HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-27, Page 8NEWS OF AUBURN ihX,OUSSN, tNib. aud Mrs. Ilarold Nicholson, of Galt,, spent the 111.40isiehd with the. latter's parents, Mz. mid litre. John *Wilson* *or, and Mrs. 3. V. Beyeraft, of Pies Are Vieiting 1k4101- Reyeraft'S then. Itee. IL C. Wi1su, and The old adage that "trouble neVer Mae,* SinglY" Seeras t aVe taken root With Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Who haS euffered t 'WS by death of her bro. ther, John elater, ot Seafortle Mr. ticiater died at his, home on Fridayi exectlY 'two weeks ,after his Mother, Mrs. Wm. Sclater, had p„assed to the s (Great ileyond., ,The deepest oympathy. of the 'whole emnraunity is extended to Urss.detivson in ber dotable bereave. ment. " Stasi/ey Maall or the 4.v.A.Y., rietou, speat the Week-ends:with hiS parent*, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McNeil. ManY friends here were delighted'on ISa•tarday night to hear ' the heiretkful rich seprano voice qe Mrs. (04) 4, G, Ferguson, who sale; over station CBI.), Toronto, under aPPointraeut. „ Mrs, VerguSon was •forraerly Mildred Browns s(laughter ,et Mrs. Isaac 'Brown; or Blytb, arid the late Mr. BrOwns Miss Kathleen Patterson has been visiting friends -at -Waltoiis-- Thomas Adams haS returned, to , her home after a lengthy visit 'with • friends at kitehener; • Rev B Q Wilson was a. Torento .yisitoi last week. The World „Pay:. of Prayer Will be obSeeved in trier:Baptist Phureh on Fri- day afternoon, at 2.30 p.m.. All the ladiesof the community are invited. Some ,thirty-five ladies ;net in the - basement of. the :United church on Ttiesdays,when our quilts weresquilted tor the Red Cross. One or the quilts wag' donated by MTS. Gormley Thomp- son of 'Sarnia. Don't !forget the play under the :USED TIRE CLEARANCE 11/IVST BE CLEARED ' AS LOW AS 69c each - 'nary. BAXTER & M. LIN*LD Shell Service Station • Goderlch Phone 535 017400000.L..0.11itO GET STARTED , NOW' ON YOUR ENGLISH Dinner Set England need's the money • •Yon need the Dinner Set ALL OPEN* STOCK Smith's Art & Gift Store East 'gt. Phone',198 au*pleee of the Red Croat ti be held in tile ForeatersJUR on Friday even, fesbraaVY 20th. • The publie seitool la being closed for a etaltpie of days as the teacher, MISS Edith 'Beacom, IS 111 with MeaSles. Others whe are confined to their homes with the same trouble are Charles Beadie,, ire and A. 3. Riordanyoungest b -ton ot Mr. and MrS. H. C. Riordan. PERSONAL IVIENTIO' N -Miss( Donna, Bell is visiting her sister, Mrs, Rouse, and Mr; Ernest Rouse at Norwich. s„ Mrs. Wad has returned to her"Imme at Buffalo after a visit with' her par- euts, Ur. antli Mrs. A,. Cornfield. Miss (Frances Thomson, R,N„ who ha$ ben hi LondOnsfor seme years, is now on the staff of. Alexandra Hospital. E.,11:.Cleveland i$ at Itunt,sisille oh- visit tie'lter motlier-in-lawe (13. rjs 0,1eVe1antli-who on Sattirclay last celebrated, heatnin,etysfirst birthday. . • KINGSBRIDOE The Late Miss 0,14rieYes-A • Sfiadow of gloom everspreact the tonimnuity, of liaugsbridge in the death of Miss Mary (-Garvey,-711.N., which oceurred IA' St. Joseph's Hospital, "London, on !Tuesday, February 1.1th, after a long ilinesS. The deteased, Whto was the eldest daughter (Ft -Mr. -and -Mrs. Thomas •Garvey, was a graduate •of •St. Michael's Hospital, Torouto, arid for some years 'held a post. than at Ford Hospital, Detroit, 'before returning, to Kingsbridge to assiSt in the care of the ehildeen of her late sister, Mrs. "WilliaM Dalton, Besides 14.er Parents? she ieases one siSter, Sister 'Marie Therese, •St. Joseph"s "Cenvent, East Windsor,' and, seven - brothers, •Father Edwin, Garvey, 04.B., .Assump- tion College, Windsor; James, Thomas, Jelin and Gerald Garvey of• -Kings- bridge ; Joseph (Garvey,'I K.C., of Tor- onto, and Dr. Leo (Garisey of Guelph. Shesw,as predeceased some" years ago by' one brother, rather Wilfrid, Garvey,. C.S.B., and one sister, Mrs; William Dalton. The funeral took place an •'Februat7 14th to St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge, • Where solemn 'requiem, mais ,was celebrated by Father Edwin CarVeys assisted by Father F: A'. Me- Cardle as deacon 'and.. Father Maurice Sellivan US sub -deacon, with • Father J. L. Quigley as master or cerenxinieS: • Father,. A, McCardie officiated at the grave. . Present in .the sanctuary, were Father. V. Guinan, :president of Assump- tion College, 'Windsor, Father T: Mc- Carthy, St. Peter's Seminary., London, and Father H. •Goderich, The pallbearers were William and Frank Xoung Williarn Dalton, Michael FOley, • Hersests Donnelly* and John A. Dalton; The great' nurober of Mass eards and • token of the love and esteem in Which spiritnal.„•and fh7rtil bouquets are a the deceased was. held bv all Who new • her. • The sincere sy.rapathY of•the cora'. =linty is extended to the, bereaved.par's ents and family who, Will greatiss.mlas her, kind assistance and goodness.. THE GODER1CH �io1l "FISIIHRIM‘ DITS doughty little ship, of thel4ishermen'S patrol" Fleet of the IteYal Canadian NavY Plows through •the :heavy Pa.cifie. These Small vessels keep constant' Watch over.the bays and inlets ' of the 1111•Itish" Columbia Briefs The regielar meeting of the Nurees7 Alumnae will be held at the nurea, • residence en Pridan Mara 7th,' at •$ P.M. , Campbell's Stornach senl Liver kills., 201/4 tateount on all dielen 'a. it u:Lntt- . stehee colognes, creams i rouges, 'Powders, etc., from Mar,ch it to March. 8th, at Campbell's Drug Store. ' 4) At Kingsbridge Rail each Monday evening, Boy -MeKenzie and his °tele • eetra. Danclug f vim 19 pan, to ; a.m. • Admission 35e eaeh. • '•5tf The Red Crossdance . (postponed ,from February, 19t1) -will •be, held on Monday, 'Moron 17th, at the 'Masonic Temple. Keep ,the date, open-. 0 a' ultSit*eeerrfRebeha rrur41)41-od4ge -gespSale'attlirtirlr" Meech. 1st, at 1 p.m, ' , • .8 , Knox Church rumnal 'high tea, March 4, feont 5.0 -to 830., . ' ' . 84) 1 T., , NW" a` • , OBITUARY .F W. SOH.A.EFER, The death • of Frederiek Wilham Sehaefer occurred at !Byron Senator. lude London, on•Saturclay mgroirtg after an illness of about three ,years' duration. Mr, Schaefer was in his seveety-seeond year. Ile was .born. in Waterloo county, the ion of Mr. and Mrs..-oerad !Schaefer, and. .spent The early Part of his life in Milverton. He learned the tailor trade and. worked 'at Milverton for a number of ' years, later taking erriPloyment' with Allis- Chalmers "Company and. the Canadian Edison. Company at 'Stratford, where he lived for twelve yearst-• Ile moved to (Goderich about nine years ago and was employed at a bakeshop •until his retirement 'because of ill -health. He, was a member of Knox Presbyterian church and was formerly a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Sur- viVitig, _besides his widow, sthe former Matilda Mohr., are two so.n.S. Clarence, of Gocleriell, and Harry, of iaris,Ont.; twossclauglaters„Mrss_Qr01 Straehan, and Mrs. (Goldie Smith, of Otiderich ; three brothers, Adam, of Kitchener John, of Milverton, and .(ElenrY, ef ratford. . •• • The,funeral was held from the Cranston Funeral Home on Monday afternoon, Rev. D, J's'Lan'e Conducting the services. The - pallbearers were Clarence and :Harry iShafer, Sons; Gordon dSchaefer, Milverton; George Schaefer,. Goderich-;—Samuel Whaley, Harriston ; :Walter Mohr; Mitehell. Interment was n Maitland eemetery, •• Relatives and friend attending the, funeral -included Mr. and' Sirs. Ohtteles Diets -Men, •Stratford ; Adaln 'Schaefer, Kitchener; john and (Gordon ISehaefer,„ Milverton ; Walter Mohr, 111telie11; Mr. arid Mrs. W. $8;,,Whaley, Harr1ston. • EAT MORE APPLES • sEuurrim op• luss.ic GRADE ,APPLES DiarINTOSII 'EXCELLENT EON 4,4t. Bask. 39c SNOWS . Vt..27c 1 BALDWIN Vsit: 27F SPY 4lt Cwmr: SB-aQs.kt.. • • 3.7c Ontario 10-1b; C, • ONTAIU0 ail ISM" la • COOking ,Bag SELECTED- RUMMY - 6c CABBAGE .41:rata.; -AL, LETTUCE. EreshCrs� ileathic MELANGES c akig r Doz, 2,3t tEMONScanfornsp b: oz22 .r. . Pledge Your Savings and Hasten Victory Buy- War Savings Certificates Regularly OKAR COFFEE • 1-11,. Bag 3 9, New - A & P VIENNA -TWIST 24-4 loaf 9c ANN a PAGE ANGEL' CAKE p1/40 -1.15c, arta rue OId rashionsa COOKIES • 216$•25c iliMi=0111 A te P RAISIN LOAF 24 oz., Loaf 13, FLOUR SUNNyFIELD LARD SUNNYFIELD • SALMON TPDgiz,i,GER115.. • KIPPER -SNACKS 2 Ting • zi4b. Sae vs , Ib. Sperial Otter! Boiled Oats Bulk 3 ib le MACARONIAll ' 'A 2 Kinjs AYitner IN* OLD CHEESE. Mitli CHEESE °11 Chickeilladdies rin.1 lb. , - Raisins lallt :"Ib. 1 . , tt JC . ,. Wheat •, ' grggrd 2 ;V. 15c Jelly Poiiders'o.lettrkg6,11 Motor 011 .Super Body 411: 99, #,. Thmotoes Met 221c-150 .., , , * PEAS Iona 4Sievo ' ' tif* 9c SIIIIDDIES Brunswick ,t'in ' 5 - Boking Powder RAT lic , S. ens Bulk 4c OXYDOL, BUR FLAKES Rd 1 lAtNe Pkg., 1 Small SOTH FOR 2 jtricE Grapefruit• ZVI"' 17 Chorteain Nistrli2 th-. 23c P S'ELF-S' ICE FOOD STORES • THE WEATHER • The temperatures for the past, Week and the eorresponding week last year, as officially recorded, were as ‘follows• • 1941 •- 194Q: . . • „ Max. Min. Maxs,Min, Thurs., Feb. 20 ....25 15 -35 26 Fri., Feb. 21 28 24 sa • 11 Sat., Feb. 22 29 24 29 12 • Sun., Feb. 23 28 20 • 28 . 21 Mon., Feb. 24 31 15 • 23 . 20 Tues.; Feb. 25 24 12 24 11 Weds `Feb. 26 22 '15 ,25 15. , LEMON JUICE RECIPE CHECKS RHEUMATIC - ' PAIN QUICKLY If you suffer from rheurdatic, arth- ritte,sor neuritic pain • try this simile,' inexpensive home recipe. Get a pack- age of Rteex Prescription from your druggiSt. Mix it ;with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons, It's easy and pleaaant. You need only 2 tablespoonfulls two times a day. Often within 48 hours— sometimes overnight—splendid results are, obtained. If the pains are not quickly relieved arid if you do not feel better, Ru -ex (Prescription wilreest You nothing to try. ' Your money refunded if it does n t help you. Ru -ex Pre- scription is for sale and, ,recommended by • , • • 3. A, CAMPBELL ' and other leaditie, druggiSts. • ean Coal Compan Goderich READING .\<ti471173Y OLGA POCAHONTAS ITAIVICO CANADIAN COKE ALL oviER ruims omptStrvie Tel. Ofiw STRAINS OF rim PIPES I STIR 'SCOTTISH BLOOD Duncan (the Piper) MacKay, native of gluten but nOW a resident of Gode: 'rich,, one Of ,the best amateur timbers •of his day, recently celebratehis eight's -eighth birthday at his •home on Park street, where he resides 'with ilia sister, 'Mrs. Peter Fletcher. Qf a recent evening he was paid a surprise visit by Mr. D. 3. 'MacLennan, Lochalsh, storekeeper, who .brought with him a strapping twenty -two-year-old Scots, man, L.A.C. Archibald Mborne, Dunferitline, Scotland, new with the RAS. at Port -Albert. Mrs Mac., 'Lerman also brought, his pipes' along, :so that the visitor from a, mild Seqti might. -put on a' program, and the skirl of ,the pipes' tilled the air of the. MaeKay home and its environs for igilf • •ho'nr. Mr. MacLennan said he had, made a 'tfind ," and the aged Piper con- rnied'shis views. He said.' he hadn't 'heard sueh ,mnsic since' professionals were'lraportedfor the Caledonia sports at Lueknow, and „during the program *his -face- was -a study 'ofspleasure and -contentment. - .• It is thought& 'lets- snch as -Mr. MacLennan's that eaunt.ln the life of an octogenarian shut-in like Mr. Mac- Kay,' who in his dey was famous , as' a piper, and the concert, will be repeated as soon as Mr, C,borne's bag- pipPs arrive from .Scotlaaci. They ,now are long overdue., MacKay 'e parents came from 'Scotland .in 1846and he is one of Ash - 'field's real "old boys:" His health is comparatively good. — , - BORN PARRISH. — At Brantford General 'Hospital, on February 24th, to Mr. 4 Mrs. John 'Fairish, Brantford, sem. • • PA. NE. — At :Alexandta Hospital, Getlerich, on FebruarY 25th, to Mr. and Mrs'. G. E. Payne, Goderich, a daughter. , SMITH. — At Alexandra Hospital, .0-odereiht on February 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith (uee Gertrude Wheeler), a son,. •• W.AIRNOCK.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warnock, (Groderieh • twin daughters. - DIED , McINTYRE.—SuddertlY, in Ashfield • township, on Mond, February 24th, 1941, Russell Worthy, youngest son • of Mr. and 3Irs, "Vanier McIntyre, aged.4 months. .141q SOHAEPER.—St London,on Saturday, February 22nd, 1941, .Frederick_ • Schaefer, in his 72nd year. IN MEMORIAM SPROUL.—In.„ leving memory of my . dear husband, William Sproul, who •passed away Felkuary 18th, 1927. The world may change from year to And friends fro/belay to day ; But never will the one 1 loved From memory pass away.. • •--His loving wife, Rhoda M. :Sprott': ,CHURCH NOTES • ' Members and. friend e •of 'Victoria Horne. and Selfool Club who were un- ablelte be present at the birthday party, and whoeyv.huld, like to have a share In providing the layettes for Willett air raid 'victiffie, are aelted--to let, in touch with. Mre. .13eorge"-Ifeivera' 'Mrs. 'George Raeghler, telephone 50 • The -monthly meeting ef Wornen'e institate wlUbelxeld at elaeKay Ball on Thursday, March 6, at 3- pen. - demonstration of articles made from sugar saeles will be given: The Ladies' Aid of Zion ehurch and the Red Cross of-Taylqe's Corner will meet WedneSday. March 5, at 2 p.m., at Mrs. K. Holmes'. The hostesses will be Mrs. Reg, Sturdy and Mrs. Howard 'Sturdy. The roll call 'will be answered with suggestions to improve the Society, Friday and Saturday specials—fancy large heavy 'bath' 'towels, slightly int - Perfect, 47c -89c pair, at Goderich Doilar 'Store. • s Bacitrite for the kidneys. 'Camp- bell's, • 30 AY, TAR Mb, 1$41 For Results A Moiled Ad TO I4EAT _ 0 RDNT.----TWIO LARGE KILN- ISIIF)1) rooms on lower floor, all convenieueee; o,lso room and board. J. E-JIARNIVIeLL, .Keays street. • 0,10x reFeNiteeStiPEBTEST SERVIKIE •Station, well leeated in exotlerieh on the Blue Water highway. This is an•oldeleablislead Imeiness. .Ateason,- Able ,terms. Small eapital required. Apply BOX 322, !Seaforth. Ox AUCTION SALES • AUCTI,ON SALE • Of household furniture and goods and real estate owned by the late .TON- ATHAN ZUNTLEY, at Blyth, on ; SATURDAY; 11A„Itatr 1St, at 1.30 jm • T. •GIUNDRY & SON, AucOneers • The regular monthlysmeeting of St. George's Church 'Women's Guild will • be held on Wednesday, March 5th, in the parish hall. SpfelaI Program At Victoria trpq 'United, church. on Sunday, March 2nd, the service of, • sacrament and infant baptistn will be observed. Rev. A. J. Maclitaye, will pretieh dn the subject "Baptism." • The regular ineetittg of North street 1 Milted church W.M.S. will be held in !the Sninlay -sehool 'room at 3 p.m. •on Monday, March firtl. " Mrs, J. B. (Graham's group will have eharge, of the program andthe chapter of the study book, ."Witnessing of the . Ways in Japan," 'Wil; be distussed bY Mrg. W. P. Utile, ' CLEIAR 1NG AUCTION 'SALE s• Of 'Farm Stock and Implenieats, nt the farm of Lorne Thurlow, lots 13 and ,14, Lake Road Wet (0% miles north of Gotierieh),; on WHONDSDAY, MARCH 5t1i, at 1.30n .m. F . Horses -1 gray Percheron horse, aged; 1 -bay gelding, rising 3 years old. Cattle -1 roan cow, "dueto freshen June 30; 1 roan cow, dile to freshen July 13;. 1 black cow, „due to freshen Sept, 10; 1 roan cow, dee to freshen Sept. 18; 1 roan Oiler, due to freshen Sept. 22; 1 gray heifer, due to'freshen Oct. 23; 1 white heifer, ranching; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 5 yearlings ; fall calves. Pigs -6 chunks. IMples ments-1 Deering bitider ; 1 Deering mower ;' 1 hayloader with trucks; 1 Massey -Harris fertilizer hoe drill (nearly new) ; 1 side rake and tedder, combined.; 1 dump rake; 1 steel roller;. McCormicksDeering dise barrows, 14 lates ' with _twits L1 cultivators 1 Other ridites ;News Verity walking plow, 21; 1 Frost & Wood gang plow; 1 Bain wagon with box and stock, rack; hay rack; 'gravel box; 1 Clinton' inhli; quantityof whiffletrees and doubletrees ; 1 buggy; 1. cutter; 4 set Chatham scales, 2000 lb.; 1 set single harness; 1 pig crate; quantity of hay and spring grain; forks, chains, shovels and numerous other articles. Nothing reserved, as owner as 'leaving the farm. • Term, . cash. _ LORNE THURLOW, • Proprietor, R.R. 3, 'Goderich. •s . T. iGUNDBY & SON, -9 * AuctiOneers. CoiIn cata`Pbell, who- is training at Louden with the Royal Oanadian Naval' Reserve, visited with his parente;ir anti grs. D. 'E. Campbell, Wellingtoe I street, oVer the weo,k-end; • Ready tor-Buffiness 1 " Attracted by a bright yointgeter, a dear old ln.dy, csaid to him : "I'd give a thousand pounds to have a little boy' like you for my -own." . "That's a lot .of ,money-, len't• it?" • said the lad. 'Yes, but I. have lots of money' and no little boy.' — • "Mother 'wouldn't4et you have me for good," said •the boY. .Then thought for a minute and added bright- ly ; "But :vote can hold my hand for All Risk Jour Polootal property • insured agarrist oaetitally all rislot INTONE '4'14'z AT - PREMIUM SEE. 11. M. FOltD •friSUratttt and Red Et4,tsie 3 Iltatullten St 'TA? 244W SALE Farm, farm stock and implements of the estate of John A. COX; lot 28, don.' cession 8; (Goderich Township, on • VEDNEISDAY, MARCH 12th, 1941 commencing at 12 o'clock, noon. Three cows, freshened ; 1 tow, due to freshen in July ; 1 cow, due to freshen in A.prii; 1 cow, due to freshert in JO' ; 6 steers, rising two, years ; 2 heifers; rising two years ; 4 steers; rising one year; 1 heifer, rising one year;- 3 young calve; ; 1 'horse; 1 sow, due in April; it set double harness; • I set single harness; 2 on,barrels ;11 turning lathe ;- 1. pulper ; 1 gas engine; 1 I/2 11.1'. motor; 1 horseclipe•er; 2 cars, repo and pulleys; 1 Massey -Harris binder, • six- foot cute 1 Deering.birider, seven -foot ; 2 Massey-,Ilarria mowers; 1 two -horse cultivator ; 1 three -horse cultivator; 1 tractor eultivator; 1• I.H.O. 10-20 traetor ; 1 set, tractor disee; 1 set tractor plows; 1 set in -throw discs; 1 riding plow; 2 walking plows; 1 double ploir; 1 hay loader; .1 side delivery rake; 1 dump rake ; 1 'Cement Mixer; 1 grinder, 10", plate; 2 fanning mills; 1 set e000 ib.ecales; 2 seta harrows.; 1 corne,scuffier ; 1 Cutting box anti Apes ; haY rack- ; 3 wagons ; 1 -gravel box; I, *go.. box and stock reek; 2 'sets sleig,hSe 1 , turnip. dent ; I edrag saw' ; 1 cireniar w;Sabuggy e 1 cutter; manure opreader'; 1 13 -hoe drill; 1 eream eeparator, ,Mellotte two,wheel trailer; 1 foureeheel trailer; • 1 Ford car ; 1 extensiou ladder ; 1 corn binder; quantity 0-r hay ; seed oats ; seed barley ; mixed grain ; quantity of lumber. 'Other articles to nuttaterous to mention. The farm to be offered for sale is' situated on Oth eoncessien Goderich Township, containing 80 acres. ,Every- thing, must be sold, au estate h eiug :settled; Terms, ,eash. M1RS. 404-E1 A. COX, • ,ALDERT B. (SOX, IIAI/017D jAtlICSSxONee, tit°r5' 9-10 Auctioneer. E-A IU in good condition. Apely to 103 elgin Ave. 4 gAix.--Lo'r ON NM/SOX Street, with double garage, spring well. MISS 4.;, MOSNit, Jiamilton Street. •8.9 LOOK TO THEe GOOD .SUMSIER, broiler markets 'becoming inereass ingly profitable. 'Bray ':cockerels, light and,heavy breeds, and started coelterele,- Pulleteee-viipons,--,bargainse ihunediete delivery: Order now to catch broiler and, late summer egg markets, E. B. R.R. 24'Pray Agept. 9 OR SAME. — RUBBER 000DS, Sundries, etc., ..enailed postpaid 'in ,plain, sealed wrabPer. ' 80% less than retail, Write for mail-order catalogue. 1sFowitupX3iDR, CO., *Dept. Ic-S; Box 94 Hamilton_ , Out. 34.0 FOR SALE.--PARIC, _85 ACRES, good eley Ione 6 acres buSlb,. plenty of water; bank barn, 36 x 50, hay barn 30 x 42, drtving s1xed-24 x 36, hen , house 16 x• 18; good house with 'bathroom; On No 8 highwaY, two miles from •Goderiele HER/3. LAMPREY, R.R. 1, 431°4410, 8x CARD *OF THANKS. MAS. GEORGE 00WER13Y AND • FAMILY wish to thank Bev. A, C. Calder ane Rev.,A*. J,2McKaye and else. _their many* friends and ,neighbors' for the kindnesse Shown in their, 'recent bereavement, also those who sent flowers and :leaned their ears.. F1VE,6 SOHIAE•Peilt, ANDer.,631- .•ILiY viish to thank their many friends' and neighbors for the kind- nesses shown them in their recent. ead bereavement ; also for the.. beautiful iloral tributes and those who so kindly 1411fted ',their' cars. • , -9 LOST OST. ---TWO 1itir1lTKEMII4C ()ANS, - 21A suttee south of Gederlein Tuea- day afternoon. Finder please -minty JOIN 110WA:Ite, BeVield. Phone Clinton 02e, ring 31. 0-10 PUBLIC NOTION MICE. As Dr. H. R, Mall reported for active. eervice, Monday, February 10th, all Unpaid aeeounts, may be paid to Mieek Beans, at Dr. Hall's ()Mee, until rebrue. ary• 28th, 1941, and after that date ae- counts must be paid at the fake of hi* soliciter, 1t C. Bays, Ilantilton street'', Oederieh, Ofit.'. •79 WittiVrai WANTED. 1il,04' COOKER SPAN- 1EL pup—black preferred, Write BOX 70, • SIGNAL -STAIR, giving age and price asked, 4 ,.WANTED.—TO 1tTJ OX HORSES and (Rads cattle; =net 'he ouitable ior mink teed; removed promPtlY. FRED GILDER% R.R. 2, Bayfielo Phone 908 r ,22, Cliaton. Cells Paid tor. 18-th THE FAMILY OP Tilt LATE' ' Andrew Million take this means of expressing their appreciation of the kindness" and sympathy shown ;them In (their recent bereavement ; also their thanks to those' who:loaned ears for the funeral and sent literal tributes. .9x voilmegoprallimise imiumma TENDERS WANTED -- R. A: F. - Ortaia . wants to rent a furnished hofise *for •small ' Must have golheat- ing, coeldng and hot water arrange.: me,nts. Writespartieulars to BOX 80, SIGNAL.SITAR. 4 iNvANICEID.—ACTIV MAN • (or woman) wanted for profitable . Watkins route. • ,Steadv.' -repeat best. utes. 'Full credit ter all orders. We supply the stock owl traiu you. Big MR. SEMPLE, 2177 :Vfassen St., Mon- , r opportunity. Apply promptly to ctnreeanlin. n ge. assured. from start. .This ••• 749 MEIN' AND 'WOMX$ WANTEia•-s" — Would you like to own a businesi In an exclusive district? • Sell'. t:wo • hundred guaranteed household neeeS- 'sities•such as epicei, eitraete; food pro. ducts, tea, coffee, fern], necessities, •etc. -No-eriske--Thirteedireetrialeeffer-free We help you realize nfce profits. Pro- position sent without any obligation, SITO,.1435 Monteahn, Montreal: . 7-1.q ' NOTICE TO C.103AT0RS NOTICE TO ORED/TOBS. • . All persons having claims against the estate Of Lee Hun, late of theToWn- otl,Goderich, laundryman, who died on •the 25th day of April,' 1940, are re- ' .qeired to file particulars of the same with, the ' undersignedsorLorshefore...thes— • 15th. day of March, 1941, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- . Ilee regard' only to the claims of which theadministrator shall then . have notice. ' . . t ' - ; Dated at Ceiderich, this 18t11day. of . 'February, 141. • e • .FRANK DONNELLY, • . • Goderich, !Ontario, 8-10 . Solicitor for the.Admthistrator. . TENDERS ViTANTEth. • TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Sealed Tenders will be reeeived by the undersigned until 12 ot.elogit -Tues- day, March 11th, 1941, to eperate, the Township erushing plant' by the Cubic yard. Contractor to supply men and teams; the corporatieir-will-suPPirsolls and the repair parts forsthe crusher. At .the same time tenders will also be received for trucking gravel by the yard -mile as registered by axi approved speedometer. • • A marked cheque for 850.00 must accompany each tender in both cases. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily 'accepted. , • "" , The. contracts Will ,ise let eenbject to the apprdtal of the Departnnt of • HighWays.r J. b. PURDON Road Superintendent, R.,(11; 2, Lucknow. •• .9 AUCTION FAICS1 kOR SALE: FARAIS Volt ,RALD. • — 1. • 100 acres` on highway No. 8, two. miles west cif 'Clinton. 6 acres fall wheat, good spring. Creek-etever-failinle well with windmM, stone -pebble house with furnace and Modern bathrimil bank barn 36' x OW; cement' silo, hen- house, drive 'shed' aid" garage. 2. 92 teres on highway No, 8, tvvo snail& west of . Clinton. Bank barn, franie hottse, oben-house, garage and never -tailing well, 3. 80 acres grais farm 21/2 miles south of Ilobnesville, 12th concession, Township of GoderIch. ever failing welt, and windnilll, blot further informAtioh and .par- ticulars apply to- the urulersigned. NORMAN Executor Gedige Mali Estate, 8-10 " ' lgew liamburg, Ontario. Miss M. 11. 'Mae'Vlear is in Toronto attending the epring Mr. W. E. °Kelly, of Iemdon, was in town, on 'Tuesday and looked up some, of his old' friends. ' Miss Mary E, MacViear has returned rom Toronto, where elle studied the ;pYine etYles, While In tho City; elle was the guest of Miss Itlikna• Richardson, Madison avenue. READ THE MISEIPTED ADS. OltIMQ,T1 On jan. 3rd, 1941, another client wrote *You r cheque re- ceived and 1 wisli t� thank you. ' . foe , the manner in "Which you handled this." • If YOU want efficient service send us your list of outstanding ..debts for eollectiou. Remember our • term, "no collection, no charge. for our services." , KELLY & AIKEN . The Collectors* Orangeville, Ont. • Est. 1890- Longest established , firms:.a._eollectersans__Qnta, ries 4-9 •• SALESMEN WANTED - • To Reiresent • "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries" in Huron County • New and ,Speeial •LinOs 111 Hardy- Trees, • Shrubs, •., and Plants *rite for, Terms and , dafalogue , , STONE & IN'ELLINGTON TORONTO " 5-10 eamoismeamosamiweereweviesee Inety Per Cent. " To 90% of the users of DOMEST10'00AL, coal is just eoalo They never consider the quality and how muoy money they save by buying 'a 'good quality coal. When you buy •Dedit. ANTHRACITE Cool you buy the best. There is very little - 81311 and no clinkers or slate, therefore, you 'get all the heat. In Cool with slate tb.e-slate steals the heat. We can supply promptly; D&E ANTHRAO/TE, nut and stove sixes; BARTLEY POCAHONTAS, lump and stove sizes; WORD 0010E, nut size; STOKER'COL; LONE STAR for domestic and steam use. For liardware, Plumbing and Heating„ give us It 0431. Chas. C. Lee Phones------01fice 22, At the Earbor