HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-02, Page 6TES Goma= ASIONALSTAI NEWS OF AUBURN eleilt as *Moe* parse*, Mr. 41010. Noma& Ada* 4tollisaws, LN,of WOod- elloillt, le Waiting Roo. oat Mrs U. V.. 4741:11.10x4 Nu. Joe TheropeOtt *ad ItaiNitly., et ktoortland, Mr. tkomatear Vilostimpesit, tat tienalo, Prigato liteloatt TnentP0014 Loatiosta Mrit. Bowen 'Tlitootesoa tog few*, or Goo:tart* ettiotor Woe, TbitatiPotin, INMP *ado, Km Wu. Thoteteion, Mr. and arc "Soon *ad tee:ay, MIterice moo, all .of 'London, Mra'etut Mra, john Thematieu sad Howard ould Mr. aad )MrMat Arnattrong ramll *, a Ot Weer Ittrawarteoh, Went Chriatnias with and Mrs. Won. Tberepoott. era Mrs. W. V. BONIant Spent Olariatmaa with Mr. anti Mrs, Garrett* of Blyrit, Mr. d Mrs. Eldon. Stoltz and Mra. Itao Toranto atud Max Gar - laud, avran 'River, Manitoba., were 'Obristetas vielbtire with Air. and Mrs. J. Ct atcborm • , 13tiss votuCee Holiston, a Roche' ner, lasited ou otrutouts,,witir her parents, Mr, end' Ur's. John, "Houston. Mta Jeutaa Jackson, Ventaa„f,W4laya last week with. his 'mother and sister,' Urfa Jame* Jaeloon and Miso Margaret jaeltson, of Toronto. , • ' Mho Mildred 'Scott R.N., Of Strat- Cord, visited last week (with her par, , Mr. arid Mrs. It. J. Seat. - tRobert Craig -is viiiting his Sister, Mrs, Stan, Strasser, aud Mr. Strasser, of 'Skutt Ste. Mark. ' tgigs Xabca. siggioattoint itA on ISfuntlay tor Detroit to epend-a'ome tirae there. MiRuth sa BaFrost of, Mira, _ 4s visiting her anat, Mrs, W. T. Robison, and Mr. Robison. 0.fra. Carrie Armstrong is visin itg rela,tivee Woodstoek. ". 84]Arthur Vangitlat a Detroit Went Ohriatinas ;week -with his' father, au. ,Geo. V. Tonsfoaut. Mr. and M-rs.. Maitland Allen went the 'Utter -part Oc last week' with reia- tiviae at Flint Mr. and Mrs. John Yurighlat returned en Thuradal alter sPending a, few dfors With Ur. aud Mrs. 1ci" )!re tut, et 0a.kland, . Mrs. James Woods spent Christmas with Mr. and MTS. 'George Garrett of Londeebom. Mx. and "Mrs. Wea.' Straeaera and 'Gladys, ef .Sehringville, Vert Ohriat-- Dias veith.t.fraared Mrs. R. D. Munro. fr and Mill, -Stevaart, andMarion were Chriatarits visitors „ . Mr. *ad etiro. Edger Law** and Bernice were Christmas visitors' twitb Mrs. Won, Water, itiotortn, ;lenses Wary and son Wayne, or that, visited on Christmas with Mi. Ilec.res sister, Mrs. Charles !Ssotti and • lir. Watt. ' Mr. and Mrs.JL MasKenzie and Roy and iMr. and MrS. WeSley ROW and family, of Lolehalsh, spent Christmas with Mrs. A. Robb. ZStr,„ -and Mrs. M. Allison and llettY, 414 r artakilla, and Mr. and Alrs. Norman IIamilten, of London. spent ,Clisristmas with Mr. and Mrs. Davidsllemi0Pon. A danee was Koonsored cat Tito -WAY night in the Foresters' Hall in aid et" the British -0War Vietima' Arthur'', oreliOttra fOrnished About Sitt VAS dteared for this cause. &Wei Mer4ingia---W1ie anneal sehttal Mectingfer $43. No. 5, Ilullett auburn seho), was held, Thursday afternoon in the adi.001. Mrs. Jebe Cowan was -elected trustee to -replace the retiring treetee. The ,other trustees are -Sid atdOlinelies, and Harry Yaittgblut. At (SS. No. 3 (Young's$400), uarry *raison was re-elected trtietee, The other.ateneteete- are -Roaa-Meitheeattild, Bruce Gregg. At 1S.S. No. 9, Hallett, the trustees for 1941 are Bert Mattp, Guy Cunningham_ andRoyDaer. Mlsioii Rand'Organireil.--Aanumber of children met in Knox elturah on Siintlat7 49r the vurR9f,...oc organiz:* Mission Rand. Mr. (Bev.) Wil- son was in charge. The Scripture was real responaiVottat and Mra. Janata Woods led , in pra•yer. Mrs. Wilson gave a Story on "The Magic Top." The following efdeers were eleated Pied - dent, Billy Craig; vitepresident, Betty 'Marsh; revealing tecretary, Harvey Wightman ; .oarresponding , seeretary, Donald OamPbell; treasurer, Bent Phillips; leader, Mrs. Wilson. It was decided, to meet the first -Sunday of 00.16 month during the time Of church aerviee, • . • For Village Trustees.—Whe noTpina- tion 'meeting .aWaS held. at 'the pirbaie library MeataY night. ThIdSe: nomin- ated as trustees for the. ensuing year were Edgar Lawson, James Medd, R. Thalltutaro, Chas. Asquith, eR. J. Geo. 'Rainier and James Rober- ton. The trustees 'torthe past year Were lilds,str Lawson,James Ueda, knd Thomas Ridden, hit 'the last-named reused to allow this natae to stand this Zlear. 'The treasurer, Alfred. ROUinson gayo.jifsfrreport stating that' a balance of $041.61 was in the: treasury. Later— Despite the .fact that seven me1. were ncianinated :for the offieeS of village trustees, all ;failed to qUaliftt thus iteees.s. hating another nomination meet- ing at a later date.- .1-01'ldt4-s'ilet-Afrtd--Hrreiwel;411's-sw'uirritited:4--ebucUrela'dPel--Tor°1- Tor- onto, was the setting for a charming (wedding oa,-.„.Saturday, Debehetr, 21; when. Rev. G. W. Rivers a Bolton and ter. Gray Rivers of Toronto united in marriage Margaret Gertrude rerguson', :daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Fergu- son, a Auburn„ and Ray Wilson O'Neill; on of Mr. and Mrs Wilsoiti2efireill of Parkhill. The pointe Were unattended. The. bride was smartly. attired in sil ensemble orpreelottsrose crepe, -with gold-embroidery-withaftamatelaing tut ban and shottlderlength veil. She wore a leorsage of Talisman roses. After wedding dinner at thetliome of Mr. and MTS. Harold- &Dell, of TM:Alta, the bridal couple left on a motor trip to Eastern', Ontario. Officers. --The nominating Committee Of the W.M.S. of Knox United, church recently presented their, slate..Of officer*, Which ;was as follosft onorary presidents, Missa 'Margaret 'Sniall, of Toronto, MTS. James Match', Mrs.. John IMCOlinichey,_ ntas Susie Blair; .president, Mrs. James Woods; vieepreaidentS, Mrs. 11 'O. Wileon7 Mrs. !Howard Robertson; recording Secre- tary; alias -Margaret assistant, Mrs. W; H. .Shepard; (corresponding secretary, Mrs. 'Sheppard; treasurer, INtria Citas.-Straughtin; literature secre- tary, Mrs. -James Roberton; Missionary. e 1941 bring ,joy, happiness and pros- perity to an mr friends and cus- omen, Is the sincere wish of Brine in those -nice Photos your ,friends gave you at Christmas and have them Framed—Frames to suit a Each week airplanes of the Ileyal 10ana4ian Aix Force fly thousands , of milewalong,Canada's sea., cost' on constant petrel..., This big, "I:Judson is shown -a it wings- over a merchant 1ippart Ot an .Atlantle convoy, , 'Monthly .secretary, Mrs. Mins ,Mells wain ; stewardship eecretarYsMrs. Earl 'W4thfintial tflnance mthniLt, -Mrs. 3; J. Washington, Mrs. Gee. Bean,- Mrs. Fred Toll, Mrs. Wightman, 'Mrs. C. Strand= ; stranger's'seeretary. airs. Joe Irwin, ?miss* Amelia. McElwain; supply seeretaries, Mrs. Harry Wagner, Airs. M. Arthur, Mrs. Symington, Mrs; NVira. Roberton, Mrs, John Clark, MTS. WM, Dodd', sr., tire. M. Allen, Mrs. Wan. Craig; temeertinee, Mrs. James Jaeltatm Mrs. Ernest Patterson* soelitl committee, Mrs. 'Herb. ategridg, J, J, Robertson, Mrs. Geo. 'Sturdy, Mrs. A7. 3. Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. btraugo,an, 'Mrs. 0. E. Erratt, Mrs. Geo. Mrs: Nelson Patterson, INIrs. EVerett Taylor, arra. Archie Robinson; Piaelsts, Miss - Sadie Carter, Mrs; R. D. Munro; music ecentmittee, Sirs. Wm. Anderson, Mrs. Gordon MeOlincheit Mrs. Craig, .Mrs.'Thonlas Jard.in, (Ws. Sidney Me- Clinehey ; ftower cominittee, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Eiratt, Mrs, Harry Sturdy; leaders of C,G,J.T., Miss Dor- othy Anderson Mrs. H. C. ,Wileon ; leader' of Mission Band, Mre. H. C. Wilson. a Sales Up4 'Over Lait ea— Earnings -Cover Dividend Requirements With letter to Shareholder's eneloaiug• quarterly dividend cheques, President A. G. Ptirtridgo_ Statea; , "la -am pleased -to- advise ;that the - year of your. Company has eontinued on a proatable basis, with our sales •ahownag a very satiatactory increase over the, previous year and our net earnings Covering all dividend requirements, although—as I explained in my letter to the Shareholders under date a 'Oat/ober 1st-Taiur inereased business will not show the tau% per-, eentage of proat for the year."' • . airOLIVIESITILLE 11031MEOViffili1e„ Dee. 31.--alr. and airs. F. Ohm. of Winghttaa were recent *visitors with Mr, and Mrs. M. Stock. Miss Susan Sehesonawent Christmas -With friends an 'Clinton,. Miss Alma Trewartha Went the weekend with 'friends in Port -Elgin. •Ur. andiasis.15. O. Brown of Credito and Mitts Reta Oudinore of Ittnearaine are holiday guests of Mr. - and Mrs. John Oinitm.ore. • . Mr. midair& Porter of AtIvVoad spent •Christmas with 'Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Elliot • ,afrand falre. Elimer Potter attended the funeral of the latter's •aunt, airs. (Rev.) C. H. MactDonalct, at Lueltnew on Saturday. • MAFEKING DeC. Chas.. Orrisowantichildrenrot God visitors at the (home. of Mr. and'. WM: /rvina, Mr. and Mrsletscil ablinsfton were OhilStmas vieitorS with the tatter's parents, dr. and Mrs. Fitzsanmons of Arkona. . . had Mrs. George Andrew and 'family, of Luicknow, went Cthristmaa Day with 'Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew. lifr. and .flfrs, 'Stuart Darnin and fandta, of Virroxeter,,,Vont011,14ittnal with (Mr. and Mrs. lime °remota Mr . and (Mrs. Chas. iPearee Of trolinteSville,Spent laSt aveek.twith and Mrs. Mots.. Anderaon. , .§cr. gagliONS, Dee; 81.—Mr. Robin. isteWoeclis,' Mr. Lorne Weeds and Miss Irene tWaocis •attended the funeral of. Mrs. Gan-tit:bells at Ertmetiels1 on tif,011. dui,. Mrs. Woado, 'who spent the past week twilit her Weber, Mrs'. Campbell, returned hen* tidbit Item- Visitorsa-aHoliday visitors included Mrs. Webeter, Miss Dorothy Webeter otfLondon, Uristaas D'orine Welbater and Marie aleCrostie Of Tomo% with Mr. and ,fartS. W1L MeOrostie; Mrs. D. J. labcIatoSh 'of vineta'nd and. Mr. Neely Tolid of ,Strattcard, with Mr. •and Mrs. D. Todd; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald (Roth- wel% of Peterboro,„Mr. enemas.' Stuart. Cony& and Teddy, of Westwood, WE's Jean Thom 'Of Toronte iwith Mr, and Mra. A. J. •Thom; Miss W. D. Rather - ford, of Kiridand Lake, Miss Irene Woods of ' Waterloo, (Alias Norma Weatherhead of Stapler, Mistsed Jean and voila Webster of Clinton at their bodies- here. Officers. ---The regulacr Meeting of the Y.P.U. was he With the presi- dent, ,E. W. Rice, in the. chair. The toPie; "His Gift and Our," was taken by Mrs. !MCI:teazle Webb. A saxoPhone goito:by Harold Taster actempanied`PY Vera Taylor avas"enloyedr* key.- G. A. Barnard offielateda for .blie lasittallation •:of -the following, officer: - Presidentt' Winnie Bernardi vice -resident, Doro- thy :'Mil'ler; seeretary, Dora* Webb; astsistant Secretary„.. treasurer, Allan ; conveners—. Christian fellowship, Isobel Miller; assistant* Earl -J. Durnie I Obristiian eitizenehip, 'Stanley, Todd; assistant, Mrs. D. Phillips nt !Ohriatian anitistlons, a—frIke NvicW; as.istiant,Mrs. Earl Duenti,; Chrtatian culture, !Mrs.. Stan, „Todd; assistant, Mrs, _borne Woods; reereation, Dick -Weatherhead; asslst- ant, Tom Ninon; pianist, Mrs, E. W. Mee; assfittantiyera Tayillor; presa reporter, Allan ; 'uglier% Russel wok), Harold Taylor. ' ON GREAT LAKES mak rreight 'TiitiT 'fie in- 1640 geoson Ahead of riittious Record Year of 1929 ' OrIEVELAND; Dee80 —tI3nfreight traffic 'oe ,the Great Lakes for the 1940 seasea exeeeded the 1920'. Peak ,of ,138,574,411 net tons by at least 4,1250,000-,rettlemai.: the _ Lake Carriers' Aesociation,annotinced today tfAmaaiugay large" trade in soft coal attounted for thenew record, Preaident A. T. 'Wood declared. He estimated, moveraent off this'commodity amounted to 46,500,006 tons, conipared with. a tormer,.record of ; 44;010,5185 tong in 1936 and 37,0337240 'tont In 1p29. afovementSolf :03,7124982 grosa .er 71,88,10 net tons of iron ore this geason was the -third largest history, comParing with the anatine i44 record of 05,204;600 groat -tons. • Limestoneashitettentsals,o were third largest, amounting: to 13,29004 gross or -1093.316 net tons. 'Phis compared w.a-reatTird of 13,260,012 net tons in 1029. • Disrupted export trade resulted in decline in grain shipments to 9,644,- 950 -Vet tons, or 835,800,757shes•Isss, about 48,000,000 bnshels less than for 1030Sthe assorielatiott said; These shtp- ments _freer upper lalee ports In, the United -States totaled 129,47503, bushels; and from the Canadian take had, 203,385,704' bathers, divided; as follows : - Wheat, 230;848054 bushels, cons' 54,904,021 bushels.; rye, 6,071,084; flax- seed, 0,071,031 ;' barley, 15,04,1230; and, oats, 21,305494. • liand picked, dein and best (plenty PORK and BEANS, Aylmer 20 -oz.,, ROLLED OATS Stilld9Xd Of galiek (13111k) 6: ibo. 250 • nvz Usti FLOUR (tor an purposes) .2 ib Bag Si TOMATO SUICE Clark's"leinest 20,oz., tin a for 25c. TOMATO SOUP Campbell's condensed *10 -os. tin 2. for 17o The Canada sCoiskany 'offers or cash sale the following town lots, all, of whickare desirable building, sites, eonveniently located within short dis. tanees of the business section. of the Town. Original Town Part Lot o. Park LotAcres ' i) X • 188..„ • 11 14 - •North side' Park, St., (last of Cambria ltd. • 189 11 14, 'North side"Park" St; east pf Canibria Ild. 16, 14` -South 'side Anglesea St, cast of Cambria Rd. 3' 6 14 South side Anglesea St, east of Cambria, ltd side Anglesea St, east of Cambria Rd. 6 % North side Trafalgar -St., east of p_ojb_rio.ltd o 34 North .side Trafalgar •St, east, efsdambria Rd. ,7 % South side Tfatalgar ,St,' east of Cambria 1141. / :34 .Sonth side Trafalgar St, east of ,earibria Rd. 0 % South side Bruee,St, east of *Cambria Rd. 0 14 South side Bruce St, east of 'Cambria ltd 0 14 South sitle Bruce St, east of Carabria. Rd. 728 * 720 730( 747 749 173 774 820 821 822 •fAl :2: 340 350 1,f) West side Britannia Itd, mirth of Toronto Si.' *14 North, sidu rieton St, west of Wellington .St. 14 North side Pleton: St, w"stof Wellington St. North slide Piston -St., west of 'Wellington:1St, 14 Nth shle ricton -St., west �f Wellington St. The above A° s will be sold for cash, at reasonable prices, singly or in ()ups as suits the purchasepl. If you are interested, please communicate with TIWeiliNAIIM. COMPANY, 371 Hay Street; Toronto: XingolbridEe MOB *soh Tueed,lY evening, Roy MeKensie and his Ora- estra begins at Admisaion • Of Cangibell's iStomseh sudt Liver PiUs. 4 The Mpg -Star sella for, $2 to ROY addresslir Canada; and IS -Worth more, Look at your label; it will shOw th date up to which your subseription is paid. Uselcrite for the kidneys. OamP- belt* ' 4 HORN. MicattiliiN,--Alt Memorial Flosp*I4t1, ThoinUst on December -15A to Mr, and" Mrs. Otesrart ,MiciErien (nee Ileleu Page), a.stanOter. °Oberlin - • ingi) on, 'Monday, ..-Deeember. 80th, 304(4. Theodore, N. Wouillsoneranlitroutlate oftbelOodelipmerieboi ems" Mrs., James Teskey,* Calverly street, Origia. • Funeral priVate, Interment temporarily "at Orillia ; later at Goderii., , , , litfEW.—At .,tGuelph, on. XedneidaY, :January 1041241, Walter Mew. * obaver unieroaal.Ser*wrsoaieeyatR , January ra quarier4;inaet2I ovock.' InterMent In Oolborse seine- t*.011. IN wiamimatat ' ItiEINOILDIS.--(in loving memory .of dear husband' and:father, William Reynoidsstwito passed away DeeenS. ber 27th, 1E980. ' As we loved him, soswp traiss remembered. -by Mae and Famtly, • .3,z CARiNEY.—ln loteing 'tnernow of Mary Pauline -,TEgaseott, who suddenly • passed away January 2, 4940. Ber melnory a daily thought. .7 -Dad, regal, Ted and Dot. BLACK.--aln loving memo** •oit our dear mether, Mrs. W. J. Blakik, wh•O passed away Deeember.31st, One Year has passed; mad gene Sinee bhe one we Ickved So well. Was taken from 011T home on. earth With Jesus Christ toadlivell. •The ileavers wepier* upon her grave May wither and decay _Itutleveforiter who sleepsaheueatga .Shall never fade•awaY. • —aver remenibered by HUSband and Family. loving - memory a my vtdTor Pnwasbsedh'er'attAttri-Y-431.1antaurryilat,Qarn1940eY: Two •dear bright eyes, a tender flmilec • A loving heart that Anew no guile. Deep trust In. God that all was right, -He,r joy to make some ether bright.. It sick orsuffering one She.knew, Some gentle act of .lbve she'd do; No theeghit of self, but of "the other;" I know He said '"Well done, dear • mother." ^• May her soul rest in Peace. • HS,aday )2111,99ed by. Daughter Mae. , -1 OARNEY.---In. loving memory of our iigar.grandmother1W-h0 pass ffrWay. , -0 • - 'January 1st, 104er . Theseare the 1%121ga death cannot take '• away; •. ' Nor caagree, nor tears, nor. pain, nor cruel • can:T:1E1a ..ter_noW • �r enter ntentorY's • She that we loved, so beautiful: and .fair,. From an life's dangers now seem* is Lately ehe WAS andlovely she shall be. ealovinglat rememberedby ner Grandeliiiitham, the Barlett children, of Burlington, Ont. ' 4 AVIOLOGY.--I WIWI TO MAKE this publie apology or statements made by me regarding Mr. Arthur R.R. No. 1, Auburn, which he 'believe* were untrue and slanderous but which were not so meant by me. • F. MVLEOD. Itat. 1, Auburn. 52* IF(JOUNISTON AND tassilly wish to thank 'their many* friends and neighbors for the kindness SinswiSro them in their resent bereave. mast, ith Rpeelal thank* to Rem. W. LaSse and those 'who loaned 'cars tor • the funerul! and sent floral tributes, FOB SALE OR MNT.--SIX-110034 house on Makmald St., Goderich. •Apply to AiriVTA. THOYLOSON, David (St, OOderich, or AU= TEiti)Mr. *01, 41287 Orand ave., Detroit, Mich. 510 TO RPts,„ — COOVAGF., earner Albert ` and St. David's streets. APOYM,R. m 31014NOTON, 47 Elgin _Mg ItENTaailt00U WFIIII"BeOutaltD, fornace:' Apply to Mit. 31011M MeGIN4T4 No, 8, Wellington street ' ,*.' • 0244 :Pommoomm.smogo FOS. RaLS,' ' Ron atuerautg, .coat,,* large size, practitally new; alstr,vrheel.ehaii. Call,SIONAlks$TAR. -pi 0 R A.LE. CIIESTEdettliELD' J3 suitespractically new; may be seen at Bedford- Hata instil Monday, -Mso PlaYer pianoAwls, at 'REMORA) svcssigs„ • 4 F0�t1§stiosS-' "TmossorsGessisms 4s% Bernard PlipPY,* live *moults" eld. Phone 158. • •• • lx: FOR• SAUD, THOIROUGOBRED Jersey cow, Sive years o1d ate to freshen .In February; also aerse,y tour years ,old, dtieto freshet' tin April; one dump cart, and one young sow with 11 pigs; 0ms/reeks old„ JAIS. WASTE, Osiford street. -1 FOR i SALE RAND NEW pORT- - AEBLE typewriter, equipped with or the lateet improvements. Will sell on monthly or other easy terms to re-. party, T,yeevvriter ribbons: for sale. •SIONAffs-ISTAR. „ ' 52tf WANTED — _ WIAVTED.-ellOpSitallAID ,IN 111.43( "of two (one adult and .one child). Phone 51 or 700. ORIc WAINTED.—A. GOOD CAP- ART-ffil—iwoaktaxt--- -er-"--bonnelwiKlt wishes work; also good at. practical .nursing, Write .130X 68, SIGNALt STAR. 4 . • MEN BETWEEN 40 AIND nevVal Good Money! . $10,000,- 000 Carataley in business for 73 years has a few legal Openinga for -men ali40 you, enjoying 'goodhealth, whii are Seeking steady vOcupation and and their age A . handleaP. ,Dont fail_ to ,apply. -This is lottr--.opPortunity." Credit furnished. 'parties who qualify.' Write MR. GARDNER, , 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que.; Dept. 0 -G --1B. 50-1:2 & 1 'WA'NTED.—TO BUY OLI. HORSES . and dead cattle; mint be suitable for, mink feed.; removed 'promptly. 2 -FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2. ,Baritelil., Phene908 r 22, Clinton.. Calls paid for.- •' •18-tf DOUBLE SILVER, • . • WEDDING CELEBRATION One 'of the prialegreema of TWittty-five • Yeare Age1 atlativelot Auburn; -TAVISTOOK, Dee. 27.-fr. and Mrs. Ralpls-Graliiistensof Tavilsteck sad xi:. and Mrs. Mlax Rasher of iLstoWeI brlitted their Silver weddt*annivers- &ries at the former's hame on Christ» was Day, surrounded by members of their &Mines. The two couples we,re married in. a• amble eereanur ,at, Lis- towel, on December 25, 1915, by the late 'Rev. Herman ;Sehorten. • " For the Past sixteeta yeas; Ate kind Mra. Gravton blame .resided in %%si- sta& and their many friende )014,ii .willuing them eangraltullatiets and best wishes for many mare years bit wedded happiness. Atter ithielir marriage' they resided torsbr, Jet' per 1-a1 -Auburn Listowel and truirgantionf. ' Before beir inarrbage Mita ,Gravliation N'ocas" aties Alberta norte, a clanghter of MY. and Mrs. Herne of Listowel. air. 'Gravistee 1S41) Son at thellaffe Mr, and mrs. ,101133, "GraNiston, and Was born at 'Milburn.. They -tare members a Zion Javangetioal :church, and Mrs, driviSbon is a 0310.1n. hes et the Iladies' Afid of Mit caturch. 'Mere are three children,- Mrs, Leo P. Dyek of Tlaivisltidek, and Weigardtion and litf)Se Doris, at home. • ' .:Xtr. Sod 'Mira. Bother , have refsidod tet DiStorwell since; their tmaiiiiage twetitystive years ago. 11.1(rs, Roder, a daughter' of Williatta battle mid the late Mrs, Niekle, was born at %%Stara, Sask. Siae was Misssallatildla • before 'tier Wastage. aft Itoleher is Son tett the kite Mr.- and Mrs. Agaei Rueter, and was born Germany, 'coming to Canada, with his siarouts as tut Want. They are members a st. 'Mauro Lutheran ;Shards LiSftswel. Their fainikr is composed of three daughters Eileen and Frances athame, MTS. Art 'McDonald of Llstiowel, and one on, Oabvin, at Roth °moles were the releildeniis Of Maw {Wanted gifts) from their fans illes and daring the alfternoon social intereousse and•pgavol wore enibistol, tli,e evening a dint& was sersett and attending, besides meraberS,of the fa/fillies; were frienklIS and relatives from Mitlehell 411kI LiSitowei, NAV DE' COLIINGWO, D MA: oortirmaivoolon, tice. Ms -Capt. I. ataletall a OolliusWoott lett or Atul8k. won, 311141., tio vleiw "a %AY of a man whist. Virl.$ washed ,stislliore Christmas Diay. The body was tcnitativelly identi. lied as that a CharleS Myer, Calling - woods ,firentan on the .&111111 C. Minch,' witi_ttit *alit ta It.alte 'Atilstigan NiStem- ber 11 last. TEND.ERIS WANTED, • • Marked sealed • tenders will be. re- eeived Op to January 15th for 15 eerds- of body woody *halt maple an beecla 20-inslong; also for 18 -cords Of body, wood, half maple and beeela long. Wood to be delivered ,S 'o 1, Colborne, by April 1st Any lender net neeessarily '-aecepted.. ss • ' • W13/1. WATISION; • • ISee.-Treas. Gsdertch,• CHURCH NOTS! alhe Church .7ttaamares °aim will meet 'on 1-4-1041lay, alatua.rSsitte, to the Galld room lot St George's This being the annual meeting it will ;begin at 280 °Via& Sharp," All mem-, lbets.are asked tio"attersi.. • The W.1(4. of North Street l'inited church wig meet Monday, a'aary Oth, at 8.p.m.• As this the an- nual meeting,' annual repOsts will be read' by the different ,secretiarieS. Mrs. W. P. Lane Wiltlave charge of the study book. ••• : The WA 'Of North street 'United elistreh will meet on ThursdaS, Iann- ary Eitlis • at 8 pan., in the church. s WILLIAMS & 89N GRANITE - WORKS 1457 St: Patrielf' St. PhOnes1955 STRATFORD, ONT.' Largest Stock In Western Ontario 'Ito titoose Front. •NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Slilt OF 'pOtirEY FOUND AT TIM Postotitee. Inquire austra3R, LOST.—PURSII wkrtx 45ium or- undoy, on West street loletween, Square and Iliratertoo street. Reward. teMe tytigieNkfrEPPit 'Ornett. `‘\' *ism %IMMO WIDEKOS AGO, A greens!tr/Ped rePP-c altered mat. tress for studio condi, between Strays . ford and Coderiels Reward. Finder please notity SdleANAL•ISTAIll. sossassissossow ssesssoissaiststssrs 47,411;RdiS. 176SINTOP. ,. . 1.6.1,6........... SE"AVED _WINDERS addressed' to . ,. the undersigned will be reeeiverl at " the oiliest of the County „Clerk until 5 * (vele& psn., WednesdaS, 4441100 nth, 1041, for the sale Of a tweistorY brick house on Cameron ISts*Ooderieh, Out, formerly used ad the Ohildren's Shelter. Teaders wig be rewired either for the - house or the house and its furnishings. Tenders to be Stecempanied by a marked theque for 5% of the tender Price. If the tender is 1WeePted 4 • further 315% to be paid Within thirty - days and the !balance may be secured by mortgage -With interest:at 4%* The highest or any tender net:noses. a11 " * ' 1 Persons desiring to look through this -house mai do so by aeltlYing at, the 00111AY Olerk's,,Oinee, .0Ourt 'abuse, • Goderrela ' 'N. W. MILLER, , ozi, . County Clerk. "A's 'a dozen of G00140,- r sRibnift this aPpeat to tbe people ot Godericit. `.anil district,' on behalf 'Ssountrssnen whe are at *al% , I tfaty realize Mkt . 601110 may take ,the attitude that their leap should go .to Brltain itrat, but it is not a ease Of ' ate,; for a little help to Greece from everycrne, will make Britain's "All inspire(1 by Greek ya1o"—ys 1111agjeti(41(lit us all pan together- and vrin'i- On behalf of the National Greek War Fund and mtr conetrY, I thank you, and to ,alt I Say, "God Save the. King,.". and °Zeet Ee • - ; I win personally appreciate handling your eentribirtion. • 3tAIITURIS, „ SRN. JEFittitir, Warren St. • • Phone -577W 'CIENgRA.14"CO.kTRACTOlt AND . Every Breech or birpentei- • igk • •All your personal • property - insured against practically • all risks •. • , . ONE • MtliTinvi SEE Try • . HOTEL WAVERLEY Located on Wide Spadina Ave; at College St - Rosy Parking Faollitlea ' Convenient to litahvvays' .„ • • Shish• • 31.611. Rates 0..,bh ass b $5.0 Fair to ROOM, OA lo . • oioso to the University, .Parliak mint euliditios, MaPIO 1.eitt Goird0111, Thsatr.s, Hospital", 1.811iotesolt. Haulms, And * '111. Pashionabta Retail ihoppino A. M. towna, liptiosiolurr We are in the Market to supply you with the:following teal ' STOVE MAI!• •LUMP CHESTNUT ORIATATTES MutOUETTES PEA