HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-02, Page 4fag* experienee t01111. -
"WO 140011Va rOkideritte
ceropareirrtram tb* provione
nellel*M0 Up
*mount to MAW. -
with $011,000,000
1"ear. The diftlerelee ie
by *.• etiritletielt
below* /glue tot tb.e
OvenaeiL awl s. deerease
000,000 in deposits out (eare
OuntMan public depoaite adulate
toeseasetet 140,000,000.
Carnets 140.000 latrtiesett •
lrbe ;craftily inereleaefi N'ohLMO At
'WOW* Dow being transteetett through -
oat leittiedit * reflected In. an 'inerease
in teemmerelat +leers"' a $17,000,000.
Lear* 011t446 Canada halve been ree
draced *10,000,000.
baler:weeShow eraelealleolio
0,a,aget as etenpared Wieb, the previoue
Year. Bank balances and lovestments
*Kw treaderate reduetione but total.
immediately reelizable asie?te,ameent to
$080,000,000 whieh eepreeents 00.5% or
the letei liabilitiea to the eublie
"THI PORES! FORM IN 1.411‘14
Tire iropairmeto et the otothhoth is
. often of eerious Ninsequeneesz for
only by properly digested food Is the
system nourished and sustained.
Burdock 'Blood Bitters is a re-
liable remedy for stomaeh, disorder.a
'suer seeelyseepsiaeledigeatierr, sour-
" stomach, belching of gaoi-Itemilarhes,:etc
It helps' to stinoilate the secretion
„ of saliva.eilaidepeerice.juiate. Ace_
main factor in dig -tion, notltralizes
acidity, tones the, lireuteemem-
branes of the stcentich, and restoresi
the natural, hcaltliY. Process Of
digesliou. '
Put lout stomach. iett by:teal%
B.L.B. and ace how ginekly, yOu will
start to enjoy your vaeals 'free from
digestive troubles.: 0.
tea T. Milyt.trit Oo.. Ltd., l'Orenta Ont
Pro& aU Lea Vitecesst
A feature dr tbe Praia; *eel TiOiii4
ateounted $3,U*3,14 iieeeregee
Tb o Annual Oeneral Al -eking cit
ithareivolderes will be hew la the Ilead
tleee of the bank at eleven an otl.
Jemmy)" 0, 190.
Ateouut i sua leterea.ee taxee as tem-
pered with tbe•preeloue yeer, of all-
Proeituatioie 4040,000 efter providine
for °w1lie1i an* makiug appropriationa
to Contingeney Ewen*, out of *Welt
provn for all bad and doubtilie glebe;
beee made, net proelte amount to
Vi'5400,804. 'This is_ a moderate, de-
crease as cempared etith tbe previous
Sear. 4200,000 wao distributed in
dividenolise Voutefbuelorte to the Pen
slew keine Soelety Were iliereafied to
$426,000i tu1 DA amount a 4300,000
written off )3ankoPeenieeeeMeounto
ae coinpered wit1i re5),000 in *the pee-
ee4ing year.' The belaneeo Profit
and Lea* Aceeuht garrieel fete -ate
atWEr. STIelandiLDrs., le64..-31,--11:31:01,-N'oweanivagn,
' digre. aZ'..iiiti Mee'. il. elatthers. oilerelattee
are visiting ot tee home o•f erearefeegh.
, ellesigreej. le .Stenelrease•aed Lorne
Stenehkereeeeilent Ohriettolas With the
'and Mee elltomits laaanford. _
Goidereeh. .... * e•-•'. - *
tee, Mee Vara Wigtheauttre -
spentoCiaisteras. with his pheente ele,
fornier's . sion, Mr. A. otodehouse, --a
Rodger. a .St. Catharines meat. 'Christ -
Mlle evith hisebrother, Mr. Fenersen
Mr.. Warren„liareford of Cuinberland
I14111 Were fecent Viellere with, Mr. aea
,Mra..eleeman Meleowell, ' ,
' Me., Derel Barkley at Limerick is
vieiting his sieter,- erre. W. A. 4aa4sbell,
lete arid Mrs. W. P. eel:al:obeli and
elisis Winnifred vielbee with lair.. and
efrs. Norman Carter Of Seaforth.
Mies- Minnie- -enell of'. Fort Dee
visited With her .eietere, Mrs. J.
powele endi Mae: deavola Tueioro.
, airaMX/ air% Bert Teylor, Valeee and
Ranted -visited recently volth..elir. wee
Mrs. R. Stott:teems* of Goteeilble
e Mr," W. ill. Campbell epent last week
_with his dangeter, gra.. Wm. oCrier
of Crewe. - .-e. e..- - . . - ., ee
Mr. and Mrs., WM. Carter .a.nd fam-
ily 'seem ,Clintenevisiters on eeritlaye
The annum), Meeting of the °Westfield
lyt*,h¼ ehool reection wasr held on
eireateealeerneenO Mr.:leark Wit -
Main Was re.elected* trustee for a term
'ke three years, the other two trestees
, being llesers. Fred -e, Cook and/ Doug
leo Camelleell. ' Mr. Rayanond leedtoond
Is to supelyetbewood-et$3.20 per Cord, -
and 'eft. Wei, ,Clartet to do tee tare -
&king at $70 o year, . Mr. 'Albert
CeiterbelI Was clraiemee fee the reeet-
Mr. , and :Are Vieit'. • Miller and babe,'
Ubsisewillecate wait Mi. *sot Mts. X.
teetaveroa, leatetaow.
Mr. essat elm (lode* Smite) *nod Who
wet New Jean McDowell of leederieti
visited ea Thuraltiale with Mc 0114 Mu -
;le L. eloDereell.
While ore Wavelet on e'ritety leurrety
Mu&Libilad the good forte* to
eheat * fox on. els Wit tSrVat.
While **tinge on a pled tbe
Roite farm, the day before Cbrititems,
Nethery had the yotbatortutt* te
breqk bis leg. lie wets taken to Clinton
leoSpitei for X-eaty, and returned home
on (eirietionte Dee.
efr. arid atu. Wealee Ream*, Mrs.
Vred Ohatople aud babe, Of near ellyti,.
meted with Mr. and:lire. 'Welter (lOok
on Friday. tc,
leareeret potieleaod klillto0414
Nista* her cousin, Mildred,Carter. °
Vote of Thanks Tenderiete-e. mite
sionexy program was PMeihted PI the
Weetfield Sundae wheel atter the les,
WM on Suetley. Roberta Meeittle Sung
tSolo; ft reading woe give% by Mrs.
Wee Meliovvele and Sadrley Itadirord
Stang 'ar tote matey *Web the elasees
were, graded ear the coingyete A
hearty. vottoof thanks was tendered to
the retiring sueerlabendeet;.eare W. F.
ClallaPbelli, who bade,given so many
years of faithlkel service.. mr. Cart**
bee replied etterglyev •
- -Mee ,Alibertoteatdelbele eer
Mir. Dave Barlaley, a- Limerick, and
Vligts Seat, Campbell metered to leitiea-
enei- 011 Monday. '
0ailier: Whose the respoesible man
here? ()few boy: If you tn.ean the
fellow that talevays we the blame, Pm
"the Mall! ,
Prom of Tl s Signakkar
Jalliesey 44,-.4ktelaNnattloit veer* tost, Evert skate* fur" Ottietelortelekting
teat) moan at 101Q111 ettraleee.
releruary 22.-1roPoiratby etiOvern-
meat made to alum'', leonatyto take
over iike Vatter airport' as, tea elr
tr*luing cenere. lieedllueee"DeeP
eettesawkty MOMS tivath t Goderach
bade); suyia !Napo." Oise T. B. ale-
Queatele Minialte,r of 1Ugbts, tea*
Gederteb deputatlea at Toronto no
vexing to be done during year on Blue
Water road, ,Gederich COW &emanated
January ilieeeiteefre IGOOrge 0. 1from threw* juvenile boeke.e. PUY-
revival' ot Coleerue eeleeted Naeedttowju by keethtou In ilevioguines suite
o.f einem for 1040.
elleguare ceeetY 'digging I Coruebeity"4147000429e114-4uled*Qcurouoliala• meloriteatlit
out atter biggest itowiattorm in years..., 1aire Mee diettior property to Govern -
No Ivor ' PreP'eaedal Townj.metit tier :We as air training centee at
Collocate metta fothe :future. Cepa* oive diollatr a eear for austaiiora 4if .the
eity auellencee attend G.KU. leominerice- war tend *three eenre thereafter. Doled
meet, o
ee*ervativ6 °Wet aI�igIL )*1114
February 14 -Cit et lee re
vr*fglilnv*4111Itrriur .ntroeintnlE01- 1. Oi-
aPetanted ebalemeiu <4 Decal
Mare of 11%U Per 1040, .
Vebruary 8.---Klounte Clerk 3, M.
illeberts aeceptedLn. Itata.A.r.. With rank
of peek .ofileee; ordered VG rePart to
„Ottawa. Slanted •reeital of St. J'esepth's
Convent Scheea. dfefueecepeeeearted tk
-TaroTintidleivee, ,C; Illobertson,M.
rhvine.v., ,ewaherened4reifrowelii agokisibtoournt.0 bownet:11.10
February 15.-4Libera1ein eenveution
' Winghem. 'again nominate A. 3.
Deaelemen for Norte Ilturein, seat In
Houlee- er-Comeione. Norman W. Mile
ler, 'Clinton, alaPoluted deputy 'County
meow sipps of Ikon" "at eoderisch
aael, 'llowuettip stvbe* **um the
ecitsallaad aweaseraeut .ttie (Walter et
Buren. Six ehoineel aellurou Vounle
Muncie leberatt 4retsi ill* real ,baate
of ,winter.
JanUary lleseItelacabbene3 itablek Uov-
eminent airplort la to ibe eetattallehed in
tete diekriet. Weis Jeaele lleadOloaald
liouloned tint retiring team Bee Ifele-
Phene OWL
ation ; R. Darrow cateneed Preeident
lWarth beard
at Beerd, ot Trade annual 'meeting;
Gee. W. itakelaefer re-eleated preaddent.
Preearations beliig made at 'harbor for
an wine,- opeohoe naeleution, ,Pro -
Waal made at Counefil mediate. ttialt.
dudtries be. OW& 04 siutinni't ripaprolls
14-1L 3. DeaeJimnnr
Candlideite, and II. E. Cardiff, Odneerva-
tive candidate, eddreee tatiron
voters Wineh,am'etorninateono meet -
big. feeler:la; Lions eliminated from
CALA, Junior "0"playofes b3eSeatorell
by 3-e. Wore in final game oe lard-
Olerk abeenee of 3. Roberts. ftnirbarbrate:.n6txin"egIty-elf48114/t4b7bri:stled.. ay. on gar&
marae ke.j. Niaftel tele-
iMild blizzard on, March epee;
eix Suave ott anew i1a1l"
March 26.-aing Admtnistattion sus-
tained with overwhelming, anaeoeity.
Cardiff elected in North Huron. O. A.
dies atYber long i1'lnes. 1174*....in41-11"'it:1,100-it'llruCra;
April*4.--)Oftielai Majority for L E.
Cardiff is 40. ,counity ilageele snaps
off en wind. %Severee' Goderiee boys
leave town to eels lake VOSSels,
• April ,11*-Maililiand River does an-
nual cleanent very quidtbr„ Local.
seamen vote for, wage inereasest aneet-
o‘?. s.:6. Rpit,_ 19_,E. p..watAtztvs,
, .
eirtillereofficers eliegkoehells in h magazinv beneath one of Cetnada'e great
.coastal .defence guns These can be hurled for miles at any enemy who 'ven-
, .
turee near. the DOTrilOiOn'S sores
. . .
• Petients treated in the "In=
Patient'', Departrnent, during,
• the 'respite's last fiscal 'Year
totalled • •
Total, number of attendances '
at uOuft.,,Patierte' Department
. 79,410
, Total Operating Zsperises
Total income from el sources,
rieficit which MUST be met
by Donations
s Over 9,000 infants and children were 'treated in The -Hospital .for
Sick Children during the peat year. They came front *11 'parte of the
Province. All were under 16 year* a ege-e-niost Of them Came front
the homes of the needy. --.over 95% occupied Public Ward. beds.
Careful management kept hotpitalization costs down among the
lowest for children's hoapitals in the whole of North America. In
spite of, this, the cost of caring for 9,000 little bed patients and -of.e,
supplying the medical attention required by 79,410 childtenelevisitse--
. to our heavily burdened Out -Patient Department, Was ing,44, more than
the To:venue received from all sources.
A similar deficit occurs every s year because tee Public Ward
rates are less than the 'bare cost of hospital service. In some casts
the parents pay,' and in others their nninicipalitien &wilder the burden.
In either event, out reVenue is at the same fixed rate -about 0.00
per patient day less than ofir costae " •
This Hospital does NOV. share in the funds collected bae The
Federation for Community Service because patients are adhutted
from all over Ontario. ,
Onlythe gifts eqf generous. citizens mike it possible for: us to
continne carrying on without stint our Work of mercy among Ontaro
Every donation is important.' Please give as much as your,
circumstance* *arrant. This ie e worthy eharity. which deserves
yourspecial consideration..
, We employ 110 canvassers, so please mail your eft *to di*
Appeal Secretary.
April I8.-Canadean Seaments tnion
strike Wide :Winter fleet In Goderich
hatedor, ; &torts do' settle eeeween men
and calumnies' fail. Rev, Dr. A, L.
le-tidea-Hateet- old,bey,,,areeelveto degree
of doctor te dielititel, et. annual , eon
yodeler); tat Kook Ocitlege, prate.
Officeee eit winter aeetageteetsaafeBeerd
of Tradeat banquet
Teetetive iettlelelent
reached between Seamen's Union and-
steentshie tottopaniee; strike over.
Goderieh Agrtieulturel Society deeides
te *deep tuir Zut $elar. AKJadlalite,
ATSIObleatt31Lenter 13}oderieb• harbor this
geeasen ; Cape. JO. Eialt Jenkmi gelts hat.
Smellts being eauight mbuneewlng
the •lake. . • •
May 2.--Orgasizat1en effected et Col-
lingwood to geapose Great Lakes deep
.waterway edireme; G. L. ParSons
elected viee-preeklent. Juettee Ga-
landens *gives judgment or . $3400 ie
fever of Verele'Cundingbeom against
the WeSt'Vlawanksh Mutual Vie In-
Eturamee elomPany, , .James Bowman,
., Ales et -home Bresselee-------:
May 9 -tMrs Bai1 Strutthease Grey
township; kiLidd,when struck by, car
near Dthel, - Chief Poseeletb-
wane cOiAr'mod t his resitioa by vote
of Towin 4ouL,
May 10e-Gederialeacle eraire
handling ,paritelee period' sircoe naviga-
tion epeeee), Foxit•Wilfilam figures eliow.
Jack Aeams, HtbieiGeodeellow and Syl
Appe gaegts of Lions Club at heekey
b,anquet. Annual Liens ,Clure doll par-
ade. has m'any entries. .
May ,23,-War-inie Citizen' -thee-
nettee formed at, enthusiastic meeting
of itowp;speopie a MacKay Hall; j. D.
Thoma, president. Town Valid broken
up, repvrt Oonnelle ‘Sprong Tug of
perch, stairts at haebor. ilongliehn"Deae-
ere ott..11urpa ,helds arming meeting tt
'St. George's ehlurch. . •
May 30.--a0teiceal announeemeetrahole
at• Ottawa that .Goderich 15 to have.
military OiT training echool Wer -
time Citizen' Corataittee eetrat--meet-
ing adoette sett iof principles far future
June 6. --Great aetiviteeat Ste Har-
bor airport ; 4u be made oe ad-
dielcidal Property. learoneeldidlesex
Regiment asked ta supply a compeoy of
115 anear., foreElgin Itegiraeut, OAS P
ender Capt. Nairn, over te were
oof young -men offer themselves for ser-
vice in bwO.days, Cvrtss Uleatbor Snider
aporeo duecess With firet public imusic-•
ale; Big eneWkil eathiere eat harbor
ear 6ot seem, a year
June 13 -Over $1,000,000 appropri:
ated fair Poet Albert Aire Nawigietion
&hoot ; $42,000% for development ok
Sky„ learboreeennountement made in
Ottaeve. Capt. ,D. R. Nein, on ever
eativiee, -resigns . town solleiftorship.
lerat manual field day a mtiort GOIPAY
Hastein Weeders', 'Club 1e]k1 ait Disset
Bras. farm. . • , • " ,
June' 20e-aLturge,egathering • bears
Mador IL P. Clocks at recruiting meet-
ing .in Clotrt House Park. Firet Zane
of ,Girti Guides of Ilertorf atie Perth
tottnities &At In Goderia ; ele gtrls
attend. 3. 'NV Praser :retires,. from
1011 manag ysIt. a Western Canada
lleour Milis, sar. eededilay Grant.
. County eostniell 'vote s $14000 for
patriciftic prarPose..4. •
Joao eounty platriatio
rally:held at cillitton m drizzaing rain;
reseIation adopted deettering uneba,k-
able faith in ulttiMatte viet.ory.. James
Xlipattriek, Exeter, found deed with
okull crushed; Samuel' DoegeO Exeter
l'ndian, chatted with xit'arkler.
July 4Dominion. 1.:oac9 markeid. iby
patriotic demonstration; GoderiCh men.
oe aetive service receive glift from
Town at cerenionY ht Coulee Melee
Park. Tanker Acadielete edee on 'melee
near Tobernfort during thick fog e
Iosea 10,000 harrtga 'of gavoline.
manenit Otaik egtfalfilated ost artnforles
for adhriaigration, of "C" CoMpany
and to reeruit laeger compariy; teapr.
P. le Carey, reeruiting officer. '
July Iteala.
00,11(43 offiveir and Iiteir Cenlite
table, paeoee awlay ih iGaderieli after
short lefiese Tiwo girle 1i1l lu
• craolv; Lorne Jardine, Ethel°, 'charged
wear manslaughter.
July 180 -e -Overflow audience attende
Eipeeial program ,ote War Time Citizen&
0(xtun11ttee, at Capital ritheztrc. Ground
Work at Sky lIarbor'intore than halt
eempletoll ittr6tt, plane tackle and takee
off frent finiehied eel:Lion. • Palatial
yaeltt otencel by Mre, Dodge-
litx,Goillerklb, barber.
July *:11. 0.-titurou tiounto Atilt Grow-
eraf Alociation Wide awed plea*
*t teleeteerteet Atm. J. Ortisdreal 31114';X
Math, Hoiontevelle, iteowne * Malt -
laud Itivere Mineral ot Davila teonot-
ea" forma: Warden otItur, alt Vibe
ton, meet laigeler attended lo ateeoe-
Wilt*, a (Ilintoo reeideirta. -
Auguse il000laget *vetoes
eateelled, work Whig ruithed at twe
ear belthe aleWbbauee flunk cele-
brate one bundreetaveuniversary , with
Acute at 'arbor Pork. Heat, drives
peopbe eatertront; Water tempera -
Lute 80*. Dellegatioo 00ea 'Letadell
Prolloose regiment for Huron. County.
August tioeeleele Dewey hitteled &Ct.
11)1g TOYirt Solicitor in abeam -et Ot (*Pt.
Neim. e Patty -two members a "0"
'Oompany under datintSalt. ICUalliefA
ley. 'll000rd crew& 1 Goderieh ter
civic holiday weeleeod ov,extai _ wpm-
ciebdations Over 4,000 peoele attend
letoneee bone rakx itt. eterieuittrial
Pa*. ?tr, and etre. Vale
0ambrie reed, eelOratet :10ftpsixth
,wedidkng attngPversarY.
August 15.-L0onstruction of build -
Inge, begins *Ay Harbor., Rob; of
etullaments to V" ' C'en*aleY in pea
week to beet Avigai9t j5. deadline1.
Strength of .company,,, 105 Men elf all -1
reeks. RiPlee Puts 'Ooderielt; Juoliors
out a Waee ,LetiZte baseball
fiuia1in threteeetimeo series; score of
August 22.--41,300rettilzed for eltilds:
ren'S welfare at twoiniohts Lions Club'
'caralval. Iluralait:toonalty Pitslintg Wain-
ing &hook Limited, formed provision-
'anyi at public meeting in Court Muse,
to operate Sky Harbor. ()Unto ,wins
semi4fina1s In Huron -Perth juvenile
baseball evades by whining third lLayoff
Fame trom Goderieb. 10-9.
--August 29. -Work leonameoced-
water supply and' sewerage syeteme et
Sky Heriber. 13, C. Uultinbegee former
mayor, dies ,elfber long aineeso
September 5.-tslinet3y-two men elt "0"
Compitnye go to 'reliance Valley OanrP
for tWO Wed& training. "
"Buileiege arising like' magic it Port
'Albert airport site." Capt. D. R. Mem,
of the Eagle Regilleent, Ceiosire Pro-
moted to ittok Of major. Goderich Col.
legiete Institute open e with e67 stn -
deeds enrolled.
, September 12.---1easauelpodge, eortf-
tvilo-Tear-oid WOW, 'terumilttee for
Wag, ear -murder off Jaanes Kileetriek
at laxeter. DeVattattoo. from Maple
Leer Chapter su its petit for recrea-
tion centrefor ea to Town Coterell.
Zone No. 10 Legion el:trireme .service
attracts estiMeted 5,000 W. t&ettlerbb.
September people &eked
ea-stipelly cepita,1 for their owe airport;
drive launehed 000 preferred
shares of Huron County Plyting-
ine edhbol Led: stock at tee dollars a
'share_ First_ aereeenoe laesdiee la•kgor,t,
Allbert Maile on WekInesthty afternoon.
Contingent -ef "0".'0ocznIcoany returns
frora Thames Valley training camp
bronzed ang,,,..11appy. Pnesenta,tien of
Beeal Life +, Saving Society terteleatee,
and Medalaiens made to eight Gederia
*lure, eeeple at Liens Caufb banquet.
G. L. Igareone eilleetedi oreeldent ef Blue
Water Highway. Aosociation at annual
meetlagin Mee/ford. •
Sep,tenabeir, '26, -7 -Value a Huron
County's contribu-tion to Oliaradiels, war
eff*oet by giving eky Harbor site. .exo
plained nit ontaidor meeting in .Mettese-
tung Park' by many' speakers. Gode-
,rieh Board Of Trade lareeettatelStratece&
leelerdoewithe.-Iirst -etteteetereifaceite ,of
Plying !Scheel as- goodeviR gesture.'
Wirad' lifts antemobile eerier froze
fouladatiene at Sky Rubor, wreelebig
it badly.- ,
October 3.-Ohief supervising officee
'and aseietade arrive at Sky leatebor;
pales .being- Made for ofecialeopetning
of airPort. Beg eatehee otf perelt• being
mairle from eiers and Ibreakftters. G.
C.I. tea& and field dee held in ideal
weather; girls prominent.
October 10.--Dullich freighter, Prins
WiUcm Ile, a'r4v,ic4 In Gotieritch harbor
from Chleago in elmige 'of prize Crew
and, withoeigarear crew of eighteen H1 -
]enders eudee guard oe U.Sedelteetives.
Finishing foliatesbeing made et Sky
Harbor. ObJecteve of $6000 '.Por Red
Cress eriveiretewn ,of Goderich passed.
October 17. -Huron Cloudier reeing
Training School ()Steidle opened on
Thanksgiving Dee ;, large crowds attend
despite bad weather.. Roy adVithintueh
-.:Getierieleetrueledetvereekelled - When
Iterieer tierce leaeoesf -read on highway
No. 2. put& sailors taken off. freighter
Prins Willem. III by. et.C.M.P. and
lodged in Huron, Meaty jail; ship
cleamS goon adlter. e •
October 24. -Town (*mince detedes to
extend eid)tower& ma.ite..enangeef
reereetion centre for ,airmen, ender
supervision. Geo. H. Elliott
former Vinerden pf Herein, dies Clin-
ton. Joseph Dunbar, eixtierine- ot
Port. Albert dies ett inert -lee 'eebeieed
When otreek by ear on Ulm Water
high -ay.
October 31.---elvve handretli and sixty-
officere and men oe Royal Air
Ferree arrive et Poet Albert from ,Eng -
lend. Hoeft% wins itaterenediate
O.B.A. champlonsiale, defeating Tor-
• onto team 1-9 in final, a three -games
oeriee. • •
.November 7.--eSenme1 Dodge weenit.
re dayteetrial. eliss Annetta
ted a \urger of James Kligotriek
after th
,Stewart d the late DonUaki Shear-
dorivin, Atudents, andoebeed win-
ners of Carter oebelarehipe. Eighteeii
Goderich end dietriet then leatire 'DO liahlt
(beer ire ;Northern Ontario.
November 14.-iSer. Annie C. Minh
fOniuders in lake otorm ; two Gimlet -I&
boyst, rebellaon eteetath and Dan Rose,
feared rot. Imprestolve menrofial see -
vice for Great War kiOlkiiierS 11.01d itt
lenex clineeh on, Sunday morning; ,Re-
Cry for Help
*Most people fail to recognize ths
Obrieneness of a Ima back.
atitches, twitehee and twinges
tire bed enough, and ,canse great suf.
'feting, but back of the 'backache
*Ad the OVUM of it ell is the dis-
ordered kidneys crying out a warn-
ing through the back:
• AL:pais in the back 115 the kidneys'
try for help. Go to their m4100100.
04 a box of Desalts Kidney PIN.
A remedy for backache and sick
i'Doan'si" us pat up in *a
oblong grey box with our • trade
mark ft Maple Leif" on the
wrapper. •
Refit** iutatitutes. Get 'Doan 0..00
!les V. Miran Oth, 144., TOrOlik OM.
melubrattee Daly 'service at. eauotitisti. -
hell on Montaay, iJ1uu. O. IL Perigufon:,
gilts* ot Board of Trade at ,"Tureil
'relialons night" faanittleit. Heavy stWm
slopeOf diatrilet &tug vondideosble-
minor aanlatie. entry atequite crime,
Jardine of xnanglauktoter ('barge.
pire 'Servite Club" for mem of active
service, under auepices ot LO.
leas opening.
_ .
eleeellaher ele-Direcitere of Harlon
CoutatY P1Antg-Traird1i8,Su100%4400€14
att meeittinv or, Olarebioldern1 W. L.
NebeibeeSeeeoritthodecteetpreselent and
ectineseerettary, 'First bombing Pleinette
arrive at Peat Allbert sicIfool. Huron
County wilt elloste Its one gultndredith •
year debtetree-einnountentent by Tree -
ewer A. 11. 'tellable at NoveMbere oes-
Men otf Ooonte )(Witte ,Goaerieh men
return from deer lruluting with dime to
ful quota. Body of .Sbeldoe
sailer otr stir. Sena. 0. Minele foetid in
Lake Miehigan and liroughe to 'Godes
rich for buirig. _
November 21ii,y,or efecelvven
• retirement at roeurieepaienont-
inabien ineetfee; E. Dewlap Mime
deduct mayor by aticitamationl.
December 5. -Three new men., head
poll for 'town coumellitelle; twolvar
tenni o for couneil rejected,
Teent. eleetee reeve of Colborne. Reed's
inediettrice tookdd, by beeriest eerie
•snovvIte4 in. Yea* "Jarv" Toter,
Deed gole "'pea". retelees seriens aye
injury in heekey- Mine itt; ;
loses eiget of 'one- eyte
December 10...-741Tivo R..A.F. Wireless
oPeraboreoellese Itheir lives in lake
tree -leder at' Port Albert,. 'First group ee
of tlyelsgraidadities trom Sky Herber
and' leeatiets far Weatern Canada, ; new
junior eleso errives. Port tAllbert Air
-learelgetionelSehree brotreerteete to full
atereegtal with arrival of firether,group.
of seirmen,e Gederich Intertmenlate
Holiest Club emtle&ed;in sbetteamlereelP
with lleleateeier teams.--December---19-Paidvision-mades for -
Goderieb and distract homes to ember-, .
tain men of Port Albert Air Navigation
School a4 Olarieteets, 4.A,rrivol1 Of A. A.
Huldkion • brings to ten the member of
whater _fleet at barter.
December e20.e-lleeesente ' airmen
atLd 443sk to celebration of Ohristlees
iiueGioderikal. Retiring ellaeor. Mee -
Ewen at final Connell .3:fleeting off 1940
expresses 'gratitude' for c,o-operetlort
ended 'be him daring' his teen of
ofece. tiers. aloha, Kirby. former Gode-
rich toveisliip Med in accident -
neat Clinton en Chiesenetrs' Eve..
jufte: "You areldiarod With throrw-
-togotir brotherainenee.eme .ot :the
Wibldow.". did if without
thinkleg, tole" Judge: "res, but -don't .
you see tow dengerious at alight have
•beetv for any lane. PasSing by at tile '
timer ; •
(iilstablished, 18.75) -
Ambulance 1Service
Phone 120
' 'FLOYD M. LODGE,. Director
Funeral Director an Embalmer
All calls promptly attended to
,day or night
Phones:, Store 334. Res. 355W.'
*Hamilton Street, Goderiel
Cranston Funeral
cfnriniete Serit:t Reasonable
No exjra-charge for the Use of
o Modern laueeral Home
17 1116ntretit St. 'Phone 399
To those eontemplating, bj1flj..
1n it, Monument . Get me
prieee lefore buying.' Cemetery
Lettering a opeektity.s
All work guaranteed.
Clinton Ontario,
Suceessor to Hall & Zapte