HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-27, Page 3•
- -HURON cooNrrs-Fonziwosr STEAL
sisarkoouttra zo,Aft, No. '
TAM •THURSDAY, IVIARCii 27th, 1941
B osi mess Directory I
/ 4
Barrlatar, Ete.
Offica-CourtHOU" Goderich.
Toleplinno 55, . •
" Barrieter and $011,eitorr'
OffIce-NorthiSt.,,Goderich. one 7$0
• • .
ONTEITh and ;siON/11010:4
VharteredAccountants77 •
PoWni3OStreet', Stratford
Toronto Officer 302 BAY Otroet .
rriloimits GUDEZ GODlatto.s,
• Telephone' 119 _
Sales attended to anYwhere and
every effort made to give satisfaction.
IParmek, Sale notes discounted.
satisfactory, courteoas service for,
Farm,. Property or. HOUSebokl Sales.
, Rates Reasonable.
1)R. 'F. J. a, vonsvo, girt,
Late Hodge • Surgeon -Neve, York
Olihthabaic , and Aural hospital, as -
Meant at Moorefield. Eye Hospital, arid
OOlden"%pare Throat-Hostilta4 Low
6 don, England.
53 Waterloo Street S.,' Stratford.
.Telephone.267. • -
• Next vbit 'Bedford Hotel. ti-Otte.rich.
Wednesday, April. 23rd, from 2 p.m.
till 5 p.m.
Godeeleh, Phone' 341 -
Office hours -10 to 12 a.m.. 2 to 5
- and 7 to 8 p.xn., Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday. •
10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday,
Monday and -Thursday at Mitchell.
51„ South St. •
miSURANCE CO. --.Farm and Infin,
lated town property insured.
Officers-Villiam • Knox, President,
Londesboro; W. R. Archibald, Vice -
'President. .Seatorth; M. A. Reid,
Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea -
forth... _
Directors -Wm. Knox, Londesboro;
Alex. %Broadfoot, • Seaforth ; Chris.
Leonhardt, Dublin .;..r j;. Trewartha,
• Clinton ;. nos.' Moylaneaforth; W.
R. Arch al. Seaforth ; IttEiving,
Kith ; rank regor, Clinton ;.ugh
Alexander, Ws. \
•- Agents -E. A. R.R. 1, Goderich;
James Watt, Blyt ; John E.. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Brucefield; R. F. MeKercher,
R.R. Dublin; ;J. F. Prueter, Brod-
Pollesr-holders can. make all pay-
ments and get their cards reeelpted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's
• Grocery, Ringston Street, Godetich, or
I. H. Reid's G.eneral Store,'Bayfiekl.
• J.. RYAN
Real Estate and Insurance
Office and Residence:
11 Trafalgar Street
Phone 663
FOR SALE-4-flouses of all kind%
Choice building lots, business
-property and several good fermi --
tet me' show you some real
barga.inke .Buy now.
"Duke" on ProbatiOul an4 t31493"IrS. "r " AGREEMENT FOR ST LAWRENCE
, would a. child's rag dell.
after Court liearingl
• But the evidence of the eomplainant,
Mre. Vielle, and her friends was o
moo., 4,erleMS -,natnAU 3tr,, 1 ielle• a .. •
One More Bite WIUBe. His Lest,
Rilles Magistrate
Convicted of ileting AIM E. )1 Vielle,
wife °of ae ,11t.A.000 Squadron leader at
Port "Albert, "'Duke,'" massive pollee
dog of Walter 0, Ilrough, was placed
on probation by iMagietrate 3. O. Makine
:after a full-drese trial le 1Po1iee Oeurt
lagt Thursday. It wits theroughly
underetood, however, that one- more
bite and 4.',Duke"' will bite the dttst;
The aged Mr. Brough ergued et,
Jee.gth and- SueceSeftilly that Duke had'
IippedenlY onee in, eight, years' and
ef the. many pleas heard was that the
deg' 'widely known. to 'Goderich
eitizeno, Was so overjoyed at being let
out of quarantine for, the first time in
a month that hebounded:" across the
street ,to give all and. $,usdry a welenme
I 311:21""
If your =se. fills
up, makes breath.
ing difficult, spoils
sleep --put 3 -ptir.
tose Vicks Va-tro-nol up each noStrit.
Va-tro.4xg does 3 Important things
for you:. (1) shrinks swollen mem.•
, brims; -(2) $100thes irritation; • (3)
Clogging mucus, relieving transient
congestion. it brings morecomfort,
makes breathing easier. Invites sleep.
Wken„g - - •-•
V*A;ro.nol at first
,Threatens, use #'6c
'wine or sneeze. VICO
Heir* to prevent • -
colds.:0044Ping. irk111011011
J.• W. -Craigie
Get Our Automo,fie. Rates._
Phone I.14 - . Goderich
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
toiice:---EVIasoille Temple,
West Street, Goderich.
- Phone, 230 GODERICH
Daily 7.30 a.m. 4.25 ,p.m.-Leayes
Goderieh for 'Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London' Detroit,
ravistock and Woodstock. Depets -
Bedford, British and Royal' Hotels.)
Phone hotqls or 3ftLfer.Inf., prmation.
Your Nf# Visit to
Trr -
Looatedion'Wlda Spadina Ave.
at 'College St. „
Easy Parking Facilities
Convenient to. Hlobways
Shies•$1.,p St511
Kates - le UM
Four fo Room, $5.01 -to $1.10
•tio$0 .to University,
. Pare& ment eulteinue;
• Maple Leaf Gardens,
• Theatres., • Hospitals,
Whohitate Nooses, and'
,-the Pashionable Retail .
Shopping District,
. M. .rowta.t.. INtail0041.
petite. YoUng lEnglish ledY Just out vow
the Old Laud, said that Duke, ats,2 pan,
on Mar& 7th, had darted aerose the
etreet near her 'Cherry (at" nome,
straight at her. Ile had grabbed her
Coat,- torn her. skirt and Scratehed her
hide. Ever inee Vett, she • Odd, the
dog had 'barkedat ;her on the street.
He eertainly. did bite me. I am
terrlfied sat ' the eight of him," Aire.
Ville told: !William Sutherland, de-
fence counsel,', In a manner that lett
no doubt.'
The Vielle maid, Joan Metz, ealtl:
"The dog ';'Uns out at people: Offee he
graVbed my aleeve." ' ' *
4Pl1ght-L1eut. Adair, ILA.F., told tbe
eourt that his, wife aid the Wives of
'Ilieliellifireet-eitft'aitt-tre 'ivisitette.
'Cherry ' Kate' en apeount of the
Brough dog.
Jr. Brough said he was particularly
desirous of keeping "'Duke" because
"Barry". his sateen -year-old collie and
constant Companion, had died oar a'
short time -ago, . „
. "l'll give you my word that Wilke'.
wolet.: get into trouble again, Why, I
brought him up on a sucking bettle.
Be cloel`eiverything I tell nim," ex-
claimed Mr;Brough., .
, "Mikes" Good Reputation ,
John .Brough. son eV aceUsed, and
j'evlj'denceEwf:rri' in"Ilruckilea.'11' t''IHaervehealidaroafetteenr
Played among the guieea pip and other
pet .animals of lir- Brough, Jr., and
never bats an eye at the cate„..ins the
McEwen Store. - ' •
"The dog-heters and dog -lovers in
this tow ai are watching this 'trial with -
great interest," warned Lawyer Suther-
land,. who- was pleading his first case in,
the home town -After being Called to
the bar. "It was -only a friendly tug.
There was no,blemish," he sald,--com-
Plaieleg_ebeut. th,e_ssev,erite And-„effen.-
Slieness of -the municipal bylaw cover-
ing the offence. "It is not Within he
power of council to enitet sueh, a bylaw,"
argued Mr. Sutherland, ' • i ,I
'Crown Atterney IIIelmes replied that
he found , it- impoesible to agree that
"Duke" waS the harthiess, model dog
pletured to the Wort. . * •
'1.1r: Brough is an aged:widower and
his love for his doga borders almost
on idolatry. He lives in a ',section, on
the bank of the lake; -filv.t in summer
time is frequently visite1. by night
'prowlers, and he needs Protection," con -
eluded Mr_ ;Sutherland.
"It is news to me about the night ,
'regards the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence
prOwlers, and .1 have lived in that sec- I
onvicr,", interruptedi Project as • directly associated With the
jectives of • this Government. It he -
accomplishment of -the foremost ob-
etegted the Crow -n
don for years,' -
1 . •
Heves that the projeet should be pro-
ceeded 'with '. and. that construction
Should commenee at the •verliest pos-
sible iaoment—It. regards the construc-
tion Of this Preject as a matter Of vital
necessity. I.- am sure. fbu will agree
with me that, While our countries must
put forth the maximum* iintoediate de-
fence effort, we must also Prepare' for
the possibility of a pretracted emerg-,.
-iney whiCh will call upon the iedustries
On bOth sides of the border to meet
constantly expanding demands. . . . In
terms of 'the time factOt, 'the St. Laiv-
rence project as a part Of our defence
Program- is not eteeptional, since we -
are today appropriating nioney for con-
struct.ion of vessels of war which will
not be ready for 'service. until the com-
pletion., of the St Lawrence under-
Me, King hastened to express "the
satisfaction and 1, gratilication of the
Goivernment an& - all the Canadian
'people et"the .President's action in plac-
Mo. en Tecord, in a for -mal sta,te_naper,.
the determination ef the 'Government
of the United Statee to supply suck aid
and Material to Great iBrita in, the meni-
:bells of •the Commonwealth' and their
allies, as may be necessary to enable
them, to bring the..war to a successful
eerinination." „ , .
Mr Roosevelt's 'message attaelied im-
per tance,. reglarcling the St. Lawrence
develoPmeut, to two particular aspects:
The. Securing of additional pawer for
way industries (especially a irpl a no 'pro-
eluction) and the advaetages ef pro-
viding a Wen, ‘vaterwae outlet for the
eonstruction of shills at. new • Great
Lakes shiPyardss to relieve the burden
on 'present seaboard shipyards, ,
-• • Area to Bellooded
' The development'of the international
•rapids section will produce 2,200,000
horsepower, equally divided between.
Canada and the. States. •The project
features 'a main 85 -foot dum at Long
Sault and a smaller 'control dant at, Ire-
quoie 'Point. ' It ;will mean:tile' flooding
' bf a considerable area on the 'Canadian
gide, involving the ilisappearance of
.Morrisburg, ' Iroqttois, two or three.
.Smaller villages, eleVen cem.eteries and
live ,parish churches. The latter In -
;elude the Pliny 'Whitney Me:nail:II
thureh, .near Which Sr James Pliny
Wnitney one-time Conservative. Pre-
mier of 'Ontario, is buried, and a Lutle
eran chureh near WilliamsbUrg, ' the
first- Protestant:church in Canada. The
fitmous"Long Sault atapide Will:disap-
pear. NO. 2.. Ontario !highway and
the indin, Toronto -Montreal line of the
()N.B.. will ham to be re-lOcated, along
a ' twenty -live -mile front between 4Pres-
eott and \Cornwall. .Itehabilita.tion ,of
Presiclent Roosevelt Couples Scheme with U. 0. Aid to Britain,, -Air
Minister Power Declares Comnionwealth 'Air Training Plan Ras
Demonstrated: Its Sitooessi--Opposition Leader of Opinion that
Arm Trainees' Should Be Made Liable for Overseas Service
War Appropriation of $1,300,000,000 • Approved by Commons
(ay 4. A. Hume, Spetial CorrespOnd-'1 The new agreentent not to sub-
. - • ea) ' mitted to the Canadian Parliament
,OTTAW,A,. Mardi ate -Canada and until after it 1$ approved la Waehing-
the 'United States signed an agreement ton. Xing indivated be hoped the
on WednesdaY to proceed witti- the agreement would be approved short-
Imraediate development of the St. ly''' In the States and that it would
Lawrenee for power and deep water. submitted to Parliament bere at the
Way purposes. current seesion. Since the "agreement,"
Development of the Anternational form has been 'followed, rather than,a
rapids section Is estimated to wet "treaty," a straight majority of -both
420047-0,000--and-lt...bi-delinitalyLefatejl.,the, Senate, and 'House of Represent.-
thet "delivery of Power can be begun atives at WaShiniiiiiriralrthat
and navigation provided within four
years of the time when active work Is
initiated., time being an essential fa.ctor
In the -emergeney: Peepening of -the
Welland .Canal and completion of the
purely Canadian 'seetion • of ,the lower
St, Lawrence deep waterway will cost
$84,054,000, Of Me total cost et $350i-
..2,,4,;000, ;United States will, pay $218, --
memo, the Dominion Government will
•-pay $42,343,000, -and •Outerlewill'pa.y
'$89,089;000, including 'the installation
of equipinent for power development.
United States -will bailie 1,100,000 horse-
power to sell, on. a Public' ownership
basis, whieh. will reduce her grese eost
considerably:. •
Canada has already spent about'
$130,000,000 on the Welland Ship Canal
and about $125,000,000 has been spent
on the 'Beaiiiiiirndie 'Power development,
in so far as navigation purposes are
eoneerned. If and when the Quebee
IGovereMent takes over the Beanharnois
-power project, the Dominion will pay
Quebec $7,972,500 as an adjustment, as
...between power. ae.e ea,:eiptima eonetrqc-
tthn • _
President 'Franklin Roosevelt, in a
persona megeage to Prime Minister W.
L. Mackenzie King, declared, 'The
United !States is deterinined to 'supply
• such: irematerial to Great Britain,
the members ef, the Cominonwealth -and
their 9,111es as may beelieceseeryi to en-
abie them to bring the wat-to a success-
ful terinination.m-iiii. Roosevelt added„,
'Simultaneously,. our own defences are
'being strengthened to the extent neces-
sary to prevent any foe from menacing
the security of. this hemisphere."
Continuing, Mr.- Roosevelt affirmed,
'The 'ifovernment of the United States
"I am going o
Magistrate 'Makins without further ado.
"I On going to adjourn the ease Mr
two weeks to see how 'Duke' 'behaves."
• "But giVelem. my word. If 'Duke'
does it. again I will have him de-
stroyed,'! Mr. Brough interjected.
"That suits me fine. If there are
any more complaints the dog must 'be
destroyed. I'll dispose if the ease on
that bits's," His 'Worship came back
snappily. "Next ease," he said. "
Assault Case
• "This was a drunken spree. There
is too much of this- going 0/1 'and it
shotiltln.'t be tolerated. The witnesses
today are all In the same boat," ob-
served the Magistrate after summing
up the evidence in a ease of assatat,
causing 'bodily harm. • The fine was
$20 and costs or two months in jail.
The fine was paid.,
Evident* was to the effect that five
men met in 'a beverage room and after
the sale of beer had ceased for the
ht they "chipped in" and purchased
o pints of aehiskey, and, retired to an
Apartment on the Square where the
row tookl.place. '
'This sort of conduct must be put-
'clown,"I'commented Magistrate Makins,
*tilting he had little' sympathy for all
. A
Now ---Paul Muni vvith Gene Tierney in "HUDSON'S BAY"
Mon. Tues. and Wed;
Shirley Temple -min& Oakie & Charlotte „Greenwood_
There's melody, there"; tun, and there's considerable riotous doings
when a troupe of vaudevillians, turn -to farming.
Thur. Fri.. and' Sat. Note the east!
Helen Parrish -Dela, `Lugoel--Boris Iiarioff-4Peter Lorre AND
bay Ityser with Oreheetra
It's a .story of fake spiritualists and. potential murderers Who are
trapped and exposed in manner musical. .
Minn* Wed. Salt. *Mt holidiyo 40,1 Pant.
• Contin lietty OW4:4 "Dowi; Argtntin
Does Your Food
the,towns and villag4 and acquisition
a . . , of land on the Canadian side Will, in You Distress? .
000. Changes in the RoosereTrbrid0
,vblve an expenditure of about 22,000
The itoosirnratPot.iho stomach it '-.-, 'at Cornwall, highway and, railway
often of nerripos "'eenseqoene.en, for ' relocation .will cost about $6,700,000.
only by proTerly digested' food 10 the Oppositiort Leader It. 13.„ lianson, in
eyetem nourished and Contained. a brief interiview yesterday, eirqervtd
Burdock' Blood Bitters is a re that, 'while the could not tee how the
liable remedy for atenharb dinaiders , et. ILaWrence developnient could be
etch all dyapeesia, ilidigeation, '8001' • justified as a war measure, he is in-
etentach, helehtug• of gas, hendsehe6, elined to defer to President ItooSevelt'S
etc. . opinion that it is ,becense Mr. Roosevelt
ofItslatieiivint)a taonodtirogi:tislittre;.etlo.i;i1:}4..7t,tre
has done so Mitch to aid the British
War cause. "St Lawrenee constinetion
main factor in (liocsItion.noutr:AiiZetl would haise been an ideal post -War
ezidity, tones- up the linintr, filet*. ' Work, ta.kix4' Up. a great deal of the
brawls of the stonooth. and ro,,t-4frivo
tbo nofm9,144 boAlthy tow owl ,f ' Sleek Vvlien War Work decreaeea em
„ , Ployment end men are demdbilimd, from eet ton : the defence ,foeers,",4 MlI
r. aneon lee
+ Pot yowl stems .1 ‘ie.,111. 44 tat h qt
11 1,.11.iikol A10W 1.illii'lit% "VA 4'01 ' 13141'1W(I''''''I)Alltile otilou hand, the view
oot ttaig e
Mr. :Roosevelt tak0.(‹Itg :War„ urgency
letart felietijny y„fifretwo. '
digt.,,%tism frouww,
. ,,,...,.. .,. , ,,. nntSt be respeeted by Canada.' I be-
lieee tin:Wit ,l8 thiS'attitude which g017rnsthe +Canadian `610VerliMent now."
Ito T. Millv!trti Ca.; Wt. l'ocoons. 0ot. ,
quire& treatywould bave needed 4,
two-thirds malority, ot the Senate there':
The agreement, of tourSe., be a
,Government measure bete and, as such,.
will, In due eourge, be* approved by
both the +Commons and Senate.
A pleasent interlude took, place
the lOommens yesterday when OPPiksi-
tion Leader 'Hanson was felleitated by
Mr .• Kieg on his sixty-second birthday,.
and Ids followers presented* him with
a ihuge bouquet",of red ,roses,
Hanson remarked; w'rrn not going to
diave any more birthdays." -Ali Minister
Power chipped in, "Give US -4 break-
down,",whereat there was great laugh-
ter, !because Mr. Hanson, in recent
weeks, .has beeu insistieg and persist -
leg in getting -break downs" from the
Goverment of the hue warexpend.i-
ture appropriation.
CarmditutS and New Air Devices
Air Minister Power gave the strength
of the R.O.A.F. as 50,38me February
19, including 3,13)6 oftleers. Mr. Power
told the 'Commons that Canadian mien-
tiets andtoSome-extent Amerlean-scien-
riets• have played no .mean pert. in the
further development of devices in Eng
lend for defeating perman night bomb-
ing raids. 'Men were needed to oper-
atethese devices and it 'was to Can-
adian air.men they turned to get moet of
• them," Mr. Power -adclecl.' Great
Secrecy Snrrounds the precise nature
a the Aevv. devices againstnight bomb-.
ing,lbtat lt is known that raeio technic -
lens play a large _part in the problem.
The Minister stated that ninety per
cent. of the 111e31 for the -Commonwealth
Air Training Plan, will be supplied by
Canada and Isixty-five per cent. of the
Cost' will be borne by this Dominion.
"There was ribald laughter of derisiOn
when. the plan started off a .year_ag6
with 168 Students,". Mr. 'Potter re-
marked, "but we know' that we can and
have gone hito Mese production of air -
Men under that plan." Military Secrecy
prevents accurate figures being* given
of the munbers .ef Canadian trained ,
airmen going overseas from .the plan.
• In, addition to airmen, the plan ;has
trained 0,000 technicians and 10,000
Navy Minister , Angus -L. Macdonald
outlined- the progres.s_ on this .yea-r's.
ship construction program. Canada
ill -build corvettes, anti-submarine
oittf, motor torpedo boats, thirty-eight
mine ;sweepers, two magnetic mine
sweep&S•and numerous motor boats, in -
'eluding -Fairmiles," motor sailing
vessels, tenders, whalers and pulling
boars. Supply Minister C. D. rioNVe
indiCated that ship -repairing facilitie's
at Halifax and St. John will be con-
siderably extended. 'Cargo -Carrying
boat e will be a chief concern of Can-
hdian shipbuilding in the ensuing year,
Mr. Howe said3,-. The Government in-
tends, however, to enter on eonaplete
TlestrOyer eonstruetion tar -as it ce
be carried 'Out without interfering With
Defence Minister J. - L. Ralston re-
jected- suggestioiLs from Conservative
members that the selective principle be
-invoked in Mobilizing men, for the- four-
month training periods. Mr. Ralston
thought such a systena would result in
greater interruptiop to industry than
onftning• the training lo men who are
twenty-one years of age .and slightly
Older. War 'Services - Minister j. G.
Gardiner remarked that adminletrative
boards' with regard to the training
scheme will be given greater discretion,
to void casee, of hardship as to men
eallod out for -training, but 210 -provision
for exemption of any particular class,
(such as farmers' sons) has been made.
The 'first 'training period under the
new system got ender way this week.
Mr. Hanson did not mention' "con-
scription," but he asked why,„ the Gov-
ernment had not ,,the courage to go
the 'whole way, regarding , men being
trained for the army, and. ketain the
right to the services Of these men -"for
the defence of Canada over there." The
men being trained Mr. Hanson felt,
visit the
Si. Regis
Sherbourne St. at Carlton.
One Ihmdred Modern „ROMs
with private baths. shoWers and
private telephones.
Romns, single, from $2.00 to $2.50
Rooms, double. from $3.00 to $3.50
• and $4.00
Good , Food served- at moderate
: mice. ,
Dooming nightinne OVA auto
. PRO14 "MAO" Mao:DONAU)
Resigns: Titackef thocksly lathe *owe
Town.,,4new Iui Editiloursito fist
• ,Welee 1i Won*
The following letter to the editor of
The Signal -Star is ,from Oorp, "Mae"
ltaatonald, who quite evidiwtly has
not lost his interest.* hoekey, It i
dated from England, February .23r4
Pear Vriend,-,,,,liany times 1 have
thought of dropping you a line, thank-
ing you, for sending me be Signal -Star.
And 1 assure you, I alWays look forward
to receiving it, and seeing tow our
!hockey team are getting along in their
group. I vvas 'sorry .to See our boys
up to January Sth had,‘ not, Won' a
game; but on the other hand theM is.
an answer to 'that. When players like
Bill Young, and others 'are away and
a teain IS deprived of their service%
not exoeet to win,,but yOu, Mut
give credit' to theboys vtocnrry On
until they - return; and 'knowing the
players as I do, a few beatings wilt Aot
mar their ehapces when the play-off
time rolls around. I ,must say 1 am
-glad to. see men like Drennan, O'Brien;
Murney, liteEesen, Lauder and Reg.
.agGee, our old standby, in,there, keep-
ing the old game alive,..and if there
ever was a group a,meA that eau take
it on the chin and .smile, you have them
right there. .So all I can say, ' players
and exeeutive alike; is, keep up the
good work, win Or lose. •
have been wondering if "jumbo"
Nivirts has hung up the skates, as I
have net heard ofany of the boys'
any tritsustereratluergnsofrom
leave to Edinburgh,. and I must say I
had a .good time while there. For a
fevt &tee I thought 1 was in caoads,-
Ayr snow. • It was the.most I have ever,
seen over here. Howervey,•it Would take
More than' MOW -td. mar your holidaY.
with the people up there. They are a
rape one can be proud to belong to.
too -been- 'quiet as tat -Its -
war le•coeeerned, Jerry has not been
so busy, and as everyone knows the
longer. he waits the stronger -the Allies
are getting, and I think -if he:trles to
visit here now he will not need to carry
hisown fuel, as it. Will be plenty. hot
for hira-too hot, for comfort. .
We have a man with us from Sea -
forth by the name of JElarr,y Boulton
and his father was bern in Goderich
and his uncle at one time was con-
nected with one of the OodericYpapers:
His name was Am Mitchell. Harry
would like to know which paper it was.,
I will once again ask the management'
or The ISignel-Star to keep "Jumbo"
busy in the evenings until hockeY. Is
over, so the boys will hate trousers
and sock e to finish the season with.
Once again'I thank the management
of The 'Signal -Star for making it pos-
'Should be blade liable for overseas ser-
vice, not 'merely for'hoe defence. %fr.
Hanss remarks elicited no reply from
the -Government ininieteriar benches.
Western Probleins, ,
For many yeals pastwhen Western
wheat problem -A' were 'discussed in the
-House Eastern members halve repeated-
ly -suggested that the AVest. should go:,
in more for "mixed" farming. Now
that Western farmers are likely to go
into hog raising more generally; through
sowing less wheat and raising more
coarse grains, thesqueals from East-
ern farm members are sharp and fre-
quent. Just anothe011ustration of,. the
(IN adage, "You can't have your cake.
and eat it." Or, perhaps, it is, -It de-
pends on whose ex is gored."
Some -interesting figures on income
tax brackets were given the House.
There are 9,901 'Canadians whose in-
come is betwen,...$1.0„000 and $25,000;
1433._between. $.25,000 and -$50,000; and
483 with ineomes of $50,000 and over
per annuli'. •
!Mr. King informed T. L. Chilrch,
_(0ca4Inued on. page 6)
We wonder if yee, the reilitirs
4! one within the 50 per cent
the total ovulationti.
who 118.*
seeing,, You either do or
not. And wisdom 4iould stem t.
indicate that uneertainty *bold
be removed. Yu ean leant Mkt
you should know only by ,A re-*
venlig* exethinatIon.
-Make your appsississiost easy
by goloseing IPA
F T Armstrong
Cor Kingston Et. on frbe Komar,
7, •
, •
'Sible for the bey$ from Oetlerieh to bal.*
our home paper over there at no eOlOt
to anyone exeept the Sloa14Star num.
agement„ . •
Thanking you, :1..remain, „
• 485104 corp. M. N. lque)?0,14.41A -
0 PO- MOM., 2nd Batt. cit.0.3e..
- , ease Post-Oftlee,'Eashest -
(Ed. Note. -alike late Jaw* Mitchell a
was editor and publisher of Tbe Gude-
rich 'Star for about thirty years.) '
.. ‘ .
SIX IA yznizs rsorro0 ,
. , .1,•,,,,,,"•0”, • , ,
Will Be Displayed Saturday Aft414001
Wore Being Sent to TOMO).*
'llembers and friend*,. of VtofArta .•
Honte and School Oluli. wore welossoll
at the sehool.hy the president, Milltlf.
Macdonald, on Thursday tetefelAgit
March 2e411, when a ouccoos2*O'rolt-#444, , ".
-Party was held...under the onevitineen*
°Of° 'Mrs. R. Bisset and air. R. Stfsie•
house. The pries were war Savings *
stem*, and these were won by mo. 141. •'
Oat and Mr, A..41-. Seat, witletonailtL .
tion..prizes. awarded to Mrs. 4L lloi ,vra
and Mrs.Blair., Refiresloaepite were
Served- by- the social:, committee, ..0.41t• .. *
vened br4MrS., `4:4'.8chstefer and Mree -
M. Ainslie, 'and a soder half-hour wait,
eajoYed by all present. - '
During : the evening the artielee
donated for the layettes for ,Iir_44/10-,, '. .
were displayed by Mrs. G. Baeehler anAl7
Mrs. G. Bowra. -'When ,the appeal-wae
made at the Veruary.meeting, it WO
thought .that - tbree- layettee , might bp
Provided. „There' was eueb • an ot,
thusiastic response thaethis figure.was
doubled, and sixx layettes provided. - , .
Through the 'kindness of "Mrs. 34. -
Evans, . who was a 414110 nttexher 44 '
the club, these artieles will be en di -
play in the window of her gift shop `oe
.Saturday afternoon, March'29th.. , They .
will he sent early in :the -week- to Tor-
onto, where they will be a Part et tko
contribution Made by the Horne and. '
School members of Ontario which -will '7 '
be on display. at the !Royal York Ilotel,„
during the eonventien in Easter week.' ,
Mr. and Mrs. 9eorge Wiles, 'Nelson
street, Gederich,> anpounce the eingagf-
ment of their daughter, Edith, •,to Pte.
'Harvey Stoddart, R. 0. A. '$. Of
London, sou of Mr, and Mo. David
Stoddart, aerOck street, Goderieh. The
'Marriage to take plaee the latter part
- of -March. .
With grim deterximatiorond stat
heart this young and virile nation
meets the challenge of the hour.
Lights burn late as Canada's war '
effort gains momentum. In faCtory
and workshop, .on the farm, in ship,
yard and along.the.assembly line, all
Army in Overalls swings into action.
Likewise, in The Royal Bank of
Canada. a trained and disciplined
staff bends its best efforts to meet.
4. the increasing demands of war 1. .
There is no short cut to victory.
The road will be long and Vara',
- With pride in our hearts we shall
pursue it till pea.ce is made secure
for the nations of the'world.
TUE ROYL. 840.11„0? $1).4111111,
gRANCH 1st 110Ciatteineoeor "