HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-06, Page 6SUS *X
ootAltsvirA43, starch 3. --Mie
'Corn Ttewartha of Piipissing is spend
big two ;weeks. with Iter ,parents Mr,
and yrs. E. J. Trewartha, her school
64113)K ,been etosed owing to an epidemic
Of whooping sough.,
Aircraft/eau Lloyd Stock bas been
, tkratn+sferred trove Picton to St Thoxuas;
Ur, andMrs. V. Pearce visited} friends
Ili Exeter ori'Suxxday,
MistsAlma Trswartba, who teaches
at Woodhauu, spent the week -end with
ber'parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1i rewartha.
4 Mr, and. Mrs` D. Giiddon attended the
skating ea nival at London inn Friday
,the week -end :With Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mrs, P. Taltrer returned. , home on
Fridayafter having spent the past
thane weeks with relatives at Detroit,
Pte Clarence Gliddon Spent the
week -end with his father,. Mr, 31,.
The dally potatoes 'that cans legally
'be' -sold err«d•vertised as seed, potat`oeS
are ; pota'toes' that have' been certified
as seed potatoes by the Dominion' De-
partment of Agrieulture (Destructive
Bisect and Pest Act, ,General Regula-
Official tags are issued by th;-De-
partment of . Agriculture ., for the
potatoes !that are-eer-tifedr as seed. On
these tags the words ..Certified `Seed
Potatoes" are printed in °bold, letters.
One of these tags must be attached to
each coetainer of seed potatoes.
An official certification number ' is
stamped on each tag. By this number
the Department of Agriculture knows,
and will ireform the buyerupon request,
the: name and address of the grower,
who' produeeci the seed, potatoes.
An advertisement for seed potatoes
must, to conform. .with the Destructive
'asset and Pest Act, refer to certified
'seed . potatoes. If itdoes not, the ad-
dvertisement is illegal, and personsin
any way responsible for the advertise-
.-ment . are liable to prosecution, .
L. S. McLAIN1 ,
Chief, Plant'' Protection Divi=-
sion, ,Production Service, Do-
minion Departnient of Agricul-
1 � ..•rryR3�hW .f'r'y.-?*".ue_�RY+.x.._ k::wr:�.�..'y..!ry. .�.xmrYra1 t.-:tz"�' Fye_
The Red Cross Society -held asue.
tful quilting at the home of Miss 8.
Acheson on. Wednesday. as..i.
Mr: Clifford McClincbey is visiting
friends at; London -
Mr. Earl De Beau of Detroit spent
True Tonic
and Nee
for Bl �s
Invaluable at this season because it
Supplies the Vitamin Pl . and mineral
substances SO; necessary to improve the
qua li bloodand help the nerves.
-For • better 'appetite, better digestion,
better sleep- and-#or-better-beaith.Fuse..
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
CD. Howe j
on War rroductionl
(Continued from page 8)
nn011ie �haiJ January. i. ,� s
Lieu oast Avx~o,-"ara►ou Wane* (bat 1ef e„ Til
4ireratt Ltda a"Oa<eoti°u pony) m' 'ht
not begin until 'after July, and might
reach only 200 or 300 ,this year. But
iP pro<iltiction were carefully re -organ-
ized at key points and lost time re-
covered, production 1=101 be' double
that and might reach S00 or 000 by the
cad of; March net year;
Unless. unforeseen di tr tulties cropped
up, tate ,prodttetien, of Boling role
planes should • complete present eon -
tracts •by the end .of °this' Year,
Norduyf manufacturing teelotiqUe
was pictured as -having advanced: fur;
thcr than any °plant, %his eoznpanYR
it was $shit`, should; Murat put 2t4 Har-
vard* by Mareh 31 newt year and rskl
,Norsemen :by September next
•Vickers plant, was expected to vomm
°pleteits contracts by 'January 31 next
year. •
Boeing .aircraft would start maim.
faeture in a new plant scheduled' for
completion next inontb, end• it Was. sex
Med .14 amphibians would be coxa.,
piete bs 111arch next year.
The ,: Fleet "Company wag bedused
to hate delivered 404 planes nest month
and 200 more by 'September,
ire" -`leas an rpaxstxoii v��"� •
eribed as smooth-ranni„ng and was ex -,G
pentad to . complete:' an order for .554
Tiger,: Moth.. next September and 135
oiler light trainers by June.
Canadian Oar Company was expected
to complete an order tar 600 (R'urrieanes:
icor. the .British 'Government, after some
delays due to change in design, by July
,Canadian Associated Aircraft, formed
ninon„ ...Oanadian aircraft companies
and controlled by `Britain, ;had been
subject to numerous delays owing to
late arrivalof. designs and to divided
management. However,- this associa-
tion was expected to deliver 160 Ramp -
dens by March 3i next year.
National. Steel Car was expected to
have delivered 148 ' Lysanders by
December 31, y
00‘44 t
.-He was at Army camp for a month-she's'`done !this ever sincel",
LEEBURN.. with there, gave the chapter in the
I study book. The 'meeting . closed with
LEEDURN, March f;4.—Mrs. Percy the singing of the . National , Anthem,
Stewartreturned-home last week -from•
Stratford; where site'spent the winter
,with her daughter, I.
The first quilting for the refugees will ,
be on Wednesday afternoon; by the
ladies of the. south part of our burg.
A ten -cent tea will be served..
Articles sent to headquarters by _ this
section during the last Month were
1 Helmet, -3 airs mitts, 3 pairs : long
stoekin, s,, one sweater, 1 pair glovers,1
and one scarf.
lir. Albert Wolfe motored to Rensall
on Sunday .afternoon
A,fine communion service was held ou=
Sunday morning to 'Lase ern e ntrch, al-
though , on account of sickness many
membwere •not • able to be'present. be .. . Next .Sundays service wine con-
ducted :by the pastor's brother, who is
attending college in Toronto.
A service in connection with the
World's Day of Prayer was held on'
Friday last at th home of Mr,' and
Mrs. Jas. 'Horton, ith a splendid at-
tendance, although the weather was'
cold. Mrs: 'W. Saliows was ]leader.
ayero and . readingsBii�1e``vrere-give
by different members. Miss H. Clark,
whom, the' ladies were pleased to'.have
' after;. which lunch was served.
ASI:MEDD, March 3.—Mrs. D. A,
MacLean ,„ has „returned home after
spending a week.. wither daughter,
Mrs. Donald Martin, in. London.
Miss Anna -MacGregor . of Toronto
spent 'the week -end with her -parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Collo MacGregor.
The February meeting of the W.M.S.
was held on. Friday at the home of
Mrs. •N. G. Mackenzie.' Tlie president,
Mrs. I?onalci. Mackenzie, wa in charge
gf.tll Ing.-The�'progrim for the
WIcrey o f e, er. , was followed
�f'..Pra y
and .Mrs. • Reynolds- Ester, gave' a
splendid. address.on "The Inner Peace."
(Intended for last week)
Mr. William. Drennan is visiting in
Toronto with his aunt, Mrs. D. Horton.
Born. -4n Goderich Hospital, on
February 10, to -r, and Mrs. Hugh C.
Mackenzie, a daughter: Congratula-
Mrs. ,Y03i. Steepe, Barbara and Ken-
neth are visiting Mrs. St'eepe's mother,
rdwarc'l`s,'at Clipton.
'ONO** d 61640ser quilt We
tiniahed for t,
sat .11�y
mon s„ t* £; t wu*ttY.
A N.w Or"lcrod i0 The PAllig
people of teen-age iu the camm,uatrity
met it- the-bonae-nflire.gltillitas-Uals.
Lassaline Lan 'I'lleaxlity evening to di u>
Plana fir raising moneyy for the Tlri>th.
War Vasetima" Futpci, 'Maude* liar.
w+lod' Prattled`andrr it was decided to
forte a club to atteet ogee a With.
The • following , olheeers were elected
President, Lorraine Lassalitic, victim
president,'Chester Beattie; secretary,
''rloria C'ltlsholrn;, treasurer, Maurice,
HarwOocl:. ' .he Mareh Meeting will
held 'at 'thee home of Mr. ,arid Mrs.
of ge :41alllwain; MiSaes Elva-" Orr
Arthenaise Lasaaline with ltiltred
Beattie and Lawrence Ortoh were ap.
pointed a social eemmittee for the next
meeting', The` meeting closed with the
National '.Anthem. Mrs. Lassaline
served lunch. •
Union Chureh Notes.—The regular
Meeting of the Y.ipio. was held on, Fri -
.day 'evening, with, twenty members
Present, The "presidents Everett Mc-
had charge Of the meeting ,and
Mrs. Harwood presided at, the organ.
The meeting opened with a 'hymn, o1 -
lowed by prayer by the pastor, • Rev,
.. MoIIaye. The .S'C ripture lesson
(Antos 3) was read Eby, Maurice 'Iiar-
wood. u article, "The Reality of
Religion," was _ .read by Esther . Me-
Ilwaln.• The topic, "Lost Years, Or
try iraf
and "Mr., . Melcaye led in a discussion.
,Dave Davidson sang a solo, "Evening,
'l i•a3er," accompanied._ by Mrs. David,
pa. ,IPlaus were made for a progres-
sive erokinole party to be held at the
home' of Mr, and Mrs, A. -Ti hborne"on
Thursday everting of this week. The
meeting closed with a .hy en and . the
311zpah, benedietion. ; .:: A large con-
gregation was present at Union on
Sunday, when
the pastor,liev. A,
McKay*, delivered' a ssplendicl.: se on
on "Christ o;f the Steadfast Fa ."
During the service, the choir sang,' n
anthem, 'There's 'a'Ireice I Now Hear."
G(DERI !H T✓ WsV'.SH1IPr-; Maaeh 3.
-Mr; Harvey rLassaline' of Loudon
spent the week-ehd with his parents,
Mr. find Mrs. D. J. Lassaline.
Miss !Phyllis, GGiirn of London Normal
?School.. snent the week -end under the
parental roof.
Mrs. Norris of Brantford is with her
sister, Mrs. James Colwell, who is suf.1,
,fering from a broken shoulder.
"Mrs. C. !Stuart of Nile visited last'
week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tichborne
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Fuller.
Miss Mary Harwood has returned to
her •home after three years in Ben -
miller,. •
1'te. ''',Erie . McAllister is 'ori fined,' to
hospital hi Toronto enips--scatlet fever.
Mr•.•° Wileman Johnston entertained
the 'Indies of the 4th concession"at 'a
THE Alp'S F' orget travel weariness.
There's a new otintl rd of riding comfort in the ldw
price ear field.' The Ford for.'41 grown bigger and
More beautiful, is also re -engineered beneath its floor.
Mower -actin* with' .springs, impro-d hydraulic shock
absorbers and ride stabili er of new
design give .a new ride sensation. Tithe
in 'a 31 lord is like riding on air --you
simply float along,
Look at the' size of the '41 Ford—its
longer wheelbase, its ratu_sszVe, wide body
in which running boar 1 have almost
disappeared. There 'S ore seat room ..
head room...kg g room. Doors are wider,
the'se's a greater expanse of glass,
The '41 Ford is the only low price car with: a V -type eight
cylinder engine. Remaeimber--all the higher priced cars
have eight,c ylinders orinore.V type engineshold world's
records on'land, on, sea iridin the air. Ford is powered.
with the famous V-8, the engine that has
hung up records of gasoline economy and
trouble-free reliability year after year.
So when you can buy the List, new, sweet.
riding 'Ford for less rfhan you'd pay for
any low priced six, why he satisfied ° with
less than an +sight - a Ford 'V;. See a
Ford Dealer now.
$35 a month Iola reasonable down pap
ment buys any Ford V 8 '
r�41 FORD
o Longer wheelbase, longer
springbase. Overall length in -
greased to,194.34 inches.
• Bright, new interiors. Uphol-
stery beautifully tailored'inYy
colour harmonies.
• Faster acceleration added to
famous Ford V.3 performance
by new gear ratios.
• Bigger windows. Toison creased up to ' 3374. Narrow
corner pillars.
• Seating ,width `increased €ts
ranch as seven itnclies. Plenty of
7 room for,pll.
• *ew, softy slow -action springs,
iMproved shock absor ors, new
ride -stabilizers
• Big 1941 b'orrd gives extra.
luggage room fat . the spicioua.
luggage compartment.
The West 'W,awanaosh' .'ownship Coun-
ell. held its regular' meeting on February
loth; with all the -members present and
Iteeve Webster weakling.. , ,
The minutes of last meeting were
read and accepted on motion of Coun-
cillors McPherson and. .Ssuyth. The
Council decided! on .motion of Council
fors Milrer and McPherson to forward
$5 to the Salvation'Arany to aid ±in
rescue . work. Robert phamney was
appointed weed inspector on motion of
Omincillors Smyth and Gaunt. Bylaw
No. 3, authorizing !tlie.'Reeve and Treas.
s urer to borrow funds for current ex,
penditure, was passed , on motion ,of
Councillors Gaunt.. and Smyth. The
Clerk was instructed to • attend the
contention of the Association Of Rural
Municipalities, On motion of Couneil-
1o0s . Miller and Gaunt the Road ,Super=
intendent -Masi instructed to advertise
for. 'tenders ,tor hauling afid crushing'
gravel, all tenders tobe in'.the Superie-
tendent's hands by noon on Marsh 11th%
The Council.adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, March 11th, at 1.30 p.m..
lt&DA . JIF lives 1011.
lifter WO, ous sliaoploonbeak' we 0s.
whom oro .le *ber will not ow**
'To thee. I* lakd et
warp hot when, isgtbrOlgen, b
:bad Owns anal aught i .
To thorn who waw up in the
monun.". g a+r tired as on •goiu to bed,
w+e offer k Milburn'>i Ne th and
Nerve 'Pills a — to help SOW*
end ossa the nfirves and bring then
back to , a ` perfect gmdition, els ,•
when this is don* there should\be no
more sleepless -night* "' ;- '
tem' nener. .
ply T. )iiL n. 0., Imo„ Tana*
Cou ncil : met in HOlmesville - on March
3. • Department of Highways, sent
notice that the subsidy on road expendi-
ture during 1940 wilt be $2,170.30;
which will be forwarded shortly. --
Mr Benson 4.01verlky Pxliressed.
appreciation to the Council for opening
the road during their recent bereave-
ment. _
Mr, L. 'E. Cardiff, M.P., asked the'
Council to organize for the,collection of
paper, rubbers, edpiter, etc,, for `war
purposes. Each Councillor is to organ-
ize his own ward and to arrange for
Mr. A.. L,. Fellowes, district engineer;
sent notice of the' annual meeting of
councillors and road superintendents,'
to be, held at Kitchener on 'March 28.
The Road Superintendent was dele-
gated to attend if possible.
The 'Ckelector's• time was extended
until April .7, -.u -hen -all taxes an.�ust-be
The following-accoun s were paid:
Department of Health, iusitlin, $7.31;
D. E. liddon, auditing and postage,
$22.28; . E. A. Yeo, auditing, $20; I.
Sturdy. the Mildred Lloyd taxes', the
land having been purchased by the
Township; 'Superintendent's pay vou-
cher No. 2, .$40,05, .
Oonneil adjourned to meet on n Mon o
da• ( April 7, at 1.30 p.m.
An Anierioan air line has put out
calendars printed in reverse type : for,
use in barber shops so that the-eustomer.
in the chair Kmay , read the elate 'in a
mirror. This, however, is still not the
--answer envisaged in the appeal, "Back-
ward, turn backward, D Timae, in your.
flight."�-Christian Seienee Monitor:
Many a man never shines anywhere
except in the•seat of his punts. --+Guelph
Mercury. 4r
NLN of DEAD or
torlect"to this numb r
"001 r 12 Clinton"
N' A recent • article1 .Outlined
:-- • ..-
�th�ropor-to-ta=ii#►�the ftre . .
In this connection there's one rrddi-
tional bit of advice that 1 want to ' '
give You: Myer bank your fire
with anything but f re.h• coal. s
The old fashioned practice of
,banking the Ore with ashpe will not
only result in unsatisfactory heat
but it will cause you no end of
trouble. You can gee yourself that
-..: (14
te; _...44
,ii:::01,....1 ,
wasi fi
• Don't burs
.tubbi;h or
gsrbage in
fuer nate.
?bey cause
We # vy soot
ro cake 00
outfaces and
waste heat.
Keep ashpit
when ' you throw ashes on top• of
a fire it acts like a wet blanket
and prevents thea► air from coming
up through -tb e 1 re bed. It is this
air that caflies the heat upward
away from the grates. When you
put ashes on the fire' the air travels._
devnward, overheating • the grates
and fusing the ashes on the grates.
ll rgpyer, the next time,,,.you,•.put
coal on the fire, the. air again
travels upward and causes the
ashes on . top of the fuel bed to
fuse and form a solid mass, of
clinkers. This of course -chokes the
fire and makes' it 'impossible to
heat the house.
The only place 'for ashes :in the
furnace is. the ashpit—except for
':the thin layer.of ashes-tn the
grates. Don't mix ashes and live
coal. 110)
(Established 1875)
-0- ,
._. P-rompt •; -
• ce Service
Phone 120 au a
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embalmer
All .calls promptlyattended to•
day or
Phones Store 335: *es, 355W
Hamilton Street, boderich
Cranston Funeral
Complete Service at. Reasonable
Prices ro•
No extra charge for the use `.:ot
our modern 1i u feral. Hoxne.
17 Montreal St.. 'hone "399
Mrnumeiits! w.
these, contemplatingb!u tai
ing a Monument . Get MY
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
Clinton , » Ontario
Successor to Bahl, & Zapfe
Our priced have not advanced born, list year.
Large stock of 'Foreign and Canadian Granites to choose fr
* SPECIAL 1.',1t1OE ON 1N: ItIli.'T'li ON � O1 K
C. W. Williams & Son Granite Works
147 St. Patrick St. , STRATFORD Phone 1055