HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-02, Page 5711lteSIDAY,AMUR, N light and Mr*. CCHIght; W. Wormy and iron Nay, of Detroit, Went tliristmlia 'with the liormer's Terribly weaving co the system "lath", Ma• 441" the couh that conies Oa 10 night end, prevents shop. Horeetbnes it is the constant cough, cough that wW. not bee itaieted. fioraetintem it is a ehoked.up, stilted - up feeling that makes breathing difficult. Dr. WoeiVii 2Torway Phut klyrup- the remedy you need to give you relief, for the reason that this prep. Vie r Di trot oil• flitibutiday after %Nine spout the ICibelikmoseltitie vullth her =either, Mrs. If. Mk*, 13l4ele deride lifelticalf returned to De. troth on 'Ilistrinlay atter biariniK Vloated iler mother, Mre. Wm. V. etestlif, ter ten 'do*. She rwent on bo tio mittend a bielenee donsentlion. Mr. and Mire. Viktor l'irurt and fain- ilvo bouldoli, were wiith r. And *retien contains the healing -virtuee Mrs. F. W. Baker for Christmas DO. of the Norway pine tree with which Mies ?egg!, Wirt rills/tined to,. Vend eombined wild cherry bark, and the balance otathre holidays with her the soothing, healing and. expeetorent ,grandlparenis. Mr.- And MtS. "tarry Cotrtint of other excellent balsams, ,1 Baker a wlt ant a,io were will)tr tliekr %Int T. /Silber* O. Ittra„ Tomato, On • Mr° A4411464' 141 6e1511er relluiraea Ofl ASTIFIVII) Xisterwrz),, 1M 30 1r ObSdriva, ...Ititivviarlt Vas left -Dor Lerue, where 40 .wut Vend the Winter with has tftiter, Mrs. york. •FinlaY8On. • • '10. 'David 00tWari, 'velfie has been holidaytar ift0 hloknerhere; Mists Pauiline Esder a Tomato spoilt, „toot week with hOr *Other, Bev. Reytt. *RIO Mier. * attisti Adeilne WICeeife o obaziEtio gnelift at bliehlome a Mts. C. 01Keefe. WS. retterdon. and ISIrS.. Ottlehie, ot Detroit,. are visiting olki friendis -here. W.' and Mrs. Donald lgartin a Lon- don Were Cirriattnao gueolts, at the home of Mr. D. A. IlilluteLean. , • iStr..;,,ind 'jI a.0 Mfacilliae -of 'Meath- sllent Olitidtmlas with, Mrand aobi Mr. Win. Drennan is visiting friends in Torentlo. ' • ,„ „ • .4r Charles IllaelGregor of Waterloo i� Vieiting with his lorloither., Mr. Rod. MacGregor: ' The troops were '1)•,6043:t to eraeitise" an alit -leek; 0.111 were being acilOir,‘NOekt by - "the general. "There are, -he „began, "ceakrain oential differences between a rehearsal, rand the real thing. In the first place 'Athlete is the absenee of the enemY, in the seeoncl place,. ." Turinlingto the serge4atidailor, 114 Ad., ;them the ether intOrtant drifferenlee' , elf "the ,.general„,:' ..artiiviered the aergeiiiit416,TOfttiroittiel.i':' Friday after baving spent (Iststitinall with the lteals parents in Beanktord. Mr. and Mr. POOL • 11. Of Sensan Were with the later's Moldier, Mrs. N: W. WdollS, for rano. _ _ • Ur. rilloyd Moralizer vent Christ. Was? In Wore**. • „, Mrs. j. 0. Geldthorpet and little ianndra, Who came home for ..C.brisk mw, were recalled ix> .1)ort Prite oii Theirsidlay -*cling 'do the -death, of -her caliber, Mr. J. M/aellatelsit. • Dean Castle of Stratford ?vent Christmas with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. CaVtle. Mr.‘and Mrs. jervvetl and on Ward, ot Ciolblorne tovvinsthip, and Fred Jewell, of Toronto, stoent• Chribtmae Day with Mfr. and Mts. Lindsay Snilitik; . Mr. fund Mrs. Delbert OWane biftbY &male on Friday to viStIr 'Mrs. Rawls Mother, Mr's. Vire, Heard. Mr. Hlaw reit tithed to Proton Sutton on ,Statuirdiay. lAtr. and 18111s. Fred. Rlitichie and ,dialrAiterMuiriet, of Elmaiale, and Miss 'aka Prbeitor, f tiortontro, returned to their homes on Tuestilay 'after having stPailite the Chrindas season with. hire. Ritdiviels &rents, Mr. arkil Ms*. George King. • , • Illedstrs. Fred 0*Pu, L,A,.43„ -trtul Zaelt Denne,, 1.4.A.10., of Peet Aftbertt fvvere-vtate,geedtls of Mr. and Mrs.. • Wm. L. Ferguidon over Christmas.: . Mr. Sildnek Otistille ef sint460 Apeut Christmas Day 'wlief, his Wolter, Mrs. LSI. dabble. ' 101tpittairt Charles FerguSon arrlved on Sunday to vt his Old ter,,, NOM Nora relfeglY0a. , ' Ur. :Tames Dewar, Sr., is visiting re- ilatives Torlonto during the I'm attacking the Bridal:I, say o Molt . oxsis leariori mitFor,edi at proem:cm tleela*e tiani out of anyone. kle,nidilio the eniiikienigs-Nodatsoli woe . . libeler* '' ' ' 1her ilarenits Mt and' Mrsotidan, Max'- , . , veil' - Mists -Plaularte -Maw -ot Water- loo alldo,wlas home for OhMtrintas*Day, • and MiSs Ruth, Tilit. returned to ?tester, on Monday atter -liarlog iVent'Olirist- Mats- with her Water. . . . ' air. and Mrs, Henry. Matt and daughtr Resemary, Of Miount Clemens, ir Melt., spent Christmas vvilthr MIS, M. tillio . , IM FRva Dewar of Toronto IS sieendling, the diridtmlas vacation with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. David Dewitt*. • • • _ • ' •• Mr. Obarties Parker of • London was the guest of his plarentts; Mir, and Mrs. C. Parker,'" over .0hristanlats*D1aY. ' .42,1kr„tt1al Mrs. O. Keeteler of Zurich and Mr IJa•WrIesalce ^wile. of:ri-Liynit were guelstls on OirriStanlas' of. Musses E. and F. Female. '7:: - - ...• altids-Ddris Featherston of Tor -bate- -Spent a few days at ahrisitonlaS with her blaretts, Mir. and. 149. E. Feather - tion. ' , • • , . . ' _, . Mr. and• Mts. Norman Tomsk of De- troit Spent ' laSt week -tend with the former's Mother Mts. E. Tants. . School Menting,—The annual meet- ing of the School Board and raterplay- _ers• was held in the fildhVol. on Thurs- . day, December -203th. , As usulail there vla.s a steal attendance. The reports •of the Iseeretlar,y-treasurer, Miss . di'. Amine, were mad and aPProved. 4. E. Westlake was nominated to take the Pike of the retiring trustee, John Pease. • the other trarstees are George, Oastile and Lloyd Makins. ' Presentation.. ---4. number 'of friends gathered in. the Town,liall on Monday evening of ladt week' to honor a young' ostple who were, married- reoenft, Mr. and Mrs, Ford JOhnstomr, the latter, florme'rly Wtilss Irene ILellitele eldest didltighlter.' of Mr. and l'rs. . Albert Worry SIpS The Nervous System: Wozry oVer 13usIness or honnehold, duties, stylden, etioclu, the iastine' tempt to put a week of normal life into tvventy7four hours, feverish ao- tiyity, the demand for sensatiotad Jiterat'ere are all conducive to the . Aggravation of wear and t,ear,,,on the l• nervous System'. • If you are 'tired, listless nervous; anworried why not give $dilburnss liealth-ind Nerve ?ills a &mice to ' help put you on year feet again. ' They. are a body: building, nerve strengthening tome cont'aming the• essential' elements for the nervous system. • • . rho T. maw* Oa. Ltd. Toronto, One'. • OLD,' DISABLED OR:DEAD, HORSES- OR CATTLE iemovect piomptiy' and eiii0entlys; SmpIy plhone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 . •. -INERSOLL, "901 r1Ztou' Leitch: During Ube evening, which Was Spent iu dancing, a leading couple wits Molea or a vvtZ brLitielsay' Ssnith. Underhis direetilon those .danding Waltzed into line to farm an ark& ,or Ur. and JOhnsitott, Who 'Were asked to Mine tothe front. An addresis waS reed by jack Murray and Glordion Heard presented them with a misreellanelons shower, 1n a few • wenkhosen ,Words, Ford liaian1Pedoltivose present for their -gifts and Wished aU inerty. Ohnistmlasr•and, a haPpy , New fStehriam and bUy and kr. and- Atm I-101100 7:101$7111,, SOU: and dente:den% • jean Hunter Of 'remote is .holtildayinig•if the haute Of her father. Mr, a.nidi Mrs. INL. Weltrey ' ao'd dluW ken, from TWeidttlord, and Mr. abdr-Mrs. meilVaY,. G6401614- were 'gtesttis of- Mrand no% osniaseu.Cluttiton 011 ObrIdindaa Daly. : • " )(our IdorreSpondent has treleeived Red Cross Benefit.-411he Vino'men's entertainment" coMmattee ,ce the. ,Red,' 0xiof;i5 Stoelety held a ptogresislive,euehre. and •dance In the Town artill, on Thurs. Oki evening 'Winners -at- euchre were; thidlieS' iist, MI'S.: Water liar- vey ; eteidollatien, is blitabeth Wes- ton ; get' 1dt, Russell. Day-liar/M-4 con- stdation, tat. Lloyd Heard hethd•-•the_iticky door 11M;et and Mrs. George roott won the draw for the four-pounkbox . ef thocolates, Mrs. •-ret-urned, the._box.ef chlogolates and it was anetioned off by Litudislai Smith; guiling to. a Britts& airman for the ..Settn.,•of.,35.- Motile for the dance who '131)a.iled by Messrs. Wm. Illayber, Anthony and Andrew Bair-, ttedoropali-: led by Mrs. Parker. Landsay -iSraith vvas floor marager. During the inter-'. mdosion a glifit was presented. to Pte. Alfred Sterotchmert who is Atationed: at Battlefield, and alsle one to 14.A.C. GUIS, Mark,. a, Timmer. Bayfieitel boy, Mrs. 3. Graham, vliee-Presidenit •the Red Cross .Slodietiy.,, read a Short ,ad- -din:is-Atha the gifts_vvere presented by Mrs. 'Winter WeLStilake.,. Ovvring to seri- ous 11111nesIs one other Baslfietlid bov, Pte. Walter .31ohnsition, of 'Capp Blorden•, wlas unable, to be present. , .LEEBURN " We don't pretend 10 knOW everything, .bnt we, 'do claim to know machinery and how.to repair breakageS or worn out parts. is open every day and we are cdt' year SerVi0e. Or. rad 1101. A. •Orstwillosei lasehtina. bare Eno to Plorias tor their annual *whiter afolotons. atm Marius Keller, oft Damilswood, died on tItioitkir 1 bet" eilytY410bth Yeur Her Wetland, twit). milamilOterli! .0114 *Nen sone survive. Itew. Wilt's= Y. Denier, Ovanopoliciel church =Water at Uridewort, Out, died ieldidenly on Fridimer night last at Abe age of sixty-0one years. Mekong the )(bargee twat:Mu ime Served during, minlotry were those of Oreditou and, Zurich Jo thie worthy. Mire. Asudirew DoL liteleing reel - dent , of "lieneknill, dded suddenly on $atiort,05t at ,kee hot* Sit the village frent * heart ,aftaielc. %le wee *A wave lted Ore* WiOtticer. Ourviving are a 0014 WWINmi, ini the United Stele% and .'a Alwatititer, Ciale, at ,holome, Death came soddenly to Nre. Mer- man, Er odinigen At her lionfe n traidker, 'Smith. Me retimed ativereivtlY 1 good bo) t towards Morning Suffered a -severe-10in- *emir' and Imotiekr awn,' beitore Inedricall aid could be sumantioned. Deceased. 'whose maiden name was 'Mart AVatha Thorntot4 welt born in MoKillop, 1nily20, 1881. Bedideo her. hustiand, five, daughtlettit and One Son,- Sblmy—tIlebna , In it quiet wedding' at R. Ltike'it Ang/leatm ehuirch, London, on December 21st, Mabelle Gladys, daughter *CUTS. AntieJlohins and the late Tiles. 3101ins'of -tionidon, was united to Albert William, 5011 of David Shirray., Hendon; alnifthe late Mrs, Shirrayt Rely. 11. B. Parker ofUdated Tbe cenille.-401.1L-rosme •AT1- the grOones farm near Hensall. tate VA. Russell ". • ' . EXeter B.ay ThOrdaft prominent ditStrialliist who died In Toronto 04 Sun- daY, was an Exeter old WT.'Ue wasi word of An 'aCeldestt vehticit.• happened "rteesperiot ,tale corn-. 110 her Ow* Mrs. '',41,901` `Uorton AU* eS, Welt, as a, 'clavier* itorkyreatt, on, in Aqteritter Who. felt' 410.Wn her intgacithrettpoing eaneeit09,0pd a diredtor tiasomemit steptiancli broke Ivor lot arm in Oeveral other Companies, He died in three Places and fracitured her rreht aih tthe floe df dilety-three afteir an 111- 1iiJ1ider. In her yening dub Mrs. Gib-. negi a logs. thlan.„Ite -Week, though, he Son all/tended No. 6,i4choel hero, and her had beP.IV in poor heal% for some years.' ?Scheel friends' ;re sorry -Volearn DoltnageL-Bennewe4. LEIEIBURi, IDee. 30.-41r. Fred J'ewell, Who ,las been slindying .alt the Slaltvlation Amy Training SVhlooi in Toronto, Is -.home on, ten days' leave, 1143 eenidlitidted the servilie at the Glade - "rich blarraeltisot',StundlaY evetalki4. •. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bran -tons and, their clanghlter' 'Muriel, from • Crewe, sPeuVairrilsttnius Day with MM. Em non's' pla.rents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.-. Free- man.- •• -These SpendlinIg ChristmHas Day- in. Goderich were Mr. and Mrs; Allan • • . Of her aeOdent arad hove her arm ana, sgiOukcier ivrin be an right again. - • " There Was no servile* here last .Sun -- day. .The paaor did nett- feel_ able slme•-ille-sfOlenekkotio don't:tat tthe,felar 1 :Mrs. Henry Bennewels,•,141c10111(lop torvvn... services.: " We 'IltiVe to hare_ ehuretit. SNIP,' Was (united ..o• :mew Lowrie service- -ne* Sunday.. . flatmate -0, ion ek? Mr. andl....3/trs...Arnstitr r . • • , Dicanktgle Or, libarteibt tOW',11§1viip., -Atter • "W'h1at our eountry needs i a good, .itt motor- till* ifilleongh riastern Ontario • honest, -Inkliustrthents, competent hired the young, couPle--,Will reside on the Mdley. ; bridegrooali farm in Mullett. ITC alaturdage ereniOnY VerillArmted at, Per's Iltitthetan .plitrJoriktvbe,' alltgelL. on ScaturdarY, ' Degember- 21st, Ruby' Caroline, daughter 'a mit.. and Las ae %dada Warm fryeaspie Jest * lbs* Wesieseklay a** * vault WO a WEI neer tbe eiesselery ask imralasore ine. The win** )104 le be 411***Alit14. Cimmorton hind purdessed this Ilieweese. bred at likuntaion a toe so itarl tu loop * Shove hawk it dein deity or* the =OA root. At thist time a The weidout viike toolnig orb** Fred 40eivitt. Wittettemn Adviotace- Tine*. Peath et ;11. rroalaw, le, innerly tit itiodariok frowasiolio Thie death of Robert Lewis ?Weber, .odeurred akinibosp 3fouteley in ilas seventy.titieh year, restored toe whir} Went his *Oro* life a reek** of Vouitbuiicft town** esleePt Cor the last tivo viitioh he lived, in Clebban. Itte Wife,-fentnetly Minnie Gardiner .01fnwives; rodeo a daughter. Mi. 1014 Tleurttine, andt a 0044 a. MOM Procter. both of Clinton. Cleo*. Proctor. a Goderiar townehtfo, a$441e IOW* Vire; -are'lbroillier and sisterim of de/ I Emily and Minnie Prootior, of Mane* I TA Mans' 001001613, NOW0411011. sititeber oeloomt wail are ritsaatittia ache. Most lassitis;sp sialp• ask colon. K martin* tbs. awrik. laxative with a doubt. ridding the colon of U.attier, Kruechen'e hew a diuretic action. Q* 14b*Ye. -VPtie blood: of As poisonous end too erotaut your wisdom front that form of infection. You cun g.t Knoche* geese drug otores. Pric.� 7Bc. 210c. "Pirim"finStr0,,t114°44ariq,niph, or peroono orkddedi lnerearsat — VvJarn rem." for st. deka. of tit4M, damigixter Of Mr. and 3fM. -W. `,1* fatutlys retailer*. 146,-.014. ,0111*04V, 1M DitfOrtillee Peril More Wan usnat the** toot% Ito be I'Oi1noteez 13-6"OlYe N°Pv'r 134111Imrg" "). teLvelo to oloonotrig ALTha SODOM molds eIf 11. P. Plorilateel and ;the liate Was antring two aeltjoa, so, inset ibex itut Pilatmetteed* OiliftOltt an -tilt°rel.atig DerbOt too mat* work vibe to evien't of Maim:lay lia'St. The eermietly soutth time IA orptialletton, aerstor a who Pe4601"Metl at. bile tome a the buffet atukter is one way of slcoctrtrine Oztkiell Parenitis IhY 1tV 33* 991E4 °e" the %plotter, Voietionikutbf11taao *lair Dthel, dottislin of the bridegroom. gio3 Nag grofftl te large rtrOPOrt40001 or a tOatbel, Plekeitt, sieter a the broktie waver o teOta Are being eater. ibtride4mald,•• and the gtoenioan Noss,..liaiivem -Oorr R rownotee, brother of the Thie Mut-toner Serldon, ii)earkeihing. bridegroom. 'One** were present from isorke, DolutinieskThlimeint ot Agri- tlendon, l'Atedo, Toronto, New 0101-- carlitiure;etulggedts niain lefotirseis bog., irriedheeer,- Othe/ and Milton. wilt mime atattglying sultiver or Ipaikell. Afteir a triliP to 'Toronto -and Other ea*, when seidopipertied by, a alalee Of improyeiirAppetite; ids Diges- tion,. Rids System - of Ekdess Adds and Inipurities That, Often Cause _Headaches; Wellman- esOf , Sleeplessness, Rheumatic Pains and ,Loisrered Resistance. There *IS steamily,. a person who has' not at one time or tutother SUffeTtAd ,witth co/NW:pa:don, stomach :isordera. weak kidneys,- Sluggish liver- anAmae.fy • erf their long train of symptoms. No claim is Made that Syntona will ,g1,7e complete relief'. In '.e-itery ease e de- ranged organs, -but It has certainly . proved to hundreds right herein Gode- rieh vidinatty Writ- it den bring grand results when taken faithfully and according to direptions. Today we quote the interesting experience of •Mt...Frederick Webb, 251 Hyttolan sIttee4-, London, as• reported recently • "For three years 1 suffered witli weak, net -Futons Ste/Meek _gas, crtitatps.,,, hierltibutrn. and boating. At tim T felt dizzy an I lightheaded; miY• 'tongue wlas edarted and &pre, Was a bad taste ite-my mOlutite.: 1. Would have Su& pains in ntY le„,,os that I. lest many hoard of sleep. Often I viOnlict get up and walik_aboOt_ray room, toget relief ,friesn the pains And nunahness: " • ' 'Oleos% an-assertnient cooltlite and a 'PORT..ALBERT' bevierlage. •• • -; • Jellied %algae , rtoinfr.AZBOnt, Dee. 30.—We Would , ISonk ' Violated be tollerte in gold like to, en/reds our best WOblee9 to ali titler for at lea* 2 hour. Place ,in for ii!appine4s and .pW•Stiieritii- in the ketitite'W COM 'water and bring sibtiely New Tear. ' ,Trolliday visitors fror, the cht141411148 ,-Seasen• at the, home of rAtri• and Mrs.' UYWTOrnivellord were:' arid lira. to the hoil. Iles:neve gook teem the top, redrice heat VOA datOir bellow boii noinit,, ,ttlalorwing 30, minutes per Pound, • Remove from tiser ',Sate!, preia Robt. Oke, of WrOntlo; Pte. Clifford' off., the 'Skin and retnove bonen niza Crawford, of trxwatton; M. Clifford tJatttV Pieces '2 ram (the liarsr:e end of the OrarMWra.tiod.,liaby diatiter. .A.ah-i- e uelipIN and. 'Mr, Ernest! Crarifferd teacher.: at Ittiffrey. Mr. and !Mrs:1{0V retitle, Verna and Elwin sipent Olrffsltinsias With.'rellaitiVes ' and filet-n:10.in Detroit. • ' /fiddes Clara, -Vinilllis .and Dorothy Atetifillin -Of GirdliPlit• Vent '-Ohlifitt.m..ng at their respelettive homes here. , - The Cbristmlas Week brealontrr niade the Ifighvvay faintest itaifassable foethe week -end. Oars • and , trucks tWere getting statek ,as they dropped, 'through ,2 ttite'saft•tilates, the Mud mating up even . 2 :with the runinting-beard in -:dolotts, ' The --;- 1 tb'itstels •trunnintg from ,Gocietieh• to the 'airport here Sadto go areurad-hY th.0 - Oa iliolvr-Dinillgannor.• hardtsurila0e. road -ftbildiAdwa the..litir roil:430'h efankK04.04s. 'AioNftx ,raue.overed 4101 meat is ;tender . Men are -bulgy new. gravelling , and: :and liquid ils 'Oralesit7 ail abibiliett grading- the road into better shape. , Mr. IA* Green sPenit Obri4t1ri* in Debroityrith his family; Mr. Green is keitit buisy here in. .Vis Villiliage ...bliack Smittm.ghop, . ' • ' . 1.Ntr..Ellten Draper returned irome in -lemeTfor OinistInia0,--hiarving been sail- ing• 'all seeder: On the Great Lakes., Mesits, .Tim ,Brown and Roy FritzleY Pork and veail or ''Porlf and Orlieketni, in altsb are pt .lidmie, having been • sailing, •plaee of using the• three iirtetats. This I during the' season. . - --" rereitie Makers 3 patels,, . IMrs. 1), Atha% teacher • at Notta.Wa, ' . • ,r,thaakilan (Spaghetti. . :Spent Ohristmlast holidlayls at the' home .1 2 • enpLs uncooked sliagliettl of her parents; Mr. and•-•Mris: l'ilarr,v. ' (tbroktri into pieces) Leelner;:, . • ,• -,-.,_ -- 1. 16 ounce Jean tomatoes ,. IVI'iss Florenee McKenzie; EN.. of -5 slices Won Gue1a3h, Spent Christmas at ,fire home, of her intoner. Mrs. Jai. MeKetnoie, Mrs. JOIhInt Quaid and Henrietta. Spent a reivr days a 'this' week in Toronto visittirg 'with' Mr. , and Ws; Howard Qulaid and baby . daugthiter Sheila. . _ At •the annaktVlito"dt-ineetbig !held last Week in tthe sehool4vontse,all were, reelected to their same poslitions4: - A: new trustee, Mr. Arthur Sitewart, was dotted to take the pillwee of 11. Barger,: who ihlas• moved ont of ite tlisktridt. *molter Tigerit and R. 3. .1-11Y.c* are the other truidtees, .1.11re.. David' Ifartin Is the"-elareillaker and W'., 13, HawkinS IS seeretfary-treastirrer. The Ashfield Patriortle goCiefty helda dame Inthe,'Selflool lionise -on Thursday evening Ihdt, with mac §rapiplied by 'the; MaoCillarles- 6 rdlte,qtral. of l'Ateknoiw.,. The attendarree was tatter so -tail,. due Ito the lAtl-conditliol* of the roads and .,_.other doinhv is the ecnnstranits. • A “Obir161taialas enittel,itiailitmoiff for, tihe children ofthe.....kngilichn churelf.- Was held in the basetmerit of the church on "Monday ',evening of Task -reek with A Allay -good aliteridjanee. . -• ° . ,Roy PritzletV. merit ,a week with lils tonigne. Meanwhile boil dolOn the !ock-tie about1 oleist.'OurI torigt!e.- around info a .cfrele • and priests, deism Into- a blow% in which tongue' flits *tit= kr. rovi geook over tonOtle, over with *neer '•or Ate and olaioe a' - heavy. vveightt on top. When, chilled and Het, itiltorthitrAtee4.- Nidte.---tgerie w/th code 'Aar and n•oliJatio or, hot Voteto Pate de,Noel '(tdirtiirke) Frenovoavadion PIO( • Us.. lean' pork •Shotilider..cleoppe4 'lbs., Vela dhoulder,- Chopped • sna11 f� .oniton, salt, ••and 'PeIPPer, 'wad spices, to taste. - Cover meat Witfirwater end toot& verY `1.1-1 Linc,p Qnly tniken.iu short, treatment of -1Syntona but alreladf-it has given me more .eositfortand tow ,thlari, 1' had-.--knoWn in years Pretionsily, ' The -pains ,are relieved. 1 get More sleeP 7 feel better In every *ay. 'My appetite 1....-i better and I don't suffer with MS'st0Mui,..b 147.* i ilisea,110. I aini certainly- lad to find a medicine that helps ,;I:ne 'se rune)), and 'yet contains 11,i -harmful -drugs. • • . , " : All who •suer iake eo01.4111,y Invited to.nall :a vonpboirs Drug Store, nob - 1 rich hod find mit for themselves about this pure herbal medicine: It: tests only tar feti e ents 4,-d,altotake Sy,ntotti: • t • _ B IA IN S ..BLACKOUT WIL,,%N:EVER "IE.-CONK-ET:4' Season -well, cool. Line dee P Pie Plate With riadtrY and fill Plate 'with meat MiXtureit• lOover With poltry, nitaldng several intelsIonis in top of erulde.•Balte 'in mode:rate oven (350s' V,) 30, to 40 - Minutes` 'er Auxin eratst mircely browned. " INIote.---The Pate May be tWa40 with - SAVE MONEY . When you buy MAI CONE -CLEANED ANTHRACITE. COAL, you save money AS it is coal with little „ash; ito slate and abundance of heat., Wheu requiring more coal try this coal and prove it for, yourself, , 0A1311 PRICES Dan CONE-CLE.A.NED .ANTIMACITE, del. ' BARTLEY FOUR.POINy POCAHONTAS; del ,ALBERTA CHESTNUT, del. STOKER COAT!, del. FORD 091�1, deL LONE' Snit, DOMESTIC and STEAII, COAT.k delivered LONE STATt, Domvsno and TEAM COAL, • 3 - tarbleSpoo' fts, chop' pet" 0010it rVaiblOpicrolas flour % 'teaspoon malt • 1 • teastidou liVoredsteathire oauee 1' .eup dced celer.v 1 tun ,grated ohedelar olieese • •dook istia,Alhetti ilw boliker, Oalted water. •Ohlop the Vacion and 7saitte fr 'in 00 2 or 8 nrixtutels: Add the Onion and cook 'together for a few minutes,' , Plena In 'flour and, seaoetatings;, then add the ternatoes and celery. Add le the mougtiettit, with 'the 'gratedcheese, and turn in& a caSserote,' Oover With bUt- tered-croints; then 'brown in. tii„holt 'oven!, (42° P.) . -Sesrvets ' 'Creamed: rhicivivwith IS'itishirotims 1/2' iniutsiliroinnp• • 4' taiba.e.spoons butter _ *1 tablespoons flour • •• 2 eups • Milk . 1/4 teaspoon Woreestetshire 'sauce •(gait and reitrper • Peel and, Mice the 'reushroongs. Saute for • 5, Initiates •trwo tiablespoons butter. Mett remaining two table; silloOns butter in a Satmeepan, blend the tioitr, add 'the, wasen-Inps and niuik,. on George ard :sfm. Priitzley -at flurgttr and enok tontil thlek. • ,A,dfrelvlicken tflKl mutshrobinis.. !Serve on tolavt or 11. and Oliffort,l, 'Toy ppent ahrtizt. iyatta!ihe' • was at Mr. and Mrs. ice* Sehrara's — - in Gederich. „ ' edt the ,l'ikeatse today.f' atiks gleavor Petrie, wile. ,witts' visit- "OH, GEORGE I" ing In Detroit, bias returned henue.t 9. meat itiY Woodrow Hoy and Mr, and •Mro. ":0Ie ;George, • allarsivall and daughters, of Loud" :Vent the week -end her with, frietetz. lifarry 1 told Irary that each hour It looks -like 'Spring to ob-gerve the otlettili lvflitth her LS like a Marl to Me. eionilltitu of the roads *and gee the Tom: Whitt Old ,she kty? nart'S She- .,erowal and gome rdbins around. 1 told --Me- to quit Stringing IkVr. ••• Bvorybody can enjoy the Comforts of Home if they Consult their own interests by selecting their from our stook. tilting, Dining Room and Kitchen Teti:girt. ments, as well as.teds and Mattresses. Onr Cooking Stoves and Ireaters provide both, heat and comfort. COALYARD and HARtnirAut STORM Phones—Ofitoe 22 House 112 At the Harbor OW" le las Won toms. • "Pubtishoei b the courtesy of the Chicago Tribune" We deliver in town and within reasonable distanose of teem. PHONIC 240 . WNW WE