HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-27, Page 5' • 'uuWAZ r10)31tUAST • eXtended to Mrs, CM', McNeil in the loee of her father, Mr. iSowerby of Goderieh township. t .13EN1WILLPR BleNetel.,LER, Feb. 25.e"eielele Orang; and Elizabeth Ann ate Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. IGliddon of Ilohnesville., After a.,,week's steno, a:very wekome sight was the enowpiow on Sunday evening. The reads are nowopen to • , The ladies are holding a quiltingehie week for the Red :teroes. Two quilts are to be - Mr., Mel. Jewell, -we "are sorry to hear, Le under ,the doctor's eare at present: `We hope to see him out again soon. • , " MiS. lloitshausen, wlio. bus been fering from au attack ef pneurnonlet Is able to eit up for a while each day"; :NILE - The sacrament of the Lord's 'Supper will be administered :in .Benraillet United ehureh•next 'Sun(tay, •March :!?.t On Mareli 12, n soelal evening in -aid of the War , Victims' Fund will be held, In the chureh, ,Whenthe mee will entere, tail' the ladiee With .a program and lunch.. • • ,o • Mr. Win; WatsenliaS beer WOrking at -,Nir, Feb, g5.-erlvate Stanley 31e- Gratten, whe was home ter a fortnight, left on, Friday for Toronto, Miss Emily MeGratten !also, rviaited at the parental home while her 'brother was here. , Otolow„, etoe for a touple of weeks, • pUtting in -hardwood 'floors for Mk. F. Atr.' Wm. FInniRan vvhe hei served or nutiliWer of years 'as Bible -class. teacher in, church, has re,stned. Mr. Keith Feagan has .disposed of hie cer and now sport.e a light trnck. VC A, Meeting -.The W.A. held their , inenthly meeting on February 18th In the theses:tent a the church. ,,'Mrs. D. . • MeGratten, MrSLe1ie reetland and 'Mrs. G. Rutledge were to .be the hostesses, but Mrs, MeGratten and 'Mrs, Rutledge were unable to att,,end on aceount of 'sickness, There was a small attendan� on account of the stormy weather, but those who ,were there must have plied 'their needles with greet despatch, as they succeeded In quilting two quilts for the Red Cross. This make?, three quilts since Christ- , • •• _ • • Henry Matthews and Jiack Wilson are working in Yore Cunningham's, bush for Mr. Falconer of !Clinton, who has purcheeed !the bush lot. se , The: syrapabity or the eonniuuity I • • • • . — ^ . SIIEPPARDTON„ SeeneePARIYeeele, Feb. 25;e-e2diss Mare Vroenian of, GefieriekspentAinn-, •day •tvith, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,Vrooman. • • Mr. Reuben !Bogie is in bed -under the doetor's are. We wish him, a speedy reeovery. • • •, • Mrs., X, Anderson and jetry, of Goderich, spent the week -end with 34rs.* A. Foster. • • r ' • • i ' HIGH' TEA AT ,ST. -431aonou's The annual high tea of St, ,GeOrge's .Angliean ehurch, held in !the chureh hall on .Priday evening last, under, the • auSpices of the Church Woman's 'Guild .Proved a •decided success" beth from a social.and a financial. standpoint. :Vire. Thomas Glazier was general convener of the -tea and , was ably •a..§.sisted by :Mrs. Fred Bridle, !Mrs....George Muinby and. _.,NtIrc-*Iiant Mamba. Mrs. a. • D. Thomas and 'Mrs. Oakley bad charge -of the Work table, - and Mrs. Arnold HugIll of the candy table,. Mr. Doug' las Brown President ssf_the. Woman's . - G ild ' -41 et • • ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAINS FROM: GODERICH JAN. A7-18 To OTTAWA IVIONTBEAL - QUEBEC ,CITY $9.45 • ; $10.75 $14.75 Trois Riiiers ei ti5 Apazd•i, ste, one de iBeauire $15.35 RETURN LIMIT—LEAVE DESTiliV.TION NIGHT' OF MAlk, Net good On 3 psi. trains froM Ottawa ' and Montreal . TO -THE MARITIMES,MARCII .All Canadian 'Pacific Statiohs 'in New Brunswick All ,Dominion Atlantic Ry : Stations. in 'Nova Scotia • • ' For linftifsosdetalled eerviee, 'etc, .'• Consult Agents - Procure Handbill Not Good Return On 3 P.M. Train From Montreal Q. E. SMITH, Uptown Agent., . CANADIAN PACIFIC DElOSI ON BOTTLE • ii *". . ' * f9, C 0 z. , .i., .. Goderiek Bottling Works ANNOUNCES Deposit charge on bottles for "Coca-C6la"-- effgctive MARCH 1st, 1941 • Effective March 1st, 1941, a pepogit of 2c each will be charged on bottles for "Co'Ca-Cola" carried fro'm stores where "Coca.Cola" is on gale. * This Deposit of 20 Per ,bottle will .be re. funded when customers return the bottles in good condftion to their local dealer. Gotogmem BOTTLING WORKS. • : GODEIRICHIF ONTARICI Authorized Bottlers 'of "Coca -Colo" - :04 Weddings 04101.00100011,00., "I a military wedding ,at Sudbury on teaturilay, February Sth, MI* 31nriet Michael, a ,FAulbilrY, danghter of Mr. and Mr. W. A. Michael, Goderiele 'became the bride of Lieut. liregor Roy, sou of Mrs. I. Roy, Toronto, and the late Mr. Roy. Lieut. 'Roy s adjutant of the aSault Ste. Marie -Sudbury Regi - milt, The veremony took place a Knox '•Presbelerian. eliurch, Rev. Roy J. 1Stevvart officiating. As the young couple left the ehurch members of the Sault Ste. MariesSedbury Itegimen were drawn up on the steps, forming a 4ar , eI GN sy Mai of Key Mei Coudeeksed from Tide Week 1411100400! Them** K• There is *, lean )4w York who.' 0444 Unleek *ay 'leek en 'earth. Churl** Couxtuey bee oPitued 200.000 of them; loesing *60,000,000 in variegated wealth: jewels from,* itemanoif casket, bend* from a Safe ereshed by earth, qu4ke TOk.r.th Pounds sterling' Om t treasure ship on the bottom 'of the ortli Sea.' And in Brooklyn, amid showering sparks froiu a harbor firs, unfastened the locked door of a Shed t with dynamite, President of the luternational Teock- guard ot healer. Afterwards a recele math/3' AsaoCiatlen, at 49 Ceurtney is tion was heldat the borne of Mrs. 'IIthe key Arian' Of all key:Men. His hand*: Wright, where the mother of the groeni and Mrs. Wright received the 'guests. The liaPPY eenPle left for Montreal on their .honeymoon trip; 'They. will Xe* eide Sanit Ste. Marie. The bride, Who was forMerly on the public seheol'staffsat Sudbury ,and 'was Organist et Knox Presbyterian church there, was the guest of honer at several social functions Prier to the weddieg. , , ,. • INRSTISOCEETIY" St; Paul's "PreSbyterian chnreh, Tnit onto,,yeas tbeseene of a pretty "wedding' on, :_yeedilesilay,tftuarysg6th„elLilI PA., when ' Irene Ellen, ' daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles SoCkett, Mount ,Forest, Weenie Ate bride . of Walter Drunuaond !Inkster, of 'Midland, Pa., son of 34r. and WS. Wfiliarn 0, Inkster, •It Lake, Sisk, Rev. R. C, MeDerMid of 'Oakville performed the cceremony.. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, 10Oked charming in a •gow,n of white frosted el:if:fen over satin Made on princes lines and falling into a graceful train. She *Ore linger -tip veil and carried a • cascade: bouquet :of *bite rose* and freesia iss Mildred Smith of .Guelph, eousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. She looked lovely, in , a gown of seagreen net elver taffeta with matching halo and carried ;pink. roses. The groom was attended by Mr.' William 'Agnew ' of, Guelph. During , the signing' of the register 31rs. IF'fink 8a:tinders of ,Gode-• rich sang -a beautiful 'solo, '"Until." • After the ceremonya receptiOn and dinner were held in the'Elizabeth 'room of .the King' Edward Hotel, -Toronto, The bride's mother received in a gown of wine lase_with corsage or orchids. Gileste were • Present from Mount Forest, Guelph, Goderich and Toronto.' After -a ehort4 wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. :Inkster Will reside in Midland, Pa. The 'bride is ,a graduate of Alex- andra Hospital, Goderich, and Practised her profession in !this town for sonie tinier IVIeVITTIE-BARRIE A pretty wedding was solemnized at Victoria street 'United Chureli on *Thursday evening, February 200,- at 7,30 o'clock, when Margaret Arkel, eIdeat daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas.. -Barrie, was united. in marriage Ito Ernek Melbourne McVittle, son of Mr. and Mrs.11enry MeVittle, all of Gode- rich. . Rev. A. J. McKaye, pastor of -the church, performed -the ceremony, and the -wetkling music sitiS. played by Miss Alma Howell. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a smart frock of royal blue transparent velvet, with Dubonnet accessories and: corsage ,of. Virginia carnations, forget-me-nots and gyphsophelia. M'rs. Bert Huckins, Matron of honor, was gowned'in dusky rese sheer crepe -with -sequin trinuning and it corsage of Virginia carnations and •gyphsophelia.. Robert W. Barrie, brother of the bride,' was best man. Wm. Breen and Thos. -Kahle' were the ushers. Mrs. •Barrie, the bride's mother,, wore a terra cotta flowered dress vvith a corSage of Johanna Hill roses. The bridetrroom's: mother wore a dress, of ,blaekbsheer with Briarcliffe roses. After the ceremony luncheon was aerved to twenty -live guests: at the home of the'bride's.parents, which was attractively decorated in pink and .vvhite. Mrs. Alex. Lillico, aunt og the bride, and Mrs. (Henry C. `Breen poured tea. - The groomrs gift to the bride was, a gold wrist watch; to the matron of honor,-a--gold-bracelett-to-the----groomt: man. and ushers, leather billfelds. . For travelling the bride' chose a frock of queen's blue crepe with sequin trfin- .ming and a blue coat mink -trimmed with wine accessories. Upon returning from. their' 'honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. McVittie will reside at :Hamilton, Ont. • )3AYFIELI) •BAYliELD, Veb.`26.t-Mr. and Mrs. James ilfobinSon returned to their hotne a in the ;village " on SaturdaY after a a honeyinoon spent at Montreal and other " points east. 0 , Mrs. R. II. F. Gairdner returned to p 'her. home in' the village on Thursday " last after an absence of two months ,S during which she speut some thne hi g London and visited in Chicago and u Toronto. , - , - "Air. Bill 'Robinson has retnrned to London after having taken charge of his brother's store during his absence. • Mrs. 4. .0.., Goldthorpe and little Sandra returned honxe on Tuesday after having visited her mother in Pet E•rie for it fevir-days.- Farewell Tatty...14 farewell 'party Was given itr the Town !Hall -on SatUrday night for Pte. Walter' johnston; vvild ., was home on leaVefrem -Camp Ilorden. After the refre'shinents a short addrees Yves given by Mis.sIt. H. P. Oairdner, president of the Red CrosS,.andValter : was presented with ' a sweeter, two pair seeks, gloves and a pen'tind pencil ,, set in it leather ease. :ne expres&ed his thankS in a few well-chosen' words. The evening was spent In dancing end a !period of :community einging was onioYed• • '- Pregentationeee(An 'Monday' eeening, February re, a largo representation of, the Y.P.11, of the United church gathered in -the lecture room to, honor Mr., Itlwan 'Ross, who has received ,hiS veil to the Air Force. Ewen, the first 't from the organization te be called te aetive service, was president of the society during the epaet year. Meier ' his enterprising Aleadership the Y.leTi. enjoyed .a progressive year, and it is with sincere regret that the meml ere 1 ' bid him acied.bee. An addree4 was ' read by 'Miss Jeanne Dunn, piveident, and Mr. Murray (Grainger preeented I'Ewan with it eine leather purse belt as token of approelatiou and to convey best wish& for his fuiture in the high service wheel he hae entered. are insured'for $iO0,Obo Ws eYee'are so keen that he can look intea keyhole and gauge the teeth, of the leek to the fraction of .an Ouch needed to make.. key.'Recently whee, a eompeuy.adyer- Used a lock as "pick -proof" the $"'ecleral Trade :Commission summoned Court - 'ley to Washington. He picked it in eight minutes and el seconds. ' • Courtney's conecience is as sensitive as his fingers. He hue travelled the , country ,ovee to build"' up the ethies -Of . his craft, organiebig g national bad' Of 8000 locksmiths with ineMbereniP tests .iiane4In and standards, aroojtrurcutte tioutf"study lock8 to ninuu. facthl lar er let Courtney grew up On a farm near Marion, Vfrgiuia.. Here he got his start as alocksMith When he Made a key by filing down a Piece of ..80110. like and opened the lock on his mother's jam closet. Later, In ',town, he unlocked all UI stores while Mere chants were at a ball game. It yett all in fun; locks fascinated ; hint. , After working in a railroad machin shop, Courtney pent three years in Germany. as a locksinithrs , apprentice By 1009, when he 'enlisted in the Mar Ines, he was. an expert. Confined in th .brig on bread and eraterfoietoo much sbore liberty, be would pick the lock a night and raid the galley' for sausage In the Mar1ne Corps, ',Courtney learned deep-sea !diving. In 1919. he opened' a 'modest lock shop in Harlem. His reputation grew' because he could work miracles With lockunder water. To-thestottonesof--Neve-'ork -harbor he ' went, ,seeking the Revolutionary - treasure Ship Hussar; tit the liner Egypt, sunk off Prance, to salvage setae. tontainieg $3,509,9*; to-theMiSitania, , 'intact the first time•he went down, later 'only scattered • wreckage. -In 1932- Sir Zaharoff, 'Mystery man of Europe, ehose. Courtney to try for the $10,000,000 in geld which minor said reposed ,in the. cruiser ITamp'shire, Sunk by the 'Gerflrans in 1016. On the ocean bottolnhe and,: three ,divers pickedtheir way in the cruiser, past skeletons still at the guns and into a sealed -compartment, As the door opened, two. British officers erose from a table aed. Boated past them,; .they had been dead 16' years. In darkness Illuminated.onlysbY the divers' tights they found' 11 strongboxes, smothered in slimes PooneVeurtney crept: the lock was rusted and he had to force ,It. Front that one chest the four men brought up $0,000. ' DoVeneagalittheY went: tTnder treniendoes • pressure Courtney wnrknd at the .loeks on the .second strongbeit." Just as they seemed to glee; the Steefetiome Of the. compart- ment ,slammed,- eidepig on theirs tele- phone. and Ugh t",1101reie as the. Miser 'was rolled bY a"rtawerful underseas current. Cottrtietwale hurled against the wall; felt blood warming :his side. e ay a most an hour in Dahl, steadily weakening although his oxygen supply and that of the three others was not cut off, • ... Then suddenly the line jerked and, Courtney took orie look at the oddloole. Jug crew end ateld bed forgotten bee portent tools'. leowneteirs fetti)04 the pollee, but When thee' got there the gallie WAS Irone. Courtney gets $25 a call, though his iteshetants do neighborhood Jobs fur smaller few. Ile won't go *breed tor less than P00% One afternoon Lloyd's of Iiondon phoned him to take a• boat leaving New York 14 an hour. In Lon- don he was whielced1 to the airport se Croydon, down to Moecow.. eyndi- eate that bed bought the Rusehoi crown jewels from ithe Bolebeviks bad found no European loeimmith able to open the 20 caskets containing them. ,--,The time leek baffles even Courtney. ISO iike an alarm eloele it time a trip- per that will remove itself only at til 'exact time for which the leek has bee set. Then. and not otherwise, thieloe can be worked, by cOmbination. Wbe a furrier veiled Coertney-one-Saturda A 11 afternoon, telling him. of an employe locked in the eold-storage vault, the JO seemed hopelesee The lock was set to open Monday. They .1latt heard the Van ',yelling, bul.. now all was 'quiet. ()ter the phone, Courtney ordered WM to break the 'emnioniaspipe leading into the vault, to *Op further freezing, and ethmeedrowto.. thaeatomitimenad..--- Ai the scene, he shouted through the broken pipe, telling the man to 0,11 the tripper from the inside so that he could try the combination. 'There was ...Ito teenier. To drill the lock would take too Icing, so Courtney workede-rwithout hope -on the combination. His finger- tips felt the -tumblers - turn --and he opened the door. Forward pressed police, firenen, ambulance crew, Dia - e :flayed, their saw only. a pile of furs. But beneath the pile lay the Man - half frozen; nearly asphyxiated. Too weak to acknOwleclge -instructions, he had, nevertheless, pulled the tripper e 'and' then crawled under the furs. t In spite' of Courtney's feats, , his cog -- miming interest is not in opening locks but in making them safer. makes Inc sad to see homes ,fle more secure than my niqthees jam eloset," he say. "Thousands of homes, offices, and stores are locked with a bit -key lock, 'A bit key has an arm or bit projectingnear the end; there'S, not a. safe -one. made,„ And wheel see a good lock on the front door, lint 11 Ilimsy one on the baelc I 'grOtea."-L- " - -"Yet people &in be safe from burg- lars, if they'll just get good locks and _have them properly installed. • Coiabin- ation locks have been tried on house doors but they are too had to work at night. There is 'a, lock, though; that in a sense is a combination lock. Most familiar type Is. the. Yale lock (adapted fromancient Egypt by Yankee named Linus Yale), consisting of two sets of steel pins of varying tenths pressed, together bylsprings„ cl9 plied teeth. „When the proper key is thrust between the two sets, they are pried apart, en- abling the inner core .or plug of the lock to be turned. BY changing the length of the five or six pins•within the hick, and • the corresponding notches along the edge of the key and the grooves Liking its ssietiss there are pos- " 100,000 really secure combina- tions." • • Cmirtney is one of the few experts who can pick sucli,locks, "Burglars ovould like to n4::1;w bow L do he - said, for -,411-they.,iian "do with this' type of lock is to foto It and 'that's hard if it's an honest- lock. However,* thereare-poor-ones-made of lead -p !with brass which are easily forced. And not even a good loek can bold on to a flimsy doorjamb." Eyes glowing, Courtney will show You in his shop quaint Moorish locks, bought with the handsome- fee he got .for epeniiig the trunks of King AlSonso who tied Spain so fast that he forgot his keys; massive wooden locks from Jerusalem.: , locks from Rome and Pompeii; Ivan the :Terrible's padloek ; a Mesopotamian key of 400 B.C. It is the oldest key Courtney -knows, the gem of his unique -collection of 10,000 -keys and 2000 locks. through the door,- now ljar again, °burbles,- made out a diver signalling to him. Painfully -the locksinith found that -he WAS able to crawl. Helping one another through,the mud, the four men pushed 'through the door and were drawn up. -After agonized Months two of the divers died; the third had the bends. Courtney had fOur rupteres and his hair had turned from black to white. But he had fame. The public hailed blasts "..Dayiy_SionesUrnlock.er:' and_he was invited to speak at banquets, clubs, over the radio. • The underworld heard' of him too. 'Courtney did a comprehensive two - Volume book onlocks. But 'When the police pointed Out how crooks were using the book, Courtney -burned all but a dozen copies. ' *- , • One New Year'a eve two men in ' evening chithes came into his shop. As Courtney, in waiting bit them, turned his hack, he felt a revolver pressed gainethim. "We want you to ,open safe,' one Of the men whispered. There's five grand, in it for. you When ourtney refused they beat and kicked irn almost insensible; Another time he was called on a aturd'ay mottling to open an office ate. Ile found typewriters clicirink nd a force Beeiningly hard at work. , ^ • MARINE CLUB -DANCE -The Marine ,Club held a successful. social and danee on Thursday night lest in the Masonle _Temple. Well over two hundred persons attended. Twenty tables of progressive euchre were played in the early part of the evening. Prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies' first, Miss Fanny Wiles,: ladies' consolation, Mrs. Giowyn ; men's first, Matt. Sproul; men's consolation Charles Stowe. Lunch was served under the supervision of Mr. 'James Bonny and dancing eommeneed at 11.45 and continued until3 a.m.- Mr. John Bell acted as -master of ceremonies. The committee, wishes to thank 'Mrs. D. Mellwain ter the prizes Which she kindly donated and everyone else who assisted In maying the evening a SneeesS. Itoad The Signal -Star. or all the now oft the dietriet. Subseription - price. only $2.06 it Yetkr. I , -i)ai forget to let 'Our eobk get a eouple of easy 011t;It" 1100. MEAT SPECIALS Friday-. asilj °bawl Yining Ilittnost Piro lard (le Dm or Loin Stoxst „ „ ....... 14.03 Leg Itottst — — — Shoulder Rout — .11.0 Breast to Stew — — Yo Chops — — 2 11)s. 21So .Pork Sausage 211m. 264 , 1›, Pro* liledeeldar 3Peeft Presh Nide Pewit Lb Boil Spot kiwi* Sot aboulder *peat Beet .. Low Boit Beef :011431$ AND 011T alltitIMOX MEAT !text Runt,' MARtE • liAlyfILVON ST • • DUNG.K&NOIST THE GU= azzar roan DUNGANNON,. 'Feb, e0.-7-4Mr. exal Mrs. Wallace Black, Goderichi and ,g u a " re, Jerry Lis - aline) 'Spent Sfiailay with Mr. and Mrs, D. 'S. ,Errington, in velebration of Mrs. Ereingteres and grand -daughter Beulah's birthday, which was.011 February „he Mrs. Errington, Past sevettY.- Us' leen An better health than. "in other wintere and has made five Pret93rtiarier7gn'Tteeti' ' is in TorGuto Genei-al n9§1)4).ierfor treatment. We hope to hear soon et,tniChaproVernent, especial- ly as he hasliaili7.4 good deal of AnoUler of our we . own figures'', Mr..Sain-' Roach,' will celebrate a birth- - dat on Sunday lielt,"`Mateh'.:2xid, being seventyeilve years. young. . 4 family .re- uniOii. eit'peOect. .WL4hing himi.inany happy lectures �f the. day, we would addvthat are OM to see him ibacit to almost normal . health again. 34. -Archie who Jals 'been. em- . Volta , ,at • ;Altoe's store, has taken .41. ,e,lerking position at the Red Front Stere, Winghant. • Mr: ,A1Vin 'Shone:4'1°d is 14a1;Ing wegic to take 'a live 'months' eoterse itt Galt in qraming as a Motor mechanic in the it.c.4.?„ • ooev luck! : Born. -On Pelertiaiy lath, and A.trs. Earl ;MeNee,), daughter, being callecrtioietheeee.ltcongratulationee -OW 'Friday. of, this ,week, the Waf.'S.,, World's Day �f „Prayer Will be observed iii the United chureli, rw-c14teths "417aribteders'4tOt'-* attend.. the session . tof prayer; e been:Less meeting will be held by the .executive of the United W.A. Mr. 'Gorda -Stewart is "opening an ,Inefileinent •-shoP Rebt. Arm- etrong's barn, and on Tuesday night gave it free pictiite show of a demon- strating, nature inthe.parish Miss Margaret Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ale; Watsert, and room -mate of ".Mias Iris Rivett,. while attendirtg 'Godetich Collegiate Institute was' taken sliddenly 111 on Monday 'night and was token to the hospital the same evening for removal of her orpenaix: On. 3londay It McDonald, caretaker, of the Dungannon 'sehool, •aSsisted 'by Mr. Arthur 'BrOwn, gave t)ie school a . thorough,. Spraylitg4of hot water and formaldehyde iii Veth rooms, . Miss Lois Treleaven IS receiving her A.T.C.M: •vocar, certificate; --having. re- gCtnatc11.1:.,:.vpah'ssi:tdorirtairt;idArsotr-Onila:,-$ lionorsin A Litt10 One Taken. -.-We learned with regret of the deatii-of the little infant son, Wortii01-:„Mr. 'and Mrs. -Warner Melaityre.,-', On Monday, the eath,„:the2elificista' s foui months, old, Deathresulted from pneumonia. A 414*e-funeral service was held Tipsday' afternoon, Rev. W. Newman officiating. The famil$, who live in <iff the gratel road ,on the .211d concession of Ashfield; could not be reached witlyriotor ears with the large amount of snow and it was necessary to .transfer. :from sleigh to car,. and, again when travelling west to the D'art gannon centetery. We extend sYm- pathy-tottietamlly in their 'udden less; When you are shivering with the cold and,your teeth are ehattering, let your thoughts stray to the little geld mining to -iv:: of Marble iBar, in Australiand forget your Tr-oubles; For 110 -days In- a row,Aire 'maximum temperature there has 'been over 100 degrees of heat.. Ox tlie. town swimming pool has long The 'following additional donetione to 'the (Greek "Wer' Relief Va are. • iy 00 3taerlittl,.: TOW, 1311..a.ged.u..itirrsi:th t•hants JVVelPhii B,13.18'setlfarne':e' . .. . .. .111 00 A. -Baxter * -`• 500 Vic Elliot 4 00 S. Turner 00 B. Campbell . . "1 1 00 R. V. Cleveland .. .. 5 00 ,.11arold. .A.11in (Sault ete.. -Marie) ,'. ,100 iw. R. filenry . .... . .. . ...100 • Mrs. J. Mamie . . 00 . Oanadiiti"• * 1 00 Judge 1Costello 2 00 Dr. fliambly ,CLondon), . 1 00 ............ . . .. 200 - A:. U. RobertSon 5 00 A. ,MiteDona ........... .... 1 00 Previously acknowledged ' 420 10 40eAlt KAN ATTENDS . • roRD". =AIM No utoVRaz Mr. Gordon Bannister, of the eerv.ice . staff of -Goder:leh.Alotots4- is attending- - mechanics' -training SelteOl in Tor- ontosponsored by Ford Motor Compeller eatiCietaiiiieadtaueoTicititiladv," 11-*ta,14, p;r4.4yilicles , an advanced ' training course', winter for --experienced neeliaiics on theeeteette$ of ,ite dealers„ this year ' general course_forlees;experienced. men, has al.so been arranged.' - ,‘*With wartime' eervieesabsonhine limey e*perleneed meehanice, frequent- ly from the staffsof automobile dealers, • " the company has decided to provide these two free tourses to aid our deal- - ers in maintaining the ,higli standard of serviee Canadian Motorist% right- fully expect from* Ford dealers," etc - Plains *r. W. A. It. -Davis, :assistant service Manager of 03.e . company at Windsor; •Ont. , " TARING TEu11141011, ;TRAINING . Harvey ' MeKinnon, j-oseph. ,O'Brien and Delmar."Bud"i,r Worthy,- three , -Goderich -boys who are (Plaine& N.C.0,'s With "C" CowpOny, Middlesex- IlurdnIfegiment, Ain left on .Saturday afternoon forsIeitchener military train- * ing 8,Ailli.,Where they will take an blfice1W,training course during the next two-. tveelestsgualifying- them to • teach_ gee 'drill, atiti-aircraft drffl, niap-read- ng and: various- other -phases -of , technieal military. training. . Mfss Delight Mutch, nue,ee-in-trairdne at the Ontario Etospital, Kingston, was successsful in tlie probationary exam- . 'nations • recently eoncludedi, standing almost at the top of the elass. Nelson Hill Fire, Accident and Motor Olir Office-r-elasonlesTeeriple, - West Street, Goderich Phone 230 • GopEnieut .,- • Aloe- ;4) PORKand BEANS LIBBY'S .to oz. "g 25e , MACARONI - READY CUT BELK , 114S. 25e. ' 'SALMON c"., it3.'*8 1".23c lib, 17,c S-ALMON, e.TgrirtEAF," 117 iLR. NEW. CHEESE r MIWCANA»IAN 1 19e PRUNES MED. ,SIZE MEATY . 9 lit',,,19c APP ON1'. No.1 1 ..SPY APPLES VITRO "ONTARIO.\VASIIED-7-- 'SPINACH " ESH CURLY* 4 . 4% 8WIJAYR SAVINGS STAMPS Itiobttello Coffee ..1b. 390 PECIAL jewel' Shortening . 21b 25o • Early' Morning Coftee..: ,f . ;., . Th.5o Red Rose, Tea . .fled Label 8 oz, 36e • Ited, Rose Tea Bags I .20'm .No JCXXXQuaker Plour.. _24's ve XXXXQuaker 'lour .01 11. DOMINION 0 E * tel 1 11 ,