HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-06, Page 8%At *Wet _ NEWS OF AUBURN AtilWit\s, Feb, Ma rota Mrs. *I, forsworn, .spent Sunday with their daaglitsr, 3./r4, Ray ONeill.,,,and Mr. *)'Neili, of rarPtill. Mr. and !qr.'s W. T. 'Robison spent the week -end with M. (tad Mrs. J. 4.; Not 1, o• ato4L Misi.S• Josephine Weir returned on Monday atoer %L it -with ftternia at Toronto, Whitby and BoWmanville. Miss Violet Sharp visited on Sundav with. relativos at Exeter. • Mr. and Mr 'V Rolterton celebrated their forty-ninth wedding anniveraoirs„ on Tuesday; and Mrs. Charles ,Scott- spent the week -end with the.lattees brother at !Gait Jim liot"izson. son of Mr. ond Mrs. John Hoaston„,and alorris son of Mr. and Mrao David McMillan, have both Jolissi tbeR 1 Morris' father la tit present serving ovt‘rseas with As' Can,' dian infaittryt, •• There W013 a tat9graphiea1 Qrror In last lasoeles eoluntn. The newa item in question should -have read thus; are sorry to report that, john Reber on oitlited to hio home through /ail." ;t should not be Jo1ui Robertson,ns stated. last Week. . U111 distriet Mrs. Fred •Ros's and Donald attended ,the ft no al r Mr Charles Itoss'.at r cpoderiell' on tinsoloy, The, ntemben or, the Orange Lodge "Soitertaintal their friendb. at a, •progres- sive euchre and'-dartOe on Friday even- ing. Mrs, WM, Dodds, jr., and WesloY Bradt -took were the winners and the ,eonolation prises weut to,Mrs. Everett To.Vlor and Ernest Patterson. -.MuSle. .for the"dttitO• was provided by Mr. and ; There is One ease of 'German meaSies Mra. •Gordon Met loachey, Mr. and Matt/and Allen enter- ' tabled htst Thuraysdnight inliOnor of Mr. !Ind Mrs. Peter BroWn, newly-weds; . , London. Mr ao Brown, was formerly '.kgttlkt.* Of ' 'Myth. • ' ' Red. Works -The Work -The local' Rd, e Coss r' shinned the following articles to Tortko Pronto this wee • Tito quota. for the mouthl-s3 ribbed helmets, seamen's aoarfs, 3 pair two -Way mitts, 3turtle. teek sweaters; 3 pair 6oameu's Sticks also 3 slee-velessaweaters; 2%1 pair arm seekk--4-iibiterlsin'Airsetosof 3 small scarfs, 1 pair•hroadeast wri Iets. Ephraim Ball ha ceived word of the marriage recout y of his grandS011, Sgt.-OltserVer R Reid, son oi Mrs, Dot. Reid a late :\..1•1`, Rohl; of ToroatO,41141, aIeRannon, daughter of Mr. a Wm. 'McKinnon, of Toronto. Dorothy_McKinnon, sister of was bridesmaid, • and Byron ther ()f the groom, was best •couple left on a. skiing Laturentians, Russell is ,,a Member of the R.C.A..F. LES .L1.11;•4 •1711, .144 To RepFeSent "The 01E1 TAxattill l'qurseries'" Ilriure,74 County. 1Tew ar.41. Special' Lines i rdy Trees, Shrubs Plants V7rite fair.. Terms and_ ....eatalogub . S.'17.07.r2 1./1; VIT'41.141Ti.TOT. - TORONTO -10 s, re- sell d the rIssaret• d Mrs.. Miss -I bride„, d, bro- wn. The in the THE GonnincH SIGNAL -STAR cliarge. M. Wilson read 41 ayer Itymn and Mrs, Jante3 Womb ei 111pialyer. •Sat3te Blair and Mrs. Wilson gave papers on "Prises."' M. James ltoberton gave the herald on "China," M. lnest Patterson- on "TeznperanCv" and +Mrs. Earl Wight - au en ``ChriotianoStewa.rdohip." Mrs. Fred Plaetser and Mi.sa Sadie Carter rendered a vocaloduet, ,and M. Geo, Bean gave the chapter firm the study The business was _ Meeting. --The, W.M.S, of Knox United ehnrch held their Febru- ary Meeting TuesdaY afternoon in ttte' chnreh basement with NirssII W•1 411 TO ATTEND MOW/LENS CONVENTION AT TORONTO Huron County Conunittee Meets to Make Arrangements- in Connection with Internatioal net 1912', A Mting a the Hm Briefs Huron Oolanty 'co - rit .1)11.11( RY fith, 1911, For Results animal Inspection of "Cr `COY.; Middlesex and Huron Regiment, 'will mittee appointed to make arrangements be held 1 the Goderich -.arraory at 7 A Classified Ad TO SENT runbio NOTICE _ AITTING-ROOM LT 1 AIM1URM WITHOUT with or without board, Heated by hydro. We are 6till ,selling engine for the,interuational og j WednesdaY, February 12.. Tin3 furnace» A.14)1Y 12' "WaterloOf street, drive washera, less thmir e new lui tax. _ WOR5ELL'S 1912 WaS 'held at last 'week, public Is eordially invitedto be present. South. 5-6 Come in, and oee thens at l• 1. Th°11/43 " (-4°tIeri'94 'the. Remember ,rummage Sale, underTi TA1T1 book. period in _mums. II:A.ItI)IVA.Itla • • eliarse Mrs. James Wootla, The ninlir• aes-at'" t° attend tile meeting, auspices of Rebekah Lodge, AM- Mare , km*, 0- rooms; or 112 apartments PITOI-110 :NOTICE. ) 444. - • • mee,t'ing was, elost.41 witu prayer, of the Piovineial Plownien's Association t 6 . ,-G (distinctly separate) ; hot water furn- held Thuraday afternoon, %viva Rev, tiu;tr r 11; ) a set date, Apply aRs•a. p. cupied by John L. Parsons, and, wish ItCritillgsenteul;('•.rstitsi'elet,Arnogrmi°e8rle;vioece. ing or Knox rresbytorian ounroh was_!rui4..eilt told arraitigement6..„ xor, Campbell's ,Stontach and iLipx•er aticiern;181,hVeirea diffordeliercet(ille poransee,‘sriapaartlasi: 1sta/till:Inv:a mum' isjectint.,,rTte annual „vae(t... at Toronto- on 1.1"ebruary 11th were a sportation A. Jvo. otittl • that."1%.*;e1rtistit'u;t7r,o`:•eks'sc'•(11,:otr have at elne(ale4 a.tja$41.11041,17, 6,11alt AlPrilleLee,* 1.°)Irsies)if)111„ato in mornings or from ci to 8 to assure the public •of Godericli and , INERY, 'Kingston street; Phone 402. William street off Britannia 'district of courteous and prompt -service tei as 0€1.. ar els. a 1J. nten voached 411, eompetitive plow- •^4 road, South., au tat all times. z 4.9aeoliraging, reports were, heard from Mg so as to givesthem .experienve and - , .• • —t e 1 w. Hold the date a st. ODERIOII AGRIOULTITRAL SO- -6 . 14 Ott sallous tk pat m t ss malodours- before entering the big. high tea, Friday, jfebrnary 21st,11 Pan- • ED. .0ASIcANETT. ported that $174 was .paiti on the note matoo, r000nimondbag moo that, plow_ . . ear on the churelt. About 0;300 was raised jug dononstrations be held this v by all the departments. The retiring , '"" s 1 ell Monday I — znanagers, stirred Rollinson auti Ernest ; ; ; ; ; ; w•ttil that object in view • liee'Ves will A•t, hingshridoe ea cavutataketi, eonnectoon. If On UUt:11) 10AV. were • re-elected for •tyear's. th estra. Dancing from ill p.a,tu. card tiling cabinet., Takes eards 'rho PoStIonted annual Meeting of "the evening, Roy McKenzie and ilia Orch ta oIETY. 4 -44.4.....44,440L -40040.1.011411•110161.011.11190.1..1.0I 'We are in the.Marlta to supply you with the follOwin0 ?oals. ANTRRAOIP ALBERTA - ? POOAtIONTAS Nut' $15.00 per ton, Lump 812.00 per ton Lturip, $i2,1$0 per ton 'Steve $1$.09 per ton raiqueiteS13.00 per lOriBriqiietles perlon r rea $14.50 per ,ton. Celia $12.5.0 petton Vie May- he in the black business but .we .treat you white.. heleabrook Coal to _ e.pe care Cash priees— and. are good for thirty days., a ' Xtes. 728 '9 CATCHUP taBY's prleesr4o---Effect--11n Feb. Sta. 7-7-irto" ANN PAGE DOUGHNUTS bozi�c 7111iNek 1,Alt ABLE Ar At! & P FoOD -STORES Straw or Rasp. ge Pure Orange 1.1116'.'S ,• Jar 32f -oz.• tux, 3 . Tins N511—, Plz • Lw. SUNLIOOT SOAR) 10 Pars ac "'14 c "Li APPLE .JIJICE SOUPS Ayitner'Torn. Vag 2b0 1• 5c PEARS. A&P choice Bartlett, lir' 14c 3 25-Oz, n2• 5c + lb. • ac m. 2ac Ib, 19e Cakis 1 1 c Ron 25c 3 2114zs 25c 3 liz.25.,c xxxxxxil4xtl,miI TO JUICE A&P 11"°•"" PURE LARD 5P00Yrield Royal tlougehold FLOUR .24-117). B„.4 83 .Ittt 11111.0110 . Fry's COCO* 1.1b. Tin -4.01.nirmommorto.ommourceitastpwkaamssor 01;11:=XXX)i% P 14 ,c te VIGOROUS ot WIMP • Bokarsae SIMS & MS1.1.01is .8 O'Clock 35 //4 FULE-41001E0 OLD CHEESE LIFEBUOY SOAP Hatt SPringvalt PEACHES A&P Choke WAX BEAK Iona Cut, OREEN BEANS Iona cut Red CireletR 31 o er managers Admission 3.5c each, . a re T. stS 3 sc o mehes. 5trt GOderich. Agricultural •SocieV „will be hree held in tbe Towa IIall, Goderich, on' Alexandra. Hospital Or '''t)-3' lcidneSs` Calf)H1 Foil, •SAbliI.—PARSI, 85 acres, "good •Tues'tlay Feboary 1.1th at 8' All . , J. C. Stoltz, Wm, Wagner, Wm. INiloie, — BORN . Geos,,Yunosblut :anti Thos... Riddell. The e'ITI41/191tt'At. IlavIrrite` awl ,.mrs ' ' Iteserve Tuesday, Maxeli 4, for , the un t('; '1.sell's:"._';._ " 'L_ i• , . , u .. , .. ,ii, 1 l o.i. ,t,nt, in' iznox us iers for 1941 Ore .Itobert Scott and ' clay town, 0 titles bus , plenty of iftl,ereated in kesping the-, SocietY:alive Goderieh, oil ,February '4th 1941 . Melville i 6 ,Water ; bank barn 36 x 50, •bay barn are asked to attend. , • • rinan ilkter. +Mrs. J olni Houston was ; or. • f • 14 1 ••• Luis, ganii(Y11, a son. ' TI Central and *•Sehoolo, Club .3tIovox'tslige's40(111.0inintm'n{100(.11e1r-Nieoh*. boistEN‘RaBS.: LA11PREN:, R,R, 1, Goderieh, 6* .."-1 i3o„. AonEs, TA,111N -- At ...Alexandra liespital ' osepliine IVeir and Donald Ross' fis oi'04ojeo, on, o. anuary oinot; 1,041, to' 110,1(.1 birtlidak party on ,Tuesday, istli -a 8 P.m:, in the aebool. assistants. The trustees for 1941 are John Doorr;- Herman Daer and J: C, Stoltz, Iu the Sunday school, ,Jobil WAssolosossaaoasinohaacohosaupor-bstentleA Sod Donald Roas is seeretary.treasuren During the .vear 'five DM' members bapt isms. ' DIED o • ppilso Mr. and Mrs. IV. J. • to sive their r ports. InsfollotiOtt of • rflUeTV 1:'_..S.,N0.10N11,1_-_-_At-AsexantiraoliespitalSoo ftO bet Pre,sent.: T4.t111u1' G°deriell' 4.eretaries"a 0,,as1e1l to be prepared son; olliVer-S-41SO-V Goderich, on Februirry 4th; 1941, to o. r- isers-ot. Mr. and Mrs: Vanstone, are - Joined the church, and there were two Goderich,, a son. • • • AL MENTION filt()sveic.T.e.to't;y, • WNr bank, barn ; running* water. ' J. Mies ,1.111!„1•13,N; .8 Cameron street. . 5-7x , „ RUBBER •GOODS, !Sundrie4,. etc., mailed postpaid in De tl f F ,ide OSS.—At Alexandra Hospital, G ode- I' 1 Shear- plain, Sealed wrapper, • •80% less than of the death - of a: boyhood friend riCh, at Thursday, January got,h, Ptes.' •Mero, ...sonar< a, .e manor s n r. Joseph- Washiugten has received' word *Margaret C, Ritobie, wire 4:s tabories down and 'LI" Bloomfield, of the , retail rite foi maxi -older otalooue, -------+ (A 1' ) in °the person of Wm: John Oliver "of- - avenue.. 14.111- u . . , stationed at NOV-RUBBER '00.; Dept. K-8, Box 91, Prescott,. Arizona. Mr. Oliver became in January 3rd with• influenzaO`which sTRAI:•,(m,,,,:,,.„.N..7.4mR4m,oroti•Angmin-emory yoronto, are:Tome tWO• Weeks"' fur:-.1"E/IaLinuil,(71,1,;(,);.:.:E; lough., . • _„, „ *John Oliver was -born . February 22, :11N,e'ibliriu-atTrySti5.atioiflii.o40N.yose, passed .away Ptes, 'Leslie Riley and Harold Mohr- , , lug, of the Elgin Regiment„stationed at IINES repalrQd promptly and ready was folloted by complications. William" 1862, at Auburn in Wekt Wawanosh, Toronto, are home on two,weeks fur- few 'wash daY., All flake. MED. ----_--Sadiy,;Inissed by wife and family. oo lough, BEDITER'S, Phone 741W. ,Next to the Websters-Illsoporelltsso-Alextintier and t n ov ng memory -of my - mste, diva40.way o,ne year ago—February after a month's Visit With relatives at Margaret (OunningtatiO Oliver, phmeer settlers " of Huron county, coni - were , dear husband, John Alan Miller, who mg from.. Northern Ireland. Activeiin Port Colborne. • •I•Ier cousin, 'Miss Isobel Elliott, returned 'with her. visiting her sister, !Mrs. John Bell, mimia 1 1 ' • • miss ,xetty baS returned home, 'Post 'Ortiee. 6,8 ou• the forth how occupied by Harold , 'field of , education for More ,Than One year has passed, oh! how I miss Mrs. Albert Pruder, • who 'was here the Friends may think the wound is Dam street, has rettirned to her home fifty yealvS, Mr. Oliver had b imPortant figure in local affai his- twenty years' resipence a Be attended elementary. Ontario and high school/1in Oresswell, Michigan. He - tOok"' a eommercial course in Albert Oofiiege, Belleville, and -Was-gmluatedf‘lia the Nerniai S Ch ool at Ypsilanti, Well. Ile took advanced work In tbk Wesleyan University!. Felenao 'Abatana, where he also did some teaching. He; tatight in various schools in.• 'Montana and was 'elected totx,roty mrint-ondelit -or teheels: for - :St adison County in. 1894. Mr. Oliver *ent Arizona -in. 1898 -as instruetor in the Indian service at Fort Defiance. From there, be Was .transferred Ito the Indian school at Albeignerque, N.M. Mrs. V. Oakley. violinist, will be guest soloist at the morning service in. North street United churbh next Sun- -slay.-- She- will play 'by ,Schubert. ' • • • The 'regular monthly business meet - ;mg. of 'St. George's W.A. will be held, -in Guild room' a t'3 o'elock On Vireci- nesdaY afteirnoon, 'February 12th...• All members are aSkell to -attend thieMe.lt- illg- n an during rescott, schools in healed, • at Port Colborne. . But they little know the sorrow . . Corporal Neil Thorapson and Pte. Lies within the heart concealed. • earl Anderson, of the Woodstock artil- When all is still and silent, • • , leri '-trainiiag• centre stet weie home And sleep forsa1$i Oyes, „ , . over the Weekend. El . My .thoughts are in the silent grave ' ' Pte. ncis -Fra.j. ISIero, -of -the- ,g1..n Where m'y dear 'husband lies.,,.. Resoriment, stationed satAsitotito,. is --Ever remembered by his loving spending' two weeks with his parents, wife, Ruby, and children: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mero, Bruce street. . Frank Vines; who is an instructor at the R.O.A.F. Elementary Flying School. aWinelsor, s•pent 'several days: this CHURCH NOTES A choir composed entirely ,of 'Mem- bers of the It A.V.'from Port AllsIrt will sing' at -the evening „service- in the - Baptist church next Sunday: _ Wedding' Gifts SHO:WER GIFTS A lovely variety 250 up. SillithIS it & Gift Store The Herne of Good Pictures East St. Phone 198 Aill.111.111111111111111111111411111101111:201131EML It's Delicious EortEW RAISIN LOAF "Extrnent tor 'foastine I VI 14 "* ' ot large g4 -oz. 4'4 P4 r ••Sliced and 4 t.., •'' WraPPea i.oaf.4 ,... ' 94 tlr2XXXXI.I.XXX`11.• FRUITS and VEGETABLES AppLics.B.C. Doiiciotz, ierge gizo 3 for 10 lb. 01? "Pt* '0 *tell 14,4,4.01,640A, t• GRAPIT�UZT Marsliseaciless • Catalt HICAIrrit 'Fr4th CriiP "KING OF sWEET POTATOES" nt.ilardwin or Snow Domesti to align cAuronNEA NAVEL A h P SELF 80g tfor9c 2 Bunches rfc 3 lbs. Nix rd e 6 -qt 651(2We doz, OW. VICE FOOD STORES 460.1411011, - , G.C.I. Centennial -• A meeting of ex -students 'and others who may be in- terested will be held' at the COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE .on • _THMISDAY, FEB -13th at8icbk • - to consider arrangements -for the celebration of, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the sehool. :A. large attendance- is desired. 'C. E. ASQUITH, Chairman W. A. SLITHETILA.ND, Sec. eau oa Compa Godertch READING -; • OLOA POOAAONTAS • HAIY100 CANADIAN COKE 'ALL OTHER PIIELS Prompt Serviie IeL 95w EWING MACHINE SPECIALS. We have a number of "used ma- chines and „floor sample Oiectric and treadle types, at big reductions. You will have to hurry, as these bargains, which have-. not been taxed as 'yet, will not last long. Cash or terms. SINGER SHOP, Phone 33. . ' TENDERS WANTED A:NTED.—Y,OUNG )(LEN 11141 boo1,edaeation 201. pleilc Write. P.0;',- BOX 446, Goderich, or call * SIS;INAL-STAlt. Ox 1VANTED.—TO BUY 014 :HORSES and dead ,eattle t. must 6.'e suitable goT mink .feed. removed promptly. 11.11. 2, Ilayileitt Phone -008, r 22, Clinton. Calls paid • — - tor. 18-tf. E.T.A? WA.NTED.-s-CASI-I.IN ON IN - n CREASED power. We have a splendid oPening for an ambition,s man, or Woman in Gotierieli. Btsiness established.- • Full' credit for repeat orders. Liberal, daily commission andn Monthly 'bous; For details write • promptly DIOPT, C.11..8., 2177 Masson -Montreal.' • • 4-6 sAim OR RENT.---"ItEllETTiE" TESTI)EnS WANTED. 7 portable typewriter Standard key- boara, with all -lafst4 improvements. Will sell on easy terms or rent - desired. ' Typewriter ribbon's tor. regu- lar size or Portable naachines, also 10118 for addi5ag "anaellines. OalloiSlIGNAL- STAR OFFICas, phone 71. • -3 week VISIttnrwitli,hiS parentso Mr: axtd- -Pat ''' SALE;-21VRECK-r0R-RENT.--- 1rs.' Harry Vines, •Elgin ave.''' Hotel (formerly) solid brick, front DEARBOR,N, Mich., Feb. 4, --Mr. and 30' X 40'; kitchen 20' x 30'... maple flo.or- lirS. Willitiiii '8. McCann,- of Port Al-; big% Timber ceilings. Su'itable stere; bert, ,Ontario, visited, briefly here re - amusements ; • (needed ) . 20,chuice acres„ cently on 'their honeymoon trip. The natural drainage, , goodbarn, good Bglir€''sovrn,,itIlhe Detroit stsiosfte:r111, trh,se.ylmaavdied t'laCe. -:.---,—,x--, .0-i.n.,brookoty-fit 8,,..rx water, adjoining Cranbrook , Estate. short -trip to -Dearborn in order Lo tour 1 Aim ron smiu.. - •• the -Rouge plant sof the Ford Motor r Company anti to visit world -famed , id•wrileein vfliseiltd inVI,Glloadgliett,Tolittet..73yEwly.wmed: f- mile from school, good level farming 100 acres, 5 miles north a G-oderieh, Cann's home; tiefore-,going to port illint barn with good stables, drive Shed, clean soil,' frame house, large Albert: : Mrs. McCann was tortherly b miss Alma Johnston . and - hen house. Good well With new : - ' *Ind*mill; hy-dro av,ailable. ,Terins-4- , . * jack- Earton, of Hamilton visit -ed withNEW PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES $1000 cash; -owner will aceept' naorts his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bar-1 Only one nominee for each of the gage for balance. A.ppli FRED ton, Britannia road, - over the week „1 two vacancies in the Public School II0ItTON; R.11. 3„. Goderieh. 4;6x end. .where he later became assistant super- intendent. Ilewas. superintendent of the zutii Indian„Agency -1906-10, going .then to Denver, Colorade, for a -Short time and from there in 1912 to Phoeni32 Arizona, where be was -chief -clerk-of the Indian' school tor nine years. In 1920-11e accepted a poaition at Whipple, was a member of the -First Congrega- Years he was in AuCTION. SALE' - - Of Household Furnishings; at Mrs. where for several. charge of the voeational school.. He • tional church, 'of ,ereseotto and a life- Moser sn&D, Hamilton 'street, G°de- rieh, time honorary deacon. He was prom- on • inent for many years. in• church Ind s •SATURDA.Y; 'FEBRUARY 8th, chib workr-Ang•---vvgs regent • of the • at 1.30 sharp , Daughters of the American Revolution. Walnut, hall raek, a splendid pieCe; .He :is surviied by his wife, formerly walnut bureau; 4 -piece 'walnut set in Dtta J. Atughn of Albuquerque, three repp ; Walnut sofa; walnut chairs, oak. dining table.; oak sideboard ;oak dress- .4Cohnasrl'esa,ndof tJelirreeomaedavilWglinter. js ••••;- itr!gaorf andostands-; oak highboy; oak serv- Preseott, -and-Robert-Vosof Pinnacles, Ing_table ; invalid's :table,00 several oil ers Calif ; Mrs. Geto. 12. Willig, !San Diego, paintings; 3 • iron beds • and springs ; Calif.; Mrs...1011Ver Wright, Princeton, china, glasswareos cutlery, kitchen NJ. ; Mrs. • II: E.' Sanders of Grand -utensils, ice box, garden •hote, golf clubs, Junction, Colorado. , A brother and fish,' poles,. rugs and other articles. .sister, Frances N. and Sara A. Oliver There are some extra line pieces in this of Pa3rette• Idaho, also sursive. A - brother, It6. S. A. 'Oliver,-a-BoIse, Idaho, died a few weeks ago. The funeral service wa,s - held.- liOliday; Jannary 139" from the Congregational i..........0.........k.4...i..:imommem..1....mm. church. . Interment 1741$ in MAMA VieW cemetery. Board. qualified for , election, and'• ac- cordingly George G. MacEwan was de-, dared elected for St 'George'sward and Matthew J. Ainslie for 1St.. An- drew's ward. - • CARD OF THANKS MR. ma& ROSS AND FAMILY wish to thank their, friends • and neighbors for, the many kindnesses. Shown them in their recent sad bereave - AUCTION SALE ment ; forthe beautiful floral- tributes and those who so kindly 'loaned 4heir ears for, the funeral. THE lot. O Terms' caoh. . T. MINOR -7Y & SON,. • - 4Auctionee41S; COLLECTIONS On Jan.' 3rd, 1941, anether client wrote 'Y'our Cheques ,re- celved and wish to thank Au for the manner in which yo handled thisf.". If you want efficient servic send U13 your list' of outstanding debts for collection. Remember our terinti*,",t'llb - collection, no , charge for our services." .gELLy & AlICEN • The !Collectors ' Orangeville,' Ont. Est. 1890 — Longest e6tab1ishe(1 firm or cellebtors in Ontario. 44) LEMON:JUICE. RECIPE - • '• CHECKS RHEUMATIC •PAIN QUICKLY It you suffer trona rheumatid, arth- ritic, or netiritie pain try this. inexpensive home recipe. Get a pack- age of Ru -ex •,Preseription, from, your druggist. Mix It witifiOplayt of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy and pleasant.* You need, Only 2 tableSpoonfulls two times t day: Often within 48shours— s4Yonetimes oVernight—sp1etall171 're.aults are r obtained. If the pains are ;filet q ickly,relieved and if YOU do notleel tter, eu-ex !Prescription wihl eost you nothing to trio. Your money refunded if It does not help. you. Ru -ex Pre- scription is forsale and recommended by t, J. A. CAVIIIIELT; and other leading druggists. Department of, Health of Ontario. - AMA SAMPLES IliCEIVED JAN.aOtb, 1941 MIL( R; ()nu, tionenron DAxxot C. A, BAXTER ..... ..... JOHN 'BDATTID 0. MeMANUS & SONS. . .C1lEAM GODE111,141II DAIRY 0. A., BAXTIllt, • JOHN .... ; 0, AreAt ANUS & SONS ..... Published by authority of 4'4 0 '10,000 * 200,00 1 • 40,000 , 1 5,000 0 800 3.0 3.0 3.25- 347 • 4.3 ;14 A A 0 24,000 31.0 • A. 0 300,000 30.0 A, 0 ' ' 10,000 37.0 , - A . 0 25,900 31.0 the Leta! Board of Health y+ .FATLY or mg TATE MRS., 4.Tiouisp. Gibson extend sineere thanks to all those who showed •them such kin,dnesse,s in their recent bereavexnent. 41011.* , The Signal -Star sena for $2. to any address In Canada and is worth more. Look at your label; it will show.,the date up to which your 'subscription -Is ' Sealed tenders addressed to . the mdersigned will be rreceived until 5» MOnday, February, 1.0th, 1941, for the • purchase of -a- snowplow fully equipped 'with wings, for the ToWnship,:of Col- borne. 'Dhe .lowest or "any tender 'not necessarilsoagegoted. POroticularasmax_. he received from the Reeve or Clerk. 4. WM. SALLOWS, -Clerk of Township of Colborne, 5-6 . • 11.1t. No. 5, Goderich. • `TENDERS WANTED. • Sealed tenders ad -firmed to the undersigned will be 'received" until 5 p.m.. Monday, February 10th, 1941, ,for twelve cora of hardwood, 'beech and ,maple, 16 inches long, to be delivered at the Township Hall, Carlow, not later than March 1st, .1941. Highest or ally' tender not neeesSarily accepted„, 'mg, SALLOW, 4 R.11. No. 5, Goderich, Ontario, -6 --aak of TOwnship of 'Colborne. • tad., 44-4 4 -44 .44,4: 444-44444444,...--44-4_* amairmarearaairm Buy war savings' stamps and help defeat -Hitler. Alt kisk All , your personal property insured against practically . —all risks AT JL1 1.4 PREMIUM SEE II. M. FORD Insurance and Real Estate _3 Hamilton St. Tel. 268w .9 arm . Property :for. Salv • Tenders will be received by the undersigned Corporation for the purchase of the following parcels • of farm property:— _ Let Number 38, Concession' Tovvnship of Giderich; ' 80 acres, 7. bush, drainage good. Buildings consist •of a bard and triall stable, - 2. Part of Lot Number 40, Concession 8.; Township of Gode. rich, aboUt 69 acres;, no buildings, drainage good. . Terme: 10% on acceptance' of tender, balance in thirty days. Each . tender is to be enclosed in a sealed envelope markid."Woods Estate :Tender," Time for tendering ex'pires at noon, February 12;190. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information appix Jo the undersigned. , ' • THU BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST ! CORPORATION OF ONTARIO ' 10 Albert Street, Stratford, Ontario. Executer John D. Woods Estate. 4-44.44-444,—.4444.444444,..44 -1110y Per .cent. To 90% of the users of DOMESTIC OGAL0 coai is just coal, .They,,,never consider the quality and how much money they save by, buyi.'ng a good quality Coal. When you buy D8611 L ANTHRACITE Coal y011 buy the best. There is very little ash and no clinkers or slate, therefore, you get all the heat. In coal with slate the elate steals the heat. We can supply promptly; 4 ft DWI .ANTHRACITE, nut and stove AiZein BARTLEY POCAHONTAS, lump and stove ili2e0; PORD OOZE, nut size; STOKER COAL°, LONE STAR for doinestic and steam usk Por Hardware, Plumbing sad Ileating, give itts a call. Chas. C. Lee Phones Office 22 House 112 At the Harbor