The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-06, Page 1Buy War Savings Certificates and Help Defeat Hitler - Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star Bay Wes Sti;) Grii*aks ant !kip Defeat Hit 10' NINETY-WOW:LT/1 COUNTY COUNCIL DROPS PROJECT IP F04 RENOVATION OF COURT 110USE Special 1:ionimittee Opposes Piece. meal Job and the Whole „ Plan Is' Dropped Tee mucletalkedrof PrOgraM for ehe, 'complete remotlenhig and Tefurnishing tile 3,ergereourt room and•, counell • ehamber itirlitiroaCouety's Ancient -hut ,stately 0our,t Helve' la a- dead issue - for this Year at least -and more than likely ter -the duratiou "Of the war. it Was Ao be one of the OW gesturer' -Weer** the VounL4centenery, 'but. yeeterdae tbe Comity Coithell;iaePeelal seek**, voted fifteen to thirteen, against ' empovvering the property committee to pend into 0,000 on the work. The contentiou of the oppoeente or the pro- s gramethat with the lihnpire embroiled In a 'bitter war the present was not a time to 'epend MOney..011 new flooring, eery furniture or evete Venetian blinds, won the diy. " , • - Severel Attempts .to peace. .a: cern- Promise per-eel:Lade during the dasr-long debate, but they all failed. First Couecit Toted 15-16 against approving of the elaborate program. Strangely eneugh, it immediately 'proceeded to defeat,' by :the game margin, a -motion to call tbe ,progeam off. • These 'tyre votes ostensibly eneartt that Council ,wished a ompromis,e," But Sho,rtly e after it defeated be 10 to 9 a motion to spend $5006 on 'curtailed plans. ' MI or Nothing •'Even Reeve Alex. MeDonald aed- propeety coMmittee, sponsors of the improvelhene program, voted against •.-the $5,000 compromise. With them it was all of nothing. They made, it - -Plain -atethe outeet that thee., would stalee or fall by their report, „prepared after extensive levestigation and. de- liberation. There was to be no )plete- meal work -no 'pittelkillt, .'1there •al- ready lute been too much Of that dowu through elle years. 'Their motto was to do a permanent job Once and for all. It was exptaleed that the eonniiittee, , told at the January session to spend 'two or three thouSantl dollars" on the work, had found, atter visiting Walker - 'ton 'Stratford and London court houses, , that a good, jobeone of 'weigh 'the people' of Huron County woulil be proud, could .• • not be done for less than .$7,0Q0 or oo. • . ' This program tailed tor a new floor costing approxiinately - $1,000, n4w • furniture • $5,200, redecoration $800, e and new blindee $260. All ',were- esti- • mates except the amount' for the furni- ture. It was a tender -for handsome new quarterreut oak chairs, desks tilt& could be_uredineiredualiy or tolleetive- ly to 'suit the oceakon, etdgers dais, jury boxes, public beeches and ratlike, all in. wrtodi Plans of the proposed layout and samples 4f 'the furniture were submitted. At the outset Council went into com- mittee, SVardei James ereiper asking Reeve J. H.e,ScOtt of ,Seaforth to take the chair. The public be press were not • eieleded, it ,beingexplained that the committee idea was eimely to give members more latitude in debate. There , Was no intention to suppress anething. Eveey member spoke, some several times. • Reeve McDonald of Ashfield, as chair- man of the property eommittee, sub- mitted th,e •report, and. saki. that he and his .tellow-mentbers of the com- mittee had taken the stand that they • were not juStilled in proceeding with • , the -program inevieverofetheetulditional cost inverleee , witheut the eanetion "of• , the *entire &until, and ,,had asked Wardell •Leiper to „tall a speeial meet- ing.- .411e Said he ermtliLetand ednarelY behind the report. Purniture•84 Years Old "The firiniture in this court ,room has been in nee for eighty-four years. I am in favor of, doing e complete job or none at all," said Reeve McCann, of Stephen.• , • , Deputy Reeve Rate, also of Stephen, expressed the same opinion, oe did Reeve Webster of Wes -t Wawanosh. All are members of the tbmmittee. , Wardell Leiper said be Voted like to see something done to mark Centen- nial year. The 'County wee noW 'free of debenture , debt and had' the money available ,to pay for The work, a tat that was verified' by• Treasurer Er,skine. Council was .told that ale estiraates provided for raislng $3,7,066 this year over and above ordinary requirements, without increasing the tax rate. Ot 'this one-half mill, $27,000„ had been • appropriated for .war effort, a whicu $14000, already had been allotted.. Reeve Robert Bowman, of Itetissels said he would not for a mothent think of votieg Vie the improvement Program, if it was going to, -interfere with. the County's war effort,. but in his opinion it ,would not: There was still $11,000 left in the, war eheat and all 'worthy organiza.tiong and funds, ouch at the British Wet el -tenet Fund, had been • -taken into consideektion. The Money • for the iraprovement •program wobld not be apent foolishli. It would pro. vide work for Cs anadian Work:Men, who ,tura would be better able to con- • tribute to tbe wee effort, One way be help Wirt tile War -Was to pronlote In dustry by ependi sueluditionsle on neces- sary worker Thereeelancil 'chamber was In bad ,ehape ; go. wbere you would -you would nottee one worse, he said. I 'Weve Teruo' of Goderich: said he ) wag ashamed! of Huron trountee eourt •robin after ee had eeen 'others, and he supported the program. Reeves Tueltey, of Beeter and 'Hetherington of Whig -- lion both said - they were heaftily in favor. Reeve (ramble of Howl& else gaveenild support, but Reeve ,Grain of Turnherry , was noureonertittal. Tbis wail the eituation at tile -noon , reeere dad It. looked as If the leeasure 'wetild sweeter!. In early afternoon, however, it Was &sort appareet the eppooition had reserved . its heavy artillery Mail the last • Motion to Defer Action At the ottteet Reeve Whit/nor° (Puelterenrith) introditetel a motion to defer action nntfl tbe eanclurion of the war., Tide' Was Kt -bonded by DeptIty LETTERS. 0114 APPRECIATION ReeeiVed In Citelerieh iivni Parents of Alretaftmen Delwahotn add George Lett#rs freni the.Parente of theetwo , • yoeng- airmen who bet their lives, ,by in Lake Heron, .expeessing appreciateon of the sympathy ellowe towards teem in their lose, ,have been received by -Mr. G. W. Schaefer, presi- dent of the Goderich Board of Trade. The' father of LAM.. Bert Alden George, writing -from Cheltenbarn, Egg- lentlesayea .se is indeed a great loss. Ile was more than a Oen; We, were Chums, bed worked lelbusinees together and were eompleteler-in. each, other's eonlidence. H died as he would have wished; he always hoped hewould never .be a ceward. " 'The lettere of sympathy X have re- ceived from Canada .inake me proud to belong to the British 'Empire. Coed you but ivitnese the , bravery of our people : here _le England in the bombed areas; and nalthellgh, some of ,the tragedies are almost too. terrible' to think of the stoicism of our people is a thing •that makes one' heart swell with pride :to belong to such a race. Knowing tide; I feel I must not be less heave; my eon Would not Wish it." Reeve Weir a govvielt, who lies a son overseas. He urged that the' Comity go ell out in it,s• wer effort. "The war le• at a critical stage," he paid. !Veer ifeeniture and decorating of our Mutt role" is immaterial in times like ''tliese. We 'shall be con- elemited for Speeding monee like 'this at a time when thir 'Empire is :fighting -with Its back to the Wail."' "I wieb, age* to Point eat that we are not negleeting our mar -effort," put in Reeve Bowmen. -Vey advocate going beck to the horse and buggy days,. to the tee -hydro days beeseying we can get along without modefa improye: ments? I take it that nearly every anembet of thiseCouncil owns au _onto- . awhile." "We are going to be atwar a loneb time,". warned Reeve Raymond ited. mend of 'Best • Wawenosh, "We do thitige in County Council We would not -do-in---.or ewe - Tennicipalitlee should hesitated Have we the money tib do this werk? Iae to that: No t We are errarkieg 11erv,-4.on 'borrowed ni(,)11, Eis.0 carefully. Leitrim things as they ere , `1 am rerit in favor. .We are net out of debt We owe the bank money and. It will not be 'paid mita ;the t.itxo,s cone in, In December," saie'Reeve Annetrong • "It Will be ariixock toenariy to react in the newspapers that we are spending, $8,000 ,on work that can well wait,' eirleed Deputy Reeve Frayae of- Ash - lea& Abet Is not economizing. The war has, just started dI it is going, to cost, plenty." Reeve ,Shaddick of Ilensall said he fully agreed with Reeve Frayne. Moth are Great War, veterans. r Piecemeal Work Expensive , When' it was suggeeted tftat perhaps the work might be skimped; that per- haps the proposed new floor could be eliminated, °Reeve Tuekey exclaimed:: "There you go. Doing ,thinge back - Ward. It has Already coot the ,County a fortune doing things piece by piece:" Reeve Torrance (lIeKillop), ;Pager • moell te sborne(Ge) and WilsonreeLali spoke againet 'the program. Reeve Wilson saidthat 1941 wakthe eenten. • nial of every county in Ontario. Be said he was erymueh opposed to ehe proposed expentlifilee' on 'furniture. He , would like to knotv what portion ;Of the $5,200 would go to eabor. Iteevegt "Merritt of Blytli and ,Duncait of Morris were in, faVor of going ahead with the program or ending nothing at eel; but Deptity Reeve Alexander -Grey, youngest member of Council, said ,be got a jolt' when he heard the pro- gram was going, to cost $8,000, Pre- reotiely- he had' beat ill f•avor. pointed out that the Iepartjnent-ofMunlclpal Antis had -cautioned- that eeonorny be practised at this' time. • • Workingina,n„Needs Einiloyment Said Reeve 'Liverntore of „Clinton: 'When 1 first came'. to this Connell five years ago if wae shoeked to See the gate of disrepair into which our 'Court House had fallen. The working,man is defog his best to help win the war; but he must have work to halp. Hitler will ',never get Into England. I hear regularly:, from relatives there and I believe therm, 7 believe in opentling within reason during War time.%i be- lieve in the `bueinesertts usual' slogan. ,Coventry wee almost bambed 'off the map, but the ettetories there are operet- ing again, The figures submitted here are only egimatee. I feel sure that when ..tenders are called. they will be much - • "It Is all right to ray Hitler won't get Into ',England, but he got'•into France and other eciuntriee. We are going to Oreeat before this war is treer. We will need all ourmoney and resources," was Deputy -Reeve Prayee's Ilitaleohot just before the vote was taken. r There was 'little disseieelog • on 'fife eompromire motion of Iteelteg Feline and Armetrong to limit expenditures to• $5,000 which was Voted down 10 to 9. Ali supporters or the origleal program • voted against it. 'MOM do Anything imless we do a job we all can beproud, oft" cautlimed Reeve 3,1tDonald before the vote was taken. • "It is, poor eponoiny." observed Reeve Bowman. - Coneideration. of a plan to inter- change the County irragineees and Sherifre °Meese at an estimated teSt a also On ,the ePeelai .session egende, wes put over until June, The east Includes the pureliarte of two large eafeg, tosting tleproximatele $1,006, for the safe -keeping of documents in, the Sberiffte office. A letter eras read from the lespector of Legal: ()Oleos . stating that the ehatete-ever WAS not urgent. Highway to Port Albert to Be Paved? 4.44.1.Prent4.. Department Engineers Now, at ,Woric PreParing Profile . • 1, of *0420W, Teree ,Depitetment of HighWays engineers are at present engaged in, preParieg a profile a the Blue Water highway, from -Goderich to l'ort Albert, airport This gives eredence, to a wide- spread report 'that 'ties 13treioh , heavily-trvelled highway is to be Pared' as soon as weather Permits, It is the: usual work tbat preeedei"the ttrepaira- tiOn otplots and ePechleatems for the Callieg a tenders. The "engineers; like- wise* ther Politiciarte, state they, hatie no information On the subject, but a le known that. the Department of Trans - pert, Ottawa, has been pressing for -a hard -surfaced 'road to Port. Albert and. in feet on male etniteibutery reties:to Oil airports, and might even' consider sharing ,the cast AS A Wee emergency. 'Local highwtty,. men point eat that Parts of the read. which Are ultimately te be,ebantioned ter 4 diverted route, Including that at Port -Albert villager re to be left as thee are at preient, r OPENING LAW PRACTICE 1 W. -A. .SerTiERLAND, I3.A. An addition to tbe legal fraternity ot. Gederich is r William- A. iStitherlandi • BA., who IS beginning practice In the' offices on North street for many yearS occupied be the late (Judge) Charles Garrow. Bern le Termite of , parents 'formerly resident in •Goderiele Mr, J. Arthur. Sutherland andthe late Mrs. Slither- lend,and a grandson of the late Huron- C,ounty Registrar William Coats, the • young legatee has ,spent most of his yeai1n this town, having attended the iGoderich ,seheols before entering the -University of Toronto, *here be gradu- ated in arts in 1937. 'He -completed his law course at Os'geoderilell ine.910 and was, called' to the bar IneSeptember last. Mr. ,Sutherlandre eoholastitt career was markedly successtel, and itle tire -confident hoperotriferratinyetriends that be -will -establish an equally fine record as a legal practitioner. • RED CROW NOTES , One of the Most Interesting in the serie f lectures on nutritiott. whice, Mis$ Edith. Terlor Ii14$ ;Well giving ender the alttipicee of the local Red Creel Society was the teed ,,one on, Thursday 'right last. ' ,g1,86 Taylor' tiWeet, was '"The Stor- age -of Frulte„ Vegetables arld Other Food." She **cacti, fiat, fruit anet Vegetables, as "living pees," whielt have a life Process eitaliar to teat at huneenSeebreatbe inoxygen; and ex - bale carbon dioxide; burn carbon and release heat; 11_11, of will -eh Meet be taken- Into consideration _seem. searing. 'Ireatt loods", are tepee Which have been proteered, ateretave other storage consideration. ,1-411 are open to. attack by molds, eeteit', and bacteria. *Miss Taylor explailied the proper' methods of ',storage for .eackt of these classes. 'MK she discussed method for tontrol, or ants, reletbes motive Oliver ,,fish, cockroaches. , There was a good attendance, and. the audiences during the eourse have_ been most appreciative of Mies Taylor'ad- dreseer. ' • The Canadian Red Oreg.§ Society, terouge ,the local branch', is looking after supplies for the `R.A.F.. station, hospital at Port Albert. • FAST ntAvEr. 7AIR ' - MaeViear Leave% Toronto at Mid night Sunday' for Lethbridge, Where lie Mans a, Letter That Reaches Goderich Tuesday Night Alex... Mac -Vicar, i3.A., son ,ait Mr, and Mrs. George MacTicar of town, who had been vvith the Meteorological De- partment at Toronto, -elem.- November; left Toronto by airplane on Sunday lest, ohortly before midnight, for Leth- ,bridge, Alberta, where he will still be employed ployed whe the Met.eorological Se vin his his Wednesday morning's -mail, which had atelved in Goderich on TuestlaY night, Xtr ta'V1ear received a letter from Alex. -which the,,latter had mailed. after hie- a,rrival at Leth- bridge. 'Needless to say; the letter hail ;pollee east by alemaleas far as possible" As Lethbridge .is about 2500 miles from Csoderich, the round trip in forty-eight hours means fast work; even in these -dayeref-speette , Deputation Meets Highways Minister Claims of Blue Water Highway' Presented—Oonsideration Promised. _ A terse delegation reprerectreg tue Mite Water Ilighivart Aetociatioe Ireaded by W. (retter$0, for Weed Laullitcelt'and C. Parsons of Geele- rich, waited epee lion,' T. ,13. ' Mee •Questeit, Minister of,IlighWays, at Tor- onto on :Friday 'last and *eked for lbr- provemeets in the road between Sarnia and Kitteersilne. , The depiltatker artrel3redr-tneeeeeeder" Portion of, the toad between Forest' and Grand Bend.' It was pointed etut that United States eoetio sometimes'travel this far, them oa seeing the condition hot the road extending on into the north country turn back in disgust and head for some north Mielligan resort. It wes'-rollurlientd out that Wasteddnring the past tweirty years approximately $80,- 000 has been spent in advertising the Bite Water highway between 'Sarnia and •Orillia. to , _United, „States people. It nowappears-that a portion of this 'investment will be lost unleoe the eligh- ways Department takes definite steel's to improve , road' et:Indite:ate as tourists wUl not put their ears over rough, dusty and dirty. reedee Particular, attention was directed also to the ,portion Of Abe road between •Goderich and Kineardine, over which there is 4 heavy traffic to and from the air training schools. The delegation was composed of Gr. L. Parsons, president of the Blue Water 'Highway Association, Carl C. Manore and W. De Ferguson of Sarnia, Mayor. Floyde-Fer-Rumforre-rRege-Mayloreted- William -Lecheade of-exForeet,-----Reev , George W. ' Codringi and Councillors Beuce • Scott and Roy Elliott of, Bos:, anquet Township, Brace Ifoseeeberfy of Grand Bend,and representatives from various municipalities along the high- way between Goderich and 'Wiarion. ' -.Gravel Offered ,,, • A letter was presented froth Fred Walker of Oakwood Park, Grand Bend, offering the Department of Highways all the„ gravel necessary to complete the surfacing of the road between Forest and .Grand Bend free of charge. This gravel liein pits five miles long e-Pinereecloseeteetheertradrwhic is to be surfaced. Mr. Guthrie' made an. able" presenta- tion of the cage for the deputation. Mr. MeQuesten, in his reply, stated that the Government, owing te war con- ditions, was not considering any capital' expenditures, but this highway would be given fest eonsideration in Work to be done during ehe, year. , . . THE WAR SERVICES DRIVE Th,e, appoietment, of J 0. Thotaae of .Goderich, as Huron -County 'chairman of the Canadian' War , Services Fund, has been announced; The Comedian War Services, 'Fund vvill lauech a enam- moth "six-10-one"eirtee to secure .urgently needed funds for the Canadian Legion, Knights of OolumbusvSaWation Army, Y.MJC.A.,'Y.W.C.A.,- and I:O.D.E.. The drive opens on March 25th. Mr. Thomas• has called a meeting, of a TentatIve executive board to In Clinton on Friday night. At tele meeting the permanent board to con: duct the campaign will be named and :territories determined. The quota for Huron has not yet been announced.. • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED • Mr. and Mrs. John Logan of Brussels, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marguerite Pearl, to Douglas. 0ohoe Reke B.F.A., son of Mr. and ¥rs. 111ton D. Reid of Dray -toe, • Ontario. • The marriage is to take place in Brussels on March 15111. • Miss -Logan is Luiece of Mrs. Rpbert Huston, Bruce street, and is well known in Goderich. ot A. Matt PRO/1MM IN I I OTTAWA PR= GAUZE, I Mr. J. A. aurae Wart eleeted'eviee- preeidept Of the PArliameatirr Pee*, •Crallerf at Ottawa at the au/4W Meet - leg of that bede On. Uterda7 islet Ur. lbw le a well-known Goderieh "old WY." eon a 'Mr. J. P. termlie bee tome 'rapidly to the trout Meng Otteeva, journaletio and, in additiou to hie Vonneetiern with The Ottawa Citiree, he Write* for Other Palfers In 'various Nets, of the'collatre. ibe is Tee ,Signal -Star's Special cor- respondent at the, eapital, tie WeeklY letter luring the Parliamentary stip' sions !being a, valued, ,feature of thlts ,P4Ptr. -t- SCOUT DEMONSTRATION "The WO Of a : Stour PePitted at Gathering Of Orin and Perth Semettnastere Sweet/Were from; all over Heron ,and Perth -counties were in Goderich on Wednesday night to witness a demonstration, mule xate or 4 Scout," pet on .by tie Godericii and Clinton Stouts render the direction of Wield Commissioner Bert iiitehell of Louden. The demonstration, , given at the Mas- onie ehowed. , the life of "„a, Scott and the things Willa he learns froinetiwtime of joining the .Wolf Cubs &rough the peeled Ile itt a -Setout and Rover •Sceut to his appointment As cub:fleeter. The demonstration , completed the Scoutmasters' treeing eoursewhich has been in progress throtteaott Huron county during the last two months, It .was the &et demonstration of its kind ever given in Canada. • - e...1111ARTIN;r1V.ATEteiN... „. A- pretty Wedding eoelt platelh the Fort street Presbyterian. (lurch of Detroit on. Saturday,- March este when Estelle, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Watson of Detroit, was married to Me Dozald 'O. Marten. trs. Wetson, the former !Gertrude Holmes, is the daugh- ter of the late Dr. Triennts G. Holmes,' 'formerly of Goclerich 'township,. and tile groonfe parents; Dr. and Mrs. 'Donald Martyn, residee for many years at Ripley, Ont, and are well known 'in, that district and at Kineettilne. Mr; and Met. D. C. Martyn will reside itt Trenton, Mia. ' '• outs Dine it 4. H. O'Neil of Praises $cent -Walk sad Ideals Wridey eight Irtet, wee "LIM rait* Scent" eight at okat.14 amok where Member* of the Lema Clue esters, eyer ereveutt -ritirtieritth air eoovito, and Cubit at diarrere :0004 had one or More hearalareSeeirte meter 1:011ewinbee g;foromiwe r titer:741u%; fateer tale* -The reguJar, •btoitirerte .41e0.010.0t, as - Ito* took tbe form Of ,preoentertolit' to oetteral inembprs 'far the work thoet ehee"etaucee,tnnegnisreeeenilea thitioctlihtot tilittr:tbeir€411*it qeor- 1110 -eight new Merebereitt. ;Irene* :Simintludiret*rit4stti-,:tehw'aeirerm341}tireld.ostItIle;hole41=t4thheWourahler,' vow°. lions. Plaque* with nrettellittete et tier head of the founder ',the 14040 tu� were preeehted to Liona A. tree,, E.Sitonehoutte, 11. Pattereete VOOriliv MacEwane Stan, Prevett gerir Neleeer , The Lions' Weleorat to their' yettlet guests • Wait extended by Posit** Erekine and. :the prograln wore ' their turned over to Zion t17.: O./Cretan, chair, man of 4the Boy ''Scout eonetaitteee Tee program _ Wae featured." br. tbe singing of aa'sl:tf°t;b4::..t:GYPielaC:X447.e"..*nrtit itJed b7 • owei'va Aeea Bev. Ham. ,0iriell of Maim, was, introducedasgeese 'we/ter. The.stebe ject of hie •address 'wee •",OriallizatiOn„ of the Scout Movemeeteand the TOO; eleVereette of the World." Me. O'Neil tainol rn fah :tuteespeakert, Scoute dt 'the wotkwi e 0out soft Loe'd Baden-Powell' •',e ,ebeervatione. the, British . army, le in reuse men without leadership should beeome ,lost he thought it a trelendirl idea 1. trate them In initiative. strheril Waal& • .learuotell their. pir'0%!Alt?„11ianenlw,74tut* and cotk without Dur- ing the World War a ayetem efseOuting. Instituted by Baden-Powell, was If -bus; endeavour to live be the”"See laws ape ideals of "Godnrste the other fellow ,seecilidr and 7 'am, third?: they • ref tbe 'eountere —The Bitter& an country the :uture_., outstanding tea cOnntry" are just as voweitrui as Ito, training of Its people enekee it, seed the The !Besot niovelnenrie organize 0* the grounds oreperiterratetehoneSteee There are good -people. le every ler"' but sometimes they dee leiJ astray rryt wrongeeillerse • The Hitler yOuth, move- ment Is so tegAnizerd' let to destroy these ideals. Quoting- from leosenberget 'book,- Me. O'Neil read the ,pledge of the Nail Youth. movement • rNational Seciallera rreatteturt-iorr-hellere** heyGod,aretetubgei'lexjerhniaajlt thnealit.°S,Itiet'fle(16d*everysi teeing and to Seek to 6'preatl, the etate ewitb cruel disregard. We teneli "our boys to: be honere ; in Germany th'ey are taught the opposite. The present t,tritleal situ- ation in the world i a ehallenge to boys end men to live straight, honor- able lives of service. rt le a Challenge to each- and through pail Scout to others. - The sneaker urged tire a teeptanee the challenge to rliere av geed Scouts With a -feeling, of therthegivingtfor the delta and the men tied women who , handed it down to 'theme,' Tbeeeshoule notbethankfut in a boartful way, but should be Arne citizen'; with good'acts of service -to all. If ehallenge jg accepted,. true sheerer, and happieeto will follow: ' In .appreciation of the banquet and the Sneaker, the 'Oetre led. by MiSw (ertrude Wilkes, gave their grandlowil and Scouts, and Lions reined hire Scent gong. •The interesting evening was , closed with the Lime rear. RASEBALL MEETING All those interested in promoting baseball during the coming summer are inviteCte attend an orianieation ueet. ing at the Town Hall on Tueelay even- ing, March'llth. (not Monday, March 10th, as stated in this paper last week). THE WEATHER• ' The. temperatures for the past week and for the corresponding week last year as officially recorded, were as • follows: • 1041 1,04.0 0. •• • - Max. Min. Max. Min. Thurs., Feb. 27 ....18 9 • 37e • 24 Fri., Feb. 28 47 9 - 30 22 Sat., March 27 8 25 18 See„ March" 2 . 14 , 36 - 16 Mon., March 3 20 ' 37 28 Tues., March 4 23 Wed., March 5,20 ' 10 35 30 • DOWK.E145RIKETT 4 14 a ebarming tererrtoey at Colborne -street -Unit-e-d( ehere,le:"Loriden, on Sat- urday Ofternooter" Mary 'Elizabeth (Betty) only daughter of Wider ane Mrs. Roy Garrett, Thornton avenue, reurdon, beeame the bride .ktf Lieut. Arthur Bagnall Doviker, R.C.A., "Petawatea,- eon -of George tr'rr Dovrker and the late:Meer' Dowker, of Crodericle Rev. A. Murray Stuart offielated and George Gaebute was at the organ. Decorations of palms and feriae' with .'f-rank-eariteereatiter-flowers- teased_ the eherch, massing the pulpit steps, and tapers in tall 'candela,bea- flanked a white prie die* for the bridal couple. The bride, given ine marriage - by her father, was lovely in her imart .street -length gown eff precious aqua crepe, her small matching hat bavingra flower crown. She carried an aria bouquet a red rosea. Miss Verna Crawford as beidesinaid, chose navy blue rind white, with reetehreg hat, and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. John Dowker, of iGodericli, was thee men and the ushers were Jack Richard- son, London, and Gordon raeManes„ Goderich. The reception was held in e etifelen room ef thee:betel London, where Mrs. Gereett redeired in a jacket dress of soft blue with hat to match ad corsage of epees. Miss Audrey Dowker, of sGoderich, sister a the groom, also received., After beffetere- freeheients Lieut. and Mrs. Dowker left rto take up, teMporary• residence at 'Pembroke. The bride:travelled in a muskrat fur coat over a smart frock or terquoise wool, with matching hat of stitched felt. • • To Battle for Canada and theEmpire; Sergeant tHerbert Moody visited with hie parents, Mr. and! Mee. Joseph Moody, eXarket street, on 'Tuesday. Seegeant rloody„ was stationed at the iter.A.F. --Air NaVigatien School at RAiters, Manitoba, • for the past two months, but has been trenSferrel terthe" Service. Flyine Training 'School at 13rantford, wh;re lie will act as in- structor. • • A.C. •Willitun. Hill is spending a two weeks' leave of absence with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Nelson Hill, Water- loo street' A.O. Hill hag been stationed at Calgary, Alta., ifer the pest eight Weeks. . •. Lieut Fraeltlie Calder,. of the staff of the 'Chatham Training Centre, ree • turned to- Chatham on Sunday after spending 'two week' ietrve , with his Parente Rev; Ar 0. and Mrs. Calder. Pte. :Carl Anderson, who Se on the :elerical staff, at the Woodstock artillery 'training canip, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Themes Anderson. s . Sergeant Jack Calder is eLsiting withhia parents,. Rev. and 1,1rO. A; a Calder, this w •c. lt is his (last leave of ab - ,40 settee ore proeteding overseas.o.t3 an obterver with the R.C.A.V.. •iSeege-ant Calder was - stationed at the 'Air N'avie gatiou School at 'Rivers, Manitoba, the past month., , -' „„ . - ' • ,' Ptea. Bert Mohriegand Harry Bloom- field, of the BlginerRegiment (A.P.), stationed at Torontd, vent -the week- end in Obderich. ' Sergeant flames' 'Sheardown, of the Perth Regiment (A.V.), "stationed ' et Hamilton, eirrited With hie' 'Detente, Mr. and Meg. Wren Sheardown, Iiincke street, early this Week. Donald 'Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3, B. Mason, Elgin ave., who has been taking private flying , instruction at Toro"nto, hag 'been accepted in the irre'eA.F. and is tontineing a sPecial instructor's course at the Leavens Bros, airport where lie received. bie element- ary tieing 'training. Sgt. Hector Tigert; who is 4 wirelece • instruetor at the It,C.A.r. station at Prince 'Rupert, B.C., is visiting with hie Detente, Mr. and Mee. Jelin' Tigert, Port Albert. fgt. Tigert eepeete to • spend fear dare, here. It ie the .ffret time lee her 'been hottle in °ter a year. _ Mr. -b. D. Plante, who his been on •the staff of the Bank of Commerce here the last few weeks, .has joined the Royal Canadian Air ,FOree and will .repere at London on Tuesday Tierce Mr. Plante's home is at Southampton. Letters reaching Goderich of recent days reveal that Corporal Carl Shear - down has been en 11°r-retell:en England - and 'is convalescing from, a recurrence of .trouble caused by- baelt injuries re- • ceived in an automobile accident before .0111111,g the army. Ile is now vieiting with an aunt end writee. bat he may be invalided halite. The number of Croderich boy e en-, listed with the Rorie. Canadiail Air Force has been ,swelled considerably with the aceeptatte of eeved local young..men as aircraftliten In The ser- viee. 'They are; William Carter, son of Mr. and lire. Ddward Carter, Britata- nia, road; Rex Duckworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallet* Duckworth, Bayfield road; 'William Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson, Quebec etreet; ehme,s Ross, son of ,Sergeant and We, Art Rose, Newgete street; Wit. ilain Hoggarth, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoggarth, 'Cambria road; 'Colin Acuhastielrebes r_Areu,swsreton rt,oyf; Maro.rtoanndiitMreeret., anti William Mrennee, son of "Mr., and Mee, Nortnan Ifeletnes, West street. The seven youier men, all graduates of the Galt aircraft school, are at present statioued at Manning Pool, Toronto. • Bill Thompson and Rex Duekworth, -are the, thtrd boys inetheir respective famine; to enlist in the active, service. Both have oeeebrother serving over- seas with the Estee Seottioli Regiment, „• Three Mere te• Galt Thiree Mere Goderielt youne mexi have enrolled at the Galt aireraft eehool with tbe hope that when, they" graduate In wove months' thee they Will be aceepted` in the atrerAJP. tte aircraft - men. They are Philip Carter eon of • Mr. and Mre. EdWard Carter, Britannia road; Harold 'Voting, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Noble !Mew, Martha street and David Farrieh, son of" Mrs. jotter D. Varrisle, MUM street. Another yeettig Mall known to many Goderiett people, 11:arry II. Otie �f Toronto, is among thOoe enrolling with the new class, Harry worked at the C.P.R. 'telegraph office here Or almost a year; returning 'to hls honie ineTor- onto in December. Tee Goderice .boys left on Monday to join their classes. - Another group of R.A.F. men, about eifty in all, arrived at the C.N:R, •Station early- ISucday afternoon and were promptly estorted to the Port Albert Air Navigation &hoot, where they: will undergo eourse,s in advenced navigation in the next few weeks!' Most of the airmen were either .coin- ,missiorted -oflicei's or .rergettets and bad -seen eonsiclerable fighting service. Several -of ,the tIyIng offieere held the • Distinguished -Flying Cross and the sergeants etbe Tristingatshee 'Plying Medal.• , The Majority of the,lt..telr. Men who trained here. early ,en the Whiter 'have completed •their course and have re- • turned to England. in. the last ' few weeks, many of them flying American- matlie 'bombers acrohe the Mtantie on their Tette:re ELTING OFFICER DONALD MacliAY Is now "Plying Officer" Donald llaeKey, R.C.Aer. This young man, sQ11 ofeelr. and Mrs. john MacKay of letutail, earned hie eommission the hard way. Ile began flying three yeare ago, taking a course at London, paying for it out of his eft pocket with money that be Meted between leesone. 'Short- ey 'befere the war he joined the R.C.A.P. and beeame .an inetreetor' with the rank a ,gergearit.' Plying Offieer Mae Kay ie now etationed at a Western service flying eehool. SGT.' MERRILL RARER OVERSEAS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baker receited a cable on Tuesday -advising them of the safe arrival in 'raglan& of their son, ;Sergeant Walter Merrill Barter. Merrill hoe been le training with tee Itoyal 'Canadian Air Fere° for several nionthe as a wireless operator air gunner. On February rd be was Mar- ried at 'Ottawa to Mig.g tianOt 0. Baldwia of Montreal, and the Voting ladv is at preemit visiting her husband's parents here. 700 WAlt SAVINGS- PLEDOES' CANVASS NOT COMPLETE Mr, J. irthiiespie, chairelan of the local earapaign for war savings pledges, reports today tbat 700 of the 000 pledges expectee from this town have been secured and the ca,nvaes is "Still ineomplete. It is fully eXpecteV tbat iGhtlerith will reach its *Weaver In Colborne and Goderich townships road eonditiens have not been favor- able for a caevasse and in view of the "six -in -one" war services eampaien te eommence shortly the War louvings eauvase in these two towns,hipe.will be pootponed, until April, TREASURER OF RACE ASS'N Ata meeting of the 'Goderich Trotting and Pacing Aesociation, held last night, Wesley M. McLean - was appointed treasurer, in sueceesion to elle late E. R. Wigle, who held the position ;for mate years. • GODERICII ESCAPES' SNOWSTORM While it was earning -heavilY le Order rich Sunday nigait; •with intermittect • showers until Monrlie noon, it wait snowing just as heaVily „in the 'Wing - ham, Amberley and leinearditre sections. It snowed so heavily twenty eines to the north, in fact that enewelows lave been ',working almost every day and night since. The Blue, Water frtmt Amberley to Kincardite tag heel' bloekeddon and off With four andefive- foot drifts, oiy as late as last night 'Highway No. 86, Arolierley to Leeledele also has been blocked' for home at a time, as has No; 9 east.front rselneardlnee Goderich escaped the .efertif. FOR TIIE RED CROf3S A..eard party and dance in aid of ,tltttr Red CitoOs will be held le elre Ma8onie Temple on Monday tight, March Euehre and 500 will be played; be- ginning at 8 o'cloele Mimic for tht dance -will be provided be tbe Port - Albert MAY. Orcheetea, eteaducted by Irlight-lieut C. Fletcher. Hospital at Port Airport Now in Operation -Accommodation :TOTFifty. A complete medieal staff le now in residenee at Port Albert 'airport; where the new bospital hasbeen In -partial 'operation, for , sie' weeks. erquadron Leader Lyon Dean is the doctor in charge aml Flight -Lieut. Whittingham and Flying Oilieer Kent are his as sistants. All are from England, as are four lien -commissioned assistants with the rank a sergeant and corporal. The two nursing eistere and nine of the orderlies' are Canadiaue. Wear are 'heel Saeka.teliewan. ,Seme are college undergraduates in pbarmacy. ' The hospital was inrpeeted by Goder rich medical men who, with their Wives, were guests' at the airrsert hospital on Friday The hoeplial hasaccemmodation for fifty patients and is modern in every respect, with_ X-rit anti -operating rooms, laborattiry, 'oi1ier:1 end qnertero for the nursing sisters. It was one of the last tit adingeito* started Sby the W. 11 Beranan *Corte traeting whin ties week .eort pleted its eontract and ie rearoreee equipment to jobs elsewlere, Ob6ervation and eoiltrot Tout,' The now observatien 411U' eentroll tower, "the traffie cep tr- the arr." IN now in operation and off -the -mood I*, formation Is that eighteto planer wer* recently landed eafeee and without a exately teeter' mientek,it was, done 'with Beet rigitair with terrier like Preeision, s, 8 I'JinuW redid) melee n„ ltereetirnear Sheppatilton, alro i( 141,etted iriIvo- ation. • ,„.