HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-13, Page 8L"1 MIPS • inittobitlettoaNtarro 11At, laltoOlf 19ti;h, 1941 NEWS OF AUBURN A►`UBlink; March 12. : tau ey M Nall, of ., the R.V.;Aw.F'., Piettu, was a e d visitor at his holm here. Mr« ,surd Mrs, Ohaa,MeNsill and .Mi e. aquI Mi►rlt 1th of -Toronto visited over the week -end with Mr. and `MU. Chas, ,+ :lulth Woe Josephine Weir returned home on Monday after a pleasant visit with fries at ;Blenheim and Loudon. Several from this dietriet ,attended the tCuueral on Saturday of the late Jamea Laidlaw of 'Whitechurch and on Monday ,the funeral of the late Al. bert Goldthorpe of Colborne. Comxnunion will be observed in Knox PreebYtenan c1 u+/h next Sunday. .. At ',Knox United! church ne=at tSundeSt the junior ehoir will lead in the sere- iee. of praise and render special num- rs. , fW,ear glad torsport that Mr.. Jacob Wagner, and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, ' who b ;sin ill, are improving. Fr ie ere will be sorry ' to learn that Mr: and Mrs. `'i'V'm. Dobie have re- • + eived word that, •their son, Eugene; was injured . while skiing at Ottaaa • reeently. Ke suffered a badly broken• ankle; so bad ,;'was the break that doctors' had to walt six -days befere.. setting it. Eugene is:confined to.r hos-1 vital. ., e. r n '" r �. a s. Fred. u of .God dM re; Rose, e-!! '.I rich, were recent Evisitors with Mrs. John Symington. Them Thee 'evil� a hot be• supper, bazaar-- ,a i1A1?e ,• baja and home-made baking sale in Knox 'Presbyterian , . chu rek an Saturday, March 15, from 53Q to 8 lira. I PICTON ST« GODERICH T; ROBERT k''ARRISH ° TEL4, 338 DA lOR NIGHT - ifeliabie' Service at Reasonable Rates IAN' EL RADIO -Slightly Used 850 * week—RCA. $1.00 DOWN Harv. 'BAXTER &ill« LINFIELD Sheil Service • Station -, Goderieh' Phone 535 EnglishsAil ment in this week. Dd1NTY CUPS .AND SAUCERS 25c-,-35c--50ee-755c uti BREAlkFAST SETS—TEA SETS .DINNER SETS You cannot beattheme. anywhere. Smith's bArt Gift : Store East St ; , Phone 193 • There was,. no aaasiou o1 !the fior- tiuuation School on Monday, owing eta the illness of the teacher, Miss 'Violet The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will , be held in. the Foresters' hall, ora Tuday, `March 18th; : at, 230 1)40, The eubject, 44anadiau Indus- tries,' will be taken by. Mrs.. A. J. Ferguson. Mrs. W. T. ltebison, will give the eurxent events and Mie s Josera Phine-' ei: will give' a demonstration on. ieing a ea.ke, ' The hostesses are Mrs. Fred Itoss Mrs. W..11. 'She rd and Mrs, IL C. F� Wilson. United Chure • W.„�.S.�--the h � of thei . e Un ted c,kiurch .tet Wednesday afternoon in 'the church basement; with b. Sire. Chas..Stra,u,ro ,hah in chane, Mrs. R. 1).:Munro read -:the iSeripture and :lira.J, •'Strau,han and ,Mrs. Jas. Roberton.. offeredu prayer« The chapter from • the study •book was taken by Mrs, •Straughaia and Mrs. John ,Moulden. ' A duet was rendered leyeire. R. D. Munro and Miss. Sadie C1artet. The . heralds. sseve given by Mrs, James Jaekson, Mrs. Earl 'Wightma''ri' and' Mrs: Wni. Ander- ;sora. Mrs. 1I, U. Wil n ga'ti ex la reading. The business - period:, wasco nducted by Mrs.-u�nlson i ; _#he-.of Mrs. Woods, and She closed: the meeting wwith pri yer. • ' Anglican Guild« The. (Guild t- of; St. Mark's, Anglican church” met Wednes- day afternoon at the home 'oil Mrs. , selkiel Phillips. Mrs. Gordon Taylor presided and Miss Laura Phillips led in ,prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Thomas diaggitt.' The April meet- ing will be held at thehome of Mis. Ladies' Aid met ThuredaY afternoon et the home of Mgrs. Wm, liaseitt for iti monthly meeting, V. A. lloWelelir as lu the fair. The devotional otional period W44 eandiraeted by. Mrs. pram: Raithbv. Mrs. John "McKnight unci Mrs, ` ir. 4'« Ro "rasa,-,_ . dpi Were - ARM ! Mrs. Earl iiaithl►y,. Mrs. Thos, M+ 'fall, Mrs.. L. Irwint Wad Mrs. ThQmaa Hag- gitt. urs. Wm. Roberton ,gave a paper which was prepared by Miss: 'Margaret Small. A voeal duet was sendered by Mrs. ^•'Earl McKnight and Mrs. War.. its n' �l�a� z and 'Mrs. Glenn ltaithbygOv a piano instrumental, felicitations were offered` to a visitor, Mrs. Wan,. Dodd, sr., who on that day celebrated her 'birth'day, The 'topic was given b Mrs. Jahn Raltbby. Aim ,Annie Wal - per dismissed' the meeting with prayer, atter which lunch was served. O DeathOl'il DanielC D . � w� «�--- nX ' �,el erativford died Sunday night in the' 'Clinton Hospital, where he had been a Patient for the past two months, He. was in • his Party -eighth year. , ile was born'iu Hallett townshiii, a son of E. /41111011 VOTION SALS Of Varlet Steck, Inngetnellt411.Rya ousebold Wit, at Mr. Lewreue;e M1' -Lil «tr • .Fit*, lot A, Con, 4, N.D. Colborne Townehip, on N°ESDAY, MAGI" nth p at 1.80 fe�arp 1' driving here% 11 yeata Old; 1 Join Deer nanune spreader s 1 Deering binder, rR 0 ft,. eutA1 Deering � o wert 5% ft, cut; 1 Victor priding" plow, new; 1 wagon box with stock rack; 1 Main ° wagon ; 1 set bobsleighs ; 11 !bas'ket hsy-rack; 1 gro vel bo ; '1. set . 'Chatham scales, 2409 lbs. with weigh- rack; •1 steel land roller; 1 sulky rake asset' Arris ; 1 Set drag harrows; • 1 cu �r with hlers 1 corn Cutting n g box, Aurora, hand -power; 1 root pul-, per;' 1 Portland.lMeLaughlin cutter; 1 • bug$y� covered ed 1doubles et ernes s ' 1 set plow harness ;•1 Chatham fanning mills with screens and bugger , 1 r • •_ eury walking plow, No. 21,, 1 Frost er. J. 'gxawfo d, • and Fxllen� (ltaberteixr> « and "Woodplow,No. 20 1 e rin . tooth The Copeland, ▪ Entertainers under the Crawford. Ile' attended the public p 8 t dth : eultivator; 1 set singlegharness; auspices of the Arthur Oirele will" school of his home section sand seat an entertainment at Knox church followed the occu tion of farms , bushel :Reed , ass; 1 wheelbarrow, Fa ng, ut oon. the evenings' of March l 4th and 25th.. He married Mar inl�conn ll uric . 1 0 • d4 ,r broader,, 1 in -door brooder;, urv'lives.surviving ' ', - .eua`ntity' pata't0es •and apples; 1 °steel The regular meeting sof the Goderich s Also are_ his ,par o • shi ita� A.uxiliar will be oe.w -.trough . _. T wn __.p 'Ho.i l Y -end n Jo R titer nand a number of sin ? o , 'John, and„ens daubhter, .� For Res 1tsA Classified Ad For 25 tents you uzay enjoy a pleas- ant lys,ansa welling at - Victoria --UQme'--and School erokinole party on Thier, day, t t reb 20th. At 7.13 pin« exhibition, of layettes, '3 ,p.m., creakinoln; 14 PA.. refreshments. :Bring your . kait•tinig 11 y an don't play. • . , r eb , .ode is 'first tine � . the '� � �t .mtete � Music Teachers' Assoeletion will be hell at the home of Mrs. 'R. 'Henderson, Waterloo street, Tuesday evening, March 18th, at 13,30.' The execrative ' has arranged- a program of interest to mmsieian and layman. alike. All inter- a' ested will. be made welcome at this 1, meeting . x Camp1ell's,,Stomach and Liver P'illa. 3tf1 See the new spring display of millin - ery ' thy' latest designs at c- VICAlS Kingston Fl .: street 11 Margaret, both at home. There are also •three brothers, Fred atKapuskas - in ,James and Oohnsten in illullette and one sister, Mrs. Fred ,Prest, at Londes- boro. Deceased was a Liberal in polities and a member of the United Church. The fu*al tools place from his home,. 13th eoneession of '1Iullett,; on 1 ednes- day and Was eanductedaby `lRev.` H. O. Wilson of Auburn United eburch, In^ bugs and ” hand ' ; bagger ; 2 glass cu S � cap - boards ; 1 extension table; 1 drop-leaf table; 1 parlor suite ,1ud erl;b.or organ, , piano ease; 2 rocking chairs; 2 couch- es; 1 bedstead ; 1 set dinner dishes ; troup, Boy Scouts of Canada, in Mac x" glass fruit set,,;1 toilet .set; 2srag carpe rugs, 9x1 2ftl1 hanging lamp; K ay Hall, from, 1-.30 p.m., Saturday, 1 FPy Thought kitchen range. March 5th«,tafproeeds•forBritish ,War Victims Fund, balance for Patrol fund and expenses. 10.11 Reserve April' 26th for Knox church. L.A.' rummage sale in Oddfellows' Hall.. Backrite lfor the '<kidneys: Camp- bell's: , 3tf The., committee in charge of the layettes, to be sent by. Victoria. Home and School 'Club for 'British babies, • would like to have all donations ata'the school about 7.30 p.m. March 20th. Any one who is unable to attend the• croki-. 11-12 hole party may send her donation, to the 'sehool, -or call Mrs. G. Baechler, tel.. 50. held at the home .og. hiss Mamie 'Salk - Old; Picton street, Goderich, Thurs». day, March 20th, at 2,p.ms • • i- H.umana;ge sale, .under the auspices of -the Bull .Dog Patrol' of' rut•Goderich small tables; 1, gas lamp; 1 'quilting frame ;. 1 mat frame with clamps ; 1 Thomas Johnston end each ?member will terment •took place in EHo Chapel washing machine and wringer • 1 Dais 1?e pe' wringer; .. be asked to take part in a contest by cemetery. churn, butter bowl and 'fader; 1 hand anaki and ri m n cont butin an.articleto « g _s, ., ,.. _ :.„., •.•_ ._ ..., ... � .a ....... r ,.., . ...._ . _._ .m. ev pple peels k .. .�. -. , , . , _...... � �, .. , �.�., _ aiP,...•..� r ,.• 1 mantle sloe dishes,° 1 cooking utensils, rugs,. carpets, and other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms Cash, , LAWRENCE • McLA,RTY, Proprietor. tr.. GUNBR�Y' �& '0ON, Auctioneers. the value, a twenty-five ,cents. Mrs: Alvin ileatherland gacte a reading and Mrs. R. M. Weekes gave -the topic, "The Message of Lent.” A reading was given by Mit: Chas. Asquith and a duet with guitar •accompaniment was sung by firs. R. J.Phillips and Mrs. 0. A. 1--Iorson, munch was served by- the hostess. Baptist Ladies'. Aid. --The Baptist an afternoon, recently with her mother, Mrs. Geo.. Pollock. • ''Ve•are, glad to report Mrs. GOO. Hag- gitt was able to return to her home -on 'Saturday after heroperation in Gode- rich. Hospital. SHEPPARDTON SHEPPA 1iDTOh', March 11.. -- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mills and. family, e?f Detroit, visited over the wk -end with the lady's siker and brother, .Miss Vie}let and Reuben Bogie., • - • Mrs. O. Kilpatrick of Alafeking spent THE CANADIAN GOVERN -- RENT'S SOUND PICTURES _ON,«„OANADA= :-WAR FEDRT . Will be. shown by. special •ar- rangelnent in, the- auditorium of . Vietoria St. United. 'Charcll' on Thursday, March 27th • at .8:00 pain: • This will be a two hour program ! The ;films included : A Letter from Aldershot. -Squadron 992. Not Peace ;.but a Sword,' London Qin •Take It: ' Wings. of Yopth, • Together with 'they`°splendid mut- leal-numbersSinging Sam. ,The program is sponsored by the . • - choir. .Admission • .Adults 25e Children 15c B'KAR'FEE *I WI*Er Oh' 390 -$ O'CLOCK lb.• 6b. :RED CIitCLE t`. 31c. DOUGHNUTS `'AliR IEFYor.I2 BUY SALMON =aft k 1 `0_', 11 1 Ffl*dy'' Z DOMESTICIThoistriga Thu 25s LARD surge' for . 3 OLD CHEESE- � . 23c MILD CHEESE 19c WAR sAvrrrG STAMPS Sold at A A. P t IIAISTIIS tecoeval lb, 10, BEAP1S. Detitplirricfrrn 2 Ititt 19c SPAGIBEMI GRAPEIFIWIT JUICE TOMATOES AB& PANF)Y Peon t Butter ANN PAGE liar Poufs 2.24-g. .1; 24-02. 21 Jar C. rowDzia ANN 24 -oz. in• PAGE mi7C 'incur. "issawnili LAYER CAKE GREEN TRIM Each 25c 'JELLY ROLLS full 1 5 c Roils CHOCOLATE, MARSHMALLOW Each 1 5-c• HOT CROSS BONS 'manic), F.RUITS AND, VEPETABLES SPY APPLES 21114'ii;Zalii; LEMON$ California No. 1 Grade mums ..aviggloomt. SPINACH Fresh Curly 14E4 avuurarnar martzie\k, YAMS King of Swot Poltdoes 6.QI. Bask. 29c Punchis 13c 2 lies. fele 80's Each 5c Doz. 3Ic 2 tbs. Vic • • CLEARING AUOTION SALE BORN ,,Goderich, on. March llth, to Mr. and Mrs. *arl. Vrettnan (nee Gertrude (Patricia Denise). , Goderteh, on M• arch 18th, te kr. and daughter. •. Of Firm Steok and Implenients- for Alex Parson% at Lot 10, ,Con. 5, Goder riCh Township (4 miles from 0oderich), Miss Violet end' Reuben Bogie. We ., s Du FRIDAY; MAROHelfet 1 good' brOwn gelding, 1600 lbs., ,.6 .are sorry to report Reuberf is not gain -1 e. s., ing in health as fast as his anany ' in 10 years old ; 1 general purpose friends wauld like. mare, 4 years old ; 1 brown mare, a ' DIED,' ' good worker,. 13 years ,oldi 2 DUrham BENtNETT.--In Colborne township, on PORT ALBERT , ,COws, ' 4 years, old, due in March :. 2 ;pinball" cows, 4 and 6 Years. old, due widew of the late Andrew Bennett, Friday, March 7tii; •Caroline ,Love, --• in Afkil; 1 Durham eow, 4 years , old, ' in, her 76th year. ' i Clarence Hoy and Mre. Neil Schram due May ; 1 Durharn cow, 5 years oldp ORAWFFORD.—At Port Albert, on Wed - of IGoderich, Mrs. Roy Petrie and R. J. due In May ; 1 Durham heifer, fresh; nesday, Marchl2th; William J. Craw -- Hoy, of Port Albert, attended the fun- all are Dorham grade -1 Durha'm ford, in his 66th year. ,- , oral of Tlionaa& Olarls at Brussels on heifer, rising 2 years sl. Durham steer, Tfie,funeral will take place from the Sunday. ' - • • • Tisane 2 ypars ; 1 Durham calf ; 2 Dur- family reSidence, Blue Water highway,. ROL Hoy IS busy Putting upslee; ham heifers, rising 1syear old ; 2 brood on 'Friday, March 14th, ,at I - p.M. A robin that has been here all winter sows; 9 chunks, 'about 109 lbs. each : In,terment in Dungannon cemetery: is enjoying these line days. 1' Deering- binder, 7 ft ; 1 Deering DRANNEN.—In GOderich, on Monday, • Port Albert and Kingebridge played inotver ; 1 set 4 Section harrows ; 1 Mara), 1,0th, Jahn Drannen, in his. I hbelcey on Friday last at iLticknow. The 2 drum roller.; 1 steel rake; 1 Massey- 75th Year. --"-• • 'The Ladies' Guild met at the home eelow ; 1 goed farm vv4ons 1 good team -ship, on ,--Satorday; March ..8th,i_Albert Of 31rs. Roy,Petrie. • •Teli were. present, wagon;shok and shelving; 1 hay rack, r J. Goldthorpe, 4n his 72nd. year. also gr. NOhes and -Mr.-, Maloney. After 15 ft; 1- cultivator; 1 gravel box; 1 Set VOMAND.—At -Alexandra Hospital;; a± sla.ortssIsueinese meeting, the ladles ' sloop sleighs ; hay fork, ear and rope • , •Goderich, on March 12th, • Marilyn made aprons .for, the sPrings,kgastr. • 3 sete of doubletrees,; . 2. sets of 8 -horse reservoir ; a quantity of hay ; forks, shovels, chains--IndsrOrmereus other Everything. to sbe dispOsed of, as proprietor is leaving the farm. Terms Cash. ALEX PARSONS, FREE METHODIST CHURCH RE -OPENING , Rev. 0. W. Stevens, radio preacher from Chatham, will be the speaker on Smaday hext- at the re -opening of the newly-d.eeorated Free 'Methodist churehs 'Corner Victoria and tPark streets. . Serl p.m. Sunday schoWat 10 a.m. Speeial singers are expected. A. cordial wel- come is extended to everybody. LEMON JU'ICE RECIPE CHECKS RnEustiine PAIN QUICKLY you suffer froin rheumatic, arth- ride, or -neuritic pain try ,this simple, inexpensive home recipe. Get.' a pack- age of Ru -ex ,Prescription .from your druggist. l!dix it with a quart ofmat add the Jfirce—Orffe-mons.. 's easy and pleasant. ion need -only 2 tablespoonfu times a ,day. Often within 48 holi sometimes overnight—splendid re.sults ere obtained. If the pains are snot q ickly_relieseil and if you do not feel better, Ru -ex 'Pres crip ti on will east you nothbag 'to try, ." Tour money refunded secription is far sale and recommended J. A. CAMIMELL and other leading druggists. U.i•TRESERVED'',AUCTION SAM' Of Farm Stock, Implements and 'Grain. .11ft. Fred 1Horton• will sell by public auction at- Lots 7 and 8, L.R. W. olhorse,slimilesnortbsof-Goderiel on highvvay, on - • I grey horse, 11 years old ; 1 bay mare, in foal. Oattle--4 fresh heifer; 1 biases cow, due 3,1ay 4; 1 red cow, due May 12; 2 heifers, rising 2 years; sows, in pig; 21 chunks. Ilens-40 inery-1 Deering binder; 1 Frost and Wood mower; 1 hay rake; I set disc harrows 'with trueks ;' 1 cultivator; 1 riding plough ; 1-21 sFleury :walking gravel box, hayrack ; 1 buggy ; 1 buggy po14; 1 eater; 1 hayfork,' car, rope and pulley ; 1' fanning mill ; 1 get 2000 1 Oa Company d All Risk All your personal' property insured ,against pratticallY all risks IN (ATV POLICY AT 4-,111.1114 PREMIUM - SEE II. M. FORD. Insurance 'and lied Estate 3 Hamilton St. Tel. 268W ALL OTHEIt.1$11ELS Ali -Tired Out. 9 Before Day Half Over.„ healthy become weak, nut clown „ worn out, and are unable to attend .to their household. *Aim 11141 geit up in the muting' dreading the day's rork *heed of titem. 'Sow disease er eenatitutional tiirbatee hes left ,its mask in the form of shattered nerves, impover. ished blood, and an exlmnated con. dition of the entire system. 'Women will itid in Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills the rem ,,they need to supply food rfor • help them back to sound, petted Jean, infant ;daughter •of Mr: and Mrs., Bruce Volland; Godertch. CHURCH NOTES -The Arthur Circle- of- Knox-chure will meet' Monday, ,,,March 17th, at the church. Mrs., W. lteDenald's group will have charge of the program. At the meeting of the St. George's Church Wareen's Guild, reported in •this is not in hand, we have a connection paper last week the talk on a Northern carrying the largest stock of high Ontario mine wasLgiven bi- Mrs. Palser, standard nsed ears In Western.Ontario. • The Women's Missionary- SOeiety of Knox Presbyterian church will meet • Tuesda.y afternoon, March 18ths Mrs. McPhail's group will, have charge of the meeting and Miss SoMerville will introduce the new study book. The Presbytery of Maitland, meeting accepted .the resignation of Rev. John ordered by his doctor to treke'a complete rest for some time. The PreSbytery nominated Rev.- ICenneth .AlacLean of Wingham for the moderatorship of the .Synod of Hamilton and :London. OST. DO.G, ON SA•-R•"l/ 4TH , large Boston bell., brindle .color, is called 'Tony."' If anybody knows of the whereabouts of F this dog, Please phone 814« all 144040 NOTICE I"E{N R.- W1 O1tI A E A. DESIGN especially ter you. Corsets; girdles, brassieres, belts and surgical garments. Write DOI t�0 HY T'1 UMPS(JN, _elm r d 1 ca in x e• . , 1 rt 4il TO BENT' To ItINT. r1-RO01AP T* =NT, furnished, with all eon. venien , LLOYD RAIXIEY,' 20 Al- bert street, iGoderieb 104' '• '' OR s ewe acres **cis land 3 Beres seeded ,.lentiful supply P app Y' of water.: Can, immediate Pt meed ate possesslloin;.Good orchard. MRS. j'ESS11+ OLVER, `.,R.R. 3, Gode- rich. 11.13x FOR S'ALDvF UUR-li N TRIC range, Mc0lary. MRS, E. 3'ROIWNiLl E, Cambria. road. , 11x FOR „SALE.-4)NE YORK .130W -Mae reglitered 3ersey cow .6 years old, Just, freshened ;' one Jersey heifer, 4 reaps old, due to freshen in A:pril; one dump cart. 'JAS. WHITD,• Oxford 'Street. s ehickS, -- capons — immediate de- livery. Bargains heavY cockerels. Now's the time to order chicks to get groiviegs far the good fall markets. livery. E. 1H. ISOMERSAIL, 2, neiderich. 41 FOR SALE.—puetED ,okit* INDEX card ilinsg- eabinet Takes cards ATTENTION, IFABLusital We are . having a special sale of engine drive washprs for the month .of ° 'Oopper tub washers, $49.50., Terms of $4 per moeth. Also several Other colt rising three years old ;.-,a and' cut oat straw; three white geese; a quantity of oats, gOod enough for seed. Apply Ina. MILLION; la Vic- toria street, Poderleh. • -11 boara, • with all latest improvements. Will Sell on easy terms or srent as desired. Typewriter ribbons for regu- lar size„ or portable machines, also .rolis for addingsemachines. Call °,,satazsTAL- • WEEK -END SPEOrAL.--939' Others to' choose .from. If your model 1 churn; 1 cream can; 1 fertilizer seed .4111; Stuart horse clippeire with pulper. 1-500 chick . brooder stove e. 1 colony 'house. Grain -100 bus. wheat; 1.00 bus. buckwhea.t; 100. bus; early *Mai oats, good 'seed ; 406 Imis. Mixed 'grain ; a quantity Of hay. Harness— I set tenni harness; 1 .set single harn. ess; whiffletrees, neck yokes, forks, numerons other articles - Everything will bg-ilisPosed of` as will be offered 'Tor sale on very reas- onable terms, whieh will be announced at. time of sale: ProprietOr, 11.11. 3, Ooderich. f• Anctioneere. 11-12 1 CLEARING, AUCTION SALE far Farm. ;Steck, .1mplements% and 'Chattels for Mr. John Oloucher, his home, Bennet St, Kloderieh, on WDDVDSD,Alt, MARCH 19th at 1 o'elock sharp 1, team of black geldings, rising 4 years old; 1 Jereey eeve, 7 years old, fresh; 2 chunks; 30 young hens;• 1 Durham ,heifer, bred hi January ;. 3 brood sows, bred Dec., Jan. and March •;". plow; 1 set harrows f 1 turnip drill; gravel box ;-,-1 wa• gon box; 1 set tsloop ,sleighs; 1 set team harness ; Set lighter team' harnesS; a number of large gas and other drams; 1 root kitchen range; 1 new. heater ; 1 equare plan(); etravvberry crates; 'forke, shoo. els, ehalne .and other artielee. 'Everything to be sold, as prol*rty Terms Vadh. _ CARDS Or' Tilf.ANKS TETE BROTHERS ANDIISTitatS the late John. -Brannen `wish to thear many friends and neighbors his recent Illness. They also wish to gratefully' aeknowledge the beautiful iloral tributes, and thank those who so ,kindly loaned their cars for the'service. "John wiSh. to extend thefr deep gratitude to their many friends and neighbors for' the assistanee end sympathY shown. them in, •their recent sad bereavement. Speelal thanks of a,ppreciation to the nurses and staff,of Alexandra Ilapitale Dr. john Wallace, -and .to those who. so okindly loaned their cars er offewdefloral tributes. 41 'THE ''AVIILig Or, TUE LA.TE A. Bennett wish. to thank their' neighbors and friends. for the kiednesS extended . to them ie ,,their,,. :recent bereavement; also those Vehe sent flow,. Albert .I. 'Goldthorpe, wieh to thank,' tliose who were so thoughtfill and kind to them In their reeent bereavement; also .those. who loaned ears and. sent ieueeeesse ,CRiNei.IS «- A Y x -r, _ kl, , 'GAO E . engine ing'od�dl, e:ondition« WALTER, R All/PON, R:R. No, 7,,.tuekThane. i Dungannon. <„ now« • Y11 BUT DDi UC i • uud dead cattle; .nags be suitable for Mink reed ; removed promptly, FRED 'G'ILBERT, lt,R; 2,' DaYlieba Phone 908 r 22, Clinton. Calls paid for. 1.84f GENERAL, a E : A:'-. ND XY ANTED. -000K C�•E` Rte, '� Y, AB and ,- trustworthy.; good A, J. S'IlOTT S, P;C",ileld, ••Ont. P1'1 WANTED._BOA. tDE'RRS ; 'TWO O three men preferredl. Call 'SIGNAL. •STARsOFF1011 10th' emeeeseeneeemeeiseesseeeseerse ITO�. NOTICE' MO' CREDITORS. 'DTIOE TO .CREDh1ORS. • iven to all per. sons having y��any ng '.claim against Ott a, estate of the late Louisa Gibson, w.bo ,died on .th4 .31st da's of January, 104x, at the Town of Goderich, to seed 'same to the undersigned, duly proven, 'on or before the 21st day of March, A.D 1941, as on and after that date~:the executors herein wi11 proe.eed to it - tribute e th assets of - the said estate: having regard only 'to the claims them filed• DATED AT •GODERXo1I this First day of March, A.D:: t041:.; R. C.11AYS; . Goderich, 'Ontario.. 'Solicitor for the said h}xecutors. 10^12 AP-Plicaticins for the position of Chief . of Pollee end alga epplicatidiis for the Oto. the enderslined, will be* reteived 4 .Applicants to state age, -e3pperlence, qualifications 'and salary -expected: ' Dated. at 'Gederich, this 12th day ef riunks—PbR SALE 'betwees, Gadeiieh. and Auburn'', 60 -acres- of ,g6odswerking land, adequate , able terms; Representative Hotel Bed, FARMS FOR SALE. Lot' 35, Con. 3, East WaVvanosh, 20B acres. All seeded. excepting 12 acres. Some bush. Buildings of little value. , Watered at front and - beck of farm. East % Lot 23, ;Con. 11,- McKillop - 50 acret pasture. with some wood.' , 'Small frame house. 'Price $1000:, • Part Lots rrand 28, Con. 14, Hullptt —238 .aeres pasture. $ome bush. Frame house, no barn. Watered! by good well and windmill, creek- and spring, Pride South % Lot 36, Con. 3, Wallace - 50 acres all cleared. 1.y2 storey brick. Part Lots 10 and 17, Con. 13, MoKil. lop. About 08 acres cleared, 7 acre's , bush. Fkame house, small barn. Price FRED MOLOY, 10.111 Thedford, Ontario. sEgp BARLEY WO. are again contraCting Earley for the Canada Malting 0o. GOOD SEED PROVIDED li interested get in touA -with AM -130011. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS Hensall, Ontario 10-11 mety Per Cent. To 00% of the users a hoiatinza co.:AL, coal is just °bat They, never oensider the quality andliikMaelt nuiney they save by' buying a good quality, coal. 'When you,buy inintAbrn- Coal you buy the best. , There is very little ash and no clinkers. or slate, therefore, you get all the heat! In coal with slate the slate steals the heat. D8611 AISIVIRAOITE„, nut and stove sizes; BARTLEY POCAHONTAS, lump and stove sizes; FORD COKE, mit size, VOICES, COAL; LONE VAS, for domeatio and steain For Hardware, Plumbing and Heating, give us a call, Chas. C. Phones -Woe 22 liouse At t Harbor • Woe