HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-27, Page 341.1111110 1Business Directory .....-„,---.., LEGAL DUDLUX D. HAMMES' Oitice-Lkiort te; Telephowo • - CHART'EREIP AOCOUNTAN'T MONTinTii, Wet MONwlitiTies Chartered A.coeuutauts .Downie Street, Stratford' (-1 ..Ttronto Office: 4p2 Ba T Street tosiimminimmiiimromiN AUCTIONEERING , THOMAS OUNDR,Y, GODERICH, LIVE STOCK AND GliNEItAL 'AUCTIONEER • • " Te1ephone...40 . Sales attended' to *ainiwhere and every effort made! to give satisfactien.. Farmers'. sale notes discounted. d.r • CirtMiD0' 31.,. -GRANT, Li•OENSup A.IMION-Eilt, :00R HCRol•T • couNTY A satisfactory, courteous -service for Yam, Property or Household Sales. k Rates Reasonable. MEDICAI. P. J. R. FORSOLIBB, finEE, EAR, , • NOSE, THROAT* -- Lite House Sargem New, York Ophthalmic and kliZ Hospital, as- - aistant Mooreileld- ,-e-1:10spital and , Golden Square Throat Hos**, Lou' don, England. • - •EYES T.111.8TED.,GIASSDS •„ somas» . • -53 ViiaterloStreet S.,t' Stratford. ,-.Telephone 267. ' ••• •Ici Next visit Bedford Hotel,-liOderich, • Wedneiday, March 26th, from 20'13.34. till 5 p.m. •• . • LIL DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHI•ROPRACTOR ANI.) DRUGLESS •••' THERAPIST Goderich, Phikie 841 Office hours -10 to 12-a.u1., 2 to and 7, to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. • 10- to 12 a.M. only on Wednesda, Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. • A. N. ATKINSON - 51 South St. INSURANCE a , IlacKILLiOt MUTIJAL FIRE IN - 111 and lao- lated town property insured.— 011icons-Wililiara Knox President, '1.,ondesboro; W. IL Archibald, Vice: President, •Seafosth ; M. A. Reid, Manager and Secretary -Treasurer,. Sea - forth. • Directors -Min. Knox, Londesboro ; •Broadfoot.,, Seaferth; Chris. Leonhardt, Dublin; E. 3. Trew,artha, Olinton ;•' T.hos. Moylan, Seafortn ; W. • R. Archibald, SeafoithlAlex...MaWing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton ;Ihigh ...Alexander, °Viralton. , - Agents -E. A. Tea, ILIL 1,.Goderich; la.mes Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, Brucefield ; McKercher, ;I, P. Prueteit Brod- hagen. • Policy -holders can make all pay- -and -get their cards-receipted-at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderleh, or 1. H. Reid's General Store, Bayileed. P.. J: RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Mice and Residence: '11 Trafalgar Street. Phone -3003 • FOB, SAUD-Houses of alt kinds, choice building lots, business property and several good farms. Let me show You some' real 'bargains. Buy now. moKILLor muTtat, ruts INSIMA140E co. The annual. meeting of members; ef Megillop Mattual Vire. 111ex/ranee Company was held in the Town flail, Seaforth,. en Fritlan February' 14th, the pmeleent, Willien; Knox, presiditlg, Mt/eager 31, A. Reid told the Meeting that during the Year- total assets, in- creased to $18443.91, while liabilities decreased to, $0,978.08. Fire losses in 1940 amounted tO $7,832,00, 4 slight Increase over •the previous 'Vat. •-, .The Company tad 2,076 'I•folicies in force as of December al, 194% rePre- senting lusurance to -the value of 0,054060. . , _The meeting paid tribute to lames eann011Y a %deride who retired after forty-four nava at; a director ot,;the_ Company, and to take his plate elected E. J. Trewartha of Clinton. The eiliters and directors of he Company for the present . year are , as tolloWs : President; 4W11114pa Knox, Lond'eeboro ; vice-president, W. R. Archibald, .Seaforth ; meaner and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid', Sea - forth; directors ---.Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; 'William Katie, •Londeeboro; 'Meese I.,eonhart, Dublin; E. J, Tre- wartha, Clinton'; Thos. Moylan, Sea - forth; R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. lefeErwing, Myth •Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, MORE TELEPHONES IN GODERIPII 4 net increase of 101 .ewas recorded In the number of telephone e in Gode- rich during 19,0, according to W. J. illodgei manager of the Bell Telephone inpany here. On December 31st last, there Were e834 telephones in service bete as compared with 73! on December 31st, 1039.. At the enclef 1940, there were 824,697 Beil telephones in service throughout Ontario and -Qu. Duritig the yea 223,478 telephoees were coneectededid 184,236 disconnected, a net gain of - .890242 as cometared with 20,000 In 4939. Other _telephone systems in 'Ontario and gitelaW with ,Nvhicii the Bell Com- pany Interchanges service 'now ;lumber 883, serving 150,540 telephones; -9 SDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1941 Active Year hi %Sergeant T. Nir. 'Tex".. Cirri& is a "TEX" CARRICK Children's Aid Work popular non-eommiesioned officer with ,. tlee Perth Reglmerit, M.G. (A,F,), at Rev. Dr. Barnett Again Heads Society, for npoixtutoo of Social. Worker Approved The annual Mating of theldren'e Aid Society of nuron COtat$ WAS held in the Court *Howe 011 TUeeday evening February 18t1a. BevD j, a Barnett vvaseeeeelected preeldent of the Society for.:194, Other offieers eleete'd were t lit viee-piesident, XtreeA. Taylor, 2n1 itee,presideric :Mee .A. Wurtele; treas- Urer,A0 1Lliirskine; seceetary, Itobertsbn. edirectoreeMrss IoUng, nes. 3. /O. Stewart, B Rev. A. 3', Milligan•, . e Lieut. 'Williards 4 th alvatilel ArmY, is to be ftSliefl to algend meetings of the board in an advisory capacity, Committee members were named as, follows :- 'Finance emimittee,- A. III. Erskine, Di. J. H. Barnett, A.; .*M. Robertson ; humane .•Witrk- Committee, Miss A. Wurtele, . Rev. A. J: Milligan. •The finance tommittee wiU work, In gonjunetion with three members ap- pointed' by the County Council. , _ 1)r. Barnelt, as president, spoke brief- Iy,.coramending Mrs. M. P. Chaffee for the valuable service she had rendered to the Society as social eerie worker since her aPpointment last June, 'There are times „when the hand of a man is rough, and 'sometimes his tongue. as well. That is where .4 woman is needed," Dr. Barnett rved. The .So'Clety did not have to s he County for the money to pay Mrs. haffee for the first six months of her 'work, Dr. '.Bainett revealed. • The president told of the elosing and subsequent 'sale of the Children's Shelter. - The uPkeep of the house had n -a-burden on -the Cotmty and not iiiittlelent use W-ael•e-Eig7-eniade-or:It-tee warrant beleg centinueti. in oper- ation. , • 'Mrs. Chaffee spoke �f her work w,ith the SocletY and her assliciation With, the supethetendent, since 'her appoint - meet last June, as being very enjoy - Mr. 11-1. T. Edwards, superintendent, Mrs. M.]. Chaffee, social service work - and Mise Helen Arelret, steno- grapher, were re-eugaged for 1941 at Standard betravie; le:Hamilton. To- gether with his wife and 'family he re- turned .to Cl/nada-At .the eutbrealf of War In September 4er 1939 And 4fter living tor a short time in Ooderieh be established his home In StratfOrd. Born in alitton on July 12, 1907, he, moVe4 to Goderich with hie parents and lived there until he was fifteen years ef age. • Then he • went on the Greet Lakes and eventually- on the high seas, his travels taking him to China, Japan, India, South America and a few other contries. He Was Married in Texas in 1029. gillisting with the Perths, on SePten/- Vittoria Club's Birthday Party „,r!'ogreiss of liome and. School Work Reviewed Intereisting Program The birthdaY Tarter of Victoria flotne aed ,Sehool Club, held , on Thursday evening, Febritary 20th, was an un - d n 1 • f [ Three Minutes, Please • (By 4 Man with a NotebOok) Invest 4n War Saving certifteateseand help keep Canada The beet beMb-proOf 4ilieiter in the werld. Hexas tenaperaMental as all airmen are-yoUseever knew when. he'd go up in the air. (1),:eaaltaL tisbeticreeeSwsa.4 geQp9atesteo lastitrUneeY, • and (excellent' 'repo/44 of the year's work were given be the varinUs V'eeere. • number of lettere were Writs ber 19, • 1939, as a private, 'Sergeant ten bY the eoireePonelingeeeretare, Mrs. I elite rfli414- 'Cara& IstOlVta lifrargrPtiiii9-061,1 -id:TrijWiiiT'diir-higrwe-yeit-r,.-ifiid''vie47-fkicni-'7tti"e''Faie"Iawtaarv4Yg'b:- 44'Cf441redr- . eer o pore . tem r • ' • 193,9, tied Ma july 3, 1940, he attained e're$s secretary, Mrs, A. Taylor, ex - his mprsre.,seearriet reakekvhti.1 heetwo daughters, PeeeSed appreciation Of the publicity gave iby The iSigeal-Star to -Heine and Thomasina and Anil, and one son, Paul, 'Sehool work. Mee D. Willis, Beview froesroideluaate5c4WeT.lallidn.gte,n street.-Strats seceetary, erPorted, $iXteell StibeAlP" maaanaafaaa. s We dont see the giele getting exelted over the fatetter, but overalle are a Uni- form, aren't 'thee'? , Ne, -est R.A..F. weapOn is maehlee- tioes for the ReVieer during the year. ", Mrs. F, .1tiley, "Welfare conveeer, re - ENGAGEMENT AiNNOUNCED Major and Mrs R:.W. Garrett, Thorn-: ton avenue, London, announce the en- gageroent of their only <laughter, Mary ,glieabeth (Bette), to Lieutenant Arthur B. Dowker, of the 7th Canadian Army Aield Regiment, Of' Petawewa; son of Mr. G. Csowlier of Goderich and the late km. Dowker, the mhrriagq ported that a splendid., donation of clothing had been ,received Trom. the Ohildren's Shelter when the building ' was cloged mid these articles were much appreelated. Other gifts were received from various sources, .and- the sum 'of $8.88 was donated by tile Club, enabling the eonvener to provide 120 articles :of clothing •for pupils of the iuiproved on mexPero. ats,:t5 ....0111,01.11••• "There's .eid" spinn.ing wheel in the Parlor," eings the maid as she busies. r I w th the dalSting •And we cau f tion ter, SOW) voce, "NOt tee, IO1111) Clorae--walls have ears." 'Lone Nazi, deeps. bombs and fleas .when Beitish fighter engages Wm. iieadlftie ,Great gnstl, What next will Goering think up? Sudatariura: A hot- th to take piece liarch 1st. [school during the ye•ar., • clueing Perspiraelme In more common • a a . or pro, - Provincial expenee a.ceount• Public Trustee re wards Province re wards • Sundry aaar The treasurer, %Mrs, R. WiLson, re- ported a balance last year of 121.76, 187 20 reeeipts during' the year from 'all - 33 $34 sources of $4437 nAking a total of 5 09 $60.13. L'xpenditures for, the year 19 40 amounted to 802.00, leaving a balance on hand of $3.23. • • The secretary? Mrs. G. •SanderSon, reported _ very. Interesting • meetings througlaout the year. On "fathers' • :$651353 • DISBURAEMENTS Jan. 1, Overdraft 1, 10 42 -1Saiaries (Supt., Sten.) 2500 00 -Salaries (Shelter) • 040 eo' "Rbardlng IrOffressees----eeeess -se-51750 - P.U.0 82 25 ;Medical and dental service's 304 65 Repairs • '144 93 •(Seething and oboes 268 60 Meat Bread .„. Drugs • Groceries Fuel • Fruit and vegetables Sundries Taxes Milk • Stationery, advertising, post- age 2 Travelling expenses • House furnishings tSupplies Rent • tsissemeissomeisaukissa,— Nimmornme. "rHCPUREST FORM IN WPitC14— tOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED,” Iliemommitomw J. W .raigie INSURANCE and REAL• - E.STATt Get Our Automobile Rates _ Phone 24 GOderieb„ vammiimmi STRATFORD -- GODEHICH COACH LINES Daily 7.30 a.m.'4.35 p.m. -Leaves iiloderieh for Stratford, Toronto, •Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock iand Woodstock. Depots - Bedferd, •British and Royal Hotels. Phone 'hotels or 305 for information: 1- te.'"ait Your Next Visit to TORONTO .Try HOTEL VVAVERLEY • I...ocated on Wide Spadlna Ave. at College St. • Easy Parking Facilities • Convenient to Highways, • S1.5114 Rates Dnbie SLSI 10 •, Fon io.Room, $5.111 to all , C10** to the ,Unluersity, • Parliament Buildings, • Maple Leaf Gardens, Theatres, •Hospitals, Wholetale Houses, and the ruhlemibto Retail • Shopping District, A. Mr POWELL. ratsibito . . 'TARTE ' CAPITAL' THEATRE PRp.Nifl 47 Now Playing--:-"CalOng Philo Vance" with George Raft in - . i , 1 "hlii)181b1e ': Stripes" MON. TEES and WED. , s GINGER ROGERSis "KITTY FOYLE" „ with Dennis,MorgaUL.,JaMes Cralg-----Olady's. Cooper? -Ernest Cossart ' and Eduardo 'Clanelli . !Never beore has a , fictional; character been awaited with keener leaticipation than `1Kitty Foyle." It's anore• than a book, More 'than a picture, it'e a. woman, trite to life asthe modern eoitrig.workihg- girl ahe exemplifies. THUR. VIM and SAT. Henry Fonda*--(31ene Tierney•,===Jaekie Cooper -Henry Hull ' . John Carradine and 'Donald Meek . 4 grand Technieolor*,presentation of 'the romantie adventurers, who wrote an unforgettable epie into the UlOgtlawietb era hi anation's ;history. ° . . , "The Return of Frank James' • mathzees wa, so:, and 'bolliditYg at 3 P•411$ •• • • , • • Coming Ante raies and Betty Grable in "Tin Pan Alle " • the same. salaries. 4 • The annual 'reports of the euperin- tendent and the treasurer fellow: SupeiteWent's Report. This year has proved to be mae of great activity; clinger". mainly by the movement of guest, Children, from the Old Land': Our- County shag responded nobly in offering its homes, -By Gov- ernment regulations, all apalications had to be investigated with as muth care as required in our own foster home work, and, records made of each case. We had received only five.guest child- ren when the movement of children was Ppeeisbystheeshilene_ri efe one transport ship. At present, weeheve -no _know- ledge of more guests Ireleg sent out in the spring. We have added to our staff a social Worker, Mrs, M. P. Chaffee, who came to us en June int. • It has been felt for several years that a woman worker was needed, as so many cases required. woman's judgment in adjusting mat- ters. This has proved to' be very see- cessful and the appointinelt. justified • by the work accomplished. . The Shelter was the subject of much , discussion by the Department. They felt shelters should be closed and Wards be placed in boarding homes, until free homes were found for them. This was dletiissect at le/4W andincompliance 'with the last Council's request at ,the November -session the Shelter- was closed in December. We have arranged for several high-class 'homes to place our vvards in until frees homes are • found. Dee to- the trend of time, we ; find that our work is ever increasing, especially under the tinpaarriedparents .Act, as the following statistics will 'indicate. •-"Mader "child protection" work, there has been the greatest Inerease in the %umber -of eases, Which hale moved up froin 10 to 23. Some 355 visits and 02 ellice interviews have taken plate re all cases. Fifteen court cases have been attended, most of which were • juvenile. These juvenile Casa have increased considerably, but by trying to understand the child problenis we • hare been siteesefUl ih adjttetingsmost of these.. • Only one boy Was sent to an industrial school during 1940. The majority of juvenile delinquents were not brought to- court, as we feel thee It Is. something to avoid if at all Pos. leible, for the child feels .it is aplitleck mark on 'hid life if taken there. In the division of "child eare,' we have 57 children under supeev1sione- • 30 wards,. g bther societies' wards, and 12 • non -wards. Three 'hundred and. forty-three 'visits aed 89 office inter, views took place re all these ebildren, as wellsee 2efoster home in.vestigatione. Our guardianship ever seven Children was closed with the completion of legal adoption during the year. • With regard to Ottpetvision ef the five child guests, some 35 visits and .10 office interviews have taken plate. Of interest alga Is the fact that ,SOMO 150 home s bave been Impeded' In order to reject or approve Meta suitable for aceepting a guest. . Ai mentioned before, there has been a notable irtas n ITP. work. The language: ,Parliament, in the good old days a little oll on troubled waters• would often •prevent strife, but 'the. eame eannot truths fully said:of the peeseet eonflict, for it is oil that is the cause of the present Balkan situation.*•• There it story going ,the rounds that night" the men .provided an excellent is wortherePeatmg„ ItJs about,a little program of educational films. A jeiet Italtan girl ...whose -eat • gave 'birth to inee, ting-was-ireld-witir reerarta'llome-lcittengran1rtlie-er1;"rdhg-.warg1lfiiii: and ,School members, when a musical in the prow- FatelstanannereProudly program was provided by:pupils of the told, (ithe selioalteacher. that they were two schools under the leadership of "Fascist" kittens. The school teacher Mr. Anderton. Quiz ;programs, proved complimented ' -the girl en 'being so .04 30 both instructive and entertaining, and patriotic and thought no more of the 37 67 topics for other meetings included The matter. Then ° tele day the girl ap- 28.95 Work of the Ohildren'S Aid Soeiety," proached the teaeher and said that the 261 90 by Mrs. 'Chaffee, 'Astronomy," by Rev. kittens weren't Fascists 'after' all. "And 252 pi. 58 98 78 23 7 54 44 19 74 6.14 09 2460 51 455 8' 00 6476 71 Balance: ......... ............ . . .. . .... 36 82 inmane COMInittee • Miss Ann "Wurtele, for the Humane &vision of the Soeiety, reported imion the operations of the year. These In- cluded agitating; for drinking bowls for <logs to ;be attached te-thelorse-teeuglis in Court Hotiee.Park (without result) ; calling attention- by publie advertise- ment to the poisoning of animals, pre- sumably by people carelessli bundling rat poison ; humane tlisposal of home- less felines. During the year the lauron County Society was the recipient of a bequest of $1,000 by the .will of the late Mrs. Helen G. Shepley of Toronto. O L.• Beeivn, 'Health Education, Does whya,ren't they?" queried the teacher. It Pay?" by Mrs. A. To:lore "Movies," The girl replied, "Because nine days by Mrs. L. L. Knox, and eHighlights of after they were born their eyes were the Easter Convention," by the presi- ,opened." dent, Mrs. Ur. Macdonald, who attended - • ,- the convention as delegate. A sign Of the thiaes In Fort Worth, • Commencement prizes. were presented • Texas, a laundry which Is additeent to to each roam, 'magazine subkriptions a church has a large sign which reads: were given to the sclaool, naedieal sup- "Oleanlinees is next to godliness." , plies previdedfor the 'first °aid clip- • s - -board, and a roll of 'honor was pre- , Final thought • for the 'week : le you seiated 1x the school; to be inscribed really , want to 'know how much effort, with -the- names of former pupils who you have made towards helping to win have volunteered for active service. • the war, don't figure up the amount you A 'Community Concert was sponsored have iniested in war savings tertific- bv the Club, the program being given -ates but count what you HAVEN'T by the. 'boys old g.W of the town, invested. and the .proceeds, amounting to $60.50, were sent to the British Wee yiet.knas- - • Fund in Teronto. . war' saving stanapesaneecertieteatess repTohretedpreasnideanmeat, thMeaeodOnnta-arkil,10 7. A ' sketchll•eisntfiritledcal "SAkersion of the 'Home and School Federation for 1,000 Past" was -then presented in panto - layettes for British air raid- vietims. , mime, With Mrs. R. Bisset as reader. This appeal met ,with an enthusiastic Going .back to the nineteenth century, response. . All articles deflated are to Donald' Scott represented Charles be ready for* exhibition at the March' Dickens, whose books were instrument - meeting, which will take the form of a al in rousing peblic opinion to the need crokinole party. Members were also of sympathetic interest ln educational o urged to do their utmost.to create inter- problems, and resulted in the forming est in the campaign for the sale of fthe afirst t this"o needtrs' wIa7nsioronsa.;z0Fdifitny • 1 years the United States, and led tO the be - of the parent -teacher movement there, which now has a membership of one -and a -half millions. Twenty-five rears ago saw the .beeinning of the ...•••••••• HUGE COMMItIVIENTBY CANADA FOR PROSECUTION_OF THE W • . • nrovement in Cie:nada, with . Mrs, and two art leagues Ceu urtice as "the fonder. Seven ' ' Money to „Be Rai . sed by Taxation and Loans—Opposition Leader mothersgroups. • Asks fin. More Information on War Program-r--kroposal to eonnected with Toronto schools were Postpone Depennial. Census Ra t4 SuPport—Prime Minister King the first members, now Ontario has ‘a , Alberta in , membership. of 25 • Warns Canadians .against Entertaining Hopes of Eearly and melee joined in 1922 1929 000. British Ool- Eaty Victory .• t . . Manitoba in 1935, Nova Scotia in 1936, •,, Saskatehewae and New Brunswielt in (By J. A. Mune, Special Correspond- embraces raising es much as possible .1038. Dr. Kerby was the first presi- ea) by way of taxation, with the balance to dent of tbe' National Federation. The OTTAWA, Feb. 21.-,C411ada's war be raised through war 'leans and the movenaent became haternational .and 4xpee1itures were placed at.$1,300,000,-- sale of • war savings certificates and Fes endorsed In thirty differglit coun- stamps. • It means, of course, still 000 for the /Weal year beginning April higher taxes, all along the line, when , 1 by Finance Minister J.L. Ilsley,when the boxt budget is brought down inthe Parliament resumed this week after its near futute. The next war loan will adjanirtmenton December 7 last. This figure compare,s with $875,000,000 spent be' for , possibly $800,000,000 ' next sum, iner: And,rit is hoped to raise $120,000,- on War in the current fiscal year. 000 annually 'through war savings Adding the Dominion Government cm:. grim tes. nOrmalexpenditures of $433,131,000; A rough ,breakdown of the000000 1 $1,300,- ; $,, ex - $400,000,000 for repatriation of British- 0s00a, sO0fOollovir sfor v aAr r tht o3r, sthe ° o,ensuing0000 ; ytet tar' held securitiesand 575 : • peeditures of the Provieces and. mini-! $421,000,000; navn 081,900,009; muni- cipalities, Mr. Ilsley stated that Domin-'i dtioopnasrtanIdazipst,00$0,108010,0„00,000; other Ion war and ordifiary eependitures will run to • 52,700,000,000. This figure I Mr. 'Hanson made a strong, personal represents aboutefifty per tent. of the plea for Prime, Minister King and his estimeted national Jimmie of 55,300,- eGovernment to forget partisanship in ,000,000. for the ensuing yearthe conduct of the war. He suggested •"I pause to let the meaning of this; the personnel of the ,Gpeernment should program sink in," Mr. Ilsley observed. I be morebroad.based to take in relive "The program will necessitate a Ton- sentation of all politiere grottp.s in the tinuieg and more rapid shifting from country. .0ther Conservative epeakers petice-time ,to.war,thee-Preslection and;,etreseed the same point in the debate will require from nfany of us drastic -which proceeded during the week. eliangee in our modes of Ming and The Oppoeitioir leader asked for ha Tb i lit es .uo-farlialep.eftcomplete information from the' Govern- rop' riation of $1,00,000,- ment on all aspects of the war program, _ 000 is --coneidetebly the largest el:eel...end particularly with regard to what submitted to Parliament in' Canada's he teemed the failure of aircraft pro- bietoeyt Oppoeitieli Leader Pe n. Hans. duetion in 'Canada. 'Munitions and , soia deseribed the figures as "staggering I 'Supply Minieter 0. D. liowe promised and enotenous." to give the Commons aefull eta.tement Canada's cash, outlay on ever to later on aircraft prodiettion. EVERY ME A*I1D 411 lelizkaown *Ad Meer *now* error* of vision are not 'glee* at- tentioe. The teed *eireleet tremendeue. FsverY age is af- fected by faulty visielte ladirMs Mae everywhere *re /Sot setting out of life as they eheUld' becaua. • they do not see as they ekeelt. Welisinforsied persOne S're, usual. e$10 -wise„ Make out appoIntouent• early • by *boning Mt T 'Arnistrt) 0 ag -OPTOMETRIST -004, lifotat011_ en The Square o (Oder/a* ' iNedneaday at Luiline* tries, but war cOieditione have made co-operation helaoseible other countries for the present. 'What' the future holds, who Can titaY7 This historic:al sketch w Otueh 4,4e loyed. Those taking 14ri: Were, vrie Gumsco'r1813.stsat.a.eSec.b0it,E;r°;igairtil.li.A.''S:3171.iifa::;1:7:441'rriltrri"111144411. • . An • interesting candle -lighting cere- mony was presented When litfleeCaths. erine ;cud lighted 4 white -eandle.fer Mrs. Couetiee,lier mother, Mrs. Catt,‘ a red eandle for the •Nationit Fedei- AatigooniasteLl cuMer.walts. liSito,i,enveetlh.034u7semars_.blorlee. candle for the Internatiilnai-Vederatlou. Bloomfield honor of alffetelertPuPt•ta . of the,sehool who are on.ete4fiee service, a:silver "candle-A*Mres..-A.:.•••• the . teverttyefifth. annivetearY ibef • founding of .the Work lk Canada, and a pink tandleeby Mrs. iteilditt eet if silence was-dedicated*i the Memory of Mrs. Courtice, and this was folleived by the Home and Selabeil song. Musical PrOgleani. , - A very fine ,inusical program was given by the ladle? • choir 'of Knox cbuech,eunder the leadership 44 Xias E. Snider. This consisted, Of a plan0- duet by Miss .Snider and.Mis$ E Bogie, solo by. 'Miss (Lane, ‘carry .Me Back to Old Virginian" and three eelees lions by the choir, ''The. Olden Simms," " and the. -vesper ilYnni, ."Filo•r iraolt1,4T,oh'ty thanks was .,"was te•nde'titil by Mies P. McEwen to all Who. took part the program, and 'refreshinents were served by the social leonanittee,' with Mrs. W. Macdonald and 31re. Stene - house presiding at. the tea table. •••'• social •half-hour was enjoyed, and the meeting Closed with the singing, of the • Na.tional Anthena. . Obvious W.hile exaniining a class'in grammar the inspector wrote a ,senterfee on the arkeoa,rd•and a.Aied-Tif any boy could seeanything peeuliar about it. After • a long pause, one smafl boy put uprhis • hand. "Yes," said the inspector encouraging- ly, "what de you see remarkable about "Please, sir,the bad *wilting, sir.". -"Montreal "Star. Have You Renewed Your Subscription? We dont pretend to know everything, but we do °lain/ • to know machine/7 and how to repair breakages or worn a. Out parts, a Our Machine Shop, la open every day and we are at your service. Geo. W. Stokes ,:orApakrisT, PHONE NU UMW • number of cases hag mounted from 22 animas* .n r. sey gaNe .aeing The thee for inflation has not yet to 34 during the:1.10er; Some 140 vieits t?talli,sd $53.8,q303,000e T.bi-qe % come in financing the war, Mr. Hanson 00 office Interviewe, old 01' super' vlsory 'visits re mother or child have also taken plaee. Five court attend- afwee Were made withsone court order 'obtained. Niue settlements were 0'80 - Arranged during tile year. Ite,s•peetfu 11 y Shim-) tted, T. EDWARDS, Local Superintendent. Financial Statement BECBIPTS ConntY of liurcin Provincial grant C.A.S. Interest en bonds " held. Still 'further •effort should be for 'the navy' 41,188,060,1 for t1-1(' made' to eut the ordinary eXpendituree! force ; $80,291,000 on. Caimita'e %share of governniente Jie eounselled adhere of the Comraomvealth Air ettce to orthodoic methods o'flelinenee. Plans .801931,000 for murtitione and Acting 00.F. Leader Coldwell also smtiepapsluierL; ;$-,,a,lifid5,00$018:fmorcolherodref_ defence eIreemeurgee-eat, 6iltinvroengTisr., .atigia4tinstht eaeolevteii,one... Incoeinam8urnaleinnei4, tbthert intielaSOt rYlloe"410ths,'wvviitthluntat 8ienitelrileest:)fonerfi the eilnistee indicated, will run wall bads of eaweity to bay._ east• up to. the $875,000,000 figure previously emoted tor the eureeee „fiscal Reduction4Ordinary" Ilxpeotritures On Monday,. Mr, Ilsley tabled the •'•$510- 00 , main estimates or ordinary GoNiltim- No Valley Financing ineut expen ores, o , ,.• d"t t telli $4"1131' 700 00 hering it e announced ilitancial.polley for um "1'w j'EX4A, " 338 3 'the ,Govrnment Is •5',icatifastly ).„„, _ 60 00 witicregard to war eeets. This Valley. (Continued an pao 0) esseseee. 111 Everybody can enjoy this. ° Comforts of Horne if they consult their own interests by selecting their EAST $T. Furniture and Stoves • from our stock. Living:, biting RbOm. and Kitchen require. „merits, as well as Beds and l'efattrenes. Oik.Cooking Stovea and. Heaters provide both heat and comfort. Wo IL Blackstone We deliver in town ,and within rdtmonsble tancesi Ulm PHONZ 240 T,