HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-06, Page 3GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRVARY 60, 1941
'Editor The Signal -Star.
1)ear ,Sir, --Have just been reading
"'Bystander's" letter, and as the writer
woul1 like to hear the opinion of others
on the subjects mentioned, here is
I agree that it doesn't seem fair that
OWnere of vacant lots should. have to
pay so ranch for sidewalks. It also
eeens to be good emnraort sense to (begin.
with some permanent peving.' •':If I
reMeMber rightly, 'this hes been urged
digerent members rtf , the , Town
'Council an recent Years, but was left
uedeue en the Score a economy,
I doe% agree that the naMeso theSe
owx. experienee on the 'Welfare,
Board of the town re tfew years ago,
ean assere "tByatander" that not. one
cent of relief Was given that was un-
necessary, and am -confident that the
same eondition prevails ' teday.
I disagree, most, strongly, with the,
criticism o1! the rock garden, More
favorable eenaments have been made' WI
that subject by visitors than, on any
thing eiee in to**n.
Before members of the Town Coundi
-consider their estimates, I'd like to
make •a suggestion. The County
aOouneil are ready to 'Stiend .$2,000 on
redecorating their council chamber.
COuldn't the Town Council spend a few
hundred dollars on making the large
upstairs room at the Town Hall Pre-
sentable? ,‘
Pietale don't say we may have a new
Town Hall after the war. The room
is needed right now!
maniber a organizations will be
planning- events to raise money for
patriotic purposes, and it. Jen% fair to
imPose'-on the churches all ;the time.
If this room were deeorated and, :a
number of chairs purchased, the Com-
eil-eouldealIow it to--(beerrsed -free-for
Patriotie , or other worthy =purposes.
The -town wood eould beeneed for heat-.
ang,, and it would only 'mean a few
holies extra for one of the town work-
men. -
We ha fe Waltea years for a god
Marry- things on the scorer or economy,
and It might' be good =business to;take
care a some of thernabefore trying to
rate, drastic reduction in the ta
aVIRS-.- A. -TAYLOR. -
•' Barrister, Me.
• Oiliee-Court LIOuse, GlOderlen.
all Chartered ACcountants
77 DoWnietreet, Stratford „ •
Toronto Oineir; 7302 'Bti,V litreer:
Tgomulus GUNDRY,
Telephone 119.
• 'Sales attended 'to anywhere • an, d
every effort Wade to give Eiatiafaction.
Farmers' sale notes disccamted.
• ' COON'IsY '
- satisfactory, courteous service for
Farm, Property or HouSehold' Sales,
Rates Reasbnable: • L,
Late Iou5e Surgeon - New •"Stork
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as-
sistant at
_Golden Square' Throat Hospital, Lon.
don, Englatid..-'-7-' '
43LES. TESTED, GI:A.8,0131S
53 Waterloo, StreRt, S.', Stratford;
Telephone 267,, •
Next visit Bedford Hotel, .6toderIc4,
• Wednesday, February26th, from 2 pfna.
till 5 .p.m.
•Cf11,01tRACTOR AND pii,uoLass
. ' Goderich, Phone 341
Officehours-71Q to 12 _a.m.,' 2 in'
and 7 to 8, p.m..I'Tueeday, 'Eimer and
• _Saturday.
14 -to 12-a.m. only on Wedneaday,
. ifonday and Tlinksday at
51 South St.,
GREAT famoRs
To .Setve T*o(Years
in Kingston "Pen- Men froi;t Godt;iiiisto:(1. Other, uote
Porta at. Naval BarrAtica is
camel]. Hackett Sent Down to
yb.eft---Other Cases in
- Weekly Court'
'Caswell Hackett, of uncertain ad -
'dress, wae sentenced to two ,years r in
'Kingston Penitentiary, by Magistrate
J. A. Ilakinsat last Thursday's weehlY
court, after haying pleaded guilty to
charges of breaking and -entering and
theft. The charges arose Out of the
theft ef a email amount Of goods from
the preraisea of Frank Beinton, Blythe
-early -- in January. -Haekett-had-a long
prison 'recortl against him and had just
finished servinga° term at Kington
Lor robbery ,and_yaolence.° •
Clifford Thornton, Grey township
farm Etissistant, pleaded -guilty to e
charge of the theft Of grain, -veined-et
$20, and was sentenced to two 'months
in jail, two weeks of the sentence hav-
leg already tlaeen served. Thornton
stole the grain from his employer, John
Pearson, Grey tewnehip, to feed to a
litter of pigeWhich he keon his own
term. , Defence counsel Frank - Don-
nelly pleaded for leniency toward
Thornton on the grounds that he, was
in financial straits and had many de-
pendents, including his wife, several
'ehildeen and his mother-in:law. Also,
he eitid, Thornton had Made restitution
for the stolen grain With the money he
realized from the sale of the pigs:
0. 'Freeman, R.R. 4, 'Clinton, wes
Abed 1;5 and costs for driving a raotor
yehicle withpert a 1941 license. "
-Robert 'Scott, Goderich township
youth, failed to appear on .a., wilful.
•damage charge and .his ease was ad-
journed to the following alieW .
„ •
-4131W-3iuitiErn1,- -31„ ...G-
Hazel,wood and Mr, Sheldon Baxter
,attended an "afters' congress" at
Brussels- on Wednesday night last.
The W.A. holds its regular monthly
meting on Wednesday :of this week.
Mrs.' J. Fisher and Mrs. Geo. Feagan
are the hostesses.. °
The social evening sponSored by the
WfA,„ was Well attended and a pleasant
efainrg was enjoyed by 'all present:
„ Mr. end Mrs.. Orvil Rodges of
Helmeaville visited one day laet week -
with -Mr. and Mrs,'Iyurold .Geod.
(Mr. an7d. Mrs. l'Aralgate Tebbutt, from
the West, are visiting with Mr. Fletcher
Fisher and Mr. Arthur Fisher,- brothers
of Mrs. Tebbutt. -
The are 'holding a progressive
crokipole party in the church on
Februag, 14.
Miss Ilolen Straughan, R.Neof
Kitchener, is spending some time ,a t her
home here.
Editor The Signal-iStar.
Byrstander" eaYs he would
to hear the ',opinions of Others. Well,
hire is one. I 'think he Is 'aR Wrong
about the frontage _tax for sidewalks.
I don% see anything unfair in charging'
the owner of vacaet.lots with- a share
of the cost, the same aa the owner of
a, let On which theieare buildings.
Why des he own the viteant lot? • Be.
•London .
(By John WIlloughby in London Vireo
Whether they eall on great ,eargo
ships' On the salt waters, on greater
freighters on Canada's Great Lakes
or 'some tramp ship atty,where tm the
seven seas, the nien, of the merchant
service are sailers all. - •
So , when the Royal Canadian Naval
Irolnateer Reserve needed a group 'of with a good attendance rePreSenting all
old Comte'. Ameagat,
experienced sailors it was natural for !Sections of the
esent Were the following: Mr
their odieers to look to the merchant ,those' pr.
M. JaCkeo
Seriviee of the, Great 'Lakes.. ' A, C4. 'Smith, Mr. 1:1,( rt, Mr.
S. A
e -A -mobile -recruiting. ueit toaredathe %vox G.; F. veide-n;.ele, ee, -.Leri)er,:or,
A. McLaren, Mr, 11. Oloody, Dr. and:
lake Ports recently and as a result there and eare,,,,et-a-. Trodgins, Mr. and. Mrs.
are Scores Of experienced lake. sailers
wajas, -preparing soon Wm) ye sea en j. Vfoollt Mr. •and Mrs, L. M. Pringle,
It, . S. Sheppard, MrW. A. Bue
, hea.
'completing a brief training in navy Mr.
nan, Mr. 33. 11; McCreath, Mr,. and
. A group of about forty, seamen with
' H1.9 3141e*Y's 'ShiPs' . Mrs. W. E. Hanna, Mr: and Mrs. S. M.
from. two to ten and, fifteen' Years on Wickens, Mr. and Don MeLealar
old Carling -building for their naval Mrs. J. (4, Perguson, Mrs. I. H. Brown,
Mrs. W. W. Sloan, atrs. IS. DeLaxey;
tlaela.lreS, aim to naval barracks,* the
Chief Petty 'Officer Peterson and Petty Ilr. ft o. -Sloan, ., and Mrs. W. D.
training under Liut. Jahn Hunter, eIL - r.
Officer Montague. - Thempeon, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Vegen,
ep mit, Miss A. nMramilton, Mrs. ill
They're a hardalatiscled, steady lot, of the jitinims.. • , ‘.
Mrs. D. O. Young, alt Fowler; preeident
with good sea legs and ea inuela at home ,
With the r011 of the boats as on a land. Officers were -elected as follows .for
Same are junior lads,,a.„Who have just
ePinpleted - their -two- yeare-ease-decke: Honorary presidents, Hon. J. A.
haede;" and others are older men who Gardiner, 1:7.2.;;7117-1/177.•• ;7733-;
e , ,
Duncan, A. O. =31eVicar, Dr.- G. F.
are sacrificing good positions to go to
the navy ( - •,, ,i,,B2.dean. Gri,.,r3/0,rguJaelc4son/ionv;riztenprettsAid.eaot.,
, . Takestbkers, in the group here there '''''''
are three. On the big freighters any 'Ser. itFil,,; ileyalt-eiretilit tsie7dees,E.n.eile,WDnar:
good stoker is sure to draw48° a Byrn CaMpbell,' M. Scarlett, A. Mc -
month. In the navy a:second stoker
,." e
Quarrie'7; honorary secretary, B.
gets $1035 . a day; a first,atoker a2. _..Fleodar; secretaries,11. S. Sheppard, ,A.
= Sailor Must Do His Bit
"A sailor has to do a bit for his ''''' Quivtrie ; financial secretary,. John
'Walter Janson, of (Goderieli, said as
anyone else,"Moon ; treasurer, Dr. H. J. Hodgins;
chaplain; Rev. ' R. O. • ateDerntida
country the same as
"heeexPlainedethe-sitiration. auditore, H: I..Morrish, Geo. E. Ilergua
iluron Old Boys Rev. J. N. 11. Millae-formerly rector a
;51. George's thumb, ...Goderiele now of
Penner Edi.tor ot Wine=
Advance-OfIleers gleeted
at Annual Meeting
TORONTO, F;)e, 8. -The forty-seeond,
annual rueeting of the •Iluron .014
Bars' Association of Toronto was held
in the YM.C.A. rooters, Doverceurt and
College streets; Pridav evening lest,
• - a
SURANCE _CO. -Farm .and iso-
lated -town property insured.*
Oincens--71Wpainin. Knox, Poesidsiit,
Loudesboro; W 1 AiChibald, Vice -
President, ,Searortil; t A Reid,
Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea-,
• .Directors-Arex. Broadtoot, Sea -
tooth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Chris. Leonhardt, liornholm;" Alex.
giolDwing, Brlyth; Prank MeGregor,,
Olintan; 'Thomas 1oylan,'Seigorth;
Hugh Alexander,, Walton; Win. Knox,
Londesboro W. R. Archibald, Seaforth.
Agents -ill. A. Ye% R.R, 1., Goderich;
James Watt, Myth; John E. Pepper,
R.R.' Brueefield; R. F. iticKereheri
. ••• 0
Policy -holders can' make all pas-
ments and get their cards receipted at
the' Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cates
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
I. IL Reid' s General Store, 13a,vile1d.,
P. „I. RYAN ,
- Real. Estate and Insurance
. .0ffice and Besideriee:
, 11 Trafalgar Street
, ,
0.•, . Phone pa:I--
• FOR SALE--equses of all kinds,
ehoice , building Jots, business
property and several good farins.
Let me WAIN' you ,simne:-,'real
. bargains: , Buy now.';','
. .
'GtiL Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 Godericb .
cause he expects -somebody some day to
Pay him a goadeprice for it, when it is
'on -a street which is 'mostly built up.
He would like to' keep the lot, at as
little. expense as possible to. himself,
until some more enterprising citizen
comes along and :buys. it and puts -up-a
house on if. Instead of being ex-
empted, he should be charged the whole
cost of the walk opposite his place until
be builds on it. Perhaps ne uses it
for a' garden. WelI, tliere. are lots of
vacant lotfor garden purposes on back
streets' that haven't any sidewalks..
• "Bystander" says the public shall('
pay for all walks. I don't see that,
-either. If there were no extra cliarge
for walks, everybody wouldwant a
walk on-, his street, and the town
ouldebeeswamped. -with -the-expense-
if idewa1kis worth haviegeir ts
worth 'paying for. If the People on the
street den't think a walk worth wing
soMething fOr, they*shoeld, do without
Nelson ME
Fire, .Aeeident and Motor Car
Office*: -Masonic 'Temple, VVeet
Street, Goderich
. 8.T.
.. - .
Certainly there' a a thrill about the soncomixattee:s __,, 'Reception, ,A,„ • G.,
navy, but the life:of a merchant sailor :Salida, -convener.; refreshment, ilk1r..5..-:-,D.
ints-its thrilis,-tee.a-Thererahatae-hear Thompson, eonyener; program, H., M.
many Storms on the lakes and Walter -,e,kiso,n ,
coneener ; publicity, . -E.
himself was in the beaching - of the " -
'Moody, convene- visiting, Mrs.' H. I.
Maplecoutt when she was washed ashore
fohr RadH helferailea mit, at .S0 l'oteSte...
,=Marie a few years ago. Re'e had eight
years as eller and stoker.
In t,he group training there are oilers,
stokers, a blacksmith, wireless oper-
ators, able seameeeand erdinary -sea-
men, 'nest of them -from freighters, and
a few from the - eshing tggs of Lake
Huron and Lake Erie.
H. J. McMahon, ,bf Sarnia, --ii the
oldegt in service in the groula. Hs
been sailingthe lakes since.,1915,
• At naval barraeks here the men get
rifle qaining and exercises,:lectures
navy organization,' naval ranks and-
ternas, on how to sling a hammock, on
tae, diSengaghig gear Aped on small
naval lifeboats, on anOhor work, on
bends, hitches and whipping, on proper
conduct aboard a naval ship and many
Other, subjects.
. The. Merchant seaman ,doesn't need
a rifle, but thesallor in, the naty does;
,thus the rifle exercises: Organization
.of crew-- tuad -work aboard. a 'naval ship
is different from' that on a freighter.
On a- freightermen •sleep in bunks, but
aboard a naval Ship there isn't as much
•rdom and its a hammock.. The mer -
'chant sailors must also learn naval
•semaphore votle instead a the inter-
-national code -used by the merchant
service. ,
A 13 T t tiWYS sailors and they -Aye the
navy training. The class is making
rapid pregre'ss,
• ,
TOROINTOLFeb. 3.-e-Forinal invest-
igations by -the -Depariaiiieje Wane,
Port into, the loss of the steamships
Amin, C. Minch and No;tadoc in a
.November gate' on Lake Michigan -will,
be held' -February 18. and 19, it Was
announced today.
The entire crew of t he. Anna' -C.1Minch
was lost and two cooks on the'Novadoc
weredroWned in -one of the worst gales
ever experienced on the lake.,
H..Barlow, Master of the ,Supreme
Coert, vil1 preside' over the public
hearings. ('apts. Henry King and. G.
Frewer will be assessors and Frank
Wilkinson will be counsel for the in»
vestigating commission.
smitber.s,,B.9., Jan. 24th, 19,41.
Editor The Signal -Star-' '
Goderich,„, Ont. „
Dear very -old' subscriber of
yours, Mr. Joseph Griffin, formerly of
Goderich, is in the Smithers Hospital
with a brokeh, hip, caused by a fall :on
the ice.
COACH laIES " .1
Daily ' 7.30 a.tn,,. 4.25 pm, -Leaves
Goderich for Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
ravistock and Woodstock. Depots -
.Redford, British and Royal Hotels.
-Plsone-hotels- ;or -305.4or. information. -
Would you insert this news item in
your paper, for, though (Mr. Griffin's
papere_show _many letters from rela..
.11yes,„in Dublin, (Goderich and Detroit,
none, has given a name or haldress.
I'm sure nothing weld delight the
aged •man so much as 'a letter from
any one of then.
Mr. •Griffin was eighty-eight .last
Septenther, and „as long as I have
knoWn him, something over twent`y-four
years, never once have heard him
-In-alte- en. unkind remark.almut
gOtile record-!
Italie- very truly,
The GLenins
"So Joe will Make -a fortune, . he
thinker' _ ,
Yea; besells cellophane masks. to
keep children's taTs clean while their
mdthers are getting ready tO take them
visiting." ----Milwaukee Journal,
(Mrs. C. A. (1hapman).
Now -Playing--"Ladies Must Live" and "They Drive By Night' .
MON. TU.ES, atal WED.
Jeffrey Lytm-ligrenda Marshall Margaret'Lindsay--Boris 'Catlett
Roger Pryor 8.4 Lee Patrick Holmes Herbert 84 BrUceLettt
present a ieingent and dramatic a timely and adventurous story
,* story by Jaines M. Cain •of secret service agents
UIUR I1tI. and SAT.
Dennis IVergan Elizabeth Earl Wayne. Merrii-Eddie Albert-.
George Tobias & Vieter Jury Rosemary Laft & Jane Wyman
as only Ialnea Oliver Curwood
could bring it to yea. -
a merle/ farce about a country.
bumpkin who trima Gornto slieks,
In the show butainesS,
Brown and chairmen of' town cora-
inittees. - -
President-elect •Smitli is a Whagham
Old Boy, having been onayor of the pro-
gre.ssive_town ann_formerly editor of
The Wingham Advance. Mrs. Smith
was born at Lanesville, Ashfield.
Dr. Ferguson, p L. -president, was
absent frtheihceting, halting been
called -to Ottawa in comlection• with"
war work. '
Mr. .Robt. Leiperreceived 'many, con-
gratulations on. his -father's election
to the wardenship of truipeCounty at
the recent session of the County Conn-
cil. •
• In the absence of Dr: Ferguson, MI:
H, M. Jackson, past 'president, acted as
• presiding efficer until after the electibn
naul ,installation 'of officers.
Mr. H. al. Jackson is the new chair-
man of the program committee -and
• watch him , make things hum during
the incomine- year.
• Dr. Belden moved a motion of ap-
preciation of 1)r. Ferguson's services
for the past -year, Which was carried
unanimously. =
' On motion of Mes' srs. McLaren and
Ploody, the secretary was insSructed to
forward a letter of condolence to the
widow of the late'Thomas A. Russell;
hon. president.
Xitelaener, addresseda meeting at
rattieer:arten. briat
g j'last Wee.le-arel
The Elmira 'Signet makes: an
apologetie referextrae to • ti* incident.
Elmira is 'noted t or its friendlineae,
gOodwill and acceptance (ot etrangere
eociaily into all town functions. 110W -
ever, at the banquet on Tuesday Oren -
Inge Re,. john IL MUIR was ralAUS
hetwhen he had finished addreeeleg
-seventy men on "Citizenship in
Democracy." ,
.Soraeone in the errawd _after the
meeting'-disperseitteichangia hate with
the reverend gentl,enaan, leaving him a
hat of the eame Feeler but larger In
size and More than et -ore -handled -
Mr. Mills, gave his Services free to
the club and it IS thehope that the
at laheia by mietake, will be returned,
otherwise the ehib will be obligated
from a strictly benevolent standpoint
to see Rey., Mills is kept on an even
(basis by giving 'hiin a new hat. Will
all members kindly check their head-
gear and make sure they were not the
guilty Party. 'Things happening like
thisertee,unferttem-p, but the means to
'rectify it are quite simple -notify ,the
eeeretarideeate_an,eitleelet, Matkre
ca -ii be adjusted.
• Errors a VIVIOn are often
•subtle. They exit In eOuatbaia
efieee Yilthotlt anyorte beint awe
Of it. Thu*, they produce ha
which, i blamed en ether 06,11004.
It lie net a bed idea to l*
Sumagelouie 3.1 something I* do
about It.
Make yoirr Opolsatment
by *Wee SW.
. •
The young people of X3:10X eb.urch
held their regular ,weeiciar meetirag ni
the lecture room of :the church en
Monday evening,. with Lilies Milne in
the chair. -Of mein' interest was the
address given by Me. .Allan, W'intle; of
Port ' Albert airport, on Wales. Mr.
Wintle vivldly portrayed 'the tautens
-Welsh festivals and celebrations; as
wellae 'the life, engem% and indeetey
..e-f;the people. Mainly eraPhaSiZed was
the singing ability,' of the Weashinan,
whieleari the abaels-aof---thea'eutatanding
Welab choirs. sincere expreesion of
tbenks was extended to Ur. Wiutle at
the conclusion, Of his address.
" Two triie, numbereewere given by°
atisses-EReezi 'Begie,--BettY Smith; and
Marjorie :iGallesnie; with Miee Snider
at the piano. Both songs were splendid-
ly presented, andaweee- much enjoyed.
Thermembere nresent Were divided inta
two Sides for a ;Bible contest conducted
13.Y com-
p -di -tiara as well as profound thinking
Aook. place over the "true or false"
statements. The ,devotional program
included the • Scriptriee reading given by
-Frank' Clark and the .114ord'e Prayer
repeated in unison. The dosing benee
dietion was giv'en by Mr. Lane.
Next week the meeting will be on
Monday evening and the topicwillbe
"WorldeOutleolen---Theroll cell will, be
answered with the name of a famous:
persort ;of toaay and why famons.
° The Ladies' Aid of Knox' chnieh held
its first meeting of the new year on
Friday, January alste with the preal.
dent, Mrs. Alex. Straitenrpresiding and
ninety-six members -present The de-
votional period, was in charge of Mr.
Pipe's group. Miss Clara Barrett sang
-beeutifUl NugliSh. 49;744'400°
With MISS 'Snider at the Piano, iaiid foe
her eeeiatt number "Rollin. Adair?'
Many matters of bireineea were 410 -
cussed, inelmiii* arrangement' for the
annual high itea on Tuesday, Mardi 4:
With the ° Singing Of • the NatIelrai
Anthem end the Taordrat Prayer 'recited ,
2aIson, the 34eeting ft'nehttled'
Friend -And -11o* is your son getting
on In the army? Lady --Very welL."
Last time he was JaPute two Is -
uniform called to take 'him back.
I3uy ,wat-s-Wangs eUlarPs and. bA
defeat =Hitler. •
Relieve lifisety
riled Vida Way
Mothers, You v4I1 welcome the
relief from misery that comes'
.with a "VapoRub Massage*
,With this niore thorougb.treat-
, merit, the poultice -and -Vapor g
action of Vicks VapoRub more
passages 'With soothing medicinal
vapors... 51114101,ATES chest and
back like a warming poulticeor=
plaater... STARTS RELIEVING raisexy
- right away! Restdts delight even
old friends of VapoRub.,
TO GET a "Vapoltub Massage"
with all its benefits -massage
VapoRub for 3 minutes on
as well as ,throat and chest -
spread a thick layer on chest,
cover with a warraed cloth. RE
SURE to use genuine, time -tested
T•01TONTO,•Jan. 29.---Leadng Stoker
Jaines Y. Smith of Goderich entrained
for Halifax today wall $:35 he lost in a
late last night. Sidith dropfled his
wallet conthining the Money while visit-
ing with his former tea,ehers at Dan-
forth Tedhnical School. Bill' Simpson
found it in. the -afternoon and, after
an all -day eearch, located Smith and
returned the wallet.
alondare London ‘Free Press in ,its
'Turning Back the Pages" column had
an aecount a a hockeyegame played in
Goderich.in 1906 betsmn the Seventh,
Regiment team of London and the
Goderieh team., Goderich won by a
seore of 17 to 1. The line-up of the
home team Was: McIver, goal; (Wrap -
bell, point ; Carr -Harris,: cover -point;
McGaw, rover; -Wiggins, centre; t31e--
Donald, JeltI wing; A, 'McIver; right
.wing. A previous game at London -had
resulted in. favor of the Seventh Regi-
aent team.
John Elliott Is Reminiscent
For a thorough Eye Ezamination
Telephone 91
Glasses In the /Newest Stkles at Moderate Prices.
• irr'N
Phone 91
A. L. COLE R.I.,
- --,Mr,--Jobar. Elitett, -o f -Lon d ow:writes ;tend,: a J., John .- _ _,They eivere..all-IrLethe,
1 et=h091 together analTettee was ileeessary
When 1 was tr,boy the Huron . tract
to distinguish them, -thmasfees---Jitil
was comparatively new. We Used to
' from the other 4110, and one Bill ,from
hear people talk ()2 the.'Qtfeen's Bush; the other. Bill, etc. The ,master's fain -
but now Huron County must he ily moved first' to Parry Sound and
eonntell es part of old OntariO. , The then to North DttkOta," where descend -
original pioneers have ' long sinee • ants of the old master tlre living at ,
passed aw0. ' The old men, 'native 'Ne(die, N. Dak. One of iny.eorrespond- I
sons of the county, Who died during outs is airs. • Suaan Elliott Symington, '
1040 were of the second generation - widow of William Symington Jr., thel
There was.. David Cantelon of the master's on .
TipPeptry Hue, Goderich township, An interesting pair of bright young
latterly* of Clinton, whose father .'I then mune up from' theisouth of Huron
remember, and whose younger brother county ia the .fall ef 1877 to atteed the
'Peter I, remember still better, for lie; first Model Kehool under Principal W. I .
previous to his business career in Clin- it, Miller and Inspector W. It, Millei.
ton, taught the public school et Ifen- That was the 'beginning of model school.
miller for a liumber of years. Peter training in 'Ontario, and groderich.
Catitelon Was Iny teacher lib Benmiller Central sirlt-S one of the Model Sehoels.
,in 1874 -aa and he managed to ftork me I have an bid photo of that firet Model
through the examination for a -third- School clasa, with the two Millers in
class certificate. - the centre. The- date is Oatober; 1877
The late John Syniington of Atiburn, 1 lcncw, both eoung men, Tom Case
another' octogenarian, I renienaber and Eph Elliott, {IS their frivittla called
epecially,' at we ,began our school them.. After -a turn at teachingOth
calm tOgether in the old lpg echoo1. of studied medicine and beeame eerie ntly
SM. NO. :1, Colborne. I knew the twe successful, each . in his own sphere,
orighial Symington, William, our Dr. Case as a rural praetitioner at Dun -
schoolmaster, who lived for many -years galleon, and Dr. J. E. Elliott as a well -
with ids faannY in the 'teacher`a Ileum known ph d( and one-time coroner
, iii-eide, the school, and his brother of Moor St, re Toronto. Each lived
James„ who lived on the 'Symington a long and useful life and they -were
farm a mile ot more farther east. Their among rho honored Huron old hue who
lelves were elitteraq jamea Dunean of paw -10d• amilly in 1940..
WeSt Wawanosh 'Wee their hrethpr, and It,would he eaSy to add nation of
there Was at parallelism in their fain- other .vell-knowtt, Huron men ivhe
ilies,' for,.each had a Jame, a William paaeed 011 in 1910.
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