HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-27, Page 4k C.
Ralph McCreath Ia
American Champion
Wins the Tido 1Y sensational
Performance at
(VOntin(ueti from page' 1) 3llnist yrs o;e Great Britain, Baldwin,
few thousand In the natty.,. The war MacDonald and Chamberlain. "11h4:
wonrt be wog by the air f ore o the nary only thing wrong with ,N'eville ,Chamber -
er the tanks; it will be won by the lain was that her WAS too- Christiana to
I?;tlph. McCreath, •of the Toroanto Meat -
old infaantry. The ground i11
be won and heli by 'them. There is no
Ing who wea.the Vanadian figure more hope sof internal res ration, in
;;slating crown in botlesln ;les and pairs *(;rermany 'than in the, British • ElmPIM,
recently at Montreal, scored the out- which is ,none. Tlae.only day we will
Mareb 1st to March 8th
Pso� 90 �_ST
� . AT .:.
�.xx{{�, O � .SIC �..
The ' u Teal. ' erviees of North stre' t
�. a iii S �.
United ehtarch on Sunday last were Of
Special interest. The soloist• at the
*horning service was Mxs,'G. 'J!l. 3lyers`
of Toronto, wire was visiting . her par-
:Lane, alt ,
ents, Ret '�:• �. ;arid°'1►Irs. a ,
"parsonage. Y She was•hexad with Plea -
sum and -appreciation.
In the evening there w' a special
'direction, of
r th
Service • of sone,' uncle e
Ur,Mervyn Snyder, organist., Mr. W..,
geld ably conducted a varied program'
, P hymns, lnelnding old-time favorites.
Rev: W. 'Iti'.: ?Lane referred to the Psalms
(song's) ' of ;the Bible and to the *unity
all relgio'ats' .warship' through the
• medium of ,ti noiogy. Mr. Snyder
renmarke'ti° tri,efly that the congregation
should consider the hymn -singing as
their pwn, part of the service and ithat
•the Hy'mnary , mrovides many_ dtsirable
a i.kti 11 the �sentation of hymns.
r � onS � Pre 3
• The .choir erred a rousing rendition-
of 'Simper'. "The' `Lord Is' in His Holy
',Temple" ' -• r ; a
Buy war :savings stamps, and help
defeat Hitler. "
win is when you (boysa,, arch up Cuter
standhaig success of his slating career den Linden"
at Philadelphia at week later when by e. Must Tape XVar to Gernmany
1 ,Q ti ri;
p1 nenomena free s1 as ng •Tc orananc
e The 'German. people this time mast
he triumlyhed over Eugene Turner ,of halve the war carried into their own
Los ;tngeles iii le ,iiigiej and then won backyard. They have fought four 'ware
the North American pair . championship, in other People's territory. I don't, say
' g but this time
With" lila glamorous ' par tiler,
miss t+t in a�. spirit of revemt.,e,
Eleanor ., O'Meara. we must destroy them and debunk 'their
nited Prose 4 11 itch iiok he ,Tor -:claim a being a ,superior rate—and
United a contribution they could make
onto Star frown P'hiladelphiat,aJ s r if • they would give their 'brains. to. the
Trixunph at Phil smiel ' hia n • arts and the god things of life instead
In ,what was virtually; virtually; a world'a•
of to war. ,; yq', (.-
championship, three young 'Canadians There are many people who feel that
tonight won all Of the major�.titles in what happened in Poland, France and
the North American figure • .,skating ' Belgium Wouldn't happen in Britain
eliampionships_,.held at the -beautiful and Canada, but I say no nation' in the
•tirene of the Philadelphia Skating Club world would have s�toOd up any'better.
alt Arduxore,: as esubnrb saf this qty, .. Bravery isn't enough. • You have to
, 0
i al r' leifr iii' the oronttr T..ha. e.alire�. to xenihil ,,ga n: and SO
forth. There •i sari w - in
In C+ irk:woo.. h men's . �s 1 Marye � no use , n e ca.
te in es �'
o e :Thacker .the W'. nnlp Winter . ._. stand it if we haven't the wherewithal
R of i
Clu'b„ avQeealiiadi$s Singles and Mc-, yto stand up oo
Cream and Mies O'Meara pairedto take Assura.nce
for time Future -
`�VVhatean -i 'e do- about war. sayings?
• I.IcCreath :was the sensation of tile There is -one :thing I�-tear .above all
show. Giving a performnaslee probably
never equalled in the North American
competitions, he was forced to beat
down ,I deficit of 31 points held by the
States States national —champion,
Fu�*esie Turner, of Los Angeles, h
had ,gabled that commanding lead in
the compulsory school (figures held yes-
terday. As 'school figures count sixty
per cent. of (the •total, the task seemed
impossible, mace Turner,'who skated
first, gave a stellar 'performance, some
of the judges marking hili as high as
5.6 out of. a possible six.
The results •were 'the closest ever
known in competitive' skating. The
judges divided three to three, the Can-
adia.q Judges all giving, •first 'place to
'11c•Oreath, and 'the United States judges
Mr and Mrs,tGordon Vie_ bbrrtt- lir. Reside
in the ` Forrest City --Farewell
Party for Mrs. Tebbutt •
Many` friends in Goderich regret the,
removal :from 'town .of Ur. and ' Mrs.
,Gordon Tebbutt, who . this week are
'taking •tap residence in „London. Mr.
Tebbutt is . ki chargea
s. ta. of
Ware store ,there and has already gone
to the city... Mrs. ‘Tebbutt is leaving
this week,.
(fin Teesday- 'night
ni{ht Mrs H 0.
Tichboi ne entertained, or Mrs. Tebbutt
.. f
at her home cam a,Trafalgar street.
Sixteen ladies Were present: • Games
Were ..played, Miss aId'elen. McCarthy
being the prize-winner,. In the course
of the evening Xrs:• Tich'horne, in
behalf of the gathering: presented the
guest • •bf.' honor with an occasional
chair, while Mary Tebbutt 'reoeiyed a
pencil and Jimtnny a 'travelling brush,
Nue. Tebbutt, t .thanked._ T bu t, .. h her friends- - - - -
d:id •-the.- �same� for-�.`urnre� � Unzler�-the-
prettily tor their gifts. , rules the Accountants in this comply
The Tebbutt hexue , on Trafalgar cated set-up of marking and factors
street has been rented to Flying Of went back to tot d.. res c longs.,
Filter --=Ales - 313= S --H�oldswo tir; '~of` �ttie
�. _.- �:<.v......�T ......... _.r..._.-._.. .��fter...a.�za� della,y....„tbe�tuinisu emelt.
x -ort A
1berE Air i
Slav o
fi nSc o
o i.
was made that 3IcC'�reath wast w
he ne
ch '
a eight -tenths - .
p b3 . eag'ht t ha , of one per
READ 'THE. CLASSIFIED ADS. cent out of�a total of 1,500 points. No
omie begrudged' him his vietory. Being'
so far 'behind he threw caution oto the.
wind and without the sign of an error
he double jumped with such speed and
abandon he brought the packed house to
its feet' time after time. '- ' •
After the. exhibitions in the singles
nothing could stop the McCreath-
Q.',31eara pair. The huge crowd
' (hundreds were turned away from the
rink) sensed they _were .seeing a sen-
sational combination of "champions ,and
sat.enthralled -while the two.Canadians,
perfectly snatched, `gave a :bielliant per-,
formance. Miss O'Meara is heralded
here as the :"glamor girl of the ice"
and with her beautiful costumes and
the showmanship showed by both skat-
ers they were so far . in• the ,leisd there
was really ma real competition:
the pair title.
other thing$. I don't fear our being
defeated •'lay the enemy, ibtit I do fear
our losing -:the war for ourselves.. I
remember after ,coming track_ from -the
"last w a r I -.•l
r n Y9ai�: ,The men were dis
• g 'n who satisfied. They had nothing to do.
You can 'imagine these boys who 'have
gone overseas and w.46 -6 -0 -file back with
no: Pias waiting for- them, We have
the power to eorrect that this time.
-"I know that. the (Government has
the power , to take your money if you
don't, give it. The (Government can
take everything you'v.'e got. But your
home • end factory wonit mean 'any-
any -thing to your if Hitler wins. Don't.
make any ainjstake, 6Stalin and his
orbanizatiou are working overtime. The
only way*4 can see that you can stave•
a rewolutlon ary element -Ts �thisAl-
ready there, are one million war savings
certificate subscribers, 'and at the eid
-rof -seven- or~score-yearns eel 'Warr. men
and vosnen<ihrau 'goutthe
going to hale neat littlestakes, and the
surest ;guarantee against revolution is
to give people a stake in the country.
Capt. Biaw'aon warned that 'before.
many more`inonths were over the ladies
would not be wearing silk stockings
and the 'People would net she driving
cars for pleasure.
deal with thugs; His greatest eontribtt-
tion to the kimpire was Muuiela. He
' gave us a year to prepare or today we
would not 1)e here. We have clever had
sueh glorious,' 'Palpitattin , whole-
hearted. leadership as we are getting in
Winston Cht►reI ill."
"It is a happy thing." eontinued the
speaker, "that our own Prime Minister
is a .friend of the President of 'a
country that has ° •given, the world men
ince tl'ditcoln and d'ef erson and now bas
given us one of IN greatest, men,
,Franklin` Delano • 'Roosevelt.'"
Captain Rawson thought that (lode-
rieh should have 3000 subaeribers
rather than the '' 9q objo tive set. He
advised p� pre to open thein•doors to
the..eolleetor, weleomo h;inl; #i- "gladly,
PI team. we are ,going • to ' win,riot
iaeeauseeof the bravery of the army, the
iavyr or the air force: not because of!
the glorious,.splrit of(the l:44ti"sb maple
-=-thea' are t11 contributories -hut. be
cause our forme are raised—tinder the
ba eere-of°:.Jesus,.ViieleteRe lttlstd. the„
fords of the 'dictators. Stalin, Hitler
,and li s I
n x s i., include " Stalin be-
cause he is welting ' to pick: up the
"Our God is inarehing with. us to-
nieht and ill the form* or 'fell cannot
prevail.. ,We sail; fire'. must: we wilt.
}vin °";Captain Raawson concluded, amid
tremendous applause,
.., a.
voteeoLthanks to
Captain I1 son
was moved by J. F. Gillespie, and was
seconded h�+•,bas. IIC. �annders.
' "Awl oni :en -just let me lead th em down the neat block — that's
" where `ine' girl friend lives r"
A Wonderful `Pair
The Toronto Telegram`~thhis week had
the following to say in `an interview
with Theslof and Taylor, the profes-'
sionul skating stars:
Ann, Taylor and Gene Tlxeslaf, ;brii-
Tient professional skating duo who led
the -applause .decibels at last year's
Toronto Skating Club cdrniral and are
billed back (for next month's show, paid
the highest possible tribute to Tor-
onto's ace amateur .pair of fancy blad-
ers while briefly in the city 'Saturday.
"Ralph 1IcOreath and Elea nor
O'Meara are the most wonderful Pair
I've ever seen," said glamorous blonde
"Ily, far the most 'outstanding I've
ever seen,"- put ' in tail, handsome
Gene; and added 'ruefully: "In fact, I'd
rather not be skating on -tire same pro-
gram at the Toronto carnival. They'll
Show us up.'',►
The professional partners saw the
Toronto -pair win In tlid North Ameri-
can championships at Ardmore, Phila-
delphia, last week and described their
performance 'as having "daaeling
'sL1CilR xiir.
Spaghefti ...:2 Trus
"L1Bllt4AJ" ` PORK and 30 -oz.
Beans;..: 2 TLS 17c
"LIB* R 'S"` SAYER. LGE. •
Kraut' TiN 13e,
Libby's CATCHUP . 12 ozr Bottle 15c
Libby's DEEP BROWN BEANS „ . .. 16oz ''Tin 10c
Libby's TOM. or VEG. SOUP 2-10 oz. Tuna 17o
Libby's BABY POOUI� 2 Tins 190
Libby' 'P t P. MUSTARD. Y
D ..... ... ... °, , 0 oz, Thi 9c
Libby's- SITOP SUE :..... .�l .. ; . ` 16. oz. Tin 25c .
Libby's, Cgiu CON CARNE ; .... 10 oz. Tin.I.5o
Libby's ASPARAGUS TIPS • , a . 12 oz. Tin 19c
'RV'S COCOAelf:Tin ,r
HAWES, LGE. 12 off.
• ' LEMON" Of Bit. 23c
SOAP ... , .. « 4 Bars 190
OLD ENGLISH 7 .: 1 `lb.
'DOOR' WAX ....Tin 53c
TYhi ' 7c
TOMATOES .....2 Tins 27o
• DOG FOOD ra.. . 2-.T
APRICOTS . a .... Tin 15e
ORISCO 1 lb. Tin 21e
. J .
COFFEE ....I .lb. pkg. 370
C )flitI;TIE'S ;`I'REMIU'nI
SODAS ....1 Ib. pkg. 19c
rtL"st ...... °2 lb. Jar 27e
COFFEE ... 1 lb, 'iia 49c
]c SALE �Y]
J. CALVIN[ torr
. The ehairznan' took . the ; ply tforni
Again and extended the vote of thanks
Ito 'Captain Raawsou for , his inspiriuz:
address. Mr. Selinefer then reviewed
: the various methods 'of obtaining
pledges to be employed in •Goderieh.
',`N'nzi victims ore forced to give. Can-
ndinns are asked to /end- ' We in thi's
raimoerney must .acc'omplieh more 'than
;the dictators can by force and com-
• meeting i.
The Ag concluded with the
.ab i . ,.
rof_the_�, ti _ ..
a dna.. _ A .
aa,.- 1 n# .
"I am asking you to lend °'our ,mofiey
et a better ;rgte of ,interest ..than any
other institution can offer. After -the war
machines geared for war will be idle.
(What is going to. happen? Our people
will have a nest -egg and they will spend
it freely* after being •deprived for s'o
long of luxuries. It -will ,bethis spend
ing:.of accrued savings that will cushion
. the shock of .the stoppage of war' in-
dustry and start the wheels of industry
going again.",. •
The speaker expressed the belief that
the, average American didn't pay mueh
nttentiiln, ..tQ loner ,Lindbergh... He
deridein /»e gh for:cepting� British
hospitality, u lie was hod+nded•-• by
as own people arena his own country,
'and then making his .only two public
appearances while in 'Europe in Moscow
and Berlin.
"Hitler," he Said, 'has ;already lost
the war. When he had 'the British
army backed into a small corridor, with'
the advantage in main pewer 100 to 1,
and still let 375,000 of 425,000 soldiers
in that trap get away, when the (boys
in blue held: the aGermass off and the
nary ,supplied, all kinds of boats to
evacuate the troops—wheft ; he couldn't
win at Dunkirk he will never win. The
bnglish are slow to anger; the speaker
reminded, but -when once roused they
will stand. on the white chalk cliffs of
Dover and will never give in.
A Tribute to Churchill
"We have had many geniuses in ant.
aline n< this -Empire,-bet--never-in- our
long history have we needed .a Ieader
as—In—these We -aase-a:people
have been brought "to the brink of
disifster." 'Captain Rawson, reviewed
the weaknesses of : the past Prime.
e �ho�e
By Ruth Nicol
Hurry, hurry, hurry 1 Only ten more
and5•ing , days (not counting the two
'Sundays), 'til theEaster-exems, _ No*
that' the timetable' is posted' maybe we
can do some actual reviewing. Any,
hos, ,let's all keep our lingers crossed
for each gther, eh?—they _ say it helps.
On. Wednesday night the junior and'
senior girls' terms and the boys' basket-
ball teams are tO play in Clinton. 1l'or
the girls, it is •rather imprompta and
there wasn't ;much , time for practising.
'However, we+'11 .do our best. The re-
sults and details of the games will be
in next week's 'Keyhole.;: so be watch-
ing, it should be, good. -In the imiean-'
Iifne, wish • us luck (in everything).
Thaulsr ,;,.•. -
Capt. M. W. Dowering, son of Rev.
J. W. and Mrs. Bowering of. 203' Bel
videre street, 'Winnipeg, Man, is serv-
ing in -England with, the CR F.,' having
arrived there on 'Christmas Day. Dr.
Bowering, a. graduate in medicine of
Manitoba University in 11938; enlisted at
'Regina, Sask.!, with the 10th ;Field
Ambulance in September, 1039. He is
a nephew of Mrs a. T. Phillips, East
street, town, Bev. J. W. Bowering (being
Mrs, Phillips' 'brother.
Thomas Sandy' now -has a crusher
an operation at Ounninghani's" pit on
the. 8th coneession. of Colborne and
trucks have again • commenced hauling
to the Blue Waiter highway,"Dunlop to
'Port Albert. The crusher is owned by
„Oscar Nickle,-and higteltreland; Par
hill, has the trucking sub -contract.
Operations - werehaltedby rant week's
storm. '
Have you renewed your subscriptions'
30% to 40% saving during tlds event,
'EBBU'ARY 2lth to MARCH lot
Paramount Fur o.
Samples shown at
chas. Black's SIire
Yaber'al alloWance on your present. rut'
' Remodelling and Repairing
. cw�.r•
•' SUPl EM.E eoiIRTDOCKET". ,.-.-s--SgOWiSEO
, .��,�.x,�.
1 daround' the'.; corner"
. Sittings Commencing = Marclt 11th Sp i � Just
Sittings of the spring. assizes and
Supreme Court of Ontario, scheduled
to commence on Tuesdaye March 4th;
Two Damage Actions on List for • By A. M.
rn is
have been postponed one week, to
Marek ith, at 2 p•in: This has been
necessitated by reason of the inabilitS*
of the presiding judge, 11r, Justice
Kelly, to attend on the original date, dais
-court' at Welland •unexpectedly over-
lappiing with the Huron 'County date.
The docket is a light one, there being
no criminal cases scheduled, and only
two civil jury Gases, both motet'
damage actions, are on -the. list. In
all there were fotir of this class of ,case
set down for hearing, but one has been
adjourned 'arid' one settled .out�,ef court.
The nen jury action of the :Tosyl .of
GollericIi =- e'rsus"the 'Goderinh= :Manu-:
factoring 'Co., 'Limited, also has been
settled out of courts..
Jury Cases .. , .
s :Duel: (Fritehard svho.
operates u lie tin lace, reaming
a bi eat
P g place,
house find cabins in the .township of
�Bosanquet', Lambton' .county, is suing
(Gordon` M•a&arland and . W. J. P. Mc-
Farland, farmers, of ° rhe, . townsblp of
Londozl,' •Middlese. county, for •unstated
damages for injuries, Iost aline, etc.,
arising_ out: of a motor accident on
June 237,"1i940. The 'accident oeetitred
in the Pinery, seven utiles south' of
Grand, Bend, when a ear •driven by
Gordon McFarland and owned by, W.
J. P. McFarland allegedly turned Sud-
denly toward. the 'ear operated by the
plaintiff, -causing, a ' collision, the
plaintiff's car being thrown 'off its
course and 'hitting'a 'tree.
-The statement .of claim sees oat •that
Mrs,. Pritchard Was coned to a Lon-
don hospital for a month. She asks'
$1,000 for nursing and medical care,
$800: for. pain and suffering, $8,000 for
general damages and permanent injury
and $1,500 for lost time: a
Frank -"Donnelly is, acting for the
plaintiff; !Hughes, Agar and Thompson,
Toronto, for defendants.
A retrial of the •action of Gordon
,crop r' _
Thornton and 'Heber edy, son and
father respectively;, of Dungannon, is
scheduled for this 'court. The jury
failed to agree at the autumn session;
of •Supreme !Court. ,Plaintiff asking
$10,000 general damages, $10OO ler
pain and suffering, $750 for lost time
and $500 for medical` and hospital' Bare.
The case arises out of a motor accident
on the Dungannon-4Nile rood on Janu-
ary 10, 1040, when the. plaintiff. claims
he was at and severely injured when
struck from :behind by the Eedy ,car as
he was attempting to shote the ear in
which he was ' a passenger is.
of 'a
snowdrift. Frank (onneIly is, solicitor;
for the plaintiff ; F. R. 1 arrow for
Another motor damage acetone Hume
and •before Iong the good old summer
time. will (be Here' with' all its sporting
events•—awimmin g, ,golliin ,tepii1S, lawq
and' baseball., 'SSPealaing of
baseball, we have co
nssdered thea
very thoroughly ,and firmly belie that
this coming seaeon our tQwsf, the
county's principaV town, and the best
sporting .town ilii' the vicinityx, should
have an intermediate baseball: team.
No doubt some people will,say that
athletic events should. be • dispensed
with when the world is in such a tur-
Moil. There are always .two • sides to
every: question. We who are able to do
so should carryon, in order. to give the .
public some formb of athletic interest.
Ther_ is one tiling is favorable
to forming an intermediate baseball
s -i-th
-team here this, year, and that at
the opposition in the Huroa-Perth ` '
,ea ne willanot.abgaas.-tall :this Year
'as formerly, 'owing to the- ftact th
some of the 'best layers of eevera
-'led• upto� on
° ve of
lien �_
l �s cam.. -Other "� la''-
�'�3;on Churchill's t p y
ers have retired because (Old Man Age
has ceugh'E up with them. Iii some
cases the boys have moved td' other '
towns; or will have moved before 11 (arch
15th; the U.B.A. residence deadline
The Grodericli club has ifs''enitry fee
paid in the (Huron -Perth Leag}te and
it has all the necessary equipment for a
complete team. At least ire : young
players have passed the junior age
limit and will be a'vaila'ble for inter!'
Mediate baseball. Then, again, t club
can use players who are - on, :active
service, if they are training in the dis-
trict orthle club which uses thein; and,
finally, we always have a sswell.bunch
of older boys that we can usually; count
on to 'help put Goderich on the sporting
.Considering the fact that thj e are
two air, training schools near iby, Gode-
rieh should striveto provide .good base-
ball fare for the men training ut these
eamps during the coming summer. It
has always been , a fault' of Goderich
teams, 'both in baseball and in .hockey,
long in getting things
organized for an approachingoseason.
As a, result neighboring towns! 'are a
jump ahead of the: local team all sea-
son. We should be glad to have com-
ments concerning prospects for -a good
intermediate baseball team,i both pro
and con, sent into this paper.. Arrange
to attend the publieaneeting on Monday;
March 10th. Let's not miss the chance
to have a winner in 11941.
vs. Martz, -lets men adjourned to the
neat sittings 'owing to the inability of
a witness to attend because of injuries .
sustained' in the accident. ,
A fourth automobile case,! Dietrich
vs. lial&svx'IT; ,been —settled out of
MaoLean's ; Tooth Bowder
' 23c -39c
MacLean's Stomach Powder
$ryloreeni ....25p and 490
Kepler's Cod Liver Oil
•rand Malt' Extract
Telt Tooth • Brushes
99c 2 for • X490
Listerine °... '25c --490—.79e
Shaving Brushes
50e --75c .. $1.00
hrfistopher LItnt, one of the younger children evacuated from the
United Kingdom, Was in a happy mood when `be reached Vane
eouver aftertravelling by Canadian I"aaeifin steamship a .cross the
Atlantic and by Canadian Pacific train across Canada, Ile Is shown
here saying good -b 'c to his new found pal, Porter George Liviur:-
atone, who took good tare of him 'On his ~long train ride. Christopher
had a grand time on the journey and. 1* now safe from Orman
9 ro?'here.' 'tae, will live with, friends on the Wert Cost.
Chase's K&L Pills . . _ .29c
Carter's Little Liver Pills
23c -=-69c
Bayer's Aspirin ,fable
2 doz. 39c -' - 1 0
tablet , 9$c
Wag ►ore's Cad Livery ,
ract $1.00D
Cold _..,
ExtTablets , . 2�icw_
Palmolive Shaving Ore.am
29e -43c
JAI. Baby Talcum
Tr44, °,B`aby r O . . l.M1, • . . . 50o,
Hot Water. Bottles
Phony 46 Phone 19 Phone 90 , Phone 1
13dDBitItlB Y18VdGFi$T8s