HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-20, Page 1• • • s. Btql War. Savings Certificates and Help Defeat Hitler , 67, -NINETY-FOURTII YEAR 4 °butt tta Coin1inizg The Gocleriah Signal and The Goderich Star , ODERiCH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, :FEBRUARY 20thr1941 • 1' .(••• • , Cerlificaks end Help Defeat Hitler George's Body Found on Saturday Young B,../1,1F. Kan Was Drwarned Deeetaber 7th in Lake 'Won 000,0!0•10,..00 The body of T.A.C. Itert Aiden Gorge, one ,of two R.A.O. Wireless operatorwho Were drowned in Lake • Huron ' a short dietanee north of Port . Albert, on Saturday, 'December '701, vas found on the beach; encebalf mile South of the ;scene of the tragedy, on Saturday afterimen last. A three-day thaw had tentoved the moist which , previomsly had hidden the body troni • George Knitting, 11, and Earl Martin, 14, stumbled over the body while 'milk- ing along the lake ehore. Upentmakingithe. diseovery the boys immediatelymade :their way to the Port Albert Air Navigation. School, where they notified au,thoeitiee who summoned Provieelal 'Constable ..00ok and ' Traffic Officer Culp. The body was ,embedded in the sand, face down- ward; It was approximately ten feet from •the Water line, apparently %twiner been washed up during a stoMa.„ It is ' believed -that the- body had nOtlbeen In the'water more than two :days, it behig in .remarkably good condition tonsider- ing the tl,me that, had elapsed-Sinee the 'drowning—ten weeks to the day. George's service cap and greatcoat were missing, but the remainder of his clothing was intact. • ' George was positieely "identified by the service number on his' eollar. After. - an ineestigation.byeeerener•Dr..W. Galley(' -of •Godericle, the remains were remo0e be 'the Oranston iFunefal 4- Home, Montreal, street., -town. •• Died in Gallant Effort, ' " The 'bode' of 'John SS' 'sewer Debenhati, who"'•Virs • clei.weed - with - • George, Wassfound on December 28th. Official investigation conducted • at the time. of the eleeteeting revealed, that • George had gallantly dived into .the .ley waters of Lake Huron in an. At- tempt to save Dehenham, when 4e, hum- mock of Ice :eollapeed as the twe ,Resed for a, 'photograph. Both 'men were • swept under by the swirling water and were not seen alive again. • • • It is a strange coincidence that the drowning, the finding of- Debenham's body and the finding of George's body all occurred at Almost the same hour • esn -differeet Saturday- afternoops. trengely, tee, Debenham'S body totted halt -a -mile mirth: of the scene f the drowning, George's south. It is -thought that both bodies • were at "first blownesouth and'•George's washed • eehore a fewdays after the • tragedy. •Debenham'e --bode „remained In the water ang, was Mown north. The direction of prevailing *Jude at the time supports this theory. • s George was e salesman in Chelten- ham, England, before joinirigthe gis father, predeceased, him, but Ids rnether survives: . The •funeral wasannouncedto take place from. Oraeetores Funeral Home on Tuesday afternoon, but it bee' twice been postponed owing to road and weather conditions. ••• UNITED CHURCH RAS RED CROSESN'OTE0 large uew quota hes ibega received .frOM headquarters by the *workroom, committee of the Red. Cross, It ie - eludes requests for 20 men's dreesing gowns; 0 hays' shirts, 'size 14; 20 pairs bOy trouser s for ages freet five to eight; 20 'boa knitted pullover, five to eight; 10 ladies' skirt, large size; 10 ladies/ jackets. and. 10 ladieis' blouses, .all 'large size; 10 babies' layettes and. 50 smite bee's' Mamas, for age eight. If any ladies have electric machinee and. eau use them at the rooms, ar- rangements Will be 'Made to have. them •,ealled,' for' bY the transPortation, eozn- mitteo If they will „'phoitees5tee. .• • The" emeunittee is ,aniious• to secure •inore,plain hand se'were for sewing On buttons,, etc., • The sewing committee 'requires more sewers, either to work •at therooms or to Make the garments at home. These articles' should be eompleted are ,qUiekly• as possible, as there. is great 4eed for them WAR SAVINGS PLAN - • . Huron Presbytery -Organized in • F,urtherance of the Project • ' A special meeting 'of .Huron Presby- tery' of the United Ohureh, held in. Wes1eyWllfts:elaurele Clinton, . last • , week, was attended by twenty-nine out of a total of thirty-five rainisters the PreShytery. Itinria-yeaen also at:: ' tended. ••, • The, main object of the meeting was s . to hear the United' Cherch gift loan of war swinebcertificates plan of the United .Chttreh explained by Rev. Es. W. Hart, of Amherstburg, eampaign director for London Conferen0; and to draft a plan of campaign for the presbytery. Rev. A. W. (Gardiner, 'of Egmondville United elturch, melded. Iterv. A.• refine; of We.slesr-Willis, Olinton, was aPpointed earapaign filrector for • ss • the Presbytery. • ° . .4 • * The project .being vidertaken is to. . have the United Church of Canada, by * • Individual purchase by its members of. war 'savings certiecates, lend the Gov- ernment sun.' equal to the, elurreb debt of 81,700,000 and payable ft; the elaiirch at maturity. , For canvass Meioses It Was deelded ,to divide the Presbyterr.into ten zones, eaeh 'consisting a three or More chargee, With • a 'Minieter eentea.11y located In each zone as canvassing director.' • • • , ..,„ ' • The subdivisions as arranged and the ministers In charge are: Ashfield, Dun- gannon and St. Helens, ftee. W. P. • Newman, Dungannon; Auburn, VI -ode - rich, Iiinh1er,tev, IL 0. Wilson, • Auburn; Clinton, Ontario Street" Bey- • • field and Varna, 'Rev. G. G. Burton, - *Clinton ;. •Weeley•Willis, •• Iloiraesville and Londesboro, Rev; A, Lane, Clinton; Drucefield, Heteall and Kippen, Rev. R. A. Brook, Ilensall; Exeter, James " street,. Creditor' and Grand Bend, Rev. L. H. Tarter, Crediton; Exeter, Main street, 'Theme -5' Road and .0entra1ia, goy. J, Woods, Exeter; Sea- fitegilloP and. Egmondville, Reis. ;V Workman, iSeaforth; Brussels, Ethel, Walton, neve 'Chas. le Lewis, • Bruseels ; Dinh, Peelgrave, Wingham, • Itev. Arthur pinelair, 'Myth ; Gerrie. Wroxoter, Blitevale, 'Fords:vide Rev. •it. O. ("operand,' 'Gerrie, „ Other Mettle considered Included the 'annoteneenteiitby Rev. It. W1. Craw of MeiCillon therm that he intended • retiring- from the Active ministerial work at the June Conference, and the resignation of •Rev. T. A. Faleonliridge front the Centralia charge to take Army . • service in the C.A.S.P. TIIEIR GOLDEN WEDDING • Mr. and Um. Itenjamin Allen, Vic- • toria street, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on 3fomittY, relh ruary 17th, and had as * ?their gueets LteVeil. and Mrs. Ralph Trow of fitted - 'ford and Mr. and Mrs. •Cieselue Nte. Cormiek of Muncie, Indiana. „ , y. • • 4 .Serious Blaze atDIRECTOR 44' YEARS ._.. — Maple Leafs Review Reg, McGee's Garage 4ivarkfarerbivilfgareVrarnting, Another Busy Year Company atter Long Service Stubborn Fire on Tuesday Evening At the annual Meeting of the 31eKi1s Reports Presented and Officers -Does Darnage.Estimated loheld 'at .Seaforth on Friday laet, Mr. ' Elected. at Annual p Mutual tire Inelirence Company, ' Meeting at $7,000 . James Oonnoily of GOderich, Who Inui - been on the 'board of direetore of theMaple rjlain morpdael.lraf:hreb)sertid:fturally0C4v: yrocutnirgeed; r -4V21.'a liellhe'4411:11!)31LinC)71)117, '''''1.h:the 01("t at 'Vile 'Seevice station on ila,railton etreet when man to 'take hie Plaee. The following Public Library on Feleruery Oth, a year fire swept through, it about 9.30 o'clock resolution was unallinioll$IY passed ibY of activity in the varied Work a the uesd,ay, ,6yening. „the meeting: "That We extend to james chapter was eeeseeeese nee emcees were • • , • ; 0 . Connolly our eineere 'aPpreeititiori fer The „ted toth, • • • sale re. which was the most' eever4,i• his mitiring wokelecr e owning yell r.1e the interests of ' * In Goderieh hiereeent'iears, Le believed otir Company as clireetot for the past Mrs. e., A; Nicel, secretarypresented te have etarted 'in a ear which was * forty-four yeare." , r • the following comprehensive Import; the garage for repairs At the time. The. - Mr. M. A. Reid, seeretareetreasurer of - Report of Secretary ._ •Oltize sinead rapidly, aided by oils and . the Companyeln eftMally apprieing, Me. Teneeeepalar meetings- Were held -ewe, ogreenar evai on the Connolly of the eesolution, added some ing the year, also special sneetiege on 'sit'Torbtelyll'arttebrrrgbeadeneg summoned, remarks expreSking his personal ap- the first Thursdays of July aeid August, hut it 'was some •time eefere the stubs' preeiation of Mr, Connolly's coueeetion as well as seyeral ether meetings tailed born ilamee 'could be brousehtunder with the Company and bie .hope that by the regent from time- to time in 'control, Denee black' smoke poured. Mr, Coneolly may be permitted to meet connection with, earious wa,r work from the front and hack of the garage with the CeeroPany foe many years, , activities. . 0 • and the odor .of burning rubber tires else Connolly has outlived all his The total paid-uP•membership for the bung heavily on the air. The Are original •fellow-directoes—two "sets'' of year was fifty-two, an inerease of. spread ,to the McGee home above the them, le faetee-and is otni in eigorous fifteen over last year, • ' garage And drove the family oetelde• health. He says that he „enjoyed his We have had a most interesting year, Mrs. McGee tad returned fromethe forty-four year at the board and met -eud finandally it has been most Sue- hasnital only that day and had to be "a 46e of good fellows." • ceeeful. The sum a .$752.34was raised. carried down a +flight of broken baCk • , .-e• In February a keno party waseSpoe- _stairs. , . . 4 '• • OBITUA1tY .. . goecl in th.e Oeldteliows' Hall and Lip - In eddition to ether damage dee, '. . • proxiniately.$30 wae ealsed and given four ears In the garage at the time . _ — ' e to the local Red.Orees. Two rummage were badly sdania.ged and large stocks' WAIZER IL, HARRISON sales were heici, ene in the sprieg and of tires and auto accessories were de- . The deeth. occurred ,on Sunday, one in the gall The proceeds of these strived. 'Considerable .damage was February 9th, at his home, 17574 AP- amounted to $143.12. In July we gave calmed also to the upstairs apartments, Pollee street, Detroit, . of Walter libridge Partyin the Pavilion principally by smoke and water. The Harrison, who is remembered in •Goile: a keno and-' ', and raffled a dressed doll. The very sum of $98 was insa steel cash register, rich as a 'jeweller doirie, busiteeshere nice <sum. of $I.e8,35 eve: realized. but wile undamaged" by the Minim ever •twenteefixe years ago. Ile is sur- ' The Christmas hamper projat under The fire broke • out •while Mr. Magee vived by his father, T, P. Harrison, the direction of „ Mis. Beatty was 'A was in his automobile showroom with a . Roncesvalles avenue, Toronto, and a decided, success. After all expenses euetomer, several stores down the block .brother, • Dr. H. U. Ha.rrison, Indian were Paid, the proceeds araminted to •frora. the +garage. , . , , . road, Totoeto. , The burial was at The loss ie fully eevered by insur- Destroihe . about 89 '$441. ' • In the early fall, a Victory bag eam•• Paign was organieed, to serve a two• purp,ose-emaking numey and eple, The local: tommittee Is asking also for donations •of old linen and sheets for the hospital et Port A.lbert. These may be left at the •Rel /Cross rooms. The following shipment to Toronto headquerters Was Made on February 15th: 96 pairs eoeks ; $'Pairs •seain.en's• 'Socks; ,5 sweaters.; 29 scarves; 35 helmets; 7 pairs gloves; 17 pairs mitts: Quota -8 skirts, 9. 'dresses, 30 wind - breakers, 480 pads, 28 boys' shirt, •9 sweaters, 147 diapers. ' Evacu.ees--le eeweater, 7 quilts, 1 scarf, 1 mitts, 1 undergarment; 1 eress, 1 bootees, • • • ' Fifteen 41ressink,gc;vms were .sent to Port Albert etation hospital. ALEXSIVLI-Tli RETIRING *as' Been POpulair Accountant: at -Bank- . of Commerce since 1929 .• ,13/r. Alex. Smith, who 'since 1929 has •-been aceountant at the local •braneh.of the Bank, of Commence has 'retired oA. Peneien owing to 'continued. illehealth. Mr, and Mrs, Smith, have been much esteemed residents of 1Goderich and. it Is .hoped by, tmany friends that they will continue to make their home ,in this town. Their piens, however, are • indefinite. • • • Mr. Smith's successor on the bank staff. will be Xi. J. O. 0 B. McDougall, tow of Caledonia,. Ont., who with his ,Wife is expected' to arrive her shortly. .,,,pCENTRAL'IleS. OFFICERS '. At the annual meeting Sal the Cen- , for liax-growing. •Some +flax, was never thee, Wiliam 'Efoineee ot Toronto., and harvested. The court .held, however, a sister, 'MrS"ames Roblnson, of that 1940' Was a particularly wet season Nakina, Ont. The ft:mere '-tOok rilace and flax crops were thus adversely 112 at Acton on Fridey'liast. fected. Each side was ordered to Ray - its own costs. Keith MeLettn, Hens -all, .GEORGE SOWERBY for plaintiff ; F. W. Geadmare Exeter,' After a brief illnessGrebrge Sowerbyv fer defendaete.. • well-known •Gederich•townehip farmer, . passedaway at Alexandre Hospital on • VICTORIA ST. AV. A. Wednesday morning in his sixty-fifth The February meeting of •the W.A. year. :11r., •Soweeby was a lifetime of Victoria street United church was resirlent of G'oderich township, •having held at the home of Mrs. 'Harry Sander- successfielly- operated a farm on the son, St. David's street, on Thersday 4th concession. His parents, were the aftern.00n. Mrs. Phillips took charge late Thomas Sowerby and Hannah of the devotional period. The opening Wakefield .Sowerby of Goderich town - hymn was followect'by prayer by Mrs. shin. He was a member of Maitland Byron Wilson. •Scripture readings were Lodge, A.F & A.M.; and in •religion given by Afrs. G. Baechlier, -,Mrs. 0. an Anglican. •He is 'survived by his Miller, Mee. T.0 Table Mrs. E. Ceaig, wife, the former Wilhelneita • Porter ; Mrs. B. Wilson, Mts. J. Adam and Mrs. two sons, Benson, •Goderich township, C. Sanderson. 'Rev. A. '3`. 3IcKaye twee and Reginald., of Brantford ; four eirarge of •the installation of the lie* daughters, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, of offieere, and Mrs. Breen, the new "Goderich, Mrs. +Clifford MeNeil, of Cole president, then took charge of the busi- borne township, ',31,1%, Bruce. Volland Damage *estimated at $7,090 ,was. eAused at Reg. McGee'ss garage one II,ARRY S, HOLMES jUDGIVIE/it - FOR PLAINTIFF An old-time resident' of .0i:deride, 'vaging material* tiseful'if for vrious • Harry Sutton, Helmes, died on Weeees- . -"daye -February. :12tle, et Actee, ,• ephases of war'evoite" Several collections where' Were -made and • w blade over $100. IYRZOIlltLOWERS• CO= MOO *SIMS IN 40 11001t$ A IIOW 'UMW 44 I* OlttOP to realize the a:eazing ilevelolanent that ba4 teken place. it .reeent years in Canada'ir nail eerVice? A prectical demonetra- • tion a the efficiency of this seririee wee Affordee 31z Awl 3Ire. Alex. Smith, Bank of 'Coeiraerce apartment,41aet week. At 2 in, on ,Webruary 1;3, a friend in Vitoria, 13.0., Mailed*• boX eoutaining thirtyethree • 'different varieties of blooms picked from his garden at lioUr Or.evire before. Forty- eight hours iater+ the box was eeeeived I n Goderich in fireteclaSe condition and th) blooms,' to the aetteilehluentsof ell who heve seen theie, were as fresh as when fitAtatftlif Pfter 'travel)ing- n distance of al -Meet three thousand Miles. , . i„ o wer Mt he had lived: for ithe lest sixty •yea,re. against Owen and Ina Geiger of He was in his eighty-sixth year A Hensall" native of Barrie, son of G.T4Re 0ondue- , • Owing 'to the �r end 'cold weather this work was discontinued until spring. The Chaliter decided to endow the • Judgment. for $228.08 in favor of toe D, aeohnes, who With' his falnilY nursery, since the children's. ward.' in Dr. ILloyd A. 40frat, of London, against ,afteriVards jived in Gocierich for many the hospitalshas been discontinued. One Owen' and Ira 'Geiger, father and ems, years, •the late Mr: Holmes entered the hundred dollars was voted Ceara •the of 'Hensall, has been 'given by judge service of the Old' Grand Trunk Rail- general fund to the endowment euecit 0 uostello. The County • Oo rt hearing way- in -this 'town, and later leaved toe Giftw-of Sterilizers were peesented tb took up two days before the Judge on Newcastle to inaugurate ;the fleet tele Monday and Thursday of last week: • • graph office there s For a short period The action ares e out of a lease br he was stationed at Thedforcl and then which Mr. Geiger 414 his son rented for forty years he was etetionneaster 107 acres of ,plaintiff's farm in, .§tarileY for the -G.T:R. at Adore He retired township for the purpose- of growing eighteese years ago. 'He was a member 'flax. The rental was $858.08 for 1040. of Huron Lodge, 1.0.01"., .Goderich: Gise. Surviving are his wife, formerly Nora ChaDter Guides.. $28 was 'paid by the and there was 'a credit of $640, De- land ,V4ts,eained end unsuitable Onto,- end ere •F., Aeton,. a bro- poorly drM- for rent for fthe elyb rooms. fendants maintained that part of the SeCorcit' and two sons; Charles, of TorAt eelie Easter parade spenseredeby _ the tLiene Olub, „several of our members ceded ee-judge;se .Aavreath was:placed OD the eenotaph on memorial Sunday, November 11. The LO.D.E. •tal.endars were placed in our public shoo, Ray .Lake School and the lErapire Service Club. • As the work on the two airportg began in the fall, the membere of our Chapter realized •that a recreation room of some kind would be a very necessary •place for the -airmen. A comm.ittee was' formed to locate a snitable Minding for this purpose and to obtain as xnneh financial support as .possible from the town and various organizations. • The coniraitteV charge did admirable work on thisproject and -ivith the aid of the AhmeekTChapter we have the Empire +Service Oltiberunnieg smoothly and filling a very great need it one • town. We wish to thank again- all those who helped either financially or With actual service to make this club possible.' • A framed picture of His, a:lestY..the_King_was presented to the • officers' mess at ,Sky Harbor and sever 1 timessetheing the year magazineeem sent to (various, camps. Tie members made up twenty fortbag and sent the 'money to these bags filled with the ne articles. The bags, "howevert, wer in England 'and the money returned to 115 %VOA given to the local Red Cross. During the year we gave approximately $0,5,70 to the:Ited Cross. • The Daughters of the Empire threhgthout Canada presented, a bomber to the British. Goyernment. ‘Ottr don - At a second meeting held at the • Margaret Ann Linklater, widow of at•ion to the boinber fund Was $70.. eCollegiate institute on Thurseday even ld departed A • new fund known as the British ing last, to consider the obeereanee •of from life on {Sunday 'evening et the . War Guest Fund has been established. the echool's one hundredth Annieersary, home of herelaughter, Mrs. Roderick Q. In December we sent $10: as our cep - a committee was .Appointed to consider Johnston, Lighthouse street. Mrs, trihntion, and in ()atelier we vete(' $50 D • lii h d been ire failine heelthto the Empire S'ervie C11111. n'esides these -larger donations we gave as --the graduation elasseand flower% were eeent to., the patients at Christmes. • The • +Guides and Brownies,con- tinned the work under their super- vision. Mrs. Hill was appointed presi- dent of the local association of the 'TWAS 4"4t4,,A. NIGHT ' A7d_maondayLong one fez' thn Goderi. eh Hockey Fans at Lueklow on Loving Medericie husbands Mal have 'a hard time persuading their wives that they should he 'alleered to gsiOnt ,of town to ettend, hockey game and employees may have to obtainethe con, tseet of their emPleYers to de the filnnle after What •happened on Monday eight • Over twenty Goderech men travelled to Ludt:now +Wet evening to see Wing - learn and •Lucknove go at each other In the 'first 'gable of the steral-finel Toned ptigr dthnewilneaglegarrdoufroemliaa7Godi(niertPliT. tTelviv,e, 'point was to see Doe McKay and ,Art Doak, playing for LuelcnoW, go against 13ffi Young +on the Whigham defeeceeall three being Goderigh boys ane ,mem- +hers of ;tile' 1943. Sailors'. ., ,T,he Goderich•eontingent arrived.in 'LuCknow safely, saw Wingliam. th,e game 5-3, and there hurried to their 'tale Lo, and. be- hold, the most vielent'snowstom since early •weiieer had piled. stow Up .above the fendeis of the • Cars and lenge drifts blocked all reads leading from Luk now With the gale .growing in en - tensity the' Goelerieh inert decided not to venture (leek •home., The. stranded visitore 'Made their Way' to an hotel and sthose whose pocketsbOoks allowe•cl put up. in roma:, ()them less fortunate wliilecl away the night as beet ithe could in the hotel lohby. - It. was Tuesday atternoon before a plow cleared tilt% Teed- frem Goderich and not until, 4 o'clock ad the first of the lost sheep delft into toWn. . • • . • , • • „ , • GRADUATE_ A AIRCRAFTMEN • All seven P.Toderich youeg men 'Who took couese.s in eireraft mechanic e at the Galt aircraft traininee school durieg tee leet five eudeoneshalf months: were Successful in their graduation exam- inatiene fetid are now posted in the 'manning pool, Toronto, where 'they will undergo. medical examinations and, pending the result, will be accepted in the Royal Canadian Air F:oree as air- eraftmen. 'The seven young Alen, largest number to attend the 'Galt school*from 'here at ote time, a e. Wit- liam MeTimis, Willfaixe HogOrt , Rex +Ducliworth,, RO$0, Thome, son, •Colin . Aueterberry and William +Caeter. '-they visited their parents here over the week -end sand left for 'Toronto en Monday. • • VICTORIA ST. MISSION BAND • The Mision Band of Victoria • etreet United church held its regular ,meeting on Monday 'afternoon, in •the schoolroom of •ehe church, with •the leader in charge. The meeting opened' with a hymite fol. ldi°wseu'e"Issed,•3L-PA,ralre4.--'-A'aer-tbsst(mv was ree"ed shY the partof the meeting.the werk perli4 waS leader • ont 'of the Mission Band bool and. the 'Silesian. Band sone was sung hyearit * The meeting .closed with the singing of the National Anthem. A v-alentine party was held on Thurs- day afternoon by the Mission Band. A 'valentine story Was' read by the leeder, after which games were enjoyed by alL Luna: was served by. the girls of the Missiion Band. • •• ! • THE weNmER The tempera.•tures for the past • week and for the eorrespoeding week. last year, as officially recorded, were , As •follows :. •.4' •, • •r 0194.1 • • 1940 •Max. Min.. Mai. Min. • There.; Feb. 13 ....42 • 30„ • 30 .11 Fri., Feb. 14.41 30 25, 12 .Sat., Febr"15 • 80 22 e 24 11 San, -teb, 46 SO II .30 9 Mon., 'Feb. 17`• 28 . 22 •$3 .12 Tues., FebelS , 18 33.24 Weds -Feb. 19 s15 e 37 32 •tral Home'a itleSehool. Assoeiatien, held • last week, officers for the coming year •were ;elected as„ followseTast president, Mrs. F. R. Redditte president, Mrs. Cecil Baxter, vice-presidents, Mrs. R. O Ellis, Mrs. Oh, ester Johnston,"Mrs. Wits Mot ; secretary, Mrs. C. Holland; ,treas- utee,• 3/tiss J. elatlileson correspond - leg secretary, Mess E. Pridham;• press secretary, MTS. B. Rivers ; pianist, Mrs. Wil.feed Donaldson; assistant pianist; Mrs. S. Greenslade; social committee, Mee. G. L. Parsons, Mrs. J. A. Grahaue A. H. Erskine, Mrs. D. H. Hill, Mrs. Lanaway ; finance committee, Mrs. Fred Price, Mrs, J. Newcorabe, iM1s E, Saults, Mrs. J.. Warren, Mrs. Stan. McLean.; welfare, Mrs. L. Thorne- loe; visiting , committee, Mies G. Mc- Dowell, Mrs. Megabe, :Vies. Jenkins. BRITISH WARNICTIMS' FUND • The sun). of $14.50 was ,remitted on Monday to The Teronto Telegram ite a arther• centribution-from-Qocier the British War Victiras' Fund. with $4.75 previously sent along :with the peoeeeds of the school chiedren's concert of •Julnuiry 31st—a , total of '$19.25 -represents amounts hohdedeto, The -•Signal-Star for the fund. , Cons tributions not already acknowledged are: Miss E. Hicks Miss. Isabel Sharman Walter iSharman, Detroit Previously aeknowledged 1Y)- ness part of sethe—iseeeetiregt-A- fisiting and Rees *Florence 18owerby, of 1114e committee .was chosen; mis. E. Wilson, _rich; ,one brother,: John,. of Goderich Mrs.. J/•.• Adam, 'Jrs PlijlIlps Mrs. T.' township, and two sieters, Mrs. Thomas' Table •encl liars. 0. Miller, the parsonage Aniy,. of Brantford, arid Mts. Charlie coinneittee, Mrs. Breety`Mrs. Westbrook Johns -ten, of Goderich •township. Eight and Mrs. CeSandereon. It was decided grandchildren also' survive.. , to have a Plunkett dinner, put on In The funeral will lbe held froth the theschoolroom in April: A erokinole family home in Goderieh township on party and a hostess :tea 'Also' Were Friday afterrtoon; weather Dermitting. planned, Rev. eire geKaye closed the Rev. A., C. Calder will officiate. Inter - meeting with' prayer. Meg. Sanderson• ment will be in Maitland eemeteryt. • and her hostesses served lima and -a vote of thanks was tendered them • MRS A G. MacDONALD • • One (if Godefieh'e oldest and best-. • " loved citizens, he the •person of G.01 EX-STVDENTS . e- o'r $•50 300 2,00 13 75 torm King Raesin Road Blocked and Trail* Almost , at a Standstill tor • /Several Dap; If A bieiVere InlOWSterM has *wept Hropon county. ii•nee Monday and linOtOr ttnAlt 011 rrOVInetal 'and County•ehiebevere •particularly north arid *OUtie maintained „With flinch diftieulty for time, loot •night Was rvirtuitilY at a- atandatill when onoviplowo, ft-kOr oper- aters unable to, ;see the road, mere to:bred:ea, toteiyerintilithe storm bad . itd.,b • A, eerablante" Of eeritici bite nee* • $. 1925 TWO 'GODERICII MEN IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Car Skids on Icy Road at Seaforth—M. • Robins in Hospital '-z-Geo. Schaefer Less Seriously Injured* Painfully injured in a motor ac- eident on 'the easterly outskirts of Sea - forth early •Sunday ntornieg, (Morris, in. Alexaedra. Itoepital and wjll be X• :Miss' E,dith Wiggins, Wise Mabee,Strting, e 4 "agree .that this le a 'most gratify'ing report -and if we are TO continue singing Robins; wellsknown gents' furnisher, is conunittee +appointed is composed 'of Mrs. MacDonald was born+ at Ham41- eolhpanion In the front ' seat at the Ewan, A. 'NI. Robertson, Reg.:Hays tied ton while her Parente, • Mee -mist and Margaret '10inkleter, were en route member in Due world wide organizatien patient there for some days yet. . His Messrs. Ches. Asquith, •III. j..A.; Mac- ---*---- "There'll Always Ile an Ettgland" elide time of the "'crash, George Schaefer, eV. A. Sutherland. frem the ',Orkney amide ib Wingtani must; u-ork increasingly ' in this im- estaped with a severe shaking up and a ' II r te remelted in. •Ilarailt'on, for er pa en , porta t b anvil of the, •Einnikes; eervice. e r s s s • 0 three months and then wal]feil through v . , few beutsee, The men wereen route to treasuree's Statemeeit Approaching ' the small concrete Three 'doderich youreg %On, Thomas • hare', carrying their baby the entire The finaneial statement for the year re • om- ae. • sarv filled • plans for the marking of 'the centen- ', threer tile last four yeaFs and le nial and to call a further meeting of w i '- ago •took a sudden turn for the •worse. ex-studente later in the year 'when" She was in her eighty:sixth year and weather Conditions will permit . of 'a had been a ,residefit of Gocierich for °more 'representative attendance. 'rile - f t fl years usual to •the•Arney •and Navy League, the Coronation Bursary', the Salvation" Army and the educational fund. I aid sure that mil noitbexvill Toronto, Ile. Robins, drivifig. . le0. FORT WILLIAM * ' ! . what Was then -virgin eouetry to Wing- Kneeehaw, left on Tuesday niornierg for dave and was =tee entirely on foot., 1940, submitted by Miss, Edith Itoberts, bridge Ceelosite Lions Park, the Robins llogani-jr,„ 13enson Whitely, and Ernest . distanee, The journey lasted •several front fender dipping the eoncrete rate.' Fort William, where they will, undergo MN. MacDonald lived in Wingham for MODEM treaeuree, was as fellness: car suddenly skidded ore ice', its riglit . three " months' teehniaal tielning forty year& and t,lien lir(Woir with her Teas leg,. e.tr. Robins was theown 'violently a couree at Port William. Vecatiotial ' husband and family to .Gederich. ...e -- 4.- :$• 26 00 68 55 againet the eteering ivheel, the impact +since •Keno party • • fraeturine his • noee and cutting his 143 12, Institute. Upim completine the epuree' lier hueband's death in 1911 she had 'Rummage 'Sales' upper hp badly: lie also suffeked chest theY wil/ be qualified to take employ- lived with her (laughter, Mess johnston, Bridge and dane'e ' ; 180 G. Werke and ebnereeeion. Mr. •Schaefer's ment •In the , Vert, 'William, aircraft who Le the eole sprviving ereneor oe a D OEpin Sale of calendare, stieleers and ..... s • head was jolted into- the shatterproof faeily to*, ' - - " • " -fam.of seiveri ehifdren. A eieter, ' I . „ .. FINAL LECTURE" Or SERIES* Mi-..Sanudrroetwhelrf,a.eDougall, of Wir "esinim, Vietory bag colieetion 02'13 30 09 but did. not break, a feature that eaved • .. Thomas R. Lin:Mater,. . Sale,' Vietoty bags The two !nen were brought to \ Gode- selth Taylor in the course on ntitrition vise. There are eeven grandchildren 21021 08 02 The 1101t and' final • feature 'by 311ss of Burnham, Saelkatehewan, also sur- Rebates' 0 hint from cerione injury. rite' by 'paseing motorislo, Mr. 1.3chaefer ‘‘ ill be Om On Thureday, February and five great,grandehildron. Bank interest Christmas eraW 53 ganiely stayine vvitit his injured eoms 2lgtit, at 8 pen., hi the Red Cros'S work Mrs. MrteDoriald was a devoted mem: nalanee srum 1039 170 88 ** - , 932 22 6 45 gime of the windshield, which bulged panloe until 1).% wne intheepital. Mrs. •reonts. • These talks tale beet ieterests her of Knox, 1'mA:et-erten elittreh, • Total Robins arrived front Toronto later in big is hoped there 'life -member of the Women'e Missionitry and helpful and It ehe tlay. , and has Inci.e 'been with' Tier will be a large attendance at this tale Saelete ane honorary president of that ' , ExP101°410#11tn's s e IMO lecture of the series.. Membere and officers fees $ 4$.. sle CONGREGATIONAL MEETI,NO . of Avere,rvartilei wmarsta.,ezonoidi.tuse,:ttoeini aetn,t,,Irsenehsoantaye Giri Guides, Society. '• • Itogpital emlowment, childreifp . rent 28 64, The annual congregational Meeting of evenieg ihe Rev. D. 4. +Lane of Knox„,,, wave ,l• ' * ''' * 400 °l° ' grw ePresbyterian idarreb Was bd.* ehurch, 'and burial will td plaCe et ziavy daeagtle 10.00 on Weattendanee considering' the Inclement ditione permit's eon. Provincial educational. fund , 2 00 dneeday evening, with a good WInglia ‘' m When eather end wroad ,• The automobile, a late model, was damaged extensively. The grill was staved in, one wheel broken off, the right front fender and running board erumplea , • • • AN ERROR There WaS on error hz the news _ menthe ef The regeat,etar lase week. len year, and the finaneee Were found 'Reeve Turner was named as member of the County) pollee eopetnittee leetead of Deputy Reeve Gilbert Fraelie of ,Aehfleld township, Bureare 5 00 weather. . The various' organizatione __....._____....„, _.e.., , '* Calendare, etationers, stamps, of the congregation reported a eueeess- MESTER PARADE POSTPONED ' eardge*Pads 11 85 The mueter parade for "C''," \Company, •Sterilizere'fer nurses, 10 40. , to he In gootl order. All the officers of Middlese,e-Ifilreit IlegiMent; eet for Incturee of King and oxen, the ehurch were re.eleeted. A, more VitednealaY of title week, has been Peet- and framing 8 05 detailed report ie withheld Until neet potted until,Meatilletaebru.ery eeth, 'at Wreath, Nov. 11 G 00 ' ' Flowers, hospital es.' 3 75 7 P.m.,. at the arnieriee, , week. • 0s maintained on No. 8 highway to *yet - ford,. Mit only buses and !heavy truelee* sometimes trailed by the Odd PoOengers ear, were vomits; through, YeaSt eight • the advice tifithe'llighwaye Department to Private .,motoiriete Wee to 'keep off the Toads."' Two plowe*Operated emetinuously on the Itee-mile etreteh of the Blue Water highway between <Goderleh and port Albert airport and strenuous "efforts Were ,made to keep this Peed open, bfite it was -a thankless task, for on Wed- nesday it wee found that forty-eight hours' work had gone for naught SAVO for this section, ethe Dine Water high- way. is eloeed, as are many CeinitY roads.. • County Engineer Patterson -reported- four and five -feet drifts in =any' places • ' that fillecl. in as fast ats they were 0. Plowed out. County plows' were Called in, on Wednesday; elolehing was being accomplished. , • It has been leant:esti:4e. to issue TOUtt 4- reports, the situation eleinglegehearly. There was one consolation—the enew s' Scores. of people were stifirnibiound, in - eluding seventy. airmen from Port Al- bert, the "late bus sereice on Monday . night having been.caneelied niteeOunt of the drifts. (Etetel commodation, • already taxed by. the Commercial men, wee. at a Premium. The airmen were -- doubled opandtripled- up -in the feiv •beds that remained.' Some alePteOR makeshift beds and even on eletiree ' Accidents in the Storm • • Tbere have been tvie aceidents, both partial head-on eollisiope. WedneedaY morning passenger ears &even by Don MacKay, -of the DoMinion Road M0.-; t hinery Co., and George Baxter; both'of , Goderich, crashed No, 8 -highway, three miles west of Clinton; Ablinding snowstorm wae Tag,ing. 41410"tv1sibi11tY was tiltriost ell. Total clam* vial estimated by Traffic Officer James Culp - at t eo. The drivers eecaped leteury.e... • EarlY Monday evening a truck evened by 'William McClure of Duegatmon, and • deleen by Frank Meek' Oft•Gederleh sideswiped evith a pkeeenger ear ownedr. ' nd driven by 4., B. Whittinehem of Goderick The reek of•the truck caught ethe passenger , car, ripping it open, and e doing much damage. • •Tee drivers , „esteaped injury, Whittingham nilracui ously. Neither driver could see where he was going. The aceident ,oecurred on • the Blue Weter apposite the - Mann's farm, just north of Goderiele 0 • • leritis.h war guestlunde I.O.D.E. bomber Canteen fund Iled Cross Saivetioti Army , War savings 'certificate Fowl; 'Christ= ftS draw EmPire :Service ,Club borrowed 479 ICeno parey ' 47'52 ,Itummage ;sales •• I.. ; 12 05 Bridge and dance 0 52 30 Efertnedy Car Liner Peals Co. 42{35 Tiekets, Christaries drew . . .. • 75 Vietory bag'experise Empire, ISeeetch +Club, readjust • - ment --- 21)0 Express ” ,44 1500 .0000, 70 00 9'55 0700 • 20 00 3404 /Total • 4.. . 716 39 Total Receipts ....... ... .. .. ......$ 932 22 Total Experteee „e •710 39 Balance 8215 83 'Balanee endowment for eleild- reife ward i $ 412 17 Officers for 1941 O Mrs.' It. 1 teldetelien was reelected as regent and other officers are: Vlee regent, Mrs. Barnes; eteretary, Mrs 4,4, Nicol.; treasurer, MM. D. Ten leant; etaneardebearer, Mrs. Elvidee , COUNTY AFFAIRS Comnaittees for Centennial Celebration . •• -• —Plans for Improving the Court Room - • The committee .appointed to arrange a program •tes raark the hundredth an- niversary of Huron County in 1943. has - had: a meeting. A tentative program • was discussed and-jioviSional cord- inittees drawn up. ' It is prepoeed to mark the event late Tn—Jinaehut it is. too • early to discuss details. Members of the committee are: R.' D. • Turner (ehairmari), A.' IL Erekine, • N W' Miller, W.. j. Baker, Genet,/ Vrayne and .George Sch.aefer. At • the next . • meeting, the date for which has not • been fixed, ehstirmen of the sub-eom- mittees will be appointed, The property committee of ',County Council met on three consecutive days .—Tetesday, Wednesday and 'Thursday , of last yea.. The fieetetwo days.were spent inspecting court louses .at . • Walkerton, Stratford and London, and he last day the eomnaittee Was in session it Goderich diseueeing plans for the revamping mad' refurnishing of • the large -court room. 0efeanitteeturere agents were le attendance, end plans , and estimates 'are te, be, submitted another committee meeting tomorrow (Friday). If the' proposed program is ,appre'Ved eitizetis•of Huron Cottn•ty •will have a pleasant eurpriee •awaiting tbem when the •joh is eompleted in' time for ' the County's tentennial eelebraeion late in June. The Court 'room Is to be e01)17 pletely modernized. • . • • s - 0• VALENTINt ritA , eharming valentlee tea was held Friday afternoon by the menabete theArthuriOirele of Knox Presbyterian ehureh. The lecture mita was decorcited with valentine Colors and *favors. The' patrons were received by Mrs. IL Riverss President of the Arthur Circ1e. edelightful program was preiented, eoneisting of the following numbers: Violinolo Mrs 3 Sbuit, 'vocal -trice ikf1Sge5 Betty Smith," Eileen BOgie ,Marjerie ; piano duet, Mieees • Eileen- Bogie and Elinor 'Snider; eolo, Aeedeleines ,Line MrS. C., Kemp gave a ttelleou St. • Valentine. y *" IPROM"ElfAlii TO SAILOH, BLUE 'Prom the khaki uniform of 41. AgOldieit O to •the blue of a. sailor of the Ifeetil flans adieu Wavy hae been the experience of • Pat Murdoek in recent Weekc4. Pat left •Goderieh fr Leedoe en, Wednesday and from 'ithat •eity he will, go to an s Atlentle seaport to take ep the duties of a stoker. Ile fleece of eeafarlag • ,qt0('.14 a $lon. of 'William ,.'Alurtlock, tug captain. riving on W-et.treet. 4 stoeky boy, t‘ventpone leave •of, age. °Ito •lute fired on his father*Itig and !soot ,• svason 'sailed the 441?ese fuk'.i 0He 1 it•et't..,ritIr edmipleteti trolniair course in the INInatlits). Any 1'1 eoneeter• of War eereices eommittee %Ise Edith Williams; press eeeretary and eonvener ef "Flelloce eommittee Miee•aunder; edeeatiesta Seeretaty, 'Mrs. L A. Grttham. '