The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-30, Page 1°bent
Combining The Goder'ich Signal and The Goderich Star
GODEWH:oNTARio, tifORPAY; JANUARY 30t1; 1941
Many Grants Passed
by County ,Counefil
Speaker AdVooates Community
Health Service on
Alberta PIsa
,',epeaker befbre 'Buren. Cauirty
Council oe'Thersday morniu svais
,George Theidley, former Atiritater 'et
Bealth and Agriculture for A.lbertit in
the days ot the Bresvilee Governmeet:
Ben. Gir, !Headley spoke en, d3 'Oen
o MunitSpal -doctors and eemrannity.
medicalservice, 'legislation for which
rresirtltteed,---orietlsesseet,aerte,„lhooke Of Al-
• ,
berta while he WAS ill '00100. He spa
that Canada generally had made sio
progress- in health matters since...the
last Aitiiiit; as Shown by the nue:thereof,
rejections as mieldieally unfit In this
war compared with the lest. Ile
stressed that particular attentiOn be
paid to istfantenortality, child hygiene
and the health of, youth generally.
His plan is to have the 'Ontario Govern-
ment pass legislation to enable muni-
cipalities to raise money' by local tax-
ation. The cost of medical service, he
sale, was less than half that 'before
the plan Was brought into operation In
various municipalitiee in Alberto. and
Saskatchewan. He suggested that
meetings be called in Huron county to
discuss the question and offered his
services as a speaker.
. Later in the SeSSIOn ("OUXteil passed
. a resolution asking the•Ppvincial Gov-
ernment to pass legislation 'Making
-possible community 'medical service for
those municipalities •that desired it. A
vOte 'of the ,people would have to, be
The 'first round Of the eeries in the
"Marathon" bridge parties has been
played, The next round will take plaCe
next Monday. Already '.$27 •bas been
realized. '
A "Marathon" of "eve., hundred"
wUtetart, on 'Weduestley of, next Week.
Many hostesgee • not playing cartle,'
Are ')Ateitaiti,t3g at afternoon teas or
-knitting parties; These are most sac-
eeseful,. ,,, •
The Women's 'Hospital AuxWars at
lts meetieg on Monday authorized a
donO ation $5 to •the "Marathen" nd
An. extract •from a bulletin. received
from iieolgearters the local work-
roeureeteseitteesreadeesese—eesee _
"Every classification of suppirea
needed by the woMen's war work cone;
mittee Will be, in future, on.the quota
system according to Mrs. John Fraser,
vise.chisiresan, • •
"These ;classificationsare heepital
Supplies, army end air force coots,
semen's eomforts, civilian clothing for
the Britieh (formerly called refugee).
and .eomforts ,for woraess's war auxils
'iary services of !Great Britain. The
to knoW something further about R; and
Lt. Crich promised to have a copy of
itheeGoclerich paper sent containing the
aecount a the tragedy. *.
.$o' this 'week toples of The Signal -
Star recording th.e drowning and the
eubeequeetemrial •of the youegeman
are going to Lt ()rich to ,be • handed
to the issournisig grandfathers
H. T. -Edwards, cl-l'ild-reni"s7Ttiit'"iii-
- 7".
specter, and Mrs. Chaffee, social service
worker, gave oral reports on their work
._Atid engaged in.* discussimi:
and anewers* centring around,
the closing of the •Children's
° And the plan Whiels sficceeded it. There
are now live wards iii boarding -out
beaten' •
e The Connell unanimously passed a
resolution , asking the Department of
. Highways to bard -surface the Ohm
Water highway . •from BaYfield to
Amberley this summer.. , - •
The Coen -borer rest _
A considerable increase .in the: Pre-
valence of the :torn -borers fparticularly
• South Huron evoked a lively dis-
cus,sien.Several- reeves urged that
each sehool section Organize to get rid
of the pest.- .Suggestions were made
that..supervision be placed wider weed
inspectors and that two; instead of one
corn -borer inspeetor be ippokited tbis
year. But in -the-end the same inspec-
tor,. Ross Johnson, was re -appointed at
-the same rate c of vay.
Committee, reports •Were taken up In
comfaittee ots, the whole, eelatie by
clause. Those dealing with earinSfples-
-' 'bona evoked Much discussion.
The legislative • ;committee ereport
dealt .with a 1034 lint of .proposals.
The resolution froel the Triwnship' of,
Stamford, asking 'the 'Government to
inaugurate tePlan of medical treatment
and hesfaitalizatien along the lines ' of
the Old Country, was approved: t'
Council disapproved of a resolution
from the County of Peel • asking that
royalcommissions' be dispensed
"We appcdet coMmissiona ourselves,"
.said•Reeve'.1.,11. Stott.- • ,
No action was takenon. the BrUce
County resolution asking Ihe saroverti-
ment to discontinne '• allowancee for
teipenses of Judges,
A .
• J. A. Criiii,Meeta Grandfather of
Aireraftainan Debenig40, What Was
Drowned in lake Iluron in
Writing , friend in Goderieh,
Lieut. 'FredA Jrcb, of the R.C-11.,
liONST at Whitley Caman
Camp in 'Engld, told
ef a cheese' meeting in e 'Surrey ,village
. with John' DebenhaW grandfather
the joins SperiCer Debenham 'who with.
# comrade,' inert Alden. Geerge, both ef
the Airsnivigation •School, at Port Al-
bert, was drowned in Lake Miran, On
Deceniber' 7th last, '
Lt. Crich and the regimental padre
attended 'church in • this village near
their camp ,enA -after the service' Mr,
Were not a •Canadian and, if. he knew
anything of Lake Huron and 1GoderIch,
whist his grandson, had mentioned in
his letters. The Lieutenant was able
to assure him that he, did, havingslived'
in Goderich for some years, The elderly
gentlenitin went on to explain that he
41ad received no inf-ormation about his
grandson's (leen], other than the of-
fielal notificationeand expressed a wish
Meeting Endorses
Harbor Road Scheme
Resolution Adopted Asking Town
Council to SecUre the
Right of Way
latter are for tall women's serviceS
Whether in or out of uniform. This
quota systent has two great advant-
ages: (1) • The 'women are making
articles which are definitely needed.
(2) There Ls no excess material or wool
ordered, and tonsequently a Saving of
branch funds. , s
"N'utrition—The' 'Ontario 'Red Cress
ban, prepared a special war economy
course which:teaches iwomen on an in-
come level haw to by foods which will
give th,em th,e greatest nutritional
value far their money. Classes are
being established as far north as,
-littpeekasiegeandsf reinsZortseyilliem m
the west to CeenWall in the east, With:
hundreds of women in attendence."
It is interesting to know that' the
local committee is eommencing . a
cause o'fjectiires which will include
the above, this Thursday levening--at
the Red 'Cross romns.; Miss 'Edith
TaylOr IS' the lecturer.
Dr. W. -F. Gallow Chairman for 1941—
:Commissioner Wigle stut Seriously
The inaugural meeting of the Public
CommiSsion was held. at the
'Town Hall on Thursday night last.
May.or BrOwn and, Dr, W, F. Gailow
were present, the third member, 01.(r.
'Es: a': vinKlet Oeing .,Serionsly ill at
London. 'Dr,,sclallOiv wee elected chair-
man for 1.941; and it was decided to
hold the regular:ineetings as formerly
on the second and fourth .Thursdays
Of the month: •
'Superintendent Kelly was delegated
to attend the' annual meeting of the
Ontario ;Municipal 'Electrie'Association,
to be held otToronto next week..
. A. conlplaint :was received from the
Goderich Slat Company of lack of
water pressure and partial' cessation
of the town on, a:recent
date. The secretary wan instructed to
advise the 0Ompeily that the -trouble
was caused' by the plugging of the
waterworks intake pipOwith needle ice,
a trouble, common to all water systems
A wedding of interest to Gloderich
readers took place at 'St. Louis, MIs.
souri,. on January 28rd, wheri John eiur-
ray Kershaw, B.Sc.,, Sall 'of 'Mr. and
'Sirs. F. G. Kershaw, Goderich, was
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil sG:
Nutter. The ceremony was performed
Lansdowne Christian church by Rev..,
Earl R 1jye11 The bride was
are's-Sell -in trbirdet-Titte wool- ctiiteme-
suit with -black accessories. Miss Nellie
Leigh Nutter was her sister's brideS-
maid, while her brother, John Nutter,
tissrsted the groom.' Tile couple will
reside at Adelaide Apts., 1119 Missouri
-Ave.,' Sit.iLouis, Missouri.
'1rs Kershaw attended Washington
University' andeSir; Kershaw, who is a
graduate of Park -Air College', is -on the
Whole -hearted supeert of the road
to -the north side a Goderich hArbor,
was pledged at a joint meeting of the
ToWn 100=14 and the Board of Trade
on 'Wednesday evening, Priarlding
satisfactory ;ease an be obtained frora
the -GoVerninent, proper rainy cross-
ing facilities secured and the post Of
the- construetion of Atteroad definitely
arranged. t,
The meeting wag called by Mayor E:
Poilgless Brown in accordanee with his
pre-election Prosnise to call, a, joint
meeting a me twobodies to tonsider
the • quentien, Every member of the
0Olplelf Wh4 spoke, and all were pre-
eent ex'iePtt Voimeillor Sproul, endorsed •
the Proposal, eubject teethe adjastraent
of -certain details. ,
MS' Worship. reviewed the Matter
and recalled 'what had been attempted
by the Town Coenell during the last
three years. DeputY Reeve W. 4.
Baker didn't 'know what more cauld
have 'been done and was ready to con-,
Sider any Suggestions in that direction,
W, Cecil. Attridge had gone over
:the ground quite recently with Mr.
Breese ape- -considered the $14,704S
,estirciate as "utterlY; ridieulous." In
Ids opinion the cost would be nearer
$1,000, .bet placing it at $5,000, as an
'outside :figure, the* results would justify,
. ,
'the. expenditure.
Scheefer ;thought the
results of th 1asfauidciPa1 °lett itsfie,
showed how thepe.eple of the town.felt
about the construction of the road,
and he Wassatisfied the Board of
Trad.C.Wonid -co-operate in NO sinove.
meet that Might be
. No Opposition
His Worship ..asked if there
any person present who tould advance
reasons Why the road sallould not be
constructed: There was no response,,
Mr. B.' K., Wurtele recalled that
whensthe' 'G-oderich delegation visited
Ottawa themember had, been as,sttred
by the Government representatives that
if Groderieh could Produce tbe business
the road would be built, brit the
Government would prefer tojease. the
land if the town Would build the rigid.
In 'Mr. Wurtele's estimation there
were three problems to be considered:
1t,If the' town would go to the
expense of buildin. the road at a prob-
able cot et $.3,00S, but #ot mare than
$5,000; 2nd, get the, permission of the
Railway .Beard to crone the tracks, and
shipPers of 45,000 tons of freight a
year .14r..Wnrtele 'thought his cOnapany
might be able to give some assistance
in that direction.; 3rd, get a lease from•
the Government, it the town definitely,
makes up its mindthat if it got the
land it would build the -road. ' --
Three million dollars were invested
in the harbor, Mr. •Wurtele painted
out, but there was only one half of
it in u$. The Industries would benefit
'by:the extension a the harbOr
the 'merchants' would benefit, and as
a natitrall result workmen and others
would derive advantages. •
More Space Needed at Karlior
Wurtele's company needed more
room for coal, and other industries
occasionally required coal 'When they
With war conditions;
these irements--naigm
ht -become-ore-
urgent aud he felt. the , present in-
dustries were justified in aSking for
the additional spacer "If the 'road can
be constructed at a reasonable cost',"
he continued, "as I believe it can, /
do not anticipate any serious obStaele,.s
in regard to leasing the land; besides,-
other industries Might be induced to
come here, The Matter has been
dangled. for three years 'before 'one
promignebprospect which. would not
interferewith any of the present con-
cerns, but 'It is possible we might be
able to reilie their interest. There
is one certainty;' added ,Mr. Wurtiele,
"no industry is going to consider- Gode.
rich if we have not got the -necessary
site available. RatiOning eoal is
a Posetbility of the near future, and
some provisiOn should be mesle temeef
those 'conditions." 'He thought at least
$1.40 per ton in •the price of cOar 'could
be saved for citizens, or a total of
$4,000 a year, and that comPtitation
did 'not' take in the churches or public
buildings. The captains of the fleet
that Wintered here last year had given
they• could refteli their ships, brit they
had also. Stated they couldnot con-
sistently recommend this harbor for
the future unless' more aecommodation
were provided for spring, repairs and'
maintenanee work. "I can only add,"
said Mr: -'Whrtele, "that • the 'Salt
;Company will co-operate with your
Council by every means in it power."
Mr. J. E: Heckles explained bow
coal Was unioeded here' and ele
lm a'
provaI of the' movement to get more
sPace. "The prosperity of this, cone;
minify depeilds• upon its harbor, so
-let us hell/111C' Proposition," he said.
""Get a lease of the land arid the
cost of the road," urged Reeve R. E.
Turner, "then we win have eonsething
to Offer and I bel ieee the results will
jnStify oureefforts. • '
We need the right of way and we
have tried to get it, but a monkey
McCAN_N--4014/1.ST,ON, •
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
10 a.m. on .Saturdee, January '25th„ at
the United church parsonage, Ben -
miller, • When •Alma Elizabeth,- youngest
danghter of Mrs. WM. Johnston and the,
'late Mr. Johnston,. Ashfield, was united
in the holy bonds of Matrimony to
William .Seotte youngest $0114, -of Mr:
and Mrs. Jos. C. McCann of :Colborne,
Rev. R. G. Hazelwood officiating The
bride was pretty in a dress of rose
moss crepe trimmed with blue seduins,
and carried a bouquet of American
Beauty roses. r The bride was attended
by Mrs. 'George Twamley, sister of t-
grooni,- wearing a • duske rase 'crepe
dress,, While Mr. 'peerge Twamley sup-
ported the groom.• After the ceremony
a wedding dinner was served the bridal
party at the British 'Exchange HOtel,
Goderich. The young conple •1eft .bv
motor to spend their honeymoon he
Reeve of Ilidlett Township aed Warden
of Ilerow County for 1941.
ammTit douttcauggs_
, .
Xisf • lilsiVe ROO* to
Reeraits are wanted by the Elgin
Regiment and also by the !Highland
Light Infantry of ,the aetive service
forces, 'The •Bignal-Otar wee informed
by ()art. P. T. Verey, of tile
while be was in town at the week-etul.
The Eigina have -4 tompany made up
mainly of men. from Godile erieli and d
triet anal ieommanded by Major D. 'IL
Nairn. Young , men wishing te enlist
in this attractive unit should report
to Capt. Stanhury at Wolseley Par -
=eke, London. .
'Itecruite for, the 'Highland Light In-
fantry ehoilld report to Capt. P. E.
Carey at Wolseley tRarraeks. The
• neitelesessere inecreebee.
eequires men to 5-ft,''1 211 In beght
arid of good apPearance.
Norman Atkinson, of Toronto Gives'
'Address on 011.—B.A.F. Orchestra
Makes a Hit •
Members of the County Council fra-
ternized with members <)f the Goderich
Lions Club ,af'the IAQM banquet meet-
ing --at Hotel Bedford on ThurSdaY
evening 1a4. Including the Royal Air
Force Dance Bind; wjc1i eve a fine
Prograduring the evening, the gather-
ing numbered -about one 'hundred,
taking water from a lake in this 'Detroit and at other points in 'Michigan.
'Province Engineers have been con- The .bride chose..for travelling a blue
suited from time to thne, but up to .the crepe -dress, black•coat with mink trim
present have suggested no way of pre- and !black accessories. On their return
venting the trouble, which occurs Only they will reside on the groom's farm in
mileage oed 'eher
itt rare has • Colborne.
intervals: -
--.The-eeirmtission ' been-.
eheriffsand other Go-yen:intent
• • •
pioyeen ' • • ; . • pondenee-with -tlieleProvinelal-Pewe
cherges e, and a con-
ference with Division Eng"ineer P.arker
on this elifiject has been requested. .
- Approval was given to a Peel County Oenunissien with reference to the
• resolution asking, that .4 -central. place for street dightie
be establiehed tor the eonfinement and
exeeution of persons • convicted ...of
capital ,offences. '
No acticol was taken . on One frees
:Peterborct County asking that *14 age
pensions be given to all persons over
"seventy, irrespective- of their linansial
Approval was given a Kent County
resolution asking that free transporta-:
tion 'be„provided to forces . on
weekend or-. long leave-.° Four, other
-similar resolutions' were tiled
• Connell failed to concur in a resolu-
tion of 'Hastings, County requesting
that grand juries be abolished •and the
nmnber ,on,petit Juriesbe reduced front ,
1111 and Mis 4as. Barrie, Regent
street,Gedeeith, anncaince• the engage -
silent -10f their daughler, Afargaret
Ernest Melbourne MeVittie, son of
Mr. and )trs. 13.JeleVitttle, Oxford
street, tGoderich. The wedding to take
Place in IrehriarY. '
There wa,s a large attendance, at St.
IGeorge's-ehurcleon ,Sa.terday afternoon,
when the rector, Rev. A. .C. Calder, eon -
ducted the funeral service ler the late
'Miss Eva, Bingham. The chief Mourn-
ers were Me. Frank E. Difighana,
tlier of the deceased, Mrs. Thos. DeveY
01 • Toronfo And Mr. II. B. • teox of
igwensea, niehe 'and nephew.- The pall-
bearers were, Lt -Col. 11. C: Dunlap,
1.11. j. elacEwan, Tns It It, Hall,
Gundry, Chas. C. Lee and Harry
L. -LIVirtiOne. -Interment . Matt,
land Cemeter. ,
The deceased lady was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bingham, early
residents -of Goderich, ;whom 'tome era.
perty at the lake shore was, one of the
attractive `featnree of the 'town until
fire. ssonte• yetres ego destroyed the
residenee,\1r. Illegham was active in
the affairs of the „town over half-a-
eentury . ago, iind i remembered par-
ticularly for theSpla.nting of the lino
twelve to. Os. . ,
The Canal lone
, When the'County Home report wa$
' taken. pp. there was a' long discussion.
en the requeSt for an increase in salary
from' Irvine "Jaeobs,, assistant manaor
of the institution. , Thor salary was
The Committee reeommended
The request Of a rnanufaeturee that
• a burglar and lire alarm apparatus be
given a demonstration was. approved,
:The agriculture eonunittee reported
in -favor stof. a Teel County ..resolutien
eskieg• the Government .to enact legis-
lation to bring the price ,of farm -pro..
duets in line with those •offether com-
modities. A . similar resolution from
Ilalton also was endorsed
Another from Illgin,‘ Wfas eon -
corked in, opposod pegging of ° rOW of chestnut trees bordering Cour
priceof hogs or any other farm pro-lIoUEe Park,' 'Me 'Prank Bingham is
duct. So also WAS one from 'Welland now the sole survivinpmeinber 4 the
10ounty requesting that eordiers be ttinlY1
giro' leave during the haying and
harvest seasons. A similar resolution
Iran' Simeoe was endorsed. •
During a five-mitiute intermiesion
bustler basket of beautiful McIntosh
'Red apples, the gift of 1'.4, E. Cardiff,
WitS paesed around: •
• Provineial Engineer IrelloWes, ad.
dressed Connell briefly. Ile stated that
while the, fall •aesiges were in seSsion
In I/eceinber last a statement was made
o by a learned judge that action should
. be taken against (lounty official, aris-
ing. out of the Gerrie- bridge trials.
egiad his lordship studied municipal
law he would never have made that
Statement," siiId"Sir. Fellowes.
. Monty 'Gritilts
The eteentive comMittee'e report sms
1041 grants was passed by Cauireil
neer e,ome flanges had been made.
,•The llst: Navy League Of Canada, *100c;
Salvation .Army itesene Home, London,
Guests from .ToG
ronto, Paris, oderich
and Guelph were present for -the wed-
ding in Ryerson United chureh, Ham-
ilton, on. Saturday afterneen, January
18111, at 4 o'clock, of !Mildred Walker,
Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walker, and Mr. •Eric Carpen-
dale, see of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Car:
pendale. Rev. Sohn It Gorden of-
ficiated. Olt. :Leslie Leh= played the
wedding marches and Miss Olive -Ora.
ham sang "Oh, Perfect Love"- and 'I
Love *•Y'ott Traiy." Perns, palms and
chryeantheinums were the attractive
church decorations. The bride. were.a
gown of white organza over white satin
embroidered with ehenille 'flowers and
'made with train. , Her • full-length
French veil fell from .airnatching halo
She tarried ',Better 'Times roses and
etevia and -Shower. 1 -ler only oroament
was a filigree necklace set with pearls.
She was given In marriage by her
father. Miss Dorothy. Walker was
.bridesmaid. She wore a gown of powder
blue embroidered t henille organza with
inatthing headdress and shoulder veil.
.gife'tarrietr-Tf -6-orticrierdr-TaTiiKenlii
rose's and stevia. Mr.- ItIwrence Groves
was the best man and the ushers -awe
Dalgleish and Mr. Finest
Bennett. IThe bride's mother wore a
two-tone block dress, vvith touches of
powder blue,, Her hat Was powder blue
and her aecessorlea .were black., Her
corsage bouquet was of Talisman roses.
Pie groom's 1,mother ware aquamarine
blue wt,th coral hat, black aceessories
and corsage bouquet of Briaircliff roses.
An-aftelereeeption attended. bY, forty-
four guests was held at Ityeroft
the bride's table being decorated with
wedding cake, 'tall tapers tied • flowers.
When the happy confile left on a snort
motor trip the bride Wore a gown d
remattee blue with matching hat, lied-
aon seal coat and black aceoesories.
She earried seal MUM the gift of the
groom. On their return Mr. and Mrs.
Carpendale will reside at 27 Glendale
Avenue, Hamilton. °,' • wrench has always been theown into
The bride's parents are former e1 the ° machinery," stated gr, 'W. S.
dents 'of ,Goderich and Be/miller. Her Balzer, 4idding,411 there in anything the
grandfather, the late Sohn A. 'Walker 0,ounell can do to help, ani satisfied
of Denver, •Colorado, Was a former the Connell it."
.Goderich resident. The following motion was Passed;
"That this meeting requea the Town
SKATING PARTY Council to take the nemsary, steps
A skating party Muter the auspiees to secure the riflit.of-way, and further
of ,,Vietoria street Young People's that tile )30J1(1e)30J1(1of Trade woiild be
'Society, entertaining. the Union Young prepared to O Point ti 41(44,ation to
•Poople!i; Soeiey, was held at Barker's' ,uAst " na- table
.rink Tuesday evening.c. A "fi00(1 ti1110 to the 'I a au °
was had by all and the bappy gang tonie• twenns ty-five ell 'zewere pre -
gathered at the elinreli afterwards for knit in addition to the menibers Of the
hot veils, brans and toffee.. Town •
Lferlitireey •SkilpreSidell-s
.--e ---
The addres-sef the evening was given
by Mr. Norman -Atkinson of the British,
American -Oil „Company„,‘"Tetonte, who
was introdUced by Lion Roy: Hilton..
;Irv. Atkinso-n.40-velin, interesting talk
oil the hisforr of the all industry.
Molting pictures showed the various
processes in the manufacture of -oil.
During the everiing speeches were
given by Mayor E. Douglas Brown;
Warden Leip•er„ L. R. Cardiff, M.P.,
Reeves Betheringterc Wingham,
Sett of .Seaforth, Tuckey 45f Exeter and
Bowman ,of 'Brussels, J. C. •Sb,earer.„
Huron agricultlinal representative, and
G. W. -Schaefer, prenidepegetlee GOde-
rich Board of Trades
Evidence of the activity of the Gode-
rich. Lions was given in the initiation
of eight. new -members, who were in-
troduced and addressed by Lien Frank
Saunders, .ellairnian of the membership
Under the direction of Fliglit-Lieut
C: Fletcher, the R.A.F. orchestra. enter-
tained the gathering in a delightful
manner which won enthusiastic. ap-
A yote of thanke- to the LiOttS Club,
in behalf of the County, Coup.cil, was
proposed by Reeve Bowman, and one
.rite, the orchestraeby LioneL H. Kinkead.
.$300; evil library in the totugy, *25;
each plownisa's vsoelation, ,Sea -
forth, Clinton,. and Henson sPriag
show's, $80; Hensall seed ',fair, 815;
flower plots forCourt House Park, $25;`
County agrieultural office, $500; junior
extension fund, $300'; each school; fair,
!National Institute for the Blind
$150; eavh of ;four county hospitals,
$700; East, ,West aud ,Soutli 'Huron
Women's Institutes, $25; Blue Watee
Highway Association, $100; committee,
on conservation and reforestation, $25 ;.
(111I1dren's War Memorial Itospital,
London, $25; 'Hospital for •Sick (11114
len, TOronte, $25.
The salaries of the County Treasurer
and County Klierk were inerraSed to
fc2,000 it eeer each, a jinni) 'of
4Forther ATort et County COuneil on
Me 3)
Westminster ,Gitild„ Thjars Addreeses
on -the- Life and Works Of the
Scottish Hard
On -Mondayenday evening the Westminster
Guild, the young PeoPle's -organization
Qf Knox Presbyterian cluirede 'held its
weekly-ineeting In the lecture room of
the church. The Seripture reading
was taken by Cliff Lowery and the
prayer by Reye J. Lane.
"Iteberearna" was the topic that
wasextemporarily by 'both Mr.
A. iSimpSon, of 'the 0.0.1. staff, and Mr.
Lane. ,11r. Simpson dieeussed Burns,
pbmilalfity and his poems and Mr.
Zane talked ebout Burns' life. • .
The roll call was answered with it
verso from any of Burns' poems. Next
week, the Toll call will be some thought
expressed in verse. All members are
osked to attend and .support their
captains, Donna Bell and Bernice Hog-
-garter.' The attendanee eeeerd 18' being
resumed, . so everyone will have achance to make a perfect score. • •
• The meeting next week . will be on
Monday night, ,and the topic will be
44Waleer the 'address to be giVen by
dile ,of ,the B.A.T% men stationed at
Port Albert. A.-ir Navigation School.
- NO, lit
G. C. I. Students
Receive Awards
UM A. X, KilUgin sad UV.
Lane Present Prjses
and Diplomas
The annual tommenement t;xereleeS
Gederieh Volleglate Institute were
held. on Friday afternoon in the (lel,-
legiate assembly hallewhieh wits acted
almost to capaeity by the stUdente and
their parents and friends.
?The exercises were of O. SWIlAe but
impreeeive, nature. The preSetttation
of aeademic and athletic awards. WO*
made and musical nuMbers were pre- • e
'sated 'fif-eXCelleairetYle- MIXed '
h• oir of girls and boys, under the dire‘
hen of Miss Madeleine Lane..
After'a few words of greeting, ?rine
cipaiA R,'Seott'introdneed Rev. A. J.
Milligan - to preeent- the graduation e
diplomaS. 31r. expreeeed his
,pleasure is being able to' bring to the
students a few' thoughts Whitt* bad
tome to his mind.
• menet, help thinking of an OC
caSion such as this 'evithout,feeling the
seriousness andimportance of it, and as,
eatb- Yeg;..eomee, along the eeriousness
and importanceimportancelife more to the front
4`A grenia 4f young people going out
into the world is in niv mind likened
to the launching of a One could
not witness the launching of a ship
without seeing the possibilities for eoPl-
Meree, pleafrare and perhaps something
Which was unforeseen when it was
bolit„ the noseibility for warfare. These
great ships' whieh: almost 'daily' come,
.off the runways are in thisreepect *Om- .
ilar to students Who owe out of any.
school learning. Graduation le not
the end. of things ler them, but only
• -
• "No class' toad. possibly graduate, in
a. time of ,greater concern. Yon do
not have to be reminded that the world
is in Is greater turmoil than ever bete*,
-;turnioll and coneternation.•We know
that, if we face the present situation
-with ail the resources we;have, at the
cloee of that sday wbela 'victory shall ,
•be ours we shall know that. we have
done our best."
• —
Plans Discussed at Meeting on Tuesday
Evening --Another Meeting to Be
Called' SoOn
At A meeting ealled to consider a
fitting observance of, the, centenary of
Goderieh Collegiate Institute, held at
the school.. on Tuesday evening, it was
decided to proceed: with plans for a
Car Skids on Iey Road on Blue Water
Highway—Several Men, Injured.
, Several members of. the Royal Aix:
Foree were injured early Monday after-
noon while 'riding in a panel van from
Port Albert �n • the way. to Goderieh.
The Van skidded On the icy serfase of
the road, ';elleent., tow 'nortik of -
town on the Blue Water highvvity,
struck a post and turned over on its
side into the ditch. ,The injured were r
Sergeant ,Suggett,,, slight eencussion;
A.Cie 1 Xorthcote, the driver, slrght. leg
injury ; A.C. , facial injury;
A.C.• 1 Iones, facial laceration; A.C. 1
Drake, slight body- Injuries. ,
The injnred men were treated at a
nearby farmhouse by •Dr. W. W. Martin.
A. 1 Jones was brought to Alexandra
Hospital for further treatment, the
others' being removed to• the airport
hospital at Pert Albert. Three other
IIof the party received slight
shock but were not otherwise injured.
The party were eozning Godertch
to take train for another sta•fion,
The following donations to the Greek
War Relief V'und haee been handed
to- Mr. Tom Manjuris• of • the Venus
restaurant and are 'gratefully acknow,
celebratioo, but the - nature-, os
the -ff.-111e1Sevan
celebration, the date and other details . les Josie Saunders
Charles Asquith of Auburn,.a G.C.I.• 11. 41. Punlop
W. 41,- sPridham
Were consideredonly tentatively. *Mr.
° *Academie, Diplomas ,
° Academic diplonaas were presented
by slir. Milligan, its follows, although •
not all of 'the winners were present°,
to recei•Ve. them'. personally:e James
Abell, 'Ruth 'Arthur; 'Margaret Bissett,s‘
Josephine Bradlee,' ,Peggy Cooper,
Harold Feagan, Flenniken,
Doris Hawthorne, Thomas. Hogan, Roy
Holland; . James Hume,. Pauline John-
ston, „ Armand Lasealine, Claesteree• Mc-
Nall,Ituth .Leslie Rodgers, -Doie"---'
ald Rossi Harold 'Shore, Mary Thorniee .
loe, Mildred Videait, Ray Vincent; Elvin
Wightman, Delmer Taylor.
Compiercial-elean Campbell, Rape
Mutch, William Reid, Betty 'tooth,
Margaret Webster:. •
The following scholarships also- were
presented by Mr. Milligan: Grade IX,
veterans' meinorial—(1) Gloria Chia-
holin, .(2) -. 'Claire Bisset: Grade 'X, --
Peter Adamsdn ntemorial Helen
' Grade Xi, Melcini memorial—
Mary Alai. Grade XSI, Peter Adamson
memorial—James 11111110. -Grade XIII
--Hugh Innis Strang salensisrlat-----
Anetta Stewart, lieXast memorial-- •;
Lee• ,Scott. Carter scholarships for
Huron county -e(1) Anetta -.Stewart;
(2) The late Donald •Sheardowne f
The eboir,gave a lovely rendition .o
"Swing Low, iSweet Charlot.".
Rev. J. Lane spoke a few words
before presenting the athletic shields- ,
1111(1 medals.„ "This is a very ,ixepertant
departesent, just AS* IS Jam acadeinie
departnient,n he 5(11(1.
"I 'have often seen In My day the
and presented,
And :these men, came forward in jast
pride to receive them, because they had
done •their best and given their greatest
1,,-ervice to win. Tim same true of
boys and girls Colleghite who have
given their best. le-stsri't always the ---)•,---
one who wins" who gives the Most, but
often the one. whe •doesn't get in the
front lines: As I present the medals .
I hope ',the boys and ssirls will hold. this ,
in mind,"
, 1.b0
s. 1.00
' 2.00
ex -student and now a member :of the Baptist Sunday School
E. C. Robertson
trustee board, was chairman of the
mean ex-etedent, was secretary, and these 13'
eting, and Sir. Wm. S'etheiland, also flume°
tWo were appointed a cOmmittee to Call Bisset Eros' •r•
another meeting, probably within two
weeks, at which it is hoped therC Av.
a -larger attendance. -
The, opinion was expressed that, al-
though during war time It might be In-
advisable to venture upon any elabor-
ate program, an opportunity Rhovi,d he
provided for a gathering of former
pupils and others- interested in the
school, a Summer date being favored for
such an occesionS
The laSt.G.C.I. reunion was in•1907,
when e, memorable gathering took place
in honor of the, ate I)e. IL I. Strang,
for many 3Q1ITS 'principal of the sebool.
The formingof a permanent alumni
association, to preserve the history and
carry .on the, traditions of the school,
'aulthurst, •of the trustee board, and
Will ho doubt be furithereconshlered in
Connection with the plans- fel the cen-
tennire celebration.
Twenty-two Young Men ,,Make Applica-
tion for Enlistment in Various
Branelies of The Air•Service
Twerity-two youne, men of Goderieh
and district made applieation for ad-
miesion to the ,Royal Canadian Air
Force whi1e. the mobile recruiting unit
from atp. No. 1 iiegidqUartErS; was
here on Monday. Reerniting, condUted
'In the Court nouse, eontianted at
eteady 'beet', throughout the day, being
brought to a halt at 8 o'elock in the
evening. The recruiting officers mil-
eidered the, turnout quite setisfaetory
and expressed their approval of the
eeeellent, type • of young men who ap-
plied. , •
Applicants will go to military distriet
headquarters at 'London within the
next feW weeks for their medical and,
In some eaees, trade tote. XAMOti of
the applicants svill not be published
until, they have completed these tests
and have been -accepted in the 11.0.A.P.
Of those wile applied, six were towed
enitable for air erew. The remaining,
nnutber 411441041 for service le a variets
of trade,,, eneh as radio teehnicians,
airframe mechanies, clean eeneeal,
equipment a'Ssistaiith, speurity fsbards
general duties, and one as a cook.
Marjorie Allin 1.00
Einipiosees• of Venus Restaurant 13.00
R. 0. Hays
Lions Club
Previously acknowledged
• 5,00
Ally persons wishing to help the
Greeke' in their resistance to the Italian
sand German aggressors may de so by
leaving any ',donation they IflOY be ahle
to make with Mrs lianjuies, who will
forward it to theproper°Metals Wilh-
ite t (101 113.
' 25.00
'',Atorainatinttalorilee.two vaeancies.on
the Public ,School Board were received
at the Town Hall 'Wednesday evening.
For St. Georges ward the nominations
were "Sirs. Leona Holland. Stanley 'Mc-
Lean And George 0, Mat.11wah ; for St.
Andrew's ward, George G. MacEetan,
Matthew Ainslie and Reg,. Burrows:
• sNominees have until 9 •beelock this
' (Thursday) evening to qualify. ;VP to
noels today no qualifleation papers had
leen filed.
, There was a large- attentlimee at the
annual meeting of the eltelerich Town-
ship Sitinivipal Telephone System, held
in the Township- Hall at. lIolineeville
on Tuesday. The neancial statement
showed- a good f4 urplus en hand. The
pomm1.f3N1onors ere W. It., Lohb (eeth-
man ), Fred. 'Middleton and Oliver P.
Edward, the last named being re-elected
for rtwo-year term. •
The temperatures for the ',past week
and for' the serresponding week last
as officially recorded, iwere 54
1041 '1940
Max, Min, Max. Min,
1014111VEL. Jan. 2-3 ....29 10 28.' 18
Fri., Jan. 24' 27 5 20 _ 13
Sat., Jan. 2:; 29 11 24-
Eue., Jan. 2 17 2e 7
Mon., Jan. 27 22 15, 20 7
Thes., 1't31 2S 2q 20 21- 18
Wed. , Jan. 29 12 25 14
Athletic Awards'
Mr. • Lane presented the foliowing
athletic awards: .
• -
Medals, senior—I)orothy MacDoriald,
eliampion ; Dorothy Ginn, runtirr-up.
In,termediate—Maxine ..5turdy, *cham-
pion; •Muriel LeitiSe rmaner-up. Junior
e -Mary ldfie1d, champion; ralna
Somersall, runner-up. A shield was
-, '
presented the( eha,rapttech
Gina..Maxine Martin, Betty Westbronllts, ek,
La.ssalineGladysTarrant, Dorothy
class. Felt 'bare for track and
Barbara Cutt, MaeMillan,
Ma,zi;ne Sturdy, lOoris Beattie, .Joan
Iluehanan, Mary allowArthernise
MiseDonald, Pauline Johnston, Dorothy ,
Lulu Benjamin, Muriel Leiteh.
Medals, senior -- Chester MeNalt
champion ; L0s11 itodeerre runner-up.
Intermediate—Dottglee Maelionald, 2e4,„
Iteitit Parrish, Junior—John Siebne.e,'"
Vincent Seattle* A shield l*ar,, pre
stetted to the eliampion in aell Plaece
Dr. II. It. ,Hall shield and Stratheona
artedal. far best ehot in eatiet eorps---°
Tratildin Hawthorne. ;r. AGra
„ham shields for the etudent best (site-
hinhag character, tseholarehip,. leeder-
ehip and at,bletieeeeLee ,Scott.
In the tiliS(Ilee ef tee', MAO is attend-
ing the ITeiversity of Torsurto. Prin-
eipal Scott recCee4 the ehleiti from
Mr. Lane. Ile expreseed both ember-
raesnlent and pride inhaving his son
reeeive the Coveted award. 'lie had
''tritelt 1 perenatie the ether members
f the sstaff to award the 6iltield
.otne other deserving cantlitiete, but
hey would hear nothing of it,
only reet lio aid, was itirat there
coteki not be one such eltield for every
student in the Pk1too1, t,ts he Pit they all
The ohoir returned to the platform
to sing 'Palo Moon” end 'the exersiese
neve vonnitaled wHh the etnringnI
Save the King,"