HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-13, Page 3Bioiness .Directory I
WI& ,
Barr1eta14 Soliettor •
ee:•--North Ste Goderich. Phone
VellAit'llitlib ACCOUNTANT
1110=191TH tied 14.0e1T.RlITU, ,
08 %Chartered Mconittisits
77 Downie Street, Stratford
- Toronto 0010; 44.-11a7_Sq.00
Tuompsz-Gq‘ GO CI,
sToOlcAND ..GEt04:1•0
• "A-UOrtOlitillitt -
TOePhone 119
iska to as.110ere 4114
ortait'eFor Ma • to glee *iditlittetfeit,'
Varaneriru.Ie poteia discounted. •
•ttl.k.1.1901PI1I1ER' VOW !ft.lA1,9z4
- • 401INTzt '
aatjateet‘sy, eourteouia service for
Warm, Property or Household Sales.
. Oates. Reationabie,
nznammix OF M<A HAS
TMan"she - " vvh making . TO EXAMINE WAR EXPENDITURES
ate is (1040 it
the, island of 'Malta lute', the Aire _ mtv.... . ena. . . ....-................e.,...
pr4nable fortreaa ,it is roving .to *Wee may 414*i to Be inning of War. --question of Public or
,Gteeral William Dabble. htuseolbai , ' MesaSittings Delis,ted—Oe'verai Daily Newspapers Accused,
thought this buoy island in the
Mediterranean eta:Wile; guard for of Publishing'raise and. its,lioiOtts SditOri*U--. Mi. 104411
'BrItato, ,betWen Italy eed' the 1Nortia Walled •b7 , me r
,terocorad J, WOO. UP: !nte Thit Bile S. 1111114 3
- ,34,„
African „coast' would be easy ,prey for Careful How
bia,naVy. Hitler fended thatehis dive , A.
.e.,' a .. 4. "------- ' - .. • "
bombers Could Make a lb -ambles ef it. tBar J. ',A. mule, Naomi Corroopo--- Snell. information shoald be given. the
na i
Beth Made their talculations' without , ' ent) Public- . . e,
aliewieg tor*Slie military' genius of OTTAWA, March 7. -There, seethed • J. T. Thersone,Kae, Liberal, Kenai*,
INT, 11-liata Debbie. Ile tboUght . out the to .be ,an undue amountof jockeying who iS likelY tO 'be eoMMittee ehairmate
eilemy Jtoettes 'ig adVance, and 41019110, forposition thie past week in.eetineetion exteeesed confidence that members of
Malta Ilea been raided 400 .tiinee in the - the Canadian Parliameet eould be re -
.the attackers aP- 'with 'the eslablis*eat of a' sPeOal 'lied upon to cOnduet "an: hozies.t, fair,
feet nine MOntbs
Ilerener Awn made very little jearnes. Connuops eommittee of OventY-four itoPartial WIWI,' attd to diaeltarge the
members to examine war expenditnrea, heavy reeponsibilities 'placed upon them,
e'enepee' it. , ,, TmllietteeteArt:loetorelfewiirenteeuvoefrwoothetheavilt" etuite as Well as •bad the •Britisit ever
expendithre intjulee committee.
should meet in, Iniblie or! in eAgiVgai ' D. 0, 'Abbott, Montreal Liberal', said
whether' 'if -nia-y-afeethilineral' ecortemlee be would ' net do °a/IT-whitewashing
only or infringe OPou eUeetions of Gov- Joe on the committee, •1...,
eminent policy and administration,
whether it ie cleared by the .Oppositibe
as a constructive move or merely as
"a scandal-bunreeallithese POWS ZINO
rise to considerable discussion. The '
debate, waxed rather *arra, at times,
with imputation of motives, refutation
of the same, and caustic comment on -
Da.r."J. rOaSr41014 X33), EA*,
Late Ronne' SdrieOn NOW Iork
OphtheLinic ad Antal, ta• as*
'natant at MoOredeld tal and
GOiden" Square Throat HOsipital,' 1..on-
Alon,'Vngland. -
Ii14111S-TIOSTEIZ: GLAliata:-
53 :Waterloo fitreet , S., , Stratford,
Telephone' 207. • .
14.1tt 'Vita .Bedford note', 'vottericht
Wednesday, March 20th, from .2 p.m.
till 5.p.m. . •
To some Gederieli People 'the geilant
and ietteetirve eetind the little island Is
making lythwo-sileotat rthrlll ofpride,-
tor' Ms. ,Samuel Sheardown and Mrs.
Thomas Shields of . town are Seeond
Coueins ote3terieral' Debbie. When the
distinguiShed•Generiti Wae at Exmouth,
England,ie 'January, _Private Murray
‘,Sinaardowri had the good fortune to be
there and to meet him. * • .
- . • .•
doderich, Pherie-",34.1 --.1 •
_Oak, laostraH10 tc,,,,,,12.„a4n.,.-'9' to, 5.
ilkd 7 to .8..p.iii„-Tilesday, triday and
", ifatuvlay; ., •
10 to '12 a.m. only. On Wednesday,
„ 51' Sonth St.
suns..N.cp -00.--ilarm and • Iso-
lated toiVit property Insured.
.0ilieure-Villi.aut Knox, Piesktent,
t'resldentforth, . ; Reid,
Manager and Steretaryareasiirer, Sea*
forth. . • •
Directers,--Wan. Knox, Londeshoro;.
Alex: Beoadfoot, Seatorth.;, Chris.
Leonhardt, 'Dublin; D. Trewartha,
Clinton ; Thos. Moylan, .Seaforth;, W.
. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. Maiwing,,
Blyth; Flrank IfeGregor, 011ittott,; Thigh
- Alexander Walton
' Agents --2.E. A. Yeo, 31.1c, 1, Goderich;
James Watt, Blytli; 4ohn..1). Pepper,
R.Ft. 1, Bruceileld; R. El. McKercher,'
R.R. 1, Dublin; 4. P: Prueter, trod-
hagen.. 2
Policy -holders ean 'make ail pay-
ment and ards-receipted-at
• the Royal,Bank, ; Calvin Outt's
Grocery, Kingston Street; Goderich,. or
J. H. Reid's General 'Store, Bayfield.
,Eizeter Thmeeetavocete: Mr. Albert
Barker, who liege been employed with.
Tractutar's hardware, has. accepted a'
position maehinist with an aircraft
reempaily. at port Erie and will 'leave
Thursday for that place. •Mr. Barker
came to Exeter trail iGederieli et few
years aka and while here he has made
many friends, the bestevishes of whom
'will fellow him. Mrs. Barker and fam-
ily will remain here until summer. •
-r---- -r
a. 100010"mmIllion
Real Estate and Insurance
Office and Itesiderice:
*11 Trafalgar Street
Phone 603
FOR -SALE---Houses of all kinds,
choice * building Jots; • business
preperty and several good fares,
tet-nie Ih�W y4u mile real
bargalniBuy now.
W. Craigie
Get Out; Automobile 'Rates •
Ptunte •24 GoderIch
-sLeave Partisanship Outside
'Fieward Green, ;OonserVetive, Van-
couver, warned that every member of
the eereanittee*ranat -Stand prepered•to
lextee*partisan politics outside :the door
of the committee ,or else the committee
*would, get aowhere., am' Prepared.
edItorials-iiiipearring'hylliffereut nevesectoedaethateasetteCanadian..firs.•
papers on the subject;,all Mixed up to- and all ,the time," Mr. Greenadded. ,
gether.iu an. unedifying disPlaY. Joseph Harris, Toronto CenServaUve,
printeMinieter W:L. MacKenzie King said he would 119t !serve on the Pone -
strongly laVored the practice followed mittee if it,sits inf secret. • ."
la the British Parliament with regard Acting Leader M. 4..." Coldwell
to a similar coleraittee in the 'Great said the times were so serious that he
Wee, and again in this war, where the hoped no scandal would be uncovered
tomMittee always has sat in earner& by the ',committee. •Ile hoped •the con -
Mr. King felt it to be incompatible With mittee would not develop, hie° another
the peblie ihtereet and the safety of the Wrangle such as took place over the
state' for the eommittee here to hold Bren gunpontract; and he hoped no
public sittings which, might give com- ecortmittee merobere would conduct
fort or inforeuatien to enemy, eHe themselves as counael, for either' one
denied; with Conelderable emphasis, any party or the other.
suggestion that he or the 'Government Senator-Arthnr Meighen, Conserve -
had •anything to hide. "I believe I tive leader , in the :Upper Huse, has
have been long enough in this -House collie in for criticism lately in the Com.
ler.henerelale_anerabers knove_Wheee mons. Mr, Voldwell characterized a
I stand on. questions of public ine recent speech of Mr. ileighen's as "stlb-
• tegrity," 31e. King obeetvede "I . be- ,ve,rel've." Mree Dorise Neilsen, hide-
_neve, too; that I can let•my 'life record Pejelent, North tattleford, thought,anY-
sPealc for itself in that regard." ' one else makieg the same•statement as
May Go Back to September, 1639 Mr: Meiglien made would have been
Mr- Xing emphasized that, as far as
he and the Government are concerned;
the proposed committee may inquire
*into war expenditures right back to
the beginning of the wee an September,
1039, ifit so 'desires., Responsibility
.for Government policy and administra-
tion witle.regardizo-the wereleeedfled
"bad comPalie and reminded her she
could, not make the ty.j* SPeeelms
Ole doe$ if Axe lived in !Germ:ally, Itely
er Russia. Ur* Nielsen Old the tloy-
ernment it would have to pay, $ow
day, for the type of °Canadian1(.4eigitOo"
it has Ott up (wader the e'egUlatione.
Hon. 0.D. Howe Characterleed as
°unneceseary and utifair" he eueetion
aeked by IlOre Dr, Ilerbert lioIce, Tor-
onto f.louservative,, whether the natural-
ized klerinan: T.C.A. employee at the
Armstrong, Ont., airPortis *till in the
employ of that company. The Wall haa
been a loyal and effieleet en1plOy*0U*
T.C.A. for soil* cOltsiderable tin*, Mr,
,Ilowe told the 'lleuele, and the baveetiga-
tioe howed be had nothing to do With
the ^reeent disastrous Crash near Arm-
strong- ,
Health Minister Ian Maeltenzie told
the 'House,in intredueing a revised
,PenSion Act for the eurrent war; that
20,000 men have been.dieeharged from
the defence toreetesinte this' war began.
Of t1is nuniliet 900Weredischatgled
after reaching England. Mr. Mackenzie
and Col. Balaton weld that stricter
medical examieationa ,now prevail be-
fore .nten are .recruited for the three
defence eervices. '
The death of Senator 'J. J. „Hughes,
Liberal, Print° Edward Island, makes*
three vacancies In the upper chamber.
The present standing Is: Liberals 46
and -OortServatttes' AZ- -With" 'three
etteancles. ,The Senate came back ' on
Tuesday, only to adjourn again to
March 25, as the Commons:1114f ,not
finIshed enmigh business for its etten-
tiers -
There are now 190806 men in Can-
ada's 'Iteeerv. e Army, including. 7,881
officers. A total of 81,196 men were
trained under the thirty -day training
plan, which now has been lengthened
'a four -months traieing-sYeteroe 04081.,
offiperS recently appointed in the army,
34-1 came from the .rank. - •
*MacMillan 'Still On the Job
H. R. MacMillan, Iraneoueer lumber-
man, is back on the job in. Ottawa as
chairman • of the "War *Requirements
Board, despite reinors that he was get-
ting out. He is one of lOS, eq -called
"dollar -a -sear" men working for the
Government since war broke out.
Major-Generel E. W. 'ISMISera, com-
mander of the arct Canadian Division;
promptly Interned. (It seems that Mr..
ore!, named commander of the
Meighen Made a speech in comment on has
a statement by Minister of War Ser- ed Division being ' ergn.nized-
sencapiotabstleno Irlibic;c130.0:1:1:9• )311;01;tnidaleCni;:erri3.. :1;PricetW):r Worthington
vices Bevin 93ritam that a new
an -
economic order. eeei5e meace, commander of the rd Canadian Di -
Unite iit
Objodivo 40,6400,000 Swig**
limed. by OffiStsa
Oossroittso ,
Announcement that Canadian auxil-
iary war service organizations. have
-agreed to hold, one united lizatnetal
drive this year, instead of six separate
drivel, meets with warm public ap-
proat, it was, in fact, on the insist-
enve of the public, with the aupPort of
newspapers generally, that the prluelPle
of six -appeals in one was ateePtedf-
net only to do awaywith a large per -
Mabee*, of calePaign expenses .4414_ ale°
to relieve tile, yeoule of the 'vexatious
neeessity of responding to what slee
endless. calls.. tor money. reople, will
niw Inure the satisfaction of knowing
that -by dgating. onee,theY-WAlltillive
eerried 014 their obligations in this re-
spect for the net twelve 'meethe. -
The objective Of :this combined drive
is $5,566,000, to be, divided thus:
Canadian Leglog (016,109._
Knight s a-Mu:10w; .4 705,000
Salvation Aeleee 1,42(1,100.
Y. M. C. A. :4741,000
said, "If an. unremllated and_ unre- ilaannleon:rigiade00,' wmhmialeiWgr
Infantry Brigade. These appointments
finished. by .thia:War, then he did not
striete4-lionts system' were to be
. •
e (The binds being atied,' bY$.the414t0165.0.
v. are for thelewar services in the four
Western Provinees only.) :
In addition to the above tote' the
:stile. of 4317,1830 is retteired to make
up the $5,000,000 objective a has
already been announced effieially that
Canada's war 'ettOrt is to be greatly
,----rin'gollsed. •This nationtell e'vererve is
deemed by theecarnPaign 1ougnitte4 to
be necessary. to take eare of the added
requirements that, will betome inevit-
able as :Canada's war effort expands.
The budgets of each of the first flee
•org nizations was laid before the DO -
li, loe-eirthority ieethe penseneef.the
'3 inister of , National War. !Services.
.1r431;vp.47secopot3itaezt4r1.7n.L4tekkitsiBeuvridrixtsbeeutaorlsnlizedtohoessfef calnoTmonaeaarInLtuft,ruf zsmbiwir0413:steciofo:ft,.
men together with: orgenizetion rePre....
sentatives are *Meetly known as the
Netional War Charities Funds Advis-
ory Board. ' Its duty is to scrutinize the
butige.ts, timle.delse the.11inister, in the
case of all applicants for permission.
-under the•rareeharitieS Aet"to solielt
• funds from the pu.blie. . .
KalfZtebuodrge,o4tsjuomf bthues,C,seanlvadaiantion,LegiArinoryl:
Y.31.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. were examined
hOtsate altY PIMP of buoill
woeld Ware* and 00.ut
subWitteds_ 'th*Ir owuf
bead*. INihstrikalatt 060
.at'Aon altith the o*,ank
. In addition Vie*,
econcim3r. the
expense and. time `,W,Aleti
enthodiea as vont w
ate appeals. The .
were. anally .luiseecv itaktA.
Board under MO., ipirfon, at On
amounts. 'recorded in the .
enust Teat with the Government.- How-
ever; he hellevedlthe committee could denote progreseln the. enlarged' army
esee what' there was to fight for."
make an inquiry, 1± it ' does so 1,e' the set-up annountime agoced b3r the Gavernment
proper spirit, which will be helpful:to Offending Newspapers " ome • ••
the Government in controlling War ex -The "clog' house" is crowded, these
Trade and COranierce Minister S. A.
penditure and in avoiding waste and* days,* wit1i newspapers - which have of-,
MacKinnon will shortly resume his
extravagance. He made it clear that fended • the -Government. - •Munitions reanadian trade Mission to Oentrel and
what is wanted is efficiency and 'swift- Minister C. D. Howe characterized The South American countries Which:he bad
nese Of executive action ;regarding the Pi/ran:alai Post as "the No. I:saboteur" to abandop. at Christmas, in Panama,
war effort.- . • • of 'Canada's war effort. Jestlee ,
wnere ill...health Overtook WM.
Opposition strongly t'hal tar cosonin, isteal,_Tr_edJamiseouapointettrdextd;p4Pou,sparlinteLail_)errz•
'..Pti*dies tourist trade fell off to '82
erolls 'teat year Chirtailment
mittee should had public sittings, ex- ,sentment of editorial comment in such of*Canddlanetravel In the States, from
cept Where the safety og the' 'state is papers as. The Winnipeg Free Press, julysaved 32 'millions In valuable
involrved or where information given The Montreal Gazette, and The Ottawa exchange. Every effort will he made,
might be of 'comfort. to the enemy. Mr. Jour:eel, strongly favoring formation however, ,to attract more A.merlean
:Hanson said be did not suggest that of a "National" :Govererasent: or a re- tourists this year.
Mr. King had anything to hide,' but, organized Liberal Government. Mr.
he added, he could tell 31e. King things Lapointe held. an editorial -in -The Ot
about expenditures' which would make tavva Citizen to be "subversive." X
hini blush. "There is ample evidence King went after The Gazette for 'libel -
of gross extravagance," Mr. Hanson ions, false and malicious editorials,"
Observed. He admitted extravagance which," he said, "Jiafringed the privi-
to be inevitable In wartime, with haste leges of the House." The Prime '31:in-
being so necessary. "The public is ister accesed The Toronto Globe and
suspicious," Mr. Hanson continued. 3Iail of printing "an entire falsehood"
."Why Inake it more lie? warn the. in ono. of its editorials and of "infring-
Government that 12 the conimittee is ing the_privileges of the House" in
nOt !permitted to Meet publicly the another editorial. !- •
public will be entitled' to draw any con- e Mr. King told' the Commons -that the
,ston it sees fit from that feet". He !Government Pans -little or no legisla-
held that Sir Robert Borden, in, the, tion this session, .outside the budget,
last war, "opened the, doors wide" in war appropriations bill and supp;yfor
war Investigations. "Siff_etebert was ordinary Government expenditure. Ile • ..
-noteatraideofette-panadian,people," he•.--hinAlted,owever, there maiebelegiale- _
renuirked. then on the" St. Lawrence, waterway, if
Defencellinister J. L. Ralston agreed an agreeinent iS ref,10.0The (lovern- •
Nvith Mr. King about the necessity ofxnent had. some legislation it would like
the committee's meeting in camera. : to introduce, Mr: Xing remar ke'd, but
Nor could the work *2 his department • ito preferred to have Parliament con-'
be inter-rtipted by the.coninsittee calling eentrate 'on wer measures.
officers as it willed to discuss questions . Woman -Member in "Bad, Company" •
of Government policy and itaministra- Justice Minister Lapointe, in the pro -
„tion. At the same time, 'Col. .RaIston longed debate on setting up another
promised the committee every possible committee Ao further revievir the De -
facility” in securing any information it fence of Cafiada Regulations, defended
might desire and then It 'Would be for them as neCessary 111 Wer' time. He
the etinamittee te'decide *hat part of warned Mrs. Nielsen .that she keeps
Your Mixt Visit to
Located:000de Spadina Ave
at College St.
Easy Parking Facilities
Cehvenlent to•itioliWays
Slagle — to t1.5.
Rates, : auto $5,41
Four to Room, $5.10.10 SUR
0 .
Close to the. University,
P ri I a Mont Otilittinas,
Mpe Leaf-Gardetlit, _
„ •itt r es Hospitals,
Wholesale ''flouses, and
tha---Fashlenabla_.",Retah_ "
.Shopping Oistrt0t.
A. tis,•rowit.t., PAIESIDENY
Mike" 'Carney Retires after Thirty Years'
Service in C. P. R. Building Department
For over thirty Years bridge anti
billding • fOre.'inin a The London dive.
sion, C.P.R., big, genial Michael qarney
has been retired'. on pension, as from
Mareh 1041. •
It wits in 1909, -shortly after the
Now—itiehtu.d mien, in "Hot Steel," with "I. Can't Give lien 'Any-
thing But 'Ave, Baby."
MON. TUES. and. WED.
Naney Kelly -Roland itoting and
• Thigh lierbert
The black sheep of a straight-
laced family Willi out ±0retie
Yardsevide and all vvool
" Geiwge,Brent and Virginia
Brute „
Co-starred In a dramatic ste're •
of ,the criminal cetirts •
'!1',11E MAN W110 TALKED
. TOO 111111011''
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Tyrone 'tower, Pods Darnell, Rasa Hathbone, Gale ,Solldergaard
and Eugene Tallette
Ole dashing Don of California's Most roprantie era lives again as
the screen's most colorful character
visit the
latinees Wed. Sat, and: holidays. at 3, po.
Ootaing 'Kay Franc,* in little Iiifte- with Illiordeeht the itlre."
St. Regis
Sherbourne St. at Carlton.
One Ilumired Modern Rooms
with private baths, showers and
private telephones. ••
Rooms, Single, from U.00 to $2.50
Booms, double,from AO to $3.50
and $4.00
Good POoti served at moderate
0,1161* 1110041 no eoter charge
GlielpbeGederich hra_nch vvas completed,
that Mr. Carney eame off the Colborne
township farm of hif.4 father, Thomas
Carney, a native Irishman; to take
updriii life's work. His father WI'S a
barn framer and yowler Miehael took
to construetion work like a duck to
f=I have no regrets. I enjoyed every
minute of those thirty -two -years, and
was used like a prinee by my exa-
Ployers," he reflected the tither day.
A powerful man of large _phypique,
"Big Mike," as he is familiarly known
among .railroaders from Windsor to
Toronto and north to Listowel, leavea
many floe eonstruction jobs to per- v.
petuate his. name. Two in Goderich
are the 0.1.R. roundhouse and ,shops:
lend the 450 -toot long, 18 -foot high
leose-stone retaining well at the 'east
end of the big C.P.R. bridge over the
Itaitland Itiver. Mr, 'Carney modeetly
predicts thet this wall wilioutlast any
concrete wall • that might have -been
bullesehecause the water paeses through
it -all experts to the contrary notvvith-
Mr. Carney is not going to part com-
pany with Goderich. Ile still has his
farm in Colborne and his home in
Goderich, whieh lattee ho has witted
temporar(ly. Ile will send 10 time
here'iand in andon, where his daughter
Dorothy (\Xrsitirk) now resides. At
sixty,tive he looks ae itit and capable
as he ever did, and tfl1 luts many active
years ahead g'fhtm Ile Tetifes
the .best (II wishes of a lua of friends
beth within tho tall‘vaY service and ont.
The 'Sooner the Better
Mother was telling stories of the
time she' was a. little giri ,Little Har
old listened thoughtfully as he told of
ridine''ft pony, slidine, down the eiay-
etaek, and wading in the -brook on the
Finally he said with a sigh, "I wish
I had -met ,yon earlier, Mother."-aFrancisco •'Ohtonieie.
" a bead eted, enjoy the grand Width** .
• (I) . shrinks ,swollettlecpabefienee--tea
„• ,,tantilu!ciu,A.90.NovIdasentellyerus..eVadetr,llad-sanetir.d,soniirlisiluere—
! Ca= $t iloata tbreo luiPOrtsilakthizifet-
l• Ifttto.y.,otr:niorreemsinft
Arva.„ustro.etinoini, thelimpoc*
colds developing, 11,111111inirmsnal
We don't pretend to know everything, but we do
taltnow nuteh.ineFy and hoW -to repair breakages or 'stern,
out parts.
ur Machine S
is open every day and. we are at your service4
Geo. -
o es -
Canadian waterS7ar- c not °Only, a' prolific source
14 F, 1
. C. 0400 food for our utiles; but contribute in iin%
portant measure to our export tracle.,It takes a grear
army of workers—fishermen, canning hand;
executives ---to catch and marker „,the "silver
befaeob° No sporting pastime is this, but toil
and bus:Mess great importance to, elle netion.
The Bank „of Montreal cooperates with thy
FISHERIES' industries by furnishing the special-
ized types of lanking services they need. It is
ihe banking home. of thousands of ifaiiiptihal
Men who live sayings or chequing accounts.
Seqieg ICanadians and thele itidussties itt etery SWiepti 6 fbeittn"sity,
we itstfittpu lo discuss YOUR banking requiremen id) to.
**A DANwutat 13 Matt AC,C01114 TS Alm wra.ocqw.
Goderich Itranch: A. A. NICOL Mattsger
. rat 0..110 10/123 YeAtre Srn
- ..... ,,
Accident and Motor
_„.__ , . .. .
Mee :,:=-WaS011ie Temple;
* West Street, Gotierich
-Car •
Fhone, 230 GODERItil
. _
'Daily 7.30 am, 440 p.m -Leaves
Goderith Jor Stratford, Toronto,
itaniilton,, Buffalo; London, Detroit,
ravistock and Woodstock. Depots -
Bedford, British' and . Royal Hotels.
Pliene. hada or 305 for ,Information.
Your Mixt Visit to
Located:000de Spadina Ave
at College St.
Easy Parking Facilities
Cehvenlent to•itioliWays
Slagle — to t1.5.
Rates, : auto $5,41
Four to Room, $5.10.10 SUR
0 .
Close to the. University,
P ri I a Mont Otilittinas,
Mpe Leaf-Gardetlit, _
„ •itt r es Hospitals,
Wholesale ''flouses, and
tha---Fashlenabla_.",Retah_ "
.Shopping Oistrt0t.
A. tis,•rowit.t., PAIESIDENY
Mike" 'Carney Retires after Thirty Years'
Service in C. P. R. Building Department
For over thirty Years bridge anti
billding • fOre.'inin a The London dive.
sion, C.P.R., big, genial Michael qarney
has been retired'. on pension, as from
Mareh 1041. •
It wits in 1909, -shortly after the
Now—itiehtu.d mien, in "Hot Steel," with "I. Can't Give lien 'Any-
thing But 'Ave, Baby."
MON. TUES. and. WED.
Naney Kelly -Roland itoting and
• Thigh lierbert
The black sheep of a straight-
laced family Willi out ±0retie
Yardsevide and all vvool
" Geiwge,Brent and Virginia
Brute „
Co-starred In a dramatic ste're •
of ,the criminal cetirts •
'!1',11E MAN W110 TALKED
. TOO 111111011''
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Tyrone 'tower, Pods Darnell, Rasa Hathbone, Gale ,Solldergaard
and Eugene Tallette
Ole dashing Don of California's Most roprantie era lives again as
the screen's most colorful character
visit the
latinees Wed. Sat, and: holidays. at 3, po.
Ootaing 'Kay Franc,* in little Iiifte- with Illiordeeht the itlre."
St. Regis
Sherbourne St. at Carlton.
One Ilumired Modern Rooms
with private baths, showers and
private telephones. ••
Rooms, Single, from U.00 to $2.50
Booms, double,from AO to $3.50
and $4.00
Good POoti served at moderate
0,1161* 1110041 no eoter charge
GlielpbeGederich hra_nch vvas completed,
that Mr. Carney eame off the Colborne
township farm of hif.4 father, Thomas
Carney, a native Irishman; to take
updriii life's work. His father WI'S a
barn framer and yowler Miehael took
to construetion work like a duck to
f=I have no regrets. I enjoyed every
minute of those thirty -two -years, and
was used like a prinee by my exa-
Ployers," he reflected the tither day.
A powerful man of large _phypique,
"Big Mike," as he is familiarly known
among .railroaders from Windsor to
Toronto and north to Listowel, leavea
many floe eonstruction jobs to per- v.
petuate his. name. Two in Goderich
are the 0.1.R. roundhouse and ,shops:
lend the 450 -toot long, 18 -foot high
leose-stone retaining well at the 'east
end of the big C.P.R. bridge over the
Itaitland Itiver. Mr, 'Carney modeetly
predicts thet this wall wilioutlast any
concrete wall • that might have -been
bullesehecause the water paeses through
it -all experts to the contrary notvvith-
Mr. Carney is not going to part com-
pany with Goderich. Ile still has his
farm in Colborne and his home in
Goderich, whieh lattee ho has witted
temporar(ly. Ile will send 10 time
here'iand in andon, where his daughter
Dorothy (\Xrsitirk) now resides. At
sixty,tive he looks ae itit and capable
as he ever did, and tfl1 luts many active
years ahead g'fhtm Ile Tetifes
the .best (II wishes of a lua of friends
beth within tho tall‘vaY service and ont.
The 'Sooner the Better
Mother was telling stories of the
time she' was a. little giri ,Little Har
old listened thoughtfully as he told of
ridine''ft pony, slidine, down the eiay-
etaek, and wading in the -brook on the
Finally he said with a sigh, "I wish
I had -met ,yon earlier, Mother."-aFrancisco •'Ohtonieie.
" a bead eted, enjoy the grand Width** .
• (I) . shrinks ,swollettlecpabefienee--tea
„• ,,tantilu!ciu,A.90.NovIdasentellyerus..eVadetr,llad-sanetir.d,soniirlisiluere—
! Ca= $t iloata tbreo luiPOrtsilakthizifet-
l• Ifttto.y.,otr:niorreemsinft
Arva.„ustro.etinoini, thelimpoc*
colds developing, 11,111111inirmsnal
We don't pretend to know everything, but we do
taltnow nuteh.ineFy and hoW -to repair breakages or 'stern,
out parts.
ur Machine S
is open every day and. we are at your service4
Geo. -
o es -
Canadian waterS7ar- c not °Only, a' prolific source
14 F, 1
. C. 0400 food for our utiles; but contribute in iin%
portant measure to our export tracle.,It takes a grear
army of workers—fishermen, canning hand;
executives ---to catch and marker „,the "silver
befaeob° No sporting pastime is this, but toil
and bus:Mess great importance to, elle netion.
The Bank „of Montreal cooperates with thy
FISHERIES' industries by furnishing the special-
ized types of lanking services they need. It is
ihe banking home. of thousands of ifaiiiptihal
Men who live sayings or chequing accounts.
Seqieg ICanadians and thele itidussties itt etery SWiepti 6 fbeittn"sity,
we itstfittpu lo discuss YOUR banking requiremen id) to.
**A DANwutat 13 Matt AC,C01114 TS Alm wra.ocqw.
Goderich Itranch: A. A. NICOL Mattsger
. rat 0..110 10/123 YeAtre Srn