HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-27, Page 2GO»ERICRSIGNAL.STAR
Clirreat %IPA; on Ike War
abnitil *twin *tar
Pubtlitted by Signal -Star Press, Limited.
-Weateiltreet, tioderieto Ooterio--
Phil Osiforof Lay Meadows
By Uskrry J. Bolo
JflURDZ MAIR011 nth, 1:041.
Ottawa as eigned,With WaShingterr
'4ispoement to premed, with to 1st.
Otwrett‘'e power Alla illgeP waterway
iproPet. ,Ottawa presarably would)
/Sot have toinualtted itsel .',Ao this pro-
ieet in wartime if 1.0t to itself, but
semis that the waterway is one of
Prestclent it000eveit'S pet Projets, and
eonsideratton raif his aid to Britain.
, ift, Vie struggle with Ilitler's des
Ottawa Could not well aft* to hold
V.stitaatea a the eost of the protect
Are ptiblislied,but, these ctui be dis-
*Wed, as of little real value. It is
ye tsofortrodeeades -since .SQ.a,1144
.11tunebedi the Transcontinental ItailWay
:000d:which, the electors were teitit
*odd cost the Canadian 'treasury 'only
$13.0QQ,000, 4ow many times thirteen
mations that uudertakiug hee toet prob-
031$ nobody haa ever +figured out. Since
then the Welland -Canals has been en -
Urged at a- cost several times greater
than the'estimate. It is Pretty safe to
iay that 'Canada will not get off With an
Otttlay less °Man ten tiroeS thepublished
. estimate for the' waterway scherae.
Tbis. estimate apparently covers only
• works In the St. Lawrepee; but the
deeper wateravay is to be of any value
there will:have to he works at other
points between the at, Lawrence and
the head of 'the Lakes, and these will
eoSt, untold mWtons'
Purtherniore,,when these millions are
spent, the waterway will e of sitarist -
•value to the country- ai a whole.
•"l'oropeo, Windsor *,and Forts William,
• irt.- the `Canadian side of that Lakes,
mayiook for some benefit, but that is
utifa'iii4-atiradvairttigtette Cate
aida tan be seen. Extravagant claims
• have been 'male as to the lowering of
° freight charge i on Western grain, these
have been Pretty Well expleded. As
or litcomffig gooda, , a reduction in
. customs duties •would accomplish, more
in giving us cheaper -gOods than can
be, expected from the bringing iu of
"Ocean eargo boats.
People who are ea.rried away by the
ilsien of ocean vessels 'navigating the
Great -Lakes *forget thet for tfive months
• „Of the year the St. LaWrence is frozen
• over, Thisieeans' that we shall have
•. to maintain. 'oiir present carrying
faellitite for use in these flee months
nomattee Yew raany ocean vessels cerae
1,11? the ,I,arkes." Our railways, now
-° struggling for .existence, will: lose busi-
• mos in protiOrtion as it is- &Vetted to
°vessels and our navigation corn -
several things he had been thinking
about for yeas --a •trip around the
world, a wint,r4ir1d o IOUlad,
0. new or a goOd secondhand ear, a Coat
• of paint fel' fats lionse, one of tie*
radio things,' ete., etc,. °etc., •et�.
says- he's ,doesn't drink rauch--just a
nipat Ohristinas, and New Year's, 'and
Burns' and • his own birthday, and
special !occasions like, that—and it
would 'hardly be ortir, While eutting
down on that. b9 Who:miss-but he
doesn't see e oast get aleitg with -
Out a snokef rhaps bell tell his
nephew Ain net 'to send WM any
eigars as irstral next 'Obristrass—liell
illst.worry eleng with hit% PlPee
thfti ha S to be done to"whe this war,
Vet-ItireS feer-veritlY,"
Tile London Vivo' Press, rejecting as
neither eound or sensible •the sugges-
tien that part or the Provincial surplus
ise used to Purchase wheat as a gift to
Britain, proposes instead a reduction
of thetaxon, gasoline or of some other
Prolvincial tax, ,
The reduction *mid be used as
• a great talking pointJn the dam-
' `iialgril to udee Mnerlean toitriSte
• to -come to this country. The eor-
porat.lon tax has 'been inereased by
'Ontario from two to live per cent.
Why not tOrego this ,extra tax and
let it go to our war -effort? Why -
not return the surplus to the
payera by reducing taxation? They
can then afford better the call for
more guns, tank -4, planes 'aed Ships
• and ' the innumerable demands for -
aid :for 13ritain and the 'Canadian
War services. _
• The rednetion of- the gaselite tax
would lightee the load for, pretty nearly
eiverypody, and ahould, sbectacular
enough, to show,the Government's desire
•to a irts9Sesnot ion effort. _
•Mayor Brown strUctk the right note,
in hie' brief deld:ress tozthe Board
Trade en Tuesday nieht, in suggesOng
that instead of askine, the G-Overninent
to do someibing for tGoderich' (it had
been proposed that Ottawa should be
'Asked to Spend a portion -of its warare
propriatIon, here) the Town should
make an Ineentory of US eapabilities in
the way of manufacturing, etc, Submit
it. to Ottawa, and ask what Goderieh
withsthis equipment tould do to help
the (Government; 'This .is a time for
helping _rather than for seekingefavers.
An.other suggeSifon by - is is
that soinethieg 'concrete should -be done
to remedy, the lotal housing shortage,
and ye propesed that a ,Company be
formed by the townspeople for the
purpose'ef building a number Of houses.
despatch. from Ottawa eontains the.
1, emotion that a recently -established
°Crown company, War -time Housing,
Liralted; will take. action "Wherever a
shortage of housing ectomiliodation. is
•shown to be impeding war-tinie- pro-
duction or .delayl?g,....con:ipleg2n_o.S.-_±,
-eOnS'treetien project." The
shortage of acconimodation bele is cer-
tainly embarrassing to the • people
brought here by .the proximity of the
airports, and a local company such as
proposed by Mayor Brown could •':no
doubt, secure direction and c� -opera-
tion, if desired,- from. Ottawa. The
point is that, -the people of , Goderich
shouldtake the •actioe for whic-h. the
circumstances call.
•the same. way. Canadian railway.meu
• and eanadian sailors are 'almost 'un
animous in opposition -to the prOjeCt,
'aS well theymight be. .
It is a pity that, with the biflions1
''•''':,reOtti-reas,:ats,:ttlits Attie ,for,-,Cariada'-si
war effort, this vast project, with its
demands upon Canadian labor 'and
Catiadan money, should be added to the
• burden. the only hope seems to be
that - the Vnited 1Stats Congress .niay
throw out the scheme. The prospect is
doubtful. •
• Vhe.-lease-lend--- bill in the United
States ,Senate was cis.io, 1770, and now it
is reported that a lad' named Christ-
opher Caltimbus has beea. likened for
military service in the U.S.- with the
sairmbee 1492.
- The 0.N.,lle might have postponed for driVe t aoderict with horses and
ror scene time Mew'. . perhaps
lenger than it is -poesible for any of
Say readers to ,reeall . a 'pleasant
Sunday eyenine paStirne has been that
of 1"coneting"., Of eeurse the eoSrting
of today is zit nearly es Iserione 4 bUsi-
ness as,,, it was baelo thirty years ago,
but ileVertheless rOstanees emerge as
a result -of the present Sunday evening
"sittitig•up exercise" just as they did
back in the day S fVoltertaVather anti
Mother .Sat in the omit room and
strained their ears to hear the couver-
eatien that littered through the glass -
beaded red drapee which. eeParated the
• perior fro% the "sittintoroom."
Other °changeshave taken place, as
well For instance, the favorite torture
seat waa ahorielfair sofa, At dirst it
• did not 'bother you, butgradually as the
evening' were on yen ibenanle .aware,
that you Were sitting on somethine eat
se far unlike the famouo• ePilres‘hat
Indian -prayer-Men- chooeeetteeteforrie of
mortification, Today It'a comfort'
able chesterfield, or a:So-celled Studio
eouch, and *Father ane. Mother have
shecothe taetrui enough to retire to ma -
other part or the house,
TheCompetition between the country
boy and the town boy still •remains.
It has grown, owing to the fact that the
roajotity_ of eountryl road% are 'plowed
•out, during the winter months. The
country boy asuallySticks to his horse
and cutter, while the dashing young
blade nt t6Wh telnies--enrarrayed In
his toggery and driving an autoinobile.
Cars travel faster and farther than.
horses, and so many a youag lady tilts
'her freckled nose attire etiuntry suitor
and is lured amity by the car.
They say all things are equal in this
world and that.sooner or later the ad-
vantages are removed!
On a recent Sunday evening it started
to snow.' elizzardy winds swirled snow
down le a barrage that deifies clescrip-
time .The *country boyo with their
hearts akin to nature iMmedieteli
herness.ecl Dobbin to the cutter and
Pladdedlionie through the snow. • •The
toevrelioys, net !being so familiar -with
the 'stormy ways of wind and weather,
dallied:. -When-- eteeame -time to' -g�
home, there •was simply-noway in
which. a ear eoted be made to trarvel a
road by itself. eA car has none of the
instincts of a*** horse, to go beck to its
warra stable. The ear drivers couldn't
see. •
And so, for three or four days, young
men from all parts of the countryside
were quartered in our•lownship. Yen
coulti .see the tops of the' tans In dif-
ferent lanevrays as you went down the
Perhaps some of- the fascination of
the town .,bby will have waned by, now.
Imagine what it must seem like to see
the ming man who always apPeared
freshly shaven et yetis' home, with a
cleaneehirt and well'inareelled hair.
appear , with Whiskers of , two dee&
standine, .. his shirt crimpled... his
hair lotion IiOEt a vague Memory on a
snarl of unrulyhair Sometimes when
people are? closely confined,' tempers
flare up and we have just a trifle of
suspicion that tempers -flared on many
oecasione during those two or three
0n tile other Inust siarnp.dr1-1116-1w"Fl*v —aed to see their,
pretty friends ,without make-up: Hew
shocked they must !have been to end
that a wind-blown country blush comes
from a box ! •
, 'A horse and eutter may -not be as
eswittee -but ifs- eertainly ° mere -dee
pendable in the -winter -time.
Three Minutes, Please
• (By a Man with a Notebook)
• Musiolini may now be truthfully
alluded to as a Roman In the gloaminr...
711tE GRIP- or seruNMW
e4sw, Autse.,s.o, _thee_ oppreeeere_
of Berlin and hloscovrare grinding the
life out or Poland., Its industrial prse
•vinces, neareet to •Gerraany, have been
ineorperated ln tiselteich. East et the
au;, the Russian OgPu holds, sway,
forging thousands of Poles from their
homes'te the wastes et Oentral Siberia.
iBetWeent the eastern and water°. pros
Theme lies a sort ef no Man's. land,
Ironically' known as the ',Gouvernement
General, where theoretically the Poles
still have Seine eights leftebut in reality
the Gestapo ruies,
In the area ineorPerated in the
,German Belch (Poentsnia,„ Poraorze,
Silesia, Lodz; Kalisz, :Mock arid Kujoevy
Provinces), according to acilvices !re7
eelved by the Polish Govermneet Ii
London, there IS not a 'city or small
town Where there )10.Ve not been mires
exeou.tione of Poles; mainly drawn, from
the intellectuali classes.., Recent de-
tailed', eetimates confirm, that in the
town' of Bydgoszez alone over 3.0,0Q0
•Poles have been ouirdered, many of
themewomen. areahjjde ji Ittg. rest
of• ronierze the number °of PeoPle
murdered exceed% a further len thous-,
and and in Pozuenia proeince the num-
ber 1 some 16,000.' The total number
of people nturdered by the Gestapo
throughout the,'German occupied area is
given -as over 70,01700. •
, -
At Warsaw in the Gouvernement
General executions were formerly -car-
ried out in variens parts .of the eitYt
for instanee in the .Sejm gardens in
the daytinie and in full elevilof the
people.---TodassIthechief.plaea of eiecus:
tion for 'Warsaw and the environs is
the locality*bt Palmists,' outside the eitY.
In this place, tlie're are nearly' a score
of collective graves of people 'so
murdered, in which 'probable some two
thousand tpeeple, mainly from „Intel-
lectual eirela, are buried. There are
always several trenehes, dug by Jewish
enfereed labor, waiting ler the next
batch of prisoners. Among those shot
at Palmira was the leader of the Polish
SocialtStS.- -
• .Through a !Polish tcotiple who sue-
cee-ded 1. escaping from Soviet Russia
by the Etteterrt route authentic details
confirming all that has been written
about the nature of the Soviet' deporta-
tions front Eastern Poland have re-
centlf- ebine£O 'hand: "The-Tfoliplelled-
before the German intaSion. in .South -
Western Poland, and at the end of 1939
reached IStanislawow in the area con-
trolled by .SoViet Russia,' Where theyre.
inahred until the spring. • Here the
Soviet authorities unexpectedly Ordered
the 'registration of all who -were not
permanent' Inhabitants • The man Was
arrested, and deported' to Dniepropet-
rovsk, while bis wife was egrried Off to
th.e interior f Russia,. At Orenburg,
on the Samara -Tashkent line, she hap-
pened to .find a group of kola who were
also being deported, and travelled with
them_ The Poles Were traesPorted en
open trucks, the last itiuek 'belog
eupied by the guards armed 'with ,
automatic rifles. There was a special I
wagon for the train commandan£, and I
a separate covered truck for mothers
with infante at the breast. •
Oe'the jeurney a great number oe the
deporteesdied. The destination, which
faet known in .advance, was Bekpak-
Dala; situated in the:fanious ''_11.1engry
Steppe." :i/Prom Peroisk all the de-
portees, including twomen and ehildrert,
re driven on foot to A aie-iKuiseed
'arrival they, were told to"eitablish
ttlemenfs" along .the -river °halo
wing ei the exertions of Polish, doctors
ith the rarty, WL/10 had • carried
ypodermic syringes and serums with
y.. . o..,17d
amghe shortage of food and water during
't e summer heat caused much illness
nil mortality, especially among the
Dairen. **
ortunately, the mao obtained. per-
raision to leave the country for himself
and his wife, and found4,means of meet-
ing the cost of travel. •But the joeiney
from Nomosibirsk* wa,'s a eontinual
torture: At station -after station they*
found Polish children pleading for
bread. The nightmare ended, only
when they reached Kharbin.
---Based on material from Polish
Ministry of Informatioe.
..The- coming tGerman offensive pro-
niises tcy exceed In destructiveness and
intensity anything hitherto displayed.
The British' and. German nations wilts
belocked together In the deadliest
struggle of their history. It is not a
etruggle for and against Hitlerisrn or
this or that system or abstraction. It
Is a struggle between JViro great and
powerful natioes in the Most, absiOute
and physical sense, •a life -and -death
struggle, a struggle for sheer survival.
If the Germans win, the fate of Great
Britain willeb vvorse than' that of
Poland. Her ,night and majesty, her
:greatness, her .way of life„ ter institu-
tions, her well-heing, her very veLstenee
as a netionewill be gobe for ever. 'Her
wealth will be turned into poverty;
her poverty will ;become such as to re-
semble the almost ineonNivable wretch-
edness that exists in Western Europe,
And is far -worse than anything that
goes by the name of pOverty at 'home.
Poland. •and alt the afflicted •other-
enpntrie8-40.zeeheslovakia, Denmark,'
°Norway, Holland, !Belgium, Preece,
numania---can hope as long as the
British Xmpire stands. If the Enipire
, there Is nothingsleft to
, If the 'Germans prevail, they will
strike her dowa so ruthlessly and
•thoronghly that be Will never Mover"
erta the Zeraeratious to Come will have
no ehatreeto reeetablien the ,-Marvel-
lone eedifive---that ---hresa relbeeir--eiely"-
Mel/Wand years in building. •Hitler
Will Wreak ide own vengefull,,,Y
nant batied and fary on the British
people, because, .thee alone defied bird
and his armies, deStroyed his (tem -
planes, sank his shim and all but
aohleved his overthrew. And he will
have the full support, indeed tbe ap-
plause of the tGernsatt nation that raised
him to PoWereand ,kept him there,
despite ell the villainies he has per-
petrated, despite the frightfttl" war he
phatted, prepared ond deliberately
brought about—no, not tlespite these
monstrous things, but 'bemuse qf them.
Upon, nglandif she fails, will eome
4the abomination that .maketh desolate.'
But if be *prevalle„, ftS slie surely will,
she Will never do to the Germans what
they would halt Ilene to her. The Ger-
mans need fear no brutishness, no
-human vengeance, no oppression at the
handof a, vletorious England.; But
one tthing the Germane must expeet if
England -is to win, the peaCe as well as
and all the Arts 'of wooertheysehall
not the tree ,ever ,again to follow the
arts of war. ,
Whatever •the' political, Social, anct
economic aspects of th.eopost-war set-
tiernent may be, one thing is absolutely
essential if there is te be tray .kind of
security in Europe, if there is to be
a just and laSting peate, if the Years'
that follow the war are not to be an
uneasy tope leading ut, to the third
. World. Ware _Witheut,- that; one othinge
the rest is calamitous illualon ; without
it the second World War, like the first,'
wilt have 1-be-bn eought vain, will
have magnified, instead of ending,
the German inenkce, and will have
stored up disaster2or the younger gen-
oration, instead of °giving that genera-
tion and those to collie a ehance. of set
ordered, reasonably peaceful existence.
That one thing is the wittsattu and the
peaee-aim Of the English -people now.
About that theie can be no holiest dtiubt.
AU the promoters of post-war appease-
ment, of international .disarmament, of
renewed -collective Seeu.rity cannot cozen
ordinary people out of their 1.xed re-
solve to see that one essential 'thing
• Germany he hroken,for, ever, It is on
this' reality that the English Pebple are
more united and more. solid than tyey
hove ever been °Welty issue.-
--,The Nineteenth 'Century Mond oh Y.
• With the war services _campaign' now
under way, may this column remind
its readers that rhe mote we shell out
ARE ECORSES NOT WANTED the less likely are the chances of being
IN GODERICII? ' • shelle•d ou•t. •'
Editiir The Signal-Otar. Adolf entered the war like a lion,
, —
.. but he'll go out like a lamb: '
•Sire—I was talking to a young farmer ' .
so mileh soup isn't good
last week.' whO had. found it neees: . Maybe * for
rary t o the army, but it helps the boy s° keep
.their chins up.,
• a year the ,abandonment of the 'Clinton-
Wingham line. When Almon County 1
Is eelebra.ting its centennial ik, no timt 1
"'to be .reiniatled that it has p1i4ressed !,
.to 'the point where its railways are ;
• beginning to tear up their tracks. 1
s • •
Toronto ga;ve -Wendell Willkie a
• tumultuous weleothe tiles week. The
defeated eandidate for the presidency
• .in 1940 has, eedreareol !himself to Can-
adians by his wholehearted ltdolitien
the cause of Britain and his en-
eelftslt support Of President Itoosevelt's
measures to ;aid', he British !fight for.
freedom, and justice. The enthusiasm
displayed at Toronto is a reflection of
. the feeling throughout .the eOuntry tos
wards this stallaintlriend or deraotoraey.
4. report. from Aliburn is to the effect
that public tehool pupils; required t
attend 'ClaSses on, Saturday because a
some days" sehooling having been lost
duriag the recciat stormy weather., are
"not at all pleased." - We don.% wonder.,
in the school puplis' bill' of ritsItts—
perhar never put; in Writing, but iione
the 'less authoritative on that scores:—
Saturday is .htqd to be eacrosanet and
axwaolable, a a° sehoottree day. If
*tormi Weather eomes on .4therdays,
or tother awidental eircumsAance makes
the holding of-sehool impossible, !that
1.1 a gift of the gods and not subject
to any se oy vloIation of the,arteAtiatt
right to a free 'Saturday. Sehoel on
Saturday! ,‘Vito ever tthought of suelt
„ thing?*
roll of pottiotisors, the Salt fort! Sage
lots bissen eogitating on how he teen
reapond• to the avar-time eall, for
vonotny. Ite ,Ssy.4 tit ha 4 glyttt Up
wagon and a, big load of chop. The
day Was cold. The •roadwere bad,
and when he arrived at the ehop mill
les team was warm and tired. After
enloading he decided to tie his* horses
in the thiroh shed, out of the cold
north wind. But, alas! there WaS
otheO thought coming, ea the caretaker
said, "No, we eatet allow that." Then
he asked- if he might tie his *horses in,
the sun at theside vvhere they would be
sheltered. gilt that also .was against
the rules. So he drove,baele waited for
his chop,. Mot returned home, feelleg
not so happy-- about the 'church whieli
he and %lista:Mei before him had, helPed
support. Going Jute hia home he said,
'Sarah, put on your best bib and tileker,
Weare goingeto, town to do Our spring
shopping 'before the break-up comes:
I intended "doing it in Godericla„ but
couldn't find a place to tie the teant;
so we'll go Where our horses are wet -
<!011V as well AA our money.'p•
' A. LOVER 010 It OBSES,
Editor The Signal -Star. •
'Dear Sir,—A etireber of 'our toWnb"
people would. like toee Something Agri°
in regard to the subject mentioned re -
veiny iti your editorial notes, Le., a
building in Maitland -cemetery where
,funteal Seivices eould be held during
inclement 'weather.. •
Would it not be a 'fitting memorial to
'the lateedtobert Slaeltay to use the
1110103' he bequeathed for beautification
of the cemetery, in building „a small
memorial chapel?
Many people vvould rather see the
Money expended In this Way, with
something tangible to show for It, in-
stead or 'tieing it for something that
would have to be taken are a Ill any
eaRe by the Parke committee.
Thia juat a sUggesttonlkiay
liuy war saving a stamps and help
.dereat littler.
• An orchid to the next president of
the United. States for a magnificent
speech hi ,the Maple Leaf Gardens last
Monday night.
Still another dispatch comes from
London to the effect. that It.A.F. pilots
report •Vesuvius smoking, Well, _it's
old enodgh. e•• ° '
Innocence is one of the loVeliest
words M out' language; the only trouble
being that-, folks' nowadays ean'f be
bothered bringing the -dictionary down
out of the attic to -See what the word
Never take "no" for' an answer,
JohnnysA girl is newer positive When
her 'answer, lis in the negative.
Perhaps anothert reason for the
'younger -generation's" indifference to
parents' ,Sidvice sis the realisation that
their ,grandparents had the same ap-
prehension about their children: •
• Have- you heard -the onesAbout the
travelling salesman who, stumbled into
the wrongiliotel rooM? Neither have
We, but it's a good, one.
'Any inaprovemeufs on motor cars matt
be expected to be confluvertot the rear.
!The front ean.not h anuCk bater than
it now is, and ,the baelt Is alt that' any"
one sees, anyway. , •
(From a review by Norman Angell of
three books on eonditions.ln
d None a these books leaVes any doubt
as to the dogged eourage of the common
people of England in this, their great
ordeal. The testimony is so unanimous
as to have become almost hackneyed..
But certain questions' arise. These
,bookreveal an ineredibly • courageous
• people facing the , risk 'of delith and,
• what is niudl WbrSe, a pain Ito'
enthirre:k long-(1rawn-out (Ifs --
comfort, helplessness and illnessonightly
In horrible surroundings, in- earvee and
cellars a nd, efielters ; ens:111ring all this,
not merely with .patience, but with
• humor and good /mture. Vincent
(Siheean tells how every Jlay .xnen and
women go to •their _work at •the ac-
cukomed hour, •although 'they an be
•tha a publie school examination paper
recently was the question : "Where is
the dissnt spot 011 the North American ,
• continent?" 11443 are sot 8() good at •
geography as we once -were, but we are
Icertain it isn't tOoderich on a Saturday
We heaievia the grapevine of a
, Official in pttawa who named his first-
born (fiara, the second Nora, and the
third Ronald. We ore somewhat ettri-
Oils as to what his reactions would be
should lie be tiNeliarged by bis em-
ployers .and offered a position. with the
a At
.Worry .Saps, -
The Rervous, System
Worry over bosimess or howehold
duties, sudden shoek, the insattd
citedfor pleasure, the foolish, at.
tempt to put, a Week of normal life
Into tWeity-four hours, feverish ac-
tivity, the demand for iieneatioxial
literature tito stall sonatteive to the ,
aggravation of wear and tear on the
nervOus syatems
If You are tired',tless nervous,
s*dsvorried why not give iitilhurn's
Ifeeltla And Nerve Pills *ehatice to
help put 70u On /our tett again.'
They are a body building!( ,etwo
etterigthenteg tole '0401th:tog the
eeeentlel *WA* fel', the nervous
Ine It Oboe Os, 144, Om* Om.
sure *liter of errieinir at their deatiue
ation nor Of train( it iOtiket wireO they
get there. "It is difficult to believe that
any° other people iti eoniti en-
dure What they are eltdUring," eaYs he.
What eonvictiou has sustainCI Ihern
through these fires or putgatory? In
even in .the firstmonthSof the wor• they
did not Gaeta to have any -very ipa's,slon-
ate convictions for 'which they would
be prepared to suffer Martyrdom. ,Yet
from the evidence of these boas (Con -
drifted .eceently by, gr. ,teeti-
mony after his Visit to [Britain), and
from the 'order of the events Which
brought 'Britain into the ewar, it Is
'quite elear that this is a people's war.
The iniPuise to end appeasement and
resist littler's/ aggression -came from
belosa ,Large' eouservative plements
in the 'eoutitra; 'Were willing enough to
eentinue making deals with Hitler. It
is indeed this fact wlileb. renders the
charge .that this is an.imperiallat War
alysurd. It was the imperialist ele-
ments that for years avoided all risk
of war, and the popular elements that
forced :resistance, that would have lac;
eepted tlie 'risks earlierr*, and by so
doing might have prevented actual war.
pi the past few years mareh literature
of the Left has given the Impression
..thet,!theepritielaspeople feel themselveS
oppressed. and diiiiiitioddeti.-11birthe'
+behavior deseribed inethesebooks belies
this. We have been told that sound
1:1100(Qa11.0:eu.wPodeouPerae:id1:1,ri:igi)Q.xtelluet :Peftele:PloaleelUttift::41:1101::17.,
t_leult_49aryelroximilement::n:Eorlig61::::::11eCono _
uraetiste—are preciselY those who wiene
join hands with the imperialists awl
11:1:e mar eko; cunt: oti;eadare:t hae:Ct ei tsur i ntl: re ea; Ita.d4:been I in i 1 1 Sina use oca ':
eonapare the British-iderale with the
miitraenyrter;.'eaassrs. hitulovubselyn, ettueltivuotoeduse 1 • • ,
00110110AS had ime Communist, sae
Chamber of Pon, tie -s had Seveilty-Ave.)
'But its effeet was to deepen the rifts
bottomwrtradell'e': and il ol tn i sn it bt :11toee°1eutnt:1111nraYboi"rfs8amtiriliv:toftoPhr ta:
where a (Churchill. JOIns ,thantiS with 'a
naenw.peorrNdItedrinbegen psoropitsavgl:haldY'a.inta,:actheinthee.;
people; pushethwith the 'cunning of An
Isequeurvsesesetsas, au:41)dewvialitv:troznitrhaleseusS Wt 1 it ilnhgegUNVito 01:Innedzro. 41 v :cfe:ta.,
by the testimorlY of olAnY good Ivii.,
the British are ebeerfUli- and, °Waldo '
the Nazi party, eeein not only unlit.
pre.aaed by the victories their leaders
announce butstnurdental, despite the ap.
lie-arii:ete:eMesby. , -S, e,ne
eltimate defeat and diiasterfrlaNatioa.m:yorc,e)r.,_,,-.-
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also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London,
Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia,
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• For the things thavare not given a fighting man with his uniform
. , things that are not part of his nsilitary equipment.. .. things of the
Spirit . . Cingida's fighting sons, wherever they may be, rely on you,.
The Government provide.s them with uniforms, rifles, ammnnition-r
„but for enmforts—recreations -and wholesome opportunity to make
their precious moniertts of leisure it genuine boon . . . they rely on you.
Of course you help to buy airplanes, guns, ships, .tanks—BUT-for—
the.thingi that express -to -the soldier the affection and thoughtfulness
of the folks back home . is he relies on you.
'Six great national organizations labourunceasinglyto provide him
with those things. .
'hey can do it Only with your money.
- Your, money started this work—your money is needed to Carry it mu
The need is, urgent... Be generous. -
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