HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-30, Page 2THE GODERIOR SIl tritil if, al a OI*1R1NN41 Th fiQPICRIell SIGNA.fi AND 'X'1111 001ThitIt111 STAR Vublished by • SigneWitar Press. Limited !test Street, Gederieh. Outeele 'RIIII,M$DAY,/ JANUARY. 30th, .1941 against Ilitleriem calls tor iluarteiai eaeriftee on the pafp, of eVery CO.nadifirt, and eveey Man, wormier, boy or girl Who levente1i wer savings eertilleatee or stamps' ie beliiingr to Provide Our Ogisting-forees withthe weahons and erinipment.whiele tney must 'have, * *' By bequest orthe late Ilia. A. W, Donly, the TOVVO Of 'Sirocco and the Voinaty .ef (Norfolk have come „ late' Posseseloo of one "of the ••ifluest residences- in Sint*, to be lied a a nterfolik Celinty misegan. The eum of $10,000 aleo la provided as an endow Meat. 4,14,Aoder1c1i, the tracieus- a .1aeal inueeuna bas been, hensed In; inadequate qinaters in Siracoe's public wilienowe•liave an •opportunitei to develop into one of the ' town's chief centres ofinterestr Any ,Godetich ,eitizeo 'who, desires. to :leave a.splendid otoeument when he departs this life might follow Mrs. Donly's etanaple.: - NATIONAL UNITY 't;illoting Andre Maiirols, who anike tey, TorentOk alldience reeeettly, to the "nett that Tne, elatlen can todintaie alhertY Wide% it ean Maintain, security; and that no ilatipo -can Maintain aeeurity uoleSe it eatt :maintain unity, TOr011tO ISafilr,{14Y Night Be eoniti, hardly have delivered , that' momeietortS, saying in a Ploce where more urgentl,yOne-eried be said.. Canada is a nation whiela ia aterioes to meintain liberty, which is *Me tee well elluiPPed for Maintabeing security, and which as a nation ifs very far frau), posnessing the abidedesirof nar/V0 far, in, ee the streaSes aid .• Strains' ealleml by the war, mad thanks' I:ere largely. to tire modeler- intelligerar ite° national - • Government, euch.unity :as Canada! nas-omeaged achieVie has .not yet been gteatlii impaired as a. • eesult of the ..tryieg Conditions On , the time. But . there are . those amOngSt Us . WhO caneoti refrain $rona seizing every opPortuoity to etir. up a .iniity for Melt .own Inolitleal vies—inciting the eitimus one!„province 'to a low, opinion of the- citizens of anotb,er ProVillee, exerciSing ,their authority to sup- • press eipinions whieh' are distaste- %fel to themselves, s„tircing up suspicion, against boneet 'fellow- , Canedians here and hatred against worthy fellow-Oirna.diansi, there. National unity cannot lie created by the suppression of differing opinions. National unity is the. produet of toleranee. There are •• Canaelians who have. been so led . awey tbe a.ppa.rent successes of 'a,- •regime. of'.suPpression. in tiormitny and Italy that they have - eoiee. to the belief that the national uirity createe by that method is a genuine, and durehle one. The trutb. is that thit-kind Of unity Ise), • brittle and per hablel 'veneer cloak- ' lug • a- Mass "cif -irreconcilable hatreds The /ratioeal unity of •Faseist Terry has already been re- vealed'for the "hollow shell that it' ire. The national unity -ref -Germ,any will go the- same way *heir the same pressures are applied to it. In the uteautinne. the nationefunity of France,. as (lit(e. Maurais poin.ted out, is +being refashiened in the. cruelble Of elefedt, as,Frenenmen., of all' parties Are lehriiing that + tolerance of One- enibither's, views the lack of whien 'was the cietee of their rein. • • , • The soldier, in the Ifiree'of- the enemy trots the comrade at his though .„ between ,the two tnere May be deep end -Wide differences "in race, in re- ' ligien1, pinions and prejudi*ees. Is It Itat equallY•true that those on the hoMe /rout, 'in. order tee giee'- the fullest measure of „support to: the national effort, must seek. to find and gultivate those things ,that make for unity? .4 {7, ,EDITORIAL, NOTS - Weil, we're half throegh this winter, anyway. • • Mussolioi might, have gone down in history as a big man if he had died twelve" snonths ago. * * * • Lindbergh's ideas on the war are being applauded iii dermany--1 is all we want to know about them' eSendayeneilleber-Oandie that leernedi,and,.wise prognosticator MreGroundhog, come.s out of his lair to sample the air and determine ,iyha.t the weather, will be for the -next six weeks:. According . to. a ' rtehted. metlical aOthoeity, longevity is a ,matter oe ,heredity and eaes ,not hinge on the kind a life' -a. man lives. It 'would' perhaps be just asi welt not to Iet that notion get around, too 'much. * * • The people of Walkerton allowed the to-yeat term to 0/tie let& effeet or „. their To•wn, 'Council, and at the first meeting of the new terra the members voted ' themselvea .eadh for each ezegular meeting. The electors cannot cle anything about it until the end of ioWit AFFAIRS Bditor Thee Signa.1-Star. that the year 1941 has arrived and the Cibuneil members have been allotted their: various eommiesione, the people* are wondering what will be done for -our manna -benefit. We are quite, iutere.stecl hi tire inaegur- al speech .by our Meyer, which I Oave read with apProVel. Considering the way the Town ,of 'Otelerich has been bled linaaciaily tor a nutirber of years because of the Lake Shore Railway, andlosses in taxe-s and some usereere and expensive, lawsuits, etc., I believe, even with good patriotic, thinking menewho-wilieeall for tenders QI1 COlitragt wOrk, teener than. show fevoritism oh•graft in any way, it will take twenty years ,to back_ to, where the town should be toOay. • In studying the expenditure for 1940 ,I find payroll after payroll, amoenting. in all to neatly $9,000, Without being itetaizeli,theughni iiirdnnither Itenes as 'love as fifty 'cents; also in relief items' • not a siegle, name of anyone receiving found that axle grease and turpentine relief. New the taxPayerS have ea rubbed on the throat wottid be juSt the perfect eight to -know wheee every cent 'thing to cure the hired man of all his is spent. , cold germs. ,New that:we expect and hope for 'a Mention a cold and the average maii good share on a heavier than Usual or woman will either prescribe for it tourist traffic, I wonder what they will or start telling you about the tiine:'..a say about sonic, of our Streets and certain .1-Jincle of. theirs took a mild eihder oegritty clay sidewalks. I think cold and died fifteen, .days • 'later after they , should receiee 'prompt attention slowly strangling to death. The men - in .the epring ODA of a cold seems 1O make people , . na.ve given, the twenty-year deben- think on kraveY,ards or honie,made pre - tare systenr spite 'serious coesideration. scriptions, -• and 'concluded it Is unfair; and I feel . I :remember quite Well coining home from School one night -with A bad cold and a kindly (old gentleman -Wh-Olived* in a little liousetliis side of our Coo - cession schoolneuse talking to me. • He gave me a little. saek 0) wear "around or half e lot,- good buildings, etc. "B" my neck and made me promise not PhilOsilerofLazyMeadows 1 By ilarryJanoot Carroll Views ea flit War ft44101110$ Within U neves-eliekt, The tutire *Mit itrola editer te ot Jug Owe - * naell. The eUrPriShin flet he that their ITALY GOES TO WAit I haustion: paper, Owing °kit, tie a weelz, Retn. "When D4°1)/14ati°11 w" 4:IdePed in Wn It was 'kluging elOser MI! ally reitehten the i1&lik1S ,Septembor, 1939,, a %YAW of fear -Swept closer. With tbe Brenner' Pane meeting I habitants In, /lie japaneeh-o011itr011ed COLT) CUBES • over the PeoPle. The faces of the men of Hitieread ausSolini Marche -the" toWliS in that sii;triet. Several. tieftee This 11. the eeo.00rt for eoids. - "Even Who appealed in response to' tire pia.- Mast of. war ProPagantla began, dir- tbe Japanese garrison- e 0 lin ehese diva. oeing the strarr. Gtaek 'to Tbev .peesented a'MoSt 11n -like tooas, radio, inflammatory articles, I Once a searehing party aetilallY entercd w,ipe away the iniluenza-linspired Ware. appeaeanee in their ragged clothink, atroeity stories—all, the old, - ivbips for tee eillege. Tne village elder offerCd I In the harnyard, Biddy, our little red often withoutehoeser wearing oneS not lashing an, unwillingrpeople tato war, to help in tlie searele What he aetn's bee, ha e watery ereS to match her ewe- mates, StIOPhrieg their own underwea.r, wore brought to War. On June 10 , allY did WaS to tili elf the trio to toll- piexion, and I've /loaned the horse- if any. and often forced 16 remain in came the .arinouneenaeut on. the eadioleeal their printing apparatUS. As soon table resounding with fere ,exploeling erteezers' of the inhabitants of that por- tion of the barn. ' ,. , • +Laet week the hired man had a cold. For +breakfast he demanded sliced on- ions, and while the gest of 'us cheerfully _tried to hold the tears baelc, he eau/ached on. the. vegetabledynamite oheerfultil . At last, whenetbe wet of US found exoteses to. nroVe as far away from the table' as possible, he gavel' Lor breath ane gulped water in a mail - mer to be ,,,corapared. to the Intsny one - cylinder pump, of a 'thresher's tar*. i lizes One 'Million Mee,'" arid tile:enemy Somehow the .ortioes didn't seem to would quake'accordingly. eIt was ahlY help the cold.' 011ie thing they 414,49, dreeessar,y to say, not to do. 4 Germany and that we's to keep tne rest -Of. us far ripped her way through Poland in three enough away from ialm that we didn't bloody weeks of terror, People .were pieh ri2 any of tbeeeseld.germe. r At noon glad thej-ivere going, to be .on the side he iiimeinhered:anotlier euro` thee had the' victor, but worealmostas rtfinar been offered at some previous date, and of him. as if: the dread +Panzer divisions he wore a pair of woollen stoclanga were poised on their own borders. egise-crossed 'on ilia chest.,,,Whether it But Il puce r . . ah, he Wakf clever! was fel' the Warmth of othe woollen He would 'outsmart the dull .elerourns material or eome strange superetitiaus and wrest from them eintories,,colonies. reason Pll never tell you, but his cold fled coneessions for the Italian. People grew steadily worse. without one drop of itallan blood being After supper he. Soaked his feet in a spilled.. )(tidy was to be the Weight in solution of mustard and Salt and boiling the scales, everlastingly threatening to t Then he drank juice from shake. the " balance, yet never quite our +belligerent BerknIlite is eniffling 1 cards peSted ell oyet Italy were sullen. feted MaltilY , 'against England. care `down 'Mil s . troubleseene IleWe-sheet. I civilian dress ,for lack of uniforms: No tha.t 11, Duee would speak that after- as tb,e japanew party lied e ' . 10 faeilities were provided for &imitation noon from the well worn balcony' In enimeograPir loaeldne waS put ,to work :or cleanliness; " One could •SW the again. " soIdiere' dirty elethiug hingieg 'Out the * Iti the Western 11111S onierleoking the ovindoWs et the ,eelioolhouSes android eity of Peiping, whereChinese Uerilids publi4 buildings that had been • cora- the 'Venice Palace, and that all Fascist untlesemust, he peesen.t uniform in the,. large square below. „ They dila- mandeered as +barracks. „ But their lack of ordinary (military equipment did not matter because, after all, they were not expeetech -to right, or, if eventnally "forced to do, see not for* least three years. Headlines in other countries. would; scream, '`Italy notwa er.• roast lemons and went to bed. • Next doine so. Iter indecision would keep morning he was prowling round about irgleriti frora' taking any decisive steps 4 o'cleek looking for ashirin tablet's. In In the :Mediterranean,. keep her 1133.-. spite of out insistence wonlde't.stey *Pientrintil.Victory was vvithin Hitler's in bed. He's been hacking and cough, .grasp, and then Italiravoeld step in at ing all 'morning and !growling about the victor's. side with tiourishing,Satin conditions 111 'general. Evidently his gestures end a• greedy hand for. un - cold is not imprevinge nor, for that earned erehis, In the meantime, she matter; his, disposition, • • - could 'engage very profitably in ship - I mention this only as an example ping, beteg one of the few n.eutralsleft of ceid cures. It's stranee, but just let free to do so, ad needed supplies a hint drop on a rural strange line could ;flow from the outside world , to about ane of the family having a cold tbe +ally .theriortia, defeating in part and eben'sit back and wait; Sureeen- the, hated 'British ohleeletede. . ough in about ten'hninutes you'll have, 'Yet under this confidence, a secret ever on the line' calling with her doubt' rumbled. .This trade agreement own prscription for a' mild cure. r- mid Viet' of friendship^ between Ger- •'About the strangest one I ever heard many and +Russia late ,Augiist 9f '39 was that of Mes. 'Jiggles, who., called —that waS, bard to explain. fletween this morning to suggest that the hired 40,000 and 100;000 Italian_ soldiers had Area -pickle two duck livers in vinegar died in :Spein, fighting side by +side vvith And sett and then eat the livete before the .Gerinles against this same menace going.. to pea. Another person called of +Communism: which -the Nazis had Oe - up to say that a cup of •pure Vinegar nOunCed in such ;thunderous terms. and mustard would_ he...a....cer.tain_cure. 1,:q..:PlY..,:the'fvio Were eppareotly embrae: Lor a cold.. Still another said thattney ing. P-erhaps it was a political .trick on the part of tbe Gernians to frighten England. Perhaps . . (perhaps... . . In the coffee shops, where chiceriehad taken theeplace of coffee, there was much epeeelation. It was all hard ..te understand, But 9f •one therg one could be certain. There would be ,,no ;waegefor,Italy, no real- fighting. . 11 Duge had promised it, nNoebelliger-, enZa." That wee the, vvord, To it the Qe9p1e chin With pathetic persistency. . No, there' will not be Lit war. Il Three wilnake care of everything: He is their 4fatherv—their friend. His PO1iti9A1 methods are violent,. yes, but violence is soniething ape Understands. Assa.seination, treachery, thesuppre-s-, aloe of 'free speech. the coup—the blood of •Itorgla and condottiere has not run' too thin as yet for the value of such things to go unappreciated, three lots -per yeed walk; therefore Are they not the very essence of prac- while "tA."_ pays frontage for two or "A" refuses to Sign a'Petition tfor a Managed to wear it for a (lay, but tical politics? walk and, I think, rightly, oir public aiother pinned -me down to -changing During the winter, 'in spite on all property, for the general use of the My; underwear One morning Andnin the that was said, one could senllnPoS se the PUblic which skOuld be built and main- course of the wrestling bout that for- coming of war .• Coffee became tained by the public. But we lave opened it ,•te end a diced calf , ear. many, .one ' heard. Fruits and vege- lowed ,she discovered the -bag, She sible to obtain. It was going to Ger- for twenty years or whicla le still being' femellkhered " Whet She told ,me then I've always tables, indeed all supplies, became very those whose property has been taxed taxed: I say it 'woold be right and that the only way to core a Rold was sent to Germany ' that by Februarr including the • advice scarce ; in fact, so much was eeing faie for tile public to 'pay for and to • go to bed for a day or so.. . • and 1940 there was a real scarcity and d not tax those vrhose prepertv has been. not to listen to 'what the neighbors substantial increase in prices, in some have to offer by way of cures. " cases as Much as -fifty Per cent To maintein all streets And walks but do , ,teXed until repair or renewa1. combat this, k law was passed in March m intain, TEAT OTTAWA 'CONFERENOE orderiog h all salaries .inereased from -A geml 'bituminous walk, a fifteen to twenty-five Per cent. I know can lip eonstruCted for half the price ' .of no Instance where this was put into iif itis censthtutional it should not he, butshOuld :be condemned, This, is whiz -A" has two or three lets of very little value whieh 14 the present condition can scarcely be sold. "B" -has. one lot 1942. • * o o+Toitlea Galnihnere IS not unduly optimistic!: He ThTii the war. will not last„longer than five six years. • The term mentiened by the IIon. "Jimmy", May be much nearer the 'ma.rk tbart the "year or twO"' at whiCla some overly hopeful people put it. pays frontage for one lot or half -lot, to ,anvbedy about it, and to +bury it after I had worn it for three days. I fully, dropped everything nd assealbled have their +base, is 1)011840 t°r tw° 1Vs4ess 11.°111s "betere th° lithographed neWesheet entire North China today, - Its editorial;reoms 'Germain on the Continent. Indeed Presence revealeti itself. A roar of he onlY tit , .PANtiAltr *kb, 1$41 DR. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS for WY LIVERS emut your liver to rtialtby s(tiord .1-1•10 it km* the Hs joica flowing Vlith 'Vt. MOM'S" tho lee Proved vogoisbio loather Ask for this eilloble remedy by name at your druoufors. 56 PILLS 5 ***ammireoresserree :eneelesee , "we would uhreot NOrweglans, Danes, landers, Belgians, and FrenehlrOm the aPelause, the . screams ot• "Duee 1" aie hosed ,a pagoda even, Oso, .tbkre S no ason to believe Otherwise sea eeaste as ftothfereeNarte:isf,owrevilier;ahrive Pre jutting jaw, ,e0nunanding '•The erVes ""fi Wat611 taWeib time gti°4411.* PeaM alms ° "Duce'," Then the upthrust arm„ the recorded imndredS Of sPeeches and books and written in horror upon the minds Of persona in many Ovaries, rOad like a eightMare. • "The world: order we seek," said 'coresident Itoosevelt in his 'address to trieate eourier system, more than 300 .the serentrseventlat Congresse, is the eciples of ; every issue are Smuggled co-oPeretion of free countries •working .- liton0-rIrtpaneseeseirthatOneto-reaellee- togethereln-a. eivluze4 eogig_tv! fiffri;''' Wide circle of people Inside reip- 'Under the ,Nazi belief 111 the inherent - ing. It has always ebeen puzzlin# to , superiority of the "new order" they the Japanese, The paper IS 'coining, have established, only a "Deutschland out twice week, tteber Alles" ceuld IVO regarded as an .One Striking similar feature ',of air! aceeptable aim of the Third Reich. these newspaper offices in North China I ---The !New York Times, Is the preeence or firearms. In every office there are -always a nuniber evils. of the democracies barl become e stench in the -nostrils of the young and vigorous dictaterShiPs. On. and on; went the strident voice; At the end, an Italian friend turned ,to no with e 8mne, even," he queried, dusting off his' uniform, "What' shall We take .11,114,,,X41,0ONX,Q1:.510.,7!„ 1,Joder . the outward exeiteitent au& effort at Jubilation, half defiant and half embarrassed, was a deep sadness, a sense of impending:disaster. Italy had made the final break .with her old friend, England,* who all winter long ilia been raining down 'propaganda of war, was showering down ,bembs, '.--, mhen a leaflets, and who now, less than two of days ',after Italy's formal declaration. rifles and mina. grenades lying about. reporter goea tint to get his Jamming the big transports, which : de Savala, well known, to travelling news, be not, only carries pencil and paper but also, hand grenades.. This included the once gay Hex. andi Conte Americapn, but now painted a dun litst a. well aciviSed precaution, because gray, were thousands of soldiers bound these provinces, of lyorth China, for f.4,13ya., far which Naples le .the where the 'Chinese ,,:and Japanese lines port They were better equipped than are ao confusingly interMixed, one never knows when or whereihe may rim into the -enemy. .- lion: P. M. Deivera, Ontario's Minister of Agrieulture, adviws,' farra- boys to stay on -the tailn—in:notabie,contrast to 'the doleful, talk of another agrieue- bar* gleatiet'‘ 'few weeks age. Mr., Dewan admii7Vroift tbe farnailig best- ness hae its erne‘k pot ----but what ibunirtese hasn't? Farquhar °Heck, lioted aa the sole -1C.1,1'.0., member of the Provincial Legis-' 'attire, has been taleen into the ItePlearn (labiltet RS Minister of 1.411)11c. "Virorlm, anceeeding 'Major Colin. (iampbell, who is overeeas` with the Itoyal Canadian Cngincers. tOliver leiven eone siatent etipport V) :the Hepburn (ioverne wont anti in Joining the Cabinet giveet ap only a nominal independence. War cannot be, tarried on withottt money. and modern 'warfare involve* ItilipOotittire on an laroense eCitie, The soiotettankte of * sneeessful struggle of cement, and most of us would ne Editor Tbe Signal -Star. • haiiinV, to have evehrbitupeinatia which Sir,—After studyitig your editeriah lly i' 1 tern berilifinffrOmore eaillY eoneeirietenj on the collapse of the Dommioff-Trib- larger cities,. has a' fairtastic, quality and cheaper of maintenance. If- eer- vineial conference. And -also your .(it- about it. Only in the Orient fs there tein pereens on eertain blocks 4einand + tawa correspondent's report on the anything comparable. Life for •-tbe rementokit them pay the difference In meeting I would like to have if pos- poor, in the Italian city IS the life of price: . ' . ' . slide a 'discussion of the report on at 1 . , the'netreet. Here they are born, liver A suggestion for the better advertis- least, some other phases of: it than illSt 1 and die, eat and sleep, and perform ell Ing of the Town of Goderieh is to get the, settlement of the :pest financial 1 the functions of living without ,shame something. useful done to inifirove and I dents of the different Provinces: Surely i or retieence, A hundred and fifty lire beautify the, town, rather then con; I a work, of" two years at a coat of $500e, a month is , a very common income. struet dangerous rocleiveed gardens 1,000 deserves this discussion, rather i where ehildren.are supposed to play in than tile curt, boorish dismis.sel by our Prior fisherfole make perhaps tpolire a dare (Two lire is'about 10 mitts, the narks. Also better water, and central i dictatorial Preniier- and his obedient " amount the average urban , American rest rooms. Instead of smell, oil and I satellities. The general •public could requires .to get himself to work In the a broken crust on the streets, wile not I not make a worse effort to at least mining.) The.. yery' poor ' may live a saving on, the on cost, and cornmence + calmly consider some aspeete of it, after entirely on seaweed, if they' ere near The winter strongly oppoees the in tali to the 'Commission, than Ohl our on proper subfeantial paving? all the expert evidence and opinion sub - crease of ofiletal, nalarin:r *here except, so-ealled seatesmen wile after all ap- In oases where the official has extra pealed more parochial than a county work to "do: Considering the war and council, I consider none of ti,:_te persons certainly higher taxes very soon, we responsible for the-conferenee lived up should be careful to use town tax to the': to vvitat the public. had expeetetk of eery best p6ssible adirantage, , . then% • . Tin' writer hopes to eee developnaent . The Commission themselves shouid oh the koadway to the "harbor, and I have been content to eift and consoli- ant sure ,sonle of the Councillors who date the diiergent views and evideece won such a fine vote realize the feeling submitted to them, riot inake specifie of the majority of netere. Hete- in4 ecomtnendations, but .allow the eon- agoerrefelat-tonottretiennellO terenceettrbe guldedebyetheirefinedingor thin give UK good' valuetfor our money, in implementing"by agreement the login- -1 ehotild be, glad ,to hear the opinions latioii required. ' . of °there. The Federal Government should not ' A BY,S-TANDER. have placed the conference in the posi- .Working there are Some tWenty .people, many of whom used to teach er study in Peiping Or -Tientsin universi- tlea: , They lead e simple life, growing their own .vegetables and gathering their own firewood. Though an 'int the ragged boys' I had seen mobilizing in •September, but, many IN'ept openly at being separated from their families. For Africa, with its thirsts and peers, Italiats have -a great fear, dating .back to the elisastrohs first Dthiopian eam- palgo In therlast century. • —An ey.ewitness story in. Theyy,1ng Age (New York). . • THE 'PRESS -INNblhlTi CHIN' s Chinese newspapermen behind eireiny lines in North 'China. are' leading Spartan., life, With their *fohd and lodgingtaken care of, they receive front three to Art dollars ei month as pocket Money. Salary is soraething of the Oast. .Yet, deapite .their materhil 'dieetimfort, pituggitiegieereralise re 'turning from his tour to Shansi and Hemet reported ne decline in their enr .thusiasin for the profession. The largest ;Chinese news -sheet in that region has a eirculittion of 50,000 copies. Om -the everage, ten ,persolfs share cere copy. Thus it easily enjoys - a° reading, piiblic of half people. - This' paper 'eomes out every other day. Its editorial and pgiiithig rooms are le an unostentatleTarni .house.in the mountains on the 'Shansi - 'Hopei :border. During the last J'epetiese mopping -up campaign,, gun -1M 'was clearly audible at the -place. Yet the newspaper staff stuck to thefr ,jobs. *Through unusual ealinness, they ma aged not to miss' a shigie edition; Meanwhile,. they had made. all neces- sary preparations • for .evacrtation ,at short notice; if the Worst .sheuld hap- pen. However, it did not.. Mimeographed news -sheets are found practically eiervwhere behind Japanese line's in the northern provinces:. Once the Chungking journalist walked into d small village not. far Away ifrom the Peiping railway to find ;three • tion of having, to accept or neject the HE CAN 1)0 MISCHIEF report as a. .wlaole, but rathtv Have are ringed (Orillia Paeltet end Thnes) found out hoW much or bow little of tile eoier ., and If Oft. Iteriberet epersists in his report could be adopted by the different prevalent. present eouree there le no doubt he eau: provinces. By this error,, which. peob" thin, bone eriously embarrass, the Dominion ably was not the Prime Minister's, they -Floven the Government In its war policies.-' It 'ihe .gave an dee card to the erratic, voluble the (Tot,. —China 'at War (Chungking, West hi ) " 0 rat . • GERMANY'S PEACE AIMS. The eeicerrent tiemand for a, state- ment of the peace 41110 of Great Britain and her +allies is Seldom accompamied. by a similar 'demand for .a statement by Adolf Hitler of his"peace objectives. Th.18 is not too surprising, for the Nazis and ' -their apologists are well aware that the ,Fuehrereis not a-maneofehis word. Yet some of his actions hint at the road that he would folio* were he to achieve peace wiiile -undefeated in Europe,. „ How would -the map of rope "look -under-a vietorieus-HitlerS Is-4,te4on- ceivable that a man who has uprooted thousands' of German-speaking persons from +Lithuania, Latvia., Estonia, Per- ianth Poland, Itumania ,and elsewhere would permit omeGermans tb. live in "Weleimportant" places? It is not fantastic to believe that the self-styled "fanatical!' leetlet of the +Germane ldeti.Ate,Doim- G ft Distress If aimpcoldr‘haavse citpllingcoksownW,,tts... big coughing, Muscular soreness, or irritation in upper bronchial tubes, see what a' VapoRubMas. sage",4au do fbr yoUl With this more 'thorough treat", ment, the poultice-andevapor action of Vicks Vaprenub more effectively' PelierRATEsirritated air passages soothing roodicinal vapors e. ;SIMULATES chest and back like a; warming poultice or „ "plaster...STARTS REUEVING mi,sery right away! Results delight even old friends of VapoRule. TO GET a aVa-P-Olt-u-niger n"n" with all its benefits e•massage VairoRub for 3 minutes on /Mr PORTANT RIB -AREA OF RACK as well as throat and, chest - spread a 'thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed cloth. BE SURE to use genuine; time -tested =KS VAPORtill Tlie_finest, inumoney. can buy—and_._ Costs only 451.a point! the meet. 'Slimy and stinking, it is eaten raw. lh +Naples, tbe fishermen and their families live on raw fish axid seaweed. Spaghettl. and the' Vail,' ous other forms of pasta are tiot uni- versally eaten, as one might suppose, because not everyone eats afford •theln. Children are nursed at the breast until the second- yenr to save the cost of. food,- Latin, fertility.eis naturally great, and is encouraged by tile Duce's. .1)Ounty for babies. Hence two child- ren; a toddler and a pale-looking.infant, may- be soon depending .upooraeedegle- source of potuishment. Xi1k is unsafe and expensive, and Many attain adult - hoed withotit knowing its taste. One struck. by -the uppearanee" of the children. Their dark, beatitiful eyes with the sbadow of atutemia. skin Manses ate +terribly •Small fakes are pale, and formation poor and eachitie. grown -tips' often lame into , - unlikely that the Ontario ?reinter, tan Preinier•of 'Ontario t� use to again vent Allenee of nutritional ex alter, or seriouely influence, those.. leis spite against MacKenzie Kingo Mr. Ilepburn's error was in thus exhibiting his small imeital ealibreeind his unfitness to represent Ontario. • Nor was this his only error, but he might •have submitted an alternative better 1)10.11and not act Mei a eintill dog rvbielr PRICED TO MATCH THE LOWEST...but powered with L -HEAD ENGINE... equipped with most advanced KNEE -ACTION ...TORPEDO STYLED with concealed running boards policies. u*t ean and, will inter- - • TWO MEETINGS fere with the Unity of purpose and ef-, fort so enential to attaining the coun- try's maximum war effort. - '(Christian Ocienee Monitory refuren to right until after returning The news- carries reports of two un- „ to the shelter of his home. usual personal meetings on January The appointment of a commission or 10, one betWeeil Adele Hitler and Benito even adopting their .reconntendatiOnS 3fursoiini, the other between Franklin should uot have been labelleda wreck- Itooevelt and Wendell Willkie. Is It ing of Confederation, but, regarded difileult to estimate which is inoye rather as a friendly inethodof study- 111cAY to PronlOte the WorId'a wefl ing improvements in adjusting powers being? ! and responsibilities between the. Do- ; minion aud the different Provinees The Giire , after ceventy Years of trial. This the Tulin; to raving the lead, Private' general public coneidered Was the idea Smith went eick and told the M.O. he in appointing the Cominissien, and even had accidentally swallowed eonae petrol. "tack to duty," said the M.O., "and don't emoli:e for a eyed:, 1" our te mays he only aelts for pin Monty?" 'Yes, but the first pin she wanted bad, twelve dieunonds in It." `I in time of war Should be so considered, and methods of iliihrotoehinni, where necessary. If considered hi a friendly and eo-oPerative spirit no dainagc, Shouhl come to eitheloour war effort or the faturf, progrene of clanada, J. N. KgrCNIGIIAN. Backache -kidneys Cry for Help I • ACKED itith fine cat features and built for thrift, Pontiac is the only lqw-priked co that offers the combined advan- tages, of: 14.11EAp ENGINE for quiet, smocith, powerful performancep and economical operation '...'ICNEE.A.CTION of tnost advanced design, for matchldss tiding Comfort aud. handiling ease,... TORPEDO ,STYLING with running Iicia.rds • concealed, away ftom ice, snow, mud and dust Pontiac is biggek, roornieri more restftil„ more beautiful than you eve t imagined • a 19„wVric,cicar:coul4 , Get all the„facts,— Y*Y Ilt, Meet people' foil to recognize the oerionsnesa of a bad back. The stitches flitches, and twinges , bad moland cause great suf- fering, but back of the backache and the cause of it all is the die-, ordered Iddaeye crying out a warn. , fag through, the book, A _pas h the bk io the kidneys° sty for help. Go to their oseistinee. Get * bo* of Dome* 'rifle*/ Plate A remedy for backethe sad olek is” *to put Up in at oblosig low ixtz with our wok oi"- Leaf" *Ott *Whitt*. Ost 4,41:1011110400 00„, 1441., loosatio, POWS john -Parsons, dlo eh, On