HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-03, Page 1-
IsID17.11a4OURTEI XX*14
o tr r
ornbirzing The U9 erich k)ignat an
rfriz Star
Enthusiastic Rally on Sunday
Evening for "Oix413...onit-,
The "eix-ineene alter •Servicee cam-
paign got off .ou :the right leefing" in
Goderieb, with an enthusiaetie•rally• at
Th e Capital Theatre on ,Sundayeeven-
lags •lerge gathering of toevnePeOPIe
beard representatives of' the variella
oreanizationat which are SPOneorhig tbe
drive explain the, Malt which is being
done 'bet‘ theie
the melt engaged in war serviee„, •
Glen Lodge directed) the Troup` 4ing-
lug of llYmens and patriotic eouges while
Arnold McConnell. was the piano ac-
Cecil Attridge, aittirman of the cam-.
peign for eleaerieh, °welcomed the gath-
erieg and briefly reviewed the reasens
twthy the six, organizationa-the „Can-
adian Legion, Y.M.C.A., Knights of
Columbus, iSalvation •Arrale .LW 0
and I.O.D.E.-hadsdeelded to band to-
gether in one monster campaign rather
than solicit separately at :Various times
throughout the year,' as Was the case
last Steer.
Mayor Brown
Mr. Attridge introduced Mayor E. D.
-Browns who after greeting the audience
read) a letter which he had received re-
eently from a nephew in England who
. lives on ;the outekirts of London and
who, in addition to his normal occupa-
tion, acts as an A.B.P.: warden.. The
letter told how the people of London
are going about their business as usual
despite speradie .bombings. • Redone
I are About the same as before,. the:letter
---explaiiikerelth the'eeceetion .that Meat
is -scarcer. This seareitY is met by
having two meatless days a week The
writer expressed bis regret that Hitler
• :has not had a -go at invading England,
.f_s but "you can't expect him to be s that
. obliging- ." The writer closed by say-
ing, "Well, I must get on with mywork
now." • - •
Y ' '
Mayor Brown .suggested that the,
letter was a- Perfect example or the
British. Ririe "The .people in Eng-
land are standing inhuman conditions,
butaretaking it and going about their
workas usual." He compared their
life with what We.have here in Canada.
",Etverything is The same as it Ittaitya
was here.We hear planes overhead,,
bat we look up not. with per but with
pride and. gratitude. The -wet- has
scarcely touched Me. We have Simply
given .a few • dollars and a little tf our
• time. • But there is no use of crit citing
our effort. We are jest getting into
stride. The 'ming. men are enlisting
;as fast as • they are called. • The , Red,
-10ross is filled.- with materials to aid
--the_ wounded ane the.fa.ctories of Can-
ada are opening up to replace What Is
lost in England. We have just com-
pleted a war savings drive; now a
further opportunity is before us -an op-
portunity te further the comforts of the
young men who are enlisting. The
army provides clothing,Shelter and
food, but the soCial, recreational And
:educational ;end is pp to us. Where
will the -soldier go' afterdutyThe
answer is in the various war services
which we shall: hear of thisevening."
. The Mayor expressed hisi,torifidence
that the people of Goderich" will meet
' the . canvassers with open pbeketbooks.
• II. S. Turner •
Harold S. Turner, president of the
local .aranch of the Canadian Legion,
suggested there was no clues of People
in Canada that knows better just exact-
ly what . -this drive .inetins than the
Veterans of the last. War, beCanWtheY ,
Were the boys who received the belleflts
of the aid given by the people of .Canada
twenty -eve years ago. . Mr,. Turner
related from personal experience boa,
when tne Men • struggled out of the
front Hee trenches, it was the het, tett,
„served in tie cups, which revirved., them
and sent them on to their: quart rs be,
hind the lines' Where Warm bun $ and
canteens awaited them: Fart* back
ein the „rest area Were the 'larger can-
teens:, 'Plays were given to entertain
j/thent, equipment ' was Pro -Sided for
sports; and peeks for • reading. . Ali
theie things were aPereelated by the
men, Mr. Turner said, butthere was one
thing they missed, and that Was the °
help and advice of a,lerge -becleeef meit
who had seen service and tithe kneW
how to help them. Unfortunately too
InanY returned men had not yet found
their real place lei life, -PL'he Dominion
executive of the Canadian Legion, com-
posed of men who •saw sereice in, the
last war, made up 'their.mindsthat if
-.reser, war broke out again they would
see that the new - boys 'had a 'better
show than they themselves had bad.
Shortly after war broke out, the Can-
adian Legion- wee -given- the task .of
lookinr, after the education of soldierth;
Their representatives 4got ;Men' who
knewhow to look after the &emotional
servieetsefor men, of tilis.xteve army, and
some 24,000* Canadian eokliere were
now enrolled in full-time -courses. Rome
have reeelved their matriculation Singe
_entering the army; e It lallie intention
of the men in charge .not te 'quit title
cervice when the war .is over. The:bays
have displayed an.aptitude for at -dying
in this War,- Me, Turner asserted. altey
will not go back into Civilian life as
tae men'did, after the last sear. They
will go beele:with the education ehiel"
'they might have, received in eiellian
efe, el know that the people ,of this
audience are Interested in helping theee
bops and therefore will. contribute to
the camPaleziso that the Canadian
' 'Lereou Will get 'Ite-' share a the pro-
oeede," Mr. Turner eorieleded:
J .. O. Thanes
. J. D. Thomas, chairmanof the 'War
Services' campaign for the eounty of
Mimes coligrettilaW1 afr., Attridge on
,she pefeoratel of his organization and
congratulated the Members Of the eon-
mittete apon ergailizieg the '`eelendid
gathering. He etpreged hie, admiee
talon. of thepeople in the,,turaCkvtiont!
of the' county Who had not Oily Oren:-
(Oontinned; on piwo 4)
wzinntirt A1NZvER,s4R72:
flappy Ocestaion for Mr. and Mre:
George Baxter °of Colbonee Town-
ship - •
Qii Thursday, March 27, Mr. and
MrsteGeorge Baxter, ete eelebratea their
fiftreSecond ,wedding anniversary oit
-*their dai*Y farnt in CR/Thorne toWnehip.
Sineearly eltildhood Mr; and Mre.
Baxter lived in Ashlieldt oWeel'IP until
their remove' twente-Weep yeare ere) ;to
atheleepereeent farneleenteeinelaolliorne.i
They were Married at the home or tia&
bride's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Abigail
Reid, on MareheNtle 18S9, by Rev, atr.
Campbell of ehe,Dunganuon alethodis
,church: ,
Of seven ehildren-eive, sons and. tw
daughters --born to them all are living
There are 4140 SOVOnteell gratitiehildrea
The cbildree ere Mrs. Wm. Tinto;
Lawrence and Ai:lutes:at home; Willie
district manager of the Re 84 D. Sup
Coi London, 10144 reeorge, 'We1l-4mm
-caepenter and contractor;
Ilaxter's Dairy, • emir Hervey, oth
Shell 'service statiOn, Kingsten,etre
-Gleorge, °eel' and Hervey all. nee. n
Goderich. • ,
Mee. Baxter else . celebrated h
seventy-third birtaday; on the San
slate. We are sbere to eay.,,ahe is n
in the best of health. •
• At 6 o'clock, thirty gaeste eat do n,
to a. wedding anniversary dinner WI h
the three -layer wedding -cake adQrni
the centre of the -table« ,
During .the day Mr. ane Mrs. Bax
received Many coegratulatione • f
teir friends and neighbOrs:
Only Business two • Applicatki
• Naturalization
There were neither eriminal n
eases listed for the regular
County Court held on Tiles&
noon. This, jeclge Costello re
Jocularly, was a matter for con
tion,whetheror not the lawYre
One hour's time was taken
the examination of two *Tapp
manians, Michel Law,, or
Michael ‘Gelhaer, Who applied f
zenship papers. Both Were
mended; although they may
their papers met; after the 'w
were told., • - -
Law,aged tidily, and eine
from his native Country in I
steaded in the Rainy Bever dist
soon found the ' work
more congenial and
worked at Port Albe
year and is at pres
Aylder ,airport. He at
his native country for',
attended eight school 1 Canada
*I'm -not going liatIti)13 Rom
can help it. . . . 1 can't say
about the war . . „ it's toof bad
pened . . if I ,haye to go I go,"
plied in answer to questions.
, "What do you think of the
battle in the Ionian. Sea'?" ask
!lit's too bad," he answered.
'4We don't thinkit's too ba
„Honor smiled. • •
"If I have to go ene3. fight (fo
ada) 1 go," interjected Law. "I
eheiBelkans if they want me to."
Judge Costello said he c
Law, a clean-ent chap„ "a pretty
yeti)* Man ,and would' recomme
for 'naturalization.
• Educated ' by COM/et-Strips
Gelleer, married, aged thirty. -seven,
butcher, said he learned, to read ng-
liSh by reading the COinie strips. He
served- two years in the Roumanian
army as a bass horn,pleyee in a mete.
tary band.'
What do eou think a the war?"
he • was malted:
"They're all at it," he Said. `
• Conner, whe 'speaks five languages,
said that everything is Nazi Inillou-
inenhiebetuse the Germans had con-
trol :of t country. The Jew, lie
said; woad not be Pefeecated in WA
native land if it Were:not for th& Nazis.
"I eame. to Canada to find freedem
and 1 found e It," he said. "In Wu-,
mania ,!there -$s some° freedom, but there
are a lot of etrtegs attaebed to it, like
the secret, ,
"No Matter Where- yon_maY be, keep
away from secret clubs and Organiz-
ations," *ledge Costello advised. "
to chorea -I don't :care what ehur
you go to, hut o to.some eharch. aE•
will never 'get into 'trouble there," sa
nle Hem*, recommending both ap-
plicants Lor, meturalizatien,
, A delightful program was 'given in
the lecture robra, Of Knox church on
Tuesday evening by the 4Il1ue 'Boys" of
Port Albert Air Navigation Sellool.
This wasthe first public appeartinee of
the group, whieli •wite recentle . organ -
'zed. for •purpases. of entertainment,
chiefly musket. The program included,
besides sacred music old-time favorite
songs, Scottish end sir', negro
Melodies end other etinibere. At the
toneluslop the membersof the concert
group were entertained at lunelt by the
teem -bets -of group 1 of the Ladies' Aid,
melee , whose _aneleleee the emieert was
of a
t alipo
t enga
r eiv
c bu
4, .at
C. It R. Line May
Close April 12th
TovrashiPs A.ftecte4 May TAU?
Action to Recover on e
WiNeellAell, Match 31.e-e•Wita the
C.N.R. line from filinten jUnetion to'
Wingham Junction rePorted tte elogne,
on •the latie -of April, there are indica-
tions that action will be entered ' by
many of , the affected municipalities
against the railway., "
• Hellete Tewnsbiri has a clause in
its original contract stating that in the
;estenteteapetae line_ is elosecle and that
service'lS"Wt given to the Lendesbo.ro
station, 'it has the right to demand re-
payment of the 125,000 advaneed in the
first-plecee'to the railway. 'This SUM IS
payable plug interest dating from the
tine of the -agreement. ,
Clerk J. W. MeCool of litillett Town-
ship stilted todttet that .he is not in e
position at tile present tithe to give any
information. He stated, however, that
tbe Council has sought legal advice and
the matter wilibe.discuesed at the April
meeting of the Connell. " •
The municipalities.' of Turnberry,
Morris, and Weet • Wawaneeli have
agreements with therailway aleo,-.but
the agreements de npt contain the sape.
clank as the Hallett one. In the event
of the closing of the line,lees believed
that they eau resort t� action on the
basis of a breach of contract.
Action is 'bell vett to aingeon the
_closing of the Une If the line is'elosed
on April. 12th, • he municipalities will
start legal pro hags. •
d the
04 Tenlier Wireleolite Artivee This
The tug 'John Re Stover is at 'Work
breaking tne iee in the harbor and clear. Alf Tibbs' Troop from Lomion
Ing a channel to the *Pen lake- in life. Entertains with Popular
Oration ler tiie ttrrisal of an Imperiel rregraret
Opening of
Recreation Hall
•011 tanker whieli left Sarnia for Gode-
rieh on Wednesday morning., • The
tanker ise-expected bore any time, today .
(Thursday), but up to noon had not
been: sighted" off the harbor.
The erewii, or the stre. A. Hudson
and l'itillittes SWAIM, ere continuing to
lit out their vessels in preparation for
an -early- departure.
Later -Tho 'tanker Windsoalte* in
ebarge of Ca.ptain, Dyne of Terentee
arrived at 4.30 title afternoon.
This evening., 0, - want ,
Captain Dyne will be Presented with a
batthe annual presentation ,'to the
eaptein of the first vessel to *Arrive in
port. -
County Centennia' 1 Committee Makes
No Progress,-=-Ileribers.-Say Council.
- Threw) CAM 'Water on Their Plans
It now seems unlikely that a, Vonuts
centennial celebration. Win be held in
Goderich on Wednesd-ay, .june. 25, as
This (Thursday) .rnorning, atticiente
of the•Geeeriele Collegiate Int -dente* in
assembly, beard Flying 'Officer' Te L.
'Ashton, of the ,R.C.A. . -recruiting'. de-
pot at London, tell, of flie requirements
:for those wishing to enflst With the R.O.
A.F. as stirereW,Membeese divepe also
given a' detailed reviewoftheetraining
.life f student pilots, air observers 1!,0
wireless operator -air gunners.
lug ;Meer Ashton was introduced.
by Prin,cipai A. at.. Seeet after morning
prayers. He asked-eaeemale students
to obtain their senor matriculation if
they Intend. going into the .R.C.A.V. air-.
,crew; otherwiseethey would be at a
disadvantage.; Fortunately, .he eald,
throne:le the Canadian 'Legion War Ser-
vices boys with only' two or time Years
of high school e are receiving stuition
through- night classes and are being
given a (thence to acquire junior
Matriculation `standing in. Mathenietace
and •the sciences. , ,. • - -
eee e" ' __,_ •
proposed, s The committee met on Mon-
day evening, but 'nothing waS'' done,
save the 'presentation of estimates of
the Cost •of the Proposed celebration,
running into several ithousando of 'dol-
• ."There is nothing to, report," said
Clerk Csl. W. miller.
'I don'tthid. m: k the -thing will go
through," - Warden James Leper.
' Various embers of -the committee
said cold, Water was thrown onthe
eelebratioa idea when County Oouneil„
in s,pecial•atessictieeefusedecevote anotey'
Xing andezedeeotating...the
which evaerepert• of the
This, they said, -had taken
he ,propestal and; dampened
for raw
the edge off
the enthusiesm. Oppolseats argued the
raoney could, be put to better use in fa-
thering t war ,effort.
W. • M. Appeals.
The newly-coestructed recreation ball
at Port Albert Air Navigation School
received its formal opening en .Tuesday
niglit'With a performance. by Alf Tibbs'
No, 1, entertainme t unit from London,
',. During, the eve in 'stile presentation'
of 4 cheer,* for•„$2 000 erom the Ceanty
of Mime was Ma , by Warden Jenses
Leiper to (roup Oapteete P. D.:Robert-
on,--A.M., eflicee COMMancling. ' The
4140011r will cover - the eutire cost of
the stage and its ferniehingeseWerden
Leiper was intreclueed by, Reeve ItOblert
Bewman of Beusse..e, acting chairman
of the Wardeefe • oMmitteee ,Group
-Captain Robertson tlianked the Warden
ou behelf of -the Air Navigation, School.
The C.O. attributed the success et the
opening night to three factors. -first,
the beautiful stage on whieb. the •per-
formaate was. given; .second, ,the) bard
work and organization put into the
presentation, and, thirdethe 'first -Class
Program, which he eonsidered one of
the'llnest shows lie had seen in tiventr-
'Seven Seats of service.
Group Captain Robertson explained
why it 'had been necessary for the
-County to 'tome to their ale in complet-
ing the hell, The 'Canadian Govern-
ment had spent 12,000 in building the
hall, but upon learning that the school
was to be taken -over by tlie R.A.F. had
Withdrawn further -financiel support,
leaving the hall. bare. The .Huron
Ceintty. •Ceunell had then decided to
come teethe aid of the ethotel and build
and furnish a stage.. eThe people of
the ,grand county of Huron, whom we
are _serving, have done this for us.
It is ink another lee,stare of goodwill.
ler camp will continue* to enjoy the
beilefits -of this Comity aslong as we
are stationed here." • • .
Groep Oaptain,Iteibertson then asked
for three theera friVa the airmen for
the '-County Council, the -Town of Gode-,
rich, and Mr. • Tibbs and his troupe,'
and the Men responded heartily.
• . Description of 'the Ball . •
The new hall is approximately lee
feet long and • 80 feet wide. Peach -
colored -curtains form the hick -drop
of the stage and burgundy velvet
curtain's' the side -drop. Immediately
beneath the stage is the orchestra pit.
Microphones and "alerted sestet"): carry
-the talk of the actors to all points of the
hall. A 'small, balcony. is located' at
the rears Also located' at the Tear is
the projection room for the moving
pietuees. Four exit lead trim the hall.
The ball L immaculately clean and can
be used for plays, moving pictures,
dancing and any other farm of enter-
tainment desired.
A Performance that Pleased
Alf. Tibbs, popular master of cere%
• monies, -introduced the performers.
The -eight Air Force Co-eds presented
five chorus numbers at •various -Inter-
vals throughout the progiatnel Frank
Rockwood, tenor, -and Billganining,
basso, provided the male singing con-
tributions, while Hope Wo14 blues
singer, and the Johnston sisters, young
cowgirls;" upheld the feminine vocal
Ena Gooding, tap dancer, and Violet
Arbuckle, contortionist, both members"'
of the thorus, received great applause
for their solo numbers. Len Burt
shared his mastery of the accordion
and Joe Maycock displayed great talent
with the \violin. •
Comedy was provided iby Josephine
and Gorden Knapp, sister and -brother
Net, and by Bert Conway. Len Rumble,
assisted by his sister ,Margaret, pulled
out an assortment of new sleight-of-
hand tricks te amaze the audience.
Music was provided by -Don Wright's'
orchestra. Mr. Wright 'presented sev-•
eral sole munabers on the trumPet and
an accordion. act.
The members of the chorus were:
na goading, Prances Sinclair,- Violet
Arbuckle, Josephine Brown, Merger&
aeDonald, -.Ruth Stockee, Helen Hat- ,
ey and Mary Coombs.'. The members
f the orchestra were : DonWright;,,
leader, •Charlie Reid, Prank Crowley,
alph ,Gillbank, - Joe MaYCock, Russ ,
; 4opeland, Eric Cosgrove, Jack Mowete
' Stan Coups, Phil Sawyer, Len Burti
and Len Aliens. Art Gillies Was stage
manager and Harry Rodeney was in
charge of transportation for the troupe.
; • !,
THIRTEENTH row= suit.
A CREDIT or 14,77001
•Ceenniesiets ipteidea to Inatell
tire Itedeing At East End Of
11800r •
'Oodericles thirteenth power bill 'for
he year ended/,Oetober alst last is a
redit of $0,110,00, 'That. is, the town
was billed, for twelve monthly pay-
ments aggregating $54,*3.27, w,hereas
the total bill for the year *Wahl have
been 0;12401, as itonputed by the
Hydro bookkeepers-,
The figures.* as submitted at the meet..
ing of the Public 11tilitie CelniniS$10a
On Thursday night last, are; ,
Cost of power parchased _. 081
Operation, maintenance and, -
adminiatrationexPenses 81,612,44
Interest' .... . ... _.... . e.., 17,601.213
Provision for eettowaIe ....es, 3,648.10
Provision for eontingencies
and obsolescence 1,16748
Provision for stabilizationof —
rates• • 4,780.13
Provision. ,fOr sinking fund000,08
..........-- ,
All•hut *One of Eighteen R.A.F. BoMbr's
Make,the Grade -Nobody Burt,
Seven Of eighteen Avro-Anson .134:th-
ere/ that took off from Pert Albert air-
port late .last Friday on routine navi-
gational eights were forced to make
, forced landings or seek shelter awaY-
fromtheir base When a. enowstereisblew
'up nearing midnight, All but one of
the seven, returned the next day, eleven
flying ..throtegli the storm the same
night .to.make their home -airport safely.
One of the bombers tame doseneetrNo.
2 highway east of London, heaved a
fence and.pulled me luee.,.farmer's •field,
with one of its wings &Magee, accord-
' Inge° .thiellielateeports, for the 'training
Movements:. of these machines • are
wrapped. in secrecy. None of the crew
of four was hurt. The 'plane has since
been, dismantled and taken Away on a
motor lorry. ' •
R.A.Fl.eofficers, wbile refusing to dis-
Cuss details, said there was nothing un-
usual about a few machines" failing to
return leam.e from a training trip. They
were in constant radio touch with
their home station and acted under in-
struction.' Five :are • reported to neee
come clown at 'Drumlin, near London,
but even this was not confirmed.
The marriage Of Edith, daughter of
Mr. and Mfg. ,George Wiles, Nelson
street, to PteHarvey Stoddart, son Of
Mr. and Mrs. ,David IStoddart, Brock
street, was soleannized by Rev. D. J.
Lane at Knox ehureh manse on Monday
afternoon. • Given in marriage by her
father, the bride'wore a becoming gown
of transpprent velvet ,in ruby shade,
'With' matehing' turban, and .carried 8 -
.bouquet Of deep cream roses- Miss
Helen Wiles was her sister's,. brides-
maid; .and was -eowned in dits y rose
with.carsege of American Beaute roses,
with a dusky Pink hat. Carl • Sted-
dart, brother of the bridegroom, was
best man. A reception was held abler
the cereinonY atebe.homeof the beide's
_parents,. Which Was decorated in a color
scheme of pink an'd white. The bride's
mother wore pale blue, and Mrs. -Stod-
dart, mother pg the bridegrooin, was
gowned in navy blue..-Gueste were pre-
sent from Stratford, Brantford and
iGoderiele After a short; hones:moon
trip Mr. 811(1 Mrs. Stoddart will reside
at, London,- where the bridegroom is
,wltn the -Royal Canadian Army Sereice
OelTs. '
TOWII Cross -Appeals
Aeseasme t of Mill Property to
Come. Before the Ontario
- --Municipal ,Board '
Tae Western Canada „Flour Mflls Co.
hag entered an appeal to the Ontario
Mniticipal Beare trent the.judgment of
His • Honor judge T. M. :Costello of
March 12th eonfirniing the .munieipal
aseessment of the ComPenY'S property
.at •10/50,006.
The -Town Council held a special
meeting on Monday atigh,t' to consider.
this matter and decided to instruct
Me Town Solicitor -to enter a -erase-
appeal upen the 'ground that the assess -
went -of $150,009 is too 'lows askink, the
Municipal Soiled .teeflx the ',va1eta-4°n at
the proper figures for .assessment pur-
poses. ' !,‘
Dudley all Holmes, K. was nathed
to act with Town 'Solicitor L. E.
Dahceyi, behalf of .the Town.
IL C./5 (Hays, i,.is solleitor .for the
rpellent compamy.
• ° •
A. group of twenty RP.A.r. Security
guards ' whieh tee beetreetattoned iit
Port; Albert airport for tsve monthe left
Lor Toronto at the Weekeeel. They„
returned to Manning laiel for redis-
tribution, after tt eend-offdinner bed
-been tendered -them WM/deride All
evung the•mejority &till in
their 'teens, there -had! metre Wayed
,friends ',during their atay, "heee• Old a
eloee bend, set frlenetehip
tip among • thettilteltee. aeafirley; 'guar('
dtIty 'IS, `part of itheir liret,Y#*Inaoritite"
tfaiiiilfg; •'-ther A**. OttlAg the
airlorce„ stgeoAem: ;
• .
he 4
6.C.I.-Students Ask Permission
Leave School at Easter
date -thirty etaideete have. re -
that -they be- allowed to leave
.Collegiate Institute.. at the
M the spring term on Thursday,
10th, with their ,year's standing.
tudentealre making the request in
that they may take .up farm
as early' as. poesIble .ene ;help to
the expected shortage of, farm
u - to tae War.
Collegiate Board bas signiiled its
ess° to grant the reqnest but
he itudents must pess .their Easter
'exeminatioes with,,atteleaer fifty per
cent. an all, 'eubjects, etre', must: tenle
up to. the requirements. of Principal A.
Seott. Principal Scott Will feet • be
able to recommend the seidents for
their year's- standing until June.
' elJppet -school' students will not be
exempted from dePartimental eeatein-
atione but up to grade 12 ell students
making • eatisfactory advancement
throughout the year Will be exempted
from ,trying the examinations in June.
KNOX till„.11I011 LADIES' AID
The Ladies' Aid Society of. gnrik'
ch.ureh met ' on Wricitty afternoons, with
the president, Mrs. Alex. Stratton, in
the chair., Mee. IGieo. Schaefer read
the Seripture lesson and Miss ;Belle
afacVletir led. in prayer.- Mrs. Shiites
played tvio much aplereelated violin.
solos, "Gems from the Mikado"- and "I
Dream of Jeanie With the Light -brown
,ateompanied on the piano by
Miss iSnide., Miss '.)1ella preen and
Mrs. T. %warts were tlie lucky winners
of two'dovely mats,
th• •Parsons, President of the Blue
Water Vighway Association, and X.
Thomas, repres(inting the Goderielt
IOar(t:of Trade„ attended a meeting
at; ,London, yegterday id the Soutlme*
ern Ontario Tourist Meodation,
'fil'tevenue ,reeeivedi in excess$ 45"4.1
of e0i4 of power geld to
private eempanies
Amount of aecounts'rendered! "6141
at interim rates 51,00a.27,
1 6,776.r6
The ,local superintendent -reported
that the -cost f pdaeing a new' fire -
hydrant at the deck at the north end of
Wellington street would be $110, It
was deckled to install the bydrept, fon
Which request had been Made for the
protection of shipping and. Other pro-
perty at the east end of the harbor.
Farmers Or
*Wings at
Carlow or Goderich out
Colborne Townships
.1%feet.lugo are being belfd i tilie Pirt
of the eounty this yoleeir for te ow*.
izatiOn' of townshiP tiaito o thol'eder.
ation of ',Agriculture. The
is sponsored int the -,alf,rietatOrla es*
Mittee of the County Jeameecii, ot erbleit
:Italie J. W. Gamble •of lElonade Jot dud*
The meeting or Ooderien trivvar,bigo
was held at the nolmeeville
1Konday evening and wea well atOnded.
'Iteeve.-Een--liatimell-presided and-
mecting. `Was; addrressed -.Wardeak
;1„,e1Per, Wove Gamble and other me*
bent of the ,County Couneil byYpx..• *.
rWardenS 9Iaacke and. Ileagan and Other
iresidents of the township_
was deeided by a stari4ling *0V4 to
form a unit a the Federation in Gode.
rich township, and offleers were eleetol
as ttalOYS!: WM81004 W. Ilaaelte;
president, Harold Montgonwry; seCre- ,
tary.treasurer, GeO. C.. ;Ginn; director*:
kong:fer eath se/tee'. 'SeOti,apr:).;mt4STO*-
J'ael•Zehnston';','NO:e,- ;Chas.
IY; 'No„ 3, 'John Pet4Pser,; No. Af Bled-
L'alk; No. WM. Vox; No. - 0, Reit.
Sewerbe; No. es, WM. --MeGttire NO. 9,
'Ches. Wise; No. TO,' Celle lee'Weaal
No. 'la, ItosilTendelle Delote 8.5. No. 2,
Smith. • -
t • Twentyetwo, signed, for iniembership,..
and many 'i,others are ready to ,do .60
when more merabershiPeards are avall,•
able.. • -
Over $109 Cleared /or British Virar
.; Victims' Fund
,1 A very successful dance, in aid of the
British. *War *Victims' Fund, was held
in - Taylor's lOorner sehOol On Friday,
evening, Meech 28th. natty •titeialts
are due ell those.who supplied 4plenclid
Music for the dancing., Patriotic sing-
ing was enjoyed during the evening, the
large crowd Joining la lustily ander the
able leadership of Mr. J. F. Gillespie.
of Goderieh. Tickets were earawn en. a
rug, the winner being Clifford Sturdy.
Membere.- of thee -committee had pre-
viously seed tickets amoun-ting to over
W. A beetlesupplying hat 'dogs, ice
cream, pie, pee., .1garved -very popular
with young. ' and "old, alike,. the buns
having been kindly -donated by Curry's
bake shop. The success of the splendid
evening was/ due in large part to -the
Untiring efforts of -the recreation:, com-
mittee atidtieeir helpers
Oaar $100 was cleared, and
was sent to 4,7,1ra Hunter for the Tele-
The next meeting will be held' at
the agricultural offide, Clinton, on May
ist, at 8 p.m. .A.1). Interested iu,tbe
movement' are invited to attend.
In, Colborne ironelshie ,
A 'meeting was aeldn the „Town*,
,gall; -Carlow, -on Tu arnight for the --
1)PrIlase of organizing Golborne OW*
ship unit of the Federation PT Agrietd• •
ture as sponsored by the liturim County
Council. . , ,
The meeting adopted the Constitution
as suggested' by the agricultural 'ewes
mittee of the. 0011147 Council. (Xfieers
were elected as follows:, Fres1:1004
George 0, ,reagan ; vice-president, BAP
Bill; clirecters„ Frank ' Wilson, Wim. ,
Watson, Stanley Snyder, Stanley Van.
s one, Ebner; ItobeitsaniJob" Keit'.
nighan, 'Leslie Johnston, Hume °bitten,
Wilmer' Hardy, Alamilton. Outten.
-Reeve William Tho'ha a 'oomitonat
was in the ehair and the, Meeting was
addressed by Reeves Gamble of Howiele, •,
MacDonald of Aeldeld., Whitmore of .
Tuckersmith, Rednieed of Easit
Watvanosh and Wa;tson of Stanley, and
Ex -Warden Engem,
. There Was a voil attendance ant .
forty members were enrolled.
North Street Congregation toTelebrate
Centennial on May 4, 5, 6
This is a year of centennials. Be-
-sides the County of 'Huron and «ode -
rich Collegiate institute, the eongrega-
tion a North street United church look
back to the year 1841 as a starting
paint, It was in that year the first
Methodist ,church was built in Gode-
rich, and the congregation Is preparing
to:celebrate thetun redth anniversary
oft Suedae, Mondae nd Tuesday; May
4th, 5th and 6the- Th re will be special
-.services on the /Sunday, and. the three
days' program wen conclude with' a
supper on Tuesday the 6th. .
* Wireless Operator Flowers, sole sur-
vivor. of the double !plane ceasb near
Bond Read on March 1.3th, itt which
seven DAT?. ,comrades were killed, 18
reported to be making a remarkable
recovery:in the R C A IP beePttal. at
Camp Borden. He sustained a double
fracture' of one „arm and suffered In-
ternal -Injuries which, it is hoped. will
-not prove serious. His.- escape ,frote
Instant death is viewed as -nothing shert
of miraculous by his comrades and by
"ft is Just one of those thinge taat
nobody van •explain," said one medicari
The hope is \expressed that Flowers
,will shortly be with hiescountryinen at
Port Albeit. t
The Warden's committee of Count'
'Council met on Tuesday nfternoon and
approved -patrio.tie geants of $2,000 to
the Canadian War Services Fund and
$500 to .the Terotito Telegram's British
War Viatims' Mind. These aMotints
Were 'Made available at the January
session of Countsi CounelI When $27s600
was voted for the, 1011 war effort, the
§aute a8 iaSt year. • That Is'one-half
mill on the county -tax rate. Papnent
of inecounts amounting to 11500 also
was authorized for the fitting out of
the stage of the new recreation hall at
Port •Albert airport. A Stmt. up to
WOO was cetlaside for ti k at
ehe eesiloti after tam
tions„*. had 'been made • by Yo
The epciel eommittee of, "C" Com-
pany, ' Middlesexelluron Reginient,
entertained .members of the regiment
and their ladyfriendsat a. Social and
dance in Odafellowe' Hall on Tuesday
evening. The evening' -got under way
with, the ehowlegoof loeal moving pic-
tures by Pte. Bolrelleury, followed bi/
cominunity Singing, led- lee "Pte. Glen
lecidee. Merry entertainment ---Was eep-
plied by the popular "Caetus Mae"
afacefionald and the soldiers -joined in
singing "Home on the Range' and
'Toll -Out the Bateel." Tbe barber
shop ;quartette, rtes. Dick and
':Whitey" Weston, Pere,. Allaire' and
V4etile showed, NI/at ;Teal
harmony was like in their rendition of
popular numbers.' Lt. -Col. IL C. Dun-
lop aeted is chairman
After a tasty 'Leech, the program of
the evening was ceneluded with
alembere of "0,, Compaily we're pre.
sent ,from Goderieh, Clinten and the
surrounding dietriets, ao 'well as a few
members of ,•"0" Oompeny from. Sea -
forth. •
The- temperatures for the past weelg
and, for the ''torresponding week laSt
year, :as- officially recorded, were as
• 1911 -19A0
Thitrs., Marell.',27.29 g4'.17
Frio March 28 ..trt 28 24
at, March '29 ...32 18 54 o 83
nn,Xtarcli 40 .$0 - 18 40 30
Moue !klatch:31 ..52 32 42 30,
Toes,. Apreel, !12., "
WO., Apr. 2, ;
, ,
42 '22
PLOWING othrvowssEttr Roos , - -
- ...,A. provincial snowplow v; yesterday
compelled toegive up •tem ratily -the, •
job -of snowAssving the toovnishil) roado .
of West Wawanosh, atter • meeting
With 'some sueeess_on_ th lighter- .
travelled roads of, Ashfieid. in Week
Wa*inoslutwo to thtee'tea' f ice had
formed, the snow having been packet
down by sleigh „traffic. Even. the
Powerful „taterpillar-tractor Could not ,
dislodge .Pir There Are eats on sonie
roads filled with snow ten feet deep,
An addition to Gederic.h'e 'AWACS"
Community is R. E. Emerson, Phm..1,1,,
who has purchased the drug business of
the late E. .R. Wigle and is now la .
tharge. Mr. Emerion, though yet te
young man, is an experienced phartse
aeist7iaving conducted:a drug bueineeti
at Windsor, Ont., for elevexi yearae---
County Rally at Seaforth on
Sunday, for War Services Drive
A monster patisiatie-rally under the Genuine enthusiasm marked the %first
unspireA OS the Huron ,k.county War adadlanof Wt,h:trsixse-inry-oictnes d.orienendefeteraaigia-
Services kund will mark. the beginn 1" when team captains and canvassers met
of the final feae days of the drive in in the Le.ion room % on Monday nigilt
Huron county, according to plans ar- to Complete plans and to procure sup
renged by the Huron Board at 'a meet- plies. . •
Ins; in, Minton on Saturdays The Canl- Treasurer II. S. Turner reported that'
paign. has been in 'progress a' week the first contribution was a eitequesler:
and canvtiesere are , meeting with a $20 halide(' in by the Women's Hospital
ready reception in eery part of the Auxiliary, followed closely by a ;a
cennty. • ' cheque from the Canadian I..egion and
The eally which is being held in 'See- one for $100 from -the Lions .Club.
forth on upday next 'emismenees with Canvassers feseort a generous response -
a parade at 2.15 p.m. In the parade to date. - • ,
will be ,Rnron County branches' of tbe Mr. Turner will be on duty in the.
•Vanadiane Legion, county bands', de- headquarters .roonas donatea by the
tachmeets from actiVe service unite In Legion each et -ening until the drive
the county Including the' R.C.A:F. and completed. Captains aro requested Ao
Co. of the keeP.their tearas.eetive in the hope that
Itegiment„, and -other interested) parties. the work , will be finished- qUiTekly„'
The rally proper will be beld in First Chairman. W. C. Atteidge anmeancea „..
Presbyterian church, where outstanding -that an adequate -supply of cauvaggere
speakers will address the gathering - forms had been secured and that thee
George W. Schaefer, of Goderieh, le would be available as ,required. 'Some
chairman oe the -special committee in delay was experienced intseetiring
charge -of tthb e• pliee from headquarters in Toronto
ao, u3YnatrehntisOraenspalotiend,lcOtaolituhme .cohfa, irieeorgoth tiwliicb tet,tatitisktddd.etnhelltdactenii.:, epyoHof
of Warden James Leiper of Huron rePorted Stilt away and it was recta-
counte. The challenge as given by the sary to secure freshhelp ,let, the
Huron Warder* was that Huron county emergency,. -
would hatre a greater percentage over A large contingent of Goderiell people .
,its quota, than Perth county.. , The have announced their -intention to at
forfeleol the bet was the loser must tend the parade and, service in 5ea/Ott/1
b0 tie winder's wife a new hat -at on ,Sunday afternoon; Aptil 10th, organ
least a five -dollar model -as if a fades ized by the Count* conimittee 111 aid
hat could be purchased for less of the county drive. All veterans ha*
'Meanwhile, the eanvassers are busy .been requested to parade with berets •
on the "money or prodtke" Campaign and medals. Those having »curs and,
in Huron eountY for JO* War serivices rota to spare in thtlm aro rollatstieti to
drive. Canvassers in the Urbaii metres eall, at the iLegion rooms soon after
have alreadY started.their collections, 1 p.m. on ,Sunday to pick up theft
but the rural canvassers have bad the veterans who lack transportatiofl.
handicap a bad roads. 'Some local team captains are
short of 'edavassers and 'volunteers.**
KING'S BIETIIIMIt 41,11k1E 9 asked for It is , hoped to, make of
A. proclamation fixing Monday; ;title this, the only drive Of the /tear, n qtriek
Oth,--the same date 'AS/ last War -for effort!, and to do thits plenty of belpero
celebratiOn of the ling's birthday has will berequired. "A'hoee 11Ut 10btl*
been is_gued at Ottawa. Xing itleorge's ' and who have not Yet; X'*POrteci art
'birthday actually • falls tom Demnber ,a.4041 to stet in touch w,itb4itpttklyrit
3.4ths tmir ei.striets'ininVillittelto •