HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-27, Page 4aster ;dale SAVE 204a QSMEflCS $1.00 VA.T,UE FOR, • • , .....800 1,50 VALUE FOR . • . $1,20 $2,00: VALUE FOR , ..... $$1.•60 AOT. NOW This special • offer ends April 5 PHONE 90 ERSONAL MENTION 10i'iss Maude Maellath, Eat street, is the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Windsor, Ont. L kno w is r f u c Mrs. Wiliam Naylor o i y M i East ' 'stip with Mrs: R. T. Ph 1.lrps, E yr � street. • Miss Betty ::'newton : is visiting in Hamilton, a gest of 31r. arid Mrs. Walter tune° Rev.; and Mrs. A. I7, Mioorhouse, o Forest,'visited with Mrs. R. T. Phillips, ],fast; street, on Wednesday_ _ . Donald Wiggins, who' is on the staff oLthe,Bdnk.ef.Montrealn.at I.1�ensall, is 'o • two- weeeks'etoi4- .at°::.pi�eXit..:rrrS enjoying* da.:�• He spent the. first part of 'his f�'ri�n Sale . ea �1 All Rubber .Wear Special reductions of h gh grade rubber boots. oe Stoe'- 'OjqxiteKnoxChitrcli East St.' vacation' in 'Goderich with his parents, Mr, and - Mrs. Jdhn Wiggins, and is now Visiting with friends' a;t'uelph.- Major D. R. Nairn of the Elgin Regi- ment, stationed at Toronto, -visited relatives and friends here over the' week-end. n- �^ r rr - of the Man- ning be ` Au e , A.C. . ()uul in S ,, Pool, visited. with'his nines I dol, lorouto, t parents, M . and :firs. Charles eAuster- berry, Horton street, at the weekend. Sergeant Jim Sheardown of the Perth Regiment (M.G. ), stationed. at Hamil- ton, it home , on leave ' and Is visiting with his parents', Mr.' and Mrs. Wren SheardoRn, Iiinebs street. Z 'V AitI+ tiE CLL" 11 SOCIAL. ., One of the -Most *successful {socials - held by the Marine 'Club this season .was GODERICH SIGNAL S AR DUNGANNON DU GAN SON, March ., . 1r. Arthur l rowP. i rpendini, this week sit tratterd farad vteinit- visiting friend a urgaret-lkatiand, rtN.t ller sit Southampton, as ho u, e fon' a rode .reit time, her school being closed ora a.e- count of measles. Mrs. Arthu>l Sitter.* of Wilkie who .visited for a fortili tht w 'sister, Mrs.' W. B. Andrew, 1 Tbursd°ay to visit at London before turning; to her hone in the W_ $ Mrs, Abe Calbert is confined lid ?this week' with "'flu." ' Her daughter, Miss Vora`'ulbert, is with: her grandparents for a fe The local Red Cross has received quota., to ' 1 knit for the uio April, May and June, wliitYii is s supplies as follows : `6 pr. seenia stet�.wiitgs, 0 turtleneck' rsweater bed helmets, 6 pair two-way , , scads. TH1,1 .Me a 1Alt )1 2Tth, 3j W. her eft last fore re- �stM to her grand - stay dug r days. ivied the nths 'o1 eaman's if long s, G rib- bed 6 keenly the ohnston Sarah '�i• took Blake, a the Monday ; acco<m- i9 pis em- ud firs. ed for a sunk; �Ltic>- week -end eying his some Miss Reta Campbell; o LiStOWel, `�viio has been spending the past month with her friend, hips Bernice Roach, is leaving on Sunday to spend ' the next few weeks at 'Brussels; accompanied byBernice. Mr. a tel Mfrs,• Robt. Bean and family, . of Darlow, sj ent Sunday with her - mother, )lrs. C, t', Brown. Death of A. P. Disher.•-•�•Adr'an P. Disher,- former well-kuo•c m .and highly esteemed residetfi of. Dungannon, died at his'home at Wiarton on WedneSc ay evening 'rafter • a three `Weeks' illness following a paralytic stroke. °Mr. Dia vas . both.. near_- Brampton .• in ht..ry-R . . May, 1862, a son of the • late 'Mr. end Mrs: Thos. Dasher. Ile- came here as •H ll last, w nic wh the ' affair in�( the - aiaso a boy of ala. with, his' father, o oiler- Thursday •night.. Over three hundred ated the carding mill, 'grist and chop= ping mill and in the earlier days also. made Sour, When' the grindiiig °, was r -clone .with stones:• before rollers ,tante into vogue. For the past. ten years he hack^resided at Wiarton. Surviving' are his wife, formerly Miss Ruth, Disher of Ridgeway, to whoni lie -was .married fifty-two -years ago ; . two. daughters,,• Miss Margaret, at. Wiarton, and firs. i' Earl ,Swan (aiarion ), of Ashfield town -1 ship, and one . son, Delos, at • Owen.: Sound.: Two sons,, Deness and Ralph, and 'one datigh'ter, Philura, .predeceased him. Vrsy (ter:). T. E. Case; . of Tor- onto, is a sister. Another sister, Miss Diana 'Disher, predeceased him. Mr., Disher was a :quiet, home. -loving. maid and. 'a hind ltu:sbapd an d father. • He was a member of Duiiganuon United.` church whJl he lived here, but when r he went- to Wiarton he made the Pres- byterian church his _place of worship, as rt: was nearer his home. In polities he was` a 'Liberal and few Were better versed than he _l the affairs of state, The funeral service will take place at 'Dungannon United church on Friday afternoon at. 3 pm., •after a private service at the home at Wiarton at 11 a.m. Interment will be in Dungannon -cemetery. Friends. and relatives feel death • of the late Mie. W. H. J of Exeter, 'who ryas formerly S Blake of Ashf1eld. The funeral place on Tuesday. Mr. John cousin, with, Mrs.- Blake visited bereaved hew at °Exeter on .l also Mr, Godfrey' Hall, who panful Mr. Cecil Johnston.• • • Miss Audrey Oongram, who .ployeeleat t�. lene, Pe t end with her parents, 'air, a Gordon Congram. Miss Mabel Killough visited the Royal Military College,` Kingston. week recently- with her uncle andA.C. Donald Mason, who is training' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron;at Toronto as an instructor in the now. R.C.A,F., was home at the week -end. Pte. Albert Rivett spent the w at his parental home and ha Bargains as never brefore. .Cranston Funeral Doyne RSD ORO NOTA A large Shipment . was sent forward lagt_._Thursda _from_the lee tl!branch . o2 the lited ryas. Society, :°onsfStifg, of the t'ol1owing 'articles: Seamen's -12 pairs socks, 15aa°sea>Lv'es, 10 sweaters, 357 helmets, 1 pairs mitts. 0 Arany sock, 10, sweaters, 12pairs gloves', 48 helmets, 21 pairs ')mitts, 38 sheet. :'For evacuees ---2," sweaters, 5 pairs . boys" pants, 16 quilts, 3 ,pains Mitts', .3 pairs underwear, 4 pairs bootees, 2 dressing t' gowns; '4 skix;tst 4- shirts, 2 windbreak.- ers, ' ,e • An unusually large, quota oi' knitting 'has been assigned to the local ' wort committee, and must be filled within the month, so knitters are very- urgently needed. The quota consists : oo 1 turtleneck sweaters, lir scarves, 1e, half- way mitts, 15 helmets and iv pairs of seamen's one souks. can assi �� , . , y Sic with this axr r anti's ea,et Jr,were ' knitting is 'asked to.apply at the Red Mr. '�iu t~ `F%u y t j ., inn a pa4ib 'over s haeout'+fit-end, renew- Cross rooms.. in �Coderich 'over the wee own. Stuart jr; is recovering from 'injuries he re- Last week .the fourth round of she ceived in an automobile .accident last "'martttlion bridge" realized $37.75. The fall. Ills injured knee „is not yet up. fifth round is almost completed land to Al condition, but he e' ets to bring the final one will ,be played on Monday, it around to 'normalcy in a short time `iajoi° tl R. Nai:i?li,.,;�>4lte'��El ;in Regis ;r<'At a�'joit)t 'Meeting.* the marathon Y iiir i fted tri i "his' ot1rer, local e-. to ten -committee held- at the t- Mrs. C. A, Nairn, over the week -end, home of yrs. D. I),: Mooney on Wed - before attending a 'special course at nesday ,,night, it was decided to close the marathon .with a ,'Red 'Cross tea in the work, rooms con Friday, .April 4th, 'from 3 to 5 o'clock. The prizes j will be presented to the winners of Ithe bridge and five ,hundred games. Everyone interested in the work of the Red Gross is `very cordially' invited to ( two weeks' leave is now spending time at Stratford. people ' were in attendance. Twenty, four tables of euchre_ were played, the winners being Mrs. Roy , aieram and Geo. McLeod: 'Consolation prizes went tc' Mrs: Wentworth and Mr, Lamont. Lunch was served under the supervis- ion of Jaines Bonny. The next item on the program was an exhibition of step - dancing, by Victor Green, Mrs. •George lieCrabe Mrs,. Forest °Carter and Russell McGraw, :Piano solos and duets were rendered by Joseph Kelly and Mr. Wentworth:. John . Bell acted as floor manager. The committee in 'charge Wishes to thank the ladies who donated the. -prizes and assisted in making the event a success...' • the Spring Fashions.: at CORNFIELD'S Coats ! Prospecting for the "just right coat?" And the fitting price? We 're proud of the large collection of coats and tip large variety of low prices that are sure to please everyone. * „ °'IT {E:l? DRESSY COATS-7 �` GASUAL BOX' 'OOA.TS— • " PLAID- OOAT -' • :4 . TW1 ED * * REVERSIBLES— . *_ ., POLO - COATS— Dressy Suits. A willowy -slim look., . a long.inoulded jacket:... a y oun skirt. Buttoned -up jackets, dainty lingerie touches, front fullness!. Made • of fine boucle of all wool. They were Purchased very specially from the manufacturer" An. obviously, expensive air- about them... Ibut inexpensively priced.. i BENMILLER BENMZLLBf, March 25. -The social evening in aid of the War Victiiiis' Fund turned,out, to be a real success. Mr. and Mrs. 'Courtland . Kerr spent last Sunday at Exeter. ' • The Woman's ,Association, wi11 meet on April 2nd at the home Vii~ sirs. Will Lon;. A quilting will be held in the church on Tuesday for the. _Red Gross,.;,, Owing to sicknessand road condi- tions the Auburn young people were- unabie to get to Benmiller on. Friday Eight. • , . The C.O.F. sponsored another of their social evenings recently. There was n' large attendance. , Prize -winners at euchre were: Ladies' -first, Mrs. J. It. Long, gents' , rfiret, Mr: S. Vanstone consolation prizes going to Mrs. Bolton and Mr.' P. Fisher. The Monk orchestra provided music for the dance, with Mr. McMichael as floor manager. Mast& Walter Moore spent last week- end . with -his cousin, Walter Jervis, at Holmesville. • , A large number from Benniiller 'at- tended the dance at Taylor's Corner" fast' Friday night: , Mrs. Grange and babe are spending some time with .her sieter at Holmes- ville, I.a ocgUe--Fortune.-'-'he Cathedral of the Tmmaeulate'Coneeption, St. John, New Brunswick, was thescene of ap in- teresting wedding on February 24th, when° ' lev, P. A: Cronin with nuptial masstinitetl in niarriage Miss' Eliza- beth Ann Fortune, younger daughter, of 1 James • L. ,T'ortune .and the late Mrs. Fortune of that city; . mind 0Orpoorel Gordon J. B: LaRodque, 1t 1G.A.,F,, . son of Mr• and 'Mrs• .L'Laltoeque of Thames` vi11•e, dhnt., formerly of McGraw Station. (Given in marriage by bier uncle, Mr:»F. Quinlan, the'braa Wore a. beige dressmaker's suit and an of-the- faee ,haft of Suez rose having a matched 'cell. Her acceasorteb were brown and She carried Johanna Hill roses. Miss Marie La'O.ocque,, sisterof the"groom, the • bride's only attendant,. wore a .pearl grey ensemble and an oil -the -fad hat and accesries of cornflower blue. She carried pink rllriarclifC roses, l Francis rotate, brother of the bride, was' the groornsm,an. Ater the eere- molly a welding breakfast was enjoyed at the home of the bride,. loliiott Row, where only relatives were present. 'The bride's table had in the centre a two- tiered wedding cake ornamented in white acid silver, mailed b ? silver ,wages of pink roses` and white tapers in silver candlesticks. Corporal and • Mrs. La- Room e! left later for a trip'tb•rofrgli the Maritimes and on their return Will re- side nt 204 Doiplas .avenue, At. Jolla, For travelling the bride wore' brown tailored dress and a muskrat jacket, iter 4aLand accessories were broown. ,Out-of4tot`5'ii guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mr,. 3• La- Rowe et Tbamesaill e, Ont.► and MIAS Marie ta"ltoeque, Reg. N,, a no'Tar. I lone xn.gle iatt Hospital, 'l. etrc1ia, Ont. $14.95 Ail i Spring Dresses - ., Who doesn't -want a• -New Dress for Spring,? <v A_.snew: shipment of .tresseshas` dust arrived and there is a grand collection to 'choose Iron. Why not drop in and see them. ry Blouses The approved b1.o`usette ..fashion for this Spring is assem- bled here. , riAr T t SHEER .BLOUSE . • ... • i .:.. • STRIPED BLOUSES '98 • 1.98 2.49 TAILORED:SPORT WAWAIN PLAiN SHADES -98c TAILORED SPORT statism, IN S' 'IPE .. , . r . V98e, it 1 AK &E$VICE:BRAND CFdICKS •The Baby, Chick season is on hand again. Order your Superior Qualityity Service Brand Chicks from your local representative. • RYAN PRODUCE Hamilton St. ' Gode rich, Ont. ' Phone 345 Res. Phone 334 Careful' selection, breeding and culling ,have made Service Brand Chicks the best of quality, avail- ; able. vail.;:able. Food Iivability anCi"�7i;iglt` egg'redords are a foregone con -- elusion. Customer's satisfaction guaranteed. Waterloo County Hatchery - NEW HAMBURG,ONT.- r• O "61-10P WHERE YOU AIM IvrTElTr TO 811011'" on 418 C5 tritz sornie GODsRZoH , eal! GIVE: as or ro 4'; Tho boys rely onthe folks bade home,to: do their bit through .a contribution -to th'e Canadian. Auxiliary Serviees. To these lams"; these 'rave ,De- fenders ` of the Faith, we who stay behind are the; folks back home. 'our contributions, large and small, will be direct. gifts ,to our boys wherever they .flay be. In Huron your contribu'. tion may be either produce: or cash. The cane' seer that call on you i - .give, you the' details. Be ready for hila, • r • HURON COUNT " -WAR .±'3ik'VIGEG: OAIVIPAIGN S. D. !MOMS, General Chairman - ZONE. CONVEriiEuS:. - thigh Hill - .° Thomas Prude A.GRICCY.TUTAT. CONEi James C. Shearer LOCAL CITAIRSIEly E Goderi'ich W.. Cecil Attridge Colborn 104 Pilon' GodeHeli) Twp Ren Rathwell Stanley—Fred Watson Ashfield- Alex;° McDbna1d mmfs Quota, $20,000 Articles for the .British , air- raid 1 victims will be on display.. It was also decided to start another I marathon after Easter, beginning April .21st and endingJune 3 til t . t(} The afternoon ` teas have 'leek ,en- joyed by most ,of the ladies in town. At the conclusion ,this week, Mrs. George Johnston intend* calling a meet- ing and a full report of the three months' "tea marathon" will be --pub- lisped. . o For he last thee . m)trps, a r4 1p.dt ladies have enjoyed a 'knitting club," and afternoon tea, has proclpeed a nice amount for. the -Red Cross fund. r "Many Canadians are -sending letters an lc parcels to the American Red Cross{ ` to be forwarded to L+`+` ' . "The Am- t erican Rted t'ib'ss has lie ni ns of per- forming such services which the ''Can- °adian Red Oross does not° dao cess, and therefore correspondence 'and parcels are, returned to the Canadian Red Cross - from the American -Red +Gross. This -causes dela 'and inconvenience to our neighbors to the south, as well as to those • who wish to , Communicate with friends in I4_rope."=-Red 'Cross' Bult letin.- Anothcr interesting item -in the Red Oroos' "News" Bulletin reads : Her °iMajes'ty the Queen has been ' deeply concerned over the plight of more than 1,000,000 women= enrolled ` under Lady Reading's Women's Vo'lun- tt-tart Service for civil defence. They rserte as lire fighters, transport drivers, 1 A:R.P. ,wardens, ambulance drivers, canteenworkers, first-aid nurses, and in the land: army. Many of them are anobile .. and are. rushed to distressed areas with no personal -belongings ex- cept the clothes they wear., Mrs. H. P. Plumptre, chairman of War Activities, and Mrs. Wallaee 'Campbell, national chairman of Women's War Work Cam-. s mittee; wrote Her Majesty,.'inforininge- her of the special supplies being made by Canadian women for these volun- teers., A cable has been received by the Otinadian Red Cross : "The 'Queen deeply • touched /and happy to accept, generous offer eon•tained in your letter." The shipment of these -comforts started early this year and they will be dis- tributed at the discretion-' of :the Queen to those ee'ntres where the needs.is� greatest. Ontario's quota for these knitted comforts is $5,000. - TREE F1tUITSThe led9r><g varieties ef' Ade;1. �y�1{• �]�preyars�,y,Chyery�ries�,y Plums, etc, Pricecil. from 50 cents up: Strictly No. 1.3 year trees. BUFRtTr11S lF'tA1lTlilE'tc1as$oY't><Aaettf of li�asp`�etit°s, 5' Blackberries, Ctrrntnt$, Gooseben.'xes, (rapes. No -..1 stock at prices that will Save you moneyy� PLANTShig . 15' ieties cover- ing STRAWREItRY • 'varieties "tS covet» in Oar season .from early ,to late and ineluding ,the c`erbearing tx t varieties. Grown right and' priced right. ° u „ < �1ary, 'V{�ashingtoln • is 41iii varlet . for #' he leag YAS�'ARACT�S ROOTS � both the home garden and commercial growing* Choice one and two year' roots. • F R Our 50 page, it strated catalogue list- ing over 3.300 choice :varieties of'orna� mentals and fruits,, , Send for your, O. Copy to -day __ RY TSE • ���ON�ELL N�`RS PO.R.T'.BU WE 13=x,. Established 1912, • RED: CROSS RECEIPTS , .Bed�ross bridge, teas and 5 $ -1.20 43 Goderich TownehIn North End 1.5. 15 GJC1r:I. 7:iterary 'Society • 40 00 Business'Wernen's Club •• 47 75 Taylor's fiorner,'Goderich.Twp, 60 'Pledges 42 25 `READ - THE CLASSIFIED.. ADS, Extra_Value Your Mopey in these prices ai your local Drugstores Week of March 28--April4, 1941 '.:..� TOILETRIES 23e ---43e- t :.. � . .:: os' '.Pas e° _. Ip•t>Esa, T Atli llBolynos Tooth Paste; ...23e --39e Pepsodent Tooth Paste—large 37e Woodbury'.s Soap 4 for 25e Hind's Honey„ and Ahnond . Cream 25c -:45O Colgate's'Shave Cheam .43c= -39c Palmolive " " 29c -=-43c Fitch's haapoo, new size ..33c large 59e Listerine :025c--49e79c Arrid 39c—59c Worn't1NTERNAltY : ti TAMPAX • New Way_to Sanitary Freedom NO PINS, PADS, BELTS t ssu ` fortsn h 9 a m supply 5-25e 40--1.H Alphamettes'L • 25 -,' $11,00' ` '50 -: 1.85 .400 • 3.50 'r �.G►17�a1 -NEA flL SALTS ENGLISH STYLE 25c- size --for' 19c Bromo, Seltzer 25e -L4 -9e English 'Style Health Sults 1,1b. 39e T. R. • C, ..50c-1.00 Lysol 35c-65OA Shiclt' Blades 12-19e 20-75c Certified Cod Liver Oil .....::.. 7.9c l ellow's Syrup large 1.19 Russian Oil 1 lb: bottle 49c' 1 qt. bottle -98e • Waterburj''s • -Compound 93e Agarol • 9.3.c *-.1:29 Soett's .Emulsion • 59e -98e Ovaltine 38c -58c -98c TRY THE DRUGSTORE FIST WIGLE LAIJDER CAMPBELL DUNLOP' Phone 45 ' - Phone 19 -' Phone 90 . 'Phone 1 GODERICE DRUGGISTS Fine 4 Foods, SUP ER1.0111„.. TARES Low. Prices SPECIAL VALUES 'FOR ONE WEEK GOLDEN NET RED QOHOE SALMON' AYLMER PEACHES Lge: Tin 24c T,all 15 oz. Tin 1 c COFFEE ° ROYAL YORK .13.ag' 37c CHZESE % lb. pkg. 160 trvio Eosins CORN STARCilf... '.pkg. 100 ASPARAGUS unatEriaJCIC DOG. FOOD 2 tins 19c LILY iCIRIONTIN Tin 16e . tin 39c AW•Ditra 15 oz. tin LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI 5 oz. Tin 9c AYLMER JUMBO PEAS at a new low' price 246 ozetins 25e II CALVIN CUTT *EWEN PHONE 116 1-- PHONE 46