HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-16, Page 4NAPO WNW Yew 4dies* White Pleasure Skating Outfit .....• Ladies' White Fur Trim Plated r00aoraa Ladies' Black:Pleasure Skating, Set, Kisses' and Child's Vithite Sets .... . : _ ..... . Misses' and Child's BLAck Sets .... . . . .... _ . _ Men' s C. a. pt. "Nemo" Aluminum < Men's C. _04 isti.: "Nemo" ,11ate4„, ,.... .._ Men's 0. 0. X, ',Tyco" Chromium . . . .. 4.95 5.95 5.95 - 4.65. 3.49 4.85 • • • • 41.• • ra'r• • • • • . . .4 amisoits' • SERVICE AT TORONTO On ,ISunday, January 12,, at Tririlti United church, Blocr street west, Tor- onto,a" memerial service was held, or the sailors of the Great Lakes who.had Va4sed away during the year 1940. The large, chnrch was filled almost beyond ei,ipaeity and many 'beautiful ShasketS.of flowers stood at the front as tributes, to the memory of the sailors wile had gone oet since ft)ss service. of I.! year ago. Unto Jaelaswere draped • around the,balcony,0 the aura. At the front, ' dark velvet eurtains, hung ove'xstheorgala p'ipes and to these cur- tains hung the Union jaek and the ' -Stara and -Stripes; °entre-Of-the- ' two -flags, a large illnininaled anchor cast a glowing reflection ever all. The s,tulpit was draped with: -a Union -Jack- -and' at 'either side,-were,-thc--bitces-and red starbaard arid port lighti. In front of the flag -draped pulpIt'sat a sailor in niliferin !behind a real ship's wheel. 'Here and. there iaung •. comoleted the appropriate'decora,tions. Bev. Dr. j. .A. Cranston was the Minister iri charge. He read the list lof t'he sailors Who had 'beeu lost at sea and aniong them • were the names of Sheldon Mae:1111,th and Dan Rose -two Goderich bays who. were on board the Anna a Minch si,lien •she foundered in Lake Michigan during the storm of LUOKNOVir 'EDGES,. OUT • GODERICH BY'ONE GOAL Sriappy Game at Sepoy Town Monday Night -Score 6.5 Goderieh 'ISallors dropped their third straight game ,eif the season at Isicknew en.' Monday; being.edged out by a'6-5- eeore In a thrilling eontest that held the tans' interest from the opening whistle to the final" kOng. Lucknow jumped into the lead in the first period and were never headed frbin then on. Four times during the game the battling (Sailors came tram je1un,Ittetkessseereasets a_sgaceistes Greer with less than two minutes of the lasrperiod renmieing gave Luck- _riaW the lead for the_final thee. r ex, sent4spekriceie One goal,gea Withthe only goal ot the 'first period. "Skipper"' MacDonald,- who gives bis age as "soniewhere in the thirties," poked in the (Sailors' first goal early in the second period to even the cbunt. 'Skipper came out of retirement tor the game, his first (0.s11..A.. eneauriter in tvve years. Fisher sent Lueknow back Into 'the lead only to have Arn. Doak neutralize the sitqa.tion again with a pretty goal juSt (before the end of the second period. Lucknow took a two -goal lead early in the hectic •third period, on goals lbsi---31cOorniiek and „93.abe" Book, but the Sailors came- right back seitith Falconer .and "lucky Art Doak agaba • veiling -the -count.• B. -ThomPseaSsseet Lueknow into. a 5-4 lead'with a very '"flukey" goal. .The *puck , was lifted high in the air and landed on the netting across the top bf the Goderich Cage and -dropped fr6ni7there into tile goal- . mouth,. below. • "Salty" Owen tied the seore 'again- on. a smart solo effort. Several of the Sailors mi.ssed golderr opporturiities through oyer -anxiousness -aSstlieystried forethe goal that would give them the lathe.' There was less than two .minutes left when Greer poked in .the winning counter Or Lucknow. God.erich--(Goal, H. Doak; defenee, 13.•MdKay, ,S. Owen; centre, W. Doak; wings, Arn Doak, Art Doak; alternates, W. MacDonald, ,Seriingeour, J. Patterson, J. O'Brien, 'Falconer and Yungblut. • : • Lueknow---IGoal; Mathews. defence, G. Book; Ba.rtott ; 'centre, Babe Book ; wings, .T. Fisher, Greerss_alternat • SaYage, 'Graham, 4Sutteriitud, C. Thompson, B. Thompson, ;Harris, Mc- Corinick, Lange,. November 1lth last. The congregation stood In respect While the names, were being,. read andthen all lights Were tiareed out, with the exception. of the s largesilhandeated anchor„ and all;ets served one minute's silence in memory ,- of the brave men andIhOkS who had 'perished at sea. • • -Mrs. Chris. Johnsten has returned te ter home after speeding 'Cliristraas and New Year's with her son -in -Taw and daughter, Mr. ancl Mrs. Garrett Car• - water, at- Welland. • , CONSTIPATED? • Ulm This Motley...81 Vegetable JI.axative tone the liver and get the Bile juice flawing. • Improves digestion and !Maas away clogging wastes. Askfor the gonuine Dr. IVIorse's Indian ' • Root ems., at your druggist's. • 56 PILLS- 25c • Mis• s :Marjorie Maefie Spent the week- end at Toronto with her tousin, Mrs. P. S. Clement. f. Goderich Loses to Ilanover on Rome Ice Visitors Xske root Appearance ere and Win 4-2- , Plenty ofThrills A. battling crew of IGOderieh Sailers failed the home streteli and were edged out, by 6. seore of. 4-2 in. their game with HarieVer. TransTorts hero on Friday night. Although' played on a Sticky ice eurface; the ganW never • lagged in exeltement.. Good cambia- atiena playing was out 'of.the question, biit the teams made up for this by the aggeessive way they went at their•PlaY• ing. FireWorts treated to eXplosle, several Vanes as the players began to bump one another around'', bitt 4eferee "Rooster". Muirheld thingcheck The 'Sailors had an edge in rushing, but Hanover's eembination.PlaY ararild the opposition's goalroeuth, Was !far Superior to that Of the Goderielisteam. 9A peualty to Hari. ISerlingeoer with, the score tied at 2-2,.mem than halfway throtigh the final Period, paved the. way ',for the 'Sailors' defeat. Actually iSeripmpour d'id not deserve the penelty. Mary had .been tossed • off, balante hy _11,1liess near thesHanever defence !and trying te steady Iriraself 'brotight lila stick down on the Hanover man's , head. The referee saw only the latter part of the -aet,however, and ruled Serlmgeour off, „Hanover • imimediately ganged the "Goderich net and, In less thaie.,a minetestadssnanufaettimis4, goal, ,Ritz scoring on Motts's pass. The•Sailors, were first to ge in the lead. 'Mucky" Art Doak did the Seer - deg at the 18 minute eta•rk,of the first period when he got the puek in a -corner, brought it out to the side -of the net and blasted a baelchand shot behind the •Winghanegealie into the tar corner -at the ..eet, •Walt 'Mak and :Varlislyke were in the penalty box when he 'scored. •Magwood evened the Count just before the Close Ot the period when he took Mclatosh's.pass and beat Worthy from, ,fifteen„tfeet out.• • Uoas sent Hanover Into a 2-1 lead .halfway through the second sesSion. Completely uneovered, he. took Ron - rads'. pass -out from the corner, and beat Worthy with a shottothe top of the lett-hand- corner of the net, from • ten fe:et out. • • Patterson had a golden opportunity a few minutes later. 'when lie' hroke through the Hanover defence with only the soliltender to belf.--c-The goalie Martoo quickly, eXposingsa great .(portion of his net, but Pattersen's shot was weak, and Was easily stopped. Magwobd satidsaloffihrolcerom •God•erieh ganging . attack With **only, (Ducky Doak back. Magwood drew Doak- away and passed to Hoffman in the clear. With Worthy at his mercy, Hoffman missed the ,Goderich net completelY with his shot. Bucky and Arn Dec& gave Marklevitz Some hectic moments in the Hanov.er goalsbot they couldn't bang the puck- in. -Mom, had a clear path to the IGoderieh goal, but Worthy went ten feet out from his net to smother Maas' shot 'before he eould get the puck away from his stick. The Puck got. away train Worthy 'and Mc- Intosh• leaped in to snare it for What looked -like a -certain goal, but lind managed -to get his fOot in7the- way of tbeepuck vehile lying en his stomach. • Becky Doak sent the Sallors even with his second goal of the games at the 10.15 Mark during a serainble ii front of the Hanover nets Aria Doak supplied the . pass. "Ritz's gioal that sent Hanover -back Into the lead fol - leered 'and the 'Sailors had to resume the offensive. . With Huenesnoerder serving a penalty the !Sailers' chances of tieing the game again looked .good, but they couldn't get their attack organ- ized and, 'with less than three left Ronald' --grabbed the puck at centre -Ice, rounded a lone defenceman, • drew Worthy out and deposited the puck In the net tor the goal that Put the game in the bag for the visitors. Molts, with a gag and an assist, led the Hanover scorers. McIntosh, clever • little play -making • centre, was his team's outstanding player. Art Doak, Who 'scored both of the Sailors' goals, svas--asebnstants-threats-Bud-Wortlay also stood out dor the /Sailors 'with his sometimes In.1111ant goal -tending. Eight penalties vvere handed big, eacli team receiving four. Hanover. -L -Goal, Marklevitz sdefenee, Allen, Phillip; centre, ;Ronalds ; Ritz, Moas ; alternates, McIntosh, Nritg- , • The Best, for Less UPER TOIIES A Good Place toDeal ARDEN PATC1-1 PEAS or CORN •'ROYAL UMW' • MORE CUPS 1 lb. 9r/„ PER POUND . Pkg. k 2-16 oz, Tins .19c Pork AND Beans "Aylmer 9 20 oz. . Brand TIMIS • "MAXWELL HOUSE" • "MANNINGS" DUNDEE . SHORTBREAD COFFEE 149c BISCUITS "ST. WILLI • FRESIUGINGER 15c. SNAPS • 10c S" STRAWBERRY JAM • ige 2 lb. Jar 24c "ELLMARIrITAMILA TRACT 14)3t ; 15e, 8 oz....ROT. Spaghetti 2mE". oe ki "VS Pam TINS4el COCOA • LARGE ma TIN 33c "HILLOREST" Soda Biscuits 2 25e DAGS PRUNES !.1,38. 1.0c BLUE BOY • COFFFE Vitis 39c CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 TINS 19c . "HAWES" :MOOR WAX ' 1 LB. TIN , A ' . . -2 Fro 4 Lemon 01 ,.. ' ' ""/"4li8 Alinvfolla . - PEG. "KELLOGG'S" "DIAIIAIII" Coro Flakes Om 'Starch With Free 'pambier 3 r'°' 25e PK6 11e: a tiYAL TOltrgi cHiEsz , um; plc°. Tr J. CALVIN CPT • PHONE 116 • MoEWEN PHONE 46 les 4 GN GOAL4UDG AT ms MOT ROOM GA= When (14.A.P., Itobert Willea of the I ort Albert 'Air Navigation Sehool Made his way to the West street rink on Friday night to take In the Hanover- Goderieli hockey. game, be leked for a bit of excitement in seeing 'the fast- est game on earth," for the firsttirne In his life; ^but he had no idea just how exciting Ails first hockey gairie was going to be -for .hina. After Paying his adMisslori to the rink IsAst).. Wileon made his way uP to the side .gallery. t'An excellent view," he mused,but my tlit're isn't 161.1eb protection if a puck comes flyirig up tow.4111. PAW and Svith this thought in'inind he !ineVed down te the Seating section; at •the west end -ofsthe parked himself behind' the thick Wire screening there, and waited, for the game to begin. • • Atter onsiderable delay, both, teams got on :the lee, time -keepers Strad° to the penalty -box, waif the referee skated te the Ceptre of the riels to get the game, under way. /Suddenly somebody -noticed ,there was, no ,goal -judge 'behind the ,GOderich goal tender at the *est mad of the rink. .Shouts ef "Get a goal-Jedge there" arose from 'the 9oderich bench, 'Whereupon an 4cial of the Goderich - Whoswas-lhAt-tomingsertsthe. turned and surveyed the crowd for .a prospective Judge, ,His eyes rested upon. L.ASC. Wileon Standing patiently behind the velre. The idea struck the Goderich man ,that he should bestew the honor upon. this (friend in uniform, and he 'promptly asked the airman if he- *would acceptthe jobs After memerit's hesitatioe., L.A.C. Wilson ac- cepted and took his place behind the Goderich net. .So Mr. Wilson had a "birdseye view" of his first hockey 'game, allthe while • dodging whizzing pucks and ,climbing on to the top of the net to get away from players circling the goal. •I'll acting as ogal-judge gt, the first hockey game he ever aw L A 0 Wilson sets a -record of °some kind, and local fans agree that he carried out his task quite creditably. • GAME WITini LUCKNOlt HERE:SHOULD BE GOOD Sailors. Expect to Make Better Record from Now* on After • *three games, Gederich Sailers are still without a win in. grouP 8, 0. ILA_ Intermediate "B," but the Sailors are hnproziegseyery time out and ,they are of the 'dim (belief (gat ‚they will grab their first victory when Lueknovv plavs here on Friday night. On Mon- tle- night- at-Lucknow the Sailors had play and .even the Lucknow bov's admitted atter the game that they were lucky tbswin. Lucknow has a well-balanced team and the ice is in almost.perfect condition; so a first- class exhibition of hOckey is in prospect for 'Friday' night. The 'Sailors have lost the servites 'of 13111 Young.. 'husky defeneeman, for a month's time, as. Bill is taking his •thirty days' military training at (Ohatham, The loss IS a serious one, but 13111 wilt be back in town by .the time the playoffs begin. Bill complained of not being In shape for the first game of the season at. Winghsam, but he should :come baCk frons_the 'training eamp in almost perfect .phYsical condi- time It.ls early ,.-to bed and .early to rise there, with plenty sof physical ex- ercising and marching. That should take those overweight 'pounds off you, Billy boy. • , The ISallors may also lose "Bucky' Art Doak, shifty left-winger, for the balance of the season, Bucky is Con- sidering taking a job out of towu and may leave before the , week is over. His loss wouldelie"a serious °tie, as be is the -team's ace scoring threat, having • already poked in three goals out of nine, scored by the Sailors. ,NEW -FIGURE-SKATING PAIRS Toronto papers announce it change af partnership in the senior figure - skating:" champion team -of Ralph Mc- lomat• and Norais McCarthy. MIS pair, who are the preSent title-holders, are splitting up. Miss 'McCarthy will now be paired with Sandy MelCechnie, 1ast-yeass---wit1-4(41:iristi Newson, and Ralph MdOreath will take as his partner Eleanor . O'Meara. All are members of the Toronto Skating Club. . The two new pairs will be com- peting against 'each other In the Can- adian championship, meet at the Mon- treal •yVleter Club on January 31st and • Februafy 1st. It is hardly necessary to sayrlhere will be much interest in this event here, where Ralph is elaimed almost" as a Goderich wood, ,Hoffman, • Huenemoerder and Vamslyke. Goderich--Goal, Bud Worthy ; de. fence, Dorril-clCay,..S, Owen, centre,- W. "Doak; wings, Arn Doak, Art Doak alternates, W. •Robinson, H. iSerim- geour, J. Patterson, j. (O'Brien, .1. Oar. rielt and x.,Farouharson. Deferee----"Ii,oestee Muir,ISeatorthe NO SCHEDULE YET - • FOR aUVENILES rrarrroasrs. Pod Albert Flyers Take_a Licking show Some Good Multi However, and Will Be Woith Watching A fair-sized erowd of local hookeS entliuslitsts, • intermingled with some htualred-odd airinen, SAY tlie Pert ,A1- bert yers On display ter the first time at the West street arena on Monday night. The Flyers took trouneing from Wingham Red XndiariS, but the genie was tar from as ene-,sided aS• the Score naight Indicate. The sinooth-WorkIng, experienced Wbagluini tearit held (the upper hand Inost of the way 'but 'they, new they.; Were Ina gonteat for the Whole Sixty minutes bf the gaine, The ,Flyers, organized this year for the itrst time, laeked-the finish of the Wingliam:sextet, but made 'UP for this with their aggressiveness and staying iiinve,r. TheY' Checked, like liends, at • times n 'knocking the puek a•way from Wingbant .plaYers'swhile: lying 0/3, their backor on one knee. The (Gederich crowd, •slow ,to warnx Up to the Flyers, cheered ,thean:lustilY' -'-whenst.110.-slaPPed, in. two .goals in theseecOnd Period and When at any other time they mede a good Play': Several of the B,,A.F. boys showed that they-Wbuld be stick *ilia any team in the league, Ilruiikhauser and' Willis bele," outstandbag, All ot the Fli)-ers aro !Qaua.d.10,n4.- Five -Of them Willis, Brown,. Thompson, eel:icemen and +Oreille,' are flying •oilleers. who enlisted with' the R.A.F. several years ago and 'saw active serviee overseas last year.' The remainder are stationed at Port Albert as guards. • Tho May Elliott of Wingham opened ,the scor ing at the 1,55 mark .43if the first Period When he, grabbed the puck trove an R.A.F. defenceman and Pulled the goa1. tender otit td flip the snick into. the open net. •The Flyers missed two grand chances to even the count,' both in -al- most the •same manner. .Steele lald Lown a 'pass to Golder in, _front of the Winghaan net, but ,Govier everskated the puck. The next inireate the roles were reversed; this -time !Steele 'being unable' to get his 'stick on Goeier's pass with only, the goalie left to beat _At the 0 -minute mark CyProctor slipped a pass forward to ikemager, who was .parked uncovered in front ef the, 0: 4.F. net. Fromager \made no ,xtistiike with his shot to the uliper corner, of the ,net. JOhnston banged. in 'Qy •Proctor's passout from- the eorner ' for, -another ettill3r-a4 stlie--41-:35-mark andL Foster tombleed with Elliott and Nicol for a fourth goal at 18.05. John- ston 'took a •pass from 'Cy Proctor twenty-five seconds dater to bang in the final gee]: of the period. - • The Flyers brokesirito the scoring column in the second 'frame and aetu- ally "held a slight edge itsplay, through-. out the period. Audet of the A.A.F. opened the scoring at the .6.10 'mark when, he. grabbed a. loose puck at the Wingh,am blue -line and, catching, the 'defence "up the ice,' sifted in to beat, .Struke with a tigh shot to the corner of the'eet. Whigham. ga.nged the R,A, F. net for almost a niinute, bu.t Mehr, diminutive Flyer' •goalie, -heraically kicked Out the avalarei :he of .iebbet:t'T Procter toOk Johnston's' piss, and fin- ally beat. Mehr .froei ,only a :few feet • out, at the 1`1 -minute mark. "Funk- hauser, who had beeri gamely leading sorties against-' the Winghain defence all night, broke through, for a hatd shot ms goal. It was turned aside; but -Funkhaoser went into the corner atter the puck, battled his, *ay out and slam- med the puckelerind IStrtikesfOr a goal at 12.55. The Proctor brothers Din and iCy.combinedsfor. a Winhara goal at 16.03of the sedond period, Dan firing the counter from' ten feet out. Willis skated through three Wingham players after' getting the puck at his own de- fence and skated In on .Struke for what looked like a certain goal. Hecouldret get his shot off the ground; however, and 1Strtike stopped the puelc • English circled the R.A.F. net to poke in a goal at the 10.05 mark of the Nicol tallied the final gbal ofthe night for Winghtun, with Elliott assisting Only one penalty, tcr Fromager in the last period, was heeded out during the gaitte. Wingham-Goal, Struke; .deferiee, English, Fromager ; centre, • Elliott.; 'wings, -Nicol, -'Foster; alternateS, .0. Proctor, D. Pr5etor, Johnston, Orulks . • - • Port Albert RA.F.-(Goal, Mehr; de- fence, Willis, McDowell; centre, Funle hauser; wings, GOvier, Steele; alter - pates, • Boothman, 'Sproule, Audet, • town, Hewitt, Thompson, Burt. Referee-"ROoster" Muir, Seatorth. •ivrm ENTERING sERvOn A. & P. TO PAY N Ste.Marys and Wingham Dubiens; About - Playing ,with-Clhiton-tExeter and -(roderich Willing . . The juvenile hockey situation in this district is still in the .air. A meeting of representatives of the elubs of St. Marys, 'Wingliam, Exeter, (Olinton and. Goderigh, held at ClintonIan Friday night to draw tip a league °schedule, failed to get anykliere in partieular. The 1St. Marys and Wingliam sponSors don't like the Idea, of throwirig their eharges Into the same ring as the power -packed -Clinton ' team that went To the juvenile 4`11" .finals laSt year. Exeter anti 1Goderich sholild be tile ones to complain about playing with Clinton. They 'were hopelesSly Over- powered whenever' they hooked tip with the young Colts last 'tear, but, like punch-drunk fighters, ' hey seem con- tent to absorb,,Maieli .the same punish- ment.this winter. 1NVord Is expect.ed from 'f'.1t. Mary anS d Wingliam by .0onvener Dr, J.. A. 'Graliain .before the Week 18 over and pending „.their deeision to stay. In or 1„ drop out of the league a schedule will be drawn tip, -calling the first game for next Week. I Mrs, Harvey Fisher and IMr. Alvie , / Thompson, accompanied by Mrs. IL IL I Willings and on Harland, of London, were recent 'visitors with their brother, Reginald Thompson ofDetroit, who is Y', JAMMU tetto 1461 THE ANNUAL ':.imEtTitio OF THE oderich llortioultgalSoOle4 will beheld 111 Thursday„ • January 23r at 8 to.m. O. BOVVRA, Preilden Sec.-Treas. ANY ‘1111•14AW01110,141,114,14afrarailI• THE Kollegiate Keyhole By Ruth Nicol varrarral••••••,••••••, Anybody witba headache? No? Any; body With .a. Sore throat? No? That's* fine; "cause we don't want any new* names added to the list et scarlet fever ictims. We were dreadfully sorry to hear about Miss Park 'S -rather 'sudden. )11Theeis.and hope she'll be back at school before too loeg. During her absence Miss els,set is ably "carrying on" and Maintaining the renovvnea reputation which 'Latin has in our G 01 .Congratulations are In order for 'Pat' Hume and Ills magazine committee, who are responsible far the '4,18.04. call for help" -posters width at pre -sent decorate the bulletin -boards. Don't forget, kids, that saitYlsa if yea put your thinking cap onsfor even a few„ mi4110•S-4,0V might discover.some-laid- tielts l'atientstorsPOOrY1 -writingesjokesser-s evee. goon stories, daughter, Mrs. Olifford KtIpatrick, and Mr. Kilpatrielt, of MatelcIng. ' Miss Kay alslixdorespent a few days recently with Mr. and • Mrs. Black,. concession 4, Ashilea ' Mrs. Wm, E. Foster returned. home on Saturday from atteeding the fun - • • era of her sister, Mrs, Wm. D. Davis, at trWormeinnir RgresHident Passes. --a1;. NY* m. ' D. Davis .(Mabel Thurlow), of 612 Alv,erstone ,street, Winnilleg, Passed away on Tuesday, December 81st, at her residence. Born in 'Pert Alberts 'Ont., in 12887, Mrs. Davis -was married In St George's ehurch, 'Goderich, in 1916 and took up residence in WinuiPeg• be was a. member of at. Matthew' Auglican church- and was a regular 4- • tendant until an illness of abottt twelve years' duration freed her to, remaba, at home Besides her husband, William )?.,.'Davis, she leaves two sons, D. Bruee /Davis of Ritchenel, Ont, and 'Gordon: T. Dallis, at home, and two :sisters, Mrs, John 0alley of Toronto ' 'and Mrs,W. E, Foster of heppardton The funeral service was lield at St. Mathew% churcih 8rd, with Canon 0 iB Calvert official= ing. The Pallbearers were John Beech, Edward . Dougherty, 'J. Ford, • James Shore , J. T. johns and Professor W. i. •rtriffilrotoksillertmwiletiler411Y. the- -fn milY Pl" CARLOW eAriaiowJan„ 13,--Thess ;Massy] friends of the MISses*Shaw of CLeelaurri, extend their syinpathy- to them In the death of their 'sister Winnifred On Snia: day last, at Alexandra Hospital. • - Miss (31ima Russell, � N, of Arnprior, left for Toronto on Friday after a. three weeks' visit with, her. niece; Mrs, Tait Clark, and, faintly. , , • - , The Ladies' Aid, of the iPresbyterian congregation met at the: heme of Mrs. MelviesTyralallson s • Wedixesday-wltlr. Mrs.J pastspreside4tr4e, Charge. There was discuision 're- garding future work. The hostess served a dainty lunCh pid.. a social hbur was enjoyed by all - . Miss IftubtiFilizebeth Wi1an,.f Nile spent last week with her -grandparents, aid Mrs. john Young, and :Miss Ruby Young, • • • • Mr. •Frank Young disposed of 460 bushels .of Baldwin apples on Monday to a IbUyer In Kitchener. Mrs. 'Harvey Fisher and her brother, Alvin 'Thompson, spent a few days in Detroit with their younger brother Reginald, who is Ill with a heart con- ditiot • Miss Ann Walter was removed te Alexandra Hospital leaf week and was operated On for appendieitis. Xiatest report was that she was making good pregress toward recovery. • W.M.18. of the 'United ' etrereh, h Ing on Thursday at the home of Mrs. W.. W. Walter.. Rev. G. Hazelwood had charge of the first period . and in- stalled.' the officers• for • 1941. Mrs. Henderson then took charge -and *the 'seeretary and treasurer gave their re- ports, which were adopted. The roll call was - answered with a favorite verse, . Bible readings were given by Mrs, Chester reagan, Mrs, .G. Mae-. Phee, Dora (Villkie and irs W W, 1),Talter„ with 'enlarged it "Into the pres-;' ident's address, emphasizinitwo word, "begin" and, "go." 1 Mrs.. W., T. Sal - W4' led In prayer: Little Allan W11 - son took up the collectien ;and Mr. Warner Walter 'closed with . prayer. The -hostess serVed afternOan tea.. , TOROil'110, Jan.• 13. -All, qualifiedempleyee's of .the Great Atlantic & 'pacific Tea °Co. Limited, entering active service, will receive from tbe company 20 per cent. of- their .W'ages; up :to maxinniut payment of $100,per month for one year, it hirs'been announced by Mi. John A. Hartford; president, The csenpany's policy alSo prevides that the canapany. will pay "group Iifo insurance preiniunis for, all -employees entering the. service, for ale one-year,' period. As approved by the:board . of directors, the policy applies to all full - .time employee4 Working at least thirty -hours alveek and .With six mentha' eon- tinuous service, • ,roMMeriting on 'this, L. W. Beebe, general manager of the tompany's Can- adian organization, explained 11(dt .this would apply to those employees Wile have already enred the seriice, ac well as to any who enthr the service from nits date on. Mr. !Beebe said, "I' am particularly proud to see our Cont. pak,7 add this to the numerous ,b,e/teliti that ,our employeeS already 'reeelve," • HAVE TOUR LICENSES IIANDY Ituron (County pollee declaretheir intention to give vigorons enforcement to the law in regard ,to the operating of motor Vehicles without the required Menses. .1feforists will be asked to produce their neW driving license end • ahlo their .national , registration certiti- eate. The minimum lirst offence pen- alty for operatirig a motor vehicle with- out an operator's license for 1941 will be 410, and Posts and the first offence, Venalty tor failure to carry a driver's° • lookinit will be ri al,n1 costs. r ST. AUGUSTINE 'SHDPPARDTON, Jan. 14. Pollock, Gordon, Cecil, Carn1433 and Ell- wood spent Sunday with the former's A • SIIEPPARDTON • ST. AUGUSTINE, J'an. • 14. ---Mr. Gordon Leddy underwent a serieus ap- pendix' operation on Wednesday even- ing "Armory. 8th, in 'Alexandra Hos; ' pital•Goderich.. We wish him a sPeedy recovery. Lxss •-•° ne Kin -tame returned to the Lonclon-Normal-Seheol on Monday.- - Mr. Norman Boyles of :Sky Harbor, Gocleriche visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. •A,. BOyle, on Sunday. . Stafford visited her par- ents-ine ,Gocle-rleh-over-tlie-week-eed- - •(Air. and Mrs. -Gus Kinahast Visited Mr. and Mrs, 04.4‘. -0:Connor, of Kings- bridge, on Monday. , A number of men here are employed -.by Mr, J. Ratz of -et. Clements in cut- ting logs and 'timber, in Jack teddy's• -and Vincent Welsh'.s bush. . • TOBOGGANING PARTY • The Westminster (Guild of Knox chureh held a tobogganing party on - Monday evening. 'Before going out to the hill, a brief devotional meeting was held In the church.' A large number ot the yaungseeple werespreSent, and • despite the rough. riding all seemed to enjoy 'themselves. After about an hou lid -a 'halfeef--tehogganing, the p returned to the 'church for .the re- niainder of the meeting and for lunch, vvhieh. consisted. of "hot dogs*" and coffee. After lunch, -vvlich had been 'prepared by Misses Mary MdKity and Ulnas Milne, everyone joined in the sing -song with Eileen Bogie at the piano. . • • ,Next week's Meeting will be 'held on Tuesday evenings instead of Monday, hut at, the same time, 8 o'eloek. The 'program tor this meeting gives promise of an Interesting evening. , i•Wirimiss.wwwwissir .8EVERLY HOUSE . • (Corner Wellington and . Lighthouse Sts.) •.Rooims and Board • JAR. II. ',JOHNSTON Phone, 102W ' • ,13 44141~4.4•444. MIND TRIP RAIL BARGAINS FROM .GODERICII SAM. 1748 .T0 . OTTAWA. MONTREAL QUEBEC CITY $9.45 110.75 $14.75 Ste.,Anne de B4eitupre $15.35, 4 ?Trois Riviers 01 ri eo u tiug RETURN LIMIT •JAN. 20 Not 'gobd, en 3 "p.m. 'trains from, Ottawa. and 'afoiltreal •TO THE MAttiToteks 01ANIIARY 16 CanadiallOracific ,Stations In New 13runswiek . All Dominion Atlantic 1ty.' Station's int Nova Ecota For rates, limits, detailed service, etc., COnsultf Agents 'Procure tiandbill , Not Good Iteturn On 3 1W. Vain Prom MOntreal • 00. L SMIlfl, tptown Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC •41