HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-27, Page 1-
Buy War Savings
'Certificates and
Help Defeat Hitler
Combining The.Go4erich Signal and rhe Goderich Star
'We Shall, WO Mad, We Will
Deelaree Speaker rn
Wartire, .A.ddreinl
The,re nole a gown turnout for the
ti-Iniblienineetiag in North street United
',Lauren on, -*minty evening, artanged,
by. th local War set:lags eonimittee to
launch the drive for war eavinge sub.
Be-rip-0'9ns. Captain the 'Vern liertritiir
P. Rawson. of Hamilton was tbe %waiter"
of the -evening.
A: patriotic etmOspbere prevailed,
rtnitn Uniementicloe and 'Van- War-13are'
Inge V.erttileates"" Malin adorning 'the
speakers,Platteent and' the surrounding
walls. eatteicat trtutmbers were Con-
tributed Ir Mr. Charles Mealtins, ac-
conollanien at titet. Piano by Mrs.
Meekine, andn:by A antlenaaartette cone
Posen ef•Qebrge Ititeltanan, Glen, Lodge,
Ralph Heidersen. aan !William Reid, ac-
companied * by Mervyn • Snyder,
"0' Conliiatir of the Midtllesex-thirent
Reglinent, antleretne_ etimmend on Ltn
Col. H. C. innaloin °paraded in a betlytto
. the church preeeded ter the Imelniow.
Pine band. .
George W. Schaefer; presnient of the
Board of Trader who acted as chairman,
expressed his and the committee's
ure at teeing' the large attendance
and extended a °welcome to -nip people
and to the officers, :"N.C.10.'s, and! mem-
Mees of "C'' -Company. The -Board of
'Trade, Mr. 'Schaefer etateni had been
asked to sponsor 'the sale of war tiavitiga
stamps aid certificates in ' this corn-
manity- and it was a, task the Board was
glad to assume,: he 'added. "Wnen Prinie
311ntstert Chtinchill sald,?give us the
toots and we will naish the job,' tlie call
eyes not only .10_0* 'great rentl:b.ltie to
the ninth of net but watt tbe calf- of
the Mother .country to- Canada," 'said
Mr, Schaefer. 'Without victory there
can be no survival: Tin:tens the 'chal-
lenge "which comes to you and to men'
Abintor Brown • '
• Mayor' E. D. Brown also expressed
his pleasure with the large turnout,
but he thought the 'people, who most
needed ° the "pepping „up" , were not
present. Ile felt, however, that Wntb
such a solid background of good will
behind it the campaign' was sure to be
a success. The 'Mayor eited the good
work being atconiplished it the West-
ern Canada Flour Mill, With the oh.
jective net at n4,000enner -$5,000 bed -els
-ready-been pledged there. 'Referring to
. the presence 'ofethe Weil in uelforra,
• the Mayer. said, "Nnitentwe see these
fine young men In front of ns, .it brings
home to us that we are at war and it
is our ware, 'Otterntistitenttne.havetis at
• stake. Canada- Is gt tht -erossreeds;-
"to the left is Nazi. --nomination' and
"despair, to the right" is A glorious Em-
pire endfreedom-and we are here toe
eight te, see twhether we -take the hard
goad to victory or the road of lialcannce
which leads to the slave market, The
_ euestion arises,. °Whattcan we do?' .The
yatmg merrecan, enlist.: the great men
can lend their factories and resources,
the ladies can knit, but what can Plain
John Henry de? War savings certifi-
cates allow us to get in the front line.
tags young men in tae, thousands are
jointing the fighting forces and .going
throngh intensive training for the con-
flict, but all their efforts will be wasted
without tsitvek !bullets.° n
itev. W. Lane, minister of North
street United church, introduced .the
visiting speaker.
'Captain ° Rawson interspersed
aniie, A
banter which freqUently` convulsed his
a ience.
Captaid ' Rawson . •
Capt. Rawson. Suggested that the
citizens of this tontrn sheald be proud of
t he memiters of OC" Company, whine
discipline and precision , were up ,to
any standard he had seen in the Domin-
I ion. Ile .asked "0" !Company to give
the town the leitti an buying war say -
Inge stamen and cited the case of the
Perth* Regiment, wnieli he said had
pledged one liundred per cent. to put
wa§-4Wie a week of their meagre earn-
ings to buy stamps. •
"I have .mere -nonfidenee tonigh•t in
the Canadian -people than -at. any time
sin:iv nag war brolte'eut," neclared the
epeeicer. Alinthey, need Is a human,
pulsating,' forthright leader and they
. will otithnitz the blitzkrieg." •
Captain Rawson- Suggested that too
many peOple do not take any interest in
politics. .:„Only thirty -.seven pet cent.
of those nlinnble to rote btutturned out
t the last Dominion elections,.he said.
'tined people don't know w•bat democ-
rhey eontinued. 4yed-are the
most privileged- people today on tGod's
green etteth. There is no other people
in the norld tlja.tthe war has affeeted
f40 1Itt16.ft8 the Oeople of Canada. Tile
linited 'States has been in a turmoil the
past year, but :tile war b,asn't- even
To Cfnelder Plans for ,,Court House
pspruvomei&t oi. March, Oth •
A ' peeiat meeting a the. County
Connell Inge,lbeen, -called for Wednesday,
Marek 4tht itoY 'WArden janagi4 'n.•einen,
to consider plans and estimates for the
revamping and eeturntsbing of the
large court Keen of the Court House.
This matter, was tentatively discussed -
at. the January session and 'referred to
the property Committee with, power to
aet. The eomMittee Was told to "do a
geodtetolent one thatetwennlat Ottiogna
Mark the hundredth anniversary Of
the birth Of the county, to bin celebrated
late:till !lane of this year., •
The committee has, since Met on four
eceaslens and visited courtttliounes at-
Stratfoiel, Walkerton and London, and
has had plans and estimates prepared
by experts. .
These plans, however, are much more
elaborate and the cost greater than any-
thing heretofore diseussed, so much so'
that the Warden feels the whole Coun-
ellshouldpass on them -before: aption,
is taken, .
The tender of Grant 'Rath, of !Clinton,
for the redecoration of the °County
Clerk's office bus been accented by the
committee. •
Upset the roans:* a. our lives. More
, money iite afloat now than a yeae •or
two seam ago. The sale of ell luxuries
never spen n fore. Who are the boys.
IS' up an4 noeple. are spending as -they
w1io. are frvereees- now? Only. a -very
few of them' are froin beret ,Our owi
•boys,' by upd latge, are not -overseas-
Who are the men who are over thete?
Lam casting no slurs on the tboys_ever-
seas, antitthey havererittittes ili the
Audience who ate, offended then I am
sorry for what I have 41 say, but the
'great perceigage a them are men whom
you, Mr. Meyor, and the Mayers of
Toronto, Hamilton anti other places did
not .want arounityour cities because We
didn't have jobs for 'them: These are
• men whe said to us, 'Feed us' and
clothe tie and we will do •tbe job,' and
• we said, 'V we- feed:them. and 'clothe
them end give them a job, we'll bank-
rupt.the country." We're spending mere
on them now,- ie one week titan we used
to ,seiend on. them in a whole year.
What's that got toedo with us'? These
men ask nothing of nS ,but to serve
their country and to give them the
rifles' Linn munitione, end ltse, up to us
to see that* we, get. away Void the
shabby. treatment we have'been giving
them and lend them -the tools."
New Manufacturing II RZUMIVES SIlt FRED%
Firm for Goderich BANT:t" IN °°"/a011
Part of Artoraft netory to Be
Leased—Town Council
a Meeting
thetopezilagt:efrthe regular meei-
ing of Uie-froya, onunfn, oat Frisian,
-night last, Mayor Brown reierred feel-
ingly to the death of 'Et R. Wigle and
Paid tribute to him as a Matt of integ-
rity and inthlic airit who. liaa• left
behind bine -Wane record on service to
the toWo, 'We are grieved atsr!the!
leee the town ba's sustained," said His
nit-ors:hip,' and our 'syMpathy goes out
etostnetberetived--ntendlnnt----- -4
-All tile niennbers• of 'Coal:tell were
Preseat etteent Coutleillor Graham.
A. deputation of nterehente was again
Present to support tile 'petition for a'
[bylatv enforcing a weekly half -holiday.
Messrs. lit Norman, !Geo, MaeVicar, R.-•
Sharne, and it." Worsell, `jr,, all spoke
briefly. - • "'
Tile Mayor assured them 'that tbe
petition .was receiving eoneldeeetion in
committee. • ,
A coraniuniesitioe from "the local com-
Mittee in charge of the. wan 'ea -rings
campatgewas read, and Coun. At-
tridge, who Is a member of the OM.
mittee, explained the plan of, campaign
and asked ' that the Town employees
be approached aff once to secure their
pledges. The matter was left in the
bands of the clenit and the 'enatrettan of
the annum coMmittee. • • -
Fire- Protection at Harbor -
A letter from 0. IseParsons,-president
of „late Goderich- iCompanY,
eenew,ing Ids request for iocreaSed tire
proteetientefor the buildings at the
leirbor, was read. to ,
. In Noveinber last Mr. Painons wrote
the (tounell urging that a ire :hydrant
be placed on the wharf at the foot of
Wellington fOreet. ••• •
The 'Matter was referred to the fire
Coralttitree and the -water,elight an
harbor committee jointly.
A tenter' 'from !the [Goderich Salt
Com,penn With reference to .the Pro-
posed road to the north side, of the
;harbor, •with ',copies of :correspondence
between the 'Salt !Company and offiefaIs
of the tn, N. Rannvaysand; Board on
Transport ittenitnisantiterst-tleelt- mainly
with official •objectione to the proposed
level erossieg. The Salt Company eon -
tended that the proposed alternative
route,, °through the existing subway,
'would be not only more expensive but
more hazardous. '
'The eorresponden0 was referred,to
the !water; night and harbor coMmittee.
A letter .from the Liquor Control
Board of Ontarie, asking for aavice
as to any Chang'es. in' the personnel of
the liseanpolice force,.was sent to, the
special tonnoltteet ., •
A letter from the Blue Water !High-
way Association, regueetingan ap-
propriation of .9200 for the work of the
Asseciation for the coming season, was
sent to the fiitance •ecimmittee. •
Comndttee Reports
The •fiiiiiine committee recommended
that the meniberehip. fee, $5, be paid
•the Ontario 'Association of Rural
Municipalities for the year '1941, but
that no action be taken an the request
of the Federation of Mayors
and Municipanties for a membership
fee ; that a greet of $25 he made to the
'Salvation' Army for its Rescue Home
work ; that no action be taken on the
letter of R. C, Hays asking for remis-
sion of tak penaltieseegainst the Proud -
foot estate. " •
The pubicetiorks committee mown -
mended that the ,Ruce I-Iorse Associa-
Lion 1)0 theuse ofethe- e vi -
cultural Park on civic -holiday- (Augu.st
4th), 011 the utiml conditions, and also
for one week Prior to antl one week
atter -that clatentinder the supervision
Of the public works and parks com-
mittees jointly.-
The special entinnt
itee recnonnended
that e taxi Itemise for a -second car be
granted no Arnold At.. Doak ; that [the
resolution 'from tbe Town of .Napanee
with reference to eounty assessureuts
and equalization be approved ;' that the
Provincial Doartment ef Agriculture
be notified that the Town's street in-
spector Is the weed inspeetor ; that
Councillor Attriage lie appointed the
Town's representative *on the tourist
and pablicity committee attic Board of
Trade; that the !Council ,write to the
ProvinCial Department of 'Highwayb iii
support of the request for tlie improve-
ment of the Blue Water highway; that
a supPly,of 1941 clog tags be purchased,;
that Mi. • 'be thanked for
'his letter offering -several suggestions
for the iinprovement of the town, N?thieli
Will be given due consideration. '
The ceinetety and il)arks comMittee
recommended that aimlication be made
to the !Government for -the use ofa
portion° of tlee property at laglithouse
Point, to be used for park purposee,
motion was passed tlint tile spend-
ing bodies of the toyed be asked to nab -
mit their estimate; for 'the year aethe
next meeting of Council, in' order that,
11 Councillorellueltine stated, -tlie tax
rate may '4e -struck •by !the lse of -May.
Bylaw No. 6, appoipting It. tt.
'Whatelee •to the Public Library lloard
to take the Ohne of "Dr. 'II. R. Halle
Terrible Days Ahead .
"Ladies and: gentlemen, 1 want to
warn you that :before many months are
over you will know there is a• war on.
Days ,are coming which the world has
never know. before. !Many brilliant
minds thought that 'Get:many .was
weaker In this war than in the last
and that. 'Germany would • crumble
up, and there are Still people who be-
lieve that the same is true -that Ger-
many will crumble. • I know 'Germany.
1 have travelled through -Germany and
have ° the .happiness of never haying
had any of my predictions -come wrong.
Away back in 19361 took a proposition
'to the Institute -of the Civil Service of
Canada and asked them then to pre-
pare a department • for War, but got
uplifted eyebrows; and I have lived to
see, these people- wrong." • . ,
Nazi -Germany will not crumble ftem
internal revolution ; 11 Will ftie able to
last•longer tfinn in 1914-18. In theIast.
war Germany inobilized of per cent.. of
its Manpower and iOreat Britain and its
allies 39 per cent,* • In 1937, !Germany'
had 85 per cent. of its total enanpoWer
and industrial power geared for -war
and now It has almost 100 per centof
its • power mebIlized and
nas two-million:stave -workers. Gteat
Britain has only 18 per cent. "of its
maapower monilized. leen-flatly' men
has 170,000,000 'people under • its dom-
ination, while Great Britain 'has fifty
In the tlast, war, we ' had as Allies
Russia, Italy' -always a doubtful ally -
Frame, -the United States, Japan, end
had all of Ireland with hs, and it took
ns four years and three months .to
,subdtie the Germans. The United
States is not hi with us yet. Ger-Many
has conquered Poland, Franceepelgium,
Reiland, Deinnarlt, Norway and has
Japan atul Italy. as antes, andtRptsia,
friendly to it. •
"I am -going- out -en -a-, I imb-mark
down. Eight years from tonight we
will etilt be at war irith Nazi- Germany(
,wilInte two and 'a hot years. before
-the United 'States, will 'have its 'full
induetrial powers golng, in - the last
war 'Canada -put 570,000 men. in • the
[field. •-Now We have may_ 50,000 In the
army,. 25,000 in the 'air fort* and -a
(Continued on page 4)
Speaker of NorthDakota House of
Representatives Comes of iturou Stock
It intarested'Ille very much to receive
lately -a netrepeper sketch and picture
of' Ittirr nyinitiatoti, the new :Speaker
of the; House' 'of Representatives a
North Dakota -gaged forty-sevett; native -
of °North Daltat.a. -Writ of 'Seta:eh-Irish
• „,, parents: at Nitahe; 'Penaltina Couray,
Where `he has alWays liqd. 'Ile farms
' about 1200 acres, le an teeterelee man,
- served in Prance, has three -children
and has been a meinber of the House
since 1933. tile parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Syntingtoneeame to _the !State
' about 1880. . . ..
It seem' to-ine that; 'traced back; he
ttia of Huron county stoek. Here is the
etory :- . , ,
Willianti tgyotaington. ' at" neoteman,
pioneer tettenete of Colborne township,
taught for many years in No. 3 Section
• gild lived 'with hie' family in the
teaelter'e lions* dote by the sehool.
William 'Symingtoti, Jr.. Watt one of
the boyo in the Old ntog nenool. Mrs.
synangt01i wee a.. Intneati; sitter On
James 'flunetin of West' Wayvenotio
George 'Elliott, one of, int,o, Irish Elt
liotts, of "Goderielt toweehip, was
original settler and owner of lot 13,
vonceesion 8,10olborne, now owned by
the Itobertsons. Ills -wife wits a Initial
ilton, sister Of . James-, Thomas and
Alexander ((Sandy) Hamilton, pioneers
of Colborne and Goderieh townehipe.
Derld iramiltoo Of Atantrn is a
nephew. •
'rile Seguliattone and Elliott: moved
liret to Parry !Sound, which preened
disappointment,, and then they born&.
steaded in North Dakota, where mem-
-bees Of fatuitiesare today.
Wm, 'nytningtont jr„ married ntisalti,
daughter of George Elliott and !Barbara
Ifamilton,aml Elarlinytisington" is their
eon. 'Thus, •thSym--
rotigh his ington
Domain - - Itatailten origin
Speaker 'Symington haS it !Ongd gener-
ation conneetfoti !With Iluron (*May.
London, Ont.
resigned, wee paseed.
AO .0141 Score Settled
Itelaw- No..y was referred to coni.
tante° of the wbole. This authorized
tbe.. cancelling of 'elainut against the
Goderich ManUfactUring 00, on pay-
ment by tbe, OoMpany of the 30111, of
`After consideration In com-
mittee the bylaw wee adopted. The
PaYillellt of $4,4e0 has -been matte,
clearing tip a matter that has been
more or leee in dispute for some twenty
Council ileelded to lettee a portion Of
the former Artertint factory to IL W.
Intdgitis ofnnoronto for Manefaettiting
puipotes. The portion to be leased is
it tatacc of,40 by 60 'Pet on the loWer
floor, at the rear. The firm proposes
to manufacture paper cartons.
Yetterdav was Ash Inniliandar.
Good Friday tine year wilt be on .Aprit
lith and I'aster Sinulay° April .18th.
.4; •
The tragic ele,,th Of Sir Frederlek
'tenting wbile on -et flight to Great
Delwin has a special local Interest
from the faet that Mr. n't R. Waltis
U141., hie sinter, ',Mtn'. G. In -Gould, of
total), ete eouttins of Sir Ftecleeleit.
Then' hane.Watened hitt brilliant eareer'
Witt!: great iaterenti 00 Mr. Wfilln$
intende if nessible totatfeatt the falterer
Of his dietingoitilten nelatire,
Bird Was at Pert Albert
Another point of letal interest in
emeneetioa with the, disaster 'tin that
--Navigetorstinilliaagt-Blrtnewha-also Ina
his life witeii. Sir 'Vretletielne plane
-cr,asbed, Wati for a :,time at the l'Orte
Albert Air Navigation Sawa and nnat
:came a-NU/tinted, with: a °-nuMbee° of
people here. Its 'halite leeatt Kidder,.
minster, England., •
Lucknow Man in Oak bake -Vial*
In a plane eresh at !Oak -Lake, Man.;
Pit Tuesday- nigltt, Sgt. W. H. Prest,
of Luelatow, Was killed. Prentetan
observer with -tbe crew, is a' son if
V. en:Pre*, Manager Of •the Beak on
Montreal at telnintentt ;
tit:* orralialt IN
rro_auttts,11_ING- coNvitoif
Mama Busiiitea meeting- of .Preab
• terian Congregation Beare Repo
• Pas t )1earVitsti,vitfeTs„,''''
At the !animal congregational meet
nig of Knox F'reebyterign -churchnlaeld
on Wednesday evening, February 1.9th,
ieports presented showed thte work of
the chureli intits various organizations
to be in A flourishing condition. .
'Mr. E. C. IleacOm. Was tvoted46- the
Chair, and Mr. P1. if. A. Maegwanitcted
as secretary of the Meeting.
The report of the •session, presented.
by the moderator, -Rev., D. J. Lane,
showed, an increase hi, the merabership
'el)tt-tthheeelocs°eligerfelg940466.!1' wbich w11*%.' 428"
The :budgeteonmilttee reported that
• the allocation . of 0$50 " been
reached. -T'he committee was re -ap-
pointed for another year. The mem-
bers are Wm: 1.11s5et telifoirman)-;-a-C.,
Dunlop .(secretary), A. H. Erskine
(treasurer), Alex, Smith, Wm. Somer-
ville, Frank MeArtnur, W. J. Baker
and D. M. Johnston.
The eetirtng, managers, n. D. Wilson,
H. F. Pluck, Dr. 11. ft. gall. and Thomas
Oundry, were re-elected: br. Hall is
ansent o11 army eerie/eft and it was
directed that A letter he sent to, hire
expressing the conneegation'i appreel-
.ation of his aatencee and the hope that
he may be able to ,return'to 'nonerien. . •
.• Mr. A. H. Iiirsleineneh*h ,treasurer,
Wiis,,prevertfetr. nrom being
present. His report showed ft retina -
titan of the church debt by the sum of
° ' •
During the year painting was done
on . the •exterior of the ahutch at an
en -Pens° of $400, of which amount,$.,300
was contributed 'by the 'liadies'"Aid
noelette This helpful -organization
atta toptributed $500 of the amount by
which the church 'debt was reduced.
geetettat,-Erskine eels re -appointed
treasurer, awl D. C. Beacom and Ji W.
Fraser were reappointed: auditors,
The Sabbath School
The report of the ,Sabbatli school,
presented- by 'the secretary -treasurer,
tt,reeiewed , a :sticc7ssfulI
year under the ' superietendencY ,of E.
0. Boeoin. Mrs. 1). J. Lane Presented the 'nix:at
of the rttomenntatiseioetaraeneciety,
which she, is the fresident. The ,Society
forwarded $457 to the Presbyterial
treasurer for the missionary work of
'the ehureb. •
The report -of. the Arthur -Circle,..pre-
sented. by Mrs. G. Ge nfacEwan, also
showed a rear of :activity' in aid of mis-
sions, for which work the Circle for-
warded a319 to the Presbytertal treas-
urer.; Mrs. II. Rivers is,president of
the' Circle. ' •
Reports of -the alacGilIntray Mission
Band and the Boys' Mies's:Mary Club
alp, were presented.
The tLadieS" Aid Society ieportd,
through its President,- - Mrs, .L Alex.
Straiten, who 'had an exeelleat story
to tell of the patyear's aetivities.' •
Robert Bisset, .jr., preeentea the re-
porttof the St. Andrew's -Muir of which
anneee 'Abell Is president.
Miss Betty riaelienzie reported for
the Westminster Guild; and. Mrs, A.
Taylor and. Mi. P. !Gillespie spoke
in behalf of the choir.
'The meeting adopted a resolution of
thanks to Rev. Dp J. and Mrs. Lane,
the' elloir and other ogninizetions of
the coneregatien for their fetthful ser-
viee -during the year. •
A eonferenee of junior farmers ot
Huron colusty wilt lie held in -the agri-
Cultural office at Clinton on Saturday,
alareh.lst. Conservation and reforest-
ation will be the main subjectentf dis-
CUSSI011,' and Andress -6 will be given'
by Je C. Marritt, of the Ontario
Potestry Braila, and P. 5: N'ewnian,
eoperinteodent of the -Government, tree
,nursery at St. William.
' On 3fendate, Mereitentitl, the ahnual." -
meeting of the Perth -Huron inhorthOrn
Breeden' 'Club will be beta in th
agricultural office at Stratford., AMon
the speakern win be IL R.', White,
secretin of the 'Canadian ellierfliont
Assoelation, and rron Geo. Days
cenretary of the Ontario Shorthorn
In honor of U189 Soenett,
bride of this week, a shower of war
tavingt stangen Was given at the twine
of Mrs. M. '3. MacKay and Mist-
Plorenee 1. MaeKay, Cameron street,
• naturtlay lata The stamps were
pineentedb lisr 1 Dieleeon. After
miCesages and greeting3 woe vead by
the beh1e-to4.* dud humorous advice
had been tendered to her, tea wag
tervea, mtg. n, ce Dunlop and 3,118e
ttletairkindale pretiding eit the tea
Bky W.
C rtlificaks
Help Debut Mk,
E. C. Beacom Heads
Library Board
Librarian's Report Shows More
Borrowers but 'lower Books
Issued in 1946
°Tbe annual meetiriggof the Intblic
'Library Board' , was held on Saturday
evening. The Board .foo 1941 cantinas
. the Ignoring members; E. C.
Bee.eont, -WhaNity,
,P.110* It. ISt014401*-111.
Longs E. L. Dean and Ht.ntenitiiieltleton.
Oniceon for the <towing. reart- Were °OP°
Pointed*an nolio,Vt's r4O11a4r111ain V. C.
area U. C. Vnhateley ; property 'OM-
mittee; A. Inougvte, Mrs. 'Pheltun-In
Stonehouse; beak committee, 'the whole
'boara; linanee eorantittee, IL R. Long,
E. L. Dean, IL M. Shackleton. librarian,
Miss A. R. Aitken. ,
The treasurer's report for the year°
1949 was as follows:
Balance, itt Bank Jan. 1, 19-10t.$ • 1 99
Credit slip & Co. ete 2 33Town of GOderich . 2150 00
PrOninee of Ontario teete 7158, 00
Ootionn -of -Huron. ... . . • 2ni- -00
Cards, fines and rentals - 26$ 02
$2605 36
Libeerian and assistant $. 800 7
Caretaking , .. 2.51 25
Coal • 485 98
Water and light • 88 al
Books • . ' 973 42
apers and magazines 100 20
pairs and; replacements -en • 35 40
Insurance and taxes e 19 80
Librarian's supplies . 21- 24
Defence° tax- • t • 1 80
Stamps, P.O. box‘
Aniscellaneoun•.21 5.1
"Bank eovergraft. ,e„ .• 1 -Ott
Balance itz-Ineekoatec. 31, 1940 34 11
' Yaibittrintes Benoit . •
The ltbrarian's report showed that,
during the year 516 bookit had been
added to the library and 184 book e had
been diecarded.
The issue of b6oks for the year wes
20,215, a decrease of. 85 from the
previous year._ Of the total, 214942 -were
books for adults and 7,303 of -the
jlivenile class, - The number of :nor -
rowers inereased ,during' the year by
2T4, to 2,107. -
The tononnt spent' on •bOoks, $673.42,
won divided an follows:, Adult fiction,
*299.62; ;aduit. tiontfictien, en269.44;
juvenile, 4117.36.
The -number of plentgenntreire Huron
county repatetrettOttawann to Pebrn-
ary 22n4 was as 'follows: Brusselnt 40;
(Rinton, 207 ; Etteter, '165; Godnalefe
384; Hensallt 90; Seaforth, 152; Wing-
-hen -1,4218 ; Ziricb,08. Two centrenlad
not reparted.
This makes a totAl. of 1,324 pledges. -
..Our neighbor, Bruce county, to ;the
same date reported 2,397 pledges. The
little town of !Chesley led in Bruee with
609 pledges; Walkerton had 417. -
Danger Spot on Blue Water Highway
• to Be Removed
Bell Telephonetinemen arethis wee
engaged in moving back pole's at the
site_ of tile old, narrow and dangerous
'attain" bridges eight miles south ef
itennericle on the JJae wiitor Inehwaye
This is in preparation tor -the con-
struction of a new concrete -arch briege,
for whielt reinforeing ieel is already
on the grounds.
Recently the 'Department of high-
waYs purchased seventeen feet of land
on either side of the bridge site, ex-
tending for a distance of half•a-mile
along the read. The concrete bridge is
to be 'built on a eew location -and -the
present one used as an auxiliary during
Construction. Hills on either side 'of
the'bridge are tea* cet &ern and the
level of the new bridge raised so as to
'give the motorist a clear view.
The -Gully bridge hitt tont; been inn
garde(' as a. danger spot. Wide enough,
'to ectioinmbilate one car only, and
located -between twoonills that prevent
a driver from seeing the narrow bridge
or apptoaehing ears until he is tiriunliy
on top'Of them, -the old bridge has been;
the scene of Many accident.
Many -of the Young men of Goderich
and district who joined -the Royal
;Canadittp. Navy whenta inobile recruit-
ing unit of that service was in town in
January have. passed ,their medical
examinations anti have been called° to
London ,to undergonava1 training
before being sent to Hie- eoast for actnal
duty, One of the yourig men, Patrick
Murdock, son of Ilreand )(Ira 'William
Mut-dock, West street, has alreany com.
Meted ;his trainipo, at London and has
left for an .,Itastern Canadian port°there now denting tt London are
Robert 'Groves, son of Mirent, E. Grown,
South street; Welter Johnston, son of
Mr. .and Mrs. William J'ohnston, Bark
street; Albert Webb, son of Mr. John
Webnetainbria road:- Colin Campbell,
son ot Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Campbell,
Wellington street; 'Kenneth Young, son
James Young, West street:
James Graham, son of Mr, and Mies
Malcolm Grabani, rieton street, and
Benson Welters, on of Mr. end Mrs.
Clarence Weltere, Derimillert
last remaining stretch of enow-
bloeltett Provincial higlinvay in • this
411striet, Pine River to Kineardine, was
opened 'during lentnight tty two plows
frtmi Goderleh, A ',tingle traek bad
been plowed outettt the week -end, bat
with a strong ground drift prevailing
lasellt011(laY fillti nrietilay it soon 'filled
inn trent 'thine to !five feet nem. For
game ilaye motor, erantie was detonren
from Pine Mean over it iBruge innitity
roadto Itiples; antt nit -queen° ICaeardilw
Ott No. 0' highway.
31rte Manure Chairman of the
welt committee Of the local Red Crone
'branch, while Visiting' in Tinninto, *111
attend theantitial meeting 4the Onlint
ell ot- the Onterie Canadiaa
Ned nOrts necietta ou 'inebraarf 2$,
• tbe root gar4eg,-4 tlee, Ingyal 'York.
Ifts Honer the rtneutenanttGeveraor -
and Mrs. Albert ` niattitewe will ne
Present at tne:nnondita lutieheen. Short
addressee will be enveti by Don. G. In
Ommen IVO., AttoratestGeneral of On-
tario, on 'The ActIvitiee of tbe Clvillun
Defenee ntominittette," -and by Col. G.
'On Narillitilt10 itttnnttnitintnniten nttirk
the CanaiUaxtRed Cross Overseas."
The indierations are tlint the:meeting
will be yery laraelr attended.
,Tbe tea committee of tne "Marethon"
eeries, of eard 'parties aad teas are
striving to go "over the top" tat-at:VW
way: Many bostesnea hare entertained,
and it is bolted that [bn, tne end of 3fareb
a splendid sum" will be titinten bi.
• The, °Mara -time parties have cone.
Ineted the Winn rearal lit the series of
'Next Mondayi tbe ifeurtlf'" viand'
will be planed. ,Tint nam of'$19,25 was
realized in the third round, of bridge •
and, two of tiae- hundred. •
Tbe tlatirattion" is- only bait through,
and the total already realized is $93.75.
'People are so enthusiastic about tbe
nnlarathonn that _manyare adeoeating
starting, another Qts stem' as this one
Is completed,- the copimittee reports,
. • ,
UP. AT T1.1.!,11ARBOI,t;
Versa& L•Inegirming to Discharge Their
_Whiter Cargoes -eke guttingin
,Progress .
There is -a stir at the harbor these
days -after twa inntlis nt alinost CQ111-
Piete dortnarIca:- - •
_ _The tug Jahn R. Stover has been busy
all week breaking up the ice in • the
harbor so that the winter fleet -mat;
shitt around- Already a onsiderable
portion of tite lee in the 'barbor 111
front of the elevator anti mill has been
brokeetand-theatrst,t:/antidoc-iend A. A.
Hudson have- discharged, -anent Winter
cargoes. The Cano.doc unloaded 240,000
bus. of Wheat at the mill aud,the A. A.
Hads01). nischarged 09,000 tins. of wheat
at tneelevator. The'str. Soodoc began
Unloading Its. cargo of -246$68 bete. of
wheat tit tneeelevator this (Thursday)
motnipg, annetbe remaining ehifis lin the,
witnter tient-WtitIettew' snit Itiamediatein
afren , , . •
The breaking of the ice is being
sapervised ttg Captain Ed. Robinson.
At Zrst it was feared that the tag Sohn
It. ntaiter° tvotatt non betrp. t(,) the task,
the ice' being' from • twelve tot foutteen
inches thick. However, after it taid
been freed from its winter mooring the
tug bucked and, tut its way through, the
edge of its steel bow eutting through
tile ice like it knife. trhenttagn own
by the 'Chatham Dredging Company,
is in the charge' of Captain Sennet.
A crew of eight men, employed b-
,lraek ham., is at present engaged in
cutting ice far storage'purposes in the
lake along the soutfi per.
, Stanley Anderson, the young Toronto
boy whose right hand was severely. in-
jured some weeks ago when it came in!
contaet .with an eirplene propeller at
Sky Harbor, is still apatieet in Alex-
andra Hospital. At fifst it was thought
the hand would have to I* ampetatedee
but fear of this no longer exiats. The
hand has responded wonderfully well
to treatment and it is confidently hoped
that the young men will at least have,
partial use of it. fetenley is a graduate
ef Galt Aircraft 'School and of the
ground erevv at Shy Halter.
Military Flom*
y for LAX. George
of GaUszt Airman 1414
at Red ix lisalani
The remaluS rant: Mert Aid*
George, IL.F. Wireless operator Ir.).
was drowned in Lake Onnitant an Deets*.
ner 7th last andwhette neltr Inintentin
-covered ont,ISaturnant tIntnnataint,
were laid to !reef; With., null sidlitlian
and eivie honors en' attles,#*
laet, I had beet *fluted. tontlitte nite
fnAtrfa.--aitriner In tbe °Wee, intit
P011enielit watt aecentitated by onseatnint
The funeral aerelee,wae held...lit the
Cranston Vinieral ttome; 'where ine
body bad rested , from the 'ihae o *
.being ,fonnd.nadron Leader Brad-
shaw, chaplain,' Of &tote ninnert Aix
Navigation iSchool, Ireatt ;tile bUilia
ritual o the' eta/reit ef.Anneland.
Group Captain P. De Infitinneon,
conimaading -oftleer at niteritir N#f
tirin -nehoent ana-Squadferi' Itensientrtatee
Inner -Cramp _ 'were 14.. attendanee,
Flight -Lieut. C. Pletenerwtle in charge
oe tbe'nunerailattnyentitn nag -draped
casket was borne titan enenneeral bonin
by six young Airmen' tleithinh• it 0;4d.
of boner. eeialtosed Deputy
'Reena W. J. 'Baker and tienneillor.D:
Mooney, representing tne Tone
Couteell, George t$chaefer,, ninesident •of
the Board of Trade, II. S. °Turner, prod -
dent of, reet 109, Gantndiaitertegionn and
COI. H. C. Dualopt. no•ntet CoMpanat '
Middiesteitnituroa Itennennittnt. anted,' 'as
flower -bearers. -. • '
The ,Funeral *,,‘roOse hPit,
111 egMplitinee wit .'4e titine' • '',44;X
mations; the Casket -Vann opine one War.
As the cortege motintfninnt Montreal
street to -the -ISquare the 4.F. -band:
played the "Dead •Marelq,•„ The ekle
paytof.thirty atrinen tita ttreneded,b#
Sttpeanon Leafier Bret/Online • Thettir-
lag party of ten airnien,ninflowed,- after
which' value cars :bearing- veterans ar
the lest war. At lnitinettnn ntreet 'eat% "
were 'waiting to osprey tnee men to
Maitland eeraotery. 'Atetr, the Attie",
was reed- by the Onaitlaiin the firing,,
partite -fired -tate Sainte, anirtneint-Pest
and Reveille Were sonotied-w-Ctorportit -
Burke tiud A.O. Inene "not' ',that. R.A.V.
Among the fiord tributes ;Were tbese
from the -officers' mesa!, 'the estrgeante.
tames,- the airmen's -Mess ntr. the Porn
Albert , Air Navigation 'fiehoolgethen
ntederieb. Beard . efo Titeeet Post lc*,
Canadian -I -alien,. and 'a Wreath, Irene.
the pamute of anirRtC:te„,V. plfot -On 'the
earn nntivhith was nincribed; .ttitt si'neerne
sympathy,. in Memory tin 4-1174nt gailant
gentleman. Gteeter, love 'bath no Mane".
Plight -Cleat Fletener, tantinent of
the Port Albert' camp;2.,*f.;•*aeenInnion--
preesed by this rule gentare and ext.
pressed hie desire; to-learo. t be identitr ,:*:
orthe donor, 80thAt he Might .thank .
them personally' on belielf ot the R.A.F.
George lost his life' in a h#FOie at-
Debenbate, vv -ho hednslienten into the
lake water while the tyro Were in the
act of having theit,pletaree taken atop
an lee hummOck. George' tn home was
,Sheltenhare, Gionneetertaiire, Eng.,
land. His en.ether surylvee.
A -deputation repreeentleg. the 431ne
Water highirtiy territoreohm been ere
ranged to meet lion. T. B. MeQuestent
Minister of Etigliwityze, et 'Toronto -eon
by G. L. Parsons of donnritie president -
of the Bine Water Ilignetey As.socia.-
tioit, amlewill be accorapeeted An, Wilt
liann-Gutnrie, .31.Peint roe , West nainbe- -
ton, and other rnmbz i the 1egle-
1:tture from this arstrlit.
. The Minister, it is tenter -food, vvill
he t1 ed to make an uppeatriation at,
the present session on. this tagislattnte
for tile paeingtof teettestay between.
Forest and ,Grand Bend ann. else ,
between Bayfield and rtiettardine. .
BURIAL AT WiJ4N.Bon311- --
._ The funeral of Mrs-, A. U nacrionaltl,
talon° death -oceurised cat- Sunday,
rebriiary 16th, at the aente of her
son-in-lew.and daughtee Ilrend rIrst
It Johnston, town, tele, place at
Ittingliani oh Fridiy. aft,. r Il44an last. A
service n toeSt. Andrewapertessertee
church was conaueted b, at'ev. D., j.
1,4tne of , Oodeeten and 114:y. Ineenetit
Inteltean of Wingham. Internment Was •
itt Wingham, centeteet . The Inneral '
Was to take place oe Intelteetiltiy, but
bloelted hinbways taetteen Goderien
and Wingliem nettle 'gig' nc:Oponement
tiecessary. 1'
Mr. Murdoch McKenzie, Teleran
farraer aid cattle 'man of laintail,'who
has• spent the' winter in GoderIchtre-
cuperatfien from an illness, suffered a.
mild relapseof his .complainf on Tues-
day and wag. removed to Alexandra
Hospital. Yesterday it' was Deported
he was •"tioing fine," and thet ! hopes
w,ete strong lie would be about. again
by the time the [-Inc•spring weather
arriees. „
Mr. Mervyn 1Snyder, organist of
North .street United aunh,. attended
a meeting Of the-retth Copiay 'Musie,
ateticheet Federation at Stratford last
.week and told a the work of ergiart-
ization aniong. the minder teanhers 'of -
Western etanada.
Fourth Clams of Students Graduate
from Sky Harbor Air Training $chool
The fourth class of student pilots
to terminate from [Sky Iiarbor Elemen-
tary Inting Sehool sinen its inception
lant betober, left on 'Monday for an
eastern service flying, school to eon-
tinue their studies. A new junior
ittudent elase already has taken eip
residence at the training school.
Manager J. It. Douglas -stated that
the departure of the ` graduating class
as aelayeit !two days in' .last 'Week's
snowstorm, during whielt training
'planet' Were grout:tiled front Monday
to Friday, inclusive. 'When the storm
brotagliotteater, the students were well
ahead of schedule in [flying hours and it
required only two days to eatch ran.
Plying weather in the first -two weeks
of Inebeuary was tia.rtieularly good. '
intrangely enouli, the, eehool is
putting in its best, lieks aline the froet
is in the, ground iu anticipation of -a
wenn or !ten dant' interruption', 'during
the epring break-up. Manager Dang-
les', plant to have hie 'pre -gent renter
elate so far aheral ,of schedule in the
matter of lining lioure that the lirealte
up will otnarion no alnittniahin debt/
1(1 grailustion. - Ta lanai:re Cana Is
new 'covered with little MOW thaii an.
ineh ()Tema of iee and wle a, 'et goee it is •
not eepected that the traaatnye will be
long in drtting up, Iset•ante of the
sandy° nature of the se:: ant! the (field's
elevated location,. • e
New Buildings C0'..e,,,ireenced
Work has beeu ewe/41pm' on a
second new barraehs 4a,ra, me '1 hail,
so that thret. new buntilege are IloW
Twine constructed :by 'Tope con.
Stgtilir(''ettiNV°101 (*woo. ka:7for01 .411:m'SliflAtIOT4 *
more than double the nire,Ia I 1;f student
pilots now in reAdefule, aceion-
modated. PI& is in eever418nce, with
the aecelerated progratt of the Com-
monwealth air trainiugleogram recent -
1i announced from Otleive
Manager Douglas alk the Mittel
now nail its, full forte ieetenctore.
For three month:4 it etrureled along
t-;ikort. handed. Itecen!•'!,s• ?he number
was brought up to uh'qst Now it
is tanaty, Luhi strength. •
In the inetter ofTr1I1a 4,in serious
flyiiig aeeidente„ ?5ky irb,r r still
baiting on thou -and 4 4'0. rIvhtgr
nien .do not like 'to tnteett ?him
phaee of their veerie %ten tinned
about it they ttoteti e,tvtL