HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-02, Page 3•
1911113211111slY, JAIDIVAIST Ott
My:Emir HOUK
mentor WdI11,sma
Giousatou 9ow4400w, Doe. SO.
appy New Year to eweryotte.
• Mr. and Aro. Brock Orr end
a Toroth% 10,4* Spendting the vaidatien
#1010,, With Mr. J. W., Be*L.
Miss Mary Harwood of Benmiller
spent Oirristnitto with her 'Parent* 'Ur.
• and Mra. G. Harwood. ,
Miss Alma Jennings visited in cm-
- borne with Ur. and are. jentutboa.
Miss. Maxine McAllister i eending
the Christmas holidays with her. sister,
Mrs. Zen lileagen, at Nile. ,„
aid M. Dave nilott visited, last
.weelt with M. Marl
r. Armand Lassaline I London
Went QiniSolniae With' his Parents, Mr.
,. and. Mrs. D. J.
.0Kr, , and ars. Earl CoOPer and
Phyllis,seent OirriStmlas in Clinton with
'Mr. and Mrs. Gould- ,
Pte. Eric McAllister, wiio Ilea been
under the dOctor's tare ,,at his /ROA:
-StriteriAktfraiti art-atLak of the -11%9
• renorWil at London on *Saturday and
received his six:day New Year's leave.
Guests With, Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Mv
Allister for Christmas 'were Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin McAllister and family, Of
" ()1inton, .(11r4 Earl McAllister of Water-
- too, Pte. Vrie McAl'
lister of London,
Mr. and Mrs.Carl Sowerby and Mr,
end 'IVirs.feen. reagen and Donna, of
Nile •
, .
MI gs Phyllis Ginn, of Loden;Nlerinal
Eldikol, is Spending the vacation wish
her Varents, UT. and Mks. Geo. .Glaa..
Mr. lee,' ,Grand Bend
spent' OhriStuataki with Mr, and ,,,S.Ers.
go*. OdIweli.• -
Schaal Ineethige,.41he ttnainati meet-
othe ratoplaYers of S.S. No, 6
was' held.in the Selloo1 house on Thurs7
day, with' a, fair rePredentation.• The
meeting was. head in themtraditional
• m '
lanner with GeorgeMktiavvaiiila the'
ehlair„ The 'retiring traStee, litarVey.
• Feller, was returned tJo Veto. The
contrakt for 'Wood Was let to...Geerge
Mellafwilin, &iJt $4.25. The suggestion by
IniPeldbor E. C. Beacom for Sanitary
towels•for the pupil*, Was thrown out.
was 4.kgone through, ,lteelAng R. Me'
• LAilister on at $80. •
• Union, "Church Sendai.
Rev. W. E. 'Bremner' of Seater& oc.,
• copied. the .pulelt at TJnion, Prettglitn
a• gulitiallie New N'efiefi sermon frank
the' bolt, "(Aind the' velasieil that he made
of telay Was marred in the hand of the
Potiber.:--so 'he- made it again another
vedsel, as seemed' gclod to the Votter,
to Wake it" (lerelnialr18:4). Next
Sunday,' the zi,qiy. _vggitim, Rev, A. 3.
1,1424e, *lit begin hispladterate here.
The induiction Service, and. reve'Ptioil
will be head at VietOria..treleit' church
on Vaiday event* of this ,Week.
AISUPRIOnte, 0:)ee• $0.L.:4311r, Robert
IMIadDonald as visiting with Iris .olaugh'
ter, Mrs. Etta: INOrgarkl, in Ohitago.
stierre` Olirf -wlth relatives here.'
We are gTa , tsee Murdo o intieh Im-
proved I ealth. ,
arles Stewart is Visiting with
his Miter,- /Ars. Wm. Pinlayson of
Miss 1E100 MaetKenzie et Toronto
spent Christmas with lil6r•mother, Mrs.
Mr. -and Mrs. Oscar Peterson of
iDtiluth Visited ,with LMis Annie : May
Ofinantontald over the rweek-end.
•&tr. and Mrs. Cheater Ritchie ot
treit Is visiting With .Asirfield, friends.
over the week -end.
Mit ail1ine fls1r, deaconess in,
Knox 'Church, Worcinto,--visibed' at 'the
AshltWid'enanse•rwith her brother, Rev.
. R. Better, and Mre. Eden
Mi ss 'Adeline O'Keefe ef Ohl -Vag,
visited with her brother ancrsister-in.
law Mr. land Mrs. Con. (VICeelfe.
• iihe ',Hydro. line * being extended
, from the 4.2th eencession of Attillield to
Kingeibridge and neveral sneaarte.
--gagediti pratUng---ine t'li'e poles.
rolrrner Resident of A.41il1e1d Passes.
....Mord has been received here by
rebttitei Mir. !William. Taylor 'that he
pawed ovilay at his home in Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., on December 02nd. ` The
Late1 Mr. Taylor -Was a` son oflhe late
IMr.. and Mrs.' David Tayalor,lindt Was
(born and grew to manhood on the 10th'
concession ,of Ashfield, Where many of
• neighbors and friends [mourn
, .741i
Now Year to *A.
Mac Annie Culbert and. Win "IOWA
Went Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
J. ti.). litliohardison. MiesJwie Siehard-
nun reborned with 'them to visft for the
remainder .of the holiday*.
Mrs, T. 0.beWhiuney is *vending this
week 'with her daughter,. atm KuligUto
at Nile.
Mrs. J. Barkley and. daughter, Mr*.
it. iltsgeraid, entertained. on Christ-
ina* Day Mt and Mrs. itieb. Oardner,
Inleknow, and (Mr. and Mrs. •Mhert
Camipbeii, Westfield. Mrs. Barkley
bad ,aloo astirpriseyi»jt front her sou,
Mr. Ilave Beale% rahuerl0k, &wk.
wiro will refuge for: the Christmas
alias Jean igiothertf, Torontei
spending the Christmas 401,1days with
Iiker father, Mr. Theft. Vitiotherki.
Mrs. Annie Cant/bell spent Ohrlittr:
inae with her son, Mr. Cyril Ountibell,
Lanes. • ,
Mr. and Mira. Wm. Benry and Mr,
and 'Mr. Howard McCauley, Mosher.'
ton, visited Odra. J. Barkley and Mrs:
Donald rowler on ,eiroday, -
Mr. and MrS.Morray Dyer land tam-
*. Eden Mills, viited on 0114. *toles
with fitr: land Mrs. T. Dickson,
51r. and Mrs, IL J. L. Sedy spent
-Christmas-Dar -with 1ativea lat-Stratford. „Mias 4101110 Eedy remain,ed
until IS•iuhiday; twIl*n she'returned home
Yeth her alecle and aunt, atr.-und Mrs,
W. F. Nickel, and, ttandlY, also 1311se
VernerriStrattiord, and MisS Mary
Straughan, Goderieh.
Three YOning anent IMOEOrsi.
Durnehl, Geo. Moore and, elily McOlare,
,who are cuPloyed. 'In a munitions
(factory in the -Kirkland Lake distriet,
spentChristcanta at -theirhomes here.
Mr. D. ISiproufl and daughters,
Robins. and Nettie, atilo Mikis imara,
obiatitoto, spent Ohristnias
and Mrs. Robt. Wilsen Goderich.
Mi as Mora Dumb, dZmesbie Selene°
teacher, has Completed a class at
Ravenna, Grey eoulutyandlir etriending
the holidays witit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Durnin, and on January
Oth wiIl resume her workrteornMeneing
iti;eitt$s-lat Mlayth, near Owen iSound.
Mrs, A. B. Pentland ; had as visitors
on O'hristuntaa .Day Miss Clare Pent-
land, Toronto, Miss Margaret Pentland,
Sou!bhumpbQn, dlr. and MTS.' La, Verne
Pentland, and daughter .pamela, De-
troit, Mr. and•Mrs, Allan Pentland and
* .
-•Mr.,'Geo, Hodge on Monday toe1 a
arge shillmeAtiof articles made Pup by
:the local Red !gross to iGoderieli sta-
tion to 1the iforWarded ft headquarters
at To:Tonto. •
and tars. Win. McClure and sa
:W,ilitam spent' Christmas Day with
Mr. And Mr. oh4s. Durnin, Goderieh.
;11r, and MTS. Thos, Dickson, r.
bad a family gathering on Saturday.
Present were Miss Cora Dickson,
teacher at Nile, Mis61, Minnie •Diekaon,
,ILN., of tJhe GoderiCh liespitar-Stat,'
Mr. andi dirs. Thos. Dicksdn, jr., and
fanillY and Mr. and !M:rs. 1eL 1.)icarsott
and: babe. • '
On ObristMas Siinday„December
22nd, at 5.30 pan.;. at the United churen,
1.143v: W. R. Newman officiated: at • the
christening, .of *Norma Jean, little
Idairgilter of,. Mi. and Mrs. Wilfred'
Pentland, and. Elitabre6h• Ann, baby
daughter of Mr, -andidrs:,'Franar Pent-
''Inimediate. relati-ves _of -hot -4r.
&fig-1111es were .11resent. •
'Mrs: Jas. Alton, 4..)ucknow, and
daughter Olive" "Toronto; spent Christ.
mas Day wlbh 'Mr. and Mrs; Chas,.
A'Ftn. ,
Mrs. D. MeNevin and daughter 13/.tyra,
of (4'orlerich, Visited on Ohristmas 1*.laY
!with Mi. and Mrs. L. P.
Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Mole and little
son Donald visited on `i0iiiistanai5 Day
'With Mrs. mows parents, Mr. and Mrs.
IS. 'Swan, Bellmore., • .
Womk's • Instituto.—The Women's
Institute Met the home • of the
' president, Mrs.' 1vers; ThursdaY,
Deceanber Isth.• A' donation of $5 ,was
given to -the 'Library, kind. It
Was, reported that gifts had been Pre-
Sented ;to the eight soldiers, from these
• Parts, i.ucinding Ibex Of Trott, candy,
QhriStmas cake, smokes. and *tt shaving
set for ' ftairs: ItoaCh read --a
+Christmas story. There was an ex-
change„,temall: gifts among__;.theanetn,
lbers, 'a 'eastqm carriedout eacit year.
At the'elose Mrs. Ivers served refresh-
his if ,stsitig„ Athent thirty „Years', ago
the went to tSault ISte. Marie, where he
prospered business and Ivvas pro-
? , anoted to a ,resoonslihae 'positioi itt the
• tlfiteea plant. He l survived bY his
wife formerly Catharine Kneefirtel of
Ashaeld, s4„...goit,.Vilitner, of the IS1111:4)
and ao daughter, lOvellyn, of• Oifen.
iSoinrd,;:aaSo ibY • a Ibrabor tank] sisters,
-,10bitzlie, elt Claliternia, Airs. Neil„Olcae-
. Donald," IMN. dtod dtaelCen2)le; *Mrs.
• WM airs. jelin 10.0iWap,
• atm Zos., iMon'totnery f iSitittord, Mrs.
R. Wegner Of Detroit' land Ilex.
JohnSten a Chicago. Intetpient toolt
Oak* at &elf/ late. ;Marie. •
' iiimamsposit.***mmeiromiamswim..immikomiso
visit the
St. Regis
sherbourne St, at 00,141t011.
One 11undred riiktdern Rooms
with private baths, showers and
private telephones. "°1
Roonis,idugle, &mu $2.00 to $2.50
Rooms, double, from43.00 to $3.50
and $4.00
Good rood served sit moderate
1hne1ng nightly; no eover charge
ments." • .
Ratepayers' Meeting.—iThe a-0ga
meeting of the ratepayers of SIS. No. 8
'was •wheld on •Thutisiday,...Decexaber 26th,
.with rather a low •atteradante..Mr. W.
A. 'Stewart was secretary and Mr. Wm.
MeOltre chairman. ..The services of
the teachers and the. caretaker Were.
found satiseactory. and they are .re-.
enOzked. Ur." MOCidie • reported 'half
tbe ro14-shingied and it was deeided
to arm* the ret done spring..
' inducting balente (from last
'.[lie aucliter's report *as 'glven' tt'411'
redelpts, I
Year, amoteating to 070.56, and total,
exPenSes $38g0.28, leaving 1 bailout*.
of $815.28. The 'wood contract .Svati let
to, Mr...A. E. Anderson for thirty cords
of 184n. good body wood at $3,80t per -
cord. Mr. W.A. .Steyv•are; the retiring
thrstee, was4e-elected. tMr. Raynnoad.
lirowlra remains as seOretary-treasrarer.
Canadian Service 51eMbers of the ,Zohtt.',Oanadfari.4... • S. Defence
Board.; lett to right Air 'Commodore A. A. L. latilfer att m401.1;oer, Abe
Air Staff; Captain L. NV. Murray, deputy chief' of the Moral.
atalf ; Brigadier Keimeth•apart, D.S.0., Mk., deputy chief of the Gen.
eral Staff, .
CUOVIDW. Stp..4 agar *OW
Ti.rt. mail as* aseihist Iltie
0. 1:sailsrialliaroed.. *OW 10010/111
No. I sollool seadale Ur.
*traction, wig* tossatteut *tor lamp
11144 4 box a <6.114614011.
The swam in the Praibyteriais
clorch elutectey mut in char.* at *
*Sea treat Lomb& Unisresolta. Rer.
A.4•1. Boyle will occupy the Weft
next eltutiday.
Mimeo Isabella M. Tyodelii• Welter*
Norse, i0eitevaa, ant Maine, irmdell,
Or the' (4314 service, Toronto, Went
Clirriebraas ivvith their varents, Mr. and
Mrs, Melvin, '4041, and
Item Gordon, tlageltwood armed
again and will be in Orange of the
iservice in the United **firth next
Mr. T. II. Wilson and 'Albin, are in
Parkhill tvtith her slater, MIAs Rose
Amos, this week.
Mrs. IirtAvit end Arthur,. Id Duingen.
non, *pent SundaY wibh and Uri&
Itebert Bean end ren01„17.
, School Neeting....trhe anunalf Meet -
lug of No, 3, whoa smith* Wag held
last ,week, swith. Mr. T. wagon in
the chair. Mr. Tait Clarirorhoot Uri*
as truettee had exrd,red, IMO re-elegted
fter., another, three year "WO'ng win*
Robert Bean and Willie* Tart.o. Mr.
Tuaton. tbairman, Mr. William WItte,
, sisontvoiss, •Otteeno.rtSearyretleficiangen.Tervdr.a.Thew,11,Vvn,„ hot;
Road A,ccident--,On MentlaT as 30$0
Ruby Young and her father, az lobo.
Young, , were returning from ,Goderieir
about noon a truck ran into them and
bacillY damaged the enghle• and irront
eif,bileir car. flit. Yon* was cot above
the eye and was otherwtse scratched
and bruised, while Miss 'Young wag
thrown against $the iwlitel and was
badly braised. Mt. Young Avn9 taken
to the hospital, where his Injuries were
attended to, but later returned home,
where we hope both 'Soon cool-
pi:04y recover; ' 1
15.80- Anima' Nreettergel—rthe annual
meeting. et the United church Sunday
schooltwas heM otr',Monolay afternoon,
Decealer 20th, with Bev. O. • Hegel:
wood -in the chair, and Mrs. Stoll, ,as
secretary. Mr. Fordyce 'Clark tvvas re-
appointed superintendent; Mr. Jeim
Yealig and W. W. Waiter, teachers for
the Bible class; Miss Roby Young,
teacher for the Young people's class,
and Frank :Wilson for the juniors;
Luella Wilkie, primary elass and
ig,luners, -Miss Sear Veagan, setretary.
treasurer Howard reagani'organ.
.ist. "
*INIGISIBION)01), Deek 30414tnight
'Imittos was celelnated ChrlStmas Eve
bY Rev. 3. U. Quigley: ..
OhriatanaS *falters' included : /Eiden
Bowler of Toronto ; Nt•arY 'Ohre) et
Stratford. Normal' Sdhool ; MarionDal
Iton; of. rytroit; 'Mr.,. and , Mrs. Ted
Daetarier, of Goderieh ; Mr,, aiul Mrs.
Iternmil Luarobertus and family, of
Walkerton; Adelaide OlKeete, of
°Wag° ; Mildred Oostelao, of Pert
}104, and Michael Costello, of London, ;
Victor Martin, Of Toronto; Mr. and
111r4.os litapatrielk and Xentreith,
Winghttin. .
Messrs.,lohn and TOM .01A411, tire
home from alIthg.
We wish a Speedy reeovery' to Miss
Mary O'lleit,'Who has theft Iti.
First Aid
iloetor Was summoned to it wad
tittet, in the IlightandS, and afte'
seeing his, patient he sald"Vo her hus-
band; "Youi've been trying ito do d bit
of doabring a,,ourodif, bnven't You,
"Amu* said the Man, "I gave her h
wee bit dose 4f ipcieseuctulk"
"Pooh:1! 404 ti* 4,140t0r, "yea might
as %Al Wive Oven her auras, borealis."
hen," tis wiittam. veto
gloin' to try that nesit."
If man realty say* What he think.
he 14 not likely to the a great talker.
AN I MAI., picTukEs
Any barnyard ts full ef excellent hu
as this c! -up *hot of a.
man,interest picture chances..., .. such
henmothering her chicks.
WHEN aceneone mentons bir&
and animal pictures, most of us
think ofzoos, forests,, or the African
jungle., But—If you live on ornear a
farm—you 11.M% access to"a numbr
of *fine animal subjects, Andr take
my word,. for it, domestic" animals
yield Just as good, pictures as *ild
• ones.. ,
--'-'4Ust-for-t1te-fun of it, hy-not.
spend a day picturing farm inintals?
Goafte.r, expressive, human-interet
shots, such, as a hen mothering her
brood, ot trigs struggling for position
at the trough, Shoot close-ups of a
placid, cud -chewing cow, or a husky
work-borse---jurit as if you were tak-
ing Pletures of a person. Many ant -
Mals have definite, alopst-human
exPressions at times ... and they'll
makeline pictures for: your album.
Distant.shots, showing the animal;
will be disappointing unless'
It happens to be an inbidpntal figure
in a scenic. MoSt incasing ca.ntera,s
are adjusted tO"talke • aubjects as
near as aix feet--xnaulPfOur feet, or
even leas.'Many be caMeras can be
Set for sebjects as near as ave.. And,
if you slip,a portrait attachment on,
:the camera ,len7e,; youcan. get &Yell
Closer. Oryoucan take a ghat. at •
nornial clistanee,, ancLilsore the beat •
Dart a the negative enlarged to give,.
'a cloge-up effect. ,
not-netesSary .W7811.474 all ,,of
a large animal, such' as a cow ,or
horse. Indeed, the head atone often
makes.a better picture, Choose the
Viewpoint whidhflowsthehead and
expression most effectively— allEt
tire away. Keep the background sini-'"
ple—changing your position Wlien
needssary to get distracting objects
out of the camerialield of view..
Take'Yeur camera to the farm
kenP yqur'eyes open,. shoot wisely
and ogten. You'll find that arty Well-
stoCked barnyard i;yieldr, splendid
. .Q
picture dividends., '
John "db. ,Gulicler
• .
31r. ea* Usk WM
NW. sr* Mali,IIWZaes
i0o*his, Ur. salt Xis.
end ttuiv Osetis meat Cluliessill
in Ostioriah es 1Ihe lams et Mir spa
Mrs. Clinalle
Miesi Angle eashroural relereed te keit
home in Oodierklb for the beldam
11.11 Craig ot Lomb* spot
Citaliiimpa* 'Orb hi* Pore**, aft. sal
Mr* X. (We.
Mr. David Stbailliaber and Ma limber,
Mies Josephine, spout Obriatcsioni
the Pon. Murray (Amor.
We are sorry to report iltr. Co,
Fora n is very IV.
' DONINYIBROOK, ,D0c. 30.,---A %KM'
and 10,10.1.11*, Wevi: Year to *N.
•.110M-407, Winitilant oeneed llos-
'Vital', en ,i1WoodaY. December 2arti., .to
Mr. and Mrs, Billiard Jeffereon (nee
IAlice Thorthon),, a sou.
' The iSt. Akvgitistine WordelesfrTh4Ottutt,
wilt me‘$,S on iVern...idkay.,astnialari .ef,14.
I-at'llhe hemor et, 011,44010ene.0401*
Better. .00w/eller, fitt% One Kinalian ;
sulafeet, "Canadlanixation;" roll rally
4,11,ew Year% ••reeolutions;" ortirrent
'events; 134r4; Jas. Craig; ho'iteebten, Nils.
Nitary A. ltropheytkMlisss Mae Illedinteads,
Mi sfa Bentradette' Boyle Unit Mrs. Will
Redleinintt - ' '
w.m.s..,orationte.rphe ,Togolitir mea-
t* Of the VMS; helm' held In the
ollitvrela baseinent end nvas •Iled lay the
1 lot .1.vierivc*de14.1...1.14:r4.' _NI. 11310000oni.
i The Obristnias service as .outlined in
!the Misssionary MordhatY' Was trolliowid,
Miff]; WE Pre0ent taking 'part, 'the Then*
being, 4.ne World Ohara, 'Pays, Born-'
, age it,O, Clieti*.". The etettien ',a ,omeers
wsuntee 10$ ,iflo1botwo : Bon. lueslident,
Mrs. Bert May14; IpreSrdent, Ws, R.
Chaumey; 1* rvieevreSident,, 'Mrs. N.
Themeson: icorresponding . secretary,
'Mrs. A. Caimpbell; recerding secretary -
land' trehourier, Ws. J. C. .Robinsou :
temperance and eominuturty friendship
secretary', Mrs: Bert Tayier ; eetretary
of • beards, CVOs. Zones ; Missionary
Monthly Secretary,. liirs. N. ThOmPson ',".
Press• secretary, Ilwrs: R. Chkutioney.
Holiday Vialtbag•-•41014tys• visitor
here land there 'inclattecl: till* 'Donnu
Artargtrong.Of ilikrinita:tvviith ber &rents,
mr.. ,aptdr • Mrs: Mark • ArnalStrOng; Mr.
anicrafrS.-116e--Thentf,t.d Ititrilln
of -MiStewel, mitt Mr-.7'iand Wm- •N?
ThomPsonl. Mr., and.-afra.- Gordon Nay.
ler and Son (with 1Godeechi -friends;
IMillS% God.- Nifetor-iwittk.Mr. tanld. ,Mrg...._
J lc. Ttabinson.; (Nr.•!aTid MI% "Min
ala3111/10Y 4347iir1141114MNFiltat 11116 parents,
mr. land Ines, dt, ribetraleY-;, Dirr.. Will.
Orwifg et: !London •Jwith bis &argots, M.
!and intig; Zits. Craig; MiSs 'rola '
,Thotiningon- of lindlonow land Mr. and.
Pairs, Ramona Finnigan and family,
kg joretVe,, - mit% Mr. and Mfrs. David
Ohaurney; T3/fiss ' .1,reee' Zegferson of '
Dranravia% MisS IMO* 4.N.,, of Wood.,
gtock, 074 Miss ON•Ve;,,Ilast.., a Niagara
rallstwillir their,another, ars. O. leffer-
son ; .arr; Warren Bamford, B.A. of .
. , . , .
CArmberland and Miss Elaine of Blyth
with their parent% airoand Mr% 'rho:
Raniforic Mr. 1Cel.nneth CamObell. ',,Of
Dve. 3O. -4I New' Year to eVerylbody and to Mr. and
aft4s. ,p413. tOsiter 'and little Patti* Ann
of • Daiy Meadowis. • -
The Misses Berne. Boyle and aliorine,
Klinahan ••-of- London are:••Spending---the
helidays. at their hoineshere,
Pte . Martin Niagara .visited
his home on OhriattmaS ,Thay.
• The Misses Mary Kinalian, Rita
-Boyle, Ada and .1111d(na 13riotrinT, lot Wing,
Nam IDelleglate, are lieu* ter the holt-
: Mr; Neiman' Boyle, of Sky Illarbor;
%Merrell, !vIsti(0, Mr, and Mrs. W. A.
Boyle tor the Ohntitinvau 19earIon;
Mrs. Ruzlic.Conneltly sif, 0040 -itfrtl:'raronfp-, and- MXectn-- of --Nitchener,
• wItJa *heir pararisa lir. tad oris. W. A.
Oitiotbollt; Krsus* atm Clommist
Ovimimw and dlr. wort Kw Aro Ado- •
*tea with Illiantsene trieslis, sod OIL
Wino Rebialsoa ot Whahsee ma* Is*
father, Mr. Theo. ashisasen.
Vise Mk% "Vibes; norseoliolosiaing;
at Strettkond Oster* 1+47000t4 *Mt
tbe ;Noway st %or boost.
The bisbitrido, toter very two(
ibottoltrig libs pipe tad reacling the
everting paper. Tho 'ortio 'Mt
citorlog foVer .`t rokakirOrd,
tailed out iena7,vet'at 1 *, **We
sheep?' `1$vre," onetly regaled bar
bk*try, and War* lion the now *kited.
Ilinetramir r(ree.ding) VOtt 104/01W•
don't Mike Iolti 111$ *tit 1 *treader
what thb Writer meal* 11,71
thOughr," Wife: "Oh, Tirobttb attoree.
tilt* lilt. itiatt 'riot Yeterle AllrfraP
promisktg te buy me."
Cat0i3P CAPowx w. 1r4.4.2i
twxto is director of the Ewa Canadian
• VAMP?,
V 1,
t t
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