HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-27, Page 5Tiui wDl Y'a 3&4 RG 2Tth, 1141
only two weela away, it is time to be thinking
of) °Smart Things.to lAea7r.''
$piing Coats in fitted
or boxy styles in all,'
wool imported English)
cloths,plain. or fancy
Tweeds, l oueies' and
.fine Crepes, Sizes .for
Juniors' - Misses -
Ladies and tk sizes. ..
Well-known Fhysiclen of hintsl I"sliises.
Suddenly in Itis Seventy-eighth
Ye r
f o shalt-go-ter--th y -father, .. peace; ttion shalt be -buried in a good
old age.': - So spare God unto Abraham.
The same might haye been spoken to Dr.
Arthur Alexander Johnston !Sampson,
who answered 'the last Ball 'to "coarse up
higher" and passed peacefuliy'to his re-
ward at his home sit 'Kintail in the
early Morning, hours of Friday, March`
1 k, 1t41, in his s erentpei htli year..
The late Dr. Simpson was born near
Walkerton, one of a family of seven—
six sons and one daughter ---e the late
Arthur Simpson and Markaret Johnston
Simpson, early pioneers of that dis.
triet, both ots whmn Came from Aber
leen, !Scotland. 'Ile, ,received his' ele-
mentary school education in the rural.
school afterwards going to High School
in Walkerton° and Owen SoUltd,1 where
he, also attended Model*boo). .After
teaching in VfVu1ron, for two years, he
attended ,Normal Shoot in Ottawa, and,
following in the footsteps of his father,
'whowas a fiehool teacher, be taught
for schyen. year at 'Britannia 'I ay, near
q)ttr p.va in_1003 ho entered Toronto
iInivc;st ity and tit -en a,ttenij,ed
from which he graduated in 10(0.
After interning at ► ingbawpton with
Dr. +Enil, be was assistant for a short
time to Dr. Valiott Lucknow, and
then went to Kintail, where: he stab -
listed a flourishing rural practice which
he continued for thirty -,seven Yearr,
until his death; be having been in at-
tendanee upon a patient in Oo erich
hospital the day previous to his pass-
ing. " Ile knew all, the rigors attendant
upon the life of a. doctor in the country,
in the early days before motor ears or
telephones were? In existence, when it
was mase: nary to make long' drives with
a horse and cutter, or buggy, en stormy
or dark ,nights. Many :times he per-
formed 'the duties' of both physician and
nurse, remaining all night with a
.Shower proof coats,
:these new 2 in 1 coats
' are definitely it, sizes,,
14 to 20 from
CHOICE 15oz.
� - .► -gin. This ,. ,..
3 25c
Patient, 'wiea; ;our Fere not .vii -
all'. lle wit* the ui aiiiaag friend of
old and young, rich or poor, and hn*i
snicidea passing is '0.1ceply regretted by
a Wide eirele of friends, I'or twenty.
yvars he was me Ueal Bottle ,,ar of
health for the 'Township of . Infield,
Ilervr a i mber 01'14' irk +,w'x i of
Aslrtield Presbyterian church and for
many years " had aete t as secretary.
treasurer of the school.
Surviving to mourn die less of a
loving and dervOted. husband and father
are his widow, formerly' •Miss Flora
McLeod, to 'whom be was married thirty
years a. ,o��rya0��}fou'r sons antit ne (laughter+g:.
Arthur, Dnnean, 'Robert,'°Donald, all.
at hoarse, and lisps Margaret, a teacher
at Lambeth. Three brothers also Kt*
vivo: John, of Whitechurch, wan, of
yxnniSfall, Alberta, and Albert, of !Lang�
ham, Sask. He was predeceased by his
only .sister' Mrs. 1ie'Oona.ld ('Robina),,
of Wixnglbazu, and by two brothers,
Robert William and James J. W. Shop.
son, ,,an :,barrister of Torento.
The funeral service, -held at his home
at Kintail on +onlay afternoon, was
attended by a' vast, assemblage of
people ° who gathered to pay a fnaal,
..tribute , to a,.• much loved friend and
neighbor; It was eanducted by Rev:'
1tevnolris 1 s1er, minister of A "hfie].d
Presbyteriarn church, of, whish the de-
, parted man was one of the chief pillars'
Assisting in the service were Bev. John
Rolloolt of Whitechureh, Rev. Davin
Lane •of Knox 'Presbyterian cchurch,
Goderich, and Rev. ''R. McConnell; form-
erly „of Ripley, Eider .based his
-renin s'upou Talker
with God•: and he was not, for God
took him." The words 'were particular-
ly apPr'opria.te to the -departed man. His
ealm, -quiet; and '*unobtrusive "lancer
won for him the esteeii of all.. He
stood •for all that was best in the life
of the comMunity, where he was zn
.leaden~4n,everythi ig for ito-betterment.*
He was a mann of integrity and wisdom,
of sterling character and a Christian
gentleman, whose influence • will long
remain. During theservioe, Mrs: (Rev.)
`Ester sang very effectively as, a solo
"Sone Time, -Some Time We'll Under.,
Many offerings of beautiful fiipWers
bespoke • the sympathy of friends, and CARLOW
LYNN 'YAP:XS'. : .16 oz. '') Wins,.
CUT WAX OR GR Er4I ' ' b Lr
XXXX Qta.akeililour
98 lb; sack*. : . $2.79
XXXX Quaker ?lout
24 1b.: bag "'" 79c
"See it ground" . 4
Richrnelio. Coffee. ..111 39c
Early Mousing, Coffee
.lb. 8Ose.
Simmerr Garden Seeds
for -25c
The fuller figure that
craves flatness in. front --
plus Comfort- will appre-
ciate this tvvo'way stretch
knit 'Controlastie ste'pin
girdle; The inside front
cloth panel is strateicaiiy
boned for extra control.
. Gooch 15" length :for thigh'
smoothness. Clings
avoid bulges, Li small,
medium, large s%zes , ; 2.95
We.ha t34d-se1e@til-=n.8k=4 tex.°olatlaelati
Garments ranging -in price from $1.00 to $5.00.
Come in au i let us show you our a» sort]uent.
among them was one from the,session _�,_
ofAshf Qld church, and ,one from the CARLOW;'March 26. The robins are
VfomeWs institute of °Kirstin. The re-
e- bae1 again . and. with their.. heexy
mains were laid to rest in Kintail eeme- 5
hers a few rods from his home, being "ekirrup, chirrup," say they are ready
borne by his'four,sons, Arthur, Duncan, to do their bi*. Also the starlings are
Robert and Donald,' and•tWo •nephews, here .tnumbers,.�lnut eta not got.
•43un;ean and -Joico Alla ofTamIttel e: so warm a welcome._ • •
Dr. Simpson will be greatly missed in ,
the community in. the ehureh .and in 1zr.- Ii i. J: Scott, Misses Mildred and
the home, where daily he had estab Jeal • Scott. and Mrs. Henderson at -
a ,famiI; .altar. The sympathy ,tended the funeral'of the late Dr. A. A:
of all is extended, to the family In their , Simpson at Entail on Mondaly a:ffer-
sudden, sad !bereavement.
Mr. H. E. Livens,ef.,l ondon '. was in town on. 'Monday.
PORT ATJZ33ERT, 'March' 26.r -Pte.
Clifford Orawforci; of Hamilton, and •
Mrs. Crawford and, daughter Ann, of
Guelph," are visiting this week at the
home of the fora er's mother, Mrs. W
Ora sword. •
Mr. Jas. Young of"Manito liar Island
has been spending the . past 'few weeks
at the home cif 'Mr. and airs. Jas, Young.
Theoboys of the eonmmunityare be
ginning to think they are getting pretty
;fair hoeltev.. Last Friday evening
they -q flayedKingsbridge - in the Ltitek
now arena, ;trounfcing thein. 8 to 'a. `""
'The day of prayer as authorized by
Klug George VI°was observed in both"
clturches here on Sunday-, March 23rd.
The C. C. 'Qlub held a service 'at Tait
Clark's hanae..tnn Sunday;night. There
wda!att, large nttendanee. Mr. 'Frank
sieIlwain.was in charge, with Mrs. R.
Bean at the piano, Tait Claris react
the "Scripture lesson ,.and Frank. Mali'
wain led the topic, en "When; 'Where,.
and ° Why We Sherd Pray," Several
shgrt" papers 'were read 'and Others
joined in the . disctssion. Thep hymns
were prayers. Th interest in 'these
meetings is growing and, proving help-
r in
TN, •rQ°°ads`is. district areeel
, .
and carg•are getting out again '-that had
been housed in for some time.
Funeral of Thomas Jewell. -,The fun? : ,
erg of the late Thomas Jewell was
held on Priddy last, with Rev. D. J.
Dane.. of Knox .'1'resb, teria.n March,. "
•oderich, conducting services. at the
house and graveside, Friends were
,presen.t ' from.:t'he. 'surrounding district
and Teeswater. The pallbearers were
W. L. Young,, Harry' Shields, Georgi . n.
Feagan, .George Ashton,George Ful»
ford; 'and' Drnest .Young.- Interment
was in the Colborne eemetery. ' Mr•
Jewell -leaves Ills 'widow, formerly Miss •
!ClhristenaMurray,, Teeswater, five sons •
and two ,daughters.'
N ELE, ,Marek i.- rThc „ 'Woman's
.Association. •met' at Nile church. on Fri--
day last and quilted, four quilts, `for
patriotic purposes,.. '
Qui boys from, Nile are helping'Mr.
Falconer, from ()Linton, "buzz" •the;
wood he .purchased' from, Vere 'Cunning
'ham.. They : are 'Henry Matthews, Wit
vier Rutledge,.'ack Wilsoand Arnold,
51/5%, Lillian; antwel wlioi rias -been
wort ing ate.. DeTh , is Nomefor u Short—
time. �.
at 845 5
The purposes of the Drive will be ;�e� .b
quadron Leader J. B. Voy�
PoCt Albert, will speak on
The R. A. F. in Egypt and India
All Are Welcome iChildren unaccompanied not admitted