HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-06, Page 4ON ALL ircrimasTA RUBINSTEIN'S COLOGNE3 CREAMS - BO1G3i4 - POWDERS BTO. March 1st to March fith OCKEY Aitheugh Iteekey is over or the N4),tapeaseeesee"1""ir Ma". 11111 Fin* winter In 000derieli, the pitetiMe, UU41rilii the brief yet *ppropriatetltle holt*/ au attraction for many In this a the paper lesued for the first tin* towa, as Was attested by the sraMber • last week -end by the men of No -311. ,who attended the Waterloo vs. Sea -s Air Navigation ‘Schotd, POrt Albert. forth intermediate game 'played, et is a fortrspaisc agair Alio with Stratfoed on Monday_nigLits_ Six • ,edisliia-4:4- 4 made the-fortY-iiires-.; 1.temtifyerti:§emelt8nalit, Ter' mile trip to the 171asale City' to see the tainly. 'not leaSt, etirtoons f rote 'the Beavers nose out Waterloo 2-1) In the clever pen of Corporal R. E. Jones. second overtime period of a seeseeore This' initial nelraber eonteins fore - 'tested game, giving* Seaforth the group worsts Ley 'Group captain pt. D. Robert. eb.ampi,onSialp. f son, AM., -officer ,commanding the * selsool, and 3laYor L Dolvelas Drawn A.,sraaller group of loeal sports lovers • of Gederieh. A 'portion e of fGrouP went • to Toronto on Saturday and saw Captain Robertson's contribution is as the Leafs and Bruina battle to a 04 tie follows: In an NAL. tante. I Word* C)f APpivelation rIOWISALialli TAM 'D1CH 810N4 0mA. riu b. 1441 **liewalei‘ossiseseetessesesesse**;eassastes Tomistur couxak COLROR•NE TOWNSHIP. The Connell met, in the Townehip 11 osa Thesdayt March '4thi, with all- membera present Minutes of ruary saeeting read and adopted on *motion of 14. Watson, seconded by Wash. ' #k letter VA*. •reeelved from the De- partment of Highways re summarized 'statement or expenditure made on the • reads Insthe township 'during 1940. A letter from the dletriet-engineer WAS with. crefereeeeto the road super- autendents' convention to be held' at Kitchener„ March 2th- • • Theeeolleetor s'eported taxes collected Webrustry; with penalties, $589,54. It was • agreed by Council that the *Dad Superintendent adtertise m ,The eignai-Star tor ereshing and tattling SAN, yard, of gravel, the same to be delivered on the township roads, the ToteeshiP supplying the gravel. • The road,vOuchers and the following -*Ceatints swere - tardereds-paless 'Road' -vouchers, Ote2.65; W. 0. Pettman, re - 'fief aceouet, $8; Thomas Chisholm, . 10.50; Department Of Health, $2.48;1 ' counti- a Huron, 'Colborne's share re Connell adjourned to meet 'April ist at 2 p.m. suka4Lo*.s, °leek. ',0.#4.3141W_F At an Organization meeting oftiodi- rich musicians on Wednesday everling It was unenimOusly agreed to form here a local• been& a the Ontarie 3111,4ie TeaChers' Association. The purpose of the organization is to Create and en- eourawinterest-in-musielatd-the doe arts In 'Huron county. The- following offieers were appointed, with authoritY to complete their executive': President; Mr. Mervin Snyder; viee-president Mr. 'F. Gillespie; seeretary-treasaurets Miss Eleanor Snider. All-sthcee Interested musie and the arts will be welcomed as menSbere.. The next meeting will be on March ISth• Tire meeting was held ,. • at the Studio, Of Mervin. Snyder, Waterloo street. 111611V-TklistAT KNOX. CHURCH The' annual high tea under the auspices a, the Ladleat Aid Society of 'Knox -church. held on .Tuesday evening, was a°. decided success. Mrs. Jas. Bisset was the gteneral eonvener and woekere. The tables ikere prettily ar- ranged, being eentred with rose•candles In silver ..candelabra 'flanked by ••gay flowering plants. • , . In the auditorium, while awaiting the summons to supper,, the guests. we -ie. entertained with organ and violin ,Tzfiec.. tions Played by Miss Snider end Mrs. Shutes. • 'Mrs. Meat •Straitoh, preeident of the' Ladies' Aid ISociety, re4ived and wel- comed the guests. P,t16ceeds were about $140. f "The reasons for the transfer'of this, " * The gang who saw -the garlic • at. unit to Canada are „generally well Stratford are wonderiug hew the known. Shortie., before we left the Beavers have the nerve t attach Sea- 'United Kingdom; -the Secretary of forth to their monicker., The BeaverS' State for Air, Sir Archibald •Sinelair, roster on Mohdayi' night Included five and the Lord 'Privy Seal's LOrd Attlee, players from -Clinton, two from Strat- visited the unit and; having made ford, two from Wingliam, one fromf known, the proPoaal to transfer us to Zurich aniVone from Tavistock (origin- ,Caeadaeotatedsthat we eould he aseured ally); with two players who A were of , a warm -welcome lbe the Canadians, actually reared :In. Seafortle and that so far as the work of the ,* 4' , unit was concerned its previous record, elotterich wae represented:also in the given the 'opportunity, it could and able to an early opening of. navigation, attendanceat the teal game of the would accomplish anything, bet the weather Man will have the Real Paisley vs. ,y'eiligham series played at "Since our arrival in the Domani-on say, heen to the _ _ won the tame 5-3 and with it .the hilt. Our reception into the Iiiiiis-'761-FOR--asurriasn-ulli.t04--7-------, groan 8 championship, after the ,teams the Canadians eau only be described WAR VICTIMS hadsplit the first two games of the as magnifieently friendly, Notwith- Goderieh * Lions Club vvill Sponsor series. Aecbrding to the fitaderlehlaens otalltibig thaaliftetiltieaand discomforts , _FiguSkating_Candvatior_Benellt present at the game the 'Paisley team Inseparable from. the %beading lip of a, of British Child War Viethns were fall value for their win. Paisley's new station under new eenditions, the The Lions Club have Made, arrange - capture of the group championship Teri.- work of the unit has. been • eminently molts with the StratfOrds-Figure'- Skat- 'lied the opinion -formed by local men .satisfactory, and has Proved that the in; oho, to pant- on a carnival in the when the Sailors were eliminated- standard of efficiency, loyalty and cone 1 the Sky Harbor Treining- Seheol, l'acie'016 is as high now as it ever waese. ,WeA street skating rink, on Friday, that -E•aisley was the best team in the March 14th. A, full two-hour program league. . A •portion a the paper is SeViatea to will be giten. • VICTORIA STREET W.IVI,S. -• The Lions Club will beer all expense I WESTiryIUNSTER GUJ.144? ' oanvettrthboe etunetirwe arercevi.iletimsw,illrubent:urned The W.M. of Victoria street United AT MI WATIMONT The Valussaitoels are eolith:mills' to OUload the eargoe* 'which they had Stored In their holda .throlagh the winter. 'Only the POrtwell and the ,Selitipp, of the ten- elliPswhieh estnteredsheres ,reniain, to beeinsloaded. During the last "Week the ISoodoe diSe charged its cargo* of 240,000 bus. of wheat and the Brieoldoe 240,008 bus. Of wheat at the elevator, and the Vandoe has just •cempleted dieeharging its. stor- age of 243,000 ,busof wheat, also at the elevator. PreviottalY the SaSkadoe and the Canadoe had unloaded at the mill and ' the A. A. tludsoleyspriudoe and Fort 'Wildsse.at the elevator. The latter two unloaded•when they made port here last fall. , The Portwell's cargo is destined 'for the elevator and the Wm. ISehtipp's for the mill: s Imperial Oil men said yesterdAy that an attenest would be made to bring an 4A1 boat to ,Goderiels as soon as tee etne; &Mils on Lake 'Huron. -permit and weeks earlier .than :any seaaon. hereto- fore, owing to eXisthig low etticks-and the leereased volume of -business ex - peeled, Prestint couditions, are favor - TRANsy Ritgl3 TO ilAuFAx Flight- eutenant G. T. Steetes, who has aqtd as B. -CAF. supervising of- APer 4t Sky Harbor sinee the inception ofjhe school last 'October, has been t .ansferred to Halifax, his home city. t was reported 'that . he had. been pro- moted to the rank of squadron leader,' but this .is not confirmed- as, yet. His place here has been taken hy Pit -Lieut ituy Ball, who canie here from. Toronto. s WAR SAVINGS STAMPS . BEAD THE CgASSIFIED ADS.* • . . church held. its regular monthly meet- The r,epter Meeting of the Presby- Watch for posters. • Ing at the parsonage ee Monday otter- 'teriazi young people was held In the The Stratford Orals and.rink manage - noon. *After the business part of the lecture room of Knox church on Mon- ment are Co-operating. -10 meetings Mrs. R. Phillips presided ever day evening. .0110 Lowery had charge the part -devoted to temperance,,, Mrs. A. J. MaeKaye reed the ,§leripture. .Readings on temperance;miere given by Mrs. T. Tabb, Mr,ri-t. Good, Mrs.' F. Seabrooke, Mrs. IX Wilson, Miss G. Worthy, Mrs:P. Rafter, Mrs. J: Ensign, MM. 0. Samliggon and Mrs. A. 3. MacKaye. :Ars. 111. Sanderson read 111>Iti East and West." Rev. A. J. N.fecKaee closed Ale Meeting with prayer. - • _ REPAIRS AT MeGEE wuziitit The interior of Reg. MeGee's garage on Haniiltee street, which was gutted by ,fiSie on the night of Tuesday, Febrn- ary. 18th, ielYeing repaired aud to some extent reiisodelled. Very little repair, work had tosbeedotie on the apartments above thegarage, thesprinelpal damage in that part of the building having been caused by smokeetindfleater Three of the four- cars which were standing in ,Lhes-garage at the timesof the"fire--were- sent to London, fee a completeoverleen,1-' ring. The fourth ear was so badly damaged that it was necessary to meek it. of the meeting. The devotional pro- gram included a ,Scriptureareading by Alice MeGraw, ,the 'Lord's Prayer re- peatedin unisbn, and prayer by Rev. D. J. lane. • The roll call was answered by giving the name of an author and one of his books. • The topie was somewhat': unusual, boa-re:V-16W; ThiS review was given. by MP.' A. Simpsoie -of the ',Collegiate Institute .staff, who chose one of the element - beat sellers, entitled "Out of the Night,' which, by: the way, is the •ilbook of the month" Mr. Simpson gave a concise review of this biography, in which the essieriencee of -the author, who was at one time a Communist agitator, are exeellent thropagandi ,against Com- munistic' and, eNazi. doctrines. Mr. !Simpson also referred to the address gieen-by Capt -Re wean -and his -mention • orthe Communists in Canada: • ..'Nesst weele:the Guild_meethfg_s"11 Alenday night as; usual, and, the roll, call will be answ4red With a wise from the Bible including the word "prayer." . The St. Lawrence Seaway- Pi4ject Ecqnc.ontically ,Un.sognd By Lloyd Potter, in • The 'Railway near-, the interest and sinking fund • Review . charges that the project would entail. It would be a dull world if we cauld A.I1 that the St. La.vvrenee waterway a Ids But fry yourfavorite Drug -Store first for your needs. . .22.74 . Armen' Needs for Stock- liellebore -• 49c Potassium Iodide . . 35c oz. 3 for 1.00.- 20c oz. • dumdiron 2 for,35c Creosyl ....... .... • . 25c 111: Kot Water Bottle 39c • Cold. Wel,ther Needs- 'Kepler's )Yralt .Extract Cod Liver Oil 750=4,25 . ...... ... .... SciAt'ci Emulsion r).04 980 • Ayerst's Cod. Liver Oil Ayerst's 10-D' Cod Liver Oil '67o 1.60 V.ithito ?fine and Tar 2go 590 Dutch DroPs ,'15e-1 for 250 Cod Liver Oil oz, 790 WORN INTERNALLY. TAM PAX New Way to Sanita,ry. Freedorn NO "PINS, PADS,- BELTS 39c tor a month's supply Modess Prices 250-53c-796: Miicelleateous Needs7,44:. Otte ....15e -20c -49c •rasteeth 35ces-60e Gillette Blades 250 Teh Tooth Brushes 29c 2 for 49c 'Hand Lotions- Campazta's Bahn 33e -49e -98e ilergen's Lotion 25o 43e'. 19e THE DRUGSTORE FIRST* WIGLE LAUDER CAMPBELL DUNLOP Photo Photo 19 • Phon.,90 ?hone 1 • GODERI011 DRUGGISTS ne , ui - would-be a quer world if all our day- dreams took shape., It Would be a world strewn with masterpieces of amateur engineering, • dwarfing the pyramids- in. size and magnificence: a world richin evidences of material ac- coraplishsnent, yet a world boteed. under the burden of maintaining what it hail wrought. • • . Build a, sea wall 200 miles out iii the shallow ' water • off Newfoundland's eastern coast, and,:the fogs whieh.hover over -the :Maritime Provinces and the New England -States will be shifted clear of the land. Dig a short canal southwards from the Mediterranean a eofeethee-Sehar Desert will become a lake - on.- whose - fruitful shores millions of people may gain a livelihood. Tunnel or dam the English 'Channel and neither Britain nor France need ever fear another Hun assault. nridge the Bering 'Bea, Make a road to Alaska. from British Cam- bia, irrigate the Prairies, sink a shaft to 'generate steam in the earth's hot core, dot the oeean with flOating aero- drop:les-and' before these ,jobs, ere done other great projects will be hi sight.. - . ' All these things sem to be part of the world's future' Work. All may be done -so.metime. t, 'They-- ,are the -unfinished business of architecture and engineer- ing. But if any one of them is at.' ' tempted before its time it may, -wreck the nation., which, undertakes it. ,, . IOW* engineering seheinea of Inter- national importance have 'latterly been advocated. The. tunnel under the Eng- lish Manna which, was one of NaPal. eon's dreams, has been urged upon the British Government as a means of pro- viding employment after. the war, or even during the war, and'a a neeessity I for preserving the future peaee of Eurepe. The project for dammin'g the Itiver St. Lawrence, to .proiride electric power 'and a deep waterseay, has beat revi•Ved. Whereas the British 'Goveril-. ment. turned down the Menne' Senile', the Canadian and United 'States Gov- eitireenta are giving the final touches to an agreenlent to Construct , the ..St. Lawrente waterway agi a joint enter- priee, By estimatee whieleere not free "from, wishfal thinking the Chanriel tunnel hat; been jteetifleil as. a eonven- ' ienee Which would eventually pay Its ' way and defray *ithe enormotts eost of constractiari through the Increase in travel which It would promote. • *But by no estimate hue it beett belleated that the Canalized St. Lawrence Itieet, would return the hundrede of rallitona of dollars which It Would tost the tWO countries. fly sober calculation, Pro. fessor W. T. jackmau of Toronto Utile versity iinds that 'the tost would be he- tween -$2,500,000000 and $3,000,000,- 0004• , t&C.I a taeans a transport,.thc canal Would bring DO revenue whatever. Even tire wages of the look-tenderS would have to be paid out of public funtlg, as a is a traditienal 'Policy that no fees are ,levied for the use of waterWays in 1 N'orth Amerlea. And the most optint- ,- Lstie estirnste 4 the revent* from the 1 two Milton bete-poWer that ,would he , generated at the dam tome notvhete I ere -s�--far assraanadacer.ne is a free channel for ships to compete with the _Canadian railways. It May offer something more .to: the IJnited States, but that is doubtful and It.ls most certainly not our businese. It is astounding that the Government of Canada should e,ontemplate pro-, eeeding with this Scheme at a time when the Domition, is engaged in a desperate light for existence as a free stated that 'the Vaintiff claims he was nation: One looks in vain for anyOn- hit and seeerely injured when struck siderable section of the community from behind.by the 'Eedy ear asbe was whieh wants the waterway: -.Even the Prairie farmers, who might be expected to see in it cheaper transportation for exported grain, are not enthused at, the peeLnaOna1!lflLhJ -aresinindfuleof the railway across the tundra to Hudson Bay which was to bevel been such a booli and whieb, turned out seen: a, „white elephant. A. perplexed public is _asking itself whe- ther there can be any truth, in the =lora that are rampant. Eventually, 'we mav be sure, the truth will trickle through the dam-, as It did sit Beasihae. noise. But it is rank folly to hide the real -reason for ,pioceeding with the St. Lawrence waterway et a time When Canada cannot afford to edmmit itself to lay out Mindreds of Millions of dol- lare for an. unprofitable public enter- Priae,. at a time when the credit of the Dominion 'must be sedulously. guarded .••••••••••.•••••••••••• NORTH ST. W.111S. The W.M.S. of North street United church met on Monday afternoon at the church, with a good attendance. 'Mrs. 0. F. 'Clarke presided mad led in prayer for the nations at wax. Mrs, 'F. G. Kershaw And Mrs. js B. -Graham were eppeinted delegates to attend the Pres- ThVia meethir-ltt--Thitines - Road eherch on April 22nd. War savings tertificates for the church were dis- Cussed. It was deckle/I to serve a leech and ineite all the ladies of the cOngresation to attend the Easter., thank-oe'ffering meeting to ber held in ApHL Mrs. 'Graham led, in the worship period and a creed for IChristian living was read by Mrs. Malcolm McKay. Nis. 'Worthy read the 'Scripture and Mrs. R. Henderson contributed a solo which was much appreciated. , Mrs. W. P--,Lanesgavesst,--reactine on -Dr. -Dan Norman . and two matives/ of Japan. Mrs, Clarke 'closed the meeting with the •benediction. AT ST; PETER'S CHURCH In 'common with all other Catholic parishes in Ontario, !Seitagy was ob- "served at St. Peter's church as a 'day of prayer -for the victory of the'Allied cause •and a in -St Peace in the near fuLease. 'Devotees of the church re- ceived holy •communion in larges'amne.," hers, at mass -in the morning. The Blessed Sacrainent was exposed frein the altar during the day and parishion- ers entered the church itr a continuous stream to worghip in qiiiettide and pray -for--the " purposeeferewhichehe dayshads been set aside. The day of prayer was concluded with evening devotions con- ducted by Father Fallon. OBITUARY */•••••11/0•MarNes .. MISS MAT ilitINEIN'S Death value to Mary lielizlibeth Jens kin* of Woodlalod* Warm, near Vliriton, on Friday, Webruary 28th, while vialt- ing relativee at 'Ottawa. A Amen). Service was held in Ottawa at which Rees F. 0. Milliken and Drs IL j„ Keith oilielated, It was attendedslay many *lends -Of -thelate4iissr-Jenkiw-W now live In that eity. , On' !Tuesday afternoon the funeral took place from the family hoMeetead 1 en the rfUroll read, near Clinton, where the late MISS Jenkins lived almost her whole life with her. brother, T. Rees' Jenkins. The ;service was eenducted by Bev. Andrew Lane and interment took place in Oitiiton temetery. The 1NIV41111mbe:rrer04.7wereaiNlisVa, itlierej° rbeliVrtajheilingktioulle: ' Fletcher i Townsend, . Harry °halite - Werth' and William Wise. The surviv-1 Ing brothers. and sisters are Mra. ingten an . •IelreS lElsworth ,Er.ratt. of Trick at3peAer, Mrs. J. J. Wash- Anbure, , . essrs Wm. S. jehkins oil Van- "ceuvee T. Rees Jenkins, of -Gioderielt township and Edward J.. Jenkins of Ottawa. NICHOLAS' Dil'E1i144a1 • The death occurred, on Thursday night last; in the Kitelner hosPital, of Nicholas Dietrich of frioradale; a former resident -of Ooderich and father of Mrs. •Geerge Meet/leer of this town, aeles-Dietrich-savessan.shissehshtysiliith., year, • e 'thirty years ago M • p.r. Dietrich operated a flour nill in ,Goderich, near the railway track at -the east end -of Nelson street. The mill was burned down and a few years later Mr. and Mess: 'Dietrich moved to Floradale, where they had resided the last twenty- 86V:BeesnidTeestirsihe widow, four son's and four daughters survive: William and Edward, of Toronto; Albert of Hes- Peler ; Harvey, of New York; Hrs. A. 3. ituggle, Kitchener; Ars. William Dore, New York; Mrs. Harry Davidson, Tor- onto, and Mrs. Geo. MaeViear, Goderich. The funeral took place at Kitchener on ISundey and was attendee by "all the sons and daughters except Harvey, A CORRECTION In last week's-,SignalsStais in the preview of the Oaineron vs. Eedy case to come before the -Supreme C•ourt 18 Gotlerich next week, It was erroneously attempting to shove the car in which' he was a passenger out of a snowdrift." The statement of the plaintiff, George R. CamerOn, is that lie was eitting in _the car when it_wa,s etre& front behind by defendants' 'ear. IMO RIBIRDIINICI IMO POILIS*111110 Sii4910101 a littla Halm Fkw Gloss ow liaelourairflearisprosn lightly with CIRRI1 hathosilailapplier.in tweatywhat as it win fkr, leaving a beautilall www realigns OW NEW TICOSTEES,TAKE SEMIS Public $A1001. Boitr4 Organizes Strapti* ing Committees for the Tear .111. 3, Ainslie and Geo; 1G. Mneflwan,° ess yeeleetedsMemberesofetille-----e ?School Board, took their seats for- the first time at the meeting of the Board on 1,Ionday --- Standing eomMittees for the year 7restrUaslrwwI • Supply andrerthgent-4H/31aek- . stone, Prldha• Geo. Mac - Ewan -Finance-eq. A. Snider, Mrs. 'Johnston, 7.grlio* Blackstone..Mauagee' Ma--41ra. -Johnston, Geo. G. MacEwan. E. J. Pyle/ham. , Property -R. G. Jelaustme, a, A. Snider, M. J., Ainslie. • , • • • The arst named on each committee to be ehairman thereof and the chair- man of the Board. (William Bisset) Ise ex Officio -a • member of all cern- • who Was sPrerented by illness from mittee.a. coming from New York. Mr. MacViear and son Alex. MeeVicer, B.A., of Tor- onto, also were present • MRS'. DINA MI'LLS - •On Tuesday- evening...the -aleathsof- Mrs. • Dina Mills, for •the past tWo years a -resident ef ,Goderieh, occurred at Alexandra,,Hospltal, in her seventy- third year. Mrs. Mills had not been in the best of health for over a year, -but her condition became serious only en Monday Morning, at whichtime she was Admitted' to the hospital. • • Deceased was • born ' in West Wawanosh, the 'daughter of James, and Catherine Robinson, and except for the litet two yearn spent her eutire lifetime in 'that 'township, She was twice wedded, her 'first husband, 'Aril- 'llam Craig, having died: about. thirty years -ago---and hereseeend. husbands - John Mills, having passed away ,five 3'ears ago. ales. Mih1s 1044 with her. daughter, Mrs. 'Olive Allan, corner 'o•f Iiiinugtoc4octeri iasn andiBreih. tstensiaherowaadss, sainincoe\meohneirs of the Donnybrook United church.. After a Service at Orenston's funeral home this (Thursday) •afternoon at • o'elock, as -funeral service will take plaee_at Donnybrook United church at 2.30 p -m. Rets MacKaye of Victoria street,. United church, Gode- ri8h, and Bev. Hugh 0. Wilion. of Auburn will officiate. Interment will be in the Donnybrook cemitery. An enjoyable .pot-luek supper was held:by the members' of the Woman's Aesociation of North street United ehurch on Thersd,ay, 'February 27th, at the church. After the suprper a. short business meeting was held. To' Iwun resCrunneell, ttohea firegnaret. eisfrnsc;musittteee was asked to prepare e,stimates of the Boards .expenditures for thee year and send them to. the Council'. - -proposal-from the -Ontario-Safetal-----,,, -Leaeue for the showing of moVing pictures at the schools In ,vonnection with a public safety, campaign was ac- cepted, and it was Tett to principals to make the necessary arrangemen.te. The prineipal 'Central school re- ported for 'February: Pupils . on roll, 209; 'average attendance, :162.14, or 91.93. per eent. ; Pennp. Bank deposits, $61.70. • . -• 'For the same n7ronth, Victoria school reported; (On roll, 334; average ,etteed- mace, 305.99, or •92.3i per cent, ; r enny Bank deposits, $141.40. -RF.AD--TI1B-CIA8SIFIED Foroommon _Jr" ordinary sort throat 1 103/3 I REV. C. F. CLARKE BEREAVED 1 AO trank L. Clarke, who died on Thurs•- day last at his home near Koraolte," was a brother of Rev. C. F. Clarke of ,Goile- rich. Ile was in his fifty-fourth year. Mr. and, 3,1rs. Clarke and Miss 'Blither Hume, attended the funeral . service, which was, held at London on Saturday. The Interment was at -Woodstock- the same day,. . - _ • .1 . That mai_ In the hetet dining -robin who sent back his breast of guinea fowl because it wasn't served piping hot had a gritedfather whese lunch used against impairment for the 'winning of to -f ze in the dinner bucket if he the war, arid* *hen extert opittiort could.n't get It near enough to the road darns the undertaking as economically 'roller's boller, "--- 04ristian Science tutsoUnd. ! ;Monitor. Toitelieve Siery of Gilds Mothers 'everywhere .s.re discov- ering how easy it, is to' relieve misery of colds:1,4th a "Vapollub Massage-relieve'eoughlug,mus- cular soreness or tightness. Withthis more thorchigh treat- ment, the poultice -and -vapor • action of Vicks rapcdtub more effectively PEAL -MATES irritatedair passages with soothing medicinal vapors... STIMULATES chest and back like a wohning poultice or plaster ... STAR1S uftainuu misew right ewayl Results delight even • old friends of VapoRith. --TO'GET"-et "VirpORUtadtassIget'-. with all its benefits -massage VapoRub for 3 minute.s on PORTANT RIB -AREA, OP 33Acit as well as throat, and chest -.spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed elate. RR SURE to use gamine, tiraeetested \ZLICKS VAPOROB. "44 The "Remette" PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ig a neat compact little machine, with all the latest piovements, Convenient to take along with you wherever you go. We sell them or rent them at ,TITE SIGNALFSTAR PRESS LTD.. Autho 'Agents for Itemington.Rand Ltd, a