HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-26, Page 3obcrtt HURON C LNTY' FOREMOST WEAlai,V ,134sirwas ;hector WAAL ODTEY1 . HOLMES Bairarr, tie. moo t Louse,, 0004014 leaelglese 55 4 TE b ACCOLINWT. Ub1T;iTII and MON RI 1WJi, 444 'Chartered k000tuAtants y't`" i t ownie + reetr'. Strrets.'o 'e ,...... T•oroeto Ofaiue . 802 liters Street • everyto Contest in Farm and Home Iniprovement Sponsored by Stanley Township i 0ounc l and Short Course Members •a largely attended .Community weeting :held; sin the' To it isbip• hall, 'Varna, on �Deeenaber'.17th, it was de - tided to oeonduet Alarm, and home i>lat- prevenient tautest in. Staley township in 1941. ,Reeve Freed; •Wal ,on presided and with him • on the Plat'forxn were members of his Council, The guesmtspeaker e,'w. as . Mr. JIodge, editor of The 'Farmer' Maga - eine Toronto, who told it ''the success• of contests throughout Ontario the value of ,attractive homes- and. farm layouts, nob only in the •satisfaetien to the owners, and in mkeeping.the young people of the fmily happy and cell - tented with farm Ofe, bust' also in that attractive farms increase in value to•, prospeotnve purchasers, Huron, county so ;far has never held farzu, a cl .Leese improvement eontest, although .many inditividuais have .im- proved their homes and farms "without the force of, community effort. e . d that �t. enthusiasm, and` �� the friendly rivalry generated by tlLe cEtn- test will provide the spark to interest the whole family to work on the project. ,AZ theaoctant tea acre ofthe s o project is the elimination of re haz- I aiwRcls.'- Much .property is lost each year in Huron by 'fires •that 'coutld have been . B FOR STS; EYE, EAR, prevehited- Nt.)SlEal, THROAT . The Stanley township farm and boni:e Late Q e' Surgeon .. New York 'imlarovenaent contest '�v' ,1 be in charge r of Reeve Fred 'Watson, Bayfield and •()phth, et 'and Aural ;goapltal, • ► Elmer '.Oo cill r E un s lm suer, Varna; er "We'b 4 ,m ' 'Fal�eoner, Brumfield; • , %Clarence Parke; Zurich and Johan Pepper, Bruee- .iield�. .'They'wilti be assisted vn securing :,entriAeand -pri=mt>ney slap Beth r - course niteantbers under. direction of hiss Julene 'S%t'oppheneon and Mr. Allan- Hill; All farm's -entered will be scored in early April by a Competent judge. Atter the° the farm and home have been improved , cdminandedby `Major 1). R. Nairn, was during the spring and summer, ;the ii atiteched, to the Elseies. ,fudge .will return a.roundi August 15th The net result of all` these Changes. to score 'thein again. The .difference be-' was that iby . the end. of July.. we lied tween the score�ss' will represent the im- provements eoaiz�pleted. A modest farm layout „will have ;the "roe chenoe of _winces _'the_ sonbest s amore _ pees • entious one.. — Stanley townsb�ip, . farmers are all eligible • to enter .the contest. Ebur blanks are in 'the bands of .the Town- ship Council, As the iirst.Scorixig will be doneein early. April, the committee Would appreciate it- if all the entries weee. ih by Hsieh rale - ..._ *latent a Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throaty -Hospital, Lon- don, England, • a `q lis ,EYESTil ED 'LA �S T� T �. Sial'YsTE r Waterloo Street S.; 'Stratford. . 58 . Telephone 267. w • eric visit Bedford Hotel, tlod lz. ,,Telephone Next is t '+ednesdayy, •Janu,ar 22nd, from.2 p.m. till 5 p.m. • • railmoistiolowommmiam DRUGLESS' PRACTITIONER . • ,� &ZItOPRRAiCTOR AND .DRUGLESS e :redIrIST-4;.;ese (lodericb,�Pla�an . Office hours -3.0 to. • 12 arae►., • 2 to 5: and 7' 'to 8 p.:. ., Tuesday, .r !lay and �.. Saturday,, - 10 to 12 ;.m.: only ou Wednesday,.- ' Thursday, at::JJ itchell: It[onE3si an $. y. y 'N. ATKINSON „ ' 51 South St. Ii SV1 NCJ � jeKII�LOP. MUTUAL- FIRE' W - SURANCE 00. ---ram and iso- insured. ' late') town property inn , Ofcans--tWflthfl u-Itnlo&o -PTO:dent, nt, [And+esboro; W. U. Ar hibald,. Vice - President, S atert1 III. . A. . Reid, ( Manager and ,Seeretstry T'reasprer, Sea 'forth. • •' • p' Directors --Alex.' ,Broadfoot,__' Sea- ttli ; James Oonnellyi ' G>ederieli ;'' Chris.. Leonhardt, Bornholm,; . Alex. ;>KCDw'1ng, Myth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Thomas i iosian, 'Seaforth Hugh Alexander,' :Walton, 'Wm. Knox, Londesboro; •W. R. Archibald, Seaforth. • ,Sgents---E." A. 'Yeo, R.R. 1, Cloderiel James :Watt, Blyth; John .111 Pepper, R.R. 1,..Bruce leld R. F. UcKercher, R.R. " 1, Dublin # J.. 13'. Proeteir,: Brod; .hagen. Policy=holders can make -all pay-' ments and get their .cards- reoeipted' •at the Royal: Bank, Ctl.iuto1/;:C�alvin Cutt'sI_ Grocery, Kingston Street, Gtiderieh,,''or I. l Reid's Generals Store, Bayfield. .STRA'T'FOED GODERICH' . COACH LINES Daily 7.30 aan:, 4.25 p.m.—Leaves Goderieh , • for Stratford, Toronto,' •Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, • 1 avistocli • and Woodstock. • Depots •-� . Bedford, British, and ; Royal Hotels. I'kone hotels : or 805 for information. ere _ ,t,�,a.C�p4� .. ON IGUABI? i . v' r.ging'• t f 'sro r .h ut• , II.M.CaS. Ottawa, one et the Roy Al 'Canadi azo baa ys g ovv a5;dee o d e t yc: s, is Shown as ,she steaans o into the °At�ltantie' on patrol duty. "C" COY. NOTES (By a member of . the Company) The year 1'40 is now all but history and dnr'ing the'pastt twelve months "(: ' Cam'pitny, 'Middlesex and, Huron Regi- ment,in line 'with all, tilt rest of the world has undergone more profound Changes than • during any other y ee • in WESTrIELD WIEtSTIFIEWD, Dee,, 23. r-- Kathleen McGill of 'Stratford pia spending the .Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. James McGill. A very happy 'llery Year Ito .one and all. 1 M. ' and Mrs. AlbertCampbell were;. its history. at oderieh on Wednesday. At't1 a beginning of the war our per- Mr. Cftayman�d'_tRedwoncl• is spending sonnei numbered approximately fifty ,Christmas, 'with Mr, and `\fors. -Pat in Judi i bit meets but members, c ng g 4 'O'Malley, Toronto. of host ities rthe outbreak a l f aa. a be c7a0, A7 •is Douglas �': Oa m. bell and a Messrs. W 'C g :lies � 'P r began to dwindle as the our numbers �, din bell were recent visitors at Lon: ert1is- . Jtq. a1 'Canadian fI3egiment, cin, t tis end other u nits were c0 11, S la �'� h � t r w and' Airs. Pat Walker of Toronto Called out en. active seeviee, .:each nt- i Mr, _n . _ ' . -- .-_ -_.. - - ..- .Itrer- n!ditig=- ristulu s-. i�th. 1r men-• tt�-�ra�3rhs: '- e. -•t � a- t con e r Mrs. Emmae s Rod . yrs. greatest 'change took place,-- however, Cam ell of ' Torouto Mr. Kenneth • plb when, the' third and fourth divisions • --and Miss Jean 'Campbell of Kitchener having' been mobilized, a company from 'Christmas hri tma with .their pare �.: will spend C S s th ._ � . Middlesex and Huron Regiment, ents, fir. And Mrs. W. A. 'Campbell. At' the church service ori .Sunday Christmas carols were sung, and special Christmas music was' rendered -by' the Choir. 'Rev.. H. C. Wilsongave` a Chri'stma-s-• message. i Sunday School Entertainment:re- `he 'Sunday school 4bncert was peesenfed en. Friday keening.; The superin,tendent,p Mr. W. F. Kama l) Wiis eira rrn ui. The program opened 'with; the. singing of. carols. Readings' were given by Jinerey Buchanan, :Gerald MMDowell, Mildred Carter, 'Lloyd McDowell, Billy 'Rodger, Jimmy ¥asen and -Jack Buch- anan; Buch-anan; instrumrental,Violet Cook ; :songs Eby 'beginners' ;class, •"Away in a Man -ger,". ,and "Jingle Bells;" _song by VTiebn, Oec'il, Franklin- acrid- Lauren ce Campbell; chorus 'by, .primary land junior pupils; piano duet, Arnold and J. W.' €raigie A INSURANCE . and REAL ESTATE Get Our `Automobile Rate Phune 24 . Godericb Nelson Hill t 4 Fire, Accident „and 'Motor Car INSURANCE°= _- O.ffice;-Masonic Temple„ West Street, Goderieb • Phone 230 -' GODERICH gds P. J. RYAN Real Estate and "'Insurance' Office and Residence: le no Ju5,T LIKE OLD CIIUM 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 663 . . All rinds of;ltotts •s for .,dale. • For Itent , Si' roomed house, furnished tfive=roomed house, furnished or unfurnished ;• three- room apartment, unfurnished. • All good' locations. NOW' Playing—Gene'Autry and Smiley Durnette in "Carolina Moon" Alon. Tues. and Wed. Double L'eattue Progtalft George Sandell's—Meier* Whitney—Belt,. Lugosi ort than bale and • D.on MaeRi"ide eo '1''ietion'e famous piiantOna returns, In a story` jammed 'witli breadtlt escapes and thrilling i.'elAtues. A tale of adventurous • diamond tlhieves,. ° { "TheSaint's Double Trouble" ' `Lucille hall & Frances Langford present a lively amd"tuneful coil;redy "TooMany Giris" Thur. Fri. and . Sat. ' Kent Taylor—Wendy Rat°ri Rictta�rd »i and Edmund Lowe;. into the cloud again for siwifttmoving yarn about modern men and the:kites they fly. "Men Against the Sky" Matinees Wed. Sat and holidays at 3 p.m. lost to'.the C.A:S.F. and the B.d.A.F. live of our senior officers, a large 'pro,- port-rote pro, portI ni of our Ston-coanimiasioned offi- cers, and most of our anen, ' ..t one tia3ne Sd? reduced Were our number- that we rte holding parades with less than a dozen. men iii attendance. ' 's Shortly • afterwards, 'too,. when the militia•training centres' were estab- dished; our •n'um'bers were' still further. reducec'lt, as ten an.entibers a the come pany, including •two officers, were Balled out for duty at Woodstock or Chatham. To -compensate for all �tliese•losses•a recruiting drive. was- instituted during the summer which` by the 15th or August had swelled• our ranks almost,tto Phyllis Cook ; two-part chorus by prim - the two hundred mark. To handle the ary and junior pupils; "Luther's 'Cradle ;many administratihuties of the Hy-m�n. ;" solo Shirley • Radford,; doll comttpany . and to 'supervise -the training drill, Dorothy •'Gov'ier, Jeanette dell, of •the men a permanent staff of four, 'Mildred ,Curter, Kathleen Masons. Lorna later reduced to two, was established Buchanan Hattie V ighitman, Violet nt the :armory. - A. change of even Cook: solo, Kathleen .Mason; : duet, grealter significance, was made when Messrs. Albert Walsh and J. L. Me- Lt.aCol. 'H. C. Dunlop was persuaded Dowell; dia`logiie, "'The Truth -telling to don the uniform once again ars 0.u. Machine," by—the junior Bible' class. "',C" •Coy. and; second -in -command of the ,Candy which was donated was pre - regiment. We are all thankful that we have' as our 'company . commander one anTd ahs stag s classes Oranges were presentted whose wide experience .and general to the members of the Cradle Roll by knowledge of military. affairs have -been Mrs. Walter Gook, Cradle Roll superin- gainecli 'in the actual the;ztre of oper tendent. • The program wes 'concluded ationg. wilthi the ' ational Anthem. • However, our company still remained Christmas Program—The Westfield far -below war establishment in respect ' •public school 'Chrisitmas concert .was to Officers, bops eomin.issl7oned and non- held .on° Friday aft rnoc~n with a good commissioned in spite of tlie fact that attendance and:the pupils did Justice to three of bur nen qualified as sergeants their training.: The program opened in July, and it was too. remedy -this with a choius, "Follow'' the Star." The lack .that- a regimental school for C �tcldress e welcome. was given' by Roy • Coy. was instituted at the armory early .uchanan. A Chrielt'm�as exercise was in'Oetober, the classes, 'being held two ., nights a week froth 7.30 tintil 10 o'clock, .Some of the members of these glasses have ,alrea y written their . examine - dons, while• the remainder Olivet to do some time in J aiivary , but the. resets, we expect, .will not be an- nounced for some weeks. What the future holds for our regi - meet we do not know, but what the winter training program -holds- for our compane will:be outlined in next week's edition, df The 'SigiialStar. , AUBURN* ditzuitix, lice« «W= 9Cr..Alex« Kenzie leap, on 'Saturday to Spends winter with h daughtersh imro. Waaler and .Mrs. Arnold Cad, Of To a<oszto. tetts. °p1.tkinze 'ena ;&dcs ii ii is v. sitih,g , at it Mr. Harry Arthur, Of . ;Gtr,lriels, is Visiting hii nether, Mrs. M. Arthur. •, 14fi' 1 Ui I Washin,gtenof Accton, is visit ins her~ parents, �kr., :nncly Mrs: J. Jr. Washington. Mrs,. F. Ross and 'Donald' :on 'Satui- day attended the funeral Of firs. (SRev,) C. H. MacDonald from LuelineW Pre"sbyterian ehurel , • 11r,. and"•mfrs, W. H« 'Sbeppard ,and family spent Saturday at ,Stratford. The-foilewing teachers are )sand on vacation; Marjerie Arthur from. Tees. water, Beryl 1Villsort train 'lSeafirtl`i,' Dotbrothy-Jy!'7 Wilsonst r from cane�onar 'Daungan_on, rho an,a Misses Any Toll and: Ila ?Craig, of Stratford : Normal, .are holidaying at their homes+ 'here, ; • Mrs, James Carter and i Sa4ie Carter spent the week -end with. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hill, of 'Goderieh.: BIO. Ferguson; or 'Cl.bntoii, i `viei ting his grandparents; Mr., and Mrr- Jebs,1 The roll call was dna wered, "by ex Error* of vision Artier' GaX1P9OL They are ++ T :*ise titre every ease, peon taeiUy na rval mulles at tiOn to tbi i ollar of ti dirviddua1 teat. )fie '�stboalsol 51/04 eseseeeseeessesureseesemeseee Christmas earo1s were sung. Wesley 4Bradnotir gave a reading Mrs. Thos. Jardln 'brou'gh't the iChri> to aneseage, "the. Origin. of 'Chris." Miss" 'Betty 'Cram favored with a solo �C'' .'S OX, PLAYS BINGO iiglri. EYi' Chxitin'as its. ,:heti,Thibere met• p �.� , . Miss Alma Muteb, of TorQhto is' visit- nils ' v i chased with tla<e Bingof "Gad Draw for Poultry Prizes Conducted at ins lieu another, Mrs. Jnanes. Mufitch» a 'h Kien •" tI.uneb;w' rvedeS vet e 'w• Thursday Night's Party iR Oddfel.. fir. and':•Mrs, Bay C1?1°e�i1, . bf I'ar'k b thhostesses,:i3Crs:�l+ dgaalows' Hall • hill;are visiting +t'he latter's parents, y R. 'J . PiuUi anti' Ms' Melte ,'", fiddlsex-hluron Mr. and lfrs A ;J. F r uson ' yrs. zC (,ona.'pany.of the � . E' ..-• ��.,;..�, e g . Carter,.Re ' ment held •an end oyable "std Ctarol Service— • Foresters' . Hall �sg� g W.M.S,Meehanfi••- The meeting of the Women's Missionary ei.ety.af Knox Presbyte�riaa e'hureb, walii held Oat ,the 1aozno ef• Mrs•, Jobtn. Cowitln on ThurSday, with' an rattenchniese of sixteen. The ',meeting was m charge of Mrs.4Cowan.; The opening prayer. : was offered "by 'Mrs. iilourston end the Sc l uze. was red respopsibely . 'Mrs. Edgar Lawson led in prayer. A•Chriat mas greeting letter was read( 'fro* Miss _.'viar aret_1; all_af Toroeto-eMrad._,. Geo.'Davison� d ]�a o art Mrs. e ' Rcrbt. �Se tt sang', a::duet. Mrs. Tames Woods gave the Christmas ane age. 'Mrs. Cowan gave a reathp . 'Mrs, . yM, -Boyle gave a syzi si-s of thy; study �: o1rs�'Mi�` • party" at . the 'Ocidfellows' Hall on Thursday night last, under the auspices of the newly -organized• social com- mittee, ;Entertainment. for thie most part tools the form szf Nn�mo, for which. suita'ble prizes were given. An en; was nicely ifilled en Sunday night for the annual •canal service, Rev. A. 14. Boyle . of Knox PreSbyterlan church was in charger An interdenomination— al-.choir of ,bwenty-dive voices led In the singing of the enrols. , Solos were joyu►b a lunch was served by the social rendered) by Miss`Josephine Weir, Miss committee. - ' Dorothy Boyle, Mrs. 'Gordon Taylor and Harvey McGee, duet by Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan, trio by 'Mrs. Win. 'Craig and Betty' ;knot Ila. C1rah - anclimrm'ber,-iby'. the_Tr. e„.2doe, h .:i. ids of the Baptist u h " er.t s t c rc Sety � P carols: were "interspersed throughout the service:`.' RevH. C. Wilson gave a Tri Nf message on "The. Conquest : of Christ. 'tev: A., 11: Boyle dosed the lovely service with the 'benediction, •: ltilillions," The Glad Tidings prayer -Presenta on.—A retic tion was held was read in: u».ison« A letter was read an t',he,.hioreebers Hall Friday night for from Miss 'Somerville, ltcrature seem - Mr. and 'Mfg. Chas. Jones, who were tary for 'Huron 'Presbyterial recently married. Dancing-,' was the regarding `magazines for Petrt Albert Air Navigation School. It 'was decided .' to send same.. Anyone having any to donate will pleaseleave them 'in the_ church ba meat. Mrs, •r£dgat Lawson -theist-toek-eh-arrge" for --the ebec.ti a „ officers, who are as ;follows•: Bonorarr, . i.tt ; pres'ide nt, Pres dent Mrs.. Jas. ,HoW pure of money by 'Douglas MacMillan, Mrs - 3:011 Houston•;' 1;st •viee"lareatdent, P while•'Johar Robertson read the address.' Mat. Edgar Lawton,; 2nd vice-president,' Mrs, J: C. • teltz ,, secretary-treas rer, Mrs. 'Wesley, Rrardnock :'Glad, Tidings secretary, Mrs. Fred 'Rose; home help- ers'. secre taary, I%rs.a n on,; wet- • come and welfare secretary,.'Mrs.° , - a' Roibisen; birthday fund? Secretary, 'J: J. Wilson; pianist, irtiss Josephine Weir ;•- a tint pianist, res John Cowan'; flower eommittee,- Mrs. • Brad- noCk,`Miss.lbsephine Weir. bra, Boyle c,:'osed : the ',meeting with ' pprayer, after which a dainty lunch was served by • Ken -- Teddy Turner Grant. the hostess, assisted :by Mrs. Edgar Reithlty.: The Continuation school girls Lawson and Mrs. W. T Robison:. " performed a dance. Several''. Carols • . were sung by the -public school, "'Bell- : A little girl, attending church for. the, in the Cat" :was presented' by pupils first time,_ was amazed to see all' the of grade 3. !Some boys of the public; school went 'though a drill' and a. dialogue, '13e Home by Midnight," was' pfesented by pupils of the continuation. school. A 'dance was put on by the junior pupils. "Snore White 'arid' the - Sewn Dwarfs" was presented by pupils of the public, school, ' and a drill, "'The Alice 'Blue ,Gown," was •performed• by thee public ' school girls. The program was e1ieSed with the chorus,, •'There'll Always Bean 'England," and "God iS:i;ve the .)king." 'Santa Claus . then arrived and 'distributed) gifts. (Intended °f{alas' week) Annual Meeting.—The 'Sunday selwof of Knox United ehureh held its annum' meeting on 'Sunday e eitipg in" the ..cii ircli. -Bert Marsh was in charge of tle'first part of .the program, during which ,favorable reports were ,heard. George ' Million presented the treas- urer's report. -Rev. II. 'C. Wilson pre- sided for the election of oficers, which resulted as follows; . `Superintendent, Lert Marsh; assistant superintendent, Albert ' -Campbell ; secretary, Viola Thompsap assistant •secretary, Helen Marsh ; treasurer, e'harles Scott ; tem peranee superintendent, Amts Andrew ; music superin�tenl'ent, Mrs. • R. D. Munro. Teachers for the various de- pa1 tments .were appointed. Women's Institute ---Tho Poee mber meeting of the Women's Institute was field in the Forester;' Tfa11"on Tuesday. In the, ntl,seiue of, the president, Mrs. James Woods presided). Christmas greetings were read _ _from Miss Margaret Small of Toronto; also a letter of appreciation .from Mrs. 'Sym- ington and Mrs,,. Phi11ipP 'for a card of sympathy. It Vis 1lc$eided to give a dollar to the' Presbyterian ehureh for each meeting held there recently, also a diitlnr to any •ehureh .that .is used by Tlie drawfor,,the (Christmas fowl Was Made shortly 'before midnighit by Col. H,'C�. Defilep, i.C.: before, were announced.. as - "ollo vs Tuelrey si(0,; Q ,. k ' Hilda's ;S'tella, Clark, St, S H > College, Toronto; turkey (Nee 310), Bruce .•Mo•ore,' Ba'yfleldi; ,goose'- (�;o. 49g) , Mrs. Fred: •Adamas, Egmonclille 'goose (No. 497 H. Woman, 'Gade it )a.� e rich;- duck. (No. 153), Mies, M. Watson, God'erich'; duck ' (No. 450) r �`irse fix, Miller, Godercli. ' Pr oceed's of the d'a'aw' will go toward the purchase of athletic equipment for "0" 'Company. $HEPPARDTON , (Intended for. last week) • .S1IpPiPAIRDTOON•i Doc. — Mr. Galt, spent the •-week-end at his home. Mit. N. Anderson tiner'Jerry; Gode- Tide 'visited reeently for a. few -days Pltblado, 'St. 'Catharines. • •-We. are sorry -to import Mr Fred Mc-., Cabe -is re patient irC,Goderich Hoepital Mr. Reuben Itlogie is threshing today. -A few of -the Tanners of 'the district were not ludky enough, to have _ their 'crop of tundips tip before the snow came. s Colds. ancl the "flu" is the order of the day in -our district. TIIE---SALVATION ARMY On Sunday, December 29th, Cadet Fred, Jewell of the Toronto Training College will eonduct the &ening service cif the Salvation. Army. Cadet Jewell training as a Salvation Army officels, and efter three successful months has been. granted .a furlough of 'ten days: Friends and acquaintances are cerdial- ly 'invited to' attend the service. God Out Help in Ages Past," "Christ - given the. junior . Recitation.§ ma s Tree's," Were sung. Other numbers LEEBURN- (Intended for last week) 1: wsis, women'S Mis- sionary Soefety held. their Deeember _meeting •at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. glutton en Wednesday last. ,There was' a good attendance: Miss ing and the progratit .1n) the lszyrxnper Missionary ;Monthly was used as far as possible. Mrs. 117. ISallows led in, the Bible reading of the 'Christmas story as told in Matthew 2,:1-20, 'and Christ- mas hyhins were sung. It was de- eided *to send flowers and cards to the shui-ins and those who have beers laid bp with siehrtess, and also to pack a box for our youneoiiian of *the Air Verce. 1`. After singing the good old hymn, "Joy to the World," the meeting, elosed With prayer. The election of officers took Mee Vylltive; President, Mrs.. •Sellowe 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Alex. Bogie.; seeretary, ,Mrs. jag. 'Horton ; treasitrer, Mrs. Bert Bogie; assistant treasfirer,•Mrs. Allan 'Schram Mission- ary Ilontlily'and press secretary, Miss • Lizzie Horton oupply Miss 1;:dith, Iforton, Miss Belle !Shaw and,, Mrs. Fred lIorton ; Christian stewardship 'and tilnanee, "Miss NVinnie Shaw; temperance secretary, Irelen Clark t organist- and , assistant organist, Mrs. I/. Cilutton and MiSs Edith Der- IIogie, :Mrs. Hamilton Chilton. The birthday box was opened before intuit and it Contained $6.01. A dainty lunch was served by the hes and Mrs.. Inoue (Mutton.' were .giren. by Lorna ' Bechatian; Mil- were : Dialegue, rBrowe's Unlucky deed Carter, _Jimmy Itason Donald Day ;" eIolor Ruth 'Cook ; • doll drill Caropben, Cecil* Campbell, -Crald Mc- by ,seven girls in fancy costume; mOno-' Dowell,' Prancis 'Cook, Gerald. Govier, love, by Hattie Wightman; dive, Jimmy puehapan, Franklin 0=010,, Dorothy Govier and.Phyllis Cook ; song, Violet Cook, !Norman Wightmerr, Billy by Vietor Cecil, Franklin and Laurence Rodger, Kathleen Mason and Laurepee Cahipbell; dialOgue, "IThrietmas Plots." Carirphell. A dialogue, "Entertaining Mr. Earl Wightman was. chairmen for Company," was coniposed by Phyllis the occasion. Santa put in du appear - Cook. -A Solo was given by Kathleen once* ahd with the help of Mr. Fred J.• Mason. flb,ortises,,"There'll,Mways Be ' Cook and Mr. Wightman, unloaded the an Engltied," '1We'll Never Let the Old tree. The program closed with "God Flag Fall," 10 Canada," "Soy to the Saxe the •King." " . Binn0---diae, your 'wife learned to drive the ear yet. Butalier,--Yet% t 'Wei -you $71;1 bftikj yout0 own sa0o yoo entertaimnent tor the evening, the music being 'supplied' by Gordon Mc- Olinchey, Gordon Robinson, Clark JohnSten, Wilton truce of Myth; -Mrs. gibe After lunch the ceuple were called to the platform and presented with a. •• School Entertainment,The Auburn, seated their Christmas eoncert M. Boyle,wessehalrman. After the two "'choruses, "Forwards Demoeracy,"•' and "Land of Hope aud Glory," the chairman spoke' briefly: I3etty: Yung- blut gave a •reeitation, and 41 dialogue, "Painting the iChair," was. presented by the Aubtxrn public echoer Recita- tions were given by Harold McCliiitheY; the Thstitute in the futitre. Several mother why they were doing• it. rShsh-h!" the. mother whiSpered.. "They're going to say •theit prayers." "What!" the younggter exclaimed, "With all their clothes oh?" H EATI NG HINTS j RECENTLY explained luiw to adjust the Turn . Damper of your furnace to reduce Chimney' Loss to a minimum, by leaving it , as nearly closed 41} possible. Now the Turn Dimmer should be left in this position throughptit the burn - Do ?tot use it to regulate yolir The only time you should ever DANIPiR move the Turn 'Damper, after finding ;the ideal position , for it, ts at the season and A511 MT 'DAMPER: beginereee of the very mild 2eW,MT1 —to, take care of extreme changes in outside temperature. For daily. rceulation of the lire speed lup -or 131017 &NM the iate at *which the fire hurns---r3lv on the Aohpit Damper and Check Everybody eau enjoy the. 'Comforts of Home if they consult their own interests by selecting their Furniture an toves from our stock. tilning Room and Kitchen require. ,ments,ias well as Rods and Mattresses. Our. Cookin' g Stoves and Heaters provide both beat and comfort. W. H. Blackstone ,IIVe 'deliver in town and within reasonable distances of town. PIIONE 240 ,f •