HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-20, Page 311111111111111110
'DUDLEY E. goraki$
" Ostrrister,
Office -(101113 Wu" Goderleb.
Telephone 05, . •
mew Neemee
"a V1)-ArntOred Ae011atants
n Pomo ,otroet. tunittord
---PronwcoinottLog_Poz .fitreet
, • P. • .0, 0 • ,•••••,
40/13 MON EURIN4 •
• Telephone 110. _
Sales - attended to lthrighOre ang
every effort Made, to -give satisfactlim.
igiOrie sale notes discounted. .
C.4.,,JORDON --GRANT,""xaopmED
091.4iTY .
A SatiSfactory, courteous service for
Firm, PrOperty or Household Sales• .
Bites ;Reasonable.
Late House Surgeon New _ York
Ophthalmic and Aural -HoliPital, Us*
Iliatant at Moorefield Eye gospital aid
olden _Skuttre Throat Hospital; ,Lost:
don England. ' ,
53' Waterloo'. Street' S., Stratford:
Telephone 267. '• •
Nog visit Bedford Hotel,: Goderich,
Wednesday, February ,26th, from 2 p.m.i
till 5° Thm:'
Goderich, „Phone 341
Office hours -10` to 12 2 to 5
Audi_ to 8 p.m., Tuesday, „Friday and
Saturday. -- .-
30 to 12. a.m. only on liVeunes4Y,
. Monday old Thursday at Mitchell.
• 51 South St, 4.
WAY TO ADDRESS SOLDIER MAD) ,,,,,,, Ittld,„, .4 -ie. -iv., . 4, .., THE SCIIOOLS Or SOVTII IIITItOrif
the Read 'on Dunlop's Hill .
4-040„ A. paltok, of .Mount canna •The report 'oe tnepeetor X00
: . Beacom, spire the leader with 944 per tekt.„
.1tf.j..20007030,,suPteitiolin Blank."
retired railway 1)101 clerk, formerly SUbniitted to tbe .00031tYC011nen 'at it: 44457 gogoor el:11w:: rupOwil:tpollroswitrest
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada,
residing in kloderich, narrowly escaped teoen't weeting* 041.. -tallied °melt 4)4' at Sago, as very ekkeeayreieetie to at.,
.44anadiari Army Overseas
Serious injury When, the ear he was iriterea , with refereriee to -the acheols teedaneei, ,the, importawe of veicular
address, but no plao name.
Iv; oNrr--4.0vitereelt fiVtOst. *tisagoert al: the e ,edee4rilvtoiefitiltelitiruoeawd aatserbbeigWttwasis,Pruo;, oftuilgh.ea StOeuwatvrtuargornapittbreatolor:steg.:11 ,8:8talen:gettaii::ititerarogrouhrtotte%gtiser•Wia,414:44eatttiteteen,**Sdsediarneerair:ot
' mon for Delivery in Canada Dunlop's Bin on VildaY iffiglauga OnlY 4.4"tereat, the reMainder of the rePort is
The uetial OMPlete partierilere a 041e -wire 014° glutr4 Pr'esvewed tlw las loilewo ; ' , . — ' . pupils. " I believe this 18 being realised
regimental number, rank and naine and ea47 front Punging over a littY409t em' The wooer of: achoeis in operation by the parent e to a greater extent each
details of unit and name of regiment banument a the Xaitialmi River 4111484during the. 111101mi:I terni, kihOWS A de- yeer.iO4 In the great Majority of eaSea
oe,ieraeor of sereice, and, in addition,. Mr. Dalton was 941 ' his 'VcraY f -T°41 Crease of one, due to the 'Closing of ' they now eneoevor to have their ow-
tbe Post ,ofoe :narde of tee piece, le Mount Cannel to ra-Ingsbridge to attend
T-JaS.•: 'No. 1.0:1Hullettt and Cioderieb. ren at techool every School day, Luet
Canada where the soldier is stationed- trielflutnoeertieultmofta-; teltt:Iteve,th:4 tlitr'agee" Toehis wsruch:teeel wItsarvdoluztajtruloly ,oar'elooselmend byt , yaenaj,467iSiuputpliells,i;artainn stheeboorTziosehothoteutelarr,
Meet be given. C1(
oxampie`: t- , , • •truelc on the hill he had erewded to the .•.)7010(1 have been OnlY,"thre0 Mils and every SCh001 day* a highly ereditab*
-0,...feabei'alt4 John Ieuee--..-, -- '...origu,f41110,%01,rilc;d07310:,tolts.r.od toallowmt. „tive_settra.....,5,4,30,y,414„nee.,140eut,,:itc,44. jaiatioveniont„ialuett .•
.,:„.,,,....: , ,.
-v1Sable to maintain the Schoel ureter.. .
' ifith Heavy Bajlttery, *R.e.t*O,, In, GoVOlininent (ilMata
Royal Canadian Artillery, 10 conditian of the 'read, the ear these Conditions. There are now 7,7 The legislative grants Were paid on
Saint John,' N.B. '' failed to respond when he attempted to
steer it back to the centro of the high- rural. and five ,urhan schoOla in oper.
Ihe same basis as ,the former Year, el.:
' Note-lt ,a soldier le in +COMO, the M e way. Mr, Dalton persisted in , his 0- ation' in the ,InSPeetorate, einpleY
nate of theplace at Which, lie iing
116 teaeher§, WM the rural and 00 'in though, it was found necessary by the
'', .
stationed must appear in the address, forts an -when the Car struck. a bare spat road thefront heels ,thtibeieu.rtshAftfaleeahreotiso, itidt.uweeasiltem,.18ntliaffpoosf.. geDeureartatimerodautotioudn otifeattitueon ntovexinakteota.
of addressing beeemesgenerally knownhand ide of the road andraelted into in the _ W
. 'Until such time as the new method celled ling the car liirChed• to the left-
iithe iiliteter Pablic !School • front six. to this Year as cerePared with *tea Per tent
,' „ S" p
lire teachera owing to the deerease, in last year. The total general legislative
mwaniii b:eaellinegrettohetodzignbeataioeson :Cte.ted.S.Fto." the guard wires. • The
completely over the lower wire, but
vehicle leapedthtitorgi7retnaget otati;ateteeeroo4 1, erred to, .,:en:0-01cso,utt(theilalartts rkeedieeazurAy iiel
destinations, but the pahlie Should im-
Mediately adopt the new method when the .upper one caught the .car under- rus:.t..3, jetar.isi711280,hce,Ocnimeoinstulemveloosrib!.aeeetteo 1;e,s,r2•2if $tei.1,0,3.104.)in, thrimeeeris..yeearaee, ,:?;:
addressing. letters, tercets- and other neath the fenders and held it, hanging
Secure qualified, teachers, other . than grant paid by the County on new eilnip.'
'mail to men:Ebel:4'6f the Canadian 'Army, •demantgater4mous4t.eloTshee toonityhdeamedaggee caofwstehde
married' wemen who have left the pro- molt and improvementS made by rural
either overseas or stationed
, ,, .
in Cansda• to he Car wtis_ scratches and dents
i). • fession and who, in a namber of in- boards amounted to $2705.12, an in -
On the grill and fenders. .A. derrick stants, are now. takiag.sehoola., It is
erease of *284 over 1939. 'In:eonnection
tru.ck• had. to I.ie used to extradt. the car to them that we nust, look ...to on 14, .with the general school grantsare , it May
from its perilous Perch.
vestigated,- eonsidere Mr.'
Traffic !Officer James Culp,
,Pal -t°11 f°1*- ., eumbers to prevent the closing of any -
thatibey will be avalia.ble in siifficient lerepointedaae,r County.oceuantzthat made
theyaedneti'anmit '..ilithiatsa:(illsisne.
who in vacancies in our schools and I fe#J sure
tunate to hiuve escaped serieue ilaJurY, school owing to the lack of a teacher. Molt -Of several municipalities for
The embankment. is• so steep that . a
County purposes istozseeinehgmo:utiitlirpavalt;t11
The number of students at the Normal
ear once launched over the' edge &mid ,I,E,goashto, ytaa;‘thainsdylesan.?rut eivoitwtigesaatgreaag: ..
esacgotl.°Lorea/740inng the
ztP°s-siblY have 'remained en it8 of former years., It would seem, there- This was especially true this year 15
.fore, that the present shortage will net the *ease oe the Town • of •Gteder1011,
4 Y M P -4PTEI 0 eP L°ErAt°pDRBEIT'ILD but may even be accentuated. ' The less than the-previouS 3,7eaf. -"The in -
.be relieved during the elfrreht year where the ethoolgrant was some $1000
- salaries paid in the rural sehoolli show, eredse in the local assessment of VS -
Letters ' Received front • Paiher and a further . increase, - the average salarY, bOrneVawnship Made, in the'Yearr1939
- '-aandfitther-of -Aircraftinan•Taohi•le--,being 4772, --as cOmparek with $7$Q inl-traS-aisce 'hadthe effeCt •of somewhat
by a young lady of town to the parents
in .reply ta a letter of Sympathy sent,
$150i Tie ; fatiaele.! in the urban are the grants. The general prineiple
14%vritT'elliiligtteertvetgaatseesethme :ner ges ;11(3i:;te;
Deb"hain. . .1 ' ' ' rural sTeroo1771:1630tiaand'ry ithed til.g•ltitellsYt
Postmafiter4euerai ,*tfioelc
nOUnees that, OWIng. to the teeentlY
author* 'change in the title of the
military forces of Canticlat 'theldesigna-
flan "Canadian, Army" wil now be used
instead of "Canadian Active Service
Volvo (0.A;S.P.);" Nall for soldiers
On 40tiVe service ehould,, therefore, uovv
be addreseed follows:
1W-4 for DellVerr °Wafts :
The designation "0,A.S.F„ % Base
Jost .0010, Canada'". ItO be omitted
and the words "Canadian Army Over.
aeas" elibStituted therefor, as fellows:
Regimental No., rank and name _
Waro.e and -details of Milt (1.04 COW;
pany •Section, Squadron, Bat• -
tery, %folding •Unit,'"ete.)
Name of Regiment:or Ilranch.of Ser.
Canaditin AnnY' OverSeaS.
For example
04.r.,••••••• +•••,••,, ...1.,•••••••••••
J. W. Craigie
Get Our Automobile Rates
Plwne 24
lated town property 14sured.
Offleors-rWilaiam Knox President,
Londesboro; t W. R. Archibald, Viee-,-
President •Selatorth ; A. Reid,
bianager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea -
Directors -L-1' Wm. 'Knox, Londe/Moro ;
Alex. .Broadtpot, Seatorth; Chris.
Leonhardt, Dublin;.E. j. Trewartha,
Clinton; Thos. Moylan .Seatortb.; W.
R. Archibald, Seatorth; t.Alex.McEwing,
Blyth; Prank Mcg,regor, Clinton; thigh
,Alexan,der, Walton: •
Agents -,-E. A. Yea, R.R. Goderich;
James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
R.R: 1trucefield; `,It. F. McKercher,
SURANCE CO. -Farm and Iso -
R.R. 1, Dublin; J.
Polley -holders can make -all pay-
ments -and get their cards, receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's
Grocery, Kingston 'Street, Goderich, or
H. Reid's' General Store, ,Bayfleyi.
• 1'
• neat. Estate and Insurance
Office and ReSidence:,
11 Trafalgar Street
' Phone 663
*Ott.SALE-ouses of all kinds,
Choice building ,lots, business
- property and several good farms,
Let me 'show you some real
bargains. Buy now.
Nelson G Hill
Not Which Bugams4 Before Magistrate
„in Weekly Comt
For the- second week In succession
there Were noees before Magistrate
Melina last Thursday; or rather noth-
ing to speakof. Donald iMeD.onald was.
fined $1 and costs for failurelto Produe
his operator's permit. Traffic Officer
Culp told the court -he bad given Me -
Donald a reasonable time to go home
and4etthe perniit, 'but -Apparently ge-
Donald didn't, think it worth while, So
L1XLA-011ot-1414A cha_rgee_.• • -
32enzies.lailed _taanewerto
a traffic' charge. There was proof ost
Aerviee,-„eso Crown).- Attorney, Holmes
asked for a bench -warrant. '
• Other fines for minor offences have
licen paid i'mt court during the past
twoweeles. These include eight con-
victions for failure to take out a radio
• license. The fine and posts totalled
1 $5.50 eaeh ease, plus $250 -for fhe
• radio licensee Expensive buginessi
'Aecording to Flight Lieutenant J. M.
Roberts, officer hi cliidge. of the Royal
:Canadian Air 1Force office at Landon,,
'Ont., there is a need for More air crew,
personnel and for a • few -specialized
tradesmen. E(e said, : "We are steadily
enlisting men to be trained As pilots,
observers and air gunners (wireless
operators) and while we have a fairly.
. substantial backing of qualified ap-
plic.ants, Ottawa wants still inere,, hee
cause men are being called up•fastee
thari we can replaCe theni in our files,'
'bay 7,30 aot,„ 4.25 • pan.4-Leaves
Goderich , for Stratford, Toronto,
ilantilten, Buffalo, London, • Itetrolt,,
Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots -
Bedford, British and ROW, Hotels.,
Phone hotels or 305 for Inforinatien.
Ifackache mak be the first sip 01 Kidney
• trouble. When your back aches, look to
your kidneys. Don't fail to heed this warn-
ng—it is too important. Take prompt action •
to correct Backache, or its cause. At the first
sign of Backache turn confidently to Do4d's
Kidney Pills—for over half a century the
favorite remedy for Kidney ailments. 107
Your latoxt Visit to
Try ,
Loosted_oh_Wide Spidlna Ave.
•at College St
• Ear). parking Oacilltles
Convenient to HIghway•
7'1 0 •
• SU, $20.
Rates Doubts - S2.511 14-55.0
Four 1noem, OM to MI
• • L.
'close to the UniVeraity,
Paella ment Guildinns,
M'aple Leaf Gardens,
T h e at r e,* Floaliftaise,
Whoiesaie 'Halm', arid
the Fashionable Retail ,
• shopping District.
• • A. Mot POWELL KIM n ItH
, ..,•••••••••••...• •
ilkrors of arialea arp .14
10404 to * neexl for sollaiti at-
tentiom The eerrectiesa
• tirely seeekaaleuti.
eau. be made In the 004
way they MO ma be
And THAT le the dile
salon in every Serariee poilskred.
NO need to remain MOW
'doubt abOUt 'YOUR% vtit*O,
Mato • leer 1111.0rnemeat HMI
F. T.
V.. Ge5esieb
l'irsdesT at Ltieloseir
oo s ow tIe slifference from the behind the grants is to help the we ke
of Aircraftman, John Spencer Deben- previous -year, although some increases sections to the greatest extent, whi:h
ham, .RA.F., who was accidentally have ' been Made. • • • of coursea correct basic asstimption
drowned* at* port Albert on Decenber Fewer Pupils in 'Schools , •
for any system of *grants. The' Town -
7th last, letters have been received: from , As has been the ease for 9. number of ship grant, which was restored to ;600 1 lug of ;ewers" ALVA • .Painti-Ilg •
both the young mauls father and his years %law, the enrehient in the schools in 1940, aleo, operates an the same (Continued en •paie...8) •
grandfather in 'England."' They show -shows- again a decrease; at-the:end-of •
deep appreciation; of the various ex-. Maylast the tOtal enrolment in all —
pressions of sympathy tendered to them schools wits 2849 a decrease of l5 from
by Goderich people, and Mr. Dehmliam the previons year., This decrease oc.
says that his son greatly enjoyed meet- cursed 111 both the rural and urban
Ing the Canadian People by whom he 'schools and was not as marked In the
with others was entertaitted. 'He tells: rutralschools az in some previous years.
alSo of the enthusiasm with Which his To, date no refugee children from the
son receiVed the news of his beb3g sent British Isles have been enrolled in the
to Canada and Of the plans which he schools of the inspectorate, although
had for :seeing varioui4fi4ces of interest some have been, accomModated in neigh
while he, Was on this side a the ocean boring areas. That a greatmany' of
--plans which, unfortunately, he :was
not able to carry out.
The grandfather, Mr. Spencer, in the 15, .of course, apparent and it is Dos;
Course of his letter says: "As I write 1 eible that such will be the case ibefore
can . hear your Canada lads tramping the end of the present year.. •
past the house. The' , ,"oamPs The attendance 15 the schools dering
are on the edge of aux Tillage.' da notthe last sehool year was particularly
.know how many .thousands ofyour good, in spite a the severe V,irinter and-
HOILIEESTVILL.E, Feb. 18. -; Ittrs., boys are here;_Ahe number. increases
Arthur Grange led little Elizabeth
Ann, of Benmiller, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. -D.,„Gliddon.
'Mr. and Mrs. G. M. ElliOt and family,
,have Moved into their pew home which
has just been-tompleted,
Mrs. P. Palmer is the guest of her
raother-in-la*, Mrs. A. Pahner of
Miss .Reta 'cuclmore of Kincardine C.P It. CARS btRAILED
Detroit: ..„.,
dud Mr.' and :Ars. S. J. .B.roWn. of • •
Crediton spent the week -end withidr.
and Mrs. John teudmore. ,
nreetin-ag-of- the --W-X;S:-
was held on Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. C. Pearce.,, Mrs. E 3. Trewartha
was in eharge of' the program, which
principle, in that the stronger eettleas
help those that are weaker. It is heft
generally • urged at the present tbne •
that there should be greater state odd
for edueation in the form of increa4e4
grants and 'that this 'muet ultimately
eome, in order to relieve' the present .`
burdenaltliSeifilW*11041 nerest!Ifteatmillsiefir",:tret414..thel°
present, system' of niunielpal taXatloin.
'Improvements School Grounds
Efforts -Were made last year, with
:—.— • *
considerable euceeSS in MartY-Piat*nces,
to Induce school.boards.to'iniOrove
condition of the sehool 400**,44 *A
these effarts are to be-riootiasied trfikla
year to year. That thamte,.4.0.***rr
'much- improvement in the 'appearailee
of many school grounds; 1 beuieve *11
will agree. This may be efteted
the firet,hietance by -ImProving condi-
tions as they are and...UW*74 requisite -
Js to have the grass tilt' with.: a Iowa.
mower And to keep it cut 'during the.
'school is .in-oneratioie-,*-eersiddereible
number of sehoola, now hake. ltot*-
'ers, at least thirteen #40•41 <4,414,114 -
purchased theni last Year, And Ikeir tiae
has made a wonderful ./mP*OtO*ent,in
the grounds of these .gepsow:;vitiithstitt
you all may have seen .Sehoais itinkro
this has been done Then .by the'plait-
large amount of snow that fell. The
children deserve' mucheredit for getting
to school regularly, often under difficult
eircumstances. ...The percentage attend-
ance for the year reached the high
average of 91.99 for all schools, being
91.29 in the rural schools' and 93.20 in
the urban sc,hools. This represents the
best attendance record for some years
and Is Considerably better than the
provincial average. 'The leading. town-
ship was Tuckersmith With -92.3 per
cent., with Usborne close behind with
92.11 per cent.. 'Hullett, was the only
with an attpruln nee
le$s than 90 per cent., havina- 89.04 per
cent. Of the urban schools, Exeter was
almost daily a.s the camps extend. We,
had 57,000 of 'yours here in the last
war and the Wet of land- in ourfceme-
.tery made over to them -is tended by
our viliage..people. I (+Arne across one
Goderich lad (Lt. Dalton of Prineess
Pat's Regiment) and Understand there
-are several more from your town.'"
conSisted of readings by MTS. A. -Bond
and Mrs. W. Yeo, and.the topic by Mrs.
E. Trewartha. Mrae, E. Yeo presided
at the -WA. raecting, - which was held
.,$„„ . °Were, rails were torn up a short distance east
after the WMprogramPlans
made _for a - W. Patrick's epneert,:to be of Auburn on Friday mornieg. A
held be the church. At the conclusion met of
ll'°411 rail N"Ls :pc -cause "of the derail -
of these meaings tea was served' by n.' the ftve ears, four carrying
tesses, Mrs. Walter and 3tErS., grain and one Carrying lour from:
the hos.
.pearm,. , , iGoderieb. The train was eastbaund
Miss Laura s, Bell of Teesvvater spent and travelling at a loW rate a speed
• when the accident occumdThe
the week -end with •Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .
locomotive, tender and one freight ear
Potter. , ' , ' '
' , had pasSed over the broken rail before
:Nliss Emma McClinehey, Of Clinton
the cars turue
spent the week -end, with .her parents,- th, Iwo e first of the fiTe ca.rs left the, rails.
ilit. and SIM 'Wm.-McCiinchey. - -of d on their Sides
.N.one of the train crew was injured.
Passenger and express service was
tarried on as usual for both west and
eastbound trains. Trains. were made
up at GoderiCh and Guelph and brought
to the scene of the accident. Passen-
gers and express were then .transferred
around the wreck. *
A wrecking train WftS brought to the
scene from Toronto on PridaY night
and the crewworked all night larig in
restoring the rails and right!ing- the
freight' Cars. :o Through traffiC Was re-,
sunied on Saturday . morning. riSS
than 200 boshels of wheat were lost.
. .
:SEQ-IJEL OF,; OAR coLiasion
Broken Rail Cause of Accident Near
Auburn on Friday -Freight Ser-
-- --Diseupted-for --Twenty-feu,
Freight service on the C.P.R. line out
of Godericb_was disrupted for tWenty-
four hours when five freight cars were
derailed and several hundred feet of -
New-ark:014c Fury" and Bob Burns in "Alias the Deateg'
Monday -Tuesday and Wednesda,y
Burgess' Meredith -Betty 'Field chancy Ar. -Charles -Bickford
ana' Bob
Jelin Stelibeek'S dramatic story of 'Lennie -and -Gebrg6.........whose
drains and hopes never eame true .the story of 4 lIttbe
hapPineSs and a little less fear,
also-77The Gleason Family with Harry Davenport atul,Lois Ranson.in
"THE EARL OP iruninaSToNs"
Thursday-leriday and Saturday
George Raft -Jane Ilryan-William Ilolden-llumphreY noggri ami
. Flora Robson
An adventurous portrayal of the obstaeks besetting the parole system
- also. Jaraes' Stephenson-Margoto. Stevenson -Henry
' Forbes atid 110 Ling
Tell plotted Mystery depictiug the further adventures of .a
'"OAtetING .PH110 VANCE"
'Willard Lee Gets His Full Claim in
Division Court Suit
Willard Lee, trucker, was awarded
• his full claim. of $190.15 With costs, plus
$25 eetinsel fee, by Judge E. W. element
at the lilebruary session of Division,
Vona. The iletenati
dt was James Ken -
formerly of ',Minton, now of
Niagara Valls. The 'action arose out
of'a bead -on motor collision on No. 8
lihshway, half a dillie weet of Seaforth,
oh, July ir,tb. lom. at- t30 p,m. ' The
,evidenee disclosed that Kennedy was
driving ;on the wrong el& of the road,
eight incoter the centre line; at the
point, of impaet. There also was evi-
dello •that Kennedy" and two. tompan-
iOnS had gone to Seaforth from Clinton
on the afternoon of the aeeident to
' 'lift a' fees. beere." ,,Sergt..Major a. 'W.
'Callander a the Etevonth Provost
Vompany, London, former .traille officer
on No. 8highway,"Itestifted defendant
"allowed signs of think." There were
fourteen eitgeg on the* Mt and Judge
.411ement'aat from 10 hat. to early even
Ingo dif.lposing of a griLgt or ini11.41%
bit in' Jstta,e, "flostelloi was In
,Kiteliener oil the &tine day. ,
Matinees Wed. Satand holidays at 3 p.m.
"Kitty Foyle" with Clinger Rogers and Dennis 'Morgan
Illany a Romance
• The lives of molly young people—
• ara,made inif3elable by the. breaking- '
out of -pimples an the face.
• The trouble is not so touch physi-
cal, pain, but it the mental suffer.
ine caused by the embarrassing die-
figure,raent of the face which very
often rotates enc. sufferer ashamed to
go outdn 'company.
The quichest *ay to get rid of
pimples it to improve the general
health by a thorough clean 'sing of %
-the blood Of its iMputities.
Burdock Blood Bitters cleanses
puri the blood -Get tM of
Ivor pimplAls by takin'
litalkatia Oa. W.. Tatiaaa Oat,
•You may
to -day.
ur E e
edthem even more tolnOrow
Glasses in all the -latest styles.
Per an e,xannn' ration. ,of your eye,1cpU
L. COLE, 0.•
,0100.11ef tlijk
That can be said proudly by hundreds
of thousand S of Canadians, who regu-
larly deposit a part of Itheir income
in a savings account-. at the Bank of
Montreal: tis a mark of character and
distinction, indigating thrift, persistence
and a degree of success. ,
;,„ • .1
We believe in the encouragement of
thrift; as a fundamental of individual
and nationl character; that is why' we
heartily welcome the small new ac-
counts which, are opened daily at ouc
500 branches.
You are invited to stat,t and maintain
your. savings account at one of our
branches. •
. , -: ini L
,Go`derich Branch: A. A; NXCOL, Manager
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