asbfleid •(7`olborne • Goderich Twp. Grey dlay Howie]: Iu1ktt' • McKillop Morris sltanlez.Y .Stepheii Tnekellelmithe '11nrftbootry l'sienerre E. Wawanash W. Wawattosh Goder.ielt See forth Wingitam Illy th • lirtikeele reeetee 114.11911'1 ........ . . . ..... .......... lIurtte ereante Council • "cash or produce" feature, 'which re -- suited in vast quantities of goods being, donated. • Included in •tbe produce donations, ' AgrieultUral Representative Jam* la Shearer •said, were tipples, vegetables grain, field , beans, wood; loatisaof hay, cowhides, rfenee pos'te, puppies, goatee pigs, calves, scrap iron,• cutlery, fool, eggs, baby ehieks, tile and iroks. • • , In. officially elosieg the campaign the , executive eornmittee roeorded its 4P- ,preelation .of theespittndid.-eupport-and. - as,sistanee 'trivet' - by the people of Huron. Spceini mention was, mede Of ' the etinvassers withoutwhoses-assist- anee the, eampaign .eould not have beed eompleted. • • **The retell te, by imnnieipalities, are as follow. : ' . „o .i - • • iSebseribed Quota ' Tneluding 4-plek1tr,es cla ' $' 950.00 ' $ 5f10.00 Incomplete 5'73.15 750.00 A2(t.14 .110 1,039.00, . 934.2,3 88 1,210.00 804:vit 60 "c 1,450.00 2,032.77 140 85000 1e283.92 140 ' 850.00 7900 83 . 800.00 814.80 102. 875.00 , '778:82 88 1.230.00 771,58 fel soa,o0, 1,42x.i.5 128 119.53 Incomplete . 850.00 • 708.33 ce 8 • , 1143.0 .332,35 03 675,00° ' 900.28 184 1,00000 1,232.3.8 1251/4 2,500.0 , 8,21.828 1281,t 000.00 • 1,53(03* ' 173 1,000.09 zotro.00 207 (2-4.0 2*00 106 875,09 ' [3.94317ki 143 1,0000 1,702.40 • ,17614 P0.410 , '0'300 lo 4,000.00 , $284;29,00 Ilieledes $104.00 eolieeUon 'at an Bally iied in ‘Seafertli, 4 142ticflit