HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-13, Page 20001.1 0001140:414, IIIIONAL AND VII WOO Mil
IttUblistied by ilignaltittar Presa,
Wet* iltr006 (tioderielit 0E040
Tretell..5DAY, MAL110011 leth,
0111,110 AGITATION
Jew totwoin,wici,,,, 0404 ,a4- The Tort
Siete 01.o1)04Mdr's14,if;
lamAyring detiberete effOrt. to ettr ,411'
**Alt totti4ftseatilelit it. the Countrit
reisteut ettaelte uoatt the Ottawa
Gernmet arr a 'call for a '"Itiiitait'
"Netletudil(14eraMetift Thattiteee
are'tiet tot'iketlt tiri4 With tote*
eannipt, by., a emelt ropertien of the
itteopletreey ttetdedetoed tree), editertal
Isemittlee JAA,pi:!.pei4of..4 more eenSible
litirtheent charakter, The Otillia"
salitticet 'ani(Tiutei ot weekly of
tive tendeneles lost week had title
Mo in fighting any diabolieed cote
spitney Of malioious, earrow. aud
&solvable iptcrobes, whenever and
wherever they\ may ite• foundt in "
order that they- May uotetletile the
work 'of beatity thet Cenada.
Another word, aeds!I 4141' eon-
elnde remarka, , I want. to. eat'
a word of admiration for leriteint.
We admire liteitaln; tite 'World ad-
ntirea 'Britain. We ladtaire the
Beitielt army, the British air tweet
the Ittitieh Mere; but, above all, our,
adetiratton, 'goes oat to itheanilliotte
of comMett longesufferine melt, .
womeu and children, • ettlteted by '
their own free chelee to mutilation:
and death, who (*tad end the war,
rbtaltrtensiee 31 they btetuettt Mae
Entre tit bettr,OP. ,Cletternment
' lOtt‘ittft'a*,tteeloitit4 ItsliellOt OA the ' , bat whe courtteitously refuse to do
Itevertiment 'Ottiitdbe etrettethened so. Mt. Speaker, ettelt a flatten -1*
*.makite ‘nietrtbeialtiiits4"lietite„ atgreat nation., • Such 0.. nation 0041
• nentetive. that. 11 Watidr ita144 the'cent' 11'4 dlet ' .;ftetlit.4•11oSolt oolatOt lolie..
- -To-be-the-AS.0(40.W, tO be fellow'
ititen*Oi of *lie' wifol.4 couaktrV"' '. iti ' in ' ' " " ' --'''- - — - — -
c zens a great comMontwealth.
.Zet ,Wif:' 0 - i4it. viliethet , it. is :of such a PeoPltit is the tOroudeet:
iniirth't * , tit ett the leritat. Itenor that .eould oottie, •to any
' »rljUCtl
age. Like ether emmtrte In 'the world, lreai, Jai 411 .
retttlY net 'prattle:. bnrtttetieitieeapel.oureaertfieea'for
tItt. fordietit:ont -free;dom-welevilleendeatee to be'
like'pOliticiatia' at' "'Iv:40y of that sPletultd Vet•Ol_e and
_iemabe more disetttity that great nation, and we notit; ir •
mreteiurte,r_ahiC fun her in her hour Of trial,.
,iretther thenvelttiengtheat' It .ie,easyt enough,,but itis not vers
ea dalkYrettl•Pft4rt *1'64* creditable,'
.1010t.4143 tuttoon*, to itind !atilt with a Bente
,the .itra 'citcs'of tern from context, as was ..done y
A. • • • .
eour (tut, tattai some eewspapers.wnieit „found, Or prii•
uctu ,theke the beat: tended to find, soistlething sinister in
.—ItAiliiirktieRfai -*mita/ Stri.:#4-417-4e.
eided to slip over *lid see Una Illeghts,
who had ,beett IW for eolue time. Stte
roused me, out of the tSunday Amok.
• InittLested UPolt. Me that I would
have to keep nty eye pittetelit• Attu,
or else she won/4 be into mischief.
littellieft" k411`. ttiilit'*44,44tx
way of all fatleert. t`WhY, (the's not
big enough to *Unto *settler int."
.Phit IOW -at ,nte eget. Of
strangely, and 'gently but driely took
the paper away auti ont Patricia Ann
on my knees.. There we Ott. The baby
was as quiet we a chUrett ,Monae. at
church time. Itor a little eddle
tiddled, with :watett ehaitt and then
clambered downt and, toddted over to
as'tt1 it' rit the 41t4Ariezt.14* 'morns' ti*
st.e,ca,pnt. ottoyeletteent we. eeeit le the eefetence to "microbes." .
'AtOreir to be'ilf judged,' Justice, by "peliticust" of Toronto
erittetting' itit 'actions Another attilek' uPOit the Minister of
etWit gre*be'r' nrdai Nigh,t." occupied several columns
10' re it ilato4.10'1°11166thei in: a meenci.ssue• of that Publication,
/ 4urs4 deltbratelY` .1) " toted that he kneer Of
aud, s, s
atitte to. • highest *loyalty arid: *mini
ad forced oft•thf.**' ttyrti eases of newspaper people of the
' *.d1Httig‘" the'C M.P 'tare invettleating and on.
c be able ix) ' "
eettetet4 eateatesteae *whom they have a dossier," and.charged:
elde4 ttie war: at great "length, that Mr. Lapointe was
ietetigenutta,11 our. responsible for proceedings that might
:44 FP,itik V'toOcatfa'al ,‘ destroy the. reputation of good people.
In an a rtiele'rai4the Ottawa situation
• The Ministers reply- to this long
ttonterratliQ toe' Western Ontario,
Cate bel.triliP041 One,i4 Ot-
tawa .wa*.).3 440' the .0.0ASeival
rit0109 opposedeis are the
Itibenalet..TheY APO. that when the
War is ofertibere tritt he a rettetioni
litont. the Roveropient. This bus
iften tale 0401734 elt.'warst If the
„ tidaserfttiViefig?**O.Y. get rear__,_„„gan
bed in, the: megt, they 14'
*a -nature thiti*ettene beck into •
' 10•0'tveett:' Witt this idea in mind the
liartY Jet la.4 showing a little
more life. • ; .
The creatioe of the Union Govern-
. nient of 19Itccrtarnly did net'promote
entity' •• ' the cotietty: Rather It
emetadered. diseord, and bitter political
.lotrife. riyeteleCtion alter bye-elee-
letetonetteseartdidetes wereelefea.ted, and
.generalteleetion, of 1021 it was
tenomietioitsly vast otit.' Canada wants
Ito rePetition of that tepteade in her
, . .
political history.
1 •
•The Prime 'ItInhiter reOtived eel*
welettate when, in toinpany with Mr.
liarrx-Eflerhisoi-411reeitlieftt---Booseseir „
weelatotY40°. he *lade a hiletlieg tour.
of Portsmotith elOckYard ea OtWare
ttineolis tering greeted hini'
ift• miner he watt,. writee our opecial
eorinecondent„ and " he gate „ the
“thumbeelPst to 490401A,
rnen whe. Snattradt Nt;„ repeated
atiente that thee' were'libt diettithearted,
The. Prime Ministet said
I tot,Ve thought about you and your
friends in SollthaMpten a good deal
when We knew hew heavily' you vvere
behlg attaeked, and am gait to find
an afternoon to mile' and eee you to
wish. you geed lack and offer you the
thanks and tongratu,lations of the
ttoveropeeet for the manner, in which
pett are 'standing no to these onslaughts
of ,the enema.. •
We see that:the enemy has been de -
the vireo/. Where titer to ttl eisiveleedefettted try the IttA.P. and he
watehed Until` Otte eerta . that ttlie 'wee not ableitilit autumn. invadetour
was ‘bellaXiiig all tight and then buried eountry. We ttee' that one friends across
mytnotte. in the Palter again. • the oeetin are takingi very warm inter-
ttIttiet veseerymea'quiseUtdaarellYao'. thP,t1'0°wYtterretlInhge- esThteingllet 6Ainetstillicalif°vtlemfr"AnleybeIntreit;
Palter.. Sitting beside the laterite!' pledged itself to give us its aid. We
boardterittitthe-1199r:oitentelhe wt, ea' -beef here MittlItipkitienVoY and -
pa" " in Vatingettager. watched 'tett *deed of President, Roctievelt, tlint
taecinated. .She wkstadfltath.her.lingett greet stateenitur and friend of freedom
down into the euger bag ani then care- and dentocracy,,. One 'cannot help feel-.
tulle Itek it off and then push it back
in agate. On cleeer examination ,einprritenoofr'rnt°hue°e3rvere-gronc"wittr t'a-obiremethttat
to-nrat that 'oho had Pushed -the., et.Pen of aid to Britain Whtcli•eve see layiug
paper bag 04 it, stale 'antt'slle was Pasr hold of the mighty masses of the Uhited
eatingethe pile that eititlett,otit.' . states,
Stntnitr as if to say that she had had,
_ Lastly, 'what. happened to Italy?
eitouglip engareilattvtaYt she Neat hoe't she with .her erefty and calculating ealuable that, 011 these( Vital team! of
totplityteg with thedolles After a thtie
t chief thought she. could` wirt a - very aid to Brltain the popular heatitof the
I wept igtek to my tetorte• At the eau cheap. and easy victory bye? stabbing
of a tetiaPter I Award 41111 eilitig;tatatd. tritutee in the. bade, ,The tables have .
looked, up to waieh as she patteett been turned-in:a most remarkable,
away. from:the kitchen door and4tenea: leo by-the.brilliant operation of General
a 60004 tronithe whi0 was set Waiell and 4General, and . the!:
f dinner. Then back to thedoor r b h Greeks in
. , aa tlit‘
MOO tti oovegt
tiPtie WA
Preoldent t's
rialiftix. To meet hint la the miters
of itthestiPeake and to emote/patty
ihn ilatitiretaitellte Washington -we**
prtvoof frleontit %Pit itetehlraitityproormedarktin
out thi* eolailig of a member ef. the
Britteh War ttlabinit tta something be
pond any diptoraatleetweettin the hist
`tory of tite tent' peoplee. The "Wash.
ingtoti dt.„oetl't Peet bank ler
to stirring incideete of American naval
alti to 1808 and of British naval -ea to the
*gain Inlet)* Phinese war of
States tu.1-t8., It teethe same
drataittie qualityttaithoigh 1t IraPeret
ante letetenbolteal tatttert than Aetna.
It ,eoliteldee WtJL anOtinte fhie exprest
sion of eympatlietie littekeetetMr. Wen-
dell Willitiets 'arrival here and his
words, "X went, to demonstrate Apr
friendship with Britain," and hitt 000
to help in. getting all pOseible AmrIeau
aid for Britalli heretruggie for free
men all over the world," We In thte
eotunett ilee not concerned with any
dome.stie teen:teal beatinga, that Mr.
Willkie'evisit may have. We'reetignise
litololeurtetageo: ,augelider,00nueti ..tauet,t without
bear frutt ha a strengthening
-Aniterteattt frieadaltiPttMr WIllkIe
developing into, something . &moat
unique in Ameitleatepolitics, a defeated
ItIgedreeresiridi enngietabidaimtlrcawan:;;;tegrevtatw:::tptxg,17ot;Aeatitlw4hteionf
dropping Into the Iteetegeopini ;Wing
by .steady Work to become ,the aeleteret
leeertain to play *1 part Anterteell
pplitiert of *the fatale. It isimmeneely
ortoo 4 splendid effort raede ,e-te
as quick as flash she slipped the repelling llwaSion of thetr nittive land.
spoon down the large 'crack evlitch I, These two efien,v4 one in 44,rieek and the-
hupe been intending to filu''$er year. other' in Europe, have tdgether shown ,
Invitlgatten diseloted that this wile the rottenness . and weakness, ot, t
the' thir,d •aPooll gone,. and *Porter' Nailtraselst regime so far els Itaiye.
bout': tireftehing Ylelded nothing. Concerned." Instead otmarehing on in
Engaged in trying to make a hook triolvb. to Athen$ and Otero they *are.
Out of a piece ett wire,. I notiCe4, her now forced to bring in tthe pee:eel's tt
playing" with a„ comb: That. seemed to resene and rule them?
like at:I:tarn:a% sort of for and went
All this glees u$ encouragement to •
on with MY' 'fi01#11g. for the lost spoons. eat* the. long':atut hard ordeals which
Soon 'there scented a strange odor in lie before Us Nieto which we shall not
-the.iciteben. ift was a„Smelithat- defied be •found We 'shall come
description . something like tesugae -terotiete. cannot tell when, We
shanty smells like whew youtburn old Cannot tell nowt but we shall come
:thrortgh. We have none-ofus any
eewhatetter, ;or- ig- there ,mucte
doubt among bitters etf freedoei Other
eoentries throughout the world that we
shall come thOngh 'With trhon41,1„'When
we hive "tiOn'e we shalt have the
right to say we live in an age which,
in ell the long history of Britain, was
most- filled with glorious aehievement
and Most grated by duties done. '
Alongside One ship Mr., Churchill.,
'called out: 'Three cheers for the Presi-
dent of 'the, United States" The re -
:sponse to. the appeal was deafening.
Earlier in the day lir. Churchill, ae-
eompanied by mrs: Churchill. and. Mr. • .
Hopkins, paid a surprise visit to South-
amOton. He Was received at the civic
centre by the Mayor, Coungillor W.
Lewitt and, -inspected detachments . of •
all the civil defence seri/ices. Aebig
crowd gave Mr. Ohurchill a great wet- .
zome. ' • •
e • He ado that inquiry tires in the stove A belch of sin k
-had been tliatle and the ... etotte poured "sat c't the oven, and Patrielte
missioner stated:0181e%, knows of no kilin yelled with glee; Then came a
biltdetee Press the other
tinedewas brief
lit..Artlini-FOrd, one of the lead-
• '
. •
is arguett that 'because our Govern-.
ettexite in. Oaliada„ Dominion and Pro-
lelaelal, take t.745,000,000 in revenue
eidimii the liquor trittie it Would be poor
business to dokiray" with the trade,
Speaking in the, &tense of COMmons
•aiot long ago, Ilion; B. B. ilansoitrthe
(*nservattveleader, pet at1200000,600
tlie, amount annually spent in Canada
Lor lquor, if the drinkers of liquor
Witte, to be pateiolic, they could hand
• $45,000;00a, to the Grerntneet and
. donate the intlariceof the $200,000,000
40. the Jted Orese and othir patriotic
, otgailizatiettS. , •* •
.,ansr° rale, nebody need fool him-
self with thit Jae' thet. tipping the
elbow is a patriotic exercise.
burst of dames. The comb was burning
ime,* male -ot female, connected with_ in the..oven. Getting her well back out
newspapers,, whom this force is m-
vestighlting Or has investigated sipce the
67utlarealeef War, with the possible ex
motion, of 'Harry Binder, who is now
serving a sentent.e." ,
*Why , should these eistatementi be
made, causing disaffection and nervous:
ness among thevublic?" the Minister
asked It IS for tcPoliticus" and his
kind to reply;
It is a pity that all Canadians could
Met read the IIatietted 'report of Paella-
- itelitary Proceedinge at iOttitwa. They
..sitould get a ditreiti`lit'agla-Dt" -Oit-ponte
,inge ,frors. that presented by news-
giepera that unwittingitt Or inteetionally
isreprestitt what hat beeissaid. ror
ietafettee,eo teferehee by lion; E. Let
tocentit in e. reeent apeech hes been
How does Britain, get along witb
'fourteen women members • of ,Parlia-
ment? At Ottawa they, have only one,
and seem .to have no end- a trouble
with her.
4 The passing of the • Roosevelt Ad-
ministration bill to .give in.creased aid to
Britain passed the Senateat Weshing-
ton by a •vote of nearly two to One.
,There can be no doubt that the great
majority of the people of the United
States are heart and soul with Britain
In the, fight 'against Naziism and -that
they are ..not frightened 'by the warn-
ings of those' Whe, for one reasort or.
'another, would have the great Republic
Steed aside and take no part in the
of the Toad, I tried fishing it Out, with a
,broom and dust pan I got the burning
comb out all Tight, but the broom
burned down e to a charred stub in the
process. . •
that was too much for me.. ;Patricia,
Ann saw me'coming and 1 guess there
must .haive been i glint in mreyes, be-
C'au.se She scudded around the table as
'fast DS two very dimpled fat legs could
take her. •• Ween I did catch her, two
aubby arms slid around My neck and,
she purred, 'il)a Da." Iow I.ask you,
could I be blamed for not doing any-
thing about it? Besides, she -didn't
kn.ow any better. 7 •
Elverytbing cooledtoff then e Patricia
was happy- trying to pick the'eyes out
of an old doll, andthe lure of the story
was too ranch. After a While there was
4 strange silence. There was, no sign
the baby,_ The cellar. door was
securely fastened, but the pantry .door
was open and there she was . . . sitting
on the floor with a pound print Of ard.
The lard package was open, and„ she
was 'covered with it from head to foot.
It was In her hair . . on her dress
. . ..and as I camp in she was polishing
the floor With it.
Mrs. Phll came home then, just as
was removing her from the pantry.
She didn't say much, tust.stopping on
the way .get the baby's basthnan, to
say, "Oh no. . . she's too .small to get'
into any mischief."
Ina& the bests oftan attack upon, the
bliniter •by neeepapers %white either
dtti not read the tote& to intentionally
'laced a wrong coil4truction tipontit; •
Mr. Lapointe wan urging' Parlianient
to foiget smell iZikas and dim= the
Larger enelt. and went toe to say (ac-
ording to Hansard) :
Sometimeniextracts ErOM certain,'
writings in toy' Proeillee are traree
lewd and published ifi the lengliehe*
speakine provincee arid 80Metitile,7
extracte frent etetitteelPette the
langliebetpeaking provinces are,
trait:elated end ,publielied lit my
own Proeinee, tat to tree be troubl• e
and difficulties. 110.t the bad tillage
that are •publietted in the English-
epeakinit prof/Into, I ital. My
friends in my Province, 'do not re-
preeent the views of the FAigtisb.
speaking electors. of. °minds, and 1
• nitttiettet friends front Oeta.riti
' and the other provinces not to• be-
lieve that eertaift thinge they may
read are an esiottission of the Vielitt
• Patelotie 44,60#.' '
• reetileetial *Wrote% and animals
do not, pretent • nature and the
world from 'being a Work of Weeny.
lietet week 1 eentnlitted thirtreeiteit
entre in tide distiet Of tteitresitne,
and at the iteginning of toy thirty-,
etehth Year I Pledge moolf to
amOol the ytottl'A whieh retettin to
▪ • e
Walkerton is giving serious attention
to a preposal for, the erection of a
. .
m.ausoleum at the town's. cemetery, in
which funeral rites -may be ISerformed
in inclement weather and the remains
deposited until suchtime as. interment
may take place under better eonditione.
'It has long been felt that :Maitland
eemetertt should hate , a- anoittiaty
• chapel,. so that Mourners and'friends of
• the departed may not have to take the
risks et- a funeral eonduetetitin the Open
In wintry weather,
. * t• •
The,proposal orthe turning over of
the Agricultural Oellege buildings at
Guelph tete: the ltetAtFre taintat ettele
protest threughbut .the Previte* thet
• the plan' has Seen modified, and it is
now . announced that classes for all
except the girl ettelents will be con-
. .
tinued, and oceitromodation for the girls
1 May bia found. elsewhere. The disrup-
Hon of the prOfettebrial staff Would
have been a serioest matter, ; It might
take a &Cade :og two to get the Ciellege,
back to Ito present high staling as
one of titelfinest institutions of its kind
in the world.
The Itellail arneY‘ of 150,090 -or more
In, taste= Libya has been dettro•yed
with a lass of oply 4-25 killed and mice
ink of thetilrithili trootte This achieve-
' meat' Will' 4te teeorded as orte of the
mog brilliantoperations ever Per-
. .
formed by- the Ittitish or any other
army. Up to the present this wet
presents a great 'centred, In the'matter
of caenalties, to, the lett (Greet War,
itt which eontetimes Many thousands of
linot were lost in engagements which
yielded .very Stanty results. It maY be
• somewhat different when the British
corm' to grips with the Nazi tfoops.
leoesetiltow did you 'learn to use both
hands equelly. well, Pat?
• PateeShure now mid me fstlier, 1)e
always maid rtia MC:, Tat; learn to cut
Iyour fingernails with s,ttre lift hand,
ftr some Oar ye might be after 1(4ting
yttre right hand.' •.
•Three Minutes, Plea' se±
• (By a Man .with a Notebook)
The crisis in the Balkans is rapidly
approaching a crisis. --
'Yes, Herbert, stepping on your part-
ner's corn will make her dance, but not
the War'yon want her to."
As the , crook said when he smaehed
the glass in the jeweller's window: tA.
thing,of booty is a joy fox:ever."
If all the swing orchestrations in the
world were placed on top of one another
we'd give anything for a mate.h.
• .Front. an exchange: The trouble with
this. world is that there are too few
unsung heroete and too many inthung
If a doctor was ea long a time reach-
ing his patient as the oatient'smoney
is reaching the doctor, thete would be
fevver sick People in the world:.
of effort t re -Peet** awl
their commis catieet From it should
*lee $Print detertniniition zuake
more Illenly baited on'thattetpontaneettal
"suetained goodwill effort of the laber-
ting mastent of this country* which: the
Prime Minieter evoke. of as our •"sole
•-t-The Manchester Otterdian.
tetteitteet ettette,
BELFAST, March 11,--4Ire. BOY
'Altou spent a eouple of dap, with her
cousins, Ur. and Mr. Thomati Webster,
tittl, genet:nett:At Weet Weweneth; '
Mrs, nervy !Fowler, near Blyth,
sPeptling a few days visiting with, her
dangliterteMrt. Dyne* Campbell,' and
Mr. Campbell,
Met• and gra. Bert' Alton. and ithree
'children, vent Monday with 'tier par-
ents, Mr. and Itre. •Ittiniat 'Within%
Paisley. ' • .
Bev.' Wilitiee, Mite. Wilkins and
daughter Muriel were ,ealled 'to, Wind-
sor on *mount of ,sieltneste Thet"
turned home Saturday night;
Mr and Mrs.titheris 'Mathers, east
of tucknowetapent ;TtniretWiTteik-e-
with her parentet4eMe. andtMrs, Alex.
SCHOOLGIRL soiveg. c
Bettt r.ackat.„..41011. datighter 0,
and Mrs, Ted Peckittettenideebotot was
struck thy a ear as she ma', °tit from
sttkv ,905.401:. Yard to No, 4 highWaY, one
day last week. She suffered a forehead
laceration. that ,reettired_ several
etiteliett to elbse, besides" body' bruises
end shock. The ear was passing tenne
high enowhattke piled up by the wet-
plOwe alongside -the •road when the
. child darted ,out trent' behind the piled •
enoitt Fortunately 'the ear, driven" by
Joha'Tirpoo of liitislistest, WO
not goisig at 004 VA. 444
WM* atteudett by A dotter and taken
bonne The accidoot was At the spot .
where Marguerite ik4seit, dausatitc
, Epinal* Seal, Iltdlett
toweihip, was *died three Year* Igo
ran old from behind * perked
They; walked along the beget, ;soul*
hands and laughingtiketnet unsophiset
010 youtha. StlddenlY turned to
Mm, and held Open 'her aro*. drew
her close 'to hien kissed. her with tile the
tirsit .11t of patialott. No One 'Weald
harve'ggessedi they were married, ' Thee
°Piofesitor, therett one thin' Aboht
astrouous' that pumice, Ise
"What's that?", ,
• lioW the attroutitnere' learned the
names of the starstt—Cerit„
Pains In the Back
gen/ women nave to do Shelf ow
*housework, aid the constant boar
fat -7 over, Lbt4I4L--
sweeping, ireniege sowing; so neeei-
mu to perforni their household
duties puts a heavyt-otraint on'ttlee
back And kidneys, and if there *ere'
no kidney' weakneat the beck "veldt
-be strong •ftedtwae '
an.'s Matti Pills help t�jlvs
.4u4owntelet: 13,aekithe, i**7 wt.
vows mane/ Pills are put- isiL
la an oblong toi• with Onr Wok
mark a " e Leaf'? elk tat
„Don't a substitute: if,.
sure and get iDetutie.Pt.
• Ible ir =hunk 00-01.61.. 'hada? 044
EVerybodir Can enjoy' the
Comforts of Home
if they consult' their own interests by selecting their
Furniture and $toi(es.
• _froin.„ 0%7 st..,961c. .Livingdo aroltairOliktiresses
-R,00111 alidititchen regtdreys;
mots, as *ell as 180 , an Our ficoldng sto
*ilia' Heaters proVide beth heat and conifert.
We deliver in town and within reasonable distances Of town.
• Etter notice how many newepaper re-
Pertent tarry notes in :their hat? Pet -
hetet •the mama for this Is that news
in a nutshell is more easily kept track
of. „ •
*1 'wishyou'd be quiet," he said as
the nettstie started. to sing.'
. "Why, %tette the Matter?" she asked.
'I thought you liked „music." •
• ."So. I do, he replied untbitilettglYt
'the tee wily', I ladled you te be , qu let," „
(teminenting on a statement by Di.
4111enden1ng> to the effeet „time women
rite longer than ritea 1*r about four
years., an ceche/tee conlideetltereetarke
that this is positive proof -that paint
- 1 a 'good preservative. Or it may be
became of the •fact that at the end of
fotir years the insurance money • has
been (Vent. , . •
Chain 1444er 114.1uxe .
Dear ititte-Thite chamn. was etaited in,
gene in the liope of betagitten.heppinets
• to all tired bileitteett men. 'Unlike most,
timing, this, one does not. 'amtany
money. 811np1y send 0 cepy of this
letter to dee Male ,frientia; then bundle
ttp your wife and send her to the folloW
•*Who*, name heads the liete When etitie
name- is et the top reti. Will In tttre
iteteeive .1.5,11kt gorgeotet girls. Don't
break the chain ; one mon did snd gt
his wife hack.
• •
--The . London Times.,
kettle Senato dist
'cussed the • censorship; and some ex-
tremely interesting things appeared. It
is an exeeedingly strict' tensorship,
which has not only, prevented all tree
Politieet discussion of Ireland's position
413 the war but has also lulled the Irish.
people ipto a false Sense of economic .
security. • It has always seemed' sur-
prising to -the outsider that glre should'
not have seen earlier that her eondi-
dens of free -import could not tonfinne
iudelinitely and that .when • Britain' had-- -
rts shecould
rifieei foe tier ,
althoegh irith
y vague warn-
been- prudent. .
ened shortage.
ome. Mr. De
to -curtail her own im
net afford' to make sa
neutral neighbor. But.
•Ministers,luive given ma
ieget-theyeehave -neve
enough tetintrodnee a r
in . advance of a threa
Now the shock thee
Valera told his people last weeletthat
"we can now, in fact, be sure of nothing
which we do not produce ourselves."
grow twice its
lest year. The '
to be eirangPtl;
ent rtshortage
bleh rnnt
.e Tea, the a- .
the advertise; '
rationed to
Per week—the
felt In evety.
trol 13 80 searee
tut been virtetil-
terials 01nnitty
and steel and
vegetabl, 9114,
eingto gairte ,in•
e betweetittike
e more dIfiletilt
Alstence that it
cet Altogether
When a; geeet
y has suddenly.
er eonsemption
that 'the Tritth
sing thatithere
The country is urged t
much wheat in it grew
color of its bread has
even that wilt not pre
before the harvest,
made up with pota
trona drink (whateve
'meets may say), is t
two ounces per bead.
British level,—a. blon
home. °Dili§ shoet ;
that private motoring
ly stopped. The raw m
• Irish indestries—iron
!notate, timber, rubber
In naeagre supply. • Tra
and Britain will beco
because of out' latesti
must be subject to liee
It is ?Jude awakening.
butter-produeing aunt
to reduce Its* own but
by half it Cali be 'See
people are at last Teal
is a war oil,
—The .Mane
Ster Geterditiri.
. the ,,grovolog .0.,,oPeration
gf the United •Statee with Itritain 'has
'Every diatY' tueli and
honestly done,
is a contribution
: rttient
10 victory."
'that's our answer to 'Hitler's challenge, and no doubt it's yours too,
Work and save. Save all you can — and buy War Savings Certificates
now! They offer you a prime investment; a real opportunity to serve
your country and, at the same time, protect yourself against future
. Canada's 3,800,0,00 'small savings account holders, each with less than
04000 in the bank, together account for rove,: 90/6 of an savings deposits.
It is they who met Make the War Savings Canientiett successful;
This Company and its 10,700 workers are loingtlieir bit. A, salary
deduction plan 16 in effect. its objective of ioqty, employee participa.
-don, and 5% of our total payroll, 118 well on tite Virajr t being achieved.
All our workers are now active in selling War.
-Savings Stameq
ps.,, Every one of our offices in m,U
Quebec and Ontario is selling War Savings
Stamps. Now is the time for all Of,U$ tO show
what Canada'sneans to us.
W. 44 XonGort