HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-06, Page 4role SOWS February Sale! 14 PIECE STUDIO SUITE in Velour, one Green gjj 11111 Chair, Ohremium arms, reg, $79.7#—Sale Price 1 ONLY LANEOREST, Walnut,- automatic tray [9.5 Regular $24.50-440 price _ 1. ONLY WALNUT CHEST, Regular $14,,Q51.7.M Sale Price -1--11-0 4 V • A. 10% Reduction,on several other chests, 1 GIBBARD TEA, NtrAGatf, Solid Walnut Price 24;95 Regular.$82.50—Sale , „ 'Special pnce on drop pattern Couple= Bugs in all ,siz' c, aortic as low as 'half price. Numerous other articles 'at redaced prices, . Slip covers free for sprhig mattresses sold. during February SEE V$ VOli WINDOW SHADES, VENETIAN BI.INDS. We buffo a used oak extension table -- 1 ,Oliesterfieid Suite I -Studio-- Couch- -- 1 Bed- Davenport 7 0. Furiiiture Dealer -- Funeral Director THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STALE PFJORITARY,Otle_leee ON:A favlikr giNTI6VOLTS Annual Meeting of Hospital In their nest genie of the yeer Ontario Juvenile .".11" eompetition, kloderielt Lions' dropped an 8-e'deeision ((ontinued from page 1) ware, but loOked 1,11)0.111. With 0170r and to the Clinton Volta at ,Clinten ou Moe- ;finally Femme, grom the estate lel the day eight. The Lions 'were, the neat , exceutor, the late `Judge Holt. The to oeore, bet the eouldn't raatelf the , pureltaee price was '$5,000, $1,000 * a 'smoothness of the eeperienced Clinton I whieh was donated by 'the Vendor,a to team and 'after giving'a room in the itew hospital in, an argunient , for pert Of. the -first period ,they 'faded memory ot tee late Hon. le c. and endowe The design and inter - badly., ' Roberts, former nitllanal juven- ile player *who. .patrofe right wing foi '1,1'101),,,r8-1'0.(12*.1,,113"°11! he Liens tnie ;Year; slammed out lent iteelf admirably to t in tile' eeepital requirements. A plata a re - first goal on a- pretty eopabluation,play vrh JOhnston at the tweenieute in s ai, fno.°1.1,Vi.lagpaaledy eglii'DPIng. tile 'buildin itg f ,te itiret , period. Counter tied the ,,, o,. .thirty belle was fin - otlally 'proceeded with and 111'4925 it was score lease than two minutes later, brit opened to the Duckworth. sent the I.ilons I:ack. into I _ pragie; the e.Aond utility , of suelepurpoee in G-oderieh, under the the lead, again • again drawing the *re for 'euheequeet tt ,and eMcklwe at 0.0e, with Johnston ,. seReeletendencv a mis$ MeArther, , second time at 'T.10, and I Greeter popularity • soon eeideneed nee ,ey ,row‘eiii 00evaeoun !I'tlie, wisdom of moving te the e.ew 04e- , gave (Mitten e..5....2 lead by i°11.8 and eommanding location, 'eseie 1031 it was, found necessary to furthet. the end of the first istanza. , "Ducwoeth toek,a. "- pass from John, inerease the facili.tiesc Whereupon., a stole in the, -opening minute. of 'the eoutract was et for the addition tit a seeoutl 'period and , eel*. a low sbot'. to‘kwe.ineger".*, the south, affording ten More with a prettY 800 rup*Ing,,1 •x,,,,,J t 00111S, ,the. eplarpment of the put iGoderich .baek in the rowell came back -, nursery, better nurses' quarters, dining,- eeaeteea mitieree ettez.:,:endeewv,„,,ee„7!ur000Nvem,itkaitechieeent,,371.14itcuantidorily oianodokl‘ettgtoninis added to the 'Colts!' lead just before the refrigeration appliances. iSint*e ,this '1.111)Psela;felibeew.Perorirghr in the last' frarae' ,qt(illgion 8".,74.0.011-11YletOcl •fartber ace - and several:Pepaltlee were handeiVout eories for better' and quicker treatment by .the referee. Colquboun's telly at 4).te certain tYpes ' of physical!' ProblemS 5 was •the °illy goal of the period'. .. .,, ,have beee added, so that today it beers , O-oderichs-Goal, Ve VeNa,11; defence, „„tbe' unstinted Approval of 'Physiciang' W Wilson T 'Holmes; Centre B John- and Government inspectors as being an assiat. Conti:ger tied i stone wings, J. Duckworth, Reberte ;,. °ale of ,the finest -equipped publiely- , „ elternates, N. Bleck, el. Westbrook, J. owned hospitals in Our Province. ; /Hawthorne, F. Young, H. •Wilson, W, The efforte of the, 'governors have' 'limey, W. Ma Donald, II. Worsen. not, eentel on. the hospital premises •ed ra-a front Chathani trainin ea d he 1 g • • Clinton—Geal, Carter • defeat* Cook alone; tor dee consideration has- been , • Localllocl(eyists; -1 will be n tOwer g,e3igttl,P'b" " right-winger ,broke an ,dnkle in Celqulerpn, Ha,nley, alcEeren, - mandate from., the Provincial-DePart- S-choenhals ; centre &tinter, given to* the comfor " ,6 both n ens iv ely and defensively, on the , egs, t and convenience nce rich defence. Walter estbiook, f st Oarter, • Bartliff ; alternates, Powell, of its nursing and onerative staff, A StiltHave a Cha Nevember and was unable to get nto. ,Ref ree---R-atle Clinton, Afftet Three Glmes'to Get' a • Ment of Health required that *nurSes should r nOt -nye within the—hOspital ame until the Sailors' last game ith proper—they must have private quart- ers, distant•from the routine of hospital hi." the Playoffs—WM Paisley. "Bucky" Art Doak le back . • . • and one garae to play with Hanover ;• They Do It? th duties, in More home -like atmosphere from Belleville after missing gemee and, will once more be II leg on • Ir.' where they eould properle entertain nt Don McKay and ! pointe , -and a game each,' witla the R nearby was A coraixtodiaus residence Ooderich Sailors, are faced squarely left wing: 't-Fy inalln a "Izzy" Doak who li 've played was purchased end fitted up"to defence !.and Lucknow •, Goderieh has only four I ' , yaenadrds g o4f.r e back together the - tee east ten 1 Po nth • but bus games to play with the I b Wingham and .paisiey. nye. modern requirement. Again, with in - with the neneesity .of Winning all three , postponed games' in order to ,et a he sick list .after $ R, •‘,..A.F., It all out it can be seen: that t4,h'e • creasing demand ,upon our hospitaliz- ehatree at the grotip $, Intermediate raissing two games and are "raring to 1 au ation We ' ' , had to add to the eumber of 1113ei .playoffs. efri the face, •ii.f their go."Sailors, by winning all three reinaining, games, will have ten points and a tie 'our staff and provide more residential accrommodation *adjoining the nurses' aresord there is little* indication -that Summing it all up, it means that . with either Lucknqw or HanOver for ' between them. - - - - .. • ' ' ' lerlito7eonperieliaerion' 'fourth place, depending on whien df tliese teams4loses the remaining glinie, i — replete with .raodern furnishings and . Jr o th's end a ' 6, 000 additiOn „ „ aw4megas. . puiroorvidselagaon.d., put : , • The Sailors ave a . o g row o , hmne • .r.elyitillere 'are soiree grounds for their i Kay, Young, O'Brien and Garrick, and , lioe to gain their objective: Thev have I With the removal a the staffefriein •;•-• - eonfid,ence. In the ..first Tplace, the enine forward e from whom to 'choose, to defeat the, R.A.F. tonight, Wingham the hospital, the pressing need of more . Sailors will,•for the first time this year, 1 two lines, A.rt. Arn and Walt Doak, here on Monday -night, and Paisley at i space for Patients has-been ma.de *avan- t* playing their full team, with all the t Bill and Walt WesthrOok, Patterson, I paisieeeeete:_eleone_edey neght_Teee , able. Already new ',rooms' have been ' plilerrtIFFiiiited-OiraTTICe Wet eee i FaleonereStrimgeettrand MiteDenalde- believe they eith do it with. the propevir*Purinr6-g-aviCe-'and'Planrra. ft.fitlir the year finallY ass,einbled as it,, unit. 1 The scramble . for the third and support. 'A big turnout at the 'horn i Capacity are under way. The laundry Wit "Young, who played in only {he fourth playoff berths at present shows games, would encourage them eine!' Is 0 be moved. to the commodious loca- ifirst- game efethe, season, will be back Lucknonr in third place with ten points raensely. - . itiee provided in the entire basement of theishoind accomplish such a feat, but feoin now on the Sailors ,will have the Saffori*-07ren't goingbyPIM -re- best ,goaltentlerein the -league le -Doak? ' sults._ Somehow or other they feel that and a very capable substitute for goal -Ugh- t imposSible 1n Bud -Worthy; TOirr defeneenien, Mee _ 1111111h, Nsiimmumommarammiimmiliminomvenimr • realize that _ Canada now calls on me . to join in a great National Savings Plan-- . necessary to win the war and vital to my own safety., n ' , the -nurses? blinding Dleetrifted and 1 nolselesS equiPment," together With. air- conditioning and drying facilities,. will IlAYFIVLD ItATVIEfolk Feb. E: A. Petttherston ie in Toronto vieiting, ber laughter, Miss Dori Ikatherstou. C4pt, Chas. lilergrisim, whio..spent o1111 .0(14-R sister, 1,11i.ea N. Ferguson, returned to Iktroit ou 1'1ureday 14et1 • . An OM zUzen PassesseOne of Bay- 01(1'5eldIeet citizens passed away on Sunday morning at Iter home on Main street, In ,the perSon of Miry Jane Sitarp, widow of the late John Walme- ley. The tleeeased •woman, who was in her eighty-third •e'ear, was .born in 114^4.) four eons and OM daughter, Wil- liam anti John, of Toroeto ; Jamea, of Scaforth; Lorne, of Iiitcheeer, and Mebel (Mrs. John Cameron), of Day - field. TWO. brothers and 0310 01.ster, John Sharp of Sasizatehowan and Wil- liam and Miss lieaneeseSharp In,Stanley toyMbile• also etirvive. The funeral, wldeh wee ,prieate, was he/4 from her late ` home, oe .'Weditestiv 'afternoon. Tile„eeryiee. was conducted by Rev. John ,Grahard and Interment was in Baylieid emetery. . • 'Golden, Wedding , Aintiversery. Iieartiest,eongratulatiens are ,exterel to Mr. anal 'Mrs. George King, 'who tanley township, adaughter of the Marked their golden wedding anniserd- late 'William 'Sharp and Franeee Adam- ary on Tuesday. On February 4th, eon Sharp. In 1880 she MIS married to 1801, a double wedding eeremony. took Johrt Wahneley, Who: predeeeased her In place at the nome a Mr. and Mr.. 1005. 'Her entire life was epent in AlexamlefBarr, "13th eoncession, Iltd- StanleY township and Baylield. ,She lett, Whee'tbeir third daughter, Aniaie was a quiet, bome-lovingeperson and a , Hal, became the bride of James George xnembee of Trinity ehtirch. , Surviving , King, eon of Me. and gre, John. King ,,,,eeemer` -1 of nayneI4, and their fourth daughter, Seale. *S., the bride of David Moffatt P..ebarrse,eut,ep.variprarteleeveptusrpoonse4ndu s ewxipteliforpreformer "ot,ofnl h. "1 Lake, Man. (formerly of Clin- , peshoruleed rit giureitaritleyr,,,I,),ben.t.Justut 4#,vtwetinettyu-alvise t•Bilvr•eb.M,Tri,'11:InteeadiessiaMair*nof,filyntlintsylPelelpriSraLte:a.rojabon: peWorrkeenettx.toitioreaeonipint:riere6sme a°3af titlefnt•tY's*fa°1114dr' BthaerrImwmaesditt•Dtreidrmiallieds' folir Ish8eirSasriLSte°r* 4(1 ; eat; 'eey ;ray P4app"aflYettele-exate, Ntebefijettilere:ea- .4,:t4tehl:lea'gteor7tW;11. i,hIe1snUrLivialli'iSrg140,1Lixr •g:911-81)04feriir7t71:itstaeotc:- • 'm41.oentIttletifottrz•ttlie YWeialr6t•Pre:virielkaS Pateawy Valveet '13°ftl.l'telleeileigdr°1wcanas, gn'.11.4ra‘Wsillain'lliuMstbear(i tlie tious 40.01.tel, service, vary to shaving included two fall young couples.lefefolt their neW hbmes. diniwr and -,,testivities the following, and been ..extromelY busy. ones the year ; we4ding Pemernitods m(itgObett.,..,eWasollvy., floc.), in. intheteltf,st:is%taeoet. onheadni'l,rsw. where eg mdrro.vexiinnge ewuateter at: pa,tleat revenue and costs., • , ..sociated 'with his' brother John in the You will observe that plant repairs : bakery "business. They eecall. that le rained .le the mornink and was'snOwing" and furnishings tePreseiet. quite a; fair and plowing in the afternoon. After amount • ($4,250) spent ° in keeping our ' buildings, furniture andandother equip- sPending a year in,Wingliana thei' meeed teillayfield, where Mr. King took meet in good condition,' painting inside . *up 'farming and where they have re - and out, new. and Improved beds, eur- Sided ever since. To this happy union tained separations, for 'nubile wards, were'born tour -children t &tint 'Willard, . •new and larger refrigerator, electrifica- tion of dunib waiter "($400), installation who, died in bts ninth year ; Alexander' of latest ImProved operatfng, lamp Ford,-s,wiyhoa ties r ah opuase,rt net; ritne rtehde aftecroinu net! o rd in ally liehitifeeld a ceinent and ($475), along with Sundry ,litems which Price ants,A Toronto ; Annie Louise (Lulu), " 'F Who IS fairs. Fred •Ritchie of Dlinvale; to Make a reputable and -substantial e,ondig-ka,„..0- seer eeeniehhege. 1think and Muriel -.Christine (Mrs. Merley L. Haft of Toronto). TVey have live you will Agree with the Board in one gran.dchildren. ..11r. and Urs. Xing are policy of maintaining a safe, attractive, quite active end' enjoy good health.. • comfortable and convenient place for Mrs. King is 'are energetic* mere I- ..0f ministering to the sick, - the womert's . organizations of aily 'Through the generosity. of,: Lord church: ...Mr. King still does a bit 'of Nuffield an *iir.011 •lung" for the treat- farming end his hobby -is a good delver., ment of paralysis patients has been Installed. Ike takes keen enjoyntent from ,"Jerry * • - When In TORONTO' visit the St. Regis Hotel SlierbOurne $t. at ,Oarlton, 9oe Ipturidred ModePa Uogas with Private bath, shOwers. and ,prieete telephones, , Rooms, single, from, $2.00 to $250 Rooms, (pubic, from $3.00 to $3.5'0 • and $4.00 Good Food served' at moderate ,prices. Dancing nightly; no cover charge HOCKEY' RESULTS)... Group 8, O.H.A, Intermediate' "11"' Paisler-3—W1ngheni 1 Paisley 11.—ILA.F. ,5. Wingham 8—Lucknow 6. Hanover 7—exeknow 5., Ontario Juvenlire ‘Ciluton 8----Ooderich- 3. lsoduring thHarvester," a mettlesome trotter 'which* The Board haS a, e paAt talc, ,Teractrt,th• :ease lame- -he purchasedeasefew,---yearS -ego- from chane in the nursing For the late Dr. iWhitely's stables, and bservice. which has won priees at the local fall years -we have sought, to m.aiutain a gair. 1\'lr and Mrs. King celebrated training school for muses, As We felt - the day qeietly, but they plan to Ita.ve that girl§ Who ; Wished to enter the real ,gelebration . next summer when nursing profession ehould gh,en 'all the members of their family will be opportunity to do go in their , home present. Mr. and Mrs.' David flloffatt district. 'However,. 'because of the also hope to come east tiar the occasion, stringent Governmental requirements • , for peplenurses 'and the decrease in the number of applicants, the -Board felt -overcome heretofore elow and • labor- that it Would be in 'the best Inter* of . ious proeesses, as well as obviating both the hospital and the pupile- that the array a hospital linen, etc., which the change should be Made. , The ho'S- --- , de racted froni an appropriate exterior pifal . is now etaffed with gredeate • view of our hospital- ma grounds. T We a 'trust to the municipality storage and re te ,. remowir of the kiteheet, nurses' dining- - and several generoue &more for their room, food. refrigerating and room and, staff euarters (e) be con-' financial assistance in Pftvint the waf Wined in the hospital basement), -will to real hospitalization, and we could convert first -floor space into- patients' fi° better if •the 'cliffieulties, of collect* rooms, , ,. eharees for teidizent , patients could .be The 'main leads and many subsidiary soleed. We require to ,fall- back on the lines of wiring nave been pulled out and .interest aceretions from cash, bends, raespfmlarecesd higher .hveoalvtaiegre at wmhoicrhe °.:penueifit)el*p7rrtYpog,:steq(liteeatthhe°a'gt:regu:te-.* of for economical cost, but certalnlyeto better '' - , ; enable us , o eep level and mere responsive use Of the depend- with coets, and even at that we have e tneals., irregular sleep', and new *views erg motor and lignting facilities so 9nit a substantial amount of. Vow" of living are •all causes of con.stipa- hospital ,equipment , " "By their dee& shall y.e know thern" "-nodilaY" accounts, to. nurse along. tion. .flovo,to Get Gentle Relief, . essential in the intficate. demincIssuPen ' Pr -that the gallant men of the Army, ..Navy: and Air force . now; on the `-fighting front . . . need me on the financial front. They need inunifibiii, material an equipment only by my money which represents the production of war materials can 'dais support be secured. T;oi-ey are my prbtectors, They call on, me to, he their provider... -that this will require hard work and many dollars. -thaty by hard work and frugal Jiving , by LENDING. al.11 can to Canada . . can I do taY, part to !leip to win the war and establish our future security.. 1. Pledge- that 1 will forego the purchase of tinnecesi saiy articles . . . 'however small the cost . . no matter bow well I gro,„ftb4 to pay - for them . which take labour and matesrials awayfromthe great task of providing„gqeds needed to win theNOW ,war ,Posbiktbed. tbe 1r4" gettiogs Committer, Orlowo, -that — . .. starting this , month . . 1 will put a definite, part of !mi.:income aside in War Savings Certificates; I Will. havele; deducted regularly . . each 'week . . each ... either 'front my pay envelope tm from 'my savings account, by :arrangement with iny eTployer or toy bank manager." WAR PLEDGE'NDNTH (Signed by,)., 444eedeetfairade • •)!COW-LQN4: viusimmoitimr Your Next visit to TORONTO Try • HOTEL WAVERLEY Located on Wick, Spadlna Aee. at College St. Ease; Parking Facilities Convenient to Highways • • . to SEW 2101, Double : - VLSI to =' OM -.. Foie to Room, PAO to Koa ..citsie- to the._ nieetsity,- Pa rile men t Buildings; Maple Leal Gardans, T•h•atres, ' Hospitals, Wholesale Houses, and -7, ilia Fashionable Retail Shopping District. A. M., Pcmai_t.., PneinocNT • - upimiiimouniameliftwirereadi TO ALL STATIONS -IN Western Canada peciaU XCRSIONS , In these' busy days, Many of us have to satisfy our hunger with a sandwich, often bolted. huniedly. We know we're eiayirtg fast and loose With our insides, but the job must take first place. Irregular 33y the ,ever alert study of Coln' con- troller, Mr. B. Reynolds, afford satisfaction and economy, patlble eeith the existent and prospective revenue, , we have 'proeeeded With ,im- provements and extensions only as funds permitted. Case and gross lots etf" supplies. •rhave taken the Place" of has been evidenced as a measure ofeon- fidence by the, well-wishers Of hospital service in our comb:tunny, end this we consider mos. t complimentary to our I3oard in ite endeavbre.to faithfully perfOrm the, trust' so. placed. It is a greet pleasure to teCord my appreciation of the willing and tireless small day-to-day purcbases, and this support -even bv the several members pelley is reflected in ,vour ,annual state- of the Boatel • and, on their behalf, to mentwherein you will observe thati convey to ;the snperintendent and staff, , °, whilegross receipeS froth patients have the 'members of, the various hospital 1.1% increaeed 15.4 per cent., on e 'twelve - organizations working with and for /71(mA pads eameameeeeeteeeaet year the members of the 'medical profession' d - nee - and grossin town anfhe igliborlire countrY ' expenses have increased ‘17. gide, the emitters and many individuals . per' cent., the tait per-,patreat tier day iseconsidera•bly ,less, at $2.52, than for who glad,- aesiet u from time to last year at ;$2.,91. I raay say the total days' stay per Pifiere averaged 14-2/3, amiroxim'ately •the , same eeefor each of the pievious three year. The aver - AVINGS ,time, our sincere and deep aroreciation. Respectfully submitted, • G., L., PARSONS, -President. ,". 5, age revenue collected, per patient wasCee_elerichFebth1041: , irictusive of room cost, operating romp, and other chargeable --services. The -number of patients eared for, $86 in fifteen months, was representative, Of 'a •three ,per Cent. inerease over et similar twelve-month period of 1030. The creasing ,popularity of out service throughout the neighboring townships, supplementary to •town requirement, along vvith etisualtIes-fr•om two high- ways, patients from steamships and airports, go to build up the use of our ' Perham, 1 might digress from the progressive 'growth of hospital effort and aceoinplishment in ' GOderich to 8uinmar1ze briefly the current firianelftl Gtatoment. To comply with Preelnelal Government conrenience, our year Was extended •fronae Oeptember 80th' to Deefember 31et, thue involviee for this financial survey a fifteen -month period. ••••=•9,,,awa9.999.9 Lead in OULITY VAIPE tiodern, attractive. insulated lunuel on E,,,„ Monthly. Payments, Ilighect wade 11atet;41$ and soundest construe-, tion. Lumber readl..eut for economical ' erection. Complete building plans sup- plied. Thousands testif' to their entire saffsfactlon rind great ravings. Four color catalogue illustrates many designs and door plans. , .111NO reit cATALOGUE TODAY••=1. p•O•09.••••9 Mos ALADDIN 1101‘'It5 LIPit 111) r)4 .IA010 Bios, Tcrorao. One. Er.ctWed find ten cent6. Pkots eenel eerdoette of attraetivo XI-LAbrifN, 1101k4ES and door vont, . Nikrite . • **.* .. . to'a' v Atkittoo,:". .. .4,4**.coreoa.00wirsiots 9 0 • IS 0 • 0.4 0 • iri;f: • Constipation, as you know, is caused mainly by the disappearance of moisture from the large intestine. Therefore,. that raoisture must re- turn. This is done by the action of the several mineral .salts which are present in Kruschen. At the same time Kruschen,' by. its diuretic action helps to flush the kidneys, thus ridding . your bloodstream of , its aceumulated.tokie poisons. , It stands to reason that the size of dose for relieving constipation depends on'the individual. But once -thisAnitialeconstipatioirehasebe relieved; a small daily close ---just enough to, cover a help to keep you regular, and .cheerful.. Start today to remedy the mischief wrought by -irregular meals' and hours. You ..carl get .grusolte_n_ from 11ny*i1keggiSt-25e and 7,5a ' GOING DATiES DAILY FEB. 15. TO .11IAROH 1 RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS" • TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Park or and Standard sleeping ,cars also available on payment of slight!), higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car acromadation • ROUTES---Tiekete-good, going_via Port Airthur, Ont., Chicago, flL r Sault* Ste. Marie, returning via sante route and llne only., Generous optional routings. STOPOVERS—will be allowed' at any point .in Canada on the going or re- turn tap, or- both; within final limit, oe. itleket on epplieation to the ,Con- teteresalso-eateCit4cegoe-141., SiaulteSte.-, IVIerles Mich., and the west, in aceor- epee 'with.* tariffs enf---Vnited,--stpteg . ‘;'• Pun particulars' from any agent. Fine Foods MR ES Low rices eclat Values for Thurs „KEEN,,,„„ , Mustard Tin 27c 3! 1b. "CASTLE" Floor :Wax I. LB. ,TIN 25c "SNoWMAKE," moma 3 pRfitS..15 ',glamour, .• at) 2 BARS lle •1001: 1 met& MARES ONE GALLON I Kr, OF BIAEACH reirleeds fit "GOLDEN NET" NET4 or "UNICORN" RED COIIOE SALMON . 14 SIZE TIN ,,14c . • "CARNATION" MILK 2 LARGE TINS 17c TEXAS GOLDEN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE• LARGE 50 oz. TIN 23e , SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 15 oz. TINS 9qc 1-4.7 MESH CORN OFF THE COD! NIBLETS 14 oz. TINS 25c IltiSli STEW umucE nor, COFFEE 15% oz. 2 "Ns 27e LHRAG 37c "LIPTON'S" RED IABEL 3 1b.11(0 BLACK or MIXED TEA 3704 ,sirwarnimmimintirmisiir 'AYLMER" Peaches - 15 oz. TINS' 27c ,S:WEET MIXED Large 27 or. Jar zu'Is' 'e - TAsuipit.” Co'rp. Starch '40' 10c. - "a STAR," Butter 24 oz 9qta yin OR COARSE Oatmeal i'lls. 25c J. CALVIN CUTT PHONE 116 J. J. MoEWEN PHONE 46 e