HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-02, Page 2OW WAIN fr.St W tmethi,/ witwol WO. it wilP tmit IBM )441441 slowing with "Os. Mutsira" tit* ion* p,�v4 vogistabie Ia.* ati Mk Nis thi* rolisblo sedwiody Inf mama *t your thliouiscc 2. missapommorm****,..4....moomommoi***** * gen withit 'Notebook mks* any redolutiona Mew that New "Irear'S le bere gireSs wel02-3100k At Oust Cletiosterea eardis. .The DOM'S Creek trileise kayo Termito paper, are erariting. ItooSevelt is Sot OW .1.00sPer' eelit• -behind Within, bilt be WO the eenrage 40 sky eo., ' The main tgottday oeb.00l of a. Gore 4 tAturett held ite ettristaeot entertainmenti tl* vadah bell en Vriday evening :Wit, The rertor, Rev. A.. e.„ Oehler, acted es eltairselle. The program eolleisted ,ot motto% picture* shwu throtteb. the %Wee** Of Bev. myth aud eouge by low a ti* 1105741 Air Vert* at Port Albert. The pietures thrown en the *steels wete on a Saeasing variety it %Meet% and the sotto a the Air Vorce UteU, were delight al. S/anta. (Maus arrived in time to dis- tribute eaelly;:',,valies*,;-aud eraeges t� ail the alit:tree. , 1uiaPriere were *warded ter at- tendance tuttl le$80ns. as follows elase Beth 110Y; Miss Jen- „ flings' class, INfarY laithwaite; Mks Joel& claw, NoraltlY1111.4'; 5/Ise Evans' claw, Jtme Garr/cis; Miss- Cadet's elase, *Mean; Harold Shorele elites, gurray Garriek.; Mrs. Talow'e • 42tek Neetlitants Mr, rtecl Whit- tlegharmN class, Harold d'ollustoret Mr., • CalderBolb. Needham; rector' s Bible elass, Rose Solna. . A sPeelal pries was er'setrdecl to Helen Yideart, thigheet girl In the Scheol with the line reeetd. of 100 per eent. Iaelt Needham won the highest iboy's Yue- Ph erlt4eiit, -Mr ..'UariId fr. • tide holiday eoneetbaek wItit the, 44r, Vs Taylor, read the manes of those eligible ite Inkint Mbe gave los "Wt. la a" $4* diplomas: Helen Videan, Owen Jetreet ear. * Woman* aer dlOetor Suck, Madeleine Vickers, Norah Willis,statee eche WYA recover, he W0 *a. 41.441* Needham, aline Garrick, MarraY Of Gartiek. Ruth Hoy, Mary laithwalte, bas been tuRtue",414:u4v, ,Vreda White Wm. Vickers, Ruth -114d. i'God Save tit# Ring", brought to an end a most metes:One event. 'Primary Class Program . ' The, primary elass of 1St. George's ehuvh SundaY 5011001 badtlieir !Ohilete rias tree 'on Saturday afternoon. The rector welcomed the parents in a feil" Words, and the following program was . Carols- "Away in ta Manger," by the class; reeita'tion, Ruth Sager; Violet Inithwalte, Betty Lou Fritzley, Ruth, Irwin; 'song, Evelyn McCartney; song, Jean Leithwaite; recitation, 'Marjorie Liscamb; ,artotion .sonse 41`The Finger' .Family," by • the elasS ; recitation, Doug% Mar time Tho at the *he Red •Croese tor Oar° -owners/ old license Plate% aila you rettft want *bele 'Me sear eauee then don't bother tjoitirlifaSteh Ithacan seism yew trade them Ins • Should the, St.silasere*Se Waterway stheMe be atiOted it wilt mean that Canadians° woutid be ireited to Wend nearly 'ito huascbted. and Seventy -021e IsratiOne et dollars a* a time when ever; s tevaltablie dollar - le Argentite needed bo win the war, • WaterWaY to kasend the tasiParert, mi,eneutl , . lennleS the only monkey 'this side of Isondorteands* pet # iGioderieV bat Is 'dead. 'Whether Of not Ohrisitanot; deco* it US digest*, sey, bolt .It died. daughter in England, from which the ftSettivitiee had, anything to do with its :Thlutraday last end by' Friday was foil/$*114 passage is of especial in- CAls1,10/4. mutEits TOE 000Ds An army transport vehicle trim .a Ortpadian fectory ShOwn as It is loaded fot shipmeitt to Great liritein at an st Coat ports Hun- dreds of these 'tire being supplied by the Caned an autoraebile industry daily for use at hone end ,abroad. tterson; recitation, BillY eg, Thorny ,Fritzley ; -recita- 1 Sowra; reeitation,' Owen Mts. Norah presided ne.° „ ")Sante Clang Was enthusiastieally greeted as he arrived. -tvithr'- Candy, oranges and 'other gifts . for distribie 'ms wras air norm Isterdaitotattaatioatal strayeresteetiags te bad ,tbis mesh VOA 'Thursday rM14 fridas evenheo. The toteetine this vetting 'will beht at Xtiox Preeby- terlea tiru•rebs with the addreas by Rev. Jsaiiiiillart us lcaptuit tehurch. The Vriday Weak* uneetiolir ihe tifueergell Anielivitu eletrele with Rev.'W. P. Isaue,,OiNertttetreet Malted ehurels ae the Apeaker. It has been. the caste* to hold a ,weelee series of prner nleet11416 this time, but as it wad Observed that the meetings throughout the week, were at- tended tor the most Part iss the manse persons it was decided ft0 have only the ,two meetinge, 4tated above,. to- earry Olt the ptlepose of ihe week of prayer, 800F -SPOTTING "JIM ,CROWS" Intereiption's resented. ao needle* awl Orin' ; It haMPers ItrOduCtion to stop tor a siren. So, up on the tilt* ss.;Wi_thsh-eistind repge' of miles wheY've 4)04teclia scorning, Awaits gune ileenhe ere he gives final .werning-- Ohareltill has ehristened, with justest mots, Thele successore of Boreete Wits a wariang, Junyetevro, CrOderich in 1831 as Described in a Settler's Letter to the Old Country (BY Vidor Lauriston) ' ' ' and the better 1 am likely se to do. As Is well known, the Town of Gode- This Is a finer country than any hi all rieb was founded by ;Ain,. Galt el len America. The Own stare* la e most beautifel situation and ',is likely to be Gait'Stedisagreements with the Canada as. line a place its any in the Province 'Company which led to his resignation of Upper Canads. Around aboat the and return to England eeem to have . town , farmer's are settling very fast, exerted a detrimeatal Influence on sales Of land kt the Huron Tract, on which, and new settlers are ,constantly doming the company relied for its prbfits, ' •Te in. Two new shoPsere jud established. Counteract this and stimulate settle- and, also a tan office. A tavern is now, about being 'finished. There4s a buteher ment, the company, about- theyear1833, pet. up, so that we may get a piece of eirculated in England some little book - beef at threepence a pound, which is lets whiCh -contained letters from some of the iGoderiels settlers. , ' thrteughinf ttehebeSolvaereYtthilgedli:townThea reisgu21/41adr Among these letters IS one,datedat P per pound, The grist *IU Is expected Goderich October 17, 1831, from. Samuel to be set goingin about a month ; then and Ann Slitipson to .their son and MIA= is expeetedto beabout $5 a barrel. "Cows are -very high this ,season- abOnt $16 each. The land here is worked by oxen- When I came there the halide ete a loSal taxidermist tere..st "The own of Goderich is situated on Jennie JO, nisfr AU* .ithe creitelvof a tree a level vvi. good qua and harbor ko IT" ter settled -11m. ; thestear- ' dew reenettis Job:. th a -Was' by theside a Lake Huron, and 'sled eet church was fortY miles off, but now. With; Jr tail curie& aro:tiod a eon- '\..., ----s- , by the rector '• to . SW -Martin and I Streets a Thee in length; liiirthe place the spring, D vri-ne7ISStitlee fs.-,tt pre-- TboOtte Will004 /001010f -4:4140 alseelfea Vielet LaithWatte. • I is "vori;r0Ong at present; it wascaotdis- aellt eCtadlleall, -la the . seheol Teem. Wonsenes Auitelare strislk a netvel! waY , Mrs. Fabler. • r . :.. . served er covered four Yearssback, nor InAmbited There is a Sunday sehool. A Roman C t li i t comes' every quarter of A he is Dili -4 to build, a church next everyone one cent tan Web around the A- :eV of ' ' was 'S ed t the' ,wialeithipe esSthe adeolesion priee to the mothers present_ by Mrs. Atelr and Stht by the native Indiansswho aresiow I Wool; but 4t 'Would be elleappOinting to are wee scan esr4es and was elmspeople. gThnie°InrahiaizedbittutantsdI good kind tkollibed: year- (4 valoOng* tolfbal; witb .wf11446111°.4)110/ . The teacherSof the primary 'elass begin -1!-1 spring. A temperance ,eoeiety Is also . -6* Zan who *ought he wste Worth • at present from e , eea e n f 200 t 300 tt red I established here., The post runs front Guelph to thIS place every fortnight; ' his Weight in goad only to be told that . „ . different parts; there have been a great to have our letters -he-vvastinterelY-Weehlidie-Waierinsaw pers. Ardybote, it sirrOeee the 'wisdom', Of the, Maxim, "Where there'S' a wool • „there's a willst." • .• . out a mile square With. the marketplace there is a Methodist minister and lathe centre. There are-fotesprinelpai exPect there be a chapel built in , As t ilear Sear i.i.ee before yen with sbar of 'pleasuree and disappoint - Meat% remember, When the cleudy dant - antettr--,016 things 4ile. not golni-weaL thistlt 'Itbere vtottitt nO sralleysewere there no manY settled in the town sauce I came up,'Intrit is not a ilacesferstradesetsmore-regularlys.-Asallthresthstecents • Dee. rweliCit loots present like. the old settlements, but judgel by „the workers; Itenablee-themtcrget happened, I leave it to. you to •Thisswatcher,sof-the-..siries.staale,Ve gooe esee and good ears. Then his dif- ficulties begin. For his task IS much more than spottlug. He has to dis tingaish. He has to recognize aircraft by sight and sound, and ,tissegh the first dif- Le net -easy, the sec:114,1e serf . , The 'experts- leave" no doubt 'about the diecerament thet to needed to tell a Dornier 17 from a Handley. Page 'Hampden under Pertain condi.- tions. And even our own ainraft take some knowing, as the twenty different types of aeroplan'e that the R.A.F. ID using today clearly ShOW., Reports eollected by the Ministry of ,Supply from factories in all parts of .13ritaiu show that 'the roof -spotter )system has alreads succeeded in„ draetioally reduclug tbros lost through air raids. the aggregate' many thousaudi of man-hours sluzyte been saved by :efficient rootepotting. Firms working on imeortapt contract.% hese been able to -overcome many of the dif- ficulties Which arose. when -severe-air raldsi on Britain began. • • A tactory in' one of the lima bombed 'areas of ,03ritain reports that now it has roof-Spottere.there '"virtuallY -110 time lost 'through air raids. We are WOrkiner on, -right through our works." Otherreportkatete:: • "Only two_houts five, minutes lost m month." 'Almost- no time lost:" ,assuring air-raid alarms we, have not ' lot one moment." - - "Output ,net .1e5triebed:Alot "Under one hour lost in a. week." The reports to the Ministry shove _that the re/St-spotting syetem *welcomed (BY Nv, joisPotoSt lin The' London tiown a Tarte now etittnds, The ittSt In. the large area Ossraelas Cow., of young Cattle. ISOop after be mar- VatrilleeY 4.gatra4etelsilinng'eTreat' 444ii Offi°11eteitUtre.9,ess'i_s':- rit(iteirl•wrilttik"Perlellit43:r15tande'h*aMeixtegitr7wkawiftl:Ite*Wil'IrrYe deb, eetthement Went en afPn'oe"w"w- Erecibort, one of the Freeborn/ Pieter% °. big the Olever advertising a tuo cams fakir of %teem were married within .4aaraYseesegkilaID c, leo" 7_1419surnortib,orteall seitiorol,le, of ohe end, tber In AValon. bon, - 1840 after surveye were made,* 1837 06"*IiiP walg Prank Stela about hersett last 4101.$1121°e.A4aiiiedi**1! tbeltr7ta ediatthemela. Hts were 814114"* *Ore' t*Y. 6e-tjt" PectUAlleM" rotamitew,,,ekit tinb,18043:1)0001.815 moor imoomko stiorpai 0111 ouss-sir_lhomesstead_ l'Ot• 1,4"n"/ the 'se...Stern iSoullitlary, eoneeSeron 10, was, enent in tthihe 'tektite salong sEr910.A.45.02-00.121,14-.001*MOC11,11e.-- °Ale eii"" ilam311°11* "'belt tem/Os/hip beeame the attreation, to neer lathere. The fine ekty .belit totteeding from north to Smith and a general. alb- sen0e of swemPs as revealed' by the surveyer's rePorbs appear Ls) have bad their Influence In attracking these ist heaneS in this new lends Sonale early 'et:Were .2130ng the 1.4alte Shaw range Where the land is good but level, and wet, becassge they had net learned to Vaderdrain ap that 'early date, moved three or tour Miles east? wated,, to the !higher land and Made a Alintraelonlueeet9s‘thioSe Who -14 dfthttledir-tbisnewere ctanliwanitioneft: tion the tvvio brothers, Williarn aud Thomas Finkty„ their, eons*, Mooed ringlaY, end George Samkisten. These _ were followed by Matthew SktIO u' two eons, Robert end William. These and today their delsiceaklants, in Some Cases as ler as the Stith generation, are on the same odd hom beadle. Like their pioneer fonts:there theyStoe are thatite,„' inclUsitrions • honedt, • dhurch- Pies& Peolte end best of on they are tiiii-Speiliiklby'theirsetteeess..Theirsiatch- etriagts bang on the oiniteide for the Sbanger and if the time pe around - news -he la-,.greeted.....T.tthestbses-111.9.417,- "lease had diener?" If his „ ialentost every one. in. this 001104 it answer be "NO," he reeeiees the Invite - clan be Said that they •.atiere library, :tits), "W ',come rigtit- in,. and -have ly whether the town improves orisiot."- on...With their, fobs While- at the , same like spring, hot you „do not -dig your there is every prospect of its being the t . - es - time theY get a. sense Of security from potatoes in. the 00,1,11*, a.V someone was dnest Piece in lIpper-C'anada" While the tOoderich tewn site as the knowledge that -they will be signal'. seeh on -Sathrslity finishing taking els) ' Reference is made to.Mr. 'Simpson in originally *aimed by ' the "Canede led•when raiders are elose athand and ki$* pc,frapes. eeeeraeeave (been vow. a letter from 'John. Freeman to his Company, provided for an octagonal danger is branitieut. OTasses%have been Ing; !between shower% InPther, Ittrst, Susanna 'Flieeulan, in '"Market Square" in: the centre of the established' for train -big in root -spotting wolideols iweL never Iceese; ,Nr_.. Fraralingham;r Suffolk. kreeniftn. was town 'with eight . radiating • thorough- afsover 100 i,entree in, diffekent parts -Hqtrivey igillih. has a owl halt Rhode 'a -carpenter- 1) trade his letterisfareator.agihtreny points of the compass, .-cesthe emintrys. , ' 'Issencl Bed rooster land haw tow dated October 18, 183rissis in part as the" SimPeSett leftersiedieates that, fops , -The Manchester ' Guirciii-tn-: follows s . • - . ', • Yeara afterV*1(mA WAS-tent:tiled, Only 1 - s • . - . • . ,., . • , • . . . • • fertilely setitlesnent stiae alt ttO beet A oboor ot ate eivoy, cuyto tt.1.00631,01 from 1843 to 1955, began. abon.t el tells, by Mrs, 11M5 . Ictiox oncritax $ . S. filice a rooster, has. ghort Mr. oftmoel Jenom,,#, (brother to Mr.' South, East, North and. West Streets, eneeey (wee had inis woe the blg horse race) : I just 'kept whisSlerkog In gobbler Instead at long (feathers!, on OETABEATES CHRISTIOIAS beads and i leon: ;belles turkey the - • .eertainlY is a freak and shouldebe In a 'The 10brist1114$ ,eatertainment' of 'dram It; IS'lwerth - Irsiox rravterlan !church •Sunday echool was ' _happy event. ' Mr.* E. .Beacom; sa)erbstentlent Of the -Sehoo bad leiter& Of the program; which ine ...eluded Christmas tarots, recitations by -primary Papils, and bY °Jet* saartick, Gordon Tinder, !George Warrener; Rugs ' Cat and .Agnee..Witmer, fe Christmas ;song by six girls- of Miss Mlinele Class, a ./play; "The Lost Bounce," by Mise. /Gerdores else% plarto solo. by Brent WT.' and, aft's.. nobt. merminan and soca, olf Goderich, epent Christmas with MiessMinnie and leate Currie, %fr.: Harvey' Pettinan, .wiho has been away„training, was so winch -taken up with it that he ba signed aid will don the khaki. These boys ought to be recognized, as. this three boys from, Nile rwho have. enlisted-litimer MoWitioney, Stan lifteGrattereand Har- vey,ITebtman. Elmer” Is home on leave INelsort, a dialogue, "The Spirit of for a few days and will spend New Cbristinas,",bY 311sa elass, and Year's.DaY 'et his home here.. . song,.'"royland," he' MarrS auderson, Chet* , selsvices will .leotnmeMe on' • Crett.a Arbour and Betty' Taylor. ' Mr. Robert Henry...contributed to. the • •program 'with 'a series* of pietures which Were rata, appreciated. These • liVeluded local views, "Mitkey leouse," •.and "The :Night before, Claristmae," twitieh was received 4witli special de: - • _ Santa Claus appeared with eaueY and a 'magic box" whose mysterious ictextents 'Charmed the !children. the first ;Sunday of the new year at instead of o'clock in the even- ings(for the winter menthe. - • Mr. Keith Aswan is wearing a broad smite. A little girl hoe tune to 'his hoeste arid. look & 'as if She Were going to stay. Congratulation% Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kerr fade. rich spent Christmas with hie klarighter, iSirs. H. Matthews.. and Mrs. Alvin T and two thildren, of Goderieh, spent Christ- artas,DaY withiMre. Thom,Oson's mother, Mrs. Segass. Jefinings, of Framlingham, has the latter ea lig • e harbor. r veiling tour streeteseem, to have come eiewes are red, avroieti are babe; bArses later, Much .of the :earlY settleinent, ,i,shett les* -•are made, aritia and Many of the eerily businesses, were on West street, convenient both to the Buy war savings stamps 'and help defeat Thtler Wililain taken a tarns lot; he has eight acres of actually laid out•and ilium, The ester- my 'borse'e ear It eitt'le poem I made op wheat in this fall and expeets to have land cleared for ti good spring crop. He gives a very favorable account of the country. ",Sainuel,SimPson, 'who svassient out harbor and the settlers about ;the by the palriett of Framlingham, has Square. The Tatter appears,. to have everything here that a man can wish been planned in the first place as return` in the fail they brOsigait,a. VrOteerssendsestittilesbotrtelmadesss-----s-e- mnaii eldest loaded w)lth their belonginge. Mrs. *Ott stakt that' as She.' walked down the, hall „ink, Port Albert With, . •her husband she Was` the prentlest woman In Asitithed. Thoegh 'Starting . sis' hell:ally the day' came 'when they coutlid hold * their Wads. With the - Proulclest in the laud., suireounded by a' large and delver grouP of !children, three or four of whom became echool teethed* , in Thomias-Finias'S case there were three 'OZ. four iteacher's also' erelong* his eltildrens and I Cannot tell. how many a his „, griandebildren alOng the same Aloe. Other fasfailies through thescentre of the townshisi •lust as well as the leve mentioned. eame feom- 1848 to 1851. ,01thers coins 'lug Into this central area about this .tinie, or very poen afters were •the Treleaven% lieQuoids, Allen, Hea1er- soin Bartil4tt, Seolits-Miereads, wins,- 'Reid% Dane, Onion; WaSece, Feeds, Hegane, ,O'Connore, McCoys, aceillys, Clare% ,s3lohnebope, Pagan; ands:Many' More. ' • Of these mentioned end in tact of tor and 'will do twell. . • "Dear Mother; mys wife and myself live Very 'heppy and eomfortable. I never enjoyed myself more in my life, and had I been mindful of the country from whence I came, I have had -op- portunities of returning. My brother T,homas is following the carpentering trade with me -afid is improving very much; be likes it better than anything else. Be likes tlie place exeeedingly well anti Is,. after purchasinga' town lot, to build his houee upon. * . public market and community centre ; naturally; the courthouse and county buildings, whieli for the ensuing twtenty years served. not only Huron but the associated eounties Of -Brace ahd Perth, were ultimately built there, but the conversion' a. the market and, fair grounds hatea setblic Park appears to have been, an afterthought. .° As there were 'Ito 'railway facilities till after 1853, the harbor was a buey place In the fitst two decades of the town's- existenee ; and, as .the Importing "I bete a good- house and home. and and exporting centre, it hada tendency was the first .that was 'married In the to draw business' and „business places Town, of Goderich and: the 'first that toward the west side of the town,' In settled" upon the Market Square, so tbe ,couree of time, hovvever, with the *- Canada Company has given me 10 Acres erease o overland tralic, business a land pear the town, This land le of, .places end, teveens: sprang up along greet value to us; we cam keep several the pioneer road: to...the 'east whieh head' of cattle 'upon It and save the Tiger Dunlop, "Warden -of the Forest's," produee for winter." had sleshed through the timber, in 182/.• riaWitegt:CeablprTeligtocFAit uIS'• " • abiding -eitiZeesi and -those- who- eon- --.111-rellYsstalsMilne_smest be ene, tinued live there became. pule Peseta as far as MO Wald- ts- e0n- .--Vg14040, -134PPY„ farmers, cerneds: Conditions Inas eomethees WeSmest them_ credit for a gie4n104trellialobisi, Oat for the Stability WiRingnelseto-rough it -and aelitY thein- 'the lan7evifor 'everal geneliottons s'61fve, deatioatty to the teak of clear./ and nomf wi the radio/ =eat mail int, the land. Being alinost always delSvery, *epitome 'service, .daily without &meal, they tad to put 'to. tlapem, hydro, ohurciheS, deho011s, 'auto- inlapiy-sinconveniencessawl -often- undergo what today Would be _terined great hardeltiPs. ° . ' For InStance, the Ai* ten acres cleared by the Ooleeeans'Was planted petateets, wheat and oats and the ()WY agrieultural implements they had were Wee.," Mee, Weanen'and Children,' ,ose euengh, were in the sway 't'Wseed-Wht'g dowered,. Har- vest bat/00W them a. rich,. reiviard mitt ittant no longer at ets their illooitatep0. . ,Soinie' single rti,eri like Thomas MAO • left or the older settbeniente farther etislt and Worked during the strouner With the farmers theire, con** back f r the Winter to chop down the Woods for a 'clewing. igrs 'Plitlia-Y did this.Si for trot* or five years pr yelsete_the WILD ITALK IS USELESS (131anOver •Pt) . Mrs. Netison, NrOm.lan MX, for North Blatitileford, told a, Toronto readdence that Canadian munitions widikers were ereetheering on an unPrecedented aoale. T114$ is a fallouts ebiarge. fie tree, It ehould be- rkoWitile -to prove it likod Mrs, NalSoi ghoUlklilaSe 910,tbna ennintitting Ithe evidence tics her tellowsmembers orttche floor of the House of ciomanons, Where She its a. represen!tatiete: Of the Cantadian people, .and where She was sent to do jteit that. Ranting to itudi- entree. without any 'authority Or re- sponeibility in these Matterswili profit her or her heartens nething. Two days earlier-40etober 100 1.831 " -the brother, Th0111/0 Freeman, : had penned a. misdive of his own to yet another brother Whowas still in the Old iCtientry. This letter' gives a .some- -What more extensive description of the hew emu:nut:MY:1 . 'I like Goderich very much ; the longer 1 am here, the better 1 like it RaStus-Sambo,. what fullest animals der le? , Sambo--Chlekens; ela.h. BMWs -Why eliteleene? SaMtio-sCa.use gte.can eat 'era befo' deyls torn and sifter sley is dead. iglu Resistance, to Colds—. Ioor Rough Ilangs-;-. WunlOole's Ed. Cod 14eer..1-00 4ergen's Lotion ,..25e -L436-890 Waterbury. COmponnd — ..1.00 01.I (*Polies' ..5(15e Cansoanei Italian Balm* 155 ....... - .330 -4t* ---48e Coloolleo Velvetts, 'Rahn „ 25g Natoli Capsules $lop that told or flu before it get o you.. - Tablets — — .." Player AxPirhi doz. 3k.. . .100 bottle', 98e reosts 217 Tablets 1 Aft. 35e 50 hot. 15e 100 hot. 1.50 Frosts 223 to take place ot Irhz 45e tamerss, Films, Developing soul 50 hot. 140 100 hot, 2.00 Prittiltig ittli IS XORF MAN A 10:02011`ANT ER DUNLOP CAMPBELL 100-25e Patlinolive $having .ereasts 20e -j --43e iltehhey shaving' ereant 296 William's Shaving 'Cream. \' 29g - Many butiness people take stook at lead Mod a year to find out what has been the result of their aotiVities' during the pr6ediug._.. 12 months. One of the factors to remember is to renew your subSoription to so that it becomes an asset, instead of a liability: Send it almig .early; we know you, intend..to renew it and the zoonerit is' off your mind, the easier it Will be for ueto finance our business.4, It takes money to 'Operate our ,business and, your homeand it also takes money, to pay wages, tvates, rent, ilagiVallee and stook ,for our bushlesa.. $2.00 a year doesn't mean mud), to any on, person, but Um or three' thousand twos mean a tromenamis lot to us. My we count on you/ D. .) 'y -but she