HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-15, Page 2- NEWS OF AUBURN A011,URN, ArthUe lungs Wilt, Of Detre% *Pent the week.etid With it father, Xr. George YUnglelut. Xi* Me* Asquith, of the College et Torente, is visiting tier par- Vet*¥r and Mrs. Obeli. Asquith. E1wiFienigan,of tandem, visited On `SUladaY ?With POriald Roes. " M. and UM, Harold NieleOlSon0 cf Oa% *Pent t he veeelteend with 7.4.1,r, and ¥J J \Nilson. mrs, Beverley French, of Detroit, 109 9, week -end 'visitor w,ith her pa - etre, Mr. and Moe 41eos. Beadle. litisfi Ethel Pridhaue of 'Rockwood, •• "Plaited on SUnday, with Mr. and Mro. Fred Yungblut. e • Mrs. Munte received word a the death of her untie, Fred. Denitedt/ Which. .oceUrreel .on: SaturdeYe 'after a lingering iliries's, at the borate -of his son, Professor Orville Denstedt, MeGill Universitsa Montreal.. Burial took Plaee at Brandon, Manitoba. Wes 3sebe1 Itolliitson spent the week- end with ,Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Medd, of. Goderieh. Mr. and 1rs, e11ar anti daughter, Xencille, of Zorra, have eioved to the Oea1.0.P.R.etation, Ur. °H. C. Rkirda.n atepresent eelieving at Owen Sound. aira. iiaiiand'finitilra-reelivingqw Alfred Rollinson's b.ouse for the present. The recent. call.by the R.CA.F. -for 2,500 university students to tra4rC4S radio technicians for special duties in erenbatieg the German nigh.teraids ever by Mrs. Geo. Beimalton for the Red EnglaPtd haS been answered -by Harold Oross. Arrangements , were ro.ade to - Asquith son a Mr, and Mrs. C., E. rent the Orange 'Hall for a year te hold Vie monthly meeting,s,„ and it. Wee elided to change the day -of meeting from, -Wednesday to Tuesday. Miss Laura Phillips and Mrs. Iieatherland were appointed a rectory coMmittee. THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR Sunday in all the leeal a/Lurches' with gYeelal MuSie by,. the variOUS elioira. naptist udies' A. IloWeen gave her hoinq'for the May meeting Of the Baptiet 1.1adiee AK, The PreSielent, MrsoHoweoia, preaided. The Seripture •Wae Wait by Aim Nunie ,Walper and Mrs. IC C. Robertson kd in prayer', 3,ire.. Wm. MeIlevain gave a reael,1ng, "The 'Tempting of Jeeue," and.-Mes. Fred Roes a xeading; "Along the Way." Mrs. Gorden Taylor fawned with a solo. M. Anna Vialper gave 0, reading, "Svveethearts,"written by Mrs. Ernest Kneesliew, of INleafOrd., whro is well known, in thie district. lire. A. E. Silver gave a well-prepared Paper on "Meditation and Quietness a the Radlio," Mre. T. S. Johnston read a letter from her eollein; Helen Water- er, a Leeds, England. , This letter described the conditious'in the county and. in the business life a that city and said, the spirit ,of the. British peoPle in general was "We would rather die than hav.e a living death under German rule," Mr It 4, Phillips closed the meeting with prayer.'. 1.4imeb was eerveci. Ladles' Guild. -The 'Ladles' Guild of St, Mark's Anglican .elaureit met -at -the-home- of Mrs,Jeremiah. Saylor on -TueSday. Prayer was led by Mrs. Nesbit and: the Scripture wes read by Mrs.!, Leatherland. It was decided to .quiolt two quilts which were donated PERSONAL MENTION Al4 MacMatii, TorontQr visited Mende in town' thieweek. and Mrs., D. H. DOWnie are agala in town atter pending the winter at Toronto). • Mfe&Barbara Beet, of :Seaforth, was a. eetent'"-guest'lvith ,jr'.and Mee. Frank Lae/spice.- • te Pte., „Harold Wilson, of the igb Regiment, was horn% from Valeartier for the weekeeled. itAquith,...who left Sunday evening via C.N.It.^ from Stratford for Montreal, where the special course is being given at MeGill University: Mrs. A, MeCool of Clinton is visiting her daughter; Mrs. W. T. Robison, and The topic, "The Life of Florence Night - Mr. Robison. • ingale," was ably given by Mrs. Chas. Mrs. F. Ross; Mrs., Edgar Lawson, Asquit . The prayers and hymns were • Miss Margaret King and 'Mrs. Wesley -Bradetoek attendel an executive meet- • . ing a the West Huron Women's Insti- tute on Tuesday. 'held at the home of • Mrs. Fred Oster, Blyth. • - Mrs., Thos. Doyle and Miss Margaret King visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ander- son, Of LocknoVV. gt; 7 NIT'S. Joe WIlsab, ,Ers. John Booth and • tWo • children have returned to Northern Ontario 'after living here for the:winter: Mr. Booth is at present in England, with the fighting forces... Mother's Dy will, --beseeb.served on • In keep ug'with Mother's Day, and two mothers and two daughttns, Mrs. C. A. Howson, Mrs. R: J. Phillips, Mrs. Nesbit and :Margaret . Nesbit, sang a number% The meeting was -closed 'with ,prayer." A. dainty lunch Was- served by the hostess. - Missionatiy's Addressee -On Thursday evening, Oev. James Dickson, a re- turned missionary from FormoSie spoke in Knox Presbyterian chureh. • The congregation would like through, the• press to exPrees their deep appreciaUon of the action a the Baptist church' in 'War:Ira:wing their prayer .'seeeice in favor of hearing Mt. Dickson-. •Owing to political conditions In Formosa, all foreign- missionaries have been forced to rettirn to Canada. They are re - 'gaited as political sPies ,by • the Jaeranese GOvernmente which is in con- trol of Formosa. Mr. Dickson is quite convinceejiapan will enter the'preeent -conflict on 'the side of ,Germany., While, ,Germany is striving for a 'new world • order" in the West, Japan is striving -to the same end in the East. "Germany and -Japan, to have ..ecret military alliances. Japan has ,been .preparing Tor „ wer for eight years, said the, speaker She has been training her people in air raids and blackouts and has., many of her men preparing for ' home defence.- SpealtiegQ rationing, Miss, Jelth Laevetnrned to her home here lea week after mending the whiter at Detroit; Mr. Pat Page of TO10011E0 spent the week -end with Me, and Mrs. Janes Johnston, East street: Mise Delight Mut/eh, netree-inetraining at the Ontario 'Hospital, Kingston, ie home for. several weeks' liolidaYs. P, Meore, Huron road, and Miss Bernice Moore, Beg, N., of Stratford, spent the .week -end visiting friends at Niagara Falls, Ont. Mites Grate Hoegara H of Port uron and Miss Ida McLeod: of Detroit epeut the week -end at , the home of Mea, Hawkins, 1Baylle1d wad. . Dick Paler, son of Mr. and Mes. D. Palser, has enlisted with the fRoyal, Oaeadian Signallers and is at present Wain -4W earOarliirg-fleiglifsle Cpl. Wi11iaxi Lumby, Stationed at Dunnville, is visiting with his parents, ,Mr. and 1.1.ra W. G, Luraby, St. David's steeete on a fourteen days' leave. Mrs. Fear (formerly Miss Mabel Bailie), and Mester ,Dick Fear, of Tor- onto, were, week -end visitors in town the guests of Mrvand Mrs. A. Joper. >Pte. Donald Wiggins, stationed at the Chatham training centre, visited with his parents, Mr.. and .Mrs. John Wig- gins,_Wellkngton street, over the week- end. • Glen Llodge, son of Mrs. Robert son, Cameron street, has enlisted With the Royal CanadianSignallers Corps -Lead is at1 present stationed at -Camp Berden.., Sergeant -Pilot !Herbert Moody, sta- tailed at Brantford Service Plying Schaal, spent the 'week -end. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Moody, Market street. ' • • • Mrs. F.,„, R. Redditt had the mis- fortune to fall while eeming,,out of the 'Capital Theatre on Tuesday night, sus- taining a dislocated shoulder.She is a patient in Alexandra 'Hospital. for a tfew days. • ,Rev T. W Hazelwood; of Toronto, while in -town to conduct the. annivers- ary services of North street ,,United ehurch, wasthe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hodge. gr. Hodge and his ,guest were High School students to- gether and the 'first marriage performed by jr. Hazelwood,after his ordination was that of 3Ir. and Mrs. Hodge. • _Mother's Day - up, Give Mother a nice Pietnii to 'brighten .up her room, -A gift •,that Will please her and last ** forever • Smith's Art & Gift Store - For Results — A Classified Ail LUST * OU ebtatged-wagler tabricated hispected ter May only , 0..25, at JOST.-aussETWEEN POUT ALBERT WORSELOS IdARDWARE. 19 and Goderich„ hub cap for Stude- Gordon Williams as the winner 19X the drew on May 1St ter the 'Saltfold Red Cross quilt. The regular monthly meeting of 'Central Home and School Club will- be held May 13th, at 4 p.m.„, in the school Mrs. (3. Holland will give a report of the 'Home and School een,vention at Totehto. The senior pupils of .,St. Joseph's iScliool of Music will present their an- nual musicale and graduation exercises In the °G.C.I. auditorium ,pn Friday evening, May 9th, at 8,15: •-17 The Margaret Seager Club' ,of St. George's churcli will hold a tea in. the tparleit 'hall on Friday, May 16, froxn S to 6 p,m, The draw for the -$1.0 war eavings certificate will be made. A Cordial invitation is extended, to the . -19 • Knox, church MiSsion Band Will hold a May Tea con Saturday, May 10th, from 3 to '5 p.m., in the lecture froem. 'eon 'Ara A&PMONEY SAVING I LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Don't forget Mother. Remember he with 'Laura Secord audies. OAMP BELL'S ,DRUG 'STORE. 1 • • At Kingsbridge 'Hall, each Morda evening, at 9 p.m. BAY' MeXenzle' his orchestra. .Admission 35e. • 18t The annual meeting of the Matti= Ladiesi-Golf Club willebe held Wednes Klay, May 14th., at .13-P.M., at the clu: house- An members and those inter ested in playing for the s•easot1 ar asked to attend. Mr. Dickson said, 'The Japanese are allowed only 41/2 ounces. of Tice a,elay • and 1% pounds of sugar a Month. 'Canned, goods have been discarded to use the tin for war purposes. Nails have disappeared, and one must have' a per to use a piece of -wire. Maur is • off the market and butter and meat are fast disappearing. While the. army Is ,laeing fed On the fat of the laid, the • come:hon. people are starving." In re- ferring to inititarism, the speaker said that military men take every opportun- ity to persecute the church. They at- tend church as ordinary 'people, take note a and if possible make trouble. -711E-e7 regard- the Zil-peror as the all - high being Mr. Dickson cited instances in which people have been questioned as to which was the higher, the royal family or God. If they answered ,God, they were ' in many cases thrown into prison. The Japanese people are in complete ignorance of what' is going on in the outside world. They don't know how the war in ',China •or in Europe is going on. by eanclusion, Mr. Dickson urged his listeners to pray for FormciSa and its 55,000 Christiane. 1 01d1b23.c • New b.19c sannyriem s -Ib. 14. 244.. 65 Pastrv c Bag c • VIE7i AuLtrcalliaxLd 15 iit NEW STORE 14(:)LIALS OPEN TILL 6 P.M. MON., TUES., THURs..,_ FRI. . CLOSE 12:30 P.M. WEDNESDAYs OPEN UNTIL "11 P.M. SAT-LIRDAYs . SOUPS Clark's Tins.19e. KETCHUP da;K4 21 25: 25c IRISH STEW Cleric's 2 .17. 23c Chicken Oaldgpf Boneless 20c PURE LARD 15t - Liptons.Ted, ked Label atig)...• 38c :PEAS Green Giant. 2 EV* 27c7 SALMON 'Kea Ths 16c PEACHES DESSERT, 2 «236 TISSU Que6sbury 2 Ros. 190, SPAGHEril 'via°. .9c APPLE.3111Cg . 3 Viz. 25c SHRIMP iapcy Small 5tr. 19c Shortening. 1541IE LOVER2 lbs 25, CORNED BEEF I7c 'CAMAY SOAP. cakes 13c .CMSCO . 19c a, 49c SPORN Burns .W161 27c BeetsAilinier-,. mg: Zit .'21c PRUNES - 801,s , • 10G • Ann Page Angel. Cake Plain '"*""--11111.111112111—'- Santa Clara PRUNES Large size Doxes. FRUITAve EXTRA. FANCY Grape nee. . 'S ;APPLES Wittiest", Jumbo Size 3Sfor lOc .,POTATOES Crop " a lbs 1i CAMORNIA AN. BUPICh Large, Ciiiginai 6unch6s P.0niztv - Tan W I: 1111111111114. Xs* ITS NATIVE ASPARAGUS 211/24k$0,rithei Pt. Ilexes • Backrito or the kidneYs. Camp bell's. ' 3 Service and repair on ell makes of 'washers and eleanersei Special price for mentit of May at -WORSELL'S BleaDWARE. .• 19 ,The regular meeting of the Goderien TewesshiV Hospital Auxiliary will be held. at Iles. Herb Lampreys, New- gate .sereet, Thursday, May 15th? ut 2.45 pen. —see A splendid Program hag been 'ar. ranged for the Victoria Home and Sehool Club meeting on Thursday, lkitay 15th; at 8 p.m. This, will be giVen by upils ef the -school. There will be musical, numbefs; 'a play; 01U King Cole;"' and a Ma3ipo1e dance. • A cordial invitation is •extended tO the parents' and all interestedfriends to be preseet at 8 o'clock sharp. • • Campbell's, 'Stomach and Liver Pills. A • TO AENT, Jjousz To RENT—Ph 'STORY stone -pebble lions°, with bath and furnace. Twle railes ,we of Olinton,, on No. 8 highway. ,ApPly 'to NORMAN LIR, ixeutorGeorge' Mair Estate/ New Haraheirg, Ont. ; „.. 18-19 rrO, ItE`NTe=,--01tASS .1.$7.Ang, GooD -• , water and lots of shade. Apply J,• J. HQGGARITH, Hamilton Street • '19 Garage, GOderich. . • TO, ) ENT.-OOMPOIITABLE SIX- - ROOM "loupe on'tlue Water high- way north_ og, Goderich, with . good water supply and 'telephone,ROY LINIKILATER, R.R. No. 3, 'Goilerieli; * 150 , ro RENT. -FURNISHED. 'HOUSE, -4 atso small aparteaent. Phone 102W, ! Godeficli.- - — -.++ z i ' ' - 'lite , , TO RIDNT--FURNISIHM ---LARGli ) ••• living reom, large bedrooni, part l time kitehen. Well located. Writi .. „. P.O. Box 773. 191 TO RENT. -FOR TIM SEASON, A -.---1-terniebeed cabin oirhea.ch. , A. E. ) (JENNINGS, RR. 3, !Goderieli; ' - 11 • ,.....—......_.... . s 3 TO RENT..e.:-FURNISHED, ROONIS will also take board,...1:weitt - °Ilex 98, ISIGNAL-ISTAR, . 11 f, OMIT T T1 LI 1_41111 , PIGEON— CLU' ILORGANIZES MEEE TUBE r6v ery. Dominion tire purchased at fegular" price, we wilit give abso- lutely ,tre, one tube to fit. • • This offer 'is good for one wsek only. BEEVF2RIS, AUTO. & BIOVOLF; 'SUPPLY, •West St.' Phone' 7411W. 19 OR t041LE POWS:ALE:L-04OD .SOUND SEED pottetoes; 'Gobblers and Green alifountains; the former 'were geown from tregletered seed. Price, 75c per bushel. Apply to JOHN SOWEItBY, phone 937 r 32, GOderich. 19-20 • 0B,SALII.-IMPROVED' BANNER " seed oats. Erben seed oats from finst prim/ seec; else alfalfa clover seed Of 1040 give, $13.90 per:bushel. FRANK • L. YOUNG, R.R. 5, 1Gederich, phone Carlow 208. ' • Ate roR SILE-elltliMETTE" •*RITE11, Portable, standard, key- board. Handy to earry, Call SIGNAL - STAR ()mop. FOR 84i/114 -BARGAINS IN USED inaeldhes, guaranteed perfect sew- ing eondition, *8.09 and up. Trade in your 'old machine for a new Singer, electric or treadle. Liberal allowances, Expert repairing at moderate charges. SINGER 81/10Pi, Phone 33. • 1.8tf ti - pour sAtaiT.GOOD',WORK, Holefte also qgOod 4-yeavo1d cow, d,ue to freshen. LEO 0R5SHODM, R.R. 2. - 19x MAX 3.941 NOTICE To cEZOITOUE .ove*To cathnous.— IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE.' OF SA.MITE,I, MeMATII JOHNSTON, DEODASED. , _ AU persons having °Claims agatnst the* estate of 'Samuel "MeMatli •Jolitteton,, late Of the Town of Gederieh, in the Province ofe thatario, deeeaSed,are re quired to 40341 same with partictilare of security held, if eny, and Verified by etatetory declaration to the under- signed en or before the 28th, 'day of May, AIX 1941, after which date the assets Of the estate may be distributed among the parties entitled thereto,' having regard enly to the , claims Of which the unAersigned shall then have notice. •*DATED the lath day of April, A.D. 1941, • 'SAMUEL G. ANDREWS,' • Executor, % Hedges & Noonan, • 202 Leader -Post Buildiege-, 17-20 , REGINA, Saskateheiyane•. NOTIOE TO CREDITOUS. Notice is'bereby.given to an persens having tiny elaim against. the'eetate of Ebon R Wigle„ Rite 'of the .,Tetwn of, e Gederich, in the County of Huron, drug- gist, who,dieci on or about the Oth- of . '-.Febicii-ar7e-1941ereteeeentles-ameeto' undersigned, dui" verified, on or before May 1.6th, as on add after that date. ° the administrator of the said estate shall proceed to make distribution - of the assets ,thereof, having regard only to the elaims then filed, 'Dated7af Goderieh this firSt day of MaYeA.D. 1941. .' HAYS- AND •114YS, Goderich, Ontarlo, 18-29 •SolicitorS for the Estate. oR. SALE. ,SMATILe POUR- -• ROOM -ED neW cottage babe moved.. Apply at once to MRS. EDITH M. • TREMBLAY,...Soath .street. • e 17tf U L1J.IiL .1L 1, grass, lots of water and shade. Cnn take about fifteen bead. Phone 933 r 14; Goderlch, WM. CiIIIAMBFARSe Tpylor's Corner. 19 BORN OHAMNEY.--At Alexandra Hospital., (Godericb, 'Oet;..May.2nel, to Mr. and . Olareiice CleandieY (nee Mary • Johnston), Belgrave, a daughter. 1COX.-At Alexandra: 'Hospital, Gode- rich,-. on May 6th, to Mr. -and Mrs. Carl Cox; Ooderich, a son. GLEN. -At Alexandra 'Hospital, Gale- -.rich, on .4ay 4th, 6 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Glen, R.R. e, Clinton, a • daughter, ^ ENNINGTON.-A Alexandra' Hos- pital, Ooderich, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lennington, Gode- rich, .daughter. DIED r• JOHNSTON-In Gcalerichebn Monday, May 5th,, Robert Johnston, former Sheriff of Huron: GeV Season of Homing Flights in Prospect The Ooderieh Homing Pigeon Club has organized for the comingseason with a membership twice as large as last year. The club is looking-fOkward to ap banner yeer with strong competi- tion, as .kveral of the members have imported high-quality birds from West- ern Canada and the United States. Officers, elected for the eoming year are: President, William Baker; vice- president, S. G. McKay ; • secretary: treasurer, Bud Jerry. Other Members of the club. are Al. Fisher, E. Peachy, Shelton Brothers, Thomas 'Bowler, W. P. Johnston, W. It. pitblado, B. Me? Lean, (junitif-member),, all of (ode - rich, and C. Todd of Auburn. The schedule of 'flights for the coming se'aeon is as. fokows: Old birdseee3ftry-24 froin Stratford, June,'" 1--' from ,"-Ouelph, • Jene 8 from Toronto, June Afroin Port Hope, June 22 from Napanee, June 29° from Brock - Tine, July 13 from Montreal. . • Yonne bircls-Ang. 3 frten Stratford, Aug. 1(1' from Kitchener, Aug. 17 from Geergetewe, Aug. '24 froth. Toronto, Aug, 31 in Port Hope. „ y 'Several 6f the club members repeit that certain birds which they set free en short trial ditig:be have fajledt�- teturfl to their roost. This is unesukl, partieulerly for short flights, and the .WANTI,X FOR SLE.--GOVERNMEN'T CER- TI,FIDD raspberryplants of the following vtarieties, • Viking:, .... Taylor, New,bnegh, Golden .Queen and .Minne- seta. Pricesare frem $2.00 to $4.40 per • 100. ,WES,IfF,Y FI Snipe Goderich (iSaltford - 19-20 •FOR ItESItiteecn at Nile, .8 rooms, hard and soft water inside. Good haiement„ Barn, hen house, 2 -oolony housee', garage, WANTED.. - FAMILY • 'WASHING 3'4 ares garden, -nnInther • of fruit and) ironing. Please phone 624, trees. Bwrgiain for cash. MRS: ADA '1 Goderich. eeriex STITMART, Goderich R,R. 19-tf. • ele „se WANTED. --,TO ,BUY OLl 'ROMPS and dead cattle; must be suitable •, for mink t-eed; removed promptly. ; FRED GILBERT, R.R. Phone 9,98 r 22,- Clinton. Calls paid 18-tf, WANTED.; -AT 'ONCE, POSITION as hausekeeper by middle4gedi Protestant ..vadow. 'Can take full' charge.. Pawn or country. Send ap-I plications to THE SIGNALSITIAR. -19 CHURCH NOTES . Last Sunday at -the Salvation A.rmy the meetings were held lid honor of the new officer, Lieutenant Gladys Davis, Who• has -come from Toronto to assist Adjutant On ,Sunday ,Mother's Dai meetings will be conducted, by the Salvation Army at 11 A.m. and 7 p.m. At 2.30 p.m. the children Will give a Mother's Day program,. Mr. Baxter will be the speaker. All mothers are invited .and Will receive a little 'remembrance. There will .be a special Mother's Day serVice next 'Sunday In North street United c.hurch, • at 11 a.m. Mrs. E._ -.51Yere of Toronto. , will- sing 'The Virgin's, Slumber Song," by Reger. A ehoir eomposed entirely of mothers will be in ,attendance and, as a special offer- ing, will sing "Home, Sweet Home The ingrea,singly popular junior choir will. be beard in "My Mother's- Prayer," a dedication to their mothers. .Soloists will be Donald Warren and Murray AV AN TED -RESIDENT MAID,; ' must have knowledge of Ipiain cadkieg and be fond of children. Good wages. References 'required. Wr te BOX97, SIGNAL_ 19x WiAaVTED--W 0 R - WASHING , dOne at 'home. For information, call SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE., —19x „ X,OTICE TO CRIMITORS. Notice is hereby' given to all persons -having any claim against the estate of Duncan MacKay, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, ree_ tired farmer, who died on -Oz about the .25th a March, 1941, to 'send 'game to the undersigned; duly -verified, op or beforeMa 16th, 1941, as on and after that date the executor of the said estate shall proceed to make distribution of the assets thereof having regard only toe e -the `claim's then Med. • • Dite.cl at ,Goderieh this ,first day of. 'May, _ •HAYS ANI) HAS, • •Goderich, Ontario, - Solicitors for the Estate. - LOT :FOR SAL1E Tender*, will be 'received by the Town of Goderich, addressed to the under- eigned for the purchase of lot 200 and brick building thereon, Quebec street. Tenders to be received up to MaY 14th, 1941. . The -highest or any tender not neees- • sarily accepted.- 18-19 L. KNCd; Town Clerk. WAINTED.:-GIRL -TO DO. GEN- , DRAL moiusuwoRK. Country girl preferred; two- in family. • MRS'. J. GRENWAY, phone 936-32. 19-20x N S A 711ST I E D ROUTE MEN, medicine men, build lifetime- ionte selling reliable Remedies,- Quality Cos-' metics, Farm Prochects-a complete line of ,200 guaranteed specialties or household and farm. REPEAT - ORDERS CERTAIN. Interesting Pro- fits.' Get details and free catalogue: FAIVIILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 14-10 AATANITED.--IMAID elOR GENERAL • housework. Two adults enly. May sleep out..., Phone 647. • 19 WASIHIN10 and ironing. Apply MRS. PETER youNp; Lighthouse St., or pharie 624, Goderich. 18.19x • MIDDLE-AGED' (woman as housekeeper for a town, cottage occupied by, young men. AP - ply Box 99, ^SIGNAL -STAR. 10 When Inust attach to, their tender a. certified TENI5'EBS FOR 00A.L AND COKE . SEALED tenders addressed to the • undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be eeceived, until 3 ., • . Thursday, , May 29, 1941, for the supply a coal and coke for the Dominion,. Buildings throughout the Province a Ontario.. , 'Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agelat, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide Sal, • East, Toronto, Ont. . 18-po . NIOTICE TO CREDITORS. - All persons having claims againet the estate Of illarbourn Dickson., , of Asidield, deeeased, Who died on the .5th day of Oetober, 1940,, are hereby notified to forWardiothetr account duly verified to the un.dersigned on or fore the 23rd day of May next, atter . .iwhich _date the AdDminiStratrix will proceed to Kill's/tribute the assets hay- e ing regard onle„ to the claims then t, Dated at Oaderich,"thiS 25th day of April, A.D. 1941, by FRANK DON- NELLY, Gederich, Ontario, Solicitor for the-Administrafrix. 18-20 ' NOTICE TO*CREDITORS. Notice is hereby_given to any persons having any claim against the, estate of 'Isaac Jenkins, late of the Township tg olborne in the County of -Huron, (farmer, who died on or about the eleventh day of April, 1941, tO-send- --- (same to the undersigned', duly verified, on or before the 23rd of May, 1941, as • OIL and afterthat date the Executor a the said estate shall proceed to dis- tribute the assets theteof having regard only to the. claims -then • Dated at Goderich' this 7th day' of Way, k.D. 1941. • • R. C: HAYS, K.C., Barrister, pte. Goderich, Ont. Tenderashould be made *on the•fernes .supplied by the Departinent and in ac- ' tordanee with departraental epecifica- tions andns *Conditieattached thereto. • Wen the amount of a tender exceeds ee one timildioxif:o5n'Mly el): m-oW're--ltetlitheerteitndbeerfeor; 1. -ernsminiviriavaparmumero-.;-','Implasi;* A& P SELF-SERV10E FOOD STORES AIMPIVINI04010. •IINAIVA ,Alt. -44. A5,1 S, CARDS or THANKS ' NOTICB • cheque on a VEGETABLE chartered bank 4p. Canada; FREE -A 11A.RGE 'GARDEN SPACE • near, Victoria 'School. For infor- mation apply (MRS. M. WR/GHT, 20 • Britannia Road. • 19 NOTICE. SEASON'S PASTURE for 25 headee., more of cattle; good grass and water, plenty of shade. 0. R. FORSTER, Maitland concession, Colborne Township, R.R. No. 2, Clinton,- , phone Carlow 169. ' 17-18-10x NOTICE. imps, " noDuir JOHNSTO'N AND Misses ROberta and Pauline wish to thank all those who were so kind and sympathetic to them during the illness and at the death of Mr. John, ston: • • ' -4, 19 3/111,S, GEORGE STEWART 'WISHES 1.• , to 'tender her grateful thatke'fer the many 'eXpressions of synipathy • Iceived in her bereavement, for .the beautiful tflOwers sent, for the loan of ears for the funeral and for all the pane,- acts. of kindness performed by thouglitful friends. ' ewners (believe the btrda- are being shot ,while in flight. If Ouch is the case those responsible are asked to stop the practice and are teleinded that the shocking of homing pigeons is punish- able ttY.' law. VICTORIA T. • The, W.M.S. ofVieteria street United ehurat held its May meeting in the schoolroom of the Church �n Meniday afternoon. „ Mrs. it Good gaVe a report of the Preebyiterial meeting held at Thamee Road. Mrs.E. Phillifieled 0. disetie,sioxiiiTemperanee. „After the 'Irasiethee, part of the meeting 2 Mother's .1)ay program was ecrnducted under the leadership .of Mrs, , Postelethivaite. Ntra, 13. Oreig 'read the °Seripture. ' Mese • Poztelethwaite ;led in ffra.Yer. nre. W. Ilillwood gave a reading on "Honoring Mother," and Mrs. I", tarker gave .0410 On 4110tileetMri.110t6letliwaite read e. Non, "Witzend Corner.", "Mrs. IL ktunierson tsang a talky, "In Winery a Mother;" Mrs. s,n. Allen elosia-the mooting tv,lth aper. Cement eilo building, Act at once: Pheee " or write ARNOLD Hil.,Gardp, ,Goderich, Silo Contractor. Phone 706, Goderich. 17-19 NOTIOE.—I WILL GIVE MY iSER- VIOES- to any person or persons or organizations In Goderleh or surrounding community sponsoring • a sale of 'deflated articles In aid Of any branch of the War 'Serviees Mind, 'GORDON M. GRANT, Auetioneer., made payable ,to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Pliblie )Yorks, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thei tender, or beater, bonds of the Dorhinion of Canada or of the' Canadian National ,Rixilway.Corapanyeatid Its con- etituent tompanies • uneonditioflaflYk guaranteed as to principal•and interest by . the 'Dominion, of Oanada, er the' aforementioned bands and a•• eeitlfied cheque; if required to make up an oddamount. The Department .aleo reserves the eight to demand from:belly suceessful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a eertified cheque or 'bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, to, guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contraet. ,oleder, J. M. 80.11ERVIDLE, A • • , Secretary. Department of Piiblie Work, - Ottawa, April 29, 1941. 41111•001111.11, EXECUTOR'S SALK EXECUTOR'S ;SALEOF rAnm PRO- PERTY, • HOUSEHOLD FURNI- . Tulle AND EIPFECTS. , * • At the premises; lots 39 and, 80, - Maitland ConicessIon, Goderich Town. ship, on TUESDAY, 311AY-2,0tli . At 1.39 pen. • ; , Lot 80, ,,,Mititland 'Concession, con- ein alng 40' tares (more or less), With , ipractically new frame dwelling, a good barn wit'h stone stable, never -failing spring creek' and a sgeod 'gravel pit. . •*Lot 39, '111eitiand Concession, a good, grass farm abed 40 acres; , water,. etc.. • There is a tegantity of cedar , these places'. The property will sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS-e'llwentY per cent; of , mice to be pald at .tirne of • - sale; balance .within 80 days. • Atethe 'same time all the colitents of the bousefwill be sold, inclulling ferni- ture, sewing machine, stave,s, bedding, rugs, churn; aleo buggy, cutter, har- ness, robe, blankets, hay), • °ie. .TERI3/18--Clash. , FRANK DONNIETLY, ISolleitor for Pred Hopkinr, Executor THOS. OUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers 19-20 • , r. Spring Painting AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTSON S4.1./:E ,Of good used futnituretat Mrs. Moseee Shop, namilton street, Ooderich, on SATURDA.Y, 3,CAY 10tb at 1.*) Aharp. Living -room, dining-roone bidroorn and kitchen furniture, Cook stoves, refrigerator, two square piano% rugs and earpets.. There are some eXtra kood pieces in this lot, and everything must be sold. Terms Caah. T. GUNDRY & SON; 18-10 AUctioneers. AN ASIIFIELD OLD BOY , /an 'McRae, .Strathroy lawyer, who took over the position of.deputy trate 'of the London distriet on 'Monday of this week, is a native of Ashliell, Ism of John McRae, well-known fAriner fuear 'Loclialsh. He appeared in a egoderich emirt last slimmer as c0. klell'exice counsel for Saw, Dodge, the Jinlian acquitted of mutder, as repro- aebtative of -the Department of Indian Affairs., Mr, Meltae's apPeintnient itt London f011owed the retirement of Magistrate illawicAaw., a voter= on Ithe Iwiu1i, and the oevation of Magis- torte 'Aienzles to the senior po8iitto1l. AMOY •• When 'you are considering interior painting, call or • phone for CIL. color cqrds of Enamel, Semi-GlosS, Flat. • Wall or General Paint, you 'wit receive prompt' attention. • You want the BEST as a takes as loir to put on cheap R,vaint as the best paint. One coat of paint will look as good as two coats'.of chea.per paint. COAL' COAL! With the- Soft Coal strike ort and the possibility of '4 strike of the Hard Co41 miner's, now is, the time to t consider a your next winter'6 suPply of coal.. Chas. C. Lee ror gar4ware;..P1luubing ,and Iteating) give us can. Phonebittee 22 1100 112 it the Harbor, 0 , 1 Geo.- G. MacEwan .-„Fire, Accident and alutor. Car •. INSURANCE . Office ;-(Masonic Temple, " West Wert, Goderich Phone 230 GODERICH _. t. 'MM. FAMILY ° ' Protect alt nor ra,mily • . AGAINST .ANY AeCIDENT from ANY 'Cause •• l'penduiri $4.00 Per Person °SEE * * • II# IVI FORD INEMBANCE 3 Hamilton St Tel. '2,68w. CARDS or THANKS ' NOTICB • cheque on a VEGETABLE chartered bank 4p. Canada; FREE -A 11A.RGE 'GARDEN SPACE • near, Victoria 'School. For infor- mation apply (MRS. M. WR/GHT, 20 • Britannia Road. • 19 NOTICE. SEASON'S PASTURE for 25 headee., more of cattle; good grass and water, plenty of shade. 0. R. FORSTER, Maitland concession, Colborne Township, R.R. No. 2, Clinton,- , phone Carlow 169. ' 17-18-10x NOTICE. imps, " noDuir JOHNSTO'N AND Misses ROberta and Pauline wish to thank all those who were so kind and sympathetic to them during the illness and at the death of Mr. John, ston: • • ' -4, 19 3/111,S, GEORGE STEWART 'WISHES 1.• , to 'tender her grateful thatke'fer the many 'eXpressions of synipathy • Iceived in her bereavement, for .the beautiful tflOwers sent, for the loan of ears for the funeral and for all the pane,- acts. of kindness performed by thouglitful friends. ' ewners (believe the btrda- are being shot ,while in flight. If Ouch is the case those responsible are asked to stop the practice and are teleinded that the shocking of homing pigeons is punish- able ttY.' law. VICTORIA T. • The, W.M.S. ofVieteria street United ehurat held its May meeting in the schoolroom of the Church �n Meniday afternoon. „ Mrs. it Good gaVe a report of the Preebyiterial meeting held at Thamee Road. Mrs.E. Phillifieled 0. disetie,sioxiiiTemperanee. „After the 'Irasiethee, part of the meeting 2 Mother's .1)ay program was ecrnducted under the leadership .of Mrs, , Postelethivaite. Ntra, 13. Oreig 'read the °Seripture. ' Mese • Poztelethwaite ;led in ffra.Yer. nre. W. Ilillwood gave a reading on "Honoring Mother," and Mrs. I", tarker gave .0410 On 4110tileetMri.110t6letliwaite read e. Non, "Witzend Corner.", "Mrs. IL ktunierson tsang a talky, "In Winery a Mother;" Mrs. s,n. Allen elosia-the mooting tv,lth aper. Cement eilo building, Act at once: Pheee " or write ARNOLD Hil.,Gardp, ,Goderich, Silo Contractor. Phone 706, Goderich. 17-19 NOTIOE.—I WILL GIVE MY iSER- VIOES- to any person or persons or organizations In Goderleh or surrounding community sponsoring • a sale of 'deflated articles In aid Of any branch of the War 'Serviees Mind, 'GORDON M. GRANT, Auetioneer., made payable ,to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Pliblie )Yorks, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thei tender, or beater, bonds of the Dorhinion of Canada or of the' Canadian National ,Rixilway.Corapanyeatid Its con- etituent tompanies • uneonditioflaflYk guaranteed as to principal•and interest by . the 'Dominion, of Oanada, er the' aforementioned bands and a•• eeitlfied cheque; if required to make up an oddamount. The Department .aleo reserves the eight to demand from:belly suceessful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a eertified cheque or 'bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, to, guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contraet. ,oleder, J. M. 80.11ERVIDLE, A • • , Secretary. Department of Piiblie Work, - Ottawa, April 29, 1941. 41111•001111.11, EXECUTOR'S SALK EXECUTOR'S ;SALEOF rAnm PRO- PERTY, • HOUSEHOLD FURNI- . Tulle AND EIPFECTS. , * • At the premises; lots 39 and, 80, - Maitland ConicessIon, Goderich Town. ship, on TUESDAY, 311AY-2,0tli . At 1.39 pen. • ; , Lot 80, ,,,Mititland 'Concession, con- ein alng 40' tares (more or less), With , ipractically new frame dwelling, a good barn wit'h stone stable, never -failing spring creek' and a sgeod 'gravel pit. . •*Lot 39, '111eitiand Concession, a good, grass farm abed 40 acres; , water,. etc.. • There is a tegantity of cedar , these places'. The property will sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS-e'llwentY per cent; of , mice to be pald at .tirne of • - sale; balance .within 80 days. • Atethe 'same time all the colitents of the bousefwill be sold, inclulling ferni- ture, sewing machine, stave,s, bedding, rugs, churn; aleo buggy, cutter, har- ness, robe, blankets, hay), • °ie. .TERI3/18--Clash. , FRANK DONNIETLY, ISolleitor for Pred Hopkinr, Executor THOS. OUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers 19-20 • , r. Spring Painting AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTSON S4.1./:E ,Of good used futnituretat Mrs. Moseee Shop, namilton street, Ooderich, on SATURDA.Y, 3,CAY 10tb at 1.*) Aharp. Living -room, dining-roone bidroorn and kitchen furniture, Cook stoves, refrigerator, two square piano% rugs and earpets.. There are some eXtra kood pieces in this lot, and everything must be sold. Terms Caah. T. GUNDRY & SON; 18-10 AUctioneers. AN ASIIFIELD OLD BOY , /an 'McRae, .Strathroy lawyer, who took over the position of.deputy trate 'of the London distriet on 'Monday of this week, is a native of Ashliell, Ism of John McRae, well-known fAriner fuear 'Loclialsh. He appeared in a egoderich emirt last slimmer as c0. klell'exice counsel for Saw, Dodge, the Jinlian acquitted of mutder, as repro- aebtative of -the Department of Indian Affairs., Mr, Meltae's apPeintnient itt London f011owed the retirement of Magistrate illawicAaw., a voter= on Ithe Iwiu1i, and the oevation of Magis- torte 'Aienzles to the senior po8iitto1l. AMOY •• When 'you are considering interior painting, call or • phone for CIL. color cqrds of Enamel, Semi-GlosS, Flat. • Wall or General Paint, you 'wit receive prompt' attention. • You want the BEST as a takes as loir to put on cheap R,vaint as the best paint. One coat of paint will look as good as two coats'.of chea.per paint. COAL' COAL! With the- Soft Coal strike ort and the possibility of '4 strike of the Hard Co41 miner's, now is, the time to t consider a your next winter'6 suPply of coal.. Chas. C. Lee ror gar4ware;..P1luubing ,and Iteating) give us can. Phonebittee 22 1100 112 it the Harbor, 0 ,