HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-20, Page 8?MN NEWS OF AUBURN .LWUJLN MMT ISMee Ray O'Neil of Parkhill speet the week -eta with ,her pereets, Mr, and 31rs, 4. J. reesemosh, (Sewer William Thompson of 104111111 Borden i lependiee a tourteensdaYs leave with hie we and hie parents, Mr. arta Aire. W. J. Thompson, Members and ramie of the `Member 3tar Isodeee awl A.M., attended a meeting of the ILucknow lodge Thurs. 4.tay evening, conterrieg a 'degree. The ladies of thd 'east itof •s.s: No. 16, East Waevaeosle made 'quilt ter the Auhuris Red Cr QZ3 Soelety and %lilted' it at the laorae of Mrs. Alf d Nesbilt. A teal peaky •and dan-Ce was held in the Orange Hall on. 'Fridays. evening. Prizes tor the higliest seam 'Cirere won by Wm; Iieggitt and. Mrs. Itobert Turner, while thdeonsolations NNvat *Mrs. Harry Sturele end Albert Nieliol- $PI1 Atter lunch danCing was enJoYed, with. =isle ettpplied by, Gordon elc. Clinches- and Mrs..Williain Hasegitt. '11 • A.number 'Of' People from here at. 'tended the funeral of Me. 0. 0. Tre- leaven at Dungannon on Friday. esteemed,ladyt>t the villav, --,".)14%,rolinFee-gtisen, -quietly- celebrate " -her eightsesixth birthelae on Sunday, -March 16the •Mrs. Verguson is UOt ,ea- -jaying as good health ,as her many friends .would like. Despite the inclement weather, a 14056,104.134-114. rri4c Missioe Balla et the United eleireir met Strudae Moraine' tor the monthly meeting, Bill Craig eeesseelierge of_the meeting_ end R'oece _ Phillips reatt tue7-seriiitiii-:.- mittio• Wightinan offered Prayer, After whioh 'Harvey Wightman read tile reinutos of the February eseetieg and vaned tlae roll._ The Sunshine bags were opened land contained V.43, 310, IL C. Wil - •son gave the eeoond chapter •t rom the rtitlIdY 1)001. • W.ALS,, MeetIngse-The. W.U.I.S. Of Knox Presbyter/ail eleirela Met at the home a •Urs. Wesley , I:redneck on Thursday, with a good attendance., Mrs. Bradnoar presided. •Mrs; J. J. 'Wilson led in preyer, Mrs*„..las. Woods geve a reeding': The topic, -Missionary Work," was given by Miss Ieobel Scott. 'Miss Betty -Craig favored with a solo. Tlie Bible sstutly was given, •by 31re. John ICowan. Mrs. Vi*(I. ROSS .gax,e a reading. .4ekrangentente were made for the Easter thankeoffering, wisieh, will be held, in the church. ,Luneb." was served by *the' bestess, assisted by Mrs. Harvey 31c- , Gee, Miss Isdbel Scott and 31ise Jose7 phine Weir, , •. Results ,of the Big Storm. -This com• - dientnnitss like-Insany titlserse experiee the worst storm of the seasen, this week, with .the, reaulf no 1qo1 vgs.1i1d in the public school here, at No. 1e, East Wawaeosh, or Nes 9, Baseelhfe, :as the teachers were unable to `e,ret ,back to large nuro,ber atten, ed thend supper atheir ischeols. The. thAe r ral, bazaar held. in the Presbyterian chureh courierswerv unable to make their - on Saterday evening. The tables Were trips.' The two earloads of echolers ak- in .charge of XI'S, W.41.noble and tending iGoderich, !Collegiate Institute Norma .Daer. Mrs. 3. Cowan and. Mrs. „Were forced . te remain in •Goderich W. Bradnock, Mrs, Geo. Dawson and 1, Monday and Tuesday alights, The Mrs. Lawaz eon, while the bazaar was in Women's Institute meeting which was to be held, on Tuesday afternoon was • postponed owing to the • sm.. The B.Y.P.U. meeting on Sunday e,vening •eras cancelled.s- Mr.. V. (11. Sheppard, manager of the Bank of Ciommeree here and at Dungannon,' and 1Ito'bert Prest, weree_foreed to remain in Dun- •gannon ItOtday night and Tuesday owing to the impassibility of the roads. .Stewart,--Ilayes.-The' home a Mr, ad Mrs. IL 'Hayes, Kenville, Man., Was the scene •bt a pretty wedding on Febrhary 24the when their only daugle: ter, Na May,. became the bride of •Garnett RethweR Stewart, eldest son of ands3strs. Thomas ,Adams a Auburn. WI-. (Stewart ,aiacl the -late Mrs. Stewart ton. ..A.fterwerds a business ineetieg smell tables ;• 1.6 gas lamp; 1 quilting -The'COuple-'w1.11 reside in Toronto., :, efleeneeles- pfeespeeser 4 eseeek. tee • bride entered the living -room •to th eliamet5 aliss Josephine en and Mrs. Fred 'Ross. The postporied meeting of the Wo - Men's Institute will be held on Tuesday, March- 25ths • at 2.30- p.m., • in the • Foresters' Halle •. •31r.. and at rs. Roy Rutledge and fame • fly, of. Dungannon, visited on Sunday • with Mr4i 1rs. J. Taylor. Ma ••• 1/ eQUatriee- A quiet wed- • ding esa eolemnized at gimps& ave. .1Inited urch, Toronto, when Dorothy Eileen ,Megesterrie, sewed...daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. W. T. MeQuarrie, was =aided. ta• Gordon Adams, son of Mr. GODERiCH SIGNALeSTAR AUMON 0104130 - Of Varni StoOk and IMPleMente, to WILLIAM ST4(>144.011, at +Distil, on SATUIII)A,X1, MAROII 22nd, - -•at• 1.30-wn. - T. IC:UNISEX & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTIONSALE., nr. E: Ward, of Clinton, has iii- • ..strueted Me to sell by anetion on ensrusSeI)A,Y, MAIWII 27th, 1011, at 1.30 Velocic Pens All the househeld effeets a Elizabeth. • Ward, of Varna. Terms, easle 'GORDON 31, GRANT, 12• Auctioneer. .1- • AUCTION'•SALE 04• Farm Stock, Implements and COLL, E. A. ISENCON who is Directoi: of skiixiliary •SerViceyi, • Canadian, (Active) Army." •*. CHURCH NOIrtS The onthly.meeting lcnox chureh, Ladi*Aid 'Society Will be held on Frid March 28th, at 3 pm. ' e Woineit's Association of North street. 'United church Will meet T,hurs- day; Mareh 27th, et 3 p.m., in the thumb. By virtue of royal ,prociaraation and at the direction of the Primate of Can- ada, Sunday, the 23rd of March, wall be observed as a day a national prayer and intexCession at St. Geofee's elaurche ...A special all male choir ;ill be in at- tendance at the evening service et Fleury walking View, No. 21; 1 Frost North street United church next Sun- and Wood. plow; No. 20; 1 spring tooth day. A male quartet colisisting of II. drag cultivator; I.. set single harness; Palmer, W. Reid, R. IlenderSon and O. 500 bushel feed oats; 1 wheellyarrow ; MA10111 2$tb 1t41 Ir Briefs For Results - A Classified Ad Knox Mae& Ladles' Aid ruraraage :fetus wses.ey ard OddfelloW'e Hell,• and not APril 20tb, hefere etaked. • • •. • 12 April 2 -4th, end 25th are the dates for the Copela.nd Entertainers to be at • Knox Presbyterian, eisereli Under elle- plees a the Arthur Circle. -12 • C,ampbell's •Storaach and Liver PIUS, 3tf • Pictures Canada's War Effort will be ehown le Victoria St. 'United cluarcla, TlinrsdaY, Marcie 27th, at PS:11,4 Melts 25c, ehildree 15c.. Therees,vill also be a musical program. -12 The !Supertest 'Service Station,. corner Housebold Effects, ' at Mr. Lawrenee a illOtoria and Hamilton. steeete, will fe Lerty's Farm, Lot 0, on 4, E,D. open under the neW ananagement „of Colborne Township, on Mr W. A. Oraig. will sell as, oil, • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2(3th at 1.30 sharp ' 1 • driving horse, 11 years, old; 1 John Deer manure spreader ; 1 Deering binder, 6 ft; ea; 1 Deering mower, tires and batteries and his MaY griende, will be glad to ireow he will icoutinee his trade of repair ,work on all makes a ears. • •- -12 ---5,14---ft-4e1lt;-.1 reter-rlding plaw, new ; Reserve the date, Tuesday, April 1st, 1 wagon box with; ' stock rack,,or a-Congerf SPOISSeretrbrgrOuPsNe;--1* 1 Bain, wagon; 1 set bob -sleighs ; 1 of the Ladies' Aid of Knox church. basket hay rack, ,,1 gravel. box; 1 sett Talent will be suPplied by the 'Slue 'Chatham scales, 2000 lbs. With weigh- Boys" •of Port Albert. The Program =i* ' - rack rl.. steel land roller ; 1 sulky rake, leill consist of monologues, comic skits, affisseyHarris; 1 set drag harrows; 1 4316 musical numbers. . scuffler with - hillers; 1 .eorn cutting * ..... -":"------ box, Aurora, liand-power ; '1 root, pull- Dr. P. J. lt., Forster, eye, ear, noSe, per; 1 PortlandaicLaughlin cutter ; 1 throat specialist, will be at the Hotel bfiggY, covered ; 1 tet double harness - Bedfoiel on Mara' 26th, from 2030 to 5 1. set plow, harneses1.0hatham-fanninsP3Th , • ° e ' 12 mill, with screens and bagger; 1 -4;•e. ---- ' The Gorterich'Woraen'e Hospital Aux- iliary will hold their regular meeting at the.Puislic Library, Monday, March. 24th, at 4 p.m. A ' full 'attendance is requested. . *Buchanan will sing "The Comforter 1 out -door brooder; 1 in -door brooder; Came to Siy Soul OneeDey," by Nevin. quantity potatoes" and apples; 1 steel The morning anthem will be the recent water" trough and a number of grain new setting of 'Phe Lord's /3rayer' bags and hand bagger; 2 glass cup - by Malotte. hoards; 1 extension table; 1 drop-leaf The Lenten rally for the A.-Y,P-.A. of table; 1 parlor' suite ; 1 Goderich organ, R. MacVICAR, Angst= etreet. Phone Huron Deanery was held at Clinton piano case; 2 rocking chairs; 2 touch- 4,62. • , • last week. - The preacher was Rev. F. es; 1 bedstead; 1 -set dinner dishes; - W. Watts, rector of 'Brussels. ,Service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Hurford Of • Seaforth and Rev. A. IL O'Neil of Olin - Special Showizig of smart hats for spring the latest styles, gay with flowers and 'flattering Veils, also tailored styles, at moder te. prices. MISS • M. 1 glaSs fruit set ;- 1 toilet. set; 2 rag carpet rugs, 9x12, ft; 1 hanging lamp; 1 Hitppy Thought kitehen range; 2 e was heldinthe parish hall and arrange- frame; 1 mat fra_ rae With clamps; 1 • strains of, Lohenrrin's Bridal Chorus, played by 'Miss Vivien Lyons of Benito. The bride was attired ha an afternoon rixtNiN 6urs AND SAUCERS .11p-- HcREARFAst SITS -TE A SETS \ DINNER SETS .. You ctriinOt, beat them aniiihere.- , 4, ffirock of dove rose crepe, with matehing hat and brown accessories. seler• cor- Sage was of roses.- The bricle.smaide Miss Patrieia McFarlane of Flin Flon, wore e dotted beige etreet-length dress, Her earsage was Of rosebuds and her accessories also were brown. The , grown was attended by his brother, 'Howard. The eeremeny was performed • by Rev. 3. E, Clarke , under a floral arch of pink and white. The groom's • gift to the bride was a heertshaped golecompact, to the bridesmaid. beficelet, to the best man a gold tie pin and to; pianist a crystal desk set,. After the ceremony a eiiinptuOus terleass (LLOW EVERYDAY Z 11 Irmilli"!011E4 Y rya' A iON/ PRIGE••EPERYDAY IN THE NEER PUBIC 3A114 Straw. orags1). 32 -oz. 3 Jar tra C BLACK TElt special 27 1-11). 53, Blend Bag C Bac IMISN' *STEW- -Aylmer Tin 11C LAMB -STEW Aylmer • Tins 23c "EIGER CILTS'UP .tte 15c !LiE•'r'Fattlidedy's eToiger ti'ns 1 5 t , 7, C sziou,Edge Bag 130 98Blbr:* 2159 dirt 49 -lb. UD _CHEESE lb. • 23c MILD CHEESE i 19c RAISINS 3s= -Ib.10C MACARONI Bulk 2 ibe; 9c SOUPS Heinz 2 win: 2.5c SI1011TENING cum Z' 23c PORK 8gBEABISGolaCettegown 3 27tg. 25•c rms..- 25c • KETCHUP CLAWS SPAGHETTI •• CLARK'S 111013INHOOD OATS •-.AAP Bakery Prodacts • Tkn gc 48 -oz. PIM _ ' sliced or &P BREAD .ungiced 1 24 -oz. • • .... 'Wrap• "• LoaVel •za-oz, 1 lt, _ Cake fm to cil,P • Doz. 19, , Ann .Vage .Cracked Wheat' • • ANGEL...CAKE , HOT, CROSS BUNS SANDWICH ROLLS. ' ments were made for a social gathering waehing machine aud wringer; 1 Daisy fel. the Deanery to be held at Winghath churn, butter howl and ladel 1 hand on Easter Monday. •evalp. apple peeler; 1 mantle clock; • dishes, sealers, cookrfig utensil's, rug% carpets, eted ether articles too num- • erous to mention. -" .CREWE . OREWE, March 17. -Mr. Graham Terms Cash a, Durnin is assisting Mr. Carmen 'ayden • of Port Albert with his work for, a *couple of weeks. This Community was shopked te hear of the .death of Mr. °sell Treleaven of Dungannon C knecil was well and favor- ably own here, fy-he was born and 'raised on the farm now owned 'Isy.Mr. Jas. ,Sherwood. The.surviying Members of the family have our sympathy, The box metal held in the sOiool- house on Friday evening was a decided success. Proceeds 'a.mounting *to *822, are in 'aid of the British War Victims' Fund. The risen certainly surpassed "themselyes in preparing. the program. :One feature • was the journal celled '"The Crewe Express," prepared bes 'Lorne Hasty. ,Efe'saes the next edition win be off -the press in 1977. Some 1 -w -a.' eh? 4 .-Mr. Colin Crozier of Lieury and MISS' Frances Greeter. of London spent the weekserid afthe home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs., Wm..fOrozier., 11-12 LAWILENC McLARTY, Proprietor. T. GTJNDRY & SON, - Auctioneers. • • UNRESERVED AUt7110N SALE ' .° Of •Farm Stock; Ihaplenrts and Grain. Mt 'Fred -Horton will sell by blic auction at Lots .71, and 8, L.R. • W., Colborne, 5 miles mirth of Goderich on highvvass,on •• TUDSDAy, MARCH 25th • at• 1.30* sharp - - Horses -1 chestnut -horse, 7 years ' , old; 1 grey horse, 11 --years old;, 1 bay mareeen foal. ,Cattle -•1 fresh .heifer; 1 black eow, dile May 4; e red COW, due May 12; 2 heifers, rising 2 ears;y 9 earlin ; . sows, in pig r,21. chunks. Hens -40 Rock pellets; 1 Collie dog; •. Mach- inery -1 Deering binder; 1 Frost and Wood Mower; 1 hay rake; 1 set disc barrows with trucks; 1 cultivator; 1 riding -plough; 1-21 Fleury walking plough; 1 set harrows; 1 Scuffler; 1 MasseseHarris hayleader ; 1 • wagon, gravel box, hayrack ;" 1 buggy; 1 buggy • poles -1 cutter; 1 hayfork, car, repe andspulley r 1 fanning mill; 1 set -2000 lb. scales; 1 Mellotte cream separator ; 1 churn; 1 cream can; 1 fertilizer seed drill; Stuart horse clippers with and he says "Ouch mon, the docto• r gie she• ep-clippers; 1 spray pump; 1 root s .me some pills and, ,said I was to- tak pulper; 1-500 chick brooder stove; 1 • them ewe nichts runnin' and skip the colony house: Grain -100 bus. wheat; • A Scottie was a guest at the hotel • and said: "One :night I went Ines the hall and a man was Armin' up and down and rinnin'' up and down the hall, and tlie next eight I went out and he " was rinnin' up and down and rrinnin' up and down, and the third night I went out and he was skippin' up and -down and 1 says to him; 'What are ye daein'?' , 'Beautify your •home with Venetian 'blinds. Kirsh new steel slat blinds are more practical, durable . and. permit greater light coetrol. Sehaefer's have the Kirsh ageney, let us.quote you on your requireineers. ef TO RENT - • e - s1tENT.---ellO'Ult--EOOM---APTeeRTs- ME'NT, furnished, with all ton- venienees, -LLOYD RAITUDY, 20 Al- bert street, Goderich. •,10tt " •FOR SAM 141,01R IKA.L1.-QUANTITY OP' USED •- furniture, including three-piece 'chesterfield suite, in exeellent condition, square oat.' dining -room ,table, lming- lug vhaits, 2 ,blaelt leather ehairs•. All prim]: for quick „sale, no reasonab1e. offer reused. BROPIIDY's$ VURNI- TURN DEPT. Phone 120. •-12 FORISATJE OR RENT.---IONE HUNT.). ,RED acree good. land; 80 acres Seeded; plentiful supply of water. Can get immediate possession. Geod. orcbard„ MRS. 1.111SiS1I OLVER, R.R. 3, Gerle- rieh. •11-13x FOR 1SAI.3D. PORTALE TYPE- , WRITERS, $0 coroPact and neat; all latest improvements, standard' key- board. just the thing to keep, up Your' sPeed'Alid".;wiy---tirearrf withyouor handy to „have inyour home, and SO cheap too. Call and inspeet.them your- self at the SIGNAL -STAR alio. want to take one with you. -12 The po,stponed meeting of the,recent- Iyeerganized Musical Association wifl be held at the home of Mrs. R. Heider - son, Waterloo striiM, on Tuesday' even- ing, MarciP2,5th, at 8.30 o'clock. `The, Aliyado" of Gilbert ancrSulliean will be. the topic for the eviening and ae inter- esting program has been ,arraegede All interested in the arts are cordially Invited. Bagkrite • for the kidneys. Camp- belPs; " 3tf , third. nicht'. Pf dinner was served. The bride!S table , was centred with a three-tier wedding • eake offset at eachend by pink roses ane ferns. • The happy couple left ora, the evening train for Dauphin, Man., where they ''W-111 reside. The bride travelled in a blue printed alpaca crepe • dress over .which she Wore a muskrat coat. Her hat and other ,atacessories , were green. The bride * y here, being a niece of kel and spent the summer he. ago. 1 100 bus. buckwheat ; 100 bus. early -Alaska-eats, good -teed -1-400 bus: mixed grain; a quantity of hay. Harness - 1 set team harness; 1 set single harn- ess; whiffletrees, neck yokes, forks, shovels,. pails, 3 good hersecollars, and numerous- other articles. Everything will be disposed of as proprietor is leaving the term.• - Terms Cash._ .1" ,==.! hefti•rrn owned by Mrs, Alex Horton ..t.671-6tteitvttlat...L',FstK‘oxt" Very: reass Anelile.terms, whiell will bet'emioneeed tit• time of sale. • loRionnon'irisr o, . • ' • P•ropIletor, It.R: 3, Godericle GUNDBY & SON, • AsOtioneers. 11-12 •• Pkg.,• 6c Godetieh FRUITS . Sr. 'VEGRTABLES, ONTARIO OROWN'---SEIGHTEH—HOMESTIC ORADV, APPLES ,61t, Bask.350, -64, Rask -39 6.4 Bask. 29c 3165. / Sint • (1111111VIRIG ONIONS • ONTARIO NO .1 — etteee tee(nile7G iletilinanitliIt .F;11L'O/I HAIM ONTA IO 110T-1101L1SH CAll•TLarzt originai nuncheg ROS; FRESH Tf.N13, Eft citrutpottsn nAVEL LA.RGT: OIZE • vtAnsfisccottss . 89 SIZt D6t.31 Ea. OLGA POCAHONTAS HAIVICO CANADIAN COKE • „„ *ALL OTHER PHIALS CLEARING AUCTION SALE* Of Farm Stock and Implements,' for Mr, John, Blair, et Lot 23, Concession 4, RR, 2, Goderich Township, On TSSESDAY, APRIL 8th, at 1.30 sharp. One Durhatn, coNv,,. 8 yea'rs old, to freshen about May:1st ; 1 I)urliam cow, 10 years old, to freshen about No. ist ; 1 ..‘1ass4Iarr15 hinder,' 7 ft. eut ; 1 •Maesey-erarris cultivator; / Massey:. Harris 4ettit1ng. box ; 1 Massey-Ilarris 14 plates; 1 'AlcCormick mower, (1 ft. cit: 1 'McCormick hay rake ; 2 Bain wagons ; 2 hay racks ; 1 wagon box;• harrows,, 4-seetions ;-2 Verity 21. walking plows ; 1 riding. plow ; 1 I'Ort- land ,cutter, with pole and 'Shafts; 1 top buggy ; 1 hay loader; 1 set a • sleighs; 1 stock box and rack ; 1 Set 20 00-11), scales ;' 1 ()Hilton fanning mill; •scuteler; sugar kettle; hay fork, car, pulleys and rope; 1 f,ct wire stretehers; 1 set horsed elippere; 1 set Work harness ; 1 set lifiht double bar: ness; 1 set single harness; 1 set double' lines, nearly new.; extra collars, ptc. 1 posthole auger ; 1 T. Eaton separator, 400-1b. eipacity;, 1 Daisy churn .; 1 Vora ear, 102/;' 1 good 'robe; a horse • blankets; a quantity of hay and oats; elutins, whiffietrees, .ohovels and, other articles. Hverything to be sold, as proprietor is giving up farMing. Terms, eash. T. GIINDRY 1: SON, 243 • Auctioneer'S BORN ROY. -At Alexaridra Hospital, Gae- rich, on March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. -Itayniond- Roy, Goderlich. a son , • , MEW' HAWKINtJameeteese, Neiv York, -Priday., -Febreary e, 28th, -1941, Thomas Allen Hawkins, son of the late xtrd.- .anq Alm George Hawkins, -Port Albert, On1. . , jE.WELL.-In 'Colborne Township, on es v -March th Thomas Jewell, • in "his 93rd year. FOB SA14,1.--HAAT-PARR„ TRAOT- OR, .eize 1839, 2 cylinder; also Beck: eye Traction Ditcher, 41/2 ft. x 12 IBS. fully equiPped. .1"MAES CHISHOLM, R.R. Goderich.• „12-14x FOR SA.LE,--,-FUXEL, .OAK ,INDEX card .flling cabinet. Takes cards 3 x 5 inches. $6. SIGNAI.:4STAR. 5tf RRAY 1148 THE *CHICKS YOU -• want. 'RiOht now specially Leghorn and Barred Rock pullets. • 'Started .chicks. •• Bargains theavy eockerels. 'Stock some for the good summer broiler markets. ,Oapons. E., 11. `SIOMERSALL, R.A. 2, G-oderich, -12 VCR SALE. - ,TYPEWRITERS, Porbs.ble, standard keyboard. We also tarry 'Remington and Undereood typewriter ,ribboris and adding.nufehine rolls, TED SIGNAL -STAR, Goclerich. CARDS OF THANKS * IsTICTICE, . , . A. program and dance will be held for members' of "0" Company, MiddlerbeX- Huron Reg/anent, in uniferm, and their wives or lady friends,in the Oddtel-= ' • low's Hall,Vtiesday, April 1st, at S p.m, Pictures, cards, luneh, dancing. Mem- bers 25c. Ladies free. • ,• 12-13; _ sommommiglimons'•"",""""`" MOWS WAITED ANTED. -(411th TO DO GENERAL • housework, experience neCes.;sarY. Apply ,1,q. letter „to BOX '84-h SIGNAL- STAR,.„,GOderich. 14. ANTED.-EXPERIENOZD MAID Lor general housework, Apply MRS. It. 0, HAY 5, 'Nortb, street, 12-13- "VANTEI.).-TO ,BTJY piagonar.s ,• and dead omit: 133,11St. be suitable for Mink teed; tenioved oromptiv PRED• GILBERT„ R.R. 2, Bayliebl Phone 908 .; k 22, 'Clinton. Calls paid THE FAMIL- OP THE .LATE MR. •• W. J. ord wish to thank those ,w110'Wer.0 lad tosthera during their recent , Drente also those who •loaned ears as �.ent flowers. 12x NIA. AND 'MRS. THOMAJSI LEWAND family wish to thank their neigh- bors and friends for the kindness ex- tended 'to 'them in their recent bereave- "mrt ; also those who- Sent flowers and. loaned ears for the funeral.. •12x NOTICE TO atEDITOPS Vionou TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given to an per- sons having an claim • wiinst the estate of the late Louisa Gibson, who '- died, on the 31st day of JanuarY., 1941, . at the Town of Goderich, to send same to ;the undersigned, duly proven, on or before 'the '21St -day-of:March,- A.D., ; 1941, as on and after that date the executors herein will • proceed to tribute theassets of the said estate baying regard only to the claims then • DATED. AT GODERICH this liirst day of Marcie A.D. 1941. R.• C. IlAY.S, ' Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executors. 1042 N'Ionou TO CREDITORS. • • NOTICE is hereby given to all per: seiii baying any claim against John ,Drennan„late of the Town a Coderich, in the Qounty of ,Huron, who flied on or about the 10th day of March, 194Icto send same .to the undersigned, duly (verified, on or •before 28th. day of Mareh; es on and after that date the adthinistrator ofethe said estate shail "premed to make distribution of the • assets of the estate, baying regard only -to the claims of which he thee has notice. •• ' Dated at Goderich this lenli day of , March, A.D. 1941. ' IR. a HAYS, K.C., 'Hamilton Street, Goderich. 12-13 Solieitor for the Estate.' . 1VIR.• AND .IVIRS. VOLLAND WISH to thank their relatives and friends - .. • for the kindness shown them in their pent sadsbereavement of their infant dauglster ; ale° the nurieS andeStaff. • of Alexandra Hospital, Dr. John Wal- • lace; Rev. D. -J. Lane, and "Mr. •Floy-d Ledge; . .• The funeral will take place 'Friday, at --m., from bis-resitieuce, 8th con - 'Cession. 'Interment in Colborne ceme- tery. THOMPSON.-At Detroit, on Monday, • March 10th, Robert Reginald Thorap soli, in his 32nd year. •IN MEMORIAM F0STE11.-111 menfory , of a laying husband and father, Wm. E.. Foster, • who passed away, March 21st, 1940. One year has passed since that sad day. 'When .one we loved -was called away Godtook him...home, it was 'His will; Within our neerts he liveth' gen. 1. inissed by wife and daughters. -12 LEMON JUICE RECIPE w, CHECKS RHEUMATIC. PAIN QUICKLY If you suffer from rheumatic, arth- ritic, or neuritic pain try this simple, bseepensive home recipe. •Get a pack- age of Ru -ex Prescription from your druggist. Mix it with a euart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy and pleasTint. . you .need only 2 tablesPoonfulls .two times a day. " 'Often within 48 hours- sometinies overnight --splendid -results are obtained. • If the pains are not q ickly relieved and if you do not feel better, Ru -ex 'Prescription Will coit yo11. nothing to try. 'Your =pies; refunded if it does n t help .you. • Rd -ex Pre: scription is for sale and recommended Prompt Service TeL 915vir Probably Mussolini la beginnini to, realize .by this time that his attempted' • invasion of ,Vgypt was only an attempt , at Suez.hle.---,Pletou Advocate. It is whispered that a solid gold type - iwriter now on view in chicago spells no Ituntematt fell laet. week And knit • 'better than cheaper ones.--Ohteago (herself in the back porch.'" Daily News, Is that next to the pantry? by • • 3. A. CAmPEELL • • and other leading. druggists., • PARIVIERS! MEETINGS Movement for Ii'orniatien of a.'"NOn, • Political Farmers' Organization" in • Huron County • • The agricultural, ;committee a the County Couneil is ,g-Pansoririg a. series of meetings, throughout, the county in connection• with the movement for the formation of a mnon-politleal farmers', organization." The meetings announced for this part a the ;comity are as fe Stanley itcliVeshiirt,Township Hall, .Varna, Mardi 28th ;t1Goderich towns,hip -TownshiNdlall, .11Iolmesvi1le, March Celborne township ,- Township Carlow, April 1st; Ashileld town ship -',I, 9, Otb concession, April 201' West Wawanosh itownship-.---Community April . • 3rta ; East .Witwanosh .township -Foresters, Ilelgrate„APill 4th ; Ilullett township - Community Hall, Lendesboro, April 7th; Morris township -Towns* hall, ryth eoneession, "April Oth. • 'Meetings will be in the evenings, at • o'elocit'.• DaUghter-Oh,. Daddy dear, liow grand it is to. be Alive! They world ie to good for .anythingl 'Why isn't everyone happy? Daddy--Wito is he this tinie4 _ RS.' • &CIL TRELp.ivEx AND daughters wish to extend their dee:-.. grittltude to heir inany friends , and neigh rs or he ass s once an. eyinpftithy shown thein in their recent sad bereavement. • • EXECUTOR'S SALE EXVOUTORS' SALE Of Farm Lands in the Township of Colborne and -Residence Property in the yillage of Auburn. ' We are instructed by the Ex,eentors the Estate of the late Thomas, S. Hamil- ton, to ,sell by public auct4on at the premisesron WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1941 Parcel No. 1, Farm, lot No,. 4, con- cession 74Eaeteen Division of the Town ship of .Colborne, ;consisting of 100 acres, on which there is it frame house, bank • barn•40 x 60, driving shed and cement Pig Pen, and 'about acres of bush. The land is well watered :and Well situated about 7 miles from. 'Goderich and 41/2 nliles from Aubtum. This property will be offered for sale at 1.30 penselraris.et.the premises. •. Parcel No. 2, lot No. 85; ' rulton's Siireey, :On -the north side of the main street ,of Auburn, on• which there is a good frame house. ° There ateS& rooms and ar-bath .room in ,the 4house, equipped with hy,dro and an •automatic pressure water system. This parcel1U be put up for sale, at 2.30 p.m, - Parcel- No. 3,‘" part of lot No. 6, Me- Donald'e Survey hi Auburn, containing e, wii1 be offered after of. . preperties, subject to en1§;per cent. of pur. be paid at time ,of sale, ty (lays. • • An illtunitrating ileritem 'from an 'Ontario weekly: - -• , - "We rekret „ to aanopuce tbnt Miss .about % of an a No, 2,15 dispose • Terms -40n • reserve bids, chase' priee tO balance in thi 12 - AN'X DONINDLLY, Volieltor for the Executors T. IGUNDRY ., ' w Auctioneers. Applications for the position of Chief of police and also applications for Abe to the undersigned, will be received by the Town of Goderich up to Mon- day, March 31st, 1941. • • Applicants to state age, experience, qualifications and salary expected. Dated at •Goderich this 12th day of March, 1941. • • L. -L. NOX, Town Clerk, 11-12 • • Goderich. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTE'D. • . TOWNSHIP 01` CODBORNE Tenders will -be received by the under- signed) elerk. until 6 p.m. Monday, March '31st, 1941, for supplying 3,000 cubic yards of crushed gravel, 1 -inch sereen, and delivering same on Township roads,. as directed. Marked! cheque for $100 to accoMpany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Town - Ship supplying "gravel. ' 'WM. SALLOW S, 'Clerk, iGoOrieh, ',GEO. P. BEAN, Road Supt., Goderich, R.R. 5. 1.2e1r3 All Risk. your persohal property insured against practically • all risks' • IN ONE POLICY AT . PREMIUM • SEE. H. M. FORD Insurante and Real Estate 8 Hamilton St, 'tel. 268w AN 'APPEAL; T� :REASON Avoid, the risk of .3C our family'0 health and comfort by oheeking yobeear8-upply. If you are running short, -"play-- safe by .orderixi.g. enough to Carry you into wariner 1V.ea,ther. Our delivery will be prompt. We stock the BEST. - 4 If 'CONE CLEANED ANTHRACITE, stove', ;Ind lint sizes, • PORD con, nut size ALBErkiA COAL, nut size BARTLEY 4 point POOAIIONTAS, .lump and stoire sizes , LONE. STAR from West Virginia, fields. This coal is especially' suitable for Domestic, and Steam purposes • Chas. C. Lee 'or Hardware, Plumbing and Ironing, give us a WI Phones—OMee 22 House At the Rubor