HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-10, Page 2t tir na.
• INIi!xt THid
Plablialied by Sl ,ual-Star Prole, Limited.
.-Waist Si t, _fialederien;10inairia-L-
liffi A)A.R.,' G'aiq. ,1,MIL 10th, 101 .
D* fortis: Greeee a> ' ligesiavia;
handed by the, Nazi hordea which
ter month a Hitler hard been assn nnblii g
h will upon the Balkan
• aatar�tri . The news despatehea so
far' 'indicate• some successes by the
isereder , w'iiieit is to be expeeted, as
�y 'the. 3a�vade>t� known where , y
"lam to strike lirat; The 'Green• and
Via anviane however, a resist
Stoutly and 'have the support of''
a'!' 9teong Y Meehan; Zed British
a'• 41140,.of the Eoyal•4ir Foree,,
adiii ,tom. 'Nazis 'L ainnd 'they are un
r ' what
alba selfetbif'g different from vw
oun te=ed.' last year. in the
ti�Fy, , care
I fan_ and irranne.
Hast Africa° i l a is istaueette -
' f almost entirely. In North
lea German tri 1i ve° taken up.
lea roved
a� which the Itli � l►
'tiiM�s'seTvea�; unfitted ande retaken
• of tine Libyan centres which were
eeptur+e % -a�. few` weeks ago ,by British
.foree s General *Aeen , is choosing his
. a • gronncl en which to meet the Nazis,
;a*d._..mayr 'repeat- the -eat-and mou
• atctiest which discomfited the . Italians.
The eye- of the 'world, are on the
Battle of the Balkans,' and the future
eonrse of the war inuy be determined tb
a great extent by • the issue of the
struggle there, •
• A wave for the establishing of. a
Sat rate for 'Hydro power in Ontario is
, ,(� _.(E3.,O._Niaon and Hon.
�{ Y t W
4 to"
. of the .provincial Govern -
F. Oliver.
Gov -ern -
silents -At; any site, 'they ' are ring
`for, 'the setting upsof a coanmittee,• to -
stud y, the matter. The'mov'e is said
to nae founded . upon' the expectetioir,•
develo p lent of: the
that the 'proposed P
over .a
� ill
produee Lawrence. P
a •$+t• Lazwren "will
electrical energy
at a eoimparaavely low eost, affording
.opportunity to equalize rates
he Province . which now
throughout,iF . • ,
vary fromst$17 '.to.'' Per 11 p• ,..
,It •cannot be denied, that the rate
sten; which has been in vogue since
'the Ontario Hydro. was 'esta=blished
over thirty years ago has been to de
- isadvairttl a of great fictions of the
,Pr' Ce• . as •compared with :the large
eS . Close to . the chief source of
powers • The result .has been the
centralization of industries ' in these
favored places,. while" `In. the outlying
- districts, not only has -;industrial de-
velopment been Checked but industries
formerly established. have feed"' -•I -'
In .Goderichs for ;instance, our active,
„industries are, eonsideraably fewer ,than
they were thirty years ago. •
While this -elated move for a'' .fiat
Objectives in .'rmstta autroI
Whe,' General Wan ai', troops made
'their great sweep across. the Libyan
deserts, .it 'was motorized equipment
from Canada which enabled ahem to
cover distaaxe at a speed that par-
alyzed • Italhtn •r�esistauee. While' Cane.
ada'a overseas 'trool)a are kept in
Britain, tan f"ormr ,part of'. the army. t
will eventually invade )Germany, Can-
adians have the satisfaction or knowing
out •this
turned in
�thAt equipment o .
-country is tieing. sod service b
fi S
Britain's `fight in' far distant fields:
* • * , Information was giveu,j.n the Legis
l re •,, ei da hat 1.3,24 '
ata the oke y � A
bus been expended on. the, seventy fou
armies of the ueeu.-k Naboth Way, Crony
+�' `lls� t
a ddi
r� o-•tNiagara
To o.
o nit
11. for trams• nd
�ex ndi:tures are $1;~, 4 a,
shrubs, , for planting the same,
and +x ,862 for sodding" ' The lighting•
equipment has' coast, over: 5,O0o, this
may or' may not he included in the eost
figures. •first • mentioned. "A -monument
at the "Humber Bay end of this de luxe
highway "cost' , "3. • -The Toronto
Telegram remarks that a' road that cost`
$178'',O 2 a anile ought to be its own
ni a uwen't. '
Every newspaper Once is: flooded
with bulletins and circular letters "re-
or.. `.0 _ ...cation" 'which if iced,
leased •
� P bli
1 . h e as
the - t< t e n a
would fill amens >4
our >� eon o p Pe.
'every week"without'•leaving any room
04 for local news" ori comment. Most of
this "literature" goes into some handy''
receptacle without even being read, and
' ^
we wander' �nhy •firms Peking
publicity" 'in this way go on spending
nnoney,_for writers aid atenograph$is to -
produce .it .or even Pay the .postage:
charges on it It they would take the
trouble to leak throu'ii the .columns of
the weekly newspapers they would, see
* .
how little of it is used, ' One of our
contemporaries calls it not only a
wasted effort slut `aa darnednuisance.'°
In this, office we keep a deep desk
drawer'in which the stir is placed, and
when we :want some '`copy •paper" we
delve into the drawer and write on the
unprinted side of the sheets, instead of
using blank paper 'which coats us:
money. So the • efforts of_ these. _ who
produee•,.this free publicity literature
are not -wholly wasted.
A. M�anito1xx • M P, -protesting' - the
Federal,Gevernraent's decision .not to
increase the . initial `price on _wheat
above 70 . cents at Fort William, ehal-.
lela es the. Minister of Agriculture to
contes ';bi5 = ank n the issue. It is a
sa> e_challenge. The Nati itoba electors
weuid 'naturally, vote' for'•$5,-wheat if
they had the chance: The question is
iiow mucli the whole Dominion is pre-
rate ri `'a "Signal of hope, . it should not ' •
• be taken for granted that it will sues
.pared to put up for the sake of the'
teed. In the first place, the additional
electrical power is, not produced .:yet. -
Second, we do not know: what its cost
will be .if and ' when -produced. Third,
strong opposition from the centres and,
nand is the belief that this would be
districts; favored ,bv the present system a calamity to .the whole country and
Qf'. "rate -fining to 'be*expected. At than the' -'Government . is justified . in
.any rate, it will be some years before
Western wheat -growers: s.a-There are
Some who •could • let nature take its
course and alloafv the prairie farmers'
to quit growing wheat if they cannot
,land a market' for' it: 'on the .other
the new, -power will 6e. available, and
efforts' to remove the present diraibiiities.
ander which towiis• like 'Goderich rest
should not be abaaitloned. . •
bright_rows of erocuses in :the garden
are a .sure -enough • indication that
spring is here.
I was in 'the (village tins morning and
net :p'eter (Kenzies on the Stmt. Peter
used to farina Ytheofd- 3sullinS Places On
the 10th concession. Isis farm i1utts
on to our grass farm, and when ' we
would be over, salting the cattle on a
"Sanday afternoon in the summer it was
the usual -thing for a chaa't,
i'eter ' was ,walking out of the posts
office when I• met him on the street
and we stood there talking, for a 'while.
A, year ago- last fall, Peter retired th
the village' and bought a Kittle place
-next to the :old bLui lay store.. every-
body" in tb,e district was e>` the opinion"
that it was a 'fine ' thing for baba to retire
and hand the place over to young Dan.
I 'r'emember Mrd, Phil saying, •"It
certainly is ?nice for Teter, ,Irenziea to
be able to retire and .enjoy the nand . y
DA a &l'RIM 10kb♦
C.rrest rows MI tis war
einNA 101011114 ON ing iu steel. Tiley are *cher in .rung-
One#;:hang. quite dear is the war of sten than any country in the world,
the --Far. East 1 -'hat -the Ghi#tele -. httve They ,1tl'1' '; . i ._ tiKsslt� . e sash,--
•tlie'irtt tails rrery ,a)n,uch u1►Q white the nese• dud the extraerne y v'axluablao.
wood oil. 'rine#' In demand in ,Amerien,
.Japanese, if they have not eiSactly got is a, hineee in+onopoly. There is hard -
theirs teila
hard-their.taila dO'n, are full of anxiety. 'ly aur ecananntodity, Mineralor agris
$s on tbe past few mentis cultural, w)aieh• west 'China doh, not
'one. ,ean see plent '` of }ease ,for or eannot produce It is no exaggera
China's bueYstincy.. The plain -truth is tion -to i ealcribe w iG China as: the
s . Aud e'nt . la
ae a nt
Dien• et ev' t �
tbatp�gfri Ali the encounters since last
'pp�� 1 were nem �y „ •y of .Pad.
Augusi;, north, asst and centre, the ese were ne� •♦ t rued out of east
Chinese have generally 'had the • best China, it seernis• certain that a new
of things: In November theyin'f3'icted state is growing up in the west Whish
•first -eta In,
on the e'l'apltnele (Wt11 play an important part lin the
in the Ilan River valley ' in central worlds economy.
G,hina. • And they
have lied the joy of - • --The 'Listener '(London;)•
seeing the Japanese forced to evacuate
the whole of the great southeastern IILI ►'►IO T>i1 OBVIOUS
r "wla h . e n'
e to s o at see
ns n w Sena
prnvince sof' Irm>angsl, This 'anen
trade routes ,and ]resonrrees in raw MA' of Poland's ;best people banging from
terlals for 'the iuea e, 'besides '- -- street lamps, "who know of the slaughter
moral encouragement. Thai Chinese •:
i sad ot', innocent!) in the abattoirs of � bar-
have e nn arm , n r
ha a now, ss.000,000 men,
he's ' Made.. There's ,00' many people' they claim to base abundant
Who don't �kn w enough to quit work .,They also . feel that they have Great
when they get to his age, Betide, ,Ameri:�;,. and .,It'ussia, 'too, be -
It sort of took me sby surprise when 'bind, t110111 to an extent i soy never - bade
he said y`rbi1, shaive you got a man for 'before
seeding, yet?" ,. t)ne aspect rnf K iniiaa'a st ngth,
I' told ;him I hadn't, because the faired
misted •ztnd he said, "17V'e11. which. is;�nnrdiy •ap�preeisnted abroad as
Man had e >it $hould be, is the oxtreordinary de,
:I lae::gla4.to go at,.nlniLlin Xeu ;this$ e]o f .the natural wea'lt'h of
spring. . I may not as •good as w �areast China, Mince fibs . ,�vv�rnimeia'�
at workiu but I1'1 do chores or any from, a kow to
g', } moved- its capital � n
est, 'stein ignore these Nazi horrors' en-
and 'rant* fo dare about, , S-
land's failure" 'to give India 'dominion*
status. "'Ken who have seen Germany
grind once nation after another.. into
slavery while pro1nisiug always' to re-
it • Vi. are
spent the integrity of s next Victim
still fatuous enough �te : believe that
Hitler has no designs on the Americas
siirifer tluseshe says • .-. <_- .,w. ,
The curious thing about these people
is that if yen' ask one of them --'point;-
blank which skin -he would rather see
win the wa=r, he will usually • (unless he
is 'Colonel Lindbergh) answer with
some eiubaa'rrassnneut that ,be would
naturally prefer a British' victory*;;, but
in' a seeond be is off *getn with some
But until recent times, this wealth waca juicy ted. bit,, of. BrIUsh deviousness. •in
never . properly developed, • all the the - hoer War ter some fresh ;insight
energy ,being concentrated in the ' easy into the Boston tea party. Ratrely, does
and centre, widein are close tra •the. sea he lift a finger to `help the England he
or connected . with it by great rivers. 'would feebly prefer to win, and those
When the Chinese Government' moved who do he 'bitterly'. denounces as
to 'Chungking in' October, 1938, it had warmonger!. • .
to develop this wealth, partly to carry . iSuffieient repetition has given this
on. the war, partly to 'find work for approach a certain. effectiveness, ' IFas-
the e(x,000,000 'refu +ees who had fled Gists, oommunrsts, •auct some varieties
from the Japaanese 'in east and central ' of - Socialist and Pacifist, assiduously
'China. • The Government, in ant cepa- cu'Iftivate what amounts to mass de -
tion of its move, .find •already carried 1entia., . Un=der their %rQuenee and
off every scrap of machinery from *the thait of the look at -the Inst -war heel,
factories- ofanliow and Nanking. - It people • gtherwise perfectly lucid affect
`hiss started- new faebo'ries "�a11 • over an indi erenee to 'any distinction tie-
the 'roost, cottage ; industries' • and co twee'', the England of t3hurehiill and
'operative societies, and `iii spite . Of the` the s Gerin y _ b f'--Hitier`, r althoi gh;-` the
war has found' large sums, tofaintest 7a'ossibility of 'their" being
at'hem. The China' National Tea Cor- t rc al to live in the nightmare .land of
poration, a semi -Government -concern, the swastika would- terrify them out
Is founding ;"sites of model: tea col- ee „see ;._selnd's alt ._they: Even' ' to
those rigid Marx1 t '" Who take the
"long view" that In 'the: end ' huren.111-.
, must merge into
at•1 risen m
i aria s
Sni d 11 �'
identity :since both are forms of,_cap=
;talism, it should -be apparent that one
,offers a chance to work for change
while the other offers +a. repressive
terror that far- outdoes the bungling.
methods of any zar--that ever- dived.
--Th Nation New -York) .
e� (
thing at all.
:Chuntgking st'hree yeax�v a°4 '1 half ago.
surprised whets she.
(Maybe 11001Cetl, su=p
West, south-west.nnc north-west China
said that, but when he said' he- would (the parts that make•• up so-called
come' out and work for nothing m- "free Gina") are anything from 1,000:-
amazed look , on it. „ . "
r••--• ' tent. It Chas always •been.known ,that
°Don''t )took. surprised, •Phil, he said they contained'' great natural, wealth,
Calmly, "I'll die if -I ,have to sit around
here doing nothing for another year.
r� you take 'my advice you'll never
retire. It's • one 'thing to wear out, but'
it's the devil to rust out."
There's a problem for smart doctors
to solve! What., can you do with
retired ,farmers?, I• don't mean the
easy-going. kind of farmer like myseit,
who .would be glad to give up farming
at any .time for the promise of enough
fuel for
re and,
u l��o
f lA
�ns f
to eat, �� ..;�... a
plenty tobacco 'to smoke. rI mean
the ha working farmers, wlo • elarve
away an their lives to . get enough
money to retire on. They travel in
high gear 'Until they're sixty',. or so.
' xis. that -they
Then they retire. Tt me y
quit 'work altogether. They discover
.then that low gear has rusted out be-
cause they never used it before. .
You see them sitting around -the post -
office and the general store and. , the
chopping mill. When they are sitting onies with considerable success. Only
there by themselves the conversation• a fortnights ago a • barter agreement
is which
ss a
was.. Clod ,with rRu C
cop b .
ed y
h things
'. about the
when' they were farming. Just let a- ;ahiva supplies -the 'latter with f 1,MO,-
farmer walk in ... that is, a farmer 000 worth of tea this yearaainst an
who is still working at the job.• They'll equivalent ra.znount of niunitfons. An,
brighten up immediately and start te. other important staple is the wool b-
ask questions about the maple syrup dustry of thenorth-west, ere there
Tun, nd the price of Bogs, and how the are stated to ,he 14,000,000 `'";eep pro -
cattle have 'wintered. They're still.: during very good: wool. Thal. wool
farmers At `heart, bun Mien hav-e�;noth-; ,. Deed mostly to go to Tientsin. But
ing to faran witfi. _
It's, a drab prospect to sit around a
stove and wait for night to come so
that it will lead to . day." Drasve int the village early some•unoriling'°• say
on cattle loading day. the main street
is dead, but you can •see -.the 'smoke
stirring out.. of • the chimney of every
home of. a retired farmer. You..don'•t;,.
break off the habit of .•getting up at 5
o'clock i a Tthe morning for. forty ° years,
just by retiring.: They+.' -ll be standing
at the gateway or on the verandah, or
if _.it,'.s..._the. ummer.,;f ;hey ;nay be
hoeing, but as you go 'past they'll wave
.and' stand at she gate and..count the
cattle. You can _see: r thei sing- the.:
stock over; and thinking back. tb the
crisp mornings' wh'en?'they drove cattle
to market and were busy and happy,
before they retired.
face 3nust certainly' have had an .000 to ,200,000. `squa ae. miles ' in ex
PORTER'S ' irifYLL; - April 8.—Last
Friday night' about ninety gathered at'
the .home of Mr. and airs. Heid Tor-
rance for the second Pn'•are party in
two weeks. • The Friday previous •such
a. good time cvas enjoyed' that itwas
decided to hold another the following
giving a reasonable amount of - financial Friday. The proceeds were for the Red
upport ito Western 'Canada's basic in.Cross. A splendid" "lunch was enjoyed:
dustry. Representatives of Western
constituencies who sclaim. more than
this are'doing their cause harm; rather
than good, for they are playing into the spent -- Lockhart, x
haiintls of those who would have the i spent'Sunday at hs hd�ine,, ere. •,
". Mr. Fred Pickard collected last week
Government keep out of the wheat for"the war effort. How littlsii is .pekecd,
business altogether. of us, when we think how mud rt; t6� '•
Friends are sorry to he 'r that firs.
'Herb Cox is not' so well e last' few
weeks. " We hope the ^Cvarei lays and,
‘sunshitie will .help restore her to.
since the Japanese:are ..in control :there, MARINE COTS,'S • BIG ; NIGHT
the Chinese Are more -and mo ,selling; _:.. •,mother-.:- Marne,:. Club: :social.:, and
it in the. aposkt difeetion,, to' 1tiisia.; dance_was held hi •the`M•asonie'�HaIl on
Wit ' j Tina's coal reserves • are Thursday 'night. ` last. Twenty stables'
estimated at 12,000" Million tons.'i'Illiere.
is • plenty of iron which .,the 'Chinese
are smelting; they claim ,that in the
of . euchre . were played, the winners
being : Ladies' .first,.; Irs.n-ees'
consolation, Mrs. • (Capt•) J. Vickers ,
near future they- will 'be self= uippbrt= "men's"_ first, 'George' : Mumby ; eonsolat- ,
The all pure Irish. ,Linen
Table Cloths, bought months `ago
and just received. Select "scroll
oar floral designs. Size 2 by 2%
Ids. Regular 8.4+9
On • Sale
18 to 19 in. wider, gram! quality.
P ent value : 50e,
On sale VD.
en's .
all • F linen bought
Finest ea
Year ag zd bout :1 In
in M, 3 or % hemstitch,. Present
Value 'SOc. - - Special • Fee o
All from Ireland. Moat Pleas.
ins selection we havePr One
ever had. Irish cambric.
range with your =alnittal tiahitily
worsted. MI initials in stock.
SP Ch$I 15t,
Pull on style ,n white or na�tu•
ral. 53% to 736. Pal»
' s
Silk Stockings
"Mer'cury"" and , Pollyanna ail
silk in. chiffon or crepe, � lent.
Os in ail the new spring shades.
No advance in prim;
C 1
"Van Raalte" Mercury Lln je
-- a�tylcs..- l Y
i4xli films x�
iriozr,. Cal:Obeli T'! reedie. °Duncln' was gram 'of solos, duets. and step -thawing
served unser the direction of Steward at intermissions. Prizes, were donated
Bonny, , The Melody ,mixers proside�d by Mx: and Mrs. Frank Curry. The r
success, with au Mimic or � eventwas a b ccs > t at-
m f' dancing, Bich eoittirn' i8
w sal
Iv .4q V•
until• well• after midnight, whit' a pro- tend'amce estimated at
Eve bo e o th
d oan n �
Comforts ofHome
if theyconsult their own -interests by selecting their
from our stock. taivin Dining Room and Kitchen require•
meats, as. well as Beds and Matta; esses,... Our_ Oooking StOVes ,
• acrid Heaters provide, both, heat; and comfort; . o
• Blackstone
We deliver in townednd within reasonable distances of toCEVirl.
'rho:re' are seventy milliOn sugar
maples Onstern Canada, we are in-
formecl, ,and. 'in a year about one and a-
maarter million gallons of syrup and
four and ashalf pounds of
sugar ares produced. What a 'sweet-,
Gasoline tax .collectionS in Ontario
• $1:00,006,600. They nresincreasing a;tat
by year. and in 1%0 ',alone Were over
roads, particularly in a time when little
road eonstinetion worie is being- done.
Innottlar mote.
' 'Haile Selassie athain ons top
In .,Ethlopia, one Wonders *hat ., that
prenietta pair, Hoare, and Laval, thinn
of in In was they who. caokecl the
plan by -Which Italy WAS' gk
:great, portion of Ethiopia with the,
blessing of Britain 'and France. The
British Public' rebelled and the Eielieute
felt through. "Lier.al -ie now running
errands :for littler in IlVance.
The Manner' in' which 'Britain has
maintained production in. the tai,e of
Nazi bombing' is niarVellons. , cable
cleopitt,eh static* that In March the,pro*
''atittetion, of bombers and lighting 'planes
ins greater than in' any previous month
*f the rear. , And avith, good Men to
4**1 to maintaitillritain!s life -line from
the North 490a to Singapore, in addl.
tips to wreaking havoc On military
CA:MOW, April 8'.s-ssThe snow has
almost disappeared from this district
and the 'fields are drying up fast., The
road from penlop Caribw has Stood
vvell'under 'the frost and tn,e heavy
traffic of the past winter. '
Cengratulp.tiens to .1iIr and Airs.
Thomas .Wilson. upon the birth of a
son (Hilton) Oil A:pril 4th. s
Quite a, number of farmers -took in
the 'Clinton stodk show on Thursday
last and report a .big crowd and a gq,,9d,
The w.m.s. vviii. *Ad their Easter
thank -offering Meeting 'on Thursday;
A union, service will be held in the
United ehurch on 'Friday afternoon at
2.30 pans' vvith Rev. `Gordon Hazelwood
by members front the othen ,three
churches of the eireuit, All are .wel-
eome to join' in " this Good rriday
ferent schools was 'held fp. the (found'.
ehamber on Tuesday, and' eollectore
were Appointed for the respeetive fite.
tiOna. .1 goad response is expeeted.
.. Mr. Ed. V. Lavv.son arid daughter
Rath, of faceleriPis township, called on
relatives: in this neighbornooti on Sat-
urday last. All were glad to see 'Mr.
Lawson •after Ids serious ilinesa.
Macdonald' of lIanniton is spending
two :weeks' holidays at ber home here.
Mn. and 3Irs. aohis Bogie of dtervie
called on friends here laet week.
Miss Mabel Macdonald of Detroit in
visiting with her,parento,Mvand Mrs.
Mex. Mactiotiald.
The April meeting of the W.Stli.
will be held next Wednesday At the
home of Mrs, Alex. ,Maedonald.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J.,Lannan visited te-
eeutly with friends in, Toronto,
are givine in, England anti.insother war.". .
About 'thirty were...out tO church on
ninfaionSermice will be observed. -
Mrs. Stewart .SchoenhaLas formerly
nt Woodstock, is spending a few Weeks
with 'her parerite, .Mr. and Mrs". Thos.
Ellienaes' Corp. ''Schoenlials has been
tranarOred to Toronto, where he will
spend. ens 'Weeks- la training ,Sch601.
as it ssiring had come. Farmers • are --
working on the land. • One farmer yes-
-terdity said be had heehsploiving for a•
'rand Wm'. ',Fuller's sawing outfits are
cutting up 'wood for next" -winter. sWe
rpreparing 'for the next;
rather: "Johnny, there's a button
off your coat.1, unsfaira; and sew
Little Johnny .(la surprise), : ".Mother
rather : "I know She will, 'but I want
you, to learn to -sew buttons en yonr-
it up doh* How
!ad feel lika ttaiiii011
tett lilt, it 0* low, two ia jar holy
aadmiott important to your Issaith. besets eat
We to Awl ha, iota rid of waste, supplies
wok props* os fool "rottest—heialacity,
backlit*, Altai, inigpt wit ties *N.
Fit we 3S you aomoroils him wail prompt
*Me Olitititt-44011tirtit.i4hok
Dud Windibiaid Wigan
Otto! Tait, Lamps •
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Big Tirea;._
'Bumpars'Front and Rear
'Yoar ,Choice Of 7;
Radio Grille
yotell Suri)p,sed• llout Small An Atnount Month Will Put jou
Behind the Wheel of This Beautiful Plythouth Roadlcing Specisli