HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-26, Page 2Pa ail ?WU tii L**14INIMO xtbrrir nal -tar tiOlti?ait SIGNM,, AND THE GODEU,I011 isY Signal -Star peess, „Limited. Wake', Street, Ooderleh, Onta,rlo pauxim.y, Dip,CIENUMIt ll'Oth, 1910 ' CHURCHILL'S SPEECH !Prime . (Minleter .Clearthill in his itIsseelt on iMenalae gave tut °lien Oat - *age le the Italian people to diseard Mussolini -the "otte man" who has led its Into her. present trenbles- and Peewee their -axteleet - friendehip si ritai,i. lat" he saki, sthe thuts nes hen the Italan irtonarelt and, the svIto gitard the sacred! eentre o i.eitr entiOnt ehould, hare a word 'to, go/ uPen these aweabispiring issuee. Surely the Italian. -array, who. WO taught ao, braa ly 013. moiy ,ctee*ous IXL • the past but 310 evidently has 116h:tart 'fair the' uldatatessomesecaresof,. the lite" and! of Italy." The con, nee ,ot•IlitalY's Pursuit of her r hat eolaree were set forth in Chlarchillian staile...a, "Otte armies," ' declared,' "will tear your African' enaPirfa toishaeds and tatterS." Altheugh Itallane are-4orb1ddien ta lieten th enemy brottdeasts, It scertain that the .Prime" Minlater'e Voice was beard by many" Of them,, and it ie „etltuilly eertain that his appeal and- his -watuing 'will cause grave unrest among the people ,whora aitriissolini has .led to the•brint of disaiter. TOO -1004 HURRY . , SateidaY 'Night "of Toronto believes the, ilidieations are that the Hepburn a. 4Overnmen1 will. appeal' to the electors -..e. ofaOntario on the sue ofopposition to the iMplementation of the 'Sirols report on DoinhaimePaovincial rela- tion. 'Ottawa will be at fault 'if,ia • glyee. Ur, Ilepharn such au opportunitY. The ISiable commission took several ••.,,,,.: "•1- 'T.,' - , . ,`..yearS .4:F/aari.#' AS -report;.-Str-Of-the people should be given some time to studar it and and out :what It is 411 4botate, (Canadiana are pretty busy just now in., War effortf one kindand anottiery.:And we would 'wager that not , ssonelnA„hundred has a thorough, under - S ateteding of the report and et ,valaa,t it ,,- *valises, in the way of Chaiiges in the , working oftlie e0aha.diat. Confedera- tion. -When the 'vaqi is Over _itovill be time enough to deal with a eanstitution- al Matter of'suCh great imports. 'Although (Saterday hioiglit believes, that ttie-fedoramendgfions Of the Sire's eePort should be carri a into effect, it t. l Jeepinien-that Mr. e pburn would. earry :Ontario in. .oleacieltiang tt,---till .propoialse - The resulting sitnatioe , Could net but be harmful to the Derain: - ion, fro& the stirring up of disunion and strife.' .Iti the people are given ' time to diehoVer for thenesel-ves tyf ' ithe eliang," Propoged are for the beit, neither Mr. 'Herilturfl nor anybody else will be able to bloek them. 1,1 Three Iiinute's Please Boxing Day---ShoUld you have had ov-erabundance of geed tillage yeas- terday, then do up a lox, and take it 'down the street to that felons who hayeaubt ee Much as you, for 'there are SOnte needy one, even la Goderieb. Make tlae *most of the opportunity, girle. Only five days left. Veil, Saute, can go- Pact to hie bomb- proof eastlo. for another year. t,nO one say lie was not warped he time ;. there are only 203 shopping days to idltristums. 4.44,e44.4414.44,44444 I.. • •Thel"Greelts didn't refuse a -01iristraae Trear'froillta'theirascistsslra-eivell-when. the Italians doubled it and made V a re-tepat. • , ,•••••••,•••••••• • ODE TV CHIRliSTMAS By Herr Fritz • .„ Abair that I ehall never 'know Christmas without a -Sign, Of woe; Perhaps unless we, ehange our ways We •never shall have happy days. • -6 , Santa is falling down on the job., We -asked for a doll an he gave a plaster one. • ' The Yule de season is a question of, geom try w th some folts-•their in- abilit t a 'few square meals into riud ' stomach: • • , TR 4 GODERICH SIGNAL.STAlt, Phil Osifer ot Lazy Meadows 1 ' Current Views on the Ilarry J Iloyle WATCIIERS Or TUE SKIES this intesea 'whiels Jr Arehitaid War t 0 u t thee Observer (Corps( our (qair. the Air Minitater, sent them last No Yule greetings, were ,allowed to be sent from unoccupied France to the •oecupied territory -en the aSsuMPtion, perhaps, 'that the raiiwa.ys would not be able to handle the volume of greetings sent to Air ;Marshal Goering. What a leteof-apeople turn interior decoeatore at 'Ohristmasetime. • _ "And where," asked one neighbor of • another, "dad sere nWttestdde-thie ureeents where t, wouldn't find themr "Oh; that wig: ealy m . thein tlaeb .,lbathtu.'" EDITORIAt N.OTES Happy is the man who can eat a 11 g Christmas dinner without regard t the consequence. ' •* w The weather, Fee was ,pn his good behavior- or the week before Chrieh mas and gave sboppers and- visitors beautiful weather for getting about. * * 'Graaiani attributed his army's poor shoWieg in 'Libya to lack of etanks. With the desert all Omit him, he mid " hardly say' It was. due tto lack of sand. e ... * , The high. price 'of butter leads to a amspicion that somebody Is takIng too melt' of the ereara. Ottawa IS being urged to ekim the situation and reveal ., who, if anybody, is ranking the public 'Wel fattening onsthe p_eoceeds. , ,Althongh many •people ernelly over - Work .themselires at , Christmas tine, did you, ever knevv a a,rtYone's health , ,• being broken' by ACh lames. aetivities? Reilaa'pe there is . oinethling, in the Christmas ePiritathat, ads as an elixir. , * *.' * rigures issued by the management . oit the Cana.dian' Natter:al '11.31,1Ways indicate ' at. ((operating eurplue Of $12,000,000 for 1940, aS compared with eturpluJee .Of S2:Ora4,O00 for 100- and" ' $0,000,000 Tor 19;34 . Busineeeeittlaing f,rom• the, war no doubt actounto for tiatiela .:orthe lippeoved elfowing; but t. the expeetatirna of .5 larger ppula- tion. and sustal nod activity to Nimes the war are realized, the national: rail- waYg blear 'continee 10 elteast a handeeme balance on ithe right side on opetatirig account.. ' • ' 4 a Lord dialifax, Who has. been Foreign Secretary lin the Britielt Cabinet, will' ,t.to to cWaaltington In cucceseion to the late Tioia "Lothian, whose sidendid wOrh. as uhtiaisattor to the Ilnited ,Statea was terminated by his tinfortunAte death. l'sora Halifax is BileiCeeiled in 110 'F'o•e‘gri Office by Anthony Mien, wliOtlitra cemea beet: tai the post •whieit he left in1038 chei•!an4e of diadgreement with the 41hatriberl1tin polley of teat.aetneet., Viaeount Crattlwrne, who ' weht °Mewl t Is Mr. Felafn in l'4,3S laccaitse he .eottld not littomaeh tlie 41u8oberia1n. polley, *111 now N.... ment li,-* /14. 11004! of Igprits V4) Ott .ao the Foreigo °Mee spokesmen, Mr. IrAlen remaining in the ronitssonst. Then there is the storyaof the Eng- and 'filled Your stocking,s ' and put a raised platform. around the. room., 'fish housewife who asked her air raid them on the chair beside you That Where they can See any Part of the warden hubby to Initig home a goose t one (Ale time you Fgarreti wag certain You chart, wre'raen known as tellers. ThLeYLd he • were going to wake naa" SANTA CLAUS . Both of is felt sort gf foolishly silly as we hung the pair 'of little white stockbage 'up. on the tree. Wrinisied into the eliape of a pulley little foot ... the etockinge witted to hang with ,their tolls oPett . . ,. illA sort of waiting to be filled. • We snowed the etoeltinge to ratriCia Ann. She looked 4 *them and sort of cooed a little and then dabb,ed a at figt out forone of the decorations on the ,Christmas tree. ' I'm quite sure that anYone who looked la the window and saw us explaining the etocitings toalter . . . and noted her smile of differenee • . . would have thought us dart. But there we were. . .and It was Inahlag 11$ haPPY to do it. s She snuggled her head .doWn• on Mr.. Phil'eshoulder and went off to her trundlesbed and I slumped down in the1"maectly or, indirectly, with the It.A..F. . old reeker beside the front parlor Stove fighterea ,the anti-aircraft Vital Search,- aie. From then oh, everything swine lights,' ' balloons, police, and Are sort of hazy . . . as 1 eeemed tg be brigades- Etteh of 'the, posts !has, been, , month; "By your lance and faithful 117444A 1 icalt4r-.°Ffiatt,! ‘1144' f9e4er,e4' devotion 'to duty You are wayekinP; an UhtS and baljoanu 1ndiSpensable contribtition to the largely 1n -the (tarts; their counter -:blows aeliievementa :of Our agitter pilots.. ‘WOult1 be moe or 1esgeese-work, Their victories are your victories, too.", Thanks to the existence Of this splendid That, is not art. o.ver-stateinent. Organization uo sGeranan; 'aireraft- eau • --(The London 'nines. .eros -e auy part 'Of onr eoaet day op night withoutebelog men or heard, «s. 4! US RgamBER" its direetion end Iteight knoveu end Its • In ,tcourse of a erteech: in the rOra Second ta eecend. It inaY ,ilY high or of Commons, OttaWa, on: Pgess 'nal activities reported from mese December 2nd the Prime Minister Said:: loW", it May tSVIst and turn' and steer a . "We 1L 01. eompletely err if for a trazy coureeelbut ftiwayS its preSenhe - remains trioWn teethe defence tentree, moraent. 'We fail to reeog,nize.hew ap- There are !between 1,000 end, 2,000 palling le the danger which threat/Ong ,speciat ii.bservation' pasts, 't overint,' not only Great .Britain, but civilisation, Great Britain and (Northern lieland, and be tempted 'thereby to relax any manued by more than 40,000 trained and.every effort to put forth the utmost watchers. These posts are in eonstent of Our strength. direct telepherde commanieation switla "Above all else, let tis' remeniber how area eentree, which In twoore-lhiked, formidable is (Germany'e present Mili- tary strengths There has 'never, been anything 'hitherto Comparable to it. Let ee remember, tee, that her great armies are 'undefeated; that they are essitirsied with ail the machines- of modern NV4*.: are; that, excepting, Switzerland, all • et Europe-",..wegta-Of atheaVistulaeaniteXe tending, front Sweden to Portugal and Spain, lies under lier cont.rol. Her 'own re9ourees of faetory and ot min1,. of raoaotag Pft into spice . and the -eurroundlugeesf-therooitegrerh-dirlraVra and. •dinanter. • 'Well; Phil, itow'e everything to- night?' . a plane they repoth rt to the centre ats n • That inedeme sieula and tate notice, tionality, type, location, direction, and and there- Standing beside the stoYea -height,. and they fORow it mail 'it is wasa tat, jally-leoking old: fellow: outside their area, by 'which .tilue tlxe White hair seemed. to flew, cleavn from centre is getting eirallar Information tipsier his eape finer Tipple around his from, the next past. In this 'Way 9. the head and shoulders like those mountain ..movements of our own aleeraft are. streams you see in calendar pichireS. cheoked and the raiders'' routes' are Ile,,ilia.ughed and the folds of Iris (bright plotted until they. return home or are red shit wrinkled up and clown under shot dome' The watchers ,also keep a a shiny bine* belt. I looked down .tt- look -out -40r tires, and report 'where the melting snow his black boets, bombs are dropped, • OccasiOnallY they and he, saw roe mad said, bred to give news of bladk-out • offenciee, lyurg knock as much of tha.tasnow off' as-Poss lariete or suispicions, acts. Sometimes es I hope Mrs. Phil doesn't mind" they report aerial 'nettles and crashes, MY startled wits seerned'ito return to or tea the centre th.at. airanen have me then and I mumbled somethincs baled out. about'b rithat eing. all right and asked - The scene at a centre suggests a giant him to sit down. -He rullbed hie hands game of halma. Most, ot the space is briskly and looked over the tree;- and occupied by a table sehicli-ls cevered• Hongkong, In Sin,eaporei. She hag to sort of nodded' approval, as be Said, by a chart representing the whole of keep India constantly in vied; Any "Have tea hesY-e night to be resting." the area under 'the eere% l:Acontrol. The where, at .any. time, she may dedsit -Then he eaw , the awe male -..white „chart is enb-divid0 into hundreds of necessary to Send Ships and , men to stocicings. 'first per for Christ-, 'smell, nunabered squares. Around the meet a new 'threat .to her lilies of coms mas hanging up," he seeme'd to mumble fable sit a dozen Men wearing head- raupication and Supply or to fa,ee fresh. to _hiras.elf. Time does ity, Pini" he: phones-, eaChs listening to three posts. horrors in someedistant part 'of 'the kept en, "it seems like onn- ly yesterdaY Whea• post reports the 'presenee' of an, globe. . . . • , bat your first pair were hanging UP. en.emy aircraft acolOred Connrter is put "The situation is bound to become gives a person a sott ofifunny feelbag into the appropriate square. As the inerea'singly serious as warfare spreads to see 'folks keep On coming aircraft moves, eo the coaeter follows to.. new seas and shore t and, as mutual asalleseastoppedae•deadeeetillsetheia-aeas leasevieeepeeateesseesii-theyearee")-ealle -destagietleneeouliattee, saseit meet -ter- 1aughleout loud,. a Wowing sort of go on ligtenliNg and .moviug the counters tainly will, with ever inereasing 'fury. •jaugii. 4‘You t were a raSeal, That for fear .hours without a break ; then It is wholly Probable that We Shall wit - night you- Waited up for Me to woe. they are eeplaced by new arrivals. On ness much of 'anarchy as well as war •• ere the death -grapple between totalitar- ianism has told lts tale. • "No one.ean say that the world eve now ,may not be headins- for Armaged- plaeed at a spot iwbpr40 tbe men tali eckininaInt an uninterrupted, 'View., for Directly' they see or hear ian aero - :KINTAIL (Intended for laat weak) • Weaken's IoatitUtee-The ,DeceMber meeting of the Kintail Worreen's tote,' which wae postponed on acconet O f the weathler, wAs• held TueedaY, Deeember 10, at the home Of • • Mra, 0 Nell. ' ,dall was answered with hints for sChrtatmas. The sithject for this etollt•h, W54 "Making Christmas a Pleasure inetead of a Burden." Some Red Crose work !Wee given. Ont. Plans were made. to tiolteteon. aubeantiful quilt digitated to the Ingtitute by Afiste Johnston of leourrle'e• Corners M , rs. Jerry Dalton read an, in.temstIng letter from, Father M. Dalteth who is England.Ishenee were drawn for an ex,change of 401tristraas gifts ) among the .311,041110re. Lunch W4S Served by, the hosteises. The 'January meeting will be held on January 28d at the home of Mrs. JerryDalton, • A Letter teem OVerSease-arrite follow- ing is a eglay of a letter•weeived byMrs. Raymond Patten, secretary of the Itintaila Women's Institute, from Hera Old iCollinson of •Kintaile who had. beee. sent a parcel from the Ingtittite,'-Father Daltoe's letter thanks) for 'hist boX. was printed in The 'SigattiOter agottple of weeks egos: . • -Ilegittiads Oct, 10, 1940. -7-1;14a-t,'Iztre.-"Daltotheeal • better dropyou a feW lines to thank you for the pareet whleh received. men and ma•terialsa have been rein- today. I eertainlY appreciate receiving forced by the material power whieh.she a Parcel, and want yau to eonveY DlY hags conquered, to her .mlUlons' of thankS to the Ladies' Institute for • soldiers and worilmse -has been !eadea their generosityand thoughtfulness in the manpower Of the lands she Ore• rehleAherhur° Owe. or Norway, of I -Tolland), of P.elgium and less. red letter day to 'receive a, coufpriexam,nheeesemearayetberetloUcttuarnnt ,,.tthj:etspen of To the boys) over h.eire, it 'iseraore agexp'thensiingeveh.erenoawre. against the breast et freedom, . ,ears. phaarrdeel itolgrmitet Andvery pl'ailicepdonthethgrteGarrests otfas8kriitnainthettahsistTritY e.vkhe*:, 11molie:taiealficiwusg'feafronPerelittYediwveldli:°aunila of the world. She has to watch and w'Ith"the rP-5t• fight. She has ,to :fight in the British The weather here is very'seli-dleagree- ,Ieleern. anitinthteo oseas t. ith that emsurzolutsurround able able at the Present time, raining and til IlltY ranean, in the IVIiddle Eget, in Africa. 'nel;roevatte'Ity)51'46uayWe through 11.'errea4ibunvnn:dinga tiril She has to -watch the Fax East, in to Nut Hill; about dime miles. We ex - Peet te be alnie•hed in a eoirple of 'weeics and then move to either Scohlaaid or Wales. The' IGerMans &op. 'an odd bomb around us, enough to eause a little excitenient, but so- far no casual- ties. .,We are located About twenty miles southeast of iLendon and they --is over us here night and day, as they, are 'trying to,make things tough for the people there., • I vvent over tosee Father Dalton one ghteles.Aldershateahlat slidulteseeeh since, as we meeed shortly 'after they came over. ' How is Ray keepIne I suppose' as spry as ever. 1Ve1l, I 'guess I haven't .nauch more to say jut now, Remember Me to Dennie ...and. John ISancleall the• eaeighbore around home, and. if any one cares tO .write Me 1 wifl eertainly up- •preciate it.. Once. again I, thank you for •theiparcel and hope. the Ladies' InstifuleaTa-oTuer(crtinienti-d,eti...--eue,cesee • HAIROL.'D (COLLIEs1SION. for . e as and captured the goose-stepping pilot stle-meseerechmidte Before we, wish evetyofli haPPY Netv Yeer niaylwe remind you` to make resolutipn next, Wednesday to buy a war savings certifisate. It Will help keep Canada a free ceuntry Where yotr can make your own resolutions without someone making them., for you. , . • tSO -IltaPPYintiV Year. rIE, ENEMY. IS LISTENING si ' (Torouto Star) , Complaints are still 'made that the Canadian Government does not "take the,people into if -Confidence -i" that its .. ministers make on general statements as to what is beilig oneethat there are not enough details available. Critis sometimes add that itis far otherwise In Britain. It is indeed fee Otherwise in Britain:. The miniStry. there does not reveal one-qearteip ranch about, the manufacture of -armAments and the equipni•ent being supplied the milititiy fore -es as Canadian' ministers • reseal. What, then, alb:Mt those long speeches af Ohurchill's? .The fact is that they do not contain the type.of infOrmation referred to at all. They tell something abont the progress of the war itself. They bell ag much as can be safely re- vealed But pt. all ; not by anY menus He seemed te) be talking to hiMself as he-a:tile/tea the folding- top 1? -the big pa,dk and I caught a glimps.e Of gay colors and the smell of toy varnish Came 'floating across to me. -eh? . . .She 11 li1e a• ball-. thattli - make a, nide big lump cl,ovvid JP the the here,and there'll progregs• ctf theatbattleAs theetaidere Set -Ise within the pow f th libe t , _ _ power -0 er r report, tne movements a aircraft to fighter .groups, aerodromes aud' other adefencementreae • Different -colored -counters:emit-resent- Briash lighters. Proan, a glance at the ,chart One an see when they 'have made contoi9t With, the eneray, and, the posts ease a running, conitm.entary' On the don The one thing &A under the Providenee ,of GZ)d may save the world thisssnPremestragedy is -the might --a Britain', strengthened, Supported and sustained by the power of the British Dominions and India. the help of the United States and such power as it:may JV fun Arying l'Aet 'it out. No, moye away the centres whose areas loving peoples -74e give." ' she's too Small f4Sr hat". .7 but here's adin are,Warned' that enemy aircraft are approaching : .a.nd they hand on 'the a little M mmy d , -. . -and •heressa ii infolmatfon. tothleir posts. Shmild the toy soldie that alpgiee and J11. 'fill it email to at much • cendy :. , . Init I direct telephone lines be damaged or .11P with ands '. 11 mph . s.. . she's toe 'can help her outon thatae e . , lananeesteatienThe Lo ...., ,ed.on and -'-- a 1 destroyed -there are alternative methods guess you Phil. 3:Jere's a fuzzy monkey that srantbaEset Englafild centres are natur- walks.When you wind, it . . . 'Mrs. -Phil -pejo she ,busiest these day(and Uri§ toe is . . . Ansi here's a bright ' ' raights). In a reeent night Period of will be woudering •whatethat bump in four hours a Isondon centre recorded tin horn . --.. . Iliad 'an orange . . . and the(movements of 103 en.eray aircraft. 'Eight-year-old 'Sadie was frequently sent home from school Ter forgetting to bring written excuses for tardiness or absencesfrom classes- One-akty' she was sent home to, bring an important -document, the birth' certifieate of her little brother, Joey, 'who was just start- ing to school. tier- mother cautioned her to take great care cif the document. S,aale turned up, .at school crying. some pais. . and alh here's that cud -Eighty' ha:ninety is . a normal amber "Whet'e the matter, now?" asked . the dly black- and whit,e, 'hear . a . it'll eit for this period. Each centrekeeps•an _ up here otat- ft to bed with herr', - • , accurate chart record of the activities n the b 'ranch. . . :-. and she ean of . every quarter of an hour. , At the to ne side and placed his hands on, his end of the war it will be .possible to stepped ,baok and cocked his. head compile:a complete history,of the raidts hips and said, "Aright good job if I 'on this eountry from these records. ; do, say so myself.''' _ - - After months of constant practice the slipped on his cap and flipped the pack spotters -can identify ,almost all types Ile Was moving taster then, and- he on his beck and just before he disap- peared from sight he said, "Merry Christmas to youAll" . . . and I heard sleit•Th .bells away off, . . , as if ..they werect)way 'down the concession. • ' Mrs. Phil was calling me, and I of aircraft at a single glance,and their aCcuracY in• estimating heights is alinost uncanny. Many of then:a. hate learned a good *deal about aetronomy, assists the accureey Of their night ob- servations. 1.111e/iVst crs' polite from almost ull 'walks:et-life, It •woutd be all. Canadiananinistees naturally can- likoked around and the fire Was, down rdifficult to tind a more democratic OlauS" a . . and she spilled and said, dstaffe Of two posts not far from and said, "I was just talking to Santa "It% time for bed. I expect you'll be I oboone,...;,--4„,,o(r1)), builder, artist, retired army Local eulepostraaster (head up early to help Patricia with ht 1 officer, taao grocers, dentist, advertia=- otockings." • .,- in, . paanagerea landowner, Ptiblfcan, PORT ALBERT game4keeper, farmer, two -farm laborer, carpenter, and three shopkeepers; (2) architect (head observer), several tweeter:4' at, a fainateg piablic . wheal, solicitor; a well-kneairn BAC. singer, bank manager, three bank elerks,•, in- surance agent, erganiSt, journalist, journalist, factory owner, andalaundry Manager. • , ' The nature of their .work prevents them from takiug shelter, 'however cold: 'or wet •the !weather, and they 1 cannot have a iith, for this iwolild be isibie train. the air. 'All they ettai do s to Muffle hreht 'W411111 elothes, .wear - nig a tin hat to protect.them from the shell splinters 'whielsoften fall ineshow- „ ere.. Yet the meta gay that they never . .catch eptig; they soon get hardened. to standing mit in the Open for four or even eight hotirs at a stretch.. , The posts theniselveg• afe all verysimilar, eon:awl:at reseiniblitig a erow'sa nest on a ship. Maoy are proteeted by eandbage. and underneath is a bed- rooin-tafraskitehen, vvhete men ean have a nap before eominr: 'on. 'duty, tancoek a not tell. more than is tolds,Dy :British and -the- et:wish:1gs were frill end eilotnosolteeee eeeee Imo tee , actual ministers, When they speak, on the general progress of the waasethey egt eity 'no more then is said in Britain by me -if who areenateli closer to what is going on. ' • Churchill, who never tells how inaeh of this or that is being manufactured, exercises the utmost caution Jo what he says about war developments. Andshe Mr. and Miis„ Horace Cunpingliain of VV'elkerville spent last week -end visit- ing at the home •of Mk. and Mag. Cha. Crawford. • Miss Florence- faicKenzie, R.N., of Kitchener, sighed last week .at the "home of her -another, Mrs. • Jas. 'Mc- Kenzie. " 'Mrs. Jessie , Olivers -who has been mation • of the Children's ,Shelter nt Goderieh fbr the last ten avare; is at Is criticized' for that, as Canadian min - Leers are criticized. But he le riglit. He dealt with his erieles on Thur.sday when he said:, • -eas• Prime Minister and 7.dinieter-/bf Defence there is a danger that if one andafrank and. frequent state- mente, revealing one's a ewn, point of ileW or that of the qo:ceriunent or of those charged with strategic and prac- tical decisionsoeireaeateinatmav gaiti an, (Wended for lagt Week) advantage, Certainly It would be very ithe keine -of her :father, •Mre Win. Mc- eirnVenient if , Herr Hitler et- thei * Milian, the IShelter .havias been closed, portant chiefs la 1Germany were, to give The 4,...,'r.l'.A: entertained about thirty It°,4 ever's.- fortnight or eo an 'honest te 'xneireiglaplia '02 the ILA.F. in the baeellneet (loaf' slatement-if they wele capalee• 'of the church itteteFridaYr The even - of it. We stro)1rd laimedia,tely aet, a lug was spent in, the playing of ' erok- Ream lactlie bitelligetex ofileero to inole, the game beiog quite 4 novelty to, studs eet only what ,was said 'butvvihat the boys. The social eame to an etid was net gal; .and to read between ithe with the serving of lunch, byathe ladies lime; and collate any stray 'worda, Le eta -me enure.. s . whieh, with the Other information„. Flyers Entertained. --__The • copgrega- int:tilt afford a clue." ' • That is whet •people in .both Britain, and ranada often forget. It is easy in war time for men:iii office .41-, tell too intiCh. ' ' a NOTE TO. AtiOLF Britons fr•ora, the Aegentine, 13eltoas frdm ,Australia, British -lads Irdno Canada, Woulabhs that flea yoh How do yen acecemla fge it, , Front, the hideout where yola alt? British from the frozen north, Britlett from tlanvit tinder, Coming to yoa, little man, With) n. noiae like thunder. floe; it have a fearful munch itt your hut below 'the ground? • British lade from ON'efSeasi , Mustering Ito the della . Itushlret to, tile Motherland, Offerlog,:lier their all; , Nfarelfing gaily to tire fight, , eatunse recall the reeord Of the late Sea That they knovs ig for the right. c,, ,. 6*.' 01,7te pairse rteieefiald, whe, height in ,S . ,(S. 'No. 1, 11iatiley townghip„Alturon Na4 form and Mattel hate countS, for (fifty eonseeutive Ye'ari's. a MnFit be s'vregt Itirlif---. ': ' reeord that hies' probaldy meter beerf Iteltielt lads from all theetrOrld, equalled in a rural .aelrooi.in a!antela, Arming for the fruY. , Adolf, In your Natl. !air, These 4orne alay will !find Noll there. --Zt,hati. ItieflUee, in ?the froront4 •Sta tion of the-Ilnited &arch entertained about thirty' menibere of the RA:F. meal, or make e cap of tea. The ereWs from the airport here on Friday ea -en. often (cultivate Allotmente alongside Ing lagt, , There was a fairly- good at- their Peale, They not only "dig , for tend:true to greet the meta and Join In victory but to ,et waxen afterlheir the sivial evening, • Thehnen 'were con- *elle of duty. At one post whtela the' veyed, eat% way by volunteers) with writer visited receetly tb.e epotters had .cars. Res. W. Newman acted' as Chair- raised earreta, toraatoee, lettuce, cab. • man and gave a -short talk, which.' was bageg, and 2.ewt. of potatoes', • e - followed, by all joining hi, the air:gine . Nearly 01 the 6I)Server posts keels a re 'of popalar and patriotic songs. After logabook eedrding the otonig of ach a shert.,aprogram contesto end garaea the!. 'ince-night period. Last 'winter' it alaele played' and aequaintitneets were vvao usually recital of /boring in - 1)114410 Ve'ry gelekly. Ti011elk was served, actihity, Nowadays a duty period by tf* iaatep Of the ehurch and the 'Without 'eight or hearing of a Gernutn, gathscring diapereed after many Itititaa aerolliane lwOuld he worthy 01? note in , 'dope to vieit the people int their homes the Tog of any poet in. the busy- areaae • I 1)y the Young men. " .perte where it In the egceptiou rather thiough there are etill evan$ in other ' vvere extended and heartily' aecepted GE'ORGE IlECOItIll activity, Otten the recordesehntain ez than the ,rule. reeord Any enemy alr fratmor's Adviteatel' • citing aceounto of. lights ,befivemallt.A,F, Baena In in reeent Igeuee , giving 'length fish:bare and Ikeirritela,,Dorn'tere, of nine a teeelaer taught in one aatool ers; IMeaaeraelintitts. One !Scottish Ili Ituron tenuity and another York cnaetal post has uti unugual entry. The &ters' eaaw etratage emplane ate proaelling and reported it to the Centre, A. few mite:ties lake the ecaplane alighted at a tgeottiali port. It was the firet Norwegian , aircraft to Vjeal)e, BmItaulx Yrom the tisirtzi inva)dere. Write--; 0, Gamest, ritultii, Ont. The in *liatetYT Pliet if the eountay their, late Mr 13a1r1 began (teaelfing early in 1)o4tA are situated the men of the 4)h, careicii OIL untit Eierver Corps are entlutsitottik, about their 'work. 'Ile/ are very proud. of • teacher, lost joey s excuse fce being born !" she waireid. "Your Sbad• eight is due, to misuse a alcohol". "Impossible; doctor. When I ,dritit I see_ double." NaNNsassmosssm. A BRUER AkerlIE want dein, inside, krofitable work, learn, Barbering — the Trail., which, offers- Praotiical. ks.)Trained ,snett, • snore steady, year. round emPloVneee rn almost every City and TOWIL You will be able, in a awetunC, to4r!an your own shop, we other busrness requiresp" sachsoaali starting capital, with 0, Barber Shop, you. ,C4n add, your own Pool: Room, Cigar Stantt,„ Candy and Soft Drink 4Counter,. etc., all lit the same building., , under the oSe expense ' for rent, light, and heat. There otprartlecany 00 limit to your earning power with all these opportunities at your amemand. There is an excel- -. , lent chanceicKYOY Yo)IGET.,. STARTED NOW! Pay am Learn Plan. Write for free litera- ture. America's largest system. Schools from coast to coast., , WHIR BARBER SCHOOLS 590 YONCE ST. ToFainu, emesseesmasoree. Sunalay at the home of Mrs, Caineron's• .parents, Mr. alld NITS. It1lt0111, White- . church. 'John Irwin and Fred Johnston are ,busily engaged at the flex mill' Lueknow at present. • Recent visitors at the "horo.e of r. and Mrs. Irviue •Ilenry were gr. and - Mrs. 'Gor,don Wilted of Teuelcnow and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purtlen and child - Teri, ..Marjbrie and Archie, Of White t - e rch. ' • t IVIr. Ernest MeAllister of WindSor (5.as the guest of 3Ire. Thos.. Henry for few days recently. • • Death of Mrs. Jos, Lawson. --We are sorry to report the death of "Mrs.' Joeeph•Lawson, who had been in eetime jeeeelan for s,everal Montlieseanst pa, a hre y at her home oir:Raturalay - after- noon. She will be greatly missedby all who knew her; as she, was a very cheery and friendly WOM0.0." We ex-. tend' our 'deepest sympathy to the 'bereaved husband ' ands daughter CEdna. BELFAST , (Intended for last week) - BELFAST, .Dec. 17.--rafiss Jen.le Alton; nurse -in -training' at diamiliton General HOspital, spent the week -end at her home here'. -- Marjorie,- Purvis; aah•0 eeees assisting '13,Les. Harry Hickett for the last few weeks, ha s° returned to ' her home at St. Helens, Mx. 'TOM Twamley spent a few -days last • week withfriends et Winghiim. Mr. Blake Alton, Who is training at Woodstock, spent -Sunday' at his home here. • ' 1Vir.. and Mrs. Pheris Mathers of •Weet Waviraneab) spent' 'Sunday at the home 61? Mr: and Mrs, Alex. Hackett. • M find itlie Ralph 'Cameron spent Chest Wheezing . Means Bronchitis The principal symptom' of brow chitis is a dry,fiareb., heoldrtg cough • accompanied with a rapid whitealg ehartedsleelhig of tightness across the • Tliere is a • ' :I tittetalltr itt theeof-ma° gi!tir' Pe g 41 -se -s atreaked with blood.' . twisdhl rffhesses becomes gel- ,. and is sometimes You will And in Di. Wood's way Pine Syrup a remedy to itinnt- late the weakened bronchial organs, , subdue -the inliammation,floothe thgr" irritated parts, loosen the ph1oin and =turns, and help nature to cuily dislodge the -morbid accumulation, rhe Tifipbulm 04 11414 ilezeitte, Olitt• • Let "Too Little—Too Late' Don't—we beg yon—let it be the same old ,story—"TOO LITTLE HELP-- Tp0 ,LATE!" - • Don't let Greek heroism -blind us to the fact' tilat'Oreek ciyilialis and children - . . behirld the lines need help—food, clothing, bomb shelters, medical supplies ' and &fitment. Don't let Greek courage smokescreen the faiot that Greek cities—from the immortal' Parthenon to peasant hut, are being ruthlessly bombed, women and children blown to bits. ., Don't let the Olossal iroblern of civilian care' and.ri3Iief become a 'millstone around the neck of fighting Greece. , This May;be the turning point ofthe war! Don't let it be "TOO inTrin IIELP----TOO LATE!" Do it now with dollars...4h°, help that doesn't have to wait for factories or production lines... Greece can use tomorrow the help you send today 44 Ivor the people and. land Where democrat* saw its birth—open your heart.1 Anv contribution, large or small, left with Mr. T. Manjuris, of the VCIIIIS rteataurant Godericha for the familieS graOf hCis „heroic fellow-coutrymen, will be forwarded to. and ' - tefully acknowledged by the entral Continittee Ill Mantreat . . . ,.. -TAE OUT A*I'DNAIL OR DELIVER Td • . 4 ANY BRANCH of the -ROYAL BANK .of CANADA Enclosed is my ° contribution' ..... . . - ...:ifOr civilian relief.in Greece.- Maine - Stree't . City 44 • ir *, .1. * * • • * * V 0 * 10 * F. a a. „I: * a' * * * a • • • * 9 0 9 .0 4.0094**a* •••• w•ts••• a 0,, Maligichequello, payable to GIMEX WAR RELIEF :0'11ND