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nal so
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
Ninfrx-rounTu -mat
for Sunday Evening
To Open Local Parapaign orW
Arranged -
A mass meeting, of the eitieene
C4Oderiela in ,tlie Capital "I'lleatre
.Sunday evening, Ntareh 8Ot1 wi1OPen,
, the local eampaign f )ae 'Canadian
War Services Fanti, otherwise keeVvia as
the "six -in -one eainpaige."
Sqnadron Leader al. Voyee Of the
Itozal Air M.:8e now stationed at Peet
7Albert, eimitesy-pf-
his commanding oftee4 and Will' tell
-Ofethe work -et. the Royal., Air Force in
Neel% Africa and India, Where he Was
stationed1!r 'Seven years. Those who
have heard, Squadron Leader Voyce
other occasiene are unanimous In their
opinion that hie story is a eairpaSsing
Mr. °eel' Attridge, ehairnaan Or the
cenimittee in charge, of the drive, will
het this-Meeting.ths
Worship Mayor E. D.. Brown has been.
asked 16 be present' and an , invitation
has beee extended to ;Group Captain
T. Robertsen, officer commanding at
Port A.lbert, recently recovered from a
long illness.
Other speakers have been lieted to
explain the work of their respeetive
Organizations. ' H. S. Trirner will speak.
• for the •Canadian Legion; Adjutant Wil-
liams for the ,Salvation Army, and;
"Made' Ley, Y.M.C.A. offieer, in charge
. Port Albert, will tell what is being
done by his 'bodyto ineinta.in .the morale
• of our fighting men in all theatres of
• Glen Lodge has consented to act as
master of eerenionlea for ecorampuity
singing. He hes Planned tO many
of the old 'favarite hYratis in deference
to the day; as well es, some patriotic
songs. The eammittee in charge of ar
rangementa `have endeavored • to pro
wide, an interesting and pleasant even-
ing and are issuing an appeal for 'the
best pesSible turnout er citizens in sup-
port of a cause which Wendell Winkle,
in Toronto on Monday last, said ought.
to be supported to the limiteas one way
of making certain af the early defeat of
the eneraieg of democrace.
Canvassers to Meet '
meeting of team captains and can-
Vassers !wile ,planned by the committee ,
for this week.:. Teta reported by Secre-
tary ;Harvey • Erskine,. -however, that
there hes' been la holdup in securing
supplies for the canyassers. and thats
this Meeting will take place Orly next
week. Team captains will, be advised
its soon as passible. They are behag
asked to Completethe recruiting' of can,
vassers at Once and to have them ready
to attend a meeting la the Legionerooms
on short notice.
Because of a desire to spread the
•work of canvitesinglelyeas-pos-
sible and not to have to call on those.
• who hirvesgiVen freely of their time in
the past, volunteer ceurvassere are being
asked foe. The 'Salvation Army has
guaranteed a total' of 'thirteen of their
members for this work and Adjutant
has. eonsented.totakesettarg
of No. 10 subelivision-in place of A. R.
,Scott. A. M. 'Robertson has ;been
Secured as team captain in No. 3 sub-
division in -place of !Calvin. Cutt, who
found it impossible t� serve. While
• the Eastern chapters. of the I.0'.D.E.
are not aseocietecl with the driveethey
are volunteering to help is they can
• and it Is expected that senee canvassers
wjll be, secured from their
• The Goderich quota has been fited at
$2500, but It is being freely, predicted
;that this amount will be ;considerably
over-eubseribed. It means tin average
of onlyssene $2.50 per fataile 'and Gode-
• laas eontributedeMaeh, more than
' this In the past. • All interested are
agreed ,thatehe cause is admirable and
• that Goderieh. Will not fell, ••
.coutrzy:- QuOTA, $20,000
Committee Confident a success in 111,4r
Sereiee Campaign
With organizatien 'wort eoelpieted
In all four" ioues, the Huron County
War Servites 'Campaign got Wader *ay
. a flying etart on Monday. The
couniyeequota is $20,000. e
Ihe catapaign wU proVide,funele for
,eix ei-ar, &Civic* organizations-the,Can-
adian tegion, Salvation Army,
A., X.W.C.A., Kuights -of !Columbus and
Deepite, the fact that WardenMc-
Calluirt of Perth ime, uot, yet taken up
the eafleiige of Huroe's Wardee •
Leiper, Ilurou workers, are ineistent
that the quota 'will' be exemled by Just
-asr-muelr,-aS , a -1191Y' 'ha -tor- the
'Warden's iiri1e4ere at etake. .
Organization meetings were held In
each, of the for zone e during -the Peet
week and zone conveners' are enthusias-
tic over thetco-operation extended by
'municipal committees and otattnizae
tions. "With ,such an enthusiazstic re-
sponse as wee' evident on Friday night
at Hensell," Zone Convener Thomas
Pryde sad, "we just can't fail."
"cash or pxoduce" plan, designed
'primarily far the rurel municipalities,
is functioning enSiothly, according to
J. O. Shearer, 'agricultural convener,
and haseeived wide commeet,
Through this plan persons unable to
give cash may donate peodece or csome
ether Article. For inetance, a copy of
the Huron County Atlas of 179 was
offered on Wednesday. The atlas, a
collector'item, when it is sold will re
suit in. a Splemlid donation to the fund„
The Municipal 'Quotas*
The 'Huron quotae ,set by Provincial
headquarters at $20,000, - has been
G. W. Schaefer Again
- Reads Trade Board
Executive Ite-eleeted with Few
Student Flyer Takes Off oil Solo Flight
• without 'Checking Gasoline
• Last' Friday " .af ternoon'a "paneake"
-landiug ef, Ineet trainer on the Mo.it-
• Oha,nges—Amilial Meeting Idualtiver saltfml" w46 eauSed
bv a shOetae,e of gaeoliae, J. R. Douglas,
Tnestiay manager of Sky Harbor Elementary
School, told The '!Signal -Star.
• With President O. W. !Schaefer e- •"Delinitely, there wee not' an in-
, Structor in. tife airplane-onlY a student
the annual general meeting ' of
• the .Gotlerich Board of Trade' was held pilot. It was ".a' 6°1°' 1115114" Mr*
las streesed.. "The etadelit einaelv took
en Tuesday 'night in the diningeroom ' - • ''•
0 on h e own withotat eueckitie the
.of the Beitisli-Exeliance Betel. The gaSoline,"*Ift was added.
”executiee s-e'vas elected with slight The manager explained that eliertily
, eftee the takeeoff tite 'Pleee's„ gasoline
ehange -from last year, Me, .Sehaefor guieeyeeeeee to rim bee -too lOw to
iS reelected preSiclent foe, a third terra, return to the laediriglieldesso tlie flyer
and. other officeess Viee-Pre04ent; uta toliteit:t114-•tiarEValiirdifild, iu
W. II. Blackstone ; *eecretary, A. E. 'the time at hie dispoSaL -
Ilockleye tree,eurer, J. Po ;Gillespie ; He cattle down ou Spine shrubbery -
tourist secretary, D; DoWpie; chair- just sat cloWn, Mr, Douglas sitid. Tile
-men of committees -industrial, C.. K.
Slaunders; till:Lance, J. F. •Gillespie ; tour-
ist and publicity,. J. D. 'Thomas; mein-
bership, Williems; speakers and
eetertalement, Attridge ;
G. L. Parsons; -Tuna .relations„ 3. A..
Snider; retail merehants, A. L. Cole;
represent a tivesou Blue:Water -High:WU'
Association, C. C. Lee.
The president welcomed several new-
coiners to town-Messis, ()oats and
eJackson, of the imperial Oil Coepapanye
• Jackson, manager of Steclinan'e,
and Mr. McCullach, manager of Agnew -
Corirespondence Read '
Secretary Hockley read an accumula-
tion eorreSpondence, includipg, a
letter from the Department ef Naval
Services at Ottawa stating that Gode-
rich would receive consid.eration in the
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Wark Celebrate
Golden,— weitiii—,Day IVIarked
by Family Gatheringand '
Anniversary Dinner
Tuesday, March 25, was the fiftieth
anniversary of the Wedding of Mr. aad
.; ,
Mrs. Samuel Wart, •Corborne street, and
the eyeatwas fittingly celebrated by the
'Worthy eouple vvith, a golden viredding
dinuer,at the Park House, attended by
relatives ,and intlinate Mends.
Samuel ' Watt and 'MarY. Ellen Lane
were married at the holue ottlie bricie".e.
parents,- W. -"and-lifre. -Aaron- ;lane;
Kent countY, near Dresden, on. Mareh
25, 1891. The eonple resided ineTor-
onto for sevent eneyeare after their
*wings . and propeller of the maewee marriage itedet en nieved to Goderich,
' were damaged, but the student pilot,, where they lived for seven years,. '..t11
climbed out 'of the cockpit unharmed. 1915 they moved. to ISInitles Falls and,
He had mitdeathe best job Passible Of lived there until Mr., Warks retiee-
a bad situation:. ' meat as an engineer with,the Canadian
'The eirPert officials are not worrying Pacific Railway in 1029 Mr. and Mrs,'
so muelFabout the damage to the 'plane. 'Wark tb.en naoved back to .,Goderleh'
Thee are more concerned with the and have resided here ever alike, attest
breach of the rules involeed, the. taking log to their liking, for Huron'S capital.,
off without ehecking the gasoline sup- Of a family of five children toile are
ply, and have taken strict clisciPlinarY living, one senoLawrentke, IlaTiligl*4::
meagaaisnu,resIttowasees at:al at it -doesemphasizedioto cocuart 'killed in action in France in the la.se
war. The ,other eliildren are; Amy
there was not an,. instructor in the (Mrs. T. JO ;Saikeld), of near Ludt -now, ;
plane, The name of' the student pilot Norman, now of Toronto, but a resident
was not divulged, for his own sake. of Goderich until last year, ; Herbert 3.;
A considerable crowd gathered at the. of Buffalo, and Ruth "(Mrs Douglas`
scene of tbe wreck ands ma.ny' carried Campbell), of St. Catharines. There
away Seuvenira. The 'plane was re_ are eight grandchildren -
trieved in a few hours. Mr: and Mrs. Wark were showered
The' airport ntanagement Was plainly ,with mee,sages ef Congrattila.tion on
broken down to Municipal quotas as n.amlne of the cprvettes which age being annOyed at the 'various "wild reports ' , achieving their fiftieth anniversary and
follows: Aehfield, $9'0, • Cella° turnedoutfor War service. The sche- that spread .among people as to the
ent and had no fusion of beautiful flowers beim friends
*ere the recipients of '' a great pro-
duie of the piissenger eteemer Georgian cause of the accid
iGoderich and at outside points.
Ilki. $1,250' Howick el 450' Hulle t ' - s
'Goderich. Townshit; eamell .-e, rilefeSeeoges
- -2 es-- , -reY, •1"-,vuu;'
1941 showe'lliftle change teem laet hesitancy in isseing the true version. in
• Y'' • ' 5 • , t , year, despite efforts made to have the , ; e.e-_— Many lovely gifts were . received from
$850; AtelCilloP, $850; ' SSW; calls at Goderich fixeci far' Mere- suit- AilEAD oy SCREDULE relatives and friends.
Stanley, $875; Stephen, $1;250; •Tucker - . ,. ' The anniversary dinner, held at the
smith, $800; Turnberry, !WO; Usbeene, Park 'House at I. o'clock Tuesday after -
$850; E.- 'Wawanosh, $575; W. noon, was 'attended by nineteen gueets,-
-Wawanosh, $075; 101intore - .,$1,060; including Mr. and Mrs..N,ornaan Wark
Goderich, $2,500 ; .Seaforth, $900 .; Wing- and daughter ; Mr. -and lire'. TS 3.-
ham; $1,000;- Blyth., $250'; Brussels, -Salkeld .and children, Mr.. Herbert
.$375 r Exeter, 0,000.; Ileesall'e$350. Wark and son ; Mr. Douglas 'Campbell
. .and children: Mr, and , Mrs.* Walter
. ,
able hours. The 'Blue Water Highway
Association requested a grant of $100
for this sear.
'A vote of 10.00 was Passed to the
Blue Water Highway A.ssociation as
requested. The Town 'Council hasal-
ready voted $200, making up the usual
yearly grant of $300 from this town.
,G. L. Parsons, who was unable to be
present, sent a letter in which the
question of war, industries for Goderich
VMS raised, .iutd. D. E. Campbell en-
larged on the wetter in a speech in
which he put berth 'Godericlesseelaines
to Government attention attention, •
Mr. Persoes' letter wa's sent to the
induatriaI 'caramittee, with 'Z'a. recom-
mendation that serious study ibe ,giveu
to the situation.
- Treasurer's Report
. The finitecial statement presented by.
the treasurer, J.: F. Gillespie, for the
period March 1st, 1940; to March 25th,
1941, .9howed receipts. of $4.24;91, ins
eluding. a balance -of $127,41 on hand
from the previous year. Membership
fees aveliW4:- The Township of Col-
borne, and the Townehip of Goderich
eac mac
ments, 'including a grant of $100 to the
!Blue Water Highway Association, were
.$415.38, leaving 'a balance on hand of
COMmittee Will ItseOnaMend Purehase
4.utoMatie Fire Alarm Systene
When the County Huron pur-
ehased a herd of Purebred Shorthorns
for the County lIooldlid not reckon
with a consequent nalMoe‘ shortage at
the lastitutionA ;although warning
was giv'ene The shortage came about
sooner than was expected and fer some
'time Milk hos been bought front out-
side eourees to replenielt, the failing
supply: ,Se on Monday this week,
at Clintou, the County Honie ,conunittee
pf County Council authorized the pur-
chaee of five dairy .eows. forthwith,
Chairman B. Darranee, Warden
4„anle4LeiPer. • and.14,ePeetoregseerkee,
seleagatt also were instructed to dispose
of a heaeooteam. of 'Percherons and to
purehase a new team, Tenders also
• have been asked on a 'new half -ton
truck, and a new electric washer is to
be parelmsed "for the. matron,
The teoder of T., J. Riley for the 1941
eupply of groceries was .accepted,, as
were those of Ross Fitzsimmone for
smeat, M..3. Agnew for tobacco and
Hariy Bartliff for bread. Tenders are
to be asked /or the annual coal supPly,
Chairmau 'Dorra'nee and 'Inspector
Feagateobeing given power to act,
---The Committee during.- an all -day
session. witnessed Etdemonstration of an
autem.atic fire alarm system, a detector-
annUnciator, and will lecomtnend :to
'Countor council at its ;lane sesSioir that
it be purchased and installed. The
_grand jury at the last fall assizes re-
cbinmended that additional fire pro -
$oll Conditions Good and No Delay
• from Muddy Fields
Sky Harbor training classes, both
junior and senior, are'miles elteed of
their flying .schedele as a eesult of the
delayed departure of the senior class,
scheduled , for March which. will
not take place until April 10, as an
nouneed in last week's Signal -Stan
This delay was occasioned by an
eX.pected. tie-up by' muddy landing Melda
:during 'the epring break-uP, but this
has not to passe at Sky Harbor,
where the snow has disappeared 'and
ehidents are taking ‘off arid landing ;on
the bare ground, every dying day. Good
drainage, the lightness of the ,sall, and
a,beence of severe frost this winter are
.given us the reasons. So far as Sky
Harbor- is concerned there ece,d, be no
- .
- The rye and 'KeetuckY blue gress geed
planted last is a, ."good catch," but
a considerable area has already been
tramped or pepnded in by incessant
. . cials sa
Lindsey of Toronto; Miss: Edith Wark
'6f -Toronto and (Mrs. George 'Wark of
=-E.M.C.S; 'OTTER. BURNED T'oronto.
Mrs.. Wark held a reception and ten
Carl Clark Survivor of Destruction of on 'Wednesday afternoon, receiving her
Converted Yacht guests in a navy blue sheer dress, with
Carl Clark, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil- corsage or gardenias.
. Mr. and Mrs.', Wark have‘ttfoyed
liam J. !Clark, Cambridge street, has immensele the years they. have- spent
been reported as among the, survivors in Gedericleand elley have warm words*
Editor The Signal -Star. ,
Dear Sir, -A warof-nervee is being
• carried on against the children in. our
Publie, se:heals, Unintentional and Well
meant of Conrse, but nevertheless true.
And likewise Unjust.
Ilere are the Plain Alois.
Children in the primary grades are
• developing a "we'll-liise-the-war-if-we-m
don't -buy -war -saving -stamps" phobia. It
is 'v'ery good' to ,teach children the neces-
-Lefty -of sacrifiCe for one' e country, no
one will 'dispute !that, Vat surely our
war effort can be carried on without
developing unhealthy "compulsions" in
our .ehildren, It should always be ree
membered thnt some mothers'cannot
give motley to. their , ehildeen simply
'because they haven't got it. I have
heard of kiddies 'crying because they
could not have the motley with whin.
'to' buy the otampg. .0bVious1y better
(judgment must be used,
- There 'have likewlie been cases • of
absolute torturee•'-yes, torture-thrdugh
the practice,' of asking thee children
whether or tot they' attended Sunday
school. In most caeeg where the- child-
TO11 did not, it was because of the lack
of "good elothes.", There again a better
undenotanding o finaneitil eonditions In
. the large familyr as well as it leooeP'
-ledge of' child •pSyehology, is required.
" 'I remember enly too well that. I was
'called a 'heathen" by a teacher under
similar cirCionotances.
Both patriotism and religion are
necessary in our sehoole, but there are
surely better ways of obtaining thein
• than by fear and embarraeament.
Small errors to be sore,' and quite
unintentional -but conducive to so
much unhappineos where urthaPpiness
ehould not be. Isn't it something to
think about?
• ox...
1Goderich, March 20.
Census toramiseionen have been 'ale.
pOin.ted at Ottota. Ila mit(l.petm, ot
Is named for North ilItiron,
and V. V. Pickard, of Exeter, for Moron.
,feerth, The evnstis be to be taken ,In
• of the converted yacht II.M.C.S. Otter, of pr,aite for the town and. for the
which 'buret' into flames off °Halifax friendship's which, they have Made since
harbor yesterday (Wednesday morning, coming- here. The Signal Star ex-
claiming the lives of. nineteep. members press the sineere wish that Mr. and
a the Royal ,Cronedian Naey. News Mrs. 'Wails will enTaii many more
• N I
that Carl wai amenk these saved was
happy years totether. •
receiired with thankfulness by his ,t, '
lather and sister here. Mrs. Clark, • ' MURRAV-BISSETT °
mother of :Carl, is at present visiting Cin ISaturdae, March -15, le41,, at
her daughter Dorothy (Mrs:- !Hamilton) St. Paul's Preibyterian church, Ilamil-
at Da .
Carl, who is thirty years of age, was
a stoker on the -OtterXIe had sailed
off and on for -a few years, . but was
working as a sawyer for the basket
factory at Oaloville before his enlist-
m.ent in the fall ot 1940. In January
es be seWee.
married in Goderich; to Miss Bessie
Wilson • of Oakville:'A brother, Lionel,
also is in the R,C.N. and is at present
taking a course in torpedoing at an
Eastern port. ,
Details of the disaster and of how
'Carl was saved are anxiously awaited
at the Clark home. '
Mr. G., L. Parsons, president of the
Blue Water Highway Association, and
'Secretary. Manore, of Sarnia, are to
make a tour of the Blue Water route
next week, and plan to be 111 Goderich
on Thursday, April Ord, from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m, They will be at the Town
Hall at this hour to meeteany persons
interested in the work of the Arsseele
. .
Previously acknowledged . .........•19 25
Mrs. Pahner ,• 1 00
Goderich Mfg. Coo and em- °
ployees ' 00'
In memory of State Taylor.....• 2 00
Princess Mary Lodge, L.O.B.A. 10 00
$ 78 25
The above amounts have been handed
to The Signal -Star for the British War
Victifris' Fund. '
Flight -Lieut. J. M. 'Roberto, 'who is
Coneltlescing front an 'appendicItisoper-
ation which he underwent at London
two weeks ago, 'visited With his wife
and other relatives her on Sunday.
Ile returiied to toixion on :Vfonday to
resume his duties as officer in pharge
of the RoC.A.F. recruiting centre 'for
this `military . district. •
Mr. Gillespie, who is ehairniaii o the
ca waresavings campaign committee,
an objective of 909 pled'gee, 1120, were
secured, the amount pledged 'being
$4,610 per month. Ov4ngete weather
condition.s„, the efiniVdS,4 af Colborne
iendsGoderich townships hid been post-
poad to April, or later. ; '
W. H. Blaekstone, chairman of the
membership eemmittee, reported 115
members last Year.
President's Address
" President Schaefer ened his annual
address with an expression' of thanks
tO the members of, the exeeutive for
their co-operation during the year. Ile
spoke of the anxious daYs of the' early,
sunnier of 1.1940 and pointed out that
the Board OteTrade had associated it -
Self with: the various eampaigne for
war serviov. The death of E. R. Wigle
was mentiohed as a distinct loss to the
'town.' Tire tourist, toininittee had done
good work, althotigh the results were
seriously restricted by wartime regula-
tions. At the requ.est of Group Captain
Robertson Of the Port Albert Air Navi-
gation --School a -.survey • of the ,local
• housing situation had been made,4nd
Mr. Wilkes had given ;Valuable se ice
in compiling ;the report. The deputed
for-heusee wits beyend 'the acccimmoda-
tion new in sight, said Mr./Schaefer.
The opening of the two airports in
proximity to the town had quickened
.businets in the toWne and the impreve-
xnent of the highway to Tort Albert Was
highly desirable. The meetings ad-
dreseed by R. Douglas -Oliver, Ontario
publieity director, and Hon. Howard
Ferguson were ,mentioned no successful
-events of the Board's activitie,s of the
year,• and the cooperation ,of the TOwn
!Council and o1! the press was acknow-
ledged' With .appreciation. -
The' -president was warmly applauded
at the toriclusion ot his address.
Tourist 'CoMmittee's RepOrt
In the absence :of J. D, Tliontas, the
report of the tourist and: publicity com-
mittee was presented by A. P. Wilkes.
The report contained a recommendation
for the organization of a joint 'body
representative of the Town Council and
the Board of Tietde to study ea:oper-
ative effeete in respect tetourist travel
and publicity., Acknowledginent Was
Made a the splendid; work 'performed
by, `Air. Downie, seeretary of the cam's
Mr. Downielg report spoke of the
border restrictions which hampered
tourist activity last year, resulting in a
marked, decrease in tourist traffic.
While in 1939 approximately 1800 sets
of advertising literature 'were eent out,'
latet -Tear the total fell to 910..
oe Mayor Broviirk Urges; Self4telP
Mayor Brown, *call& upon to ad;
dreas the Board, did' so briefly. Ile
euggeoted that instead of asking the
!Government,to do something for elode.
'rich the !government be inforMed of
witat-thieetown an offer„in the way of
facilities for 'war industry. 'Speaking
of the itonelfig problem, he euggeoted
the organization of a building company
10 erectsome bottom for „Whieh a reason,.
The temperatures for the past week
and for • the corresponding week last.
year, ft.5 officially recorded, were ,as
follow% '
• 1941 1940
'•Max. Min. Max, Min.
Thurs., Marelt 20 29 11 50 21
Frio lVfarch 21 ..36 13 3a „ 14
, 25. 15'
. -.10 0
0 10
,Sat., March 22 ..3V" -.410
Sono March 03,47
Mon., Marc+ 24 ..6.8 32
Tues., Ma,rch 25 32 20
'Wed., March 20 ..38
- The eiw ;of tie trow again fillo the
early niorning aI arut. 00,10 ate other
signs a spring. One -citizen report.%
oeeing and tearing geese over
town. A etiowplow erew lagt Saturday
morning turned over a half -frozen wild
diteleintjsnowbank near Sheppardton.
One of the erew got out Of the eab to
teseue the duck, It 'flew awhy. Farb.-
ele along the Blue Water Wall!. of 'here
elly that many wild duckWinter here
and alight, on eoft snow banko.to teat.
iS'a..".good warm 'rain. '
Theregular meeting .of the Presby-
terian young people was held on, Mon-
day...evening, 'March 24th, in the lecture
was Cliff Lowery, who also conducted
the 'business part of the meeting. The
Seripture was read by Liiias Milne,
while the prayer was -the Lord's Prayer
repeated 1 unison: The tonic, entitled
"A Tour .Through Ireland," was very
interestingly given by Mr. Norman
Onimingliam of 115rt Albert Air Nteviga- •
eion Scheel. The tour, which startedat
Belfast and went completely around
the island, -was.,fellowed out on the
• map. Tile accorapanying descriptions
of •irishpeople, life, and scenery made
the tour seem; quite real to 'the listeners.
A vote of thanks was extended to Mr.
'Cunningham at the conclusion of his
splendid , "address. • Next week the
young people will meet is Usual on
Mender- night. • itespoose to the roll
call will. be a verse descriptive of skint:
Ten telephone wires serving% Wing
ham and rural points were setered near
;Clinton, on. No. 8 ehighway, about 9
,6"clock. last ,Pridee morning: and tele-
Phoeeollicials ,attribute 'the severing to
• on airplane, a hit-and-run aviator. The
actual impact was' not witnessed, but
farmers report wing a 'plane en the
neighborhood- both ',before and after
the aecident. The „recoil of :the wires
was ouch that they weernthenreelees
around the posts it either end. There
Wa,s no cresh, of course,' but aviators A FATAL JUMP
state that this same thing is not un- 'On Saturday morning Wilfrid Steven
usual.- The wires Were about.twentY- son watched deer,, a three-year-old
four feet high and after listening to -dee, try to jump . a wire fence on his
some farmr In Heron County ths farrnesel'he deer dideleinalseelt; -catch:,
course on the exploits of our budding kg_ its- hind -Ifeefs on the Wire and
aviators it ,seehis.that bventy-fotiefeet breaking its tip in the ensuing fall
isentat an nfilisuitily low 'altitude • at 'This was two miles South of Poet -Ale
which to eas, One Colborne farmer 'bort. Soon „provincial police arrived
says a pilot in a 'plane the ether day .with a. local buteheis the animal ,wes
chased: ene ,or his steers up and down kilted and the carcass brought to )Gede-
a ten -acre field Until the animal quiff fich, where it Was ilimsedi; Cut Up and
exhausted., divided emong public inetitutions.
NO. 13
Public Wiwi
Estimates Up $1,000
Two Setionit liaithad
Cemetery Set Aside tor *
Military B
Only eix inemberl were preeent at
the meeting of the. Town 1Counell .011 -
Friday night, the absentees being Reeve
Turner ,,atid Couneillors Attridge and
'Graham. •
'Two applieations for building per
rats wert received. George Ryan. ita
rePairing a 'building on •Newgate atreet
-to-be-Used- In iinisirtesee and John '
Pinder is repairing the building on East
street that Wag formerly' Oleinfeae
laundry. „
Mrs. Chas. Caretaker at the
public library, wrote asking it living
•aceommodation could. be Provided. i,n
the upper room.% Of the buildiregeeeghe
saki she was having great difficulty in
Dueling some place to live. Referred
to special eommitteet,
The Boatel of Trade submitted' a liet
of expellees in eonneetion-vvikh • the °
recent war savings 'campaign and asked
-that ‘Youttell foot the bill amounting
to $p1.38. Referred to ifinanee cop-
, A letter from Wm. A.• Sutherland,
barrieter, with regard, te tateS owing
by Jeremiah Iredley, ale° •was sent to
the finance cammittee..
RequisitiohS were received from the
tection be provided at the County Home. 'Collegiate Institute Board, for 417,-
.. Those. in oattendanee at the meeting 2421, and (the 'Public Sehool Board,
were Reeves Dorrance of Mc- 822;000. The latter it $1,000 higher
Klllop" ehairman ; Franeis Duncan, than last year; the amount asked for
'Morris o T. t)..°Wilsono Grey; Roland the Collegiate Institute is about the
Grain, Turnberry; Benson- Tuckey, same as last year.
Exeter, and 'Warden James Leiper. A letter. from ',the iGoderieh branch
..--. of the Canadian (Legion aeted' that
LT. J. G. MOLONEY ItiLLED isPecial consideration even allaY 81)*
plicationS far the PositiOneef -thief
pollee submitted hy ex -service meal.
. 74,3,4iiiiclhricofhwisTh:w.woEnasykeahiE:mpr.iinolg,eda_nrit 1%alodusei: .Relefer=tiesrona,spjee.ivel.:.ecoranzietteere,girding:
ingtirance on town- proPerty Wds re -
'Word has leen received by Mrs. reeled to committee Of the whole.
Marguerite , Moleney, V71 Victea, . A Motion: was passed to set aside
street, London, Onto of the death of two sections in •Maitiand cemetery -or
her husband, Lieut. James Grapt Mol, 'Military burials.
oney, son of Mr. and Mre; William T. Balaw lgo, of 1941, appointme, O'has.• ,
Moloney, '506 Chester street, London,
C. Lee publie-utilities eammissiener for .
The eableestated that Ialeut, MoloneY tfie ;sears 1941 and 1042. was passed.,
was killed on Thursday last; while ort . ''.. Conimittee Renert$
duty,' in an accidental -explosion.- He
allibeerfilleafilectaePamdrurenoenrteerrit,r4m' a- .
now4osthetih,i0,retY:towq:aby7e;frarsgeo-f, a.'.g.-:. '' Ply° DMIelefad(veat-4Kh.act4 !.,ahnie Qouncctoinu:t.e,A.
weeks 'age ,Mrs. 'Moloney: becain! the,
For two years the deceased, young in connection with the suit against tile
man Was' on the 'office staff of the Goderich Manufacturing ''Oo. be paid',
Dominion .. Road 3;fachinery Ca., Ltd., and reported a reduction 'in the insures
,Goderich, hoe'otn engineer and designer.
...About threeyears age -he left to take
Bngineerine Publications at Toronto., Weston for eeryleeseri.eonneetiOn-
an ealitorial position withe the 0a.noellim anThee eellpat7--i;-blie ownortkilse, ;Berme mf.tritPtetLeeesones.
mended au -allowance -o--$75 to 11-31„. , •
.going overseas about six months ago. overhead bridge on Ilerbor Hill, us the
?tee rtk,1113i,
He liad beat on leave of absence froth. the alterations being made to
this' company since fast June, when ho and that the C.P. Railway be requested
jained an engineering unit at Toronto, to construct a sidewalk alongside Its ,
A native of London, Lieut. Moloney
toe, Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
. E. BisseTes Gaderielie-wee-united in esa ,frn him (yr or) dna to in eivil `ne44.-
marriage to James *Allan easissee, eon ring et Tri State 'Univereity, in Indiana.
Heowag inember of the Professional
Engineers'. Association of Ontario and
the Engineering Institute af Canada.
Upon his return from the United States
he was employed -with construction
companies at London for four years.
Ile later worked as, a , consulang
engineer in Buffalo for a short time
and Spent three , years in consulting
engineering et London befere • he came
Lieut. Moloney Was widely known as
a Intisielan and was'once a member of
Guy Lon3,bardo's oreheitra. In 1938
of the late Mr: and Mrs. Japiee Murray,
St. Marys. Bev: Peter Dunnsoffieiated.
Miss Maude IBissett of St. Thomas and
Mr. Frank Bissett of Godericii attended
the wedding.
A whet wedding - took place in
Christ church,Areherstburg, on
Friday evening, 'March 14th, when
,Gladys Mary, elder ' daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Cooper of
Windsor, became; the 'bride of Flying
Officer Hugh E. Fleminee, of Ihe Royal
Canadian Air Force. F.O. Fleming es he married. Miss Marguerite Millie, a
the son of Mr. and Mrs. 0, E. Fleming graduate nurse of the Ontario Hospital
of Windsor and iGoderich. He practised at London.
law in Amherstburg prior to his en-
listment in 'the Alt Force.:'Mrs. Jean
McKee of Windsor and F. C. 23. Falls
of Amherstbureswere. the only „attend-
ants. Rev. H. A. 'Wright performed the
ceremony. .Atter a wedding* trip Mr.
and Iles. Fleming will take up reside,nce.
at the Windsor .0ourt Apartments -in
Windsor.- Flying Officer Fleming is
stationed at the .R.C.A.F.. recruiting
centre in.'Windsor. °
J. B. Levis, former Clinton, garage
man,- will appear in Ceuntv Judge's
Criminal . Court Friditi morning at 10
o'clock ,to hear the result of his trial
of 'severer weeks ago on e charge. of.
theft of an automobile by eonversionl
At thatetithe decision was reserved by
"Thdge 0otei10 pendieg consideration' of
writ ten - counsel argument.
able rental eould be charged.
An 'Interesting Document
The Goderich Board of Tratie. Was
intorporated March 23r4, 18751 and
PreeiclentoSellaefer produeed a copy ot
the charter whicli centreined tire names
'of the niembers of the dioar4 at that
time. Alist of the meneber,s giving
some information astO eat% one .(with
the exeeptien of two or 'three not now
known) had been prepared, by- J. S.
Platt and 10. C. Lee and proved very
interesting -to older members of the
Board at any rate., (This will be dealt
with in a future issue of this Paper.)
' Mr, Platt in an interesting addreos
told of the origin of the salt induetry
In Goderich eind "of IV; history in the
yearo. ouceteding, '
The meeting went on record in ap-
Preval of the war ,eerviceg etunpaign
and passed 4 resolution, congratulating
the nevely-organized .Seaforth Chamber
of Commeree and offerine cooperation.
After tite singing ef the Nat:16)41 An-
them the Meeting adjourned and re-
trepinnents Were enjoyed.
IAT. ,THE ,WATEitrkONT "'"
'The Crews of -the strs. A, A. Iledson
and William ,Sehupp have reported to
their resPeetive Vesgelooliere and have
begun to lit out 'the Ships, in preparation
for an early getaway. The A. A,
son has been loading salt for the past
several weeks and already over two
irlindred tons have been loaded on the
•cestel. The Hudson will, attempt to
duplicate Ito teat of last year of being
the first vessel to dear the harbor. • .
There is little to badicate that the
vessels will. get away from there before
the ofileial opening of, navigation on
April 15. The harbor mouth' is frozen,
solid, and for, miles. *tit the lake is a
solid sheet of ice. Even the .fiarbor
proper, in which' a month ago the ice
was broken to allow the grain veoselg
to ehift aretoad toomload at the elevator
and the mill, has frozen over again
now that the veeeels have 'Unleaded- and
are inaetive.
en -engineer-, with a very
promising fUture, and 'a§ an editor his
'work was. of great value," declared A.
Fa -Jennings, general manager of the
Canadian Enginteripg Publications.
"Many of his articles won great praise
from leading engineer's."
• The first meeting Of the, iGoderich,
Music Club sees held on Tuesday even-
ing at the home of \trs It Henderson;
Waterloo's. street. The "Mikado" of
Gilbert endSullivan ,wasestiftlied in
detail. A biegraphical paper. was given
by Sir. ;Mervin Snyder and the "Story
-of Mikado" by. Miss Alma Howell. A
medley of tunes from...the opera was
played. by Mrs.1Seliiitz, mad Miss
E. Snider, piano. Misee-Barrett con-
tributed the-S4preno solo "The Moon
and L" The trio "Three Little Maids
from School" was suog by 'the Illetes:
Eileen Bogie, Marjorie Gillespie • and
Eleanor Snider, and the quartette
‘YDrightly DawussOttr Wedding Day"
by Miss Ms -.Lane, Mies M.'
..1.1r."(4. Lodge and "Mr. The
entire company joined in the popular
itwillow song.
• .‘'The elub. was formed to promote
musieal interest in the conununity, with
the complete • executive -as follows;
President, 'Mr: Mervirt Snyder; vice-
president, Mr. F. Gillespie ;.-secretary-
treasurer, Miss Eleanor Snider;
exeentive committee, Mrs. Mintz, Miss
Alma, 'Howell, Mr. W. Reid. The next.
meeting wil be on April 7th,
trait -on this part of -the hill &Mends
the*fall, idth ef the bridge.
The epeeial' eormoittee recoinmended
the issuleg Of a taxi. license f6 Robert
Parrish, and that L. E. Cardiff, M.P.,
be 'advised that the wart of salvaging
waste materials is beingtakenover by
the Board of Trade, "
The cemetery and- parks committee
recommended that the salary of the
cemetery sexton be increased to $90 a -
month end that a ,rant of $60"be made,
to the Goderich Horticultural Society
for the eon. of ?the .rockery and park-
ettes for the year 1911.
The 'water, light and harbor C0111- ,
mittee recommended' that the Public,
Utthtues Commission be itSked to'install •
another Street light ,on Vineent
streetbeween North. street. and Bruce
William IVIeCluskey Sends' $100 to His
Sister, Mrs. Hobert Da,Viason, to
Assiot in War Work* '
'Mrs. Robert I)airidson Dertganrton,
convener of -the_ war work committee
for :the Red Oroes branch there, has
received a cheque for $100 from; her
brother, 'William Xceiluskey of Hono-
lulu, Hawaii, to be devoted to the
workwhere it is most needed:. Itshae
been divided as follows: $25 „to the
British War "Victims' FundeOthrough
The 'Toronto Telegram.; $25 to the Sal-
vation Army for oveye6ag work; and
;$50 to the Re:doe...40'mm (Dunganaon
branch). Moo- ',,NICOluskev is well re-
membered -by -Many- 111 Goderielt 'town-
ship, -his birthplace, in, (Goderiele Where
-he was a student at the Collegiate
Institiate, and at Porter's Hill and Bays
field, where he taught oehool. Ile has
been i resident ,far about forty-five
years in ilawail, where Ire bee been
engaged in educational work:
• •
AuguA't- uhr, septufteenarlart repair
and handyman, Quebe stx*t, thie
week raffled a gold wateh,, ,
aneient but in good shape, realizing
$12.50 gross for the British War Vic-
thirs' Fund. A money order for this
amount has been forwarded'. The
'wee? wag won by Alian Arbour. • •
Horse Takes Boy To
School in Morning
it'd in the Afternoon
and Calls fOr 11
Harry ,Staw, or toralon; a frequent
eornmercial 'visitor to Voileriele had a
strange experienee •on Monday morn-
ing of this week wluIlo 1110°411a,', on a
country road east of Brueefteid, in
Tuckerimith townollip. --Ile followed a
riderlesO; cantering horse for two utiles,
the animal -refusing to get off the read
to let him paot. Ire caw a farmer emn.
Ing toward hioa, on foot, but the farmer
paid bo attention to the her. '
"Why didn't you stop the here,e?
Mr. ,Shaw asked the farmer after stop-
pinghis tar. • ,
9011, ite'e all right; he'a en bisWO:N7
home, three-quarters of a mile up the
road ; 1161 just delivered the. boy to
school," replied the farnier nonchalant-
supposes you're going to tell me
, •
nosy that the' -horse calls. for the boy at
4 e'ripek," cald mr,Sbaw
°Timm • exaetly ehat dos,"
answered, the farmer. °In tho morning
at the ochoel the boy slaps the hom .
on the flank to start him home; arid
at 3.45 la the afternoon 'we do the trune
athot‘hozit,o start the horse off the same
W53' on his journey to toehool 'P0get
"So that'a it it it?", replied the
curiously puzz1o4 My. Shaw, "Jut* like
tlia'ro`atol.4 like that. 'Well,' /to long.
mNter," came back the farmer, moo of