HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-27, Page 6for Blood and Herr' trr ;pulses the Vitamin I1y,and mieeral airbratentes . e needy to improve the • qus ity of the blood sinal help the nem*. Fer ..better petite, better . „digestion, better bleep, and for better ?filth Use Dr, C? Nerve Food„ glr�itR�t�.' �t'� Li: ri ' iL3U*li i" R ILXfts ab t l#4 1 1#urtto wbieh s the tt, but+ i,gbteee ruches p. Ou Mtwo, orthree *e * 4+4 1t tatter the t hes hes ed 'theltcoaled. dowel aeaiu (a. uttea thr er fent days) the d •is sewin rowsb:., fee' inches apart. The bisA het bed' for tatertile Pt** *Kwill testedbyroughboazdu "og fire • side, and on top, amid sloPmg toward* the Scant aboet sten to . eighteen tnehee above the bed, is Plate 3 Win:4W sash well glassed, It only ,a few Planta axe wanted, these May be .started rent needs sown iill flat boxes 3ndoore and placed 'in sunny wi dowb. .Like garden seed, it is ,impor_t- 'sedum :nursers. 400k -fruit trees, rase bushes, shrubs, perennial 410wers,-ete. Thai a reputable Source and one • that, is a • fa aillWith and caters to eauedian eon itzons. '° . Good •stoeRIs pliable, green"., and shows plenty of live buds, • Roots are moist and well wrapped to exclude the air, • Sueh will, grow readily ' when Platted, Brittle wood, wrinkled , bud or none at ail, anl exposed, slry roots are an indaea&ion, of, inferior, usually. cheap stock . If it grows at all it will` take' years to nake a real Showing, ' °Nursery stock should be planted .as, soon as,' the soil is .fit to work' and if purchased before this time, or if ineon- -venienta4or-tplantergots: --he temnporarily covered with moist earth, or Plants should be stored/ in a cool,' dark cellar and roots kr t moist, GODERICH TOWNSHIP • I. • o.. •GC�DERii�H TC3Wti., Mar. ,U.- 3,tr. 'Gordon ',Harwoodhas joined the [Royal Arc Worm e and is sta- tioxedtst Port Albert. The =lance held' in Taylor's Corner school .on. k'rid.ay° evening .was well at'- ten, Unidedon Church Notes •.e --The regular meeting of the Y.P.U: will be held In 'Union church on Friday evening. Maurice Harwood will have charge of the Meeting..., . •There ' was a large. congre„eatiou at Union church on' Sun- day, when 'the gator;• tiRev. A.. Jr. ? %- Keye, delivered the third of, a series 'el JLenten .'sermons on -i "The Cross:" The sermon on ;Sunday was most help- ful and: was on the subject "The Cross as Amer." During the service the choir sang an anthem, `There- Is -No' Naive as Sweet.". ' Social Farmers' ' Club. --021 Friday evening; the' ' new!ly-organized club of 'teen-age girls and ?toys:-•vt_the distriet d anoth r meetin t heel a g a. the honrie of 'jr. and Mrs. Geo. 31ell vain._ Twenty- one ' young People were present. -The. pec i lly, 2the be` During, wartime especially, ,ginner in gardening is warned ,not to pat more land into garde than be ean handle.. Instead of produe eg a.• plot that its a l'oy to liis own fatniity and the envy of his neighbors, he tnay` simply balite opens , up a . wider space for wecds•te nourish. -._-Plowing or spading, up a new piece of land is almost cer- tainly going to be followed by a luxur- iant .troy of weeds, unless 'cultivation Is maintained. Is not difficult with a small piece ef his h d -ground. ilne� person can iznle a i quarter -acre of ,vegetable garden n spare time,; provided he is willing to k ; .t. a week o �tevote an evening or. so �, t.�,1., . It this time is not available, the a Mitch : smaller • plot should' be chosen. As a natter of ,faet, all esperieneed gardeners advocate a small, Well euitt- vated Plot in Preference to' one. larger and r eeeiving less' carver The smaller. •plot, ''too, ha the end will produce the best t ad`ti e' most" xe xa Iles, -'.r the r original digging is followed promptly end regularly with :from 'two to fear thorough cultivations, 'about a week to ten days apart, the weeds' will get discouraged, To make sure,however, ver that the weed s are killed and not jest temporarily put off from starting, it is rntlle a4lpw sufficient time e in be- iveen cuityation for the pis to We don't pretend to know everything, but we do claim. to know machinery and how to repair breakages or worn out parts. lur M'achin'e Shop is open every clay aid we are at your service. PHONE2065 ea, ' Y Stokes any DS:AAHIIVIBT ?��Yfrf�y.r. ,!•fes --. .. �«A CHEVROLETMEETS EVERY DRIVING NEED e It :.. Try It Buy it r' To .get ,the best ride and best .drive you want alt the 41 outstanding features which Cheyrolet .offers for '41. You want • Cheivrofet's. bigness, roominess and quality : ... You want its Fisher Body beauty and eonifortits Valve* t -Head "Vietorry"'.Engins; arrmanrce its Unitized Knee-Actiion .ride and its Vacuum -Power Shift. This year's Iow priced Chevrolet brings you all these advantages phns a host of others at no extra . cost! See 'Itevrofet .� drive' Chevrolet :;it your dealer's t y Only Chevrolet 'Has Alf These 1..FEATURES FOR ''4i • 1. Concealed Safety Steps 2. •Tiptoe-Mitic Clutch: 3. Reinforced Unisteel Turret Top 4. Box Girder Frame 5. Safe-TSpeciat Hydraulic Brakes 6. Separate' Parking Brake ShockproofiSteering 8. Valve=in=lead Engin* 9. Vacuuoi-Power Shift 10. initized°Knee•Action; 11. Thrilling New Bigness 12. Automatic Dome Light. 13. Ventilation Drip Shields 14. Dual Panel Door Construction , 15. All Doors 1Thiged from Front. 16.. Concealed Door Hinges 17.,Harmortic Balancer. 18.58'/41'.wide Front Seat 19: Two Arm Rests 20. Convenient Front Seat Adjustment 21 Full Horn Ring .22, Dus1.14c,nit Mounted,Behind Radiator Grill. 23. Weight 3250 lbs 24.. Glass Area 2264.04. ins. ' • 25. Animistic Locks on AU Doors 26. Left'ind Right Door Front Locks 2y. Instrument Panel Clock 28.:Glove Compartment with Lock and l ig4" - 29. Accessible Trunk Lock- _• ._. �,._ . a. • 30. Evenly Motuitcd Windshield, Wipers 31. Rear Axle 1rispectiott Plate •32. individually. Cooled Cylinders 33. SeIf.AdjusfingTension Type Rear Spring Shackle, 34. Rubber Cushioned Rear Spring Mountings . ". • 35. Steel -bound Pelt Window Glass Channels 36. Positive Crank.Controlled Ventipane; with Lock 37. Six Bolt Hold Rear Wheels to Flanged A,il& • 38. Two Adjustable Sun Vixens 39. Lavish Ura. of Meet Metal 40. Front Seat and Door Stuff Pads 41.1Hypoid gear' Asir, • ROYAL YEAST president, Lorraine .l assaline, ,presided for.thediusines� bleb consisted, chief- ly ,of ,deciding _ a name for the club. '-Social Farmers" was finally de ided upon, , with the ' funds going to the British 'War Victims' Fund. Plans were made for eke ;April meeting, to be .held at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, Wileman Johnston. Games andcon. tests were enjoyed, -Lunch was served by the young 'people. War' Services Caznpaign.- A iheetin'g 'of Councillors and school trustees was called by the Reeve of the Township 't� organize- the campaign for the col- • lection of funds for - war services. ' The campaign begins on March 24th and the object as outlined 'by the Beeve and, councillors is to furnish funds to the various government -approved ; organ- izations -which provide comforts tor,our fighting forces on land, . sea or in the air: The township.is being�'thoroughly organized and every family fill be called on. before the campaign 'closes by and .authorized canvasser' who will wrence Seaway. (Coutianed from pete t) Toronto Cowrrativei that there la no lio__In-- t Eft"trrelatio with Ow Vichy GIvernmene Tbi* mak, .Captstu 'hierzy d' 9,rgenlieu, an ,end§kiekl of mineral Charles de Oarille, Free Preneh leader, istted -Ottawa. Mr, MAC 10*,,, niade it Main that the Itritisit +0overu- meat wished ,Canada to •malutaiu. diplo>lnatie rela'tlens with the 'Vieby regime. On 'Thursday, night, after being under consideration for about -a, nontle the resolution for the appropriati u of $1,30000,000 for war purposes was iag- prov`+ d, without a tonna diivislon. The coils, based on 'the resolution, bas Yet to 'be approved, but diseussion, on. it is not expeeted to be long: Bele): Is Sanguhti p'ivance Minfster.J, IL, 'iitsley assured` the Oommons •there ; is no reason for "abject fear" ever Canada's• ming naa tional debt, He declared that Canada would always, 'Meet her ° obligations, either by taXetiOn or by borrowing, and that • she .world always haver 'the re - sour ' to do sa, '' Mr„ Ilsley was in- dined , to be disdainful . of "defeatist" liredletioos about the 'lack et prosperity in ' Canada, atter the. „Var. 1st ,Mr. 1e, opinlarn &nal t.• wI g'etn�!her fan- shore of prosperity out of the new ,order when peace eomes. Ile pointed out that the Dominions revenue is now running at the rate of $9OO,000,000" a year, and still rising. Since ',January 1 last, the•Gorerpment has'repa•triated $150,000,000 of Canadian securities held in 'Britain. Miss Agnes Maephail, ex-M.P. for Grey. Bruce, was in 'Ottawa this week, looking, into .tr< job offered ered' .her ,by the Government on the new Unemployment Insurance Com1111st,ion '.staff.' Miss M:rcphal, still • keenly interested • in polities and farmers, problems;, 'may, however; wept the offer of a Toronto newspaper to contribute a daily column to its publication,. - F. C. Oasselbnan, Liberal, Edmonton; died yesterday, creating the first vacancy in the House 'since the death of Hon.Tormah Rogers last June. Mr. Ilss, ey "stabled yesterday supple- '1nentary estimates ctf 'S35,000,000• to cover payments on.reductions in w.heat acreages; as outlined in last week's letter. Parliament will treat itself_ to a full diess debate, one of these days, en the Government's wheat policy and the want of cronldence motion . moved on March 5. by Marl;, O •Senn; 'Haldimand Conservative, ealiing! attention to the plight of the Canadian' farmer in re= gard to the Dominion's war effort. The House will -recess for aster from April 9th to 28th. Whether the budget will pilebrought down: •before. that timelis uncertain. furnish a 'receipt for donations given i. A unique feature• of the campaign as that it will be "money or produce." A family may not hate the .ready cash when the canvasser calls, but - mat. donate a quantity of marketable. pro duce such as a cord or two of wood, a pair of dressed chickens, a few dozen eggs or a quarter of pork. This pro- duce will be taken oto, a central : place where it will be disposed Of by a special agricultural committee headed by Agri- cultural Representative - James C. Shearer. - - - 'WESTJ`IELD WESTFIFLD, March 25. --Mr. ands Mrs. Albert Campbell were 'Goderich PORTER'S HILL PU.RTErs HILL, March .25. --Some of these items should have been re: ported last weeks, ibut owing to a short piece of blocked` 'road • which no one` Seems- inclined to open, par ',mailman has -found it hard to get around; coil- sequently onsequently news ° items :.'had: to wait. " • The ,Ladies' kill held. t,their monthly meeting last Thursday, with a • fairly good attendance. • On Monday afternoon, in spite of the blizzard, the. Red .Cross --held. their March meting. • Eight ladies were pre- sent. Two quilts were waiting to be quilted. One was tfinished, the other- has therhas a good beginning. A good number - off knitted articles .were handed in; the packing of these was done at Yrs.., John Torrance's home on. Thursday -1 turtle -necked sweater, 3 seamen's Scarfs, ,5 pairs two-way mitts, 3 pairs seamen's socks, 1 helmet,' 1 sleeveless sweater, . 2 pairs- sock.,, 5 skirts, 3. jackets, 1 slip, 1 dress, 2 tams, 2 tluilts, and one • layette. Not bad for one month.. . This Friday, evening Airs., Reid Tor - 'ranee has offered her`home for 'a euchre party. Proceeds' for the Vii: Gross everyone welcome. Miss Betty ;Newton has gone to Ta,m-: Ilton, where she will wend' some time. with friends. On - Sa turd _Miss Jean - Ivisoir- acid her father,'tf f` 'It-tgpen, spent the day with Mu -and Mrs. Reid Torrance. On Sunday, March 23, the•attendanee at Grace church was much -better. All winter it had been rather small, owing to bad roads. •• Corp: ,tend;. MTs. Stewart ;Sehoen`hals of Woodsto& spent the week -end With Mrs. Sehoenhals' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dlliott, Pte. -Morris Frame Was •home from Camp Borden with the °Elliott family *ser the week -,end......, Mrs. Miltorp `Woods has returned hom.e 'ales a prolonged,boliday in Lon. don With Mr. ,and MTS. 'Jas.•ufnt'in, who were : here Over the weer -end. fir, and Mrs. R. E. Bowden and• two daughters" of Clinton; spent '.Swiday et J..S.,Loelr`hart's, visitors on Friday. • • - Mr. and ;airs. Melte*. Good and child - tete of near iBlyth, -visited, on Sunday -with Mrs -Good's- parents, - air and Mrs. Wm. Go'vier. • Mr. Harold Vincent of Belgrave visited on ;Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wm. 3MeDoweli. " ' Mr. Len Brydges acid Mr. Kenneth Campbell of Turolrto and ,Miss Jean Oampbell of Kitchener ;visited. on Sun- day with -Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Oanapbell. Mrs: Atria McDowell entertained a 1 number of the ladies at, a quilting -on Friday. n . . Mr. Jahn. Vincent has secured a Posi- tion at Hamilton. • Rev. H. C. Wilson spoke on Sunday from -St • John 1:42, his .subject ,being "The Life ,of Peter." The men's choir favored with a :number. Mr. Maurice -'Bosman and Mr -Marvin. 3i'CDosvell were at Wingham on 'Mon- day. -.,. CHEVROLETIir 211, YEARS AHEAD FOR YEARS TO COME It i ,v„t.t.. C-114 1,1 Giem. READY ` FOR 1MMEtltATE DELIVERY acEwan;,Gaaler ch, On Mrs. llowdartl.,,CarnpbelL has received s the sad news .of the -death of her aunt, HOLMESVILLE Mrs, Wm. Johnston- of Exeter',' whose funeral takes lace ons Tuesda after p noon, ti4. SI1EI '4RDT .1 " - S13E{PP'A DTON, ,March Jack Pitbladb of- it.. 'Car~harines : •ares . turned 'homeon Thursday; March 20tb, after visiting ` for a week • with her mother; lire. A, Foster, and relatives. ,..,Dobby, ' (Waterhouse of Toronto . is staying at the home of Mrs. A. Gordon. Mrs Irwin. Foster, R.C.A.F:; of Pott. Albert, visited with his parents, Mr. and. Mrd., J. Foster, recently. Mr. °Reuben Storie, R,.O.A.F., of St. :Thoimas, formerly of Aberinatliy,•spent. the week -end. with Mr.Ralph lyoster.. SLEEP 'AWAKE REFRESHED if y.0don't deep y - if nights are rinterr. irsted' by restlessness kb) your kidneys. If your kidneys aro oat of order and fto i cleanse. the if prisons and wait* iaatter y.+ar reit is lik.yreftering, to.. At the first sign of , Iudney trouble turn c edidently to Nos �iIal--=--1.r swot l+slf a mit*y the fMrrnt' a kirlooy�. Easy to taklr. Ili asKidn mzsivILtA , March 25. -1 -Miss Alma ►Trewartha of • Woodham. tpent the, week -end with her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Et. J. Trewartha. .4. A*:Y'airid"`Mrs. Wm. Jervis and Loa rnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bisset at Atwood: • Mr, and Mrs, .trrank... eCu11'ough•- Spent Sunday with the latter' parents at Kitchener: Mr. .Irvan Jervis, of the . Galt All;craft !'chool, *pent the 'geek -end with his parents, 31r. and Mrs, L. Jervis. Tile teaeheru of •Goderieh township were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t . Pearce of Thursday even- was nieetinld the the Red Cross Saciejy A � meeting of home of nee.111. Wild ing on �t`uesday . Two quilts were quilted during the afternoon. Mr' and 'firs. d. Cudmote, Mr, and Mrs. fi. Oudmore and '31r. Chap Cud- more were recent guests of Mr. and Mfrs. E, Oudrrlore at '1lenfyrn. +(intended for flat Week) IlfllAil�JtSr'Vrtrita, March 17. -Mrd, swans Jervis left en Wednesdays to take a eotrrse at Galt Aircraft School, "'We regret to report the serious Ill• ness of Mrs. i1Y. tlliddcrn and wihh her a speedy recovery. �• Mrs. (Proctor 'Palliser spent the week. end with friends in Detroit. The Junior Ited Cross of liolnmesville sehool presented ax St. P trick' Pros grant 'oh Monday in. aid of .;the War Victims' 'Fund. The 'program was in chain if the president, Migg Naiialtt Mrs, A. Orange and, little Elisabeth Ann, of'Ren]niller, are guests of Mr. • week. Sympathy ai1so is extended. fOt and Mrs, D. Gliddon, Mrs. Harvey' Flshher, whose tbreriher Mr. Chas. '( udmore of `'4f1'ingham, died in. Detroit, .She attended Ow - Spent ,the tees Bend: with his 'parents, funeral. 'Mr. and Mrs. John 'Cadmium ° Miss Emma Mc'?iznehey and 'Mr. Wm, McOlinchey spent the week -end wi>th. friends at 'London.': LEEBURN LEEIBURNR March. 24,--Serr, 3, T. Hunter has Been on leave for two Weeks visiting et his `father's and..ether placers before leaving for Nova Seotia, 'having ;dem =transferred from Jarvis: N'ReeteuttM, bee ark -the order of the.day, Mrs, Peter Harrison and her young son, from Listowel, -visited her father here this week. . • .i The W.11.7 Society will ^hold , their monthly meeting this week, the me st nb having beenpostponed from last week on aeeountof the stormy weather. The ladies quilted two 'quilt* lust week. for the refugees. The • sympathyeof the 'entire comrmun- Ityis extended to Mrs: Thomas Jewell • and: her family in the :loss of husband .and, father by death on Tuesday of last Night'. Coughs Terribly wearing on the system is the tough that comes on. at night and prevents sleep. Sometimes it is the constant cough, .cough that will not be quieted, Sometimes it is a eholted up, stuffed- upfeeling that makes breathing diffi1 ep t. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is Tthe remedy you • need to .give you relief, for the reason that this prep aration captains the healing virtues , of the Norway pine tree with - which iis combined wild cherry bark, and the soothing, healing and expectorant properties of other excellent balsams, barks• and herbs. ...,.._ That T. Milburn CO, Ltd. 'reroute Ont. of- DEAD or -DISABLED ANIMALS -Pone tolled' tothis slumber "901 r 12 Clinton" or21 iNgtRSOLL WILIIAM STONE SONSLTD BROPHEY'S FUNERAL $ER VL R' 7 1 (Established '1375 ) ITION INCERITst AND EXPERIENCE,;,� Prompt ' • 4t1ntbulance Service Phone 120 FLOYD M. LODGE, Directs/it, L rM.-n•r.•. R. Whee!er Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day Err tight -AMBULANCE SERVICE -Chbness Store, 335. Res. 355W. Hamilton Street, Ooderich The Cranston Funeral Home : Complete. Service of Reasonable Prig PROMPT INVALID ' CAR SERVICE No extra :charge for the use of our •modern :neral Home. 17 Montreal t Phone -399 • M�numents! To hose conte'mpla'ting fiuii8= • ing a Monument . . Get my Prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a_speciaity. • All worktguaranteed. JOHN GRAND CLINTON MARBLE & GRA'NITE WORKS Clinton - Ontario Successor to Balt &-Zapfe • Monuments Our prices have not advancedfrom last.: year.. Large stock -of Foreign and Canadian Granites to choose *from. SPECIAL PRICh ON INeORPPlobi WORE Wrms & Son Granite Works 147 St. Patrick St. • STRATFORD Phone 1955 EXETER We invite you to inspect our steels of Cemetery Memorial's ALL ENQUIRIES WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. EXETER -Phone 41 4'. • . SEAIr'ORII Tuesdays & Saturdays a • Okla any time Thursdiy, April =10th, until 2.00p.m..Morally, April 14th. F: 11;0rte rla:tlnatiOii up to midnight Tuesdays, April 13th,1941. t. t • evittoaskts • Ties, avow: of tfits tont w e.k=end far r vlalt , ken. Of MOO aWith Mind,. CANADIAN NATIONAL