HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-10, Page 1-
I •
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Stc'tt
No. 111
Sergt. Ross to Be
Chief of Police
New Mall on, the
,Poree-4611110ini Sliggefiti0rr
re. 119.11-hO1iday Petfti i
The reorganization. of Goderieh'e
Pollee dePartment, as reverted by the
1OCftdvommittee at. the regular Meet
. -
loge a the 'Town Council Ort PridaY,
night last, moires :Sergeant ASC. Ross
to the poitiono ief,14,0100.9s/0n to
Chief li 0PostelethWeite. Alex,
Butler is appeinted '6 the ',foree:as
eergeant. The chtingee take effeet May
The ',9`othiell t oole note . a the hint
front, Ontario Government Cirelee that
flat rate system atight be adopted for
Hydro„ehaegee, asaconSeqUence`of the
St. Lawrence River _development, and
xesolittion,was.,passed, exidereing,tbe
propoSal and- urging that, It be put in
effect at the eatliest possible date.
The Council mustered a bate quorum,
Reeve Turner .being laid up at his 'Ognadian and North American figure
home, and Deputy, 'Reeve' Baker and skating ehampiOnwho has taken a eora-
•petheeiness,mooneyeeind ±tiMge beiug mission int* the Royal, Canadien Orde
out, of own. Those Present were nekebeiliS::He'iiiiheadlining‘thegeW
Mayor BrOevii and:Cotincillors Huekins, York war fund, earnival when he 4re,
.. Ryan, Sproul and Graham; ' . ceived inetractiens to report to military
, Mayor Brown, referring to the report headquarters in Toronto.. He was pre -
from Toronto, that certain members of vided with a special plane te„,13offalo
the 'Optarlo, 'Government were inclined atter the evening perfermance on ;Fri -
to faeor 'a 'flat rate fer Hydro, said this day, teak his examinations in Toronto
.might be a dyer to sound :clot public on Saturday, and- !flew back to New
-feeling in the raatter, :glad he thought Yerk in time to take his 'usual plitee in
ethis Council should state. ItSepositien, the earnieal that evening He will be
The present system was unduly favor- :stationed at Brockville. • •
• able to places. like Hamilton; and Tor- Phe :Ottawa, Citizen,, eomments
onto close to .Niagara Falls; the big 44110- take a minor war jeb fts 2nd
cities were getting biggee while the lieutenant with. the Royal Canadian
smaller towns were ,etanelng still, he ,OrdnancelOorps 'at the Brockville ;train-
eaid. ing eaelP,. at, •about $110 per month,
in„.._ravOr of _Flat Rate • rather ‘thatt. 'became a .prefessional
Leter hi the evening the lelloWing Ifigiefe-ek.ittinglnetructorlii the -Milted
resolletion, Moved by Oonneillor .Eruche Stakes at from $600 to $1,000 per month
les and -seceincled by 'Couneillor Sproul, for the tour to six months* figare skat-
was adopted:. ing season, might be 'described as real
That this Munielpal Council enthesi, patriotism. , •
astically ,endorses the • proposal of the .. "Yet that is *What Ralph 'McCreatla,
Hon, • 11 0 Mime, and the 'Hoe. tWentseone-e,ear-eld Toronto' yotetln pre
Oliver to establish a flat rate or Hydra • ,sent Canadian , find •North American
. power in 'Ontario end -Ogee theeGoeuesamateur Skating eliaraPien, is doing.
ernment to put thesame into ,effect Mr. McCreath turned drain very luere-
et tbe'earllest possible date.. ...This' will tive offers from Buffalo and Los;
encourage the deeentealizatioa- of in -Angeles skating eitibs to do his bit In
destry ae(1 ,the' „healthy. growth of. the the war by enlisting in the Oanadien
smaller_ towns, -and Provide emplek: Army. , •
men t for young people In their own cern "It ie possible 'that 2nd Lieut.IMe-
munitiest That a copy of thiee resehr- Oreath; aftee 'gaining . some prac eal
tion be forwarded to the Hon. the, training and experience at Broekville,
Premier Of Ontarlo, Messrs,iNixon-and May be ',,settegeliedstO thesstafe,,,of. Col.
• 'Oliver, 'and the member for e Saudi Victor' Sifton, 'master -general_ of erd-
'Huron." ' " _ . • • ' -Defences head.
tex :collector reported...Coned/ens. (.111arter-li'Pre•? -
.11a reheamofinting e_o_$2,,23%60 4 • •
The ,sodon -of Maitland cemetery .re- NORTH STREET _ W.M.S. ,
- • ,p91:fed twolintermentk inelleaseha.„ The Easterthank-oftering meeting of
-The- 'Secretary -a -11W fire- brigade eis held Mondee 'afternoon
wrote asking that the pi; allowance for in North- street Unifedechureh, Mrs.
tfie brigade, beincreased from $715 to C. P. 'Clarkeepresiding.- Mrs;, Jas. Ham
$1,000 a year.. This was referred to Mine opened the „Meeting with. prayer
- the finance committee. .. and reports. were given by the Secretary
.0oun. ,Hu.ckins said that with the and other officers. After the business
• preSeat allowance the moseany member session the thank -offering was received
Of the brigade eouldegeeen a year was eland ' 'Mrs: -W. P:. Lane offered the
$55. (This is exclusive of the ,firaseledicaters player. Mrs. P. Cantelen
. chief.) 'Presided oeee the program. Miss Emma
To .Remodel Stores, • . ttose read the Baster .leeeen. Miss
Teve applications:fee building permits Aline Howell gave a beautifulreflition
were submitted-e-one.frone W. II. Mack- of Rustle of Spring b% hv Sinding. Mrs.
stone for the remodelling of his two A. Fultoed read eThe Tranefoemiag
storeon. -West street,, ethe other from.' Power of the Cross." ; Ma's: W.
EdWard'G. Vincent foe a franae garage Strachan read an Easter hymn and'
on Elizabeth streets Mrs.' G. 3. Hetherington gave a thank-.
• •
D • M. ,0113rien, secretary ee the offering address .entitled Our Cross."
'Separate iSchool Boltedsubmitted a The Chapter celled study book on KarSa.
requisitioe, for $1,500 for 'this year, the w4s 41-gOlissed 1•*' 311.S* new4IL
. same amount as for last year. Miss Catharine Cautelen and Miss
-The ,1,13e1l Telephone Co. asked per- MarY-1-1°ward sang the b:eautiful duet,
mission to 'erect a pole foe the exten- "The /Old Rugged Crose." The bene-
sion of its line on William street. This diction was pronounced .bY Mrs: A. -E.
- was referred to the public works cone- Allin. A social time Was eejoyed. after
enittee, with'ethe suggestion that any 'the Meeting. „ y•
privilege granted be at the. pleasure .
of. the. Council," • . • . THIRD • CALDER IN. FORCES
A letter from W. F tcn cP Philip „Celder, youngest son of Rev.
superintendent ; In response to the A. C. and Mrs. Calder, has been tic
Council's request for the 'Widening of .cepted in the ItOyaleCanadian Artillery
, the C.P.R. bridge on the Harbor Hill •and is ,ftepresent stationed at Carling's
' road, intimated that this was. eon. Heights.: isn the third son of Mr.-
sideeed peactieally a request for a ,hew and . Mre. Calderetteeenifst 'for eantive
bridge, and that the question of costs eeeeice. Franklin is a lieutenant on
_and how theysheuld--be leorneewoulel be the etairof the Cliftelmiti militgutrain
involeed. 'etteelill suggestedthat lag centre, and Jaek is a Pilot officer.
;the matter be discusSed 'with C.P.R.witb the' Royal' Canadian Air Force..
engineering repreSenThtives at a meet- • °
hag' of the Council. Referred to public ,
works coniniittee. , • - geant at a ealary of $1000. commeneing
A Commueicatien 'from ' the local 1st; That all present licenses for
branch of the Canadian Legion referred milk dealer, -poolrooms, taxis' and junk
to the selection 'of ae site In MItitleiad yards due. on April 30th be renewed
cemetery for It soldiers' burial plot and upon payment a the eeeessarY fee,
intimated *thaCthe Legion would like t enbjeet to the approval of the ehainnan
be. consulted In the matter, „Referred of thig eomatittee.
to cemetery and park% liFoltimettee. - • Early Closing
•ComMlittee &ports • , Other recommendationselYere that no
The °finance "Ciaiinnittee recommended. Midway- licenses be ,isetted 'this ear ;In
ft grant of $01.314 to the, Board of Trade connection ivth the Petition for an early
to cover eependitaree in connectionclosing ineaw ithat ' a letter ;be written
with the War sttvIngscertifleates cam - to the solicitor' for the petitioners stag-
paigne that the, matter of payment for. geatitere rthatl'' themerehante get toe
foVvMaeKtty Hallfor teinteenPiirether and agree =wag themselves to
pieses AS agreed •between the Council, continue. the dosing ifinirs as at the
the I.O.D.B. and *the 'Alec:Kay Hail present time during the eummer
trustees be „Jett With the finance corn- months, for the'‘baltince. of the e';ettr etS
inittee jointly , with the eleaecial ebni- they Wish, but in any event the mei-,
mittee. , The, 'County road rebate 'eliante be asked. to allow their clerks
for 1940, amounting to V2,4144:21 hasone half-day :holiday each week,
. •
been, received,it was reported.
throughout the year."
' The :public works -committee reeorne The cemetery and parks eominittee
mended that certain properriee belong • reported' there had been a inisunder-
big to the Town be advertised for sale, standing in. connection with the matter
thatthe matter of further *prove- of the grant to the-Goderich Itorticul-
naents to Harbor Hill roadway be left tura' Soeletre • and recommended that
with the 'chairman 'to get information the grant be $80, 'instead of 10(),as
and bring in •a. rePort ; • that George •previoasly passed ; the Seelety to fake
:StCep be teegaged at $12per week t . care of parkettes as well as. the
look after the Town dump giound on rock -ere on harbor hill.
Maitland road under the aopervision of 'The fire committee recommended that
the committee ; that the Goderich Salt the job ot dimming the wheels on the
Coy be asked if thy would dunip-Some Iteo fire truck be given to J. J. nog
of the waste slat on the (hunt) grounds, garth as per hite•quotation, but that the
and that the public worice‘ committee matter of purchasing tires:for the new
be empowered to plaeeet ehelter fot the size of wheels be left with the eetm-
earetaker at tlie dump:granule. Another mittee to look into,
recimunendation 'wine that tenders be These .reports AVere all adopted. •
asked for a' lease of the altatieg rink , Belaw No. 9, inereasiner the Salary
for a term of one, two or three 'years. of .the ,ceirWtery texton to $1080, was
The epecial committee reported that given 1W several rOadinge.
afterr, eonsideting twelve applicatione A letter from the solicitor with refer -
for posit1o0 on the police force it mom. ',cue to:the Town's powers in the Matter
Mended that Sergeant A. O. Bess lie Of .establislihig a .gaTbage• (IMP was
appointed rhief 'of police at ft .ealary _stint to the publin works committee,
of $1100 commencing May Ist,°and that The fiettneil adJoprned at' 9 o'eleck
• Alex. 'Butler be appointed pollee ser- after a fortrentintite sitting, '
. .
April 26 Closing
Date: foi C.N.R. Line
Station Agents en Wingham-
Onnton"lane So 1Totified—'
' townships Nay Aot
, April 8. -Station. agents
„and operators affected by the dosing
of the Winghane junetien to Olintote
junction eectleni" of the Canadian Mt-
tienal Railways have been netifiedlhat
the closing of the liue has been Poet,'
polled tor -two weeks. The dosing date
of the line had been set for April V.
has nOW leen, set for April 0'
Strong pressure, it ie understood, has
-heerebronglit to bear orethe, railway not
to dose the twenty-tbree-mile section.
This, eetipled with the fact that Ilullett
Township holds an agreement with .the
0.N.It.'s predecessor, the London,
Huron and Bruce Railway, ,promiebeg
to paerbaek, the Township's inceatment
of $25,0% „in case service is not provided,
at the Londesboro station, is believed
to have had some bearing on the' pose-
Other sources feel that.the pastpone-
anent is due to the fact that ,a, "N".
will have to he built et Clinton to take
the place Of the turning point at Wing -
hem where the: uGontrain in the Past
turned, around in order to bread back
to. London. -
Hullett Township authorities so far
have_not made aily.statement ,in regard
to poSeinle action as a result of elesing
of the line, but it is, believed that they
will have to wait until service IS actual-
ly'diseonthaued at 'the Londesboro sta.,
than -beforethey proceed_ with legal
lEaster Music Discussed -Review -of Sir
Arthiar Sullivan' e SacredMusic
• The second meeting of the Goderieh
Music Club was held in MacKay Hall
On Monday evening, with nu increased
lattendance. It was decided to engage
the hall for the ensuing, fortnightly
meetings. A great deal of interest is
being created in a glee -club to be oPea
to all members. It is hoped that many
'more 'G.oderich singers will join 'this
choral group.
• °Aliss Alma Howell, - .Mise" Eleanor
.Snider at 'etre .).1ervin "Snyder, were
delegated to attend the Music conven-
tion -to be held in Toronto April:1.1;th
and 1.6th. rie
- An, Informative paper ----on .Butter
music Was given .by 'Mrs. E. JesSop, The
also .spoke of the Passover eustome-of
the Jews and theo Passion Play of,
Oberammergau. This was ellustrated
with "DreoPe Sacred Head," and
"Mercerete -Calvary," from "Olivet to
.caiyaray" by Maunder. *Miss E. Tye
,sang an. Easterhymn of Sullivan. and
elessrs.G Lodge and F: Gillespie rend,
ered Sergeant's "Watchman! What of.
the Night'?" Mr. M. -Snyder gave a
review of Sir Arthur Sullivan's sacred
music, illuetrated ° with e`The - Lost
Chord" and the ailthems "Sgviour, Thy
Children Keep," and "I Will Sing of
Thy Power." ,Following le the 'person-
nel of the chorus: 31150e5 Alma.Howell,
Mary Buchanan, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Mrs.
Cranston, Messrs. R. Henderson, W.
Reid, G. Lodge. Sullivan's:hymns,
-Samuel," "Proplor •Deoe' and "Con-
stance," were elange-ensemble by the
entire -coMpany. Accompaniments were
p10y4d by Miss Eleandr Snider andeMr.
Mervin Snyder. Social hdetesses were
Miss E. Semeiville and Mrs. Cranston.
• s
Harold Wileon, fourteen -year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, New-
gate street, escaped with only a bruised
and scraped leg when le , was dragged
under a delivery- wagon tor a consider-
able ditstance on :West street -late Tues-
day afternoon, . Harold, who drives :or
the ,Godekich Fruit 'Market,' was about
to -board ale wagon after 'delivering,
parcels at a housenear thee end Of
„Weet .street ,when hie foot .betame
wedged between. the. Wheel and the box
of, the wagon. Ile 1.6qt bighalanee and
fell backward with his foot still.canght
tightly. Despite his eh.outs the horse
proceeded to run and was not stopped
until We boy had been dragged .ae far -as
the .postoffice.o. .It \yap at first believed
he might have suffered some broken
banes tindle was taken toethe hospital,.
but upon examinationhis, innirier were.
found to be not serious and -he .was re-
leased Ion Wednesday evening.
For the ,month ot April parades of
"0" 'Company, Midirlesemauron rtegi-
ment, will be held as folloWs: Monday
evening, company - parade; Tuesday
evening, platoon 15; 'Wednesday even-
ing, :platoon 14; Thursday evening,
platden la
The imperial 011 tanker Windsolite,
.whielt arrived. at this port on Thursday
afternoon last, was ;followed 'on. Satur-
day by the tanker Ieeolite, and both
discharged their -cargoes at the eneperial'
:Oil' depot here. As reported In another
column of. this Issuer the Windsolite did
net get away until Saturday afternoon,
being held up by ice at the harbor
entrance. The Ioeolite got away Satur-
day evening and followed the, Wind-
solite back to Sarnia.
By •
Wednesday the lake along this
• "shore Was clear of ice, but a long line
vessels eould be teen proceeding up
the lake from the St. Clair, indicating
the preeence of ke ,fields on the western
shore which were sending the npbound
'esselo considerably east ef the course
whiell they usually take.
The ;qtr. A. A. nucleon hasi linlebed
loading ite eater> of ealt and has olmost
completed preparations for en early
departure. Ali the other eliips In (die
winter fleet aro being ,fitted eta and
several of them are expected to Clear
early next week.
Mr. and Mx& Y,, ttrinkwalter Cele-
* ,11Fatft Another Anniversary
Ur,: and Mrt4., Xr, Y. DrInkWalter
etaletlyeebservodetheir 'Sixty-third wed-
ding anniversary On Wednesday of last
week .at their lionee on Victoria Street.
Mrand iltrs..1)rittimaiter were naarrletl,
at Pert Perry, Cheta.rio, on 'April 2m1,.
AST& They came' to Goderieh forty
year's age and deelereethat they have
enJoyed .every year SPent here.'
Drixikwalter Is in his eiglity-liftn year
and MrS. .Drinkwealter.tn her seventyninth, year, but both are mush: younger
ui appeertance and actions..
Itnf a Ovally ef eleven citilar:en, nye
ixe Lwtug Ther _ etre.eNergerrOrbliaft-
preSextt-addrees Is 1niknown;• "atrai Pied
Watson, Goderieli; Gorden, of Wind-,•
sor ; Lorne, of Detroit, and Mrs.
Trumper, ef litehener, Mr.andMrs,
Drinkwalter also have thirty- grand,
ehildren and:Sixteen. :great-grrinelehild-
The -,Signal4Star ejoins with niany
others in wishing -thisewerthy Couple
many More years ,O,r‘ happiness'. to-
gether. '
First•aid.', and Fire,lighthig Squads
• Mayo a Rehearsal. Wiken .a 'Plane
Obi?* a. Somersault -Nobody Hurt,
However, and Little) Damage Done
A fro:thingplane rnking a landing at
Sky Harbor- 31Onday afternoon
struck- a pdthole 111 the landing 'field,
dug its nose in the geouied and didea
ip-ttoia, turning,. overren its back.
_With bells Clanging the arabulanee
and hie equipmenteaufried to the scene,
but the student -pilot ellaibed out a,„the,.
eockpit unscathed, 'The machnie was
not damaged much. It Was a full-dress
accident rehearsal for-tbe first-aid and
fire equipment staffs, howeer.
Manager J. Releeuglas said the de-
parture ef -the senior, class, twice post-
poned and raere recentle scheduled foe
April 10the nee ,been callettioff Judean -
,The departure or"the junior class
likewise has been postponed and is now
fixed for .M.ay 22nd., 'It °wag stated that-,
:all students now have double and. in
some eases trirfle the 'required number
a flying hours on the record and will
now, take advanced ,.goorse's. •
Flying -Officer. Dr. Burnett, the ;Jew
M.,0., is a native,of Durham and conies
here from Hamilton. -
The Pliblic SchOG113 dant at RS
Meeting. on .Momlase even Inge bad before'
it a letter from the Collegiate institute
Bodrd, stating thattheesost'efteourees-
in shop- work and home sconoznies .tor
publtescheal pupils would he for 1041;
as In 1040, slightly ovek '$1,400.. The.
finance eemnaittee 'was aSkel to take 111)
the Matteraed reran at the nextimeet-
ing. . • • ' •
'Trustee J. A. Saki Was appointed
:delegate to the meeting Of -the Ontario
'School dTrustees' 'and. Ratepayers' . As-
sociation at Toronto next- week. -
Victoria School reported for the
month of March: •Pupils on roll; 335;
average attendance, 303.83, or 9-1.70 per
cent. ;• Penny Bank deposits, $113.-11.,
Central ,school reported : Pupils .
eon, 208; average ftletelance,- 156.38,
or 9.22 Per cent.; Penny Bank de-
posits, $33.97.• •
J. D. Thomas, of Goderich, was re-
elected president of one 1 committee
of tbe Ontario Conservation and Re-
foresta.tiOn Association at the meeting
held at Loudon on Friday.
iEaster Music
'pair-ere:his Is the Day" -Maunder.
"In 'Joseph's. Lovely Gard -ell"-
• Dickinson.. • • ,
Girls' Sextette ----'A Jhyful Eastertide."
ittrto-.4144.1-rgan -nnitritc-fs----,Miss-P.Ileeti-
• Bogre--altthe plane
1. "Adoration"-Boroweki.
2. '''Open the 'Gates of the Temple."
3.,eeein Ieaster Sang of Gladnees.-
Choir -"I am He that iLiveth"-Simper.„
• "By EarlY Light" -Dick-
. DIS011. 2
Organ -41:i know that My Redeezber
'Hallelujah Chorne," IJand-
Organ •Prelude-"Raindeop" Prellideee
Clioir--"eeleo! the Tomb Is Empty're-
Soloists -Miss E. Mime, Mr. We Reid.
Mrs. E. Jessep at the piano'.
"Soldiers of the Cross"---jude.
Junior and, sentir choirs combined
Jualor soloist -Miss Patricia Church'.
C h o eree!" Ca lv a ry"-it n ey,
Soloist -Mr. W. Thonieloe.
Organ .Postlude -es"Receesimial" - rio
Koveh. . •
• AiFa'J'?1N0ON.
The junior choir, boys and girls, will
give a inueical service in the Sunday
school room at 3 pen. The eerviee,
called "'easter Bells" -text by Tillotson
and musie by Ira. 'Wilson -consists Of
solos, -duets, elmimpss and reeitatione.
It will be an open session. -Mrs, N..
Holland of Clinton will be guest speaker
for the children. e: e •
• The evening service will commence at
8.-15 instead of the usual hour and will
voneist of the eantate "Gethsemane to
Golgotha!'iibretto written and
selected by'Yotke Chester and muele by
Turner -sung by the elidir and eoloiete.
The guest solelet will be Mr.. Prank
Rockwood, tenor, of London._ Other
solo parte Will be taken by alithIld.Wina
Allen, )(flea 14. Mime, Mgr; Tee, Mr,
W. Reid and Mr. It. Hendereon. Mrs.
V. Oakley will play Violin music during
the offertory,
Labor Disturbance
Amicably Settled,
Partila Sirilre aLooai Industry
S4y 14iving Costs
Porty workmen of three depertnients
of the Goderi.Olt :Salt Company, the
.vacinint pan, dairy, mill and shipPing
department, went out on strike Mon-
d*? morning -after „having -made de
mantis for a toe -cents -an -hour increase
the previous Saturday'. Tile inciamee
was refused, • On Mornlay the men of-
fered to rettirn to werlt at an inereaee
of live een,ts en hour. „This, too., Ives,
refteeedere, . -
Beth, 7ifueidiry and Wedneday
new einploSeee were taken- on and bY
last 'night more than halt the strikers
had been rrepiaced. Provincial police
were stationed at the -gates to Prevent
any possible troubles -Strilrers- were
permitted „ to post _pickets about the
plant, but there was no disturbance.
A. eominittee sof Ave, representing the
strikers,• preSented the men's case toe
.O 0 Jenette, eonciliation 'offieer ef the.
Ontario -Department- • of ALaber,
night, Increases in the cost of
particularly in the matter Of house
rentals, were stressed. -
The 'Company, states that In Septem-
ber, 1939, it granted a wage :increase
araounting to seventeen• Dercent.
Today it is reported that aif amicable
settlenient has been reached and the
men win all return to work onMonday
moudaY.'Goderich Manufacturing
Co. anaounced an ett•greeee in'evages to
its eniployeee„ effective Maylst, This.
does not include truck•drivers.-
On 'Tuesday noon the DominioneRead
Maehinery Co. announced a, wage .in-
crease, retroaetivete &pri1 7th.
Gaderieh:Man; Though Injured, Gave
Aid to Shipmates
HALIFAX, April , 4. -1, --Stoker Wil:
liam Oarl.,°.01ark of •Goderich7-;aie of
the two survivors frcin ',the ,I;K•-ntah
engine moth -crew of 111;e1.0.S. Otter,
fought 11am-es-and bitter cold seas for --
three hours before being rescued, after
the accident that cost nineteen, lives.
Clarke suffering -2 rona. exposure and
an' injured back, was interviewed in
hospital by a Toronto Star represent -
Were. . • • _ *
"I was on watch in the engine room
when -it •burst into- flames," he said.*
Ye. dld essrythingtrving to „Tnte'le
out before we donned our lifebelts and
Recruits Waded
for Active Forces
Openings. for Tradesman in VAN:.
ioua 1411011--eRtinftriting Onto
at Loca1 Armory
The ermory here is once again th*
• :centre of recruiting for various
branches of tbe fietive foreeS. Itsernite
ing of artillerywn and tradesmen; Al
' being 'conducted under the direction of
•Lient. B. B. Twamley, while the „High-
land laiglat Infantry of ()amid* is pe -
paring to set up, a -reeruiting unit bore
In tile near future, in ebarge Of .fier-
&Want Reid, a Goderich boy,and
Sergeant ,William, Varr.
' Captain, P„, P. Carey, of .the ILL.Ireife
lice- at military- district heatinuartolee'
Louden was in, tioderiellien Feiday lftet
laying 'tile groundwork tor the estab-
lisinuent of the recruiting unit li4re.
Captain Carey pointed out; that, wbile
he As. mainlyantereeted in reeruiting,for
the 11 1, recruits will be aecepted
for varioupotner units which applicants
might wish to join.
Army Requireineata...
CaPta,be 'Carey „elated that ,men are
urgently needed. te fill vacancies in the
arniy, '.i.cs-ttithig.froin the, ,cliscliarge Of °
-nearly 20,000 men since the war began.
(Cot. Ralston, Minister of Nadeau'
Defence, In a radio appeal from Ottawa
on Tuesdee, evening, Said tbat
12,000 men will be required for _the
Oanadian_attive army this year.) r
-.Captain Carey observed that, apart .1
from itlie accepted duty Of ifightiltg for
their emea,try, men now are trained in•
a wide series of trades and Oceupati.ons
eindreamed of in the last wgr. Many
nt these men will be eqUiDped tO start
out in Iife afterithe war as, fully quail. -
tied skilled 'welters and tradesmen.
Plamihig Public Denionefeatirtla *
Only tentative plans haeve as yet
beee discussed, but it hopedto bee
laegenublie meeting, with bands -end
Prominent speakers, esome time about ,
the end of Apeil. , possible;- all
liratichee or the:serviee will participate,
iiiciuding air eforce, army and navy
unit, the last from the ,London 'Naval
Reserve Sphool at whieleare a.number
of •Goderieh men. There is also a
possibility . that an arnaored eorps wlU
be, brought here to partielpate, in, the. --
parade. • ' • -
- , Tradesinen Wanted .
Recruiting for tradesraen ba $ been
established at the Armory since receipt
'V', Company of a litaterineftlirM"Lte,
Col. L., D. MacDonald, commanding the.
Middlesex -Huron Regimente ..R.eeruits
are reentrea' tor ' training ' litterSi•
maCltinists blacksmitlis (fOrge-Weiding
.and. eeetYtene' welding),, earpentel•er
joiners, derks-,- electricians,. motor
meehanice and litters for Motor
•rehietes. °tasks_ will tommenne in
technicaj 7,-sehoolse- this -dietriet On. ,
April, 21.- • A few copperSmiths, engine
artificer,s, Instrument ineehanicS •and
wireless .ittechanica be trained in
other military districts, but no 'assur-
anee can be given of vacancies for frain- •
hag • ' in titese tradee.. Applications
should-- reach._ Middleleselluren „head-
quarters this WceIC, buT sub-
sequent application will .ibe con-
sidered. Applicants will be, intervievved
by trades' selection boards; at Iecai.
headquarters if possible. Recrults.must -
be ',between the ages of nineteen ''and
tliirty-Iive and in .„ physleal category A'
and with two years of high schwa],
edueatien or practical training in the
trade for whieh theyetre applying.
Sergt. Walter Merrill *Baker, third
son of Mr, mid airs. -W, IL 'Baker,
,Gbiterfeb; enliSted theeItorall Cfzn
adieu Air Foie atthe beginning of the,
war and reeeived his eall for training
In June, s1040. He was at Montreal
for live months in training as a Wire-
less operator, and at Jarvls.fer some
weeks receiviug, instruetion in, bomb -
hag, .aud. went Overseas in. Irebruary.
Sergt. Baker- was born, In •Goderich
thirty-two years ago and has spent
several years in the servke of the
Royal Banir of Caneda, first In .Gotle-
After Many Years hi the C.N.R. Shops
kt, Stratford -A Former Resident
ot Goderieh .
• Peter •W. Weir has retired after
'many years' • service as a carpenter in
the C.N.R. shopSet Stratford. . Was a
'brother of the late 'Fred 'Weir, J.P.,
of ,Gederich; who weet down with :tile
S.S. Athenitt when it wag torpedoed by
the 'iGermans in ,Septeraber,'1039.
Born in Kirkealay, Scotland, son of
Mr. and Mrs.. William Weir, Peter W.eir
came to 'Canada in 1913, lociting in
Goderiche He Was educated in Scot,
lamt and was rafteried there in 1903.
His wife Is the former aliss Helen
Crockett a Tith, 'Scotland: Mrs.
to -Canada threeeinonths
After_ her. lireehan.d'e arrival. gr. Weir
.was employed for tivo year -sr -With the
:PeedegehrorgaireComPany. 19/6' he
ran for our lifeboats., ,tandoivaendi towaStitoramitford,B, ,aijoii‘nyinaye,;.:thea,sCana-
leyeaeegiyen.an ai otie QfiiX rcesv- ceepentereee '
in h( teetinued
.fifteen in all the 'boat. We had: a thllRiastie f6otball fan a-nb----Qtlelifo-rtirne7n n
. bele were Air. Thor has a iways
tough jPb trying to get aw.ny froth -the refereed that 'game. Ho is also. an
ship through the high ei It Was a act IVQ. member in several Stratford
marvel how we even got the lifeboats fraternal Organizations. He is a past
launched. • master of the Sons of Seothand; a mem-
"As we finally..ilid• pule away we SI1W- bei of the Tecumseh Lodgeof the
the czePta in still on , the • °poop deck ...Masonic Order, .a Royal Arch. Mason,
alone. 'yhe :c4-4.switin of our boats, and has a life meMbership in the
Chief Skipper Knelgrove, called for two Kirkcaldy Lodge of the Masonic Order
sailors -to transfer to, the raft. Thomas , in Scotland. Ile is a valued member of
i Guildford', Wallace O'Hara and John st. Andrews Presbyterian church,
Slavin went. Then we *went back and Stratford. Mr. Weir's favorite hobby
I Picked, up tee ipt un. ' It was a , has al ways been music. Ile was a
dangerous tre. 'The yacht was liable to menlYer of the C,N.R. band for more
go up any minute in a blast. than twenty years mad was associated
-It was only a few minutes after we With bands. in Scotland before that,
had alitindoned 'ship when the oarsman : and still enjoys- a good hand:" .1Ie
behind me got his oar eaeght 111 a big is also a. member' of one of the C.N.R. •
wave and struck nte 111 the back. It firet aid teams and on two oceasione
hit me like a knife and I could, slowly has been on championship teams. He
feel IU'- body going numb, but 4 was -on , has one. bro-ther, Thom s, who resides
an •oar an had to keep rowing. , Sen Pedro, Californhi.
coxswain gave the ordel< It WaS real' "MOTHER •AND DAUGHTER"-
through thdt They were running .
"We pulled slowly sled steadily as the
seamanship trying to direet the boat
, from fifteen to twenty fe%et.higla.” "
A mother and daughter banquet, held
All scaMen in (nark's life -boat were •
sased Idlow• survivors .sa
disregarded his own injuries and illness
id Clark on Mninlay eeenins at Victoria ,street
United church, WaS an interesting
from exposure and gave all aid poesiene- .evene._ The toast to the Ring was fn•o:
pOsba by ,Rev. McKaye, andewas.
t Ills F,11 iv) fa teg after they had beiu
landed •on the freighter • that picked responded to_ •with the singing of the
worked with ,memears. Nfttlinial Anthem. , A -toast to the
trgn egewse n til he t;oll e peed. ±
eenadinfieGhes T3fl Trallibig, .eroposed:
by Mrs. 11 Pliillii» w a S responded to by
SPRING STOCIC SHOW alisseer Werthy. Kioast to the W.M.S.
Vernii. Masterson brought 0 response linton'e spring steek. shoW 'on
from elre. P.osteletire.-aite, 111(1 one to
Thaheelay last was one.of the hest in the,
historyof th
"The Mot here," proposed by -Lon. nine
. . e show . 'Entriein both s,' ellen, was responded to by 'Mrs.. H.
'horse and itattle elasseS rp More
Sandereme• Atoort to Miss{. Worthy,
numerous than last ..-year, and Were
woposed ley. Mr. atelreyei and :ofle. t()
better in plenty. Ideal weather 1
31r: eeeKaee proposed Mse. 13reen,-
helped 'to swell the attendatice to „ 3,000
• brought 'filthier, reepanses. .
or mare.
The remains of Johe melts MeIl-'
MI ill, native of West Wawanoeh, who
-passed away at flrockton, Montana, on with the einging ,of the Nliti0/1 al
Monday, March-31,st, arrived in Gode- Anthem. -
rich on Friday night and reseed of'
the home of Mrs. eolie Tiffin, Brock •
street, sister of the deeeased, untll'Prospects4or Completion of *Blue
A sing -song was. much enjoyed. Ree.
A. 3. Meleitye then. spoke to the girls (if
the • 0.G.T.T..uu "Building* a. Cheracter,"
A pl ylet was presen ted tin! CAL I . T.-
enembers on. •••The MettninS of the C'etie::
adian GirlS ,in Traitting."
The leurenet was •bronght to a elose
A twelve -page issue of `The Cheerio...-
Club Visitor" has reached theeediter's
desk. The Visitor, as readers are in-
formed, is "pfilnished primarily:for tire
interest and pleasure af the inembees: of
the ,Canadian Cheerio Club Ernest
Barker of town is aesociate editor of
.th•e publication, and, we mistake not, • •
was the prinle mover in the establish-.
ing of the Cible whose menabership is
widely scattered ticress the continent
and whose aim is to "provide cheer and
rauttell encouragement for the handil
yapped •that, ',eve nifty in some small'
measure help to lighten the cross they ,
!var."- ThaUe.vertainly a worthwhile
.endeavor, Cheerio Club
Vieitor ehoe1(.1 be an inipoet ant factor in
itstiveonnelishnient. '
grass fire beoke out on property
lonoine• aire. Olive Allan at the ex
e •
treme end of IIineles streen on:Monday
afternoon, necessitating the services of
the lire brigade. There was no damage
to buildings.
The brigade' waseralletleautei.tifineonesses
Tuesday afternoon Wiwi). a bonfire -
spread to shrubs and drreleaves on. r
„the girls' glaygreund at Victoria -School:
tt Was felireel that if it were allowed
to st)reatl further. it might start fire
In° a shed on the, school ground As
it ss is, damag.4.,1 was deee.
,burial took place on Monday afternoon : • ..
and Mrs. David MeI/wain of West Water, Highway GOodi Says G. L. ParsOns
Of this week. Mr. aleilwain \\Pas , in
his eightieth year. .The eon „of Mr.
Wawanosie he lived on his parents' G. L Parsons of Goderich and Carl pleted. Meet ,ftre• at work on fho,,t,cii.
farm until as a young man he Inoved' to eftaliore of Seeniftepresident and secre- etrip of highway between Goderich
the Western United Statee, finally set- tars, respectively of the Blue Watee and Pert Albert. From •Port Albert, to
fling in Mootaea, lie had been in ill Highway, Association, last week made a Kincardine the road will be surveyei1.
health for almost a year and became tout of the highway to look 1nt4 eon- North. of KincardineIt IF) paved.
critically WeeltS ag,oerurviving; ditions and confer with representatire Altog,ether rorgons .S(TS a pros-
beeldese ills wife, the foriner Agnes men' 94 the various <wave along titt Peet that the paving of the entire road
:truce, are four sisters,,,1Irs. Sarah Wile route, on annireday last, at noon, they will be completed .this year. •
sell, Colborne teeenship; ,`,'Mrs, John' met members of the Town Connell and Mr. Alanore felt that the coming
'elePhee e(Abtirne township, Boardeof Trade at the Town Hall hete season should produee z recerti tourisr
Miss Martha licilwein, Colborne town- and then continued their trip north. business. 'Workmen in the 'United
ship; Mrs. John Tiffin' (Mary), of on .their trip, Mr. Parsonf3,,,said, be States are bueier Wan 'ever before,
Goderiele and four brothers, Andrei; and Mr. Ntanore hadlound 1ie4 at work 30t at the saine time etriet unione
Goderieli; William,. ,Auletrn ; David, on the 422 -mile etrip of unpaved highway /guarantee them -holidays, hs cam,
temierich, and Alexander, at East Grand betwen rorest and Grand Bend. Ten 'Whereas 14,040,600 touriets entered
Feriae llinnesotethousand tons of eoaree cruehed. go* Canada last year, thlerea,r there0401.
:The funeral service at the alothe of will first be 'put owIthis etretele to be he 30,000,000. Stop, had been "taken
Mrs'. 'Irdin 42.1lomlay afternoon was followed lee 20,000 to,ns of mulch, which to ofalet the aeti-Oanaillan propag4nda
Vendneted bY,Rev. W. P. 'Lane (W. ;North wilt =Ice a line Pavement. This \roric whiehraAversely affeeted tanWt tra
street nailed churehtrue pallbearem win not nem:pante, imonvenienee to last yeaz. e
were Thomas and ,Cliffotd Menne and traffic, Awe moterisfe: -on Alive Over Sfroei):Sniiirlittlt.:feretift,turriiesit(,1 for tis'
Harold, Franke Ernest' and Bart Mmli as Lil
e- the ulesoon as it is adewi
.tr111e, \D
Tlw flOwerlaniters were nose '1'1'w:stretch. from, Grzind tend to mallow, ?mid that ;i41,000,40) 17„ 4,
frolor, Harvey Menet., Sereille ie already paved. • tetween flrizPris, llve, twovf.., hfmr? driv,„
Phee and Harry Watson. Interment Bstylleld and «4)d011 111 ihe work of ine distanee of the Blue Water high,
was in 'Maitland eoneterS,. atrveinE,,, the highway nae been corn- war.