HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-26, Page 7FARE AND A QUARTER Good, *el.*, Mosubil. 'Wednesday, An. 1, /941.. iliaclA04Yeo ItetUrn Leavigl$ destination not later than Midnishe (13.S.T4 Thurs. 44Y..linnutry 1941. FARE AND A THIRD Good solos: relay. Dee, 20 LJ"to Wo$dnesdair. Jam 1..• 1941, 4nclusiarst. Return Limit: 1.eav- 1115111r10.111fIttgig )iinuoiry 7, 1.941. 'GO AWAY FOR NEWYEAWS thwftes*..; How CSfoirrothas I itsllieferratetilefeets any agent. MAME 0000 IIMX Or OIMICALS *tut Verital produete are wed y woo a* food, They aro etepte footle; esamosubeelly • *twat/lug the iLjU'j{ for the mekribere of the whole finuilY: In additiou to heiug used ex- Witalvely for breed and cake makiug, wheat, in the 'form of flours andother (lanadiau produeed cereals, are merket- eat in different, ways. eaeliV,jti.varied uSe. The voneumer seetion, marketing service, Dominion Department of A.gris eelture, suggests 4 feW teSteds reeipeS, e0garteltii‘innfigto. nOr e Mee rea/en:leas basi luc Oat Vallee 2 tuPs feee oatmeal 1/a teaspoon. salt 1 teaspoon, sugar teasption baltifig 1 . tablespoOn shortening eup 'Water • 'Mix dry ingredients. Add 'sliertening to boiling water, and Stir into the dry iegredients, Turn: , onto a board aprinicled, 'with oatmeal and knead into a round. Roll out with t rating Pin tietil quite thin.. Cut ,into triangles about three belies in eze; Arrange on balthig sheet 'end bake 0'300 degrees F. until dry 'mad trisp—ahout eue to one-am:ha-half hours. `Baked Macaroni ' 1' eup broken macaroni • T. stableSpeOnfttle- butter --- '1'. teaspoonful mustard' teaepoom eat ' 1 eup grated oheese- % cup chopped pimiento (inay be oniitted) 2 tcups hot milk 'Dash caSenue•.. Cook braken_anaearced in boiling on.lted water until tend;er, 'Drain in. eolandpr mid rinee with void water. Place a ItiYer `Ott- Macaroni An a 'well/buttered baiting, dish. Mix cheese, butter, mustard, chopped pimiento, and cay- enne, 'Sprinkle macaroni with•cheese mixture. Add another layer of macar- oni, sprinkle with cheese mixture; and continue until ingredients tire all used. Pour hot milk over matareni. Bake in moderate oven (30° F.) until Imaettr- abSorlbs. most of the milk-eabout thirty minutes, PO*4TEFS RILL -41144 &a 4-2"ii3r 'httPlik New Year to the editor, sLff and • readers; and. May., 1041 in ' Peace 'awl hiaPhiness to this traubled world with, peace oxi earth, good will te all men, - Sunday's', service at [GraCe -church waS ✓ ery well attended.' Rev. 41, Currie, the pastor, gase'as his meSsage, "The 'Heart oif Christanae," hire text being from Duke r 2 i11-' Unto you- is Abern this day in the eitrof David a •Saviour Which is Christ the Lord." :A.t. the opening of . the service ettrol 'einging by theecongregatioa, led hi the choir, , was enjoyed. , On Monday 'afternoon, the monthly „zneeting of the Red Cross was held at the church. Fifteen werespreseut. A quilt was 'quilted. The meetings will be held in the attenioon for the wier Manhattan 'trip; New Sore wee 4. ad iirilliaut In the ImIght wiII 1)43y was bine. eould fiee tor mile% down crowded,' etreeta with aetivity. Spiree and bronze - topped imililinge 'were Sharply silhouet- ted against the sky. It Was a day for a Walk. on Infth avenue, for mingling eeith leualle,laden .Cliristmas ahoppers, a day to feel the life and the throb -4A New York at 10 braveet, to peer into the WintIOWS, Of the emart shop*. In the shop of Thel'ailored Woman, Whieh has no glass in It,. sat two very lite -like alitunsay figure.' of young • women in white everting geWile, .W110, had white augels' 'wings rising fecio their ehoul- dem. While hdreiring.theirheatitY and their setting a yontig wontan,'similarlar attired' and bewinged, walked. slowly into, the picture and quietly 'Vanished. ‘Stauding them, quite *thrilled, we sew :a fourth angel farther in the store staeding by a shoWease. A state°. No; site wag -quietly drumming bier [fingers. It Was, .all beautiful und in good taste. lit one window:Of another eeep wee A grand piano, .covered in • cellOphaneand tied with a great red bovre. '14 ..elcelualVeqjeweiry Stores, 'where pricee 'age rarely Shown; 'a, few bits of bargains Were, placed alu011g diamond tiaras that would coat a king' S ransomi--bargains 10 modest rings running, from WO to' $491 A evemaky, men's store with an inter- national name, presented relies and tweedy suits eit'for belted earlesbel.iiff to one side humble necktie.'- as low as $3.00 were offered, Itoe.lrefeller'Oentre wassesteelaily well rigged,' up.' Faeing west from the Avenue tall geldeu organs pipes danked 'beds of evergreen from which bronze figures eamerged. Back of this was a decorated Ohristnias tree of great elms and behind the tree reared seventy -Me ateries Of the high- est of the Rockefeller group of butte - lugs. In the sunken space Ibeneath the tree was a skating rink. Expert skat- ees: seem . gliding and going through' intricate figures. , A professional wo- man, skater was putting two lit* girl ,pep114 through 'their figure drill. One 'child, her titian hair streaming prettily ih. the wind, was ' conteet. to glide around the eourse. • iThe other had am- bations,°to judge trim the number of buinpeie.e she sikerea and the deter- mined manner in which she rosee-alter Sesieh jipill.to.anastershetiesaons.,,Alsagt a thousand -shivering ,peciple watched • tire sight, and Windowfuls of diners in months, Next meeting Will be, the third Farina, Creme Monday-lit:January. .14.11 are welcome. 1/3 'eup farina. '(wheatlets) Mr. Vie. Elliott, whe'has been con- y2 cup §nigar or honey • 'fined to his bedtor seine Weeks, is ' 1/I teaspoon salt Slightly better., " 2 CUT'S ingic airs. Jas. ,,Lockhart, who hue been 2 eggs With her daughter the Past samith, 1S 1/2 teaspoon, grated lemon ritid borne Mrs. Rowden---IS ihiprcv1ng Heat utak in top of double boiler. . James Young and Argyle Lockhart, hisk in farina and salt with a ,fork 'who were fra1nIu -_..,-aridt,.cook-!twenty-inintrtessetirring-turt-il- ---lioafie:—IDWORITJOlinstoes who was with seixture thickens.- Add auger or honey, them, is •confined t» thesheSpibal with measlea * .- Mies 'teetty 'Newton is -seeniling a. 'few days With,heteauut in'Clotterteh; • The school concert at 18.S. No. 5 on Thursday was a real .auceess. Much, 'credit is dire the teacher melt pupils for the splendid program, ,Old Santa was there, with **Sento and 'treats fo,r iifl :Miss Wilson, our-teaeher, has gone home itoWingha.m for the holiday. ▪ . Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer tHarriSoe's wee son, Richard; hasobeen quite ill in the hespital. , JackiSe--sl)addy, on just said a It of succesSful candidates weelcl be eat- ing politica pies What is political pie? sop, Ws eraposed of apple _sauee, awl -pluths. , eseeeeeemeeeeesesa:, • Melon men and women' get past Middle age their energy and aotivity,. in many instences, begin to decline, and their general vitality is Oti. the . Wane. Little oieknesses and ailments seem ' harder to shake off than. formerly,' • :and, here and there, evidences of a , breakdown he& to appear. Yew is the tune when those, who wish to Maintain their health': and vigor, and retain, their energy. Un- • impaired should -take a Course -0 • Milburn,s Health and Nerve•Pills. They brace np and. invigorate 44 • systemrand help stall off the decrepi. . tude of advaneing'years. • The T. 0o., /411-., Toronto,%0111. beaten eggs, and. lemon.. rind'. the adjatent French and English .00ok. two gitinubei. 'Chili and serve taverns were just as interested. Now, with.crusbed fruit or Fruit sauce. Fault sauce - s.•silless -not -Penne -and- circumstance on. 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons Cold water 11/2 eups syrup from canned fruit • cuP finely chopped fruit . Mix 'cornetarch with cold water. Add to heated fruit syrup. +Cook -for ten. minutes. ,Add fruit, Whole Wheat Muffin's 1 ciip whole Wheat flour • % cup -white flour • 1(1 eteoo • uttp8Ilg:rsalt • 4 teaspoons balking powder 1 egg ' . 1 0111). 3 tiblespoons melted butter •Combine- dry ingredients. -Add-- , to bea'ten egg and; Milc quickly into dry ingredients. Add 'melted •butter. Bake 'buttered enuflin tins in hoteven 400° F. for twenty-ifive minu'bes. Oatmeal 'Cookies, cup butter 11/2 cups broivn sugar ;, • 1 egg - 1y2 cups 'fine rolled -oats 11/2 cups flour IA. teaspoon so.da--- qeltspoon baking Powder Pinch. of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter. Add sugar and cream well together. Add well heaten egg and vanilla, then dry ingredients. Drop by spoOttfuls on ,buttored baking Sheet and bake in moderate oven (375 degrees 1'.) about eight to ,ten minutes. 'Warden (on telephone) : -"I sent m9 boy to your store for two pounds "of Puns andslsgot- only a pound and - a half. Your , settles must be wrong." ,Frult Dealer: "My scales are all right, madam.' Have you tried: 'weighing your. boy?" thematic* at City tad early thie year le. kit geve feet ure eee othes day, aud 13.1 tem—New York le the *AA ad a expert leere he ea e Wee uow agaitiat pro, salami , favor of di,VOITO 'where the raerried,o be 13 au unhappy 111. Ketelk year at •this time trot deli" in great quanta are seeopold up in baskets'', nets &u gby amateur tisk, erne% on the h. ehore o Loug Island. The fiSit inclose to shore at night time, pr Olylu. purauit of eels or baby blue and. often °flap helplessly in shallo , on be beach. English whiting, ,as pa* properly ealled, have' etretime ose the At- lantie from a habitat'•ext ng *ora "the Avenue." Whry, no. ir ou.. may drep into one of h Certah) chitin of restaurants cheek .by jowl- 'with, the Plaza Hotel—Where even the' nein who opens your taxi doer bas a eertain, looksabone him—and have- your toina to - juice, 'turkey, mushrooms, rialiffins, tea .for thirty-dve cents. And the jewelry -yotrufay buy for a quarter down the Street ,in any one of the 540-eteetera Stores 'vvb,uld dazzle a matieranee. And do they buy, these sunbursts, • turquelse and einerald-studded, dingbats to be- deck xiilledy? 'Surely. No more does the, Sniart,societiy doWager cause, envy, in. the heart.of, the shop girl by the latest sh " of her adornMents. Blit, to resume. We rested. in the -Air Terininal Theatre watching newsreels that present anrhour's-show, of -world events and keep on going without form - hl beginning or end. Then we emerged to 'see a. New York .glittering in.' lights against' a bronze [blue eaty. 'Banks of buildings' of different heights and vari- ous distancesall lit -up for the brief -end ,a the 'working day Preivide a- wonder- ful thrill, to the Senses. We • took . a ' turn "up Broadway and around Long- acre Square to see -the White Way with it's giant animated electric pictures of pouring beverages and, pouring seda- • tives, its „war bulletins, theatre signs, and-signi that give hints of sights to be seen along those 'stretches of Broad- way and PoFtyJSecond., street 'Where, theatres abOUnd, 'Later -on the butter arid egg magnates from the provinces, quiet folk from thelionie town mingle with the cle,nizens Of a section • that awakens_wi'thlurther color and glitter When yen andl are peadifully sleeping, One can make a.fast exit from all this gayety, however, after a few hours of itrudging. An escalator to a subway Is an *escape. Thew, esealators, with one load descending-. and . another as - fending, make me think of the ladder -of life, and Sometime:5, whimsleally; make me wonder what it's .all about. Emergence at the Kew Gardens' sta- • tion brings one ,back, of course, to trees, • open. spaces and quiet people sitting 'thy the evening lamp: Norway to *Spain for ou Years, i,t is Said. It is not ilineffix re the nut or bait have world -ho. fish go after tills annual • over. 13xPerts in fis Stated that powhere else blare lisit been•eat on t (elite the aaMe rtwaY, ou east lines for them; others —tor the sport of Ithe thing people,. in ribber bOotS, aim 7tlikht *QtroliSi'WQ ash; are dung ore the beach lb* have tife ch[ance to turn again. 004. •-,3 , * Tensorial stetistics: 1 SttiV in the window of a Hillaide barber shop that read': "Hair Cetti d fr No Shave • When I questione in .pur local barber shop' --he is - Taranto, down ilea'. the Italian heel by the .way—about the Significance o the signs he shrugged and said two pa to the tent.' There is no„ menaee barbering profession as yet in that ruaiall percentage. We don't' pretend to know everything, but we do claim , • to know machinery and how to ,repair breakages 'or worn 18 ()lien every day and we areatyour seryiec,, SAYE MONEY • .4, When you buy Dal dogt-CIJKANED ANTHRACITE COAL, you save 121021e3r as it is 'coal with little ash, no slate abundartee of heat, ,WhCn requiring more coal try this eoal and ,prove it for yoyrsqlf, CASA PRICES Dat'tioNE-0LEANpD THRACITE, del. •BARTLEY FOUR -10:1 • ALBERTA CIIE79 StiOKER COAL, de FORD COKE, del, LONE STA, D'OME,STIC and STEAVI COAL:, Mivered LONE STAR, DOMESTIC, .aitia STEAM COAL, . in yard • Chas. C. ' Le IcluvrAnn ,,,nd 11.41troWARP1 ilir ORE 2' 1:1101101- Offlee 22 Rouse 112 At the Arbor •Mr. strut ars. Andrew Arehibald of Seafortli last weelt velebrated the fifty- firet annivereary Of their wedding. W. J. 'Smith of Exeter' hite been ap- Minted. [fruit and ;vegetable inapeetor for the Dontlidon Department of Agri- eulture. alise Winnie Sa.va,uge, Of Seefortle bee been appointed to the staff isf the Seaforth public ochool, sueceeding Miss Relit Thompson, resigned. ••The Township of Eaet, Wawanosh will have its seventyafiftis anuiversary In 194, and it is proposed to commem- orate the oesasion lu [fitting manner. ,Soloraon KlPfer, a highly esteemed msident of Erneelleld, died oil Decem- ber 13th in his seveatieth year. Dh eat WaS due to a heart attaek. Ile WM lit 'native ofsliay townshiP. Ilis wife, one son and QUO daughter survive, she n At the [Anal Meeting of the Wiiigham thman , • Seoop as the - they the r • ally, one [Sunday night, he said: "Em- maline, remembers I wa.e. heah lea' "-Monday night?' • lihnmaline re- plied yes. "And you -all remembers that I was also hyar Wednesday, 'Thurs- dais. Friday and aghe las' night?" "Yo' Shore was," tEmlealine +coyly re- plied. "An(l I is hyar tonight," "Yo' shore is." In desperation hie burst out' with: "Say, gal! Don't you -all snwll a rat?" A basliftil: young mountaie Poy leched the -courage to pop threffieetien, -!Fhi Town , (nine y ii. y paseee,proViding for the observance -of (-Intended fl"slasts--"44`) -" - Are WedneadaY hulf-holiday throughout V.M.S.1Officer.---The Women's afis. Ih'Year'-ekeerit .14'',N-Oireitilier Titir4' aendrY,1SPeletyOf the,Ashlield WeabY- reenber and weeks Ili whieli:a aitilatia'teriarrehurch Met at the home of airs. li Iay IS. Observed. • - 'N. .1',.'lle'euenzie on Friday, DereMber It file' 13reein , Acreage' , hymns the devotional part of the meets, ioneer 'Broom ,Corn Company of ing-was taken by Mrs. N. J. efaeKenzie .13tle After the singing of Ohristraas, • . 'which eperated; at ,Seaforth and Mrs. D. A. 'MacLean, 'Mrs., N. J. th 1 ar, is Inereasing the acreage. of Maciten4e gate an interesting rending, brolit, corn ho be contraeted for in the "Marching to the Sunshine," Mrs. dist et for next year. Seed has (been MariRtie gave a oplendid paper en' the all tted: for 1,500 acres in theaSeaforth life of Dr. ja,s.' Robertson. Mrs. Rose, -- , , led in Prayer and, LYELSe Alayme Sohn- dialtrl.-ietero;;es , . ° ' - stop, read the poein "The Red Sea" , ,. At the Preabyterian. Manse, Wing- Mrs. -Eisler sang the hymn, "Chriations ham, on .iSaturday, December, 14t1i, .eaveke, Salute the .Htippy Worn." Then Betty Mae Groves, daughter of Earl followed the reports [from the :different' Groves and the' late Mrs. Groves of secretaries. The treasurer hoped that Wingiraro, *8.3 united! in marriage to by the end of the year the 'ellocation " Villitera li. Hall, Son of 'Mr. and, Mrs. would be reached. An interesting part Gordon Hall of Bluevale. The eere- of ,the program wasthe,presenting of an ,m,e, y was, performed by Bev, Kenneth "In Memoriam." eertificate to aiaS ,,a Ma Lean. The young Couple will re- 'Annie MAy XfteDonalciele memory of her aunt, the late Mrs: Fiore- ROSS. side t Blues -ale. . • Mrs. JOhn'MaciRge read the address and liessefeveod—lloggart - In a tee nny Perforined.by Rev. A. Mr. 'Earl 'Howes presented the certili- . 114.1. Menzies! a the Londedboro manse on, cate hi behalf of the 'Society. The 'Wednesday, cemiber ,11th, alary Wheers elected for 1941 were: PreSi- Retell', only dat,er of .11r. and Mrs. de4t, Mrs. Donald XSIlaciSeniie.',--viee, Bert 1.1oggart of IHK.ett, [beceme the presiderits, Mit. Esiersairs, D. A. altie: bride of Keith Lloirts Ilesselwoen„ Mani 'Sire. iHowes ; treasurer, Mrs. 4. youngeot sou of Mr.. aud Mr* John 14.0.01.wood IIuXett. YOUzlif 1.!otipie rts*Itie on the Mk eoueeealou 1, of '1131114qt. 0 ' Winghsin Readout Ihes to 90th Neer Niringham ntourna the ileetii of oue of its ()Meet rt ',id August lIoint4th, who passed away on. Sunday. Ikeems ber 15I1i, in hie ninetieth year. A native of +Germany, Mr. Mot -truth came • 1 to [Canada at the age of eight years's aud after four years at 'Galt the family moved toTureberry township. For the last thirty-three years he had lived in Wiugitain. lie Is euev'ived by Ids wife, . [to wham lie was, married' over sixty-. three years ago, two sons and one •daughter, John and 'Mrs. John Kelly of Wiugham 'and Fred: of diarriatme , JOIta Miwitse; semis nip Abi.ligsveilla home helper, Mrs. U. V, ikt supply, May JiarDouiliWe Tiding*, Mara* Johnston ; welfare, blira„ Jobe Colmar is 'Band, ;Mee Maenoaaid • seeretary, Mrs. N. J. Ma tore, Mrs. Wilfrid Trance,' ao1inston ; preee eherethrit MacLean., Moi. D. A, cloeed 'tile meeting with pa; Our dentist tenet us he absent-mireled motorist in hie other day. You ftakse goer dentlet as/iced. "Yeah," Petient ' "and bette UP on the oil, too." Those who keep lt IWO* ' impurity pent up in their bodies, day after day, inetead of having it • removed as 'nature intended, at leaet once in every twenty-four hours, in- . variably suffer from constipation. • The use of cheap, harsh purgative* , will never get you any' where aa thy only aggravate the trouble and in- jure the delicate MUCOUS liTOUg 001 bowels, and are very liable to canoe ' piles. , • 1 If 'eamstipated take Milbureis- laza-lever Pills anat,luivo nntand movement of the howehe They de not gripe, waken and ,1144**n. many laxativee do.. T. lifiararsi UAL. * * *• '- Our philosophic tea man informed us that„he was leaving hisroute, as he svaS shortly to engage in his former work. as an expert in making machine tools. • He told me that.iiiie of his old • customers liad burst into tetti2e when he •''Infortned her he *as about to abandoli his. ratite.' "tthie was -just about to commit stticide one. day -when I called on ber. I talked her out *of it," he said, modestly. ."She °feet' told -me how grateful she was,' he continded. An - odd chap is, the tea man. He has a • Smiling 'faee and a 'kiiia leie. When 1 'thanked Illin flir his sertriCeS, he said quickly .and deprecatingly, .."Tlutt Should be a commonplace." , * * *• Tamest Gordon Bennett,, owner- of the old New York Herald, one built a home for hie paper at the jit'ntion of Sixth avenue and Broadeery- that s etas uniqtte. It' twag, faelitoned after the Oege•e, Palace in Venice. Visitors to New York made it a, point to walk under the heautifai colonnade on elle Broadway sidesand' watch the great rotary presees, ' One fea tare of the old [Herald building was , the remark- able elOck over the front entranee. it , was of bronze, --Vito ligere of Minerva eat at the top of the dial. On each. side, was a blacksmith with a hammer, Who with his partner ate -telt the chimes and the hours, • The building' has loag since (lieen rePlacel Iiyeanother arm,- ' ttire, but juStreeently the beautiful Parts -made group and 'clock have been placed on a f oety-footginnite pylon aud set up* near the spot whew they once stood: 'Por sortie strange reason the two bronze men have been dubbed ISOM • "arid [Guff by 'Broadway boulevardiers. Despite the Mimes, the eloek, the hain. merate and alinerva beautify a' busy corner of the eitv. 4. 11, et Our towneman, Bertrand +Rumens - he a the 114%11164 Ideas on sex and morale- -le mellowing. Yen may rerall • that elle Britt:Ili philosopher'4. , appoint,' • • ,A0 V,V1N pausa,al sonnel of this Company, o to*ards speeding up, the efficiency, making of progress in many ways an this has done in all districts. in Canada." .-Httntingdon G e r "The company has earned the reputatton of bang ene the most efficient organizations* the countrk, and 218 9m. ployees_have-dettelopeti-o-sense of pub/fc, obligation whtch- malcc them always courteaus and helpful, The Oen Telephon9 Company is a striking example of -what can be dafrie bit:effi- ciently organized co.operatian'in publto sertnee . " D'AXantiner "The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is an instance of a private corporation providing a public service of necessity monopoly-- in such a manner as to avoid criticism almost altogether." • —Orillia Packet -Times "The Bell Telephone Company has advanced to be one of the finest:public service corporations in the world, that state.- med having regard to the service it renders the public and the •treatment it dfords to the thousands of employeds it takes care of." - • , _ 1 -St. Catharmes Standard , "In many- respects, the Bell Telephone. Compry is a model ler other large public services. It has been unceasing' in its efforts to improve. its•,-,eguipment,-sptead-its-net-ef -communication and_in. sure continuous and courteous service." ' —Kingston Whig Standard • "It. has helped convert Canada frost a purely agricultural coml. try into one that is largely industrial. It has changed the country. side from a lonely panorama of isolated farms into a community . aighbors, It has speeded.up business everytchere." ...London Free Prat]. "The gneral public is not very articulate about such anni- versaries, but nevertheless we selieve that all Canadians, take pride in the celebration of the Bell Telephone Companfo 60th Anniversary." '• --Brampton Corpervacor 'It has always: keit pace with the tinfei and with ' the startling improvements in telephony that have periodically made their appearance as the result of research activities, • and ft is to -day- better equipped than ever to meet the de- mands 'wide n on ft and•torender that serviee for which it is renowned. •' Beards? & Times ' • "The Bell Telepluine Company has ever been in the forefront In making available td the public every improvement that science has • ." • . discovered. Today' it stands o a monument of efficiency and devoted public setvice , . . , -Montreal Star .... . "Itis One of.the finestol our privately owned public utilities, -and at time may.almOst be said to perform miracles." '- ; . ' ,--Toronto Star Weekly , .P•, , .• , ' Bel! Teiephorse CoMpay is # splendid example of well- .stely.owned monopoly, just as anxious to pleoe as . in the business and giVill,c serviee.at a kwer did bare eampetilb.:s ity." ewntarket Era, 0, • LOCAL LONG OIS.TANCE TELEPHONE .r. • Encimragement once, in a while heartens the spirit, makes' you feel your efforts :a`re appreciated This year --our 60th Anniversary has been for .Us a .inenforable one. There has been praise and apr•recia. tion.. Editors, executives, men and women throughout the -community we serve haireprie forward, with Idnd • .words and best wishes for. , Our: itituro. Some typical cd.Minents are,reproduced at left. Every telephone worker;„ feels deeply grateful' for these' expressions of goodwill, confidence and friendship. We alt hope that we may Continue to deserve the„,,approval whir'.,h; has been so widely. expressed.