HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-20, Page 8C URCH NOTES The' „regular' Monthly' aneeting of St. / George'S'W.A. was held in the Guild :meal on Wednesday afternoon, Febra. • 2 114 with a Very good•attendance. The meettng opened with the reading Scripture, (followed by prayers. etirer's and secretary's reports' read, and the president., Mrs. Calder, stave a short reading. - The tinp,',elosed with prayer, after which social •cup of tea was served. • he Women's Missionary Society of nox Presbyterian eharch met on Tues. ay' afternoon, with a good attendance. he.ineeting Was opened with a hymn and Mrs. W. J. Bilker' read the Scrip- ture lesson,' John '15.- (Mos. Wardlaw Taylor led 4n. prayer. Lantern slides Were shown and ars. Allegany read an interesting paper on "Why We Are Interested in. Missions." The monthly meeting. ef Knot church •Ladies", Aid Society will be , held on Thursday, February 27, at 3 p.m., in- stead of Fridays- February 28. • The regular meeting of 'the Evening Auxiliary OMorth street United chureh will take plate in the chureh:parlor on Tuesday, February 25th, at 8 pan., The theme •of the year is "Living the Christian Life." Miss L. Vobinson discuss the ehitr•ter of the study book and Mrs. F. Walkom's group has charge of the program. • • . sr — Bingos -5.6,-6y '14:ledi,4' Club,/ Saturday, February 22nd, at 8 reni., /at Masonic Temple, West Street. Three free games. AdmisSion 10c. Fowl an other vela - a , • ..ble prizes. .8. • NOTICE N be County, of Huron has beels divided into four 'districts fors.police purposes. , persons requiring police will get in touch with the eonsteble as- signed •to -their territory as ,he 'reinafter •described. - " ' Win.•Gardner, Wing.hamS Ont:—The Townships of Rounick; Turnbeiry,, Merris, 4,ast Wkwanosh, tbe north half of 'West Wawanosb. and the .north half , of Grey. A. jennings, •Seafortie Ont.—The Townships of Tuckersmith, Hfillett and the south. half :of Grey.',, • John Fergueen, 'Exeter, Ont.—The Teivissiiips of Stephen, Usborne, Ray Sinst all' Of the Toina ship of Stanley 'except thateportion north °tsa direet line from ,Brucefield to the Bine Water • High.way approximately Ow miles south of ,Baylleld, Provincial Constables S. Cook and S. Rutherford.= --The Townshipa. of A.shaelide Colborne, Goderich, south half of 'West Wawaeosh and that por- tion ofAttariley-notscovereelsby- Exeter; which includes Bakfield. • ist. W. MILLER, • sse County Clerk. LEMON• .,CHECKS,.R, ft. plusuIVIA JUICE RECIPE TIQUIC CKLY 1 If you suffer team rheumatic, arth- . ritle, or iteurOle pain try • this siniple, - nlagexPe:fnsUivue:eriliPeresreereilpPetion 61;rto Still l!yaocuk; au druggiate' , Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. We easy and pleasant. You need only 2. tablespoonfulls two thnes a day. -Often within 48 hours— sometimes overnight—splendid results ; are obtained. If the pains are not I' quickly ,relieved and it you,do not feel better; Ru-ex-Preseription will eost you I nothing to try. Your money refunded 1 if it does n t belps•yon. Itu-ex •.Pre- scription is for sale and regoinmended by • J. A.- CAMPBELL and etliel' leading druggists. • 7 IMMO 711.11111 THE GODR1OR SIGNA T AX, BflTThRY 20th, 1941 NEWS OF AUBURN .161111CJihN, rib. 19.—Mr. and Mre.; Ohm. OPN01.11 sad Mary mad Reif, Artgultit, of Toronto, and Harold Ass (With spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Obas. ..1Lequitb. Mr. and, Mrs. 'Norman Hamilton, ehirisr •Taorralue, of London, were recent vialtora with %Ir.. 'end Mrs, David Hatitilton, A. Red JOross quilting will be lla in. the basement of the Uuited ehureh next Tueiday ufteraoon, Eebruary 25th. Mrs. 'liet'* ogridge is visiting Mr. cad Mies Gormley ThoinPeen, Of Saraia. Word bask been received here that amesBrundrett, a. former teller of the loeal Ronk o CoPue ree 'who XveefitlY 'joined life It.O.A.F.,is ilangerolialY 11,1 nt Manning, pool, Toronto, - Miss Marjorie *Mar, a Teeswater,- wee a Week -end vkitor at her hem, ' Priva.te John Ipooth of Valeartier, Quebee, is vlaitiug his wife and 'his another -In-law, Mrs. .Toe '%VilSon. J'aek. Weir, of Slq 'Harbor airport, ' tspent the weeksend. with his the, Dr. .'C, Weir., , On Friday evening in . their church . basement ,the B.T.P.U. held a,,yaleatine 60041: T'pOgressiVe erokinole $' weal Played and Mrs. C. A. Howson was the winner, Bill Raithby lied charge Of s games stualsatiassAmella-McIlw-alit -wire r • deeted coutests. Mrs. Earl MCKnight, read a. jourtial and lunch was eerVed. • 'The Baptist Ladies' Aid held a sue- eeesful ba.king sale In Its j. etore. Saturday afterueon; About $21 was realized, 1 Several" pupils of The local public school took part in the • children's pro.. .gram Over station OKNX ort Saturday' Theee taking Partin ehOraSee oullvieluo.11y were Donald Yungblut,- /ti:ovee Phillips, Ruth and John Wilson, J04111 10l1onlit, Marie Raithby, Dolly Beadle, Dorie elleKuleht, Denald Plunkett, Ball IE&QJ4and Garth Metaliaehey, Betty .Yaugblut, Jeek Ladds Jean, Lawlor and John Killough, The titoreaessOwing t the eterin wIl ettaeked this _eenununity Mon- day night. and, Tuesalay •tlie Woraen's Institute meetiug- was called of in- definitely. The mail carriera were un- able to make their trips on Tuesday., Aithougla Mrs, 'Eehart Vuegblut she saiss two robins last week, which seems rather ladleatlee of spring being close at hand, our hopes were shattered by this renewal of winter. Valentine fioehal. , The Y P Sa 'Knox 'United church held a valentine soelal, Friday, everting;siri the ehurch basereent. 4Lrnes tied, conteste were coedueted, by ElvinWightmart, Jean Sheppard and. Betty Craig. A brief, program in charge of George Straughan Was ,presented. 'Tune, Marsh gave a reading and Donald Roskgave a story on "Tbe Origin, of ,St, Valentine'e Hay.", A 'hymn and •the Mizpair !benedietion brought the •prograra 't4 a 010e.: LuneA was served. Presbyterialt•W.5LS..-4The W.M.S, of Knox l'resbyteriare chnreli met Thurs- day - afternoon, at :the, bolne ef Miss Josephine 'Weir; witli seeenteen ladies present.---Misa- Weirswtea la alititge' the' •meeting iu tlie absence of NETS. George:Dawson. Mrs. A,, M. Boyle led ias prayer and' afre. F, Ross ss„ave a reading. Mre. Wesley 13radn'ock gave the secretary-treaeurer's report. Mrs. Boyle conducted the, installation. of Of- ITISS Bertha, Wagner gave the first part of the topic, on "The Church in Action," and Mrs. W. T. Robison gave the latter part Of the topic, on "Brielts that We Have Laid." Misses Josephine. Weir and Norrati Deer fav- ored with it duet. Mrs, Jamess"Woads closed the meeting with prayer, after which 4 dainty' lunch was served by Mrs. John Houston, 1Iss Deer and' Miss Weir. ,, • Meeting. es The B.Y.P.U. held its monthly meeting Sunday night in the church basement,' with a splendid attendance. Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Marjorie ,johnstoes were in. charge. Geerge Itaithby lea, in prayer: Read- ings were given by Miss Amelia Me! tr. li.CA. AUTO RADIOS Cioroplett5ionslalled 'low as WEEE EASIEST CREDIT IN TOWN AT gary,.,„,„.BAXTER•& -AL LINrIELD Setrviee. Station- , •Goderich l'hone 030 • I* See the Parade of Soldiers Rear the Pipe Band Rear Captain Norman S. Rawson and others in the North St. United Church v,•3 Monday February 24, at 8 p.m. NO COLLECTION— NO ADMISSION "viet Tienc1444,00vernmentrevery dollar -you 0* spare. Your dollars will help the boys at :the front to shorten: the War,. VILURMEN OF C1016MTVES • The citizens who have accepted the responsibilities. ot, the chair... manship of the, different :committees in connection with the War Savings Certificates , are: - .‘ General Chairman4J. IF. Gillespie Employer—Emp!oiree-.4, K14-aunders-L7Vico, W.. Cecil Attridge - Territorial -.-fl D. Mooney and D. •E,Pampbell Publicity'and Somotioil-=..E. E. Cranaton * 0.61IP T Evian, - Frank Italithlay and Mrs. Thomas MeN'all ; solo were sung by Josephine Weir, Betty •Qraig and Marguerite Killough; vocal duets were rendered, by Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan; Ruth and john. Wilson. A. piano duet was given by Donald Ross and 'Harold Reidi a quartette composed of iMesdaines 'Earl Raithby, john Me. Knight, Charles Howson and Wm. Hag- gitt favored with a number„ and the True Blue class sang a chorus. • Betty Aequith, gave a piano solo, and Mrs. Joies' 'Cowan gave the topic', '+`The 'Rey ligion of the Helping Band." Earl 'Raithby closed the reeeting. with prayer. • • _=•-- • PREUPTIALSHOWER . • Friends •gatbered on Thursday even- ing .at the homesef Mr. and Mrs. Henry 0: Breen,,Huron road, in honor Of Ili Margaret Barrie, whose marriage tak place this week. The gathering :w under the auspices of the former Po y- anna -class and' their itetieheees '.'BifI httTiXrs. It 'tfbod,WIth'frli ids and neighbors also in attendance. he :doing -room was decorated. in Pin and- . White, with pink aha white bells ights andicandles. 'A lovely sup..r • 'S -ten. joyed ,by " all and games and e niests were played, with prizes tor t e -win- ner% • ,Mrs. 'R. Good read an &Trees and the ,bridestosbe- replied BUJ gly. A large pink iand :White- liaek-et/ heaped ''gh with beautiful and usful gifts was -then presented, and the inging of "For she is a jolly good le ow," and "Auld Lang Syne" exessef the sentia'!; mente of the gathering, • The Woman'at Aaaoelation of NOrth street Xhilted eiherch will beld a' tee IPot-luok supper lit the ehUreh on Thure- day, February 27th, at 6 p.m. All members and any ladies. wishing' to join are urged to be present. The etiplaer, will be followed,by the regular meeting CanipbelVs Stomach and Liver Pills, At KingSbAdge Hall each. Monday ,evenieg, Roy AleKenzie and his orch- estra, Dancing from 10 p.m, to 2 a,ra, Admission: 35e• each. c, 5tf • '.Mise.;' and girls' Botany wool Pull- overs. lnain.sandsnoveltrtnit. Mostly ehort. sleeves 81.00. Goderich• Dollor Stere. ' Remelaber rummage sale ' wider auspices of Rebekah Lodge, Saturday, , lAareit, 1st, at 1 pan.. , . .-$ ' 'Knox church Annual high tea, March ,4., from, 5.30 to 8:20. . • 8-9 Bingo, Lc by Lions Club, Saturday, February 22nd, at 8 pan., at Masonic Temple, West street, Three free games. A.claiission 100, powl and other valu- able prizes, -8 , The Sigeal-S r sells for $2 to any ildfffels in Canada 4.114 -is Worth -MO -re, LOQ1F at , Your abet; It will show the eh your subscription le' date pp to w intartime Is In Earnest 'Stop, need many Winter Items at your local Druggist's. 22 DAYS' SUPPLY & SIDS ralti; $2" WO you to Resist ltlf.!Pi.";$506 '''WINTER ILLS • 7luid got childten '115 • '245 • 445 Winter items— . Vicks 'Oeugli prem 56 • Vicks 45e. 'Vicks ,VaPo Rub. , 45o Chase's Linseed and . . Turpentine ..35d-750 r • Warapole's Tasteless • Extract 1.00 S-4tt's Eraulsien ..59c -96e' Belladenna Plaster Kidney Plasters ..35c -50c Haliver Oil Capttles NOTIC 0Erairing 'Purchased a 'saw -mill, .1- am now prepared to .do all kinds of custom sawing. Bring your logs to 'my yards at any time. ' CO#Irrs:POCOCIE, Phone/910-42, Clinton. • • " •- 12722.1.112.212128120.2.mordii!Wiliermantompommia • SAL, ES1VIEN WANTED , To Represent "The Old Reliable - " •Fonthill Nurseries" in Huren. County New and Special Lines_ a' Tfardy Treesr_Shrubs • and Planti Write for Terms and Catalogue STONE 1.4 WELLINGTON TORONTO 540 - At. Gin P1118 • 11.10•4 • 311 Sal Hepatica 46 • St,:o4 Needs of Fa ,rgors— Reduced Iron ."4.•...20e oz. • , 2'oz. 49e Epsom Salta'...;4 lb. for 25e Saltpetre 25d lb. Itellibore 50e lb. Bell's Medical Wonder.„1,00 Potassium Iodide ..oz, g 516 Ooderich 1- All Risk All your personal • property 4 instired against practically all risks • IN rekirs POLICY AT Will:4' PREMIUM SEE General Needs Burdock Blood Bitters • Chase's • brave Food• , Vitali* 500-1.00 Yateline noir READING 47RapTs\ic . M. FORD Insurance and Real Estate 3 IIiirtilton St. TeL 258w paid. /• Hold ' the ate Of. the St. George's annual high tea, Friclayerebruery 21st, at 6 pm, The Salt id. Red Cress will Meet at the home o Mrs, Geo. Bean, on Febru- ary 27th, at 2 p.m. • Backr1te for the ,kidneys. Capnis bell's, 3tf •••••••••., CARD or THAN#S THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS, Chas. Moss wish to thank their Many friends for their kind expresSions of sympathy and kindness ehown to them in their recent sad bereavement. . -8 AUCTION SALES AuCribN SALIIi Of household furniture and -goods and real estate' owned by the late JON. ATHAN !BENTLEY, tat Blyth; on SATURDAY, MARCH int, at .1.30 p.m. - GAINDIltY,8s SON; - 874 • • Auctioneers -AUCHION SALE' • Of farm •stock, implements, hay and grain, at Lots 13 .and 14; L. Road West,. Colborne, 6 miles ,north- of IGOderieh, on iVirEDWESD.A.Y,-VA1fG11-5th; • • at 1.30 Shares • 3 horses, 18 head of cattle, pip, hay, grain and a fell line of implements,. Everything will be• sold, as, proprietor is giving up. the farm. Terms cash.. ' • . LORNE THIURLOW,• • ' "-Proprietor. T. GUNDRY'& -SON,. 8-9 ' • Auctioneers. FARM YOIc SALE FABMS POR , 160 acres on highway No. 8, two azalea wet .ef girtton. 6 acress fall wheat, good ,'spring creek, never -failing well with windmill, stone -pebble house with futrutee and Modern bathroeni, bank barn 36' x 40% cement silo, hen. house, drive -ahed tuid 'garage. 2, 92 -acres on highway No. '8, twee miles west of Clinton, Bank 'barn, frame ;halm,. hen -house, garage and. neyer-failing welL. 3. 80 acres grass.' farth 21/2 miles south of Holmesvilles 12th 6ancession, Township. of Goderieh. Never-failhig Well and windmill. . For further infermatien and par- ticulare Apply to the undersigned. , • NORMAN MAIR, Executor cleorge ateir Estate, 8-10 New Hamburg,. ;Cntarlo. 10,110.10.A.1‘........2222. BORN 'PREITEITT.—At Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, on February 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Prevett, Goderich, . son (stillborn). • DIED • MaeDONALD.--lin .-Goderich, on Sunt, day, February -16th, Margaret Ann Linklaters widow of the late Archi- bald 'G. (3/4ebonahl, in her Sikh year. Bingo, 5e, by Lions 'Club, Saturday, Fiebruery:22nd, at 8 p.ra, at Masonic Temple, West street. Three free games. Admission 10c. 'Fowl and other valu- able prizes. ' •.8 malmomm• usiew COLLECTIONI3 On Jan.. prd, '1041,„ealegiee Client • wrote, "Your etteque re- . ceived alai Wish to thank you - for the manner In which you. handled this:" •' s. If you .wartt 'efllelent ,servies • send us your list of outstanding • debts for collection. Remember our tents, .'"no collection, no • charge for, our services." , KELLY & ;AIKEN The Colleeterti Orangeville, Ont. Est. 1890 -- Leogest established firm of 'collectors in Ont•ario, 4-9 TRY THE DRUGSTORE FIRST W GLE LAUDER DUNLOP CAMPBELL Phone 4 Phone 10 Phone 1 • Phone, 90 • GODERICH DRUGGISTS RAMC° (,)ANADIAN COKE ALI4 OTIIBR. FUELS Prompt Service Tel. 05 Itomt °of Vnglittlii China East St. Phone' 10$ PROTESTANT • ACTION Vansala's Notional Protestant. • • • ao u mar, •A militant and Independent monthly 'newEinaiper of facts, (figures and argument a that you do tiot find in any other palter publiphed In 'Canada. • • De informed of tbe hareada of the enemies of Britioh liberty and the {Protestant faith. 'i$1.00 per year , Sample copy on request GLEBEIIOLME BLVD, Toronto 0, Canada e'REEP CANADA BRITISH" For Restdts TO RENT Olt, RENT, — THREE -ROOMED apartment, centrally located. Also large store room. Write Dpix 77, SIGNAleSTAlt. es FOR RENT.—FAItif, 112 aeres, alt workable, four miles Seutli of Gode. • egOod buildinga and water. J. YUILL, 12 Waterloo street, Goderiell. • 7,,8x RENT.--UODERN SERVICE . *atm, well _located in ,Goaerich on tior Blue Water highway., This is an old -established busines% Reaoii sable terms, fantail capital required. APPlY 130X 322, Seaforth, SAVLO0NLSON Street, withdouble garage, spring well, MISS A. , MOSER, Hamilton Street, 8,9 litOlt SALL—SPY APPLES ; GOO» - truants; sprayed. AMOS J. krmanNir, ,a.a„ 3, Auburn, Phone I/Wiese...1819 ' 74x. FOR' 'SALE,— 'CARVED WALNUT - coffee table, 181/2° "high, 20" long, 14" wide, 'pie crust edge; practically, new. Phone 405 or 655. ' -8 eeet. ofti -- RUBBER GOODS, ISundriess etc,, matied postpaid in plain, sealed., wrapr, 80% less than retail. Write for ail -order catalogue. NOV-RUBBER COe Dept. K-8, Box 91, Sainilten, Ont. 3-.10 . — J?OR ,SA.LE'.-.4 OMAN'S SWAGGER - style raccooneoat, size 10. Enquire mornings and efseninP at 01 Victoria Street North, •.8 ELECTRICA.L WASHING MUH YNES .repaired promptly and ready for. wash day.. All makeS. FRED VEEIVERS, hone 741W. Next to the .Post 'Office. / • . 6-8 • CLEARING Ot.IT ALL USED SEW- ING 712achines, •Shiprs, and , other M : akes fro' -810.00 up, All guaranteed Perfect , sewing condition, ' 'White elec- tric .820.00, .extra' value. Final reduc- tions on 'door samples and demonstrat- ors, only a few left. Hurry, going rot; uveryting , reduced. SINGER, isHor, Phone 33. -•• • . .°. 4 r‘Olt./ SALE.—FARM, 85 ACRES, good /day loam, 6 acres bush, plenty of water; bank barn, 66 x 00, hay barn 311ex 42, driving shed gi x 36, lien house 16 x 18; good houae4eith' ,bathroom; on 'No. 8 highways twii mutes tron Godetali. HERB, LAMPREY, Rat. 1, Ittoderith. 8x UNDREDS BRAY . 0.USTO.MERS say "Bray Chicks again for '1941.1" lie poultrykeepers order now for the best markets. IStarted pullets, cock- erels, eapens, Immediate delivery. Start right—with Bray. E. •SIOMER. SALL, R.R. 2 Goderieh: • "Tom NoTI0E. 4 • 1..' Mr. ',Gordon . Tebbutt is giving •up residence In Goderieh and molting to London. He requests that all persons owing him any money pay the same •to R. 0. Hays, Barrister, Hamilton 1. street, Goderich, on pr before 31arch 1st, at 12 o'clock; or •anake other eetis- taetory arrangements with his solicitor for the payment of the accounts. 78 ' 'A Classified A man NOTIVX Nolicv Is hereby given that all accountdue* the late Wm, Ahl Mast be Settled Within thirty 'days Of this date, in erder to, plese the eatate, ' Dated at Ooderielr tbe 12th Febraarye 1941. . - 74 NOTI(X0. . - 43 1)r. IL R. /Hall reported or active Service, Monday, ,lebruary 10thi Unpaid accounts may be peld tO Mise Evans, at Dr. Hall's oilice, Mtn klebrU- arY 28t1s, 194i, and after that date ac- counts ratelt be paid at the ofllee of solicitor, R. 0. Hays, Hamilton t3treett dederich, Ont. 74 INANT1510 , ANTED.—sTO BUY OLl. HORSES s •• and dead cattle meat be suitable for. Mink feed; ' removed Pr6niPtlY. FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bayileio Phone 908 r' 22, Clinton. Calls paid for, ' • 18114," ANTED. --AT ONCE, bx As YOUNG man, a bed -Sittig room, Most be heated. No Meals required, BOX 76, SIGNA.IeS,TAlt. ' ELP WANTED.—AalIVE MAN (or woman,).' wanted for profitable Watkins rdute, _Steady, repeat best- ncs'ae. EUll credit.for All orders. We ,supply the stock and train you. Big earnings assured froM start. ,Thi Is nur OPPertnaity.• Apply proniptly to' MR. S•EMPLE, 2177 Masson 'St., goo- treal. •79 ANTED. -,-1000K GENERAL, AT' onee,•tor small adult family. Write. VOX 78, •SIGNA.L-STAIt. .31EN AND - WOMEN, WAN13313.--- . Would you like to ewe a business In an exclusive 'district? Sell two • hundred guaranteed household neces- sities' such as ,sPices, extracts food pro- ducts, tea, coffee, farm necessities, etc. No risk. Thirty -day tiler offer frees • We help you, realize lace malts. Pro- pOsitIon sent without any' obligation. JIT0', 1435 alontcalm, Montreal , 7-10, - --NOTICE To_CREDIT0118 NOTICE TOCREDITORS. _ e -- persons laving -claims against , the estate of -Lee Han, late of theTown of •Goderich, laundryman, whil died on the 25th day of April, 1940, are re- quired to ,file „particulars of the saine 'with the undersigned on or 'before the • 15th day of March, 1941; after ,wbielr • date ;the estate.will be distributed hairs boo regard only to the claims of which the administrator* shall then hafe notice. • • Dated at •Goderich thiS 1.8th day of, F'ebruary, • • FRANK DONNELLY, •Goderich, Ontario, 8-10 Solicitor forsthe Admioistrator. Taxi Cabi; CALL. Doak's Taxi - KEAY ST. PE0N:Z.353 Good Drivers - Up to date Cabs - SUPERIOR STORES rocery pecials Moms "AYLMER"- , Peas • No. 4 Sieve , 2-16 Oz. Tins 17o ucAmpBEiLver Tomato Soup 2 Tins 1.'7e "covvAws" Cocoa lb: Tin, Tin • 16c '27c • "H.EIN27 ..Spaghetti 2 Med, Tins 25c "GOLDEN ISM"' Salm' 'on 4e. Tin, 290 HMO Floor Wogs No Liubbgng Pt. Tin 596 • -"BEE-•DIVE" GOLDEN . •• 'CORISIHSYRUP 211i tiose • ...61b_.40 39c • "AUNT JEKLMA" Pancake flour- pkg. 15c PALMOLIVE. Soap EITS 190 unEumr, Corned Beef • tin 17c "MIMS" Jelly Powders BRUNSWICK Sardines • 3 PKG& - 25c iiimeREsx Pure Lard "BLUE Bor. Coffee lbs.'19c • 1 lb, Bag 37c, 'ELL MAUR" VANILLA: • Lgo.8 oz, Extract ,.:-JbOt. .15c. MANNING'S DUNDEE: SI,EIORTIIREAD Biscuits ' ilc "TAII'LOR'S"' °Of Tr oz. 1)91111t Butter 14c, .25c SULTANA. Itaisins • BEST QUALITY .icing Sugar s. 23c IIILLCRES• T Soda Biscuit .- .. t .4 • , ...,.. _ .._.........,., Ninety,-*:—.— r • To 90% of the users of DOMESTIC COAL, coal is just coal. , ---, . • They never consider the quality and how much money they ...... 1 . save bi buying a good quality_coal. When you buy Ditit AlierititA.01TR Ocial you buy the best. There is very little alb and, no clinkers or slate, therefore, you gekall the lieat. In coal with slate the slateiteals the beat. - We can supply promptly; DWI ANT :t: ACNE, nut and stove sizes; BARTLEY POCATIO 'AS, lump and stove sizes; FORD COKE, nut Ste; STO if COAL; LONE STAR for domestic and -Stearn uses ' • .. • . , Per Ei�dware, Plumbing and Heating, give us a call. Chas. C. Lee --- , Phones Office 22 House 112 At the Harbor • - See the Parade of Soldiers Rear the Pipe Band Rear Captain Norman S. Rawson and others in the North St. United Church v,•3 Monday February 24, at 8 p.m. NO COLLECTION— NO ADMISSION "viet Tienc1444,00vernmentrevery dollar -you 0* spare. Your dollars will help the boys at :the front to shorten: the War,. VILURMEN OF C1016MTVES • The citizens who have accepted the responsibilities. ot, the chair... manship of the, different :committees in connection with the War Savings Certificates , are: - .‘ General Chairman4J. IF. Gillespie Employer—Emp!oiree-.4, K14-aunders-L7Vico, W.. Cecil Attridge - Territorial -.-fl D. Mooney and D. •E,Pampbell Publicity'and Somotioil-=..E. E. Cranaton * 0.61IP T Evian, - Frank Italithlay and Mrs. Thomas MeN'all ; solo were sung by Josephine Weir, Betty •Qraig and Marguerite Killough; vocal duets were rendered, by Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan; Ruth and john. Wilson. A. piano duet was given by Donald Ross and 'Harold Reidi a quartette composed of iMesdaines 'Earl Raithby, john Me. Knight, Charles Howson and Wm. Hag- gitt favored with a number„ and the True Blue class sang a chorus. • Betty Aequith, gave a piano solo, and Mrs. Joies' 'Cowan gave the topic', '+`The 'Rey ligion of the Helping Band." Earl 'Raithby closed the reeeting. with prayer. • • _=•-- • PREUPTIALSHOWER . • Friends •gatbered on Thursday even- ing .at the homesef Mr. and Mrs. Henry 0: Breen,,Huron road, in honor Of Ili Margaret Barrie, whose marriage tak place this week. The gathering :w under the auspices of the former Po y- anna -class and' their itetieheees '.'BifI httTiXrs. It 'tfbod,WIth'frli ids and neighbors also in attendance. he :doing -room was decorated. in Pin and- . White, with pink aha white bells ights andicandles. 'A lovely sup..r • 'S -ten. joyed ,by " all and games and e niests were played, with prizes tor t e -win- ner% • ,Mrs. 'R. Good read an &Trees and the ,bridestosbe- replied BUJ gly. A large pink iand :White- liaek-et/ heaped ''gh with beautiful and usful gifts was -then presented, and the inging of "For she is a jolly good le ow," and "Auld Lang Syne" exessef the sentia'!; mente of the gathering, • The Woman'at Aaaoelation of NOrth street Xhilted eiherch will beld a' tee IPot-luok supper lit the ehUreh on Thure- day, February 27th, at 6 p.m. All members and any ladies. wishing' to join are urged to be present. The etiplaer, will be followed,by the regular meeting CanipbelVs Stomach and Liver Pills, At KingSbAdge Hall each. Monday ,evenieg, Roy AleKenzie and his orch- estra, Dancing from 10 p.m, to 2 a,ra, Admission: 35e• each. c, 5tf • '.Mise.;' and girls' Botany wool Pull- overs. lnain.sandsnoveltrtnit. Mostly ehort. sleeves 81.00. Goderich• Dollor Stere. ' Remelaber rummage sale ' wider auspices of Rebekah Lodge, Saturday, , lAareit, 1st, at 1 pan.. , . .-$ ' 'Knox church Annual high tea, March ,4., from, 5.30 to 8:20. . • 8-9 Bingo, Lc by Lions Club, Saturday, February 22nd, at 8 pan., at Masonic Temple, West street, Three free games. A.claiission 100, powl and other valu- able prizes, -8 , The Sigeal-S r sells for $2 to any ildfffels in Canada 4.114 -is Worth -MO -re, LOQ1F at , Your abet; It will show the eh your subscription le' date pp to w intartime Is In Earnest 'Stop, need many Winter Items at your local Druggist's. 22 DAYS' SUPPLY & SIDS ralti; $2" WO you to Resist ltlf.!Pi.";$506 '''WINTER ILLS • 7luid got childten '115 • '245 • 445 Winter items— . Vicks 'Oeugli prem 56 • Vicks 45e. 'Vicks ,VaPo Rub. , 45o Chase's Linseed and . . Turpentine ..35d-750 r • Warapole's Tasteless • Extract 1.00 S-4tt's Eraulsien ..59c -96e' Belladenna Plaster Kidney Plasters ..35c -50c Haliver Oil Capttles NOTIC 0Erairing 'Purchased a 'saw -mill, .1- am now prepared to .do all kinds of custom sawing. Bring your logs to 'my yards at any time. ' CO#Irrs:POCOCIE, Phone/910-42, Clinton. • • " •- 12722.1.112.212128120.2.mordii!Wiliermantompommia • SAL, ES1VIEN WANTED , To Represent "The Old Reliable - " •Fonthill Nurseries" in Huren. County New and Special Lines_ a' Tfardy Treesr_Shrubs • and Planti Write for Terms and Catalogue STONE 1.4 WELLINGTON TORONTO 540 - At. Gin P1118 • 11.10•4 • 311 Sal Hepatica 46 • St,:o4 Needs of Fa ,rgors— Reduced Iron ."4.•...20e oz. • , 2'oz. 49e Epsom Salta'...;4 lb. for 25e Saltpetre 25d lb. Itellibore 50e lb. Bell's Medical Wonder.„1,00 Potassium Iodide ..oz, g 516 Ooderich 1- All Risk All your personal • property 4 instired against practically all risks • IN rekirs POLICY AT Will:4' PREMIUM SEE General Needs Burdock Blood Bitters • Chase's • brave Food• , Vitali* 500-1.00 Yateline noir READING 47RapTs\ic . M. FORD Insurance and Real Estate 3 IIiirtilton St. TeL 258w paid. /• Hold ' the ate Of. the St. George's annual high tea, Friclayerebruery 21st, at 6 pm, The Salt id. Red Cress will Meet at the home o Mrs, Geo. Bean, on Febru- ary 27th, at 2 p.m. • Backr1te for the ,kidneys. Capnis bell's, 3tf •••••••••., CARD or THAN#S THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS, Chas. Moss wish to thank their Many friends for their kind expresSions of sympathy and kindness ehown to them in their recent sad bereavement. . -8 AUCTION SALES AuCribN SALIIi Of household furniture and -goods and real estate' owned by the late JON. ATHAN !BENTLEY, tat Blyth; on SATURDAY, MARCH int, at .1.30 p.m. - GAINDIltY,8s SON; - 874 • • Auctioneers -AUCHION SALE' • Of farm •stock, implements, hay and grain, at Lots 13 .and 14; L. Road West,. Colborne, 6 miles ,north- of IGOderieh, on iVirEDWESD.A.Y,-VA1fG11-5th; • • at 1.30 Shares • 3 horses, 18 head of cattle, pip, hay, grain and a fell line of implements,. Everything will be• sold, as, proprietor is giving up. the farm. Terms cash.. ' • . LORNE THIURLOW,• • ' "-Proprietor. T. GUNDRY'& -SON,. 8-9 ' • Auctioneers. FARM YOIc SALE FABMS POR , 160 acres on highway No. 8, two azalea wet .ef girtton. 6 acress fall wheat, good ,'spring creek, never -failing well with windmill, stone -pebble house with futrutee and Modern bathroeni, bank barn 36' x 40% cement silo, hen. house, drive -ahed tuid 'garage. 2, 92 -acres on highway No. '8, twee miles west of Clinton, Bank 'barn, frame ;halm,. hen -house, garage and. neyer-failing welL. 3. 80 acres grass.' farth 21/2 miles south of Holmesvilles 12th 6ancession, Township. of Goderieh. Never-failhig Well and windmill. . For further infermatien and par- ticulare Apply to the undersigned. , • NORMAN MAIR, Executor cleorge ateir Estate, 8-10 New Hamburg,. ;Cntarlo. 10,110.10.A.1‘........2222. BORN 'PREITEITT.—At Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, on February 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Prevett, Goderich, . son (stillborn). • DIED • MaeDONALD.--lin .-Goderich, on Sunt, day, February -16th, Margaret Ann Linklaters widow of the late Archi- bald 'G. (3/4ebonahl, in her Sikh year. Bingo, 5e, by Lions 'Club, Saturday, Fiebruery:22nd, at 8 p.ra, at Masonic Temple, West street. Three free games. Admission 10c. 'Fowl and other valu- able prizes. ' •.8 malmomm• usiew COLLECTIONI3 On Jan.. prd, '1041,„ealegiee Client • wrote, "Your etteque re- . ceived alai Wish to thank you - for the manner In which you. handled this:" •' s. If you .wartt 'efllelent ,servies • send us your list of outstanding • debts for collection. Remember our tents, .'"no collection, no • charge for, our services." , KELLY & ;AIKEN The Colleeterti Orangeville, Ont. Est. 1890 -- Leogest established firm of 'collectors in Ont•ario, 4-9 TRY THE DRUGSTORE FIRST W GLE LAUDER DUNLOP CAMPBELL Phone 4 Phone 10 Phone 1 • Phone, 90 • GODERICH DRUGGISTS RAMC° (,)ANADIAN COKE ALI4 OTIIBR. FUELS Prompt Service Tel. 05 Itomt °of Vnglittlii China East St. Phone' 10$ PROTESTANT • ACTION Vansala's Notional Protestant. • • • ao u mar, •A militant and Independent monthly 'newEinaiper of facts, (figures and argument a that you do tiot find in any other palter publiphed In 'Canada. • • De informed of tbe hareada of the enemies of Britioh liberty and the {Protestant faith. 'i$1.00 per year , Sample copy on request GLEBEIIOLME BLVD, Toronto 0, Canada e'REEP CANADA BRITISH" For Restdts TO RENT Olt, RENT, — THREE -ROOMED apartment, centrally located. Also large store room. Write Dpix 77, SIGNAleSTAlt. es FOR RENT.—FAItif, 112 aeres, alt workable, four miles Seutli of Gode. • egOod buildinga and water. J. YUILL, 12 Waterloo street, Goderiell. • 7,,8x RENT.--UODERN SERVICE . *atm, well _located in ,Goaerich on tior Blue Water highway., This is an old -established busines% Reaoii sable terms, fantail capital required. APPlY 130X 322, Seaforth, SAVLO0NLSON Street, withdouble garage, spring well, MISS A. , MOSER, Hamilton Street, 8,9 litOlt SALL—SPY APPLES ; GOO» - truants; sprayed. AMOS J. krmanNir, ,a.a„ 3, Auburn, Phone I/Wiese...1819 ' 74x. FOR' 'SALE,— 'CARVED WALNUT - coffee table, 181/2° "high, 20" long, 14" wide, 'pie crust edge; practically, new. Phone 405 or 655. ' -8 eeet. ofti -- RUBBER GOODS, ISundriess etc,, matied postpaid in plain, sealed., wrapr, 80% less than retail. Write for ail -order catalogue. NOV-RUBBER COe Dept. K-8, Box 91, Sainilten, Ont. 3-.10 . — J?OR ,SA.LE'.-.4 OMAN'S SWAGGER - style raccooneoat, size 10. Enquire mornings and efseninP at 01 Victoria Street North, •.8 ELECTRICA.L WASHING MUH YNES .repaired promptly and ready for. wash day.. All makeS. FRED VEEIVERS, hone 741W. Next to the .Post 'Office. / • . 6-8 • CLEARING Ot.IT ALL USED SEW- ING 712achines, •Shiprs, and , other M : akes fro' -810.00 up, All guaranteed Perfect , sewing condition, ' 'White elec- tric .820.00, .extra' value. Final reduc- tions on 'door samples and demonstrat- ors, only a few left. Hurry, going rot; uveryting , reduced. SINGER, isHor, Phone 33. -•• • . .°. 4 r‘Olt./ SALE.—FARM, 85 ACRES, good /day loam, 6 acres bush, plenty of water; bank barn, 66 x 00, hay barn 311ex 42, driving shed gi x 36, lien house 16 x 18; good houae4eith' ,bathroom; on 'No. 8 highways twii mutes tron Godetali. HERB, LAMPREY, Rat. 1, Ittoderith. 8x UNDREDS BRAY . 0.USTO.MERS say "Bray Chicks again for '1941.1" lie poultrykeepers order now for the best markets. IStarted pullets, cock- erels, eapens, Immediate delivery. Start right—with Bray. E. •SIOMER. SALL, R.R. 2 Goderieh: • "Tom NoTI0E. 4 • 1..' Mr. ',Gordon . Tebbutt is giving •up residence In Goderieh and molting to London. He requests that all persons owing him any money pay the same •to R. 0. Hays, Barrister, Hamilton 1. street, Goderich, on pr before 31arch 1st, at 12 o'clock; or •anake other eetis- taetory arrangements with his solicitor for the payment of the accounts. 78 ' 'A Classified A man NOTIVX Nolicv Is hereby given that all accountdue* the late Wm, Ahl Mast be Settled Within thirty 'days Of this date, in erder to, plese the eatate, ' Dated at Ooderielr tbe 12th Febraarye 1941. . - 74 NOTI(X0. . - 43 1)r. IL R. /Hall reported or active Service, Monday, ,lebruary 10thi Unpaid accounts may be peld tO Mise Evans, at Dr. Hall's oilice, Mtn klebrU- arY 28t1s, 194i, and after that date ac- counts ratelt be paid at the ofllee of solicitor, R. 0. Hays, Hamilton t3treett dederich, Ont. 74 INANT1510 , ANTED.—sTO BUY OLl. HORSES s •• and dead cattle meat be suitable for. Mink feed; ' removed Pr6niPtlY. FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bayileio Phone 908 r' 22, Clinton. Calls paid for, ' • 18114," ANTED. --AT ONCE, bx As YOUNG man, a bed -Sittig room, Most be heated. No Meals required, BOX 76, SIGNA.IeS,TAlt. ' ELP WANTED.—AalIVE MAN (or woman,).' wanted for profitable Watkins rdute, _Steady, repeat best- ncs'ae. EUll credit.for All orders. We ,supply the stock and train you. Big earnings assured froM start. ,Thi Is nur OPPertnaity.• Apply proniptly to' MR. S•EMPLE, 2177 Masson 'St., goo- treal. •79 ANTED. -,-1000K GENERAL, AT' onee,•tor small adult family. Write. VOX 78, •SIGNA.L-STAIt. .31EN AND - WOMEN, WAN13313.--- . Would you like to ewe a business In an exclusive 'district? Sell two • hundred guaranteed household neces- sities' such as ,sPices, extracts food pro- ducts, tea, coffee, farm necessities, etc. No risk. Thirty -day tiler offer frees • We help you, realize lace malts. Pro- pOsitIon sent without any' obligation. JIT0', 1435 alontcalm, Montreal , 7-10, - --NOTICE To_CREDIT0118 NOTICE TOCREDITORS. _ e -- persons laving -claims against , the estate of -Lee Han, late of theTown of •Goderich, laundryman, whil died on the 25th day of April, 1940, are re- quired to ,file „particulars of the saine 'with the undersigned on or 'before the • 15th day of March, 1941; after ,wbielr • date ;the estate.will be distributed hairs boo regard only to the claims of which the administrator* shall then hafe notice. • • Dated at •Goderich thiS 1.8th day of, F'ebruary, • • FRANK DONNELLY, •Goderich, Ontario, 8-10 Solicitor forsthe Admioistrator. Taxi Cabi; CALL. Doak's Taxi - KEAY ST. PE0N:Z.353 Good Drivers - Up to date Cabs - SUPERIOR STORES rocery pecials Moms "AYLMER"- , Peas • No. 4 Sieve , 2-16 Oz. Tins 17o ucAmpBEiLver Tomato Soup 2 Tins 1.'7e "covvAws" Cocoa lb: Tin, Tin • 16c '27c • "H.EIN27 ..Spaghetti 2 Med, Tins 25c "GOLDEN ISM"' Salm' 'on 4e. Tin, 290 HMO Floor Wogs No Liubbgng Pt. Tin 596 • -"BEE-•DIVE" GOLDEN . •• 'CORISIHSYRUP 211i tiose • ...61b_.40 39c • "AUNT JEKLMA" Pancake flour- pkg. 15c PALMOLIVE. Soap EITS 190 unEumr, Corned Beef • tin 17c "MIMS" Jelly Powders BRUNSWICK Sardines • 3 PKG& - 25c iiimeREsx Pure Lard "BLUE Bor. Coffee lbs.'19c • 1 lb, Bag 37c, 'ELL MAUR" VANILLA: • Lgo.8 oz, Extract ,.:-JbOt. .15c. MANNING'S DUNDEE: SI,EIORTIIREAD Biscuits ' ilc "TAII'LOR'S"' °Of Tr oz. 1)91111t Butter 14c, .25c SULTANA. Itaisins • BEST QUALITY .icing Sugar s. 23c IIILLCRES• T Soda Biscuit