HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-15, Page 1ling Dust oit,
e Port Albe;t: Road
AnothAa. Airport Near
Clinton? All Serene •
at Oki' HiXbOT
iSo far *as tbe Blue Water highway is
eoncerned, life has just been one thing
" another Slime the, ar-
Oift at itort 'Albert last October.' Virst
it Was MO, then Snow, then Fluid
it. According to eeme officers. 'If ha$
• eft_ne_P in recent days. *tine ILLY,: officer
less than one hundred* yards. ffe re-
ported a ."lovv ceiling" end
But relief le in sight TOday
- tars of -road- oil ere being finOtted eed
will he Placed on Mmieset. siding, The
oil will be laid at once from DunlOP
Pert Albert, The centreetors are al-
readY neve. It was stated tbat the
road was not yet ready for oiling, but
that the earliness of the season.made
it imperative.
As to wbot eftect flits early gravelling
and oiling oe the Dunlop -Port `Albert
' stretch Will have on paving prospects
ihe road will net be paved this yeae,
that it is not ready for pavieg, Others
' say that the Oiling Is only a temporary
measure and means nothing, Still
black top eurface'!. will be put oil in
Tne Canadian Cheerio Club, already
kiioWe to many of the readers of thie
paper and now destined te beetrine more
widely known, thie weeris announcing
thropgb: the columns Of tne press of
Canada, the:Treated Stetee, and _Neve,
merit fae-reaching importance and
Thie is 'a Dian, to premote 'an annutu
international "Shut-in% DO" to be
'held the first 'Sunday oe June, The
purposebehind the inauguration of ithia
event is to'encourage visitation -of the
sick and dliabled by these members of
soeiety Who ordinarily may net give
meta thOught to the less fortunate
Combining The Goderich Sig'nar and The Goderick Star,
Corvette Goderich
Takes. tp the Water
idayor and Mrs. Brown and OtherS
from Goderich Present
at Launching
' Realizing the desirability and need
for such au occasion, the Canadian. Club
of Cheer bee decided to sponeor Shut-
intS, Day ie the -hope and belief that it
may bring eonieeetra cheer and fellow.-
ehip into the lives a the shut -het
financial ,organization, heving no feeS
dueS for merabersbip;• it is dedicated
tO the social life and help of the batten
capped, and its returns are measured by
the eneouragenient it is bringipg. into
the liveS of those Who eannot mix in
.the eormal Social life of unhandieapped
The moveinent is ' a worthy one and
ehould be an important factor in help-
ing to nieke the lot of the •ehut-in a
happier one,
ture oyer the. news of a' survey being
made for a thild-airportiliSrsouth-of
dinton; highway. 'The sur-
veyors are -said to have, arrived last
pleted their <work by'llondey night: an
Menne IlanleY and Norman' Tyndall
are said 'to have been optioned. and an
• aPiare operated by T. O. :Seribbins Was
The guess of local Amateur airmen
landing ifield for ,Skx...trarbor, but of-
: 'fiCials :at that* airport laughed: at .the
idea. It wasmot needed and they knew
nothing Of It, it. was stated. • Port
Albert's offieials professed.' Pot to bave
. beard' of the survey.
:Tfils'es the foerth prospective airport
pipee Sky iHarbor and Port Albert. were.
'bunt. 'The firSto.w'as at Amberley, the
second hiTStanley, the third in .Stephen,
-neareCrediton, -and now., the.-01inton.
*lite: • "NVeshall sec Tibet we shall see.”
Much vvork is being done these days
s, at the grounds of Port Albert airport.
-Streets are being ImProved and areas
between •the huts and taxi strips
levelled preparatory to grass -Seeding.
work. It -is planned. to lay out twine
'flower beds and to improve generally
the appearance of the tamp grounds,
which were left in a mess last fall
ewing to the late construction work.
Canada's) rapidly growing ease re -
honer of ‘this toven, Vete latineheff' ett
Termite. -
' launening was carried out with
Browli, • wife of Mayor Iirewee having
tbe honor of chrietening the neW craft
as it end dOwn the ways at the Yards of
Huron 0ouety Flying Training School,'
officiated in a brief service of prayer
for the safety of the ship apd of her
crew as she engages in ithe service; for
which she hes beee built
Besides Mayor Brown, others present
drem Goderieh were Deputy Reeve 'W.
J. Baker; iCouncillor D. Di Mooney, ex -
Mayor ° C. C. 'Lee „and Sheriff.. NelSon
Hill: The Huron Old Boys' Association
of Toronto was represented by Presi-
dent A, G. Smith, J, A. Mieletren, Walter
Bucbanan, Ross McCreath, MI'S. B. H.
IfeeeeCreath, 11. M. Jackson. and David
"TilleirtPson. President Itatliffe of the
and other representativee of the Com-
peity also were among those present.
As the trim little creft slid into the
water, vessels in the narbor jolued in
the newcomer, • and nearby factory
whistles joined in the n.oisy salute.
Ifter the launching Mayor Pre;
posed a toast to the new vessel, and
0o, mmander :A. C. Turner of Toronto re- -
spondee. At the conclusion of lunch
Mrs. Brovoi.was pfesenfed-With Re en-
graved silver tray as a aouVenir 'of the
occasion. Befere the ceremony -Mrs.
sheaf of red roses.
Case Arising, thit of Fatal Accident
sus,t- Summer g Heard it
LONDON, May 13.—A civil actten
against the County of Huron in -which
claims:totalling $19;500 are put forward
was _commenced before Justice Deakins
sittings :41.4 thes Supreme Court. The
action arises out of a motor.,-tatality
last July1 aar the village of Gerrie in.
w•hich two girls, Mary Elizabeth Ed-
wards and Ida Ritchie, were kille.d and
several other persens injured.' '•
The plaintiffs are listed as james-A.
Edwards and Annie Edwards, parents
of the dead Mary Edwards; Ciara
Ritchie; ,mother ar, the- dead Ida
Ritehie; Edith Ritchie, a eister ''or one
of the "victims and a passenger in tbe,
ear ; Rita' May Galloway, a passenger;
Olever, Galloway, her father ; Eleanor
Oarsoe, another passenger, and her
father, EVerard Careen.
known- as' iterra •bridge, 'three and _a
half nines smith of tbe village of Gorrie,
ve the emmty road running -between
contend that /IS the car, Which was'
driven by Lorne Jardine,• came oil the
.bridge it struck a steel rod projecting
into tne road, which went through. the
cerecausing it to swerve into ehe west
side of the .beidge, and a portion of the
bridge to collapse. °
TeStimony heard yesterday afternoon
dealt with the condition of the 'bridge,
and reasons which might have caused
its collapse, as well as the general con-
dition of the read, and lack of guard
.rails at the approach to tbe bridge.
Campbell Grant, of Walkerton, is ap-
pearing for the plaintiffs, and N. F.
Newton for the County of Heron.,
In 4/NE
Things' happened 'With kaleidestbilie Week—Notetit from
, the Waterfront
rapidity hi Munieipel police cireleelftet
The small vnlaves of Tiverton end
Glamis in Bruce county had .,an eXcit-
reports reachieg airport circles here.
At*%10 (retook that ntght an airplane
flew, lovv over the, village- hopsetePs
_.that reer of the engines Awakened
; was in distresS 'and was going -tb-crash.
out of bed. They were sure the;:plane
In fact, one iinaginative-woman "heard
the. crash" and the netve spread like
. wildfire. People emerged from houses
carrying lenternse The • Provincial
police at Viralkerton were notified and
respeneed .proniptly, Tat whole
countryside took up the night' Search.
Godericli was asked if' there *as a
'plane nnaecounted for, at port Albert,
but, Tuesday morning, the information
wai that ell R.A.F. 4planes had, re-
tarded •to their base safely.
Word from Sky Harbor is .that no
has been fixed for the departure of
the next class of student, pilots. -The
regular sehedule -has not been in ieffect
gime earlY in February. The element,
ary sehool 'is well ahead of its ;flying,
schedule; thanks to •eiccellent weather
and haereased•number a daylight hours.
There bave been no stair changeS -and
Theme at 1VIeeting of Central Ilome.and
'An Interestin.g aneeting of the Central
Borne and Schoel Club was held at
teientral School Tuesda.y afternoon.
Miss Eleanor Snider And Miss Eileen
Bogle displayed talent ine a piano duet
and a lovele vocal nttmber was given by
Mikgeg Bogie, Gilleepie and Smith,
C. A. Baxter gavae a report of tbe
twenty-fifth conVention of the Home
and, ,Sehool Federation, held at Toronto'
in. Eaeter week. "'The „theme. of the
convention was Chaetteter
Character, It WaS. panted Out, ',was
folinded first on example, second on ex -
better generation until parentS realize
their duty. and do keoMething about it.
It Is neceSsary to explain, the reason for
right .behaiviorP" Third 'le eeligious
edueatime „'"Eiverybedy le benefited by
the peace of Mind •which comeg from.
faith in, God." The borne, it was helde
still „. Den:tains the. major factor '
Movement of Grain
Continues Brisk
week -end. On nidity Afternoon. last
Alexe,Butler, who had held theyosition
Of night eMiStable for ouly nine days,
walkee Into the, TOW* Hall to lefortu
Torn Clerk Knox lie Wiehed te
lie said that after nine nighte of *ant-
i* the beate in tile long, drearY hours
committee 'of Town COUncil,-which
juriseiction ever the • Pence, Met to
ceesSor and la er in the day
Council. in spec ii—"Trjr.'"'eSSfini elrf-rineTihe
appointment of A. Vejennings former I William that evening after loading 120_
The' Oanadoe arrived on Friday
mornieg from Fort William with 244,-
415 bus. of wheat ler the elevator.
The tanker Iocolite arrived on 'Satur-
day evening from Sarnia .with oil for
the Imperial On. iCompany. e She' left
again foe Sarnia the next morning.
The A. A. Hudson came in on Sueday
morning from Fort ,William with 43,052
btis. of ,fiae, 21,984 bus. of wheat, 240791
bus. of feed, 10;046 bds. of oats and
15,883 bus. ' of barley for the elevatois
She loaded 50 tons of salt and cleared
on 'Monday evening for Fort William. •
from Fort William early -Sunday morn-
ing with 59,472 bus. of wheat for the
.elevator and wheat for the mill. '
The str. Vendee came in .at Sunday
midnight from Fort William with 206,-
401 bus. of wheat' for the elevator and
wheat for the min. •
The -Sticselassey careered en, Menday
morning from Fort ;William ,with
_cargo, of wheat for the
" The Mantadoe .arrived `from Fort :Wil-
liam on Tuesday anorning•with 254,470
bus. of wheat for the eleirator. •
Percr.ffaing geed from both
piers, and breaktvaters. Herring are
being 'caught as well -as perch. One
' The moVeMent a grain into this port
eentinuee at a, briek pace. In the past'
week; sevee veSselS 1001104 hit
cargoes} lour with V./We Oargees to
the eleVetor, tsvp,i,--witit'argeeS divided
betweee elevator and mill, end one 'with
Whole Cargo to the Mill;
Ontadee brought 248;074 bus. of Wheat
from Fort William .to the elevator.
The'Sasicatoon, wilaich. had come hi. on
selection was made from • more tleen
twenty aPPlications ale. The sttlery
remains a.t the sante figure, $1,000 a
Butler' never n'eened a uniform.
A new suit of policetoan's blues, Made
•to special raeasilre, „arrived the same'
day. that he 4ecided,..to quit. It still
aderns a banger in a nearby tailor
shop, a little too, roomy, a little too
ehort in both arms and legs for Con -
is, ef couree, a matter for Council.
• The job, of night constable Is right
down Mr. Jennings' alley,: He has the
polieentan's. temperament. and per-
speetive, acquired through years of
experienee. He was on tbe job on
Saturday eight and initially took over
bis duties Sunday•evening, May llth, at
prisonera.on Saturdayenght and Sun -
„day, but this, perhape Was only a co-
incidence. ,
Mr. 'Butler meanwhile has returned
to his former line ef werk; having taken
a position _with M. I. Ainslie, meat
Killed in 13ombing
_ id in London
Students Of School of Music Silqw Itigh
Tale.ukand Excellent Training ,
The Collegiate Institut* auditorium
was fined to its eapacity With music -
lovers 'on FridaY evening, for the an-
nual , gradnation , and recital of St.
Joseph's 'School of MUSIC, eonducted
ender the. direction of Mother Magentt
The -Program. of vocal .solos,- duets and
.choruses and violin and piano soloe
and duets. was eicellentfy presented by
the talented: young artists. Their skill
in interpreting the classics delighled
sPlendid tutelaW they had received
At the oPening, of the -recital, Miss
Madeleine Lane, L.W.C.M., senior
vocalist,. who passed her musical exam-
inations with 'first-class honors, had tbe
diploma conferred and gold medal pre-
sented to her by Father 111. • Fallon.
Mlis Lane was introdneediby Miss Mary
Mollie Bisset Was awarded the special
prize for highest standing " in pane
made tne presentation.'
The progr.am was as follows:
Vocal solo, Group I—qa) "Visi d' Arte"
from "La Tosca," (be Selected (c)
"Birds Are Singing," by Miss
Vionn solo--1"The Two Guitars." Inter-
mezzo, by Robert Bisset. Accompan-
ist, Mise 'Mollie Bisset.
,Selected, by Miss Marjorie Hays.
(b) "Mr Force Martel," by Miss
Mary A.hl, Robert Bisset., - Vincent
Smith and John Gila. \ •
Piano sole—"Valse," "Spanish bailee"
(Grade IN); "Novellette," by Miss
Vocal telo--2Serenacle; "Come, Silver
Moon," by the elisses Frieda Barbour,
'Evelyn O'Brien and Marjorie Hase.
Part TI
Vocal solo, GrouP II-e.(ae Waltz Song
from 'Romeo and (b) -Into
DamOzel,!' by the vocal students.
Plane solel-"Elves at Play," "Hungiar-
ian Dance," •by Mies Mary Joyce
Stream. .
ment de Sonate," •by Miss Mary Ahl
and Robert 'Bisset.
Piano duet-e(a) Selectee, by the
Misses Gloria Chieholm and • Barbara
Plano solo—"joyous May -finite" by Mies
Barbara Henry.
Vocal sole-e(a) "The Little BeoWn
Owl," (b) Selected, bY Miss Avis
Pitteo duet—"Bright as a Button," by
Reynoldseand Donald Scott.
Vocal ensemble—"The King Is Still In
London," by the veeal gtealents'.
A change in the staff of the local
brancle tbe Royal Bank took place
this week. Howard Pollock,ewho• has
-held the position . of- teller for oier tw
eearsi, has been transferred to the
Yenge and Bloor branch of the bank,*
Toronto. His place will be taken' by S.
Minter of Brampteet, who comes here
from Grand Valley. HoWard, whose
beme is near Ripley, has' made many
friends in 'Goderich. He wee a popular
Member og• the intermediate baseball
iteein in 1939, holdieg doWn -the Position
'of enortstope He was also one of the'
top golfers of the 'Maitland Golf Olu.b.
He has been a member of "C" Company,
Middlesex -Huron --RegiMent, sinoe last
summer, holding tie reek of corporal.
Mr., and Mrs. Alexander J, Fraser,
London, announce, the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Jean Bodine, to
Private Howard. DaWS011 ;Wilkins, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Albert J. Wincing, of
early in June. •
' The engagement is announced Of
Frances Elaine Whitely, 'daugnter oF
Mrs. Whitely and the late Dr. J. Benson
Whitely, to Corp. Roneld Reginald
Frank Price, of 'Birmingham -England ;
the inarriage to take,place in St. Peter's:
chureh, Goderieb, on Saturday, May 31,
Dungannon, anuounce the engagement
of their elder ;daughter, Emma Bernice,
and Robert Plevtiod Smith, son a Sir.
and 'Mrs. J. M. Smith, ListeWel. the
_marriage to take place the latter part
of May.
The monthly meeting of St, (4corge's
W7A,‘Vas held in the Geild room '+e-ster-
day atterneen, with small attendance.
The president,,,Mrs. \Calder, opened the
meeting with a Scripture reading', from
St. John 15, followed lay' prayere.
Splendin everts were given Of the
Diocegati Annual held in*Cronye
"London,1 last month, by the 'four dele-
gates, Miss4leriary, Miss Brown, Miss
Mins and Mrs. Siscumb. Miss Burritt,
moved a vote of thardee t� the delegates.
The meeting' closed With prayer, after
'c'....TUrnef *Pale that his fetter,
Robert W, -Turner of Port Elgin, has
been greatly. iuterested in the repOrte of
time of the 0.N.U. Mr. Tamer eenior,
who le in his ninetieth Year, had. JuSt
country and Was living at 'Exeter -when
the Loadon, Huron &Brtiee was being
a railway, eurVeyor who Wes working
out of Exeter. This was la the Year
Kelly's trip Mt the opening ot lthe road
' to %myth ,-$0 Mr. Turner considere he
too would' have had a claire on .the
ive- any consideration to old. Veterans
"such as he and Mr. Kelly on the oc-
easion. ef the final trip from Wingham.
Sistir and. Niece of Lama War
VOteran Victims • of
Air Attack
received a cableeinforming line of, the
death' of. his sieter, Mrs, Pratt, and
her _daughter, Mrs. ,Grieves, as ia result
a. a 'German air.eald, me, the east end of
„London on, April 20tii, :A direct hit
was: made on. a surface .elielter in the
street in trout a ,t4.0.411i0331e,'
Its occuPants 111k -tinny, •Others in the
house .at-ithe tinie;eseaped death. Mrs.
Pratt 'arid ber daughter . had been in
the..ha'bit of going into the shelter every
evening at 6.30 and staying in it until
6 o'clock the next morning. •••
Mr. Juck states that his sister had
beeri. warned to lease the -district, but,
like • many other Eatetenders, she pre7
leered to stay and be able to 'provide
a home forner son; who is engaged in
,evential war work in. London. The
eon, who works as a .fire spotter at
night was op duitY , at the time his
mother was killed and was .not injured.
- Mr. Juck's motber died on Christmas
Pay. She was injured in a ftill and
taken to a aearby hospital, which was
bombed shortly after her arrival there.
She wee- not injured' in the bombing,
but the. ex.citement brought about her
death._ tw.o_ days after her -renewal to
An uncle of Mrs, •Juck, wlio. lives on
the South-east ceast of England, has
Test tfee different homes by lionabhigS.
At seventY-fonr; he works as ap air raid
,shealders at his losses and carrying! on.
ls typical of the unyielding spirit of
the .Englislf.
A righting Family,
Mr. and Mrs. Judes only son} Ken-
neth,, is a sergeant in the Elgin Regi-
cartier, iQuebec.„ Mr. 'Mick hue ). four
nephews in the -army • defending Eng-
an.otner was captured while figheing
with 'the. in France laet year
„and is now a prlsoner-af-war in. 'Ger-
many. Mr. Jtick, ig himself a veteran
nepbewe Tom Cooke of ..flinton,
with. the 31.C.A.F. in Canada.
INen4ENT rim • 1,
roOf of- .the Royal Elotet
strect,'Sinoldering at noon On Saturday
last and the ifire briga.de liad to be
called to Ptit things under control.
Little damage WAS inttlicted on the
biftif the wooden shingles of
the roof had Veen allowed. to smolder
reileli longer ;a -serious lire might have
developed. ,
County Victory
Loan grganization
in Its Contribution to *hr.'
Widi Wart
Canada is at,Wer sig Teluutall'
adiallre If the World is to be a 'ptaak,
and it can be virelit'enlY at. the eXPendi,
ture Of eVere effort Canada put bete,.
ing Exercises at London
Miss Phyllis 1Baectler„ elaughter of'
Mr. and Mrs; 4. E. 1Baecbler, North
street., was aniong itne 1941• class of
cisee. were held inAlfe autlitorium of the
H. B. 'Beal Technical ',School, London,
on Tuesday evening -of east week,
Diplomas were presented! to the mem-
bers of tne .graduating -class during raial
impres,sive teremony. Later in the
for their guests in 'the reereational hall
Of the nurses' eesiclence at St. Jelepn's•
• Guests of , Miss Bee:elder 'Who ' at -
fended froni Goderich ..were Mr. and
Costello, Mrs, Charles Saunders,. Mrg.
J. B. Whitele, 'Miss Helen MacEtwan,
and Miss 'Jeanette Martin.'
MiSs 'Buechler Will continue to prac-
Church ow Sunday Moritinr
Mothees'. 'Day Vas' fittingly observed
at the -Baptist enurch with a special
service "in the anerning combining the
regular church. srvice and the Sunday
bers of the Sunday scheol end 4:1%P:fie.
offered special niusic threugb.ontithe
day aid the Missee, Verna leinee"-and
Lulu iBenjamin, seeg. two duets. The
pastor; Rev. A. J. iMilligan, gave an
Qhjectlesson. at the' morning' service to
show that sUch values as love, the
thurch, and the word of God cannot
be destroyed in this „World where so
;many Jtransitimas are taknig place.
MT. S: Greenslade; superintendent of
the ,Suinley school, assieted.- et ,the
mulling service and, on 'behaaf of the
Sunday 'school and made a
presentation speech to Miss .Velina
Service as pianist' for both otganiza-
tions. .miss Vera Wilkins, peesident
of the B.Y.P'fle, presented the gift," a
beautifully bound copy of the Binle.
Flowers were presented • to the „fel-
loWinganothers : Mrs. C. Love, youngest
mother ; Mrs. A. 'Glutton, oldegt mother ;
Mrs. S. Greenelane, youngest grend-.,
mother ; Mrs. N. iOsbaltlestan, oldest
grandmother ; Mrs. Miller., mother with
youngest child ; Mrs. Hilton, of Win-
nipeg, :mother coming the greatest dis-
lance reIrs Geo. Johnston and Mrs. Jae,
mothees with the hest Sunday
school attendance.
taxeS to provide thee Materiels With,
which modern war is waged, ;ilia- even
these heavy taXes are not gall -dent tie
• tanice, PAS and.. all
is aeking the peePle onto.% to 1.9a.
of their eash resources fee' War Par-
▪ ,Inethe county 'of Heron an organire:
ation is being set tip to orgardee 'the
county for this leeni announeeMent
will& is anedethis Week.
Warden of eine Oetint3r• of 'Huron,. is
honorary eh:Ai:Man, and judge* T. 5L
executiee Committee
is J. D, Themes of Goderieh, and vice.
cleairmen are II. O. Campbell of Wing -
ham, 'Thomas, Pryde of Exeter, j.
Shearer of 'Clinton, 'W. L. 'Whyte ore
Seaforth, Hugh Hill of Benerillere'te.
W. Schaefer is seeretary and. H. 0.
Williams ,assistant cemetery.
Members of tile executive ecenmittee
are as follow. Thomas Prede of
K: Wurteli Of -04-YderteU-'110;13,
Lane of 1Goderic,li, R. S. Hetherington, -
Seaf,ortb, J. W. •MeKibbon of Wing -
M. Creech of -Exeter, Huestemfeef
'Joint eleeirmen of the eopnty sales
committee are^13":„C..0eippbell of Whig -
ham: Thoinae Pryde Of Exeter, O.
Shearer of 'Oliuton, W. Whyte
Seaforth. A. Y. McLean of ..Seaforth
is chairmen of the comity Pablicity
committee, with A,„Ps Wilkes of Godee
rich and V. T. Crnikebanks of
ham as vice-chairinen.--1,,VW. Miller '"
of Clinton end Goderich is eecretarY; _
The corneal:tithe ter the county eiT
Huron to lendle'arpecial nainee has B.,
K.. Wurtele Goderich' as chairman..
M. Graham or Goderich and. Owe.n.
i•Comne Of „Clinton as joint eiceechair-
, The employeee' Committee. tor „the
county'sof Huron is headed by It S.
chairman with J. B. Reynolde of Gode-
rich and p. Maltby of Clinton as vice-
.• A. H. Erskine is ehairratin of the
county administration and final:ice collo,
mittee and D. H. Downie of Godericle
Alex. Smith of 'Gosleriche and R. ifi.
Whately of Goderich are vice-chairmen:
'women's committee end. Mrs. IfIn.
Sanders of Exeter, Mrs. A. L. Close a
Seaforth and" Mee. ;T. W. McKibben
Wingham are vice-chairmen.
The chairman of the transportation
committee is D. D. Mooney of .Goderieh,
and, vice-ebairmen are Harper Rivers of
Eieter, C. McLean of Wingham,
Rowed of Goderich. •
During the last war the people of the
county. of. Huron reepondedei nelimirably
to the eppeal by tne Goyernment 'for
money to carry en the wae'effort as it e.
then was. Now' the necessity is much
greater than it ever was before, and .
as our King Stated Many months age,
At, a' opeelal meeting of the Poblic
Sebool Board yesterday .afterneott it
Was deckled to re-engage all the pTesent
teaching staff for the muting year. Six
teaehers were granted salary inereases
of $25 eaeli and, Miss Bernice Iltogarth
was granted an !increase ,of450.
TORONTO, May.10.—A great -grand.
son of a former Goderich barrister
establighed by the baerister's daughter.
The echolarehip, In memory Of Jelin
Maiesire, and establighed under the will
of big daughter, the late Mrs. Jeazi
Glasgow of 'Philadelphia, was awarded
by .the 'Senate of the tl'iliversity of
Toronto to IL Princep. It was• the
first award of the.new scholarship.
Urank Fox, of Welland, Succeeds Con-
. stable. Sidney ,Cool, 1.tecently.
signed •
In town on' Monday -afternoon be'
specter Oliver, of Kitehimaer, chief of
the Provincial pollee district in which
iGoderich and Huron County are SITU-
ated, announced the appointment of
Frank Fox, of Welland,- to the position
of senior . Provincial policeman .. and
County high conetable of Hurmi, With
headquarters et (Goderich.
Constable Fox, who ..takes °vier on
June ist, is no stranger here. Seven
or eight years ago he twice acted as
assistant to the late P. E. MCOoy, and
on one other oecasion• be supplied on
holiday relief. A young officer at that
time, the late .McCoy snoke
of lam.; IIe Suceeeds former Constable
Sidney Cook, Who, after a brief stay in
Goderich, reeently resigned from the
Provincial pollee force after eighteen
years' eervice.
Mother's Day was observed .at Knox
:Presbyterian church. evith a combined
cburch and Sunday school eptvice on
ditcted ny Rev. D. JsLene end diplomas
and seals gor attendance at ,,,Sunday
school were nreserited -les' Mr.. E. C.
Beacom supe:rintendent of the school.
The aw'ardg- were as follows
Reid, J.iminy McArthur, Donald' Stokes,
Billy Schaefer, Norine Mallaugh, Helen
imglis}, Jean Warrener, Freak McDon-
ald, Ernest Kneeshaw. •
McCabe, Gertrude Beattie, Ruth Phares,
Bob Duquette, Amble MeDotald, Stan-
ley elerriaan, Marjorie Jobneten.
Millie, ;Carol Anne Sanderson, Doris
Bruce 'Erskine, Mary Ann Erekine.
Stokes, Billy Sandereon, Jack Erskine.
Fifth seal-41na McDonald, Irene'
Milne, 'Betty Duquette, illetty Smith,
Sikth seal—Billy Newcombe, Donald
Rivers, Donald NlacEstan, Molly Bisset.
.Special diploma.?-1John Schaefer.
Second .seal on •special
Eleanor MacEwan, Peter MacEwan.
Third seal on special, diptoraa—
Fourth seal on special diploma--,
Grant Johnston.
The Town Council has' agreed to al-
low the Port Albert R.A.F. band the
use of some of the Town band instru-
ments, with the stipulation tliat they
are to be. Tf.3411rAcd in good Condition
or replaced,- and' with, the further agree-
ment that the R.A.F. band will- give
IVT. Mid Mrs, John Robertson; Park
street, who recently returned to- their
home 'after spending the .Winter hi,
Toronto, are teday celebrating their
lifty.eighth wedding anniversary at the
Ignite Of .their son, .1'.',Ilowa,rd Robert.
son, !Colborne township:
There Vas no sitting of the Ontario
Mueicipal Board to hear ,the AssesS,.
meat appeal of the Western 'Canada
Flour -Mills Co. The. Compeny decided
to 'withdraw the appeal and the as,eess-
anent was confirmed, the Town Council
agreeing to withdraw its cross-appeal.
The Ontario Sfueicipal Board was to
give the heering in Goderlch on Tuess
day, but 'in TieW of the agreement the
sitting was cancelled.
The death occurred yesterday, after
an illness of 'a few dgye, of Adelaide
Mary ;Horton, widow of the late A. G.
'Gamble and daughter of -the late
Horace Horton: The funeral iserviee
will be beld at St. George's church en
Friday afternoon and interment will
be in Maitland cemetery.
Miss Roberta johnston, daughter of
Mes. JohnSton and the 'late Robert
Johnston, has received congratulation.s
from the dean of the Ontario College of
Eclucatien es her successful year's
W'ork, She has been leformed that she
has been recommended Without
Post 100, 'Canadian Legion, ha's voted'
P,-.30 to the British War Victime Puna.
The ietriperatitres, for the past week
and for the corresponding Week, a
hiAt year, as officially rem/Mt...were
as follows:
Mon., May 12 Go
Tues., May 1/11 02 40
Max, Min.
.31 39
55 80
57 33
Masons from all parts of `South
Huronas well as representatives from
London • anil Guelph gathered in'• the
Masonic rooms here on Tuesday. even-
1ng the occasion being the official visit
of It lit' :,L Tichborne of Godetich,
.Thputy Grand, 'Master of South 1Itiron
district: Prof. Nelson Hast of 'Western
TTnivers1ty waa the .guest, . peaker
During -the eVeniii n ta :ty ,innch was.
'Ike nmina G.O.T. eadet, inspection
will lig held on `Monday afternoourat
p.m. in the vicinity of the .,seheot. In
39wise of unfavorable weather the iii -
48 sltection will ,be he'id iutloOrs►
tion Coui!ty.Raised $28,52,9 iit,War
'Services Campaigii42% Over Quota
Huron County exceeded its. objettive
and raised $28,529 in the Huron War•
iServic4 Fend eiimpaign; the executive
committee leaned 'at -id meeting in
Clinton,Wonday evening. The amount
raised ie $8,629.00` 'over the quota, or
142 -per pent. of the money asked.
The Illuren campaign was so success-
ful that the executive advised Warden
Leiper etha t, wbile . 'Perth was still
eanvaesing, the results' were beyend
eueetion and that he weind be quite'
safe in ordering a new. hat. .for his
Wife. • 'Warden Leiper.•Pearlye in the
campaign ehalleniged` 'Perth County
,Ifuron would exceed ifs quotaeby
greeter Percentage than did Perth.
A large. measure, of the seccees
W. Wawanoeb
(Nullity Pennell
"cash or proilute" treatiee, Which rd.-
'Included in ebe produce denatione,
.teherteer said, wore apples, vegetable%
grain, eel& beans, ,wood, loads of hay,
cowhides, fence posts, Opines:, goate
pigs, ceives, scrap iron, cutlery, fowl.,
In officiallY closing the campaign tbe
executlye eenunittee. recorded its eve,
predation of the splendid SuppOrt aild
assistancii given by. 'the. people of
Limon. Special mention was made of
the eanvassers without whose aesist-
•Qnotri Ineleding pledges qt
n4.1,0.00 f'' ISubseribed
1;210.00 ''' s,10413r:..!
. 1,,,,,,:z1.11.2ft.'
I.21o.og 771.53 02
800.00 1.028.13, 128
930.00 1.19,51' InComplete
850.09 703.35 83
075.00 .904125- 1.34
1,000.0 1.252.58 1'25114
8,gooko 3,21828 128%,
1,440.00 2,070.00 80rt
1;000.00 1,792.40 17(11,i
• 4,00000