HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-10, Page 8NMI Male Tile* , Please I Of war rnUst •0e blood - 0 for tbe good old days who, if leer teenveyaneeebroke down, eou could 01414, out eud eide the 'engirt° home. Oe wetlIdeV,3 this time ot sear ev wore peeler (10 not put ep MI -dhotis -es - ti*/ tan be bought; lee a SOnf,"'., There would be eewer ageident.s our highways if ear drivers would, firet Step to think and".then. think' to stop. Nineteen hundred year ago a roan repented Of ,what 116 bad.done and went end hanged himself. But perbelPs Adolf lafte never heard ot that. According to our dictionary theedif---' • qb ThEGODERICR IGN.AL-STAR the people Mevies in eat doer heel the euteet, twine, but she uever went over beeause elle was to base 'bowie -clean- ing, , writing in the Pengalese„ furnishes food for t hoeght !in the 'fol- lowing interroeatiOn: "Yoe 'think thet we in India L'elong in the (lark ages •becaUse we offer up victims with vio. lentee---theusauds of gee.te to the bloOdY goddess 'Kali, at the Kalighat Temple, Calcutta.? Whet does a Flandere poppy eland fos?4 •• • ;el ciSpenetimes when we hear of the wa.y eome ownersntreat their eanine charges Vk wonder just who it is that leadao. dog's life.: As an exaniple of 'what we Inean, listen to this; A womau was telling a group of friends about the cleverdess of lier pet when another woman broke in with, "But, my dear, our Sniffles is so -o -o have to SPELL every word.' , Which is nothing ehort of doggone foolishness, • feeenee .between ",night'and "right" is eighteetheee pages, despite eonle whe 'would have us believe it to be on the. , 1 ' eamepage. ° ' ' t . • -A,2-rameeire. le' 4 •petson -,-wlin believes llae• world is eomitee .tte an 'end next , year but opens a sal -legs account jut in ease. , * What South America eeeds is a Modern Samson_ who would not be afraid- to give„ the Fifth Column a pu‘sh. Cornet this sentence: She heard that the'W:eed,(xiliengest smemor: aolnfttet8nin'ilthbanap..peinAent'agres. .A.: -owe- "'couple were married in Exeter last'week•-the groombeingin the five, -foot-twa-cleseeandetheebeide eeene_What shorter. This provided an exCellent opportunity for a:local. wag to display his talent. Ile conStrueted a sign and, ,affixed it to •the grooml ear. It read: ...The next generation -will chop wood under the stove. • • bell's. Backrite for the kidneys. Canapi- The W.A. Of Victoria street Ueited ehlireb, Will hold, a rtimmete sale in MacKay Hall, on Saterday, Aprir 26th, ete,rting at 1 p.m. -15 The Re4 Cross danee (twice post- poned) Will be held ler eta Monday, April 14th, in the Mae,onie 1iaU Any tickets which Wive aleeady been sold are etill good and- will be honored, the night of the deece. Everybody Wel- come. - • 13x ,Aboseeir Chapter, LO.D.11,1., will hold a bake sueI Saturday, April 20th, at in O'Brien's meat store. 1.5-10 . 3tf A PROGRAMME OF: adedMusic 'presented by . KNO.X elm -mkt Tgoi.R. Gct -Friday everft,- Apr-il lith at 8.15 Part 47;:lelbaoireeeele..Soe'rei-ed-tlie world,' Solo --"There is a green hill far at-W'a-Ylr Miss:.,M. Lane ----eOrgewe--oedeereka' 12,---e4"Ateatation!",_. illrtSices--"Caterity"' Violin and Organ -"Meditation frOW"Thals" Mrs. A. eeohute .tehoir--"Go to (leek Gethsemane" • 'Congregation and [Choir -Hymn 'Near the Cross" Part II • Choir -"Come and mourn with me awhile" iris' Trio -A- Legend" Organ ana Piano -"In a monastery garden': Duet,-"Watebinan what of the night" ' • Mr, T. Gillespie, Mr. G. Lodge .Ladies' Choir -"At eventide it shall be light!' holr,---"Jesu, word of God' Incarnate -Hymn-'Lord, in this thy mercy's day" • Stainer Geemod Borowski • ___IteotWeer . '- Massenet -Noble Staples P., TschaikowskY Ketlhey Sarjeant " Gaul .Gounod 4•11. 11:411., The regular meeting a the .Godericif Townelaip 'Hospital .Auxillary will be held at Mrs. •Gee,, 4oheaston's, Stanley street, Goderich, on Thursday, April 17th, at 2.45 p.m. Beautify your hetrae with Vegetiae 'blinds, Kirsh new teel slat blinde are more practical, durable and, permit greater light control.. Schaefer's have the Kirsh agency, let ue quoteyou on Your requirements. • \„ tf The eVe C. T. U. is to meet at ;Mrs, P. W. Ourrie's horae, Britannia road, 011 -Tuestley;-Aprileeeeth,__ members and others interestee are re- quested AO be present. . The Goderich " Township North Braila Red Cross Society: will hold O. progressive _euchre party at Me. .4nd. Mrs. D. J. Lassaline's, 4th concession, Tilesday, -15tb, at 8 p.m.- Pro- eeeds for patriotic purposes. sphere Neill be a draw for a quilt. Ee_erYbody bring lunch. , Admission 25e. . -15 _Campbell's .8tomach and- Livet Pills. , Special showin,ee eneart, bats fer Easter in all the latest etyles, gay with flowers, ribbon and veils, at moderate prices. MISS. •AL R. MacVICAR, King- ston stet, 1-)hone_462. 1,x 'Remember the three -act ' comedy "Page Asa Bunker," to be presented by Victoria -Street l'.P.U., April., 17-18, in the school auditorium. '-15 Kingsbridge Hall, Easter elondey, at 9 p.m. Roy McKenzie and his orchestra. Admission 35e. ' 15 Dr. W. F. Gallow will give a lecture on -"ATP -ita kr- wite.atitions-----at.-, andra ilospitakc4oderich, on April 18th, at 8 p.m. All nurses are asked to 'fake • notice, - LheWomen',s Missionary Society' of •Iericereethurehe.wilL meet en Tuesday afternoon, Aprir 15th. Mrs. .Redditti's group will have charge of the -program -at-this -Rasta*. Inet-illg% • Fcir Results FOE SALE A Classified Ad RUST -RESISTANT V AN Ve IT ,Oats, from registered seed; Second in seed erOP eonlPetition, "15c Per bu8. irolo foLAUX, R.R. qoderieb. LOST TiOST.-4}N ' 'SATURDAY EV Apiel 5th, an R.A.F.• gold Elgin ave. or Vietoria street. on leaving at TIIE SIGNAL - (IRDER YOUR BRAY mums: right . here and save time. Or ageet will;see you get what you want. Pullets, capons, coekerele, day-old, started. rill your brooder with Bray 'C'eateks for the goo ma. e s.. ENING, SQ.MERSALL, Belt. 2, .Gederich. -15 Pi, on leiltIVA.TE SALE.-ARTIOLES OF eward STAR: -3- ,eseemeemedeme......e.sese AUCTION SALE, household furniture, ete., at home on Quebec street, ApPlY any, thne W An (1 ril 1446. JAMES DICKSON'.-15 SA.LE.-B.C. RED CEDAR , cheSts for storing bedding, fur "%DARING AUCTION SA.I.,E eoats, sand all 'kitids woollens against Ne) naoths; large size. Apply • W. J. Monday, Tuesday e es pee A p TO =NT RENT. --411W.0 ..MDDHeee-.SeZE tiereislied leeena On grOilnei floor; ?QUItt -boerrenged fOr light hoUse- ezeeoze.„_.lete leforeaaeien eall. at Ilineke street aud Beiteenia road, aeter pen; POR' RENTeeeCoortmoV 143.mc- ...- VIEW, euitable fop yearly occflpa. hen., ParelY furniehee, Good lovatione large,earden arid barn; APPly to POST' OPFICII, yeield, glow Clintent 431 e 31.• 1445 F100 RENT. -GRASS FARM, 1.27. acme, 5th eoneeselon „Weet Wawe- eosh, 2% miles east of Dinagannon. tepply TAS, POLLA.RD, 12* 'reap Street, Goderiele 1546 To .11uNT.---f:00WOR'ilABILE sI noom hose on Bitto Water high- waY north . of 'Goderich, With good water suPPly and 'telephone. BOY TAINglidallge R,R, No. 3, IGoderich. 15te Of Farm. Stock, Intpleineets, 'Geein, etc., CARTER, South street, - 15-126 POlt .GRAN.A.RY .'Seed Oat.S. and mixed graitt, , ger- minalion good, also Several', Shorthorn cows, due to freshen' seem, 4E0: A. BEAN, Auburu. Blythe 1914,. 13-15x POR SALE.--edeRleAes; SEED-'0AVS, - good high 'quality. Apply LEON SULIferVAN, R:R. 1, Dungannon. Phoee 80-14. for Mr ee I)iana Covvae, at W% lot 18, coneession 1, East Wawanesle ; TUESDAY, APRIL 15th, at 1. o'clock, 20 head of eattle and full line a imple, 1, 11/9.111t$•• • T 0-UNDRY & SON -15 s Auctioneets. AUCTION* sham . Of House Fureisiaings; piano, organ,1 stovee, -tables, sideboards, dressers, -wash- stands, beds", dishes,„books, tures; and l_ots of other articles at MIS. Moser's Shop, Hamilton street, .Goderich, on •SATTJRDA:Y, APRIL 1.2012 at 1.30 sharP.. T. IGUNDRY & SON, • - Auctioneer& • 'BORN SCOTT.e-At Alexandra HosPital, .Gode- • rich, on April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Scott, R.R. No. 74 Lucknow, rl 5011. DIED MelLWAIN.-At Broekton, . Montana, on Monday, March 31st, 1941, John' H. •Mellwain, in his 79th year • . MAPLE LEArtlaTTER At the regular raeeting- of the••Meple Beef' • Ohapter,. LO.D:E.,- held -4t •„ the • Public Library MS April l3rd; Mrs. Barnes, vice-regent, iniesiding, .$25 was Toted to• the War Services Fund.One Pair of neW blankets was_to be.pur- chased for British eefugees.- The war work convener, Miss Edith WilliamS, gave a report °lithe efforts being made to Collect da"gazines and book § for the4 cainp libraries. The public school in- spectors are co-oPerating, With the 1..0.; D.E. in this work, as Gaoderich is .the . °illy' municipality', in the county in 'which there are chapters. Mrs. Mooney reported -that the Board of Trade would beresponsible for ..the salvage work in future. An invitation was extended to the Chapter to .attend the ‘Girl. Guide demonstration to be held In liaeKay Hall On April 23rd. • • "OLEARING AITOTION.'SALE Of. dining, liy.ing, bedroom antfkitchen furniture, ' at Mrs. R. W. Ryan's resi- dence Albert street, 1Goderich, on 'SATURDAY, APIRIL 26th, at 1.30 .m. There will also be sealers, glasses, dishes, garden tqols _and, niin3.erous other articles which will be sold with- out reserve, as the proprietress has rented •her house. Terms cash. , • - • • - T. GUNDRY-&; SON', ° Auctioneers. ir" P,'S tare!, CTA!' TEA 13LACK TEA 51112110 'ORE ;IA Special 14-M. Blend '- Bag • Fancr C!avcitteaf Red Sprisat Ws 1 Ann Page 32 -oz. ..straw. or Rasp. Jar , SOUPS k Irish Stievit.0.16 2 -Tin.. P. pungs.Lombard 2te.. 15c OATS Robin-hOed r -kg. BERNS "'Aiairk 2Pig. gc zowilihcrup;Lingl-lbs.; 27c lbs.: .15c OLD MESE'23 chtEig •Ib 19c 'Sijht$ciiip 10Bars 49. LieOy Soup 2.Cakes 110 PeCheS Deesert "a vig. 23, ,Toes ri .221-1?: 25c 15-17x Of Farm •Stock- and Implements, on MONDAY, APB -IL 14, 1 p.m. shar-R- in Hibbert township, two miles west of Wtaffa, onr8th „eoncession. Terms cash. HERBERT SerALLE, - (Proprietor. . HAROLD. JACKSON, • . Auctioneer. -15 - pun SATeE, YELLOW SWEET 'I" clover, grade 1, 4400 a bushel.; No, 21 barley, 85c; Vanguard oats, 80e; ad-Erban, 75ce grown from. 'certified, seed. CHAS. x ca4.wpoRD, R.B. No. a, octaerich. plume ,011.4,gp..nno4:.,g2 .21. . 15x AUCTION ,sAir,p •••-••• Of Farm Stock, Traplements and House- , hold- Effecte, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1 p.m, sharp, on Mayfield road- l Stanley toWnshiP, 80 rd. weSt,of Varna. Terme cash. • ROY DOWSON, • • Proprietor. . • HAROLD JACKSON, • . Auctioneer. GEO. E. MacLENNAN AUCTIONEER - R.R. 3, Ducknow Phone 12r27,Ripley' Prompt •attention given • to all. sales. Rates -reasonable. ANN PAGE DOUEENUTS A ,86 P /1.0.. 54. Letil/25 riEer Diamond • 'An 5c ••Ii.orfiteal, Beet .i2oz. IT., ,i' AN _ . carortall isn--er,;3-,:—Tt 2ifc '--- SAIlligli acteriek ' Tin 25c htiacreadi - - '2' lbs. gc , .vg.it)ii,Ts 3, Zs... 11,c BERNS 3 '09. lie LEMON JUICE gEt1119E CIIECKg RHEUMATIC PAIN QUICKLY le you suffer from- rheumatic, arth- ritic, or _neuritie pain try this simple, inexpensive home reciPe. Get a Pack. age of Ru -ex Prescription from your druggist. Mix it- with a quart of water, add the Juice of 4 femons. It's easy and •pleasant. • You. need Only 2 tablespoonfuels two times- a day. Often Within 48 hours - sometimes overnight -splendid results 'are obtained. If the pains, are; not JAIL rel-Wvee_andelLyoeu de not feel Vett Ru-Aex Prescription' will cost You nothing to try. • your moneY refunded if it 'doe S n t help you. • Ru -ex Pre- scription Is for sale and recommended by. J. A. CAMPI3ELL , and otheiejeadine dreggipts. • -15 1 THrItSDAY, APRIL 100, 100 NOTICE \VAUNTING NO`1101 11 11{K CORN BORER 411 corn -growers, whether on. the, farm- or elsewhere, sugar -cane elld 'broom eorn inelleded, are hereby notified that ell, t orn etiibble or eetlier torn; - remnants, no Matter %viler() they may .be, must either be pioeglied uneler ternpletly or else gathered up and :burned before May 20th, and .that lailUreito do 5ti0onlea'oNr'eStetlieheee°ffievingdetrolplaabYl to Vr96ee'll' 1 sending men in to do tile work. Tillie law vvill be strictly enforced. It. W,140Tviircillaltliie.%()trSolel' Oldelet, CountY InSPectOre ROSS JOIFINSTONe .15 • Zetriele Telt. 2,, . , "Fto4 SALE. -- MAME SIX -00;3.1 'A house, with water and lights.; also lot with small fruit and trees..- Apply MR. W. J. elcADAM, Britannia road AU'CTION SALE s. • and- Regent etreet. - 14-116x POR° ,SALEe-e-a.EVEN,ROCKVI ••MOD, - ERN house, easy items. Apply Ji J. DOAK, Picton street 15tf • • - FOR SAIIE. -7...PowrAB1im TYPE -- -WRITERS; so compact and Ilene e all latest •improvements, standard keY- -Just•-the thing-teekeepeup-your speed en.d easy to tarry with you or handy to harm in your* home, and 80 cheap too. Call and inspectrthem your- self at the SIGNAL -,STAR and You'll want to take one With you. • -12 FOR, SALE. -AN UPRIGHT ,PI.isiNIO Jn A,rood condition. Apple, to 105 Elgin afvenue;eGoderich. 15-16 TO 'BEM, - 111URNISIIED BEE- , IROOM. Also two male •boarders wanted" AppleSINAL-TAR OF - RICE. • , 15X 44Er21 UR*, ISIIIED apartMenteinrGederich, In eluding -waehing -.•raechiner• refrigerater and three-piece bathe'. 4RS. -04A-RI4RS DURININ, Duevennoe, •01.5 .••••••• To RENT. --TWO 4JAR4E FURN- - 'slap rooms -for light housekeep- ing; -all convereiericeS.' Apple- J; 13. ,HARNW'ELL, Keays street, •.00(letich, .Of Farm Stock and Implements, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1 p.m. sharp, Lot 22, :con. 13, Meleillop, VA miles south of Walton and %, ,mile' east. Terms 'GEORGE DUNDAS, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, • Auctioneer. -15 • .7 •• AUCTION *ALE Of Stock, Implements and Household Effects, THURSDAY, APRIL -1T, .12. o'clock sharp, at lot 16, 17, con. 10, Grey town- ship, 4 miles east of Brussels,. • Terms cash. ''-V1-1*AS OAMBRON'e'ESTA.TE. HAROLD JACKSON, -15. 7.1 Aectioneer. Itatilt-TAINTILY Protect all you! 14am,1114„, AGAINSV* ANY ACCIDENT from ANY - C.1156; ' :PrOmitM1-16.0-teT-persort • SEE H, -M. FORD /14SURATTOE 3 namitton At. Tel 26iiive' ALTC*0.N...SALE, .• • .-, --see- • ., • 15-16 WANTED AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN 030-81. Imf -you tan create door td doer market for , 'guaranteednecessities (oVer 200 of 'theme, SUCCEED 'WITH FAMILEX,' Liberal OomniisSion. Repeat beelneSS• aesueed. Co-operation. 'CODA -Wee ,de-, tails tine free catalogue, Beet letter; vAlsta4x, 370 St, 'clement,. Montreal 15-20, eieleeememeeel _ree NOTICE-FP0-eCREDITOES 'W ANTED. -- BO.A.Itplfit§, WORK, ING-MON preferred ;": reasonable rates. 130X 89, SIGNAL -STAR.- 15e j-TELP- WANTED.-AOTINE MAN • (or woman) wanted for profitable Watkins route. 'Steady, repeat busi- ness. 1'1111 eredit for all orders. , We supply the etock and train you.' Big earnings assured from start. This is your opportunity. Apply promptly to- i1R.seemPLE, 2177' Masson ',street; Montreal. . , 15-17 ANTED. APP,LICANTS FOR • Student NUrseS fOr classof-Septem.-,, ber, 1941. ROYAL VXOTOBIA-aos- P.ITAL, Barrie, Ontario. 154647 ileNTED: ASHeeS ; WILL RE- • MOVE free. 'Phone 495, »GoUerieh -15 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND, claims against tile estate of EreLEN MOSS, late of tl1e Township of .A.shfield, in the County of Hiirorelevidew, deceased, who- died at the aid Township of AphileId on the firet .day of February, 19414 are erequ'Ired tOfi1e proof of same with the undersigned oIt or before the first day of May; 10414 after whieh edate the administrator .1011 proceed to distribute the estate; •having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have. had notice, Dated _at Woodsto.clr this. Tvienty, second day, of 1Vlarch, 1941. • • ellESVITT, •McE.:AY and WH,A.LEY; 14 Finkle Street, Woodstock, Ont. Solicitors for the Administrator. • .TIOE elPITC11,S.. 13-15 _ ANTED. -EXPERIENCED MAID 1 E. IIIBBERT, 'Kingston street, Phone. for 'general housework. mite. F. 15tf '- • WANTED. - AN EXPERIENCED 1 'girl to'do. general hoUseworke Good wages. Apply E.S.ME. .11.., DEAN, 87 East street, •Goderieh, ' - -15 , S A. L E. - emit 'nii.A.1?1,1 horses, 5 and 6 years old. Apply W.J. FORAN, 112Keays street, ..Gp.de- , 15,16 ORE TE A D IPENCEet,•-iyers A ESI, N rs'e. especially -for -you, CierietS;Virdles, brassieres,belts and surgical garments... Write . 'DOROTHY THOMPSON,. Kin, careine.• • 14-18 FOR SALE. -ONE. MODEL:IS CASE . Tractor <in rubber; nearly new: also 40 -plate disc and three -furrow. plow priceci to sg. Applr to 0 -MAR BROOKS, et.R. 6, Godericle Phone 217, 14-15x pAstritaim TO fn. -THE UNDER- SIGeTED desires to take a limited number of cattle to pasture. Splendid grass, water and shade. W. H. CAMP- BELL, R.R. 2, A.uburn. 15-16 .02 Farm Stock and Implements, on - 1'4115AY, APRIL' 18, 1 p.m. sharp, one-half mile eest of Winthrop, Mc- Killop township. Terms_ cash. •"WILLIAM TREWA.RTHA, ' Proprietor, HAROLD JAOKSO.N, 5 " Auctioneer. • DMINISTRATOR'S *SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE PROPL'IRTY AND OlIATTIt LS. . • There will be offqed sale by the administrator Of thLestate ef Anna M. L. Ilaen, deceased,. on • Se'erl)B.DAY, APRIL 1901'4 ANTED. -7r- TO 'BUY 77, WX OR ° . .seVen-reom, two-storey house -in gotel location in Goderij11 -Price Must be4attractiee, Apply BOX. 88, SIGeTAL, -STAR, Goderich, 15x FOR SALE OR RENT. EIGHTY acres, lot 34, con. 4;- Township of •Goderich. Good- buildings and water. - $120.00 yearly in advance.- MRS, CHARLES CONNER; R.R. 1, Ettrick, Ont. 13tf at 2 o'clock: in the afternoon by Thomas Gundry; --auctioneer, the West half Of Lot" Number 131 running number in . the;Tovvn of GOderich on .St. David's street, together With the eicrusehold furtieture ,in said house. ,. There is 'erected upon the hand ' a cement brick house in a fair stete of repair containing seven reorns, bath and toilet, electric light and water. •° There. is a fit-elass cellar under the house.' ..- 'Penne of. Sale -•-20, per eent. caell at time ofsale and the .balanee in thirty (Imes thereafter, when c'onveyance will be given end possession. Terms for furnitureeetashe._The•property-avellebe., •sold subject to a reserve bid. • DATED this 2nd day of April, A,D. 1941. - .. Tittolitiz GUNDRY, , ' Auctioneer. Lorrus, g. DANODY, .15-16 Solieitor for Administrator. ----....,.................----. (ILEA -RING AUCTION SALE •OP FARM STOOK and IMPLE‘MENTS •, 1, MWM Sir 'in, J. cCabe will, .sell by public auction at lots 1T-18, C011eeSSiell 8, R.R. 1,' Gioderich Township, on 3,10NDAY, APRIL 14, . at 1.30 sheep: Ilorsee-1 bay mare, la years old, due to foal in APril; 1 blaek mare, 7 yeare old, due to foal in June; 1 sorrel horse, 13 years oltl; 1 filly eolt rising 1 year Old ;,1 •reelding eolt 'rising 1 year old; colt rising 2 years, old. Cattle -1 Durham eow, 7 years old, due in July.; 1 Holstein eow, 7 years old, due at time og ogle; 1 Durham. eow, 4 ecearo old; due May•let e 1 Durham eow, 5 years old, Atte in April; 2 fat-,Steero; 2 yearo 2 grass steergl ribing it years old; 1 'heifer rising 2 years old ;-*cattle rising 1 year old. Some fowl. ' Iniple. itients--1 ilfassey4farris hinder in good shape; 1 Nlassey-Oarris eultivator;, 1 • roller; 1 lmyrake; 1 seed drill; 1 Cock. Isbutt riding plow; 1 'walking Aim; 1 two -furrow plow; 1 mower, 0-±t, cut; 1 eutte,r ;„ 1 wagon; 1 hayfork, rope and _. pulleys; lot of sleighs; ,set'of 200 lbs. settles; 1 'Net of doUble harneoe; 1 it simimummamomompoimor PleAkr43410-1 tAti 474' :P traligtO (41'01,VII GolVieu give - ..-„:, Eutea Vanev 6.rade LARGE ____ " ;.: . ...._ 0 /4 ,i;:a 13.C. WItilESAP, eXerte 3 to 10 _ '4 TASTIta CUStf,30US3.. lee ' Z210 gina of Sweet eatatods ,51:11r,,e FltES11. zhlg ne, 21,5;,, . i.,. ., . , 21 OK, ' 17 e IiiilltWil' e ?F;'!'"E't,ig t44 -it , - ermszi..' lb . -31c iii1111011117 ' AMR,/ 4.,....:41.P. ' CUT ..., cr.LTanutA NAVit.i.S' b.,.. 35 HEAVY 0001tE1%ZIAS FOR, SALE Day 'Olds Two Weelts Three liteekS 01d .13e ,irour Weeks 01d.... . ......160 Five Weeks. 01d....... -....18e Six W,4elts ViNtOrloo CoUnty IlatellerY New Bamberg, Ontario ° ItitAIST P11.01YITOE: iJtniiJtou & Newgate, Photti` 435 „GODZItICIT Photw 334 third horse harness; a quantity of mixed, grain ; about 15 tons of haii; other articles too numerous to mention. -Everything mustelie_ disposetleefe_es_ farm is sold. Terms cash. WM. J. Me0ABE, ProprNi TGUNDRY & SOetor. a •da. • Auctioneers. inty lu,nch before the eaeetm1G g 4%- 14-15 . , le - Solicitor fur the Administrator persed. AVANTED.-TO BUY OL1 HORSES and dead tattle; must be uitable for mink teed; removed 'promptly. fF01:..ED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bayfield Phone 908 r 'Clinton. Calls paid 18-tf All -persons -having' claims , agaiest the estates of Mary Doyle and Bridget - Doyle, ilate of the Township of Ash- field, deceased, who died on or about the .29t1i day of November, 1939; are ' required to forward full particulars of -their claims to the eintlersigned before .April .12th, after which date the ad- • ministrator will proceed to -distribUte the estate. ' • , . 'Dated March 2011i, 1941. FRANK DONNELLY, igoderich, bntario, Solieitor for the Administrator. 43-15. NOTES Easter themes will be the subject at both morning and. evening ,services at tiae Free 'Methodist church on Sunday NpTrGE TO CREDITORS. 'MICE O CREDITORS, 'Notice is hereby given to any..itersonA. having- any claim . against the estate Of Duncan McKay, late of the Town of Goderich, inethe County of -Huron, re- tired farmer, Who died on or about the 25th day of larch, 1941, to send -same to the undersigned, eluly verified, on or before- the 18th day of April,'1941,, as on and atter that date the executor of •the said estate shall proceed te -dis- tribute the assets the.reof, having re- gard only to the clahns then filed, Avieriait;e11.Da.t 10,4011,e1"h ,rich '_ie.„est day of 11..1c:lYrriYSsfeKr;C'et: .Bc.,. .Goderich, Ont. 14-10 next. , • On Good Friday evening. April 11th, •THE ESTATE OF' Anna • M. •-le A s1 o'elock, a program of sacred' • Hayn, late of the Town et •Grieeeic,h, in music will be presented in Kilo* chureh .auditorium, under the direction of Miss E. Snider. • • The Eureka class ().f. Victoria street United church metat tile,- home of Mrs. -Gibbs, Illueon road, on Tuesday night.. Mrs: R. Good presidedeover 'the -sn-11ee8--periade- halfelueur wae'enjoyed under the leadership ef Mrs. L. Hutehin'es. The hosR3ss served the County of thfron, Spinster, ceased. Creditors and others' having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such . . claims to the undersigned on or before. the 24th 'day of April, 1941, after welch date the estate's essets will be dis- trilinted, having regard only to claims that have been receeved. LOFTUS E. DASTEY, ILC., Goderich, Ontario, onwine Ammaimiii4,...Amoommisiouorimini-11;1111.111•11•11 .1":1:41P6P 111110111.111.10b _ •••• former Member of. Partiament for Grey -Bruce— and one of` Caytada's best informed authorities on agricultural preblems— is now writing exclusive articles laied on her wide experience of the 'pa0. and her observations of today for ge01.170ri"-' •• Traditional friend and spokesman for the formerin its news columns and on its editorial page, Tho Globe and Mail hos faLen i .ep to ox -end nallpout." editorial assisiance to the farming industry. That this approckited is shown in the whole!tearied endorsation given by H. H. Hannam, presidentof the Canadian Federation of Agricukure, who says: rtiee. Volbetor, Tand Dear Sir:. .1, wIsit to conimend and congratttlate The erlobe and Mail upon the excellent work wliich it has been doing recently in giving prorttinence and generous space to news items of interest to tarot people. Particularly are fifent people grateful for the eeeelleet editorials which you have carried from time to time, and which indiat a very real Understanding of tee teenatnie position of the .farmer, add • tile difficulties which he is up against. ltour championing of his cause editorially is particularly orieouraging, At the Name Agrieuiture is, and must be the basis of our econotny-you af. performi*)0 valuable service to Canada MI a WhOIN II& Is ail CO Mato nece$Pary and benefieiai, because agriculture has nothad votee ifl 1110 COUtletlE4 et the nation counnengurate with its iroportante., May I add a peleoreil word of appretiation for the fine offort widen Til; ifrlosteloarndotritiaolitiksimontuattelflgeoa.xtd wil! undoubtedly, help to get ratt . It. 11. ItilSNA111, Presidesitto Canadian Federation ot derleoltiiet. Order your Globe and Mall from yi)ur Poston ster. Rural Mali Courier 0 • Dealer. roms)11