The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-26, Page 124,aamIT Ir-sEcoNio °bend) I WI Com' billing The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1940 Council of 1940 Holds Last Meeting sewing 1Vlaywc Ezpresoes Grati. tude for Oiroperation Extended to Him , 901.te T,own (Connell eaet..!on FridaY night last Tor US 'fiat r4au1ar Mee.ting $31 MO. Befereeatliearnment Mayer. .Miteigwate 'who Is retirlegetenderedIUS e. tb.anka to .the mentbere. ,the 'town of. fieials and the preiO for their eteoPer- atiou end !iIourtesy at all timee. shall miss the gatheringes" Said Bt Wo1iIp,eend X shall 'Watch with "a great deal e titereet Ith.e OVOOeecling13 aeof-thae,bleganing.,'Oreilreelie..!..... . Referring -to theAt thattairiCaltiris: 'Oraigle .,and Bingham, as Well as him- self, were retiring, he eaid 'that all three 'Were bora in Goderich within- a- ' few hundred aarils of one another, and e' ---with their retirement there weuld be ' only two netiveG4exIcI 1t the new !Council (Messrs,- -Baker' 'end Sproul.) Ile preclicted „that the tWo counelliors who are dropping • out wobarl be back ia the Comma after a time. Ite leatteratulated the men3ber8 elected, or 1941 ana wished them eveey Succese. • . Deputy Reeve 13.roWn,•.'•inaelor-elect for 1041, said it !wee unToetttnate that when (me man "eteps uP" it meapl that another "013os-emit."It was a real , regret to him ,that Mr. -MaeNivan• Was 'retiring. Be had served thelown with a. faitirfulneee that was appreeiated ha* the -.people of .Goderich.: Theretire-. ment of Councillors !Oraigle and Ping - ham. elee was •Matter for regret, said • the Deputy Reeve..Cuncilloe Creigie's intlin.ate kaowledge of the townhad been of great ra1ie, and 'Cortneillot Bie,,g4ilea was ,"tbe Moat efficient public weeks •-clallemen. the Town • bad r bad fere-mane year% ,aThe Deputy Reeve . conetaded lest ,embarks by W,Iellirage litre and iMrs. MatEwan good health and ppine'ss ul the yeare to coMe. Ali tbe membees were pteeeet except Reeee" Turner. ' ' ^ Dog Taxes Collected . The tax collector. submitted a state- -meat of deg tags eold r the years 1037—to-040,, art followeei 1937, 199; 41W38, 1O 1930; 77; '3-940a-245.-- • • An eipplicatien tram tee C. J. Iflarper ateeforealmildingepermitafore-en, arging a garage on West ,street was pent te the firecdiloipittee. The draft lof ui agreeMent by' the trustees of MadKay Hag, the Ahmeek and Maple Ie.at Ohaptersofthe laiD;D. r • ES and, the Town Colleen, with re0r- , ence to teer.nee •bf ;die' auditorium ae, satacHay Hall for refreshment, awl recreation eoonisfor eniisted Meta was submitted aud refereed 'te tommittee of. sthe.vairolea _ ‘" • The applicatiatet dfA Rottgvie for a.p,pointanent as relief Officer .for tite winter of 194041 was -.sent , to the se special ,comMittee. • . • e. • , e To Keep Tab on Street Conditions A leter from: the AnglealSecitlish En surance Company presentetra request that a 'deity reeord be kept of the ' Weather each day at 8 a.m., 12 noon arid 6 P.m. and also-- a the•condliteon of the sidewalks, tile informatioa to be ,avail- able- in. casts of elaimgatest" the xxtunicipalittsa tfee, 'accidents on . tile streets. A loose leaf binder was sent for :the keeping of these -records and was handed over etb, Street Iugeeetor Posfelethwalte. • , Councillor Cralgie remarked; ehat tide system of recordhad its beginning In Strarforke where previoiSIT-there had • been sv manyaecldents the 'city eobld not get insurance. ,A, reeolotion from the Town of 'Kliegs -a Ville asking th.at the Government stip fey members df the ;Canadian Active Service Forte with railway passes While on official leave Was sent tat the special. eonanittee. ' A resolution from, the TOWn of Ntipanee .aeking legislatioxe from, the OntarieeLegialatuie to- proeide for a more •equitaible method ictf aewssmont a municipalities .withifti a county, and also. to de away with.business asseee- ment, was referred to the .same :Own:- mittee. ComMittee ReportS - Theltinance committee passed a large number of aecounts, also the firemmes •Payr411 for the year, amounting tO $810. :It was reconixnended that no attion • be taken on tire request on behalf of the Proudifoot estate for l'entiasion of penal- , ties and intereet on overdue ,taxee.„ Ac- counts for two imrialts were recone 'mended for payment, and the -committee recommended that •the three' local undertakers 'be notified that hereafter only the fee of '$30, aceording- te -the Aet will be paid In such eases. , The public works- committee reCOna- Mended that t,tie fender of Frank %1e Arthur at 01.00, for the Inetallation of electric service to the aiew _rooms under the east pert a the Skating rink, be aecepted; also itho matter e of the `Inetallation of I:tearing In the east end of the rine abasement, the repairing, of the toilets, and the proeuring a a stove ' for the hockey roOM, _he left ith the chair -Man of the ecentaittee. Another recommendation was tho:t the attention of the Lions Club be drawn to the fact that the skating rink •on the town lot on St DavidYte'etreet'was tat be for the U se a the children. The special eonunittee recoefinendel no action on the request of the Van - adieu' `Mothercraft 'Seciety for a grant; no aetion'on the resolution presented by the Township of Stamford suggeetine that the alovernmentinangarate a plan for Tree Medical care and hospitaliz- ation ; no action on the kequeat of jerzy Healy that the Town agree to pay the Township of N'orth York for relief givercto Jr; Itealy and hi family. 'Reputy Reeve alrown reported that at a raeeting of the Count,y Councire pro- Perty committee the projeet of a lit aa- torflit Court Itoitee Park, to be heated from the Cettilte 'building, Was favor- ably receivifsl. th IIYdro 8 Mins r Ibtekina •referred to the last week's ,•,"eignalletar on eititPlue and eald be agreed Aro rustoinetw were entitled IANOTHER ItEMINDER There will be another h.oliday next week, and Tbe, Signal Star must again ask itet diStriet eorrespinallenbs 'and others lablug Metter for publieation to wad it in early In the week. To en - *MN puNication it Amt reaCh this, °dice by TueSday. SI.INDAIC MORNING ALARM A *moldering uSIVICiolic n4. back room of the Junehrefee crewel, Parloron Wet street almeet led ••to l'Odritaus eon- Sequel:wee wh.ei it etiartea a floori'board Underneath it tieurniug early 'Sunday morning. The ere might have gained Seat headway that' it eoald not have. 13eeee Chatted had. lalot aParturent Fatal Accident on No, 8 Highway Mrs. john Kirby' Instantly Killed a Mile West of -Oliute4 . ChriStmas Eve A feeling ef Sednese inleg over Cheistmete celebrations mai* Godea rich, township ixonsea title year ae result of the, CleriStmaS 1lVe aceldent which eirtimed, tile life of ',Mrs. John Kilter, of' Ossbaava,daughter of Mr. and airs, Harry' Thompson, 1.4th eon- eessfol, Goderich, towneitiP. Mrs, Kiel* Was inetatitly earlY13011e4.--1 day evealne whoa the 'buggy In which LLL VW"etlia'-rnitelDrarth•gre'Orerillid-brotified" 'Shes wee- -with eber -father-wale the proprietor end the iire'dePar4nellt• The proprietor, V. Gibbs, Was, on „the seem evithba a few Minutes of ;beteg called and soon had things under con- trol. The only damage reisulting wee a Jeep ledele, in the pear-imexel. FRITZLEY-JOHNSTON A quiet but pretty weelder,ftook place at the d3aptist ehureh manse, Gtoderieni on, Saturday, December 21, ;when Reel X. A. Milliga.n: united in marriage Aelema. ;Mildred, eldest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Ilemer. Jolausten of Xingu, Mau., and Percy 'McCormick,- second" son of Mr. and Mrs. J. rritzley of Gedee rich. The bride was charming in a navy diess and Wearing a corsage of roses with 'fern. The bridesmaid, Mrs. K. .11, Johnston, sister-in-law 'of the bride, looked lovely in •tie auSky rose drese, also wearing a corsage of roses with !fern. Mr. K. 11. Johnston, eldest brother tbe 'bride, was best man. vAfter 'the cerem.ony a reception was hela at the home of the groom's Par- ents,Mr. and Mrs. J. Fritzley. The young ccitiple will reside . on South street, Godericia„ e struele by at c ear driVen byleer], - liame, kioderiela teiveteltip, on No. 8 highWay, a mile west or Cliatonl, . The father and daughter were front Clinton. after Gempletiag their Christmas shopping and were ',driving wet when the buggy was tetruelt froxa the rear by a. ear travelling in the same direction. Both passengers of the buggy° !Vvexe thrown to the pave - anent. Mrs. -head was badly crueted and it is believed She died instantly, bits her father escapedwith° mile an lejuired: back. Ilo was removed toathe Clinton bespita-1 and was later allowed to go home. Tee -buggy. was eomagetely demolished, one of a-09 .shafts being driven through the eody of the:, hoise. The animal Was lire destroyed, Traffic !Officer Fret* Tayloe, Of Glin- tore 'who investigated, placed Williams Wider arAerefe a .charge of dangerous driving., Williams Was later released ext,iyail. -and will appear before trate J. A. Makins in •Goderich Police Court on• Fricley afternoon. Mrs. Kirby e was eormerly Emily Thompson . and was born in Goderich dvaneelp 'thirty years ago. She wa$ reed: -last -$pring,la„statteeleirlbyeef Oeheart, and had iin7ce lited in that. town. She was borne 'Pets a Christmas Welt With her parents when the fatality isceurred. -Besides her husband and parents, elle leavethree brothers, Rev. J. 11. ThomIpson, rector 'a St. Paul's .Anglican chureb, !Stretford; Rev. G,. R. Thorapson, -of Keeteille, N.Se and Harry° Thompson, at horne. The funeral will take place from the residence of her parents, 16th conces- sion. otf ,Grelerieh totwnship, on Friday afternoon. Personal Meption Readers are hi.,..vited, to" let 'Us litrow the naives sof theireholiday visitors for the rereenal Mention, , eoluenz Oita paver., Miss Grace Mynas, of Voroato, spent , Christmas in twin. Herbert Green of Detroit Went Christmas with friends here., !Miss B. T. Ma0Naught0n of the(0.0.1. stair, is holidaying at (01;atham. Clarence Bridle of Loudon spent WHITTY—MeRAET The marriage took place on Satuaday afternoon. at Wardeville, 'Ont., of Rhea Alexendea McBee, Beg. N., daughter of the late Mr. and Mks. J. A. McRae, to IMV. John Leo Wiattin son of Mr. Teo Whitty andi the late Mrs. Whitty, of Torinkto, formerly of Godeeich. Be aerFergusba, of Moun,t Forest, p,er- formed -the ceremony .in, a setting of - ferrets poineettias, iina and ,eandel- . abra. Mrs. 0. A. :Yorke, of RuSeemla, Ont., played the weckliag 'Music, and the soloist was Miss Ilelen Rush, of" Galt. . Mr, John, R. Y. McRae, a Toronto, gave his sister In marriage. She wore 4 white silk Jersey („rown, an illusion tulle veil arranged :ivith a halo; and also. Wore a pearl surburt a ,family heir- loom. Her bouquet vvats of American Beauty roses. Mies*Lorine Henderson, of London, maid a-iiknor;-vvasm tur-. _qttoisetblue jersey, with matching -halo, and. cer'ried Joanna Hill roses. Mr. John Hickey, of Lone:tetra was the best man, and. the ushers were Mr. James O'llera, of Wardsville, and afr. Ross Hickey, of St: John, el _ The- reception Was •held at -Six Pines Inn, where the bride's aunt, Mrs. Celaare, received, .wearing.: a Viking blue gown and a, Joanna Hill rose cor- sage. She was assisted, by the groom's sister, Mrs: X, Ruld, of Windsor, in rose crepe with corsage of iSunlbetext roses. Also assisterg were MGwinethe Turnbull, of. .Stratford ; Miss Agnes Freele, of Woodstoek ; Miksr-Nora O'- Donnell, Miss Kay Leddy, Miss Mary Young and Mrs. Homer Hart, of Lon- don, all classmates of. the bride. „ On their return from a trip to East- ern Ontario, the couple will live 'in coreavall,e,Ont. The bride .went away, •iti- ia--Vetietittit ted wool drese, with hat and ateessories to ittatch, black boucle coat withe twin silver fox scarf. The bride is a '30 graduate of St. jaseph's•HoSpital, Landau,and se''cur ber 1940 instetietor of nursing degxee from the University of Western Ott taxi°. The geciom Is a menaber of the Ontario, Provincial police. • 1 • Couacill article I the ib - that 't li I ) Christmas itere with his (parents'. Mra. C. W. Carrie has gone to Tor onto for the remainder 'of the.erinter... Miss •Eileeta, 'O'Brien Of Breetferd Is 13..ek1Jding-tbe lua1idaY4ather-houie here- , Miss M. Ackerman iseat ber home at CamPhellford for the ;Cleristaxtes *Mel. tion. " ptes. igert and elerold• 'Moll -ring, of the Elgint 'Regiment, spent the holiday here. ; . • • • . .A.ircrafttsman Ileetor Iini5We111 sta. tfoned atilSt4 Thomas, spent the holiday he):eise Ida *odgson. of Toron 1111te, it the guest of tbe Misses ibobertson, Vietdria street. • Lieut. Fratdrlitt Caldereaf.Woodetoelr Training !Camp is berai on holiday iealve. aliss K. Whately of Toronto Is Spenda 44 the .0Jaristraas holidays with her 1111,arYrir Mabel Powell, of the G.O.,1, staff, is spending the holidays at her home at !Prescott. • a Miss Prances Thomsen, of London, Is visiting at the home .of her mother, Mrs J,11. Thomson , ° Miss Phyllis Raechier, nurse -in train ' - bag at )St. 'Josephs "Irdspital, "London, Was home for Christmas.. Mies Olive Goldthorpe of Toronto spent Ohristma.s at the home of- her sister, Mrs. W. G. 'MacIrtevan. Miss Katherine Park, ol, the o.p, pi.. .staffe-is-epeadMgeta he-Christmie-aeafi:' days with her family at•taacan., s. , ae.k Outt, attending .University or Toronto, is spending the holidays with - his parents,.Ur. and Mae Oakin Cutt.' Willard Leigg, cleekwitlethe at St Thomas, visited with his parents., :Sir. and -Mrs. Thomas Legg, at Christ- mas. !Capt. E4 Robinson is home for the winter„---H4s ehipetheta Moyne-, Is -laid up at Midland atter an unusually bety season: , • - Holiday guests of Miss Loretta Kelly are her brOther, Dr, 4. C. Kelly of Buffalo, 'arid sister, Miss Gertrude KellY of Toronto. . LaneesCorporal legle Aaderson,, of the -Royal Canadian Beglietent, Who is taking a wireleas °course at Kbaptoni is ,home on furlough. - • Coeporal Neil ThensPage and Lance - Corporal limeefellwaiteewh.o are on the SUM of the Woodstock Training Camp,. •are home o11 five dlays' leave. L.A.O. .Herbeet Moody,. having re- ceived his wings and eompleted a bomb- ting-eand gunnery tour,se at Uplands' Tieining h'School, !Ottawa, is home on leave. ' Raymond Dean, who la taking an. air engineer's course at a elichigma whoa, Is spending the 'holidays here with las parents, Mr. andaYfrs. E. L. Delaaa East street. Rev. Chas. el. Humber, 'Mrs:Humber and children; Charles and Anna, - of Ilagereville, are spending -the Clieistmas time With Mr. Humber's parents, Mr. and, Mrs.:Clews. H. ,Thinatier. Miss Pauline Maxwell, of the Office staff of the Waterloo Mutu'al, Life, Miss -Marilyn Maxwell, and Miss Ruth Tilt, of Preston, were " Christmas visitors with lir. and Mrs. Allan Mak- well, Rayifield„ A.C. Garnet ("Bud") matlaieseii, Who home of Mrs. Thompson's parentsy. Mr. has been stationed at St. Thomas for and Mrs. F. II. Martin. several months, was home On live days' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S,tirling, and his leave this Week. Ile returned to St. Thoratte 'Oils (Thursday) Morning with the expectation of being immediately transferred to sonie ether pert of the Dominion. • - COUNTY LOOFA AOTION Judgmeat Handed Down In Citoe over a County 110(eio Cow USW on Us 10$11w*3r by a Motor tor jaek "Small of Guelph, spent Christ- In a written judgment given out last mas at 144 'hone here. week Judge tlostellO dileuisoed the , Miss Kate Hunter WAY3.' hente :trent,- aettion of the, County of diuron, agaluot 1KiEterhieenjoratutosrbolnhe.a,1M)1ctite•ayip,„h .tue ,.:ionooktpoherra;tstratr, ulvd'ulliibTrfueruidttyfxreAu, mtd ijouttay vout.100, family Item Notonly was the suit of the. (tour: ation for 4120 dismisSed, but a counter - Alex. Butler lof '1$t. CatharinelS'visited dam Of tho defendant Harland %Wuxi). with his parent here at Christmas Edlwin Dean of 1°D'gt°ri sPent' °ever' inlaoYt'Ill'e°rils4gult.t9o7rucobilainlaie tr eta0111:4140.114)WIlitt al days at hts hoe* here this Week. Donald I'Vjgg11119" 'the ita'n34awfalaQs lta,IlltotrwedSIiethTos't;''I)4oflh0,31taaYso'H. 3,1ontreal, Holman, was home for Chrit s- ' * Telliaelfa3uodeMitrse."1.?re' rohraevy efro; r that rat, ?Ore' Airtraftsurata Harold Turner, sta., timed at Jarvis, was home for,ChriSt- rioeroon,v6attel:dieVporillvel ,c4chneintheeiESuse;broil; , eei4are e. Training .,..•..Staff, Is' immeerel aye' Miss Abnalcvarkv, of -Ingersoll etieedle the County Ifonte gate eeuth AFTER SIX IVIONTIIS Message Tossed into Lake Iluron at Bogie's. Beach Returns to the Writer, a Young Girl, at Stratford STRATItIORD, Dec .• 24.---A. 'bottled Message" toes.a ento the waters •of Lale Due= last Artie 15 by a SteatfOrd came 'back to her yesterday through the mall, as part. of a birth'day greeting from 4.,A. -Seaman of the Old t ,Sehool." Beverley Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. II. da. Andersen, 72 Axon street, found an -Old leottle at Bogie's- Beaele north of Goderich, last summer. She wrote a media& on a piece of paper, pat the message in the erittle and thew threw the bott3le into the water. The message was picked up near Goderich some days liter and today it eame ba.ek' to het accompaniedby a:birthday card. Abe ,Wae thirteen yeas old. On. Sunday. • In the message Beverley wrote that - she was not Shipwrecked but was just. writing for something to The "Seaman of the Old •Sch•ool," who 're- turned her 'Message, said he was -giall to hear ehe was not shipwrecked, be- aus g it *as a harrowing experience. lie had -been nearly ehipwreekedeonce while on a voyage 5,s, a member of the crew of theaDoward D. Treop, • In - chided with the birthday greeting was a picture Of that fouranaeted barge which was launched! in Glasgow 1$9.2 and held tin. international retard "for fast passenger eervice, anaking a trip from (Glaggew .teaNew Yerk..in thirteen daye, The 'same ship "sailed from Yoko- hama, 'Japen, to Oregon, iffeteven days, anethersereeerd. _ Theefinder 471f the note said in his letter to young Miss Anderson that he pleked up her message at.latitude 33 degrees, 40 aninttes north, and longi- tude, 81 degree,s, 45 minutes 'west. That -bearing ifS 'hi the vicinity of GoderIch. The "•Seaanan" told ,of ,being almost ShiPwrecked• off tbe emit a South Mrica. (While the name Ot. the "Seamen of the !Old Sehool" wile no signed, to the liote, la believed- Ald. .A. Davis might know som.ettatig about It. Ale. Davie was once a member of the crew of the Howard D. Troop and he spends a considerable amount of time: at Dogleg Beach ,andi in 'Gederisei vicinity* (Wring' the •eirmener month, Davis, wherigueationed, didn't deny he .was the writer.) to. e handsome rebate In &Ude form. Ile went on to say that -it -was evident Me 'interference" in Hydro matters back -In 1934. had iiet had -the dire result that was predicted. Mayor MacIfflwan-obserye& that the surplus. wife tite result of eittel manage - anent of Ideal Hydro' Weirs, as it had been accumulated -ander the rates set by the Provincial 'Hydro as the lowest at which the system could be operated. His aWorehip said the matter Of dealing with the surplus would doubtless 'be taken up by the incoming -05-Miell. naotion. was passed empowering the finance oommittee to 'make arrange - Molts for prepaYanertt of 1041. taxes. . ,Bylaw No. 18 of1.940 was, given its third reading and paesed. This bylaw rePealtr bylaw. No. •31- 454 aS% embodY- Ing an agreement betweert the Town and the GoderIch (11(fg.-Co. MacKay Hall Agreement The Council:, went Into tommitte•e of thewhole •ant1 accepted the a 'eement . regarding l'aladICay Hall. t7 ? er this agreement the. trustees of Ma - ay Hall give a lease 14 the Aleneek and 13,,tap".e we chapters of the I.O.D.11. a.t the nominal figtire Of one dollar a year, "the leage to 'be oubjeet.to termination be either party on one month'et notice. The triletees. will pay for the heating and lighting of the building to the ee- tent of $2.3 a montb for ax. raionths, Novemiber tp April, and $10 a month for the other Aix monthk orthe year. The I.O.D.II. agree to (fit the aitolitorium for use as a recreation amryett-Irment , roam for the soldiers, to givo proper care and dalpervishin of the hall and equipmtent, and to hand them 'over to The trustees in . good condition at the expiration of the lease. The Town agrees to give (financial supPort to the amount of $100 definite and an ad- ditional $100 for heating Purposes If needed and as approved by the Connell. The leounklil agrod to install an ad- ditional hithreom in the Park Donee, whielt im to be letteed to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Tattier, the, present lessees, $65 a month. days, leave, in the raulg of October just Chriettnas With , her parents, Mr. aild ofGodOelilaitioatntoo3:1 inivieekghW..eal.aydNio;a4v.e vueorpoeu rbaol Mrs.. D. M. O'Brien.. TrembraY-WaS driving front itiondion to Alicraftsentin Jim Thorneleet eta- tioneda at Trenten, was lame three oame ItPoa 'herd of toe 0°Sve days' holiaay leave/es shepherded across the highway to tile 13illY144)e J°bItst°11' Wh°‘ isl4iteuding'bttlliu4)fekthatalfitirt9lailltit4e141401):IsYW-amlYa be ik. an air meehttales' school in Toronto, is ' Hestr eetae ea beedayte , • flee Durham . and a prattle' Milker, theeraging 02 pounti. Of milk a day and Mrs. AL iSnazel is visiting her dangle-, ters, Mr.. Agnes Clark' and Mra t'estrag 4.5 per teat- batter tat. as : - testified by Bichard ,Teeobs, eesistent teeVelyn Steels, of 'Stratford. ' , a-Mia,s Nora Costello who Is now.teach- manager ofthe Home, int' at -Ooehro.ne, OAThe Judge found there Was neither., is spending the crattributery nor ultimate negligence ton 'Christmas holidays at her hmne bere. Mr.- and Mrs; Walgate Tebhut! the part of the driver, Corporal Tremb- t,of Druid,. ;Sask., , are -spending .the winter lay. 1."11s '119110r-eanunOlted that at ebe time of tee accident it was net yet with friends in Goderich and distriet daelight and the weather was miet3e Captain and Mrs. Donald firtataDonald and son, of Detroit, arevisitingwith with poor 'visibility. distant friend Or relative. Postmaster - , race. ' e e Captain 114' 'Mc'rri°11.' Caledonia fet.' ino"teitrirt t'onloomk°fPeor eelVatstib°0menarYthehIeL-1142:: ' Tink:roliasii:ylivise:se:st.lite°,rtallluneeirtextithtrit:;:eti,').wilkeele.1.1,:it ierevliteeliti: A,C. dill Hill, who is stationed :it VV49 at Iligh't than It .., is 'to. 1°°:k Trentoniaited with hie parentstichildren near e School'dpring summer . business in express, 'telegrams and , v!, r. holidaye," the judganeat reads' In Part. cables "the ,heamiest they had ever and 'Mrs. Nelson, Rile over the -week, end. ictoixlainItoterlipn, B.A., Oxon, or . • mi t. aivteass of of utnhde tinhasto.tthurtih:ar,dsnitamen9n, rocanin.; ahandiuti.,riedem, isTecrbeitpcp;70.xatin. :tifiory , soe.:c.t..ovoeurt.. . the Universitek of Toronto is spending lnalterne, and lhad not. been Instructed is to their, duties, and that, according Christmas and the Caelt. oftlee 840 seas, cables In the %air days • before 1.411!cirighctrelexitemb?! a; egsen with; his. relatives as the evidence of :one, 'it saw- .he melee in. the week Ipreceding ChfistnitOr. 'Mists aetai•-l'failho-areeee-ea-ernesapeaelalight4--eet..4..t..44Fesi-4.CtY. r9-415--4:9041 and _Tbest_were,,Of otutse, prterchlanges ot 1. thought a .could lieet.--if." IreiliciargiWtliigs-RtWeeiktlieleti ' Farrant, by training- At the JStratford On aceorunt-efethe :ell -lege of County airnien stationed at Port Albert and • General !Hospital, spent SOlirlirtines at • . ,„•Solleitor R . : ._,..klayS, .-K.C., 'William their relatiVes and friends in hingland; their homes -here. 4:alr. and Mrs. W. 3. Donee -100e arta autaFieteate eaeawNe his first, appear, Selcaland and . Ireland. Beth exPreeta . ', children, Charles andDavice of 11=11- na te, in. a Huron county etheffi frt, Pleaded eee reported. telegrams, received and ton, spent Christmas with their tele,- the eas fel*.tbe Plaintiff" V* It Dar.- sent Out; were up aft/ Per'iceia, t, over • three' in toevls. row appeared for the' clefeedaote. last Year and express deliveries Were . '. , . e Mr, and Mrs, E. G. Pridhem and two i„.„,. ,„,.,,,,.' •nrnvir,,,, pni„,4rplivinv. VI''''Y IteallY At flY0tU onateS. - children -, --of Peterbortiugh, are spending meT,'""a‘-a-L--e*"*T-"ew--/eae"'"eaLeaea4 -'0Oderiela hoineeesParkled-naOreatintli- Christmas with Me. Pridhanes parents, At the duet rdeelteug of the County ever Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridhata. . RI:I.:tn. :eineeer°kirtm,mitiikt•wteaees'o°wdfeesi4litodeeted,:itlee4.tee'esu6thantiCheelel light. Uptown fravgtuiret•e040,10no'Fileranbroalie?'fatclthestreetoo)als;spb()walii4eebtyhste 1:11efttu: j''' , Mr. and Mrs. Jahn tNiviuBsotturceovriasitinang, their daughters, Mrs. O. depleted milk supply at the institution. .aglit*....',The, large' lighted evergreen! Miss ,S,hirley, -at Windsor: They. will The grand jury..„ report recommending tree in, 'COurt;Efouse Park- gleaMed with be ',away until after New Yesiioe: . - ;Vise Jean "Lawson spent Christmas inlProved fir*hghting ' laeilitit's Was lhtg,lnahtsdeeiada.s;defurieed,w"gteMx-iudowb, blali5et eurioadrytyel,loaare with her sisfer, airs.. 11. Pc 11(1011 eit•neelf. (''''vrIteie°riene,pexeteetrth'se.°°buenieonlie '21,Teevli St. Thomas, and! will. continue on to the, busineSs places had .soriaethi ." • Detroit to visit her sister,. Mre. R. F. stables and root house nisi expressed the way of Chidstmhe deco, patioa. -ie AlAilreraftsin . * an 'NV' 'Milian). lewn.bY, Jr., -ati4teti°13* with 'them. . • °Iettlirrbiediiand'ustwtehreaspetuxtrdlof °g1;odavva'611zalltt°byll° local branele,of the L.Qgien,. theItto stationed. nt Camp' Borden spent Doings I) ' Christmas - • Cluistinas of a M presence of elf AM. 104 Oslo AM. 111 Christma*, 1940, is now aolo ory, tot to the pewits ot distriet ls a partieulltrit Seldom has the town wee Woes. • proimerity,,auch excitereeet lad Ho* itOot Wit • OP(04413,01,* feeling 4ingnig th0 pee& AO the itdvzo Ohristma days preeedi* the :OPOUt t'4tb4i, hi eralL assiociatedWIth /41.441-* was eOndueiVe, 'to`free; UnliaMpixe4 traVel, and many people who 'n*hit. not aim* been rwith. theirifamiliea for the day bad 'there beea huge .drifts &new blocking . the roads were able to be'llecie for the ba•PPY'' etecasiora TralaS and lelettete were -jammed: .to eapireity 'with happy homegoergioa Monday aud,,Truesaisy. The'aN.110 ran OPeeitit train 'out of Idyll; on clittietmas '.e.ftentorel at 4$ o'clock 'to accommodate the peetple. wit* wished to have their chtlatmas dinner With their fainillea before leaving town. 'Merchants In every aveaue of bust- aess reported gains la their sales over preceding years. The Postof,lioe •stmif was,'kept,.-rushbxg,'- for sixteonlalMk Of pp day, efortieg a,nd handing' out Mail and receiving packages tor delivery to to perm% nd during the v. The relid, kind ten- , ' • Christmas 'with, hia,,4arents,, kir. and , Mrs, William Lomby, Ste -David's street. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. SchWeyer and children; June and Grant, of Nellee Corners, were Ohristimas Visitors with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. H. HuMber. &R. Lionel Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Clarke, deambridge Street, Nebo is stationed ut anetaetern Can- adian Port with the Royal Canadian 'Navy, is hmxte on twitk weeks' leave. Goderieh boys training as airerafte- ' mot at Galt who are 'home enadve days'. !holiday leave are: _Men. Thompson, Wm. 'Carter; Colin Aliseerberry, Wine Hogga,rth, Rex Duckworth, James Bess and Wm. ,aferfainee. Mr. W. R. Thoinpson; of Peter - 'borough, spent Christmas here with hie wife and sonS, etartin-and Tim, at the sister, Mies Mary IStirlieg, Roe -N., of Goderich township, have returned home after spending two weekS visiting rela- tives at Sault Ste. Piekrord, St. Ignaee and Bay City, "Mich. ^ TRAINING AS AIR PILOT Leslie Naftel, -Sas of Mr. and Mrs., Knyvet Naftel, Wellesley -street, began • his elementary training - as a pilot in the R.C.A.F. at Crumlin airport,. near 'London, on Monday.. Leslie joined the elleC.A,P. as an aircerefterean in ,August, but transferred to'' pildt'a course in ,Novereber. Ile completed:a four yveeks' initial trainieg coerse at tfie Eglintonellunt Club on Thursday laet, and swee twine' on a three days' leave untit jblning his -elate Miinday. M.C.C.- 'CHRISTMAS DANCE • Invitations are issued for the Christ- ana(s• dance of the alenesetung Canoe Club, which wilt be held, at‘the Masonic. TeMple on Monday night next. ',Zak; le always- one of the most popular social events of gthe season. .d*tributing 'baskets to the More nee!! Le in* Goderich Filteell members 4"1". • Mistses Edith Taylor ,and Merg'aret Guides ender the dai 'on. of •th Watson added te the 3tuletIde spirit by - Santa .Claxs Starts the B3,11 Roll- wending their way theough the streets - ing with Appearance of the town and singing; karois on Saturday Cinistmas Eve, A similar service was. performed by it group ef singers from Sailta Claus , took time Oic from the choir of.Northstreet,United eltureh. urgent duties on 'Saturday to pay his Through ell the celebration, the fact annual public :visit to the ehildten. of that the country is ,at war was strongly G,oderieh and district and distribute evident The people Of Ooderich and )jqg o caVi1i04 and ether dainties district: opened 'their homes to hundreds attroireathem. The merry old-got:tient:in ef .ainnen feom Port 'A:beet and Sky , ini;red is reDorted- to have landed his Haffor and shared their Christmas , airplane 'at Sky ;Harbor airport after dinners with -them by way a ehowing flying here from the !North Pole. The their appreciation 'Of the saerifieee these children, however,sere- not aware 0 /nen are raa.king. Other families ,wel- his presence in- town until he -was coined sobs home from army and air - •with fire-eiren going full blast. and on chrietraas• leaee. All' -agreed, that evergreenbedee.ked -Afire-track. The town thronged aleo with local boys -lot twheeled odt ,of the Town Hall in an force- stationihall, err _Ontario, The ruck direled the ! Segue several' tintes the trainingold dtwiowtnh-atnhde 'ttiiweratoslee iedrveleacesdieMe were Santa, standing in the middle a- it, beckoning the ichildiren to follow him. Mighty .gobal eee and 'all Were eon - At the Town Hall Santa began the en- scions that it might be the( last:thriat.- joyable7task of handing out his gifte, xnas they would spend at home for' Over tme thousand children, eatimated ePveral Years. as the largest number gathered at any similar event in. !Goderielf in recent years, reteived the packages.. So busy was iSfatta kept, administerillfg to the large moved, that he had to call in the assistaneetof.eeveral firemen and mena- bere oe the Town iConnell. v- A drive about. town after dusk re- veals many pretty Chrietinas decor- ation.% eleetrie lighting (being Used effectively in various ways. 'While thee are many brilliantly'lighted trees all about the town, the :Weeit end has seine especially ifine, display. Mr. G. L. Parsons' home on West sheet tands out particularly. The outlitte a the house is shown in 'brilliant lights and in the centre is a large wreath of lighte, while high ;above all Is a beautiful star. In front of W. 3lacDonald's house on Britannia, road a large 'Union Jack blazes forth, the colors of flag being faithfully reproduced Itt •ored light bulbs. Those .who have 'net yet seen it would, find it worth their while to make a speetal trip to Mr. eiateDonald''s 80,m* evening soon. .'JUNIOR cants CHOIR,, The North street junior girW choir vvhieh was organieed only a month ago ,under the direction. of Mr: Mervin' Snyder, gave a splendid account , of themseeve.s both at the Sunday school Christmas ceneert and at the:morning servibe of North street United churcb. Solo parts were sung by Joan !Stott and Katherine Snider. The membership_ is open to girls aged tea to fifteen, with younger !girls aecepted gs probationere; and the next °pradtice will be -on January 8th. " • EARLY OR LATE? „Lloyd Aikenhead brought into, this office todayg dandelion bud which he found, on the Maitland..,,Tolf! Course on Chriettmee Day. 1:11041444r4"19 ;41,1 ,.11(1 $11/ 71/ :471 vi1,4 ae 4 4 444 444 P1T4 Happy New Year" This is ,the last issue of The Signal Star for 1940, and as the old -year draws to a close and another year is about to dawn the • publishers take the"Oppertunity of extending to readers and. patrons their best 3,vishes for happiness and prosperity in 1911':'" Even in wartime people may be happy in the consciousness that they are doing their bit in the cause of freedo»t and decency in the- world;and true prosperity in the coming year will be in the advancement' of the cause for which. Canada is fighting alongside tritain and those freedom -loving peoples with whom she is allied. 11104104#14VVVVVVVI/ 1.4 a bk i • b ' Iso ft rit;' Members of the choir of North street Vnited church did, a gracious thing ,on Christmas The. They ;visited the b.omes of several shut-ins, singing Christina's carolatyl,leaving cheering messages. Santa Clar.s is a Itardaworkinee.oM gatleman." He made et least three. public .appearetteee in Gaderieb on Fri- day night !last, and was toe the job again Saturday afternoon. How he doen it is at my(stery. The menu, eard for Chriptmas at the Port Albert Ar Navigation iSchool had an elaborate and appritpriate; dmioa op4NSltet;chol for the odeasion Corp. It. C. Jones, It:A.V. )jones Ins done sena) clever ,workwiththe ben GinCe eOlining to Port .Albert, and hiisketchea have been much admired. The ChrisliaasDaY menu by the way, inanded, roast turkey, fl -1r, Christmaa pudding, mince pie, Chriqtams-4akel, oranges', ntite and applte end a variety of drinlables,.. The men who speut the day at the aittl)ort didn't fare &ko.lisietly. • OBITUARY' liRS. J. A. INIARINIS Magistrate 3. A. -.Makin's, ofSteat- ford, who presides at the weekly courts th Goderiele bas been -bereaved by 'the, death °this wife, who pessed away on Tueaday, December ,at her home in 'Stratford. Although she 'had been 111 for tame weeks, her death, from a heart ,seizure, came eaddenlyand un- expectedly. She was eixty-eight yeare of age. -Besides! her Iruelband, 4 smr, Ilegter W. Maleins, and a' daughter, Mr 11. V. Swanson, -both of 'Stratford, survive. The funeral took place at 'Stratford on Priday afternoon. ,Pimong thoee from Odderiett wte 'attended was Cream Atit•orney .Holmes. . ill110),EAS JailMSTON • 111 only five days, Tlionble,Johnetos • paeseil away at hie hora4) on Gibbon% street early Monday emitting. !Ire was stricken with' pneumonia early loft week, ! Born inf)Goderier. township -Int, 1563, the son of Mr. amt 'Mrs. Robert' Joinasten, Nti. Johnston farmed in the township 'Der some years, but raoNed. tti toavei fortythree„.yeare ago apal, Wets well know -wee a teamster. Ito Is sure vived by his wife, the .!former Phyllis , Bell; two vans, Oliver and Chester jolnat4.on, both Of town; three brdtherte John, janlea. and Prot of town, and , five eletere, Ida (Mr8. John, 1'reelon1), ,Pranees (Mrs. john Jane (N(ra. *Robert Bel), Emma. (Mrs. D. WeSton), all of town, and Annie ('lirs.;rowel*. . smiNT), aetina. There are Alt grand- children. The funeral took *tee on Wednes- day afternoon„from the family home on +0..blv0ns street. A large namber or old friends ofc'Mr. lohnsten, from both town 'and the rural seetion% attraded. OfferingS of flowers attrrounded, the casket in great profasion, Rtbir. W. P, Tinno% of 'North rotrotwit 110100 AIWA, condnetkr41 the serwiees. pail - bearers wort, Llevit Sproyde,„Tlebert Doak, fllm Thorno o *Arson awl Goon. 311100“... tritiorimporrt vra• la entitle*. eierei.