HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-19, Page 8t• $ STAMPS \ Needed *II, Christine le Tagaged et lest: tlreast. d tell You all about 10.1 '4"011, not only Spent the Veifsernison. 'with lieratlataisiter4 itos07; toe eakes .4f Al= .0inlihifi opt ten were hard as ii." '''Kes;. 1 Warw. I suppose tbt s8hc. said, take rour when, ‘ended thete ' VottOrMiti --firdtk!ONIS---011EBTP4:08 AIL .0iflit FRIENDS ANp, CUSTOMERS.* WHEN -11.017 SAY— eelislade's 4444 You can rest assured you are getting the best in Bread Cake$, Tprts, Pies QTAr- ,01xtispnas Ptiadings Cakes are made with scrupulous attention to the. quality of every ingredient. We ask our customers to _order early,. _ • "PliCilsTE 184 A 111C-4 '4410PCVIC Merry Christmas! )1,01; .11 It Was ellOUgh to Make one heti; fOhriellueestBsy waS so tired that 'She eould hardly stand. , This counter in the if:lici4e a the aisle had become a nightmare to her. 'Vim eroWds hurtY- Ing by; IPUning the neckties. off as their Coats brushed ageinet them, fingering them over and then tossing them bee*. On the table, eareleeely. Scti)ll, it waS good'to haVe a job, 'even temporarY one. For 'She lad been 'witty:nit warksfor 02 long enough time eo that she bads '"eaten" all . her sSessions ,She eould boreow -moeey on. ' NO time to be standing here thinking, though. That at velum looked aa' she wa$ goiIig'.to buy several tiee- `These ate very nice, madam „And 60 teasionablef cent e pieee, or three for $1.90. , This an exceptionally pretty, one," 'and Betsy showed her limey eeue. But the at wenaan &miffed the ties and hastened away with her friend:, leaving a pile of ties one;the 40.0. • Wearily Betsy leaned,over and began ;.,,themssup,s,seLet-sraoshelpVe-a- friendly yoke 'aske'd. Betsy looked up into a handSonsenfa.ce, eiirlys brown hair, -deep blue eyes, and a mouth that curved into askaile_ atsthe stirprise Iii Betsy's en's - `SI want to get some ties or y fam- ily. e been -up 'here, the past feei weeks, and so ,I don't know what the kids want, b1 think It'll (be safe to give 'on tie. &wire are eo common- place." : ‘. • ' "Your.brothers?" Betsy" !askeelsas she he up one or two she liked particularly. . "Y,egli. Three brothersand a She's About your ege, t reck(ee What does a girl like, anyway, when you'ere OW a little to° spend?" He looked imploringly. „ • Lette get the brothers fixed up first, and then see .abont her., How's 'this for the 1T-year-o1d?" Betsy ineuired. , "Fine. You hnow, lin tickled "i'alnit lae able to •do anything for the family. I struck a tad, speli, was:down with flu for three -Wet.* .aneloit my job. I'eust got another last, Week, But I'd: hakp hated to have the day -go by *itiss-nottdres frorn thesbigsboyzysesir - face waa shining. have .thera wrapped" as gifts. Then you ;go over. to the -counter 'there • 'Wes YOU, TOO SHOULD CHANCE TO '16lue coal THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY it only takes one tonof tbl ue coal' to prove to you that , the greatest beating value money can buy.° For cleaner, -better beating at less cost, order 'blue coal' today. THE J. B. MUSTAIMAt CO. BRUCEFIELD CLINTON GODERICH Phones 618-11 14W 98 ' • ne10 Listen fa "The Shadow"-LCFRB, Tues„.8.30 eget), Tues.:S.0a p.m., CF,110, Thurs., 2.0 TRE 00 ausasihhig tor pour slaktr, ere, i'n take you aver stud get * from my hop* town .44) wait on yi Obeli helps". stnti Betsy went *long "You're net fity *bell? NO onder yoU were se helpful, r" - want to get Someties for fahlibr." Seared of thee SOPhisticated girls' in 4110,St of the ShepSs That's beeauee (been , here only a feet" months, :and ilia my home town everyone knew everyone sen1sitswaeewe1hs4t-ewaselifcerent.sss you „tliiift think I'm getting fresh, do 37( u ? I'm Just so homesiek," His face was red with embarrassment. It was Betsy's tern ito loolegroubled. "Sure, I knew how it Was. I don't chatter away With everycustomer this' way, eitiaer.I'm like you -flew here, and lonesome for, any own people. I was 'hating 'Christmas' tirae, with so. nitieh confusion And no real Christenas Spirit. Se Pm glad you told me about your family." . 'She turned hire over to Marie at the women's wear counter, and, went on with her •tie selling.- They seemed, prettier,. fresher and more attractive, than they had before the curly -headed fellow had ttl#11e along ti!':h buy some.. :Only a half, heur. off for supper, then she'd -have to work until -the store eloeed Jet, nine. , ..CiariStmasreve meant, lots of last, minute gifts to be bought in this big eitY. As he turned awair from her counter to go :out to eat, a friendly voice sounded at her Shoulder. . "If you're going to snatch, a sand- wich; do you mind if I .go along and we learn something more about eaCh ther?-s-Yseurefelend-toltl.--M 'teyterdShliere just a little while .for lunch, and 'Want to -get aCipainted. if • youli let ine.", It wasn't just a 'piek-up." This, was a haraesick boy, Wanting to talk with a small-town gee!, who knew his language. ' There was just a Moment's hesitation before Betsy said, with) a grin, 'Sure enough. Lead inc to the lunch counter. You're no nior:e lonely than. I've been. As it is, I really feel like I can say 'Merry Christmas'. when tomorrow THE REPORTER DETOURS' • A young eouple gradually got mar- ried in, the eolumps of the Mowbridge, South Dakota, Trihune:, - - MisS Jennie Jones and Bob HeerY I were married at the Jonesmansion last nightThe=l5ride.14g, Vile daughter of Constable Jones Who has madea good officer and svill undeubtedly be re2elected this spring; 'He offers a fine horse for sale in another 'ialumn. of this The groom runs .a4grocery store on • Main street and_ is a steady patron of our advertising -columne. He has a pod line of bargains in his ad this week. Ap, summei7he paid two- cents - more for :butter than :any other store in town. They were marrie4by alevermid. Josiah Butterworth, Who last week called at this office and gave bs a,nice order for handbills. He is also going to .domegivtime to the real _estate- lineiness and will write fire insuranee". So say -the :business cards we recently printed for him. Jennie and Bob left on tbe.10 o'elock train for Milwaukee to visitthe bride's -uncle who, we under- stand; has lots of money. RgAD THE CLASSLuiraD ADS. 4.44. 1.44. •44. FOR EiDURIN.G JOY ABLES LAMPS BED TABLE BRIDGE „PtILIGIIT OTTOMAN'S SMOKERS MIRRORS .,000ASIONAL CHAIRS FOOT STOOLS MAGAINE STANDS A Walnut Cedar'Ohen prove te be the most thrilling,gift She has eVer reeeiVed.. Wheeler 'The House (tit Good. Furniture Phone 336 Hamilton S. ITVVVIZVVVVIIVAV -4041z 444,*4V-- 4 End Card Coffee Gateleg Mo. yeaRl. fiNEARr wag- ,sessi'• • is 0 "M Outstanding Who In a Big Om Modorn Moot with Molehill Orfottial 'Wood met Ameloen %final." , t.4 41 44 CR SKINAtraT WneII ColdiGoDowi Get After Distress' foomved Vicks Way- cOld has "gene down." eauk, Ing coughing, museular 410rene08,.: or irsitation in upper bronchial tubes, see what a"VaPeRialAW • Mtge" made ter Yew With thismoto tliero0411,treat. inept, the_poultice-anti.vapor acuon, of Vicki_yapoRub mote effectively Ppluirritated MOPS With soothing medicinal vapors...10111001,11T4 -chest and baeltlike a warml_ntlioultice or, plaster..,,srairti sumlniserY tight away' Remits del** even old friends of VapoRub. TO tom a,"Vapoleuli Massage" with all its benefits —maigiage VapoRub for 3 minutes on PORTANT 1110.ARBA OF BAtolr as well as throat and chest — sPread a thick layeron chest, cover Sigh: a warmed cloth. BE BURN to use genuine, time -tested =MS WORDS, . - GrTt. FROM TXPjARAL CHRISTMAS It's ,time. to begin to get ready for Ohristmas and those who live on farmshave probably been ,concerned about just what kind of present they eau Send to relatives and friends living in dis- tant or nearby cities and towns. The Om has Possibilities for Ohriet- inas presents'which will be mach awe- eieted by, their kinfolk living under , Other condition. There isn't 'a doubt We -that they oftenthink'longingly -of the good food -they had ' thereand never more so than at OliriStmas time. They recall the home -Made OhriStmas cakes and pies, the turkey and chicken, the home-cureci. meats, the apPles and varied fruits, the 'maple syrup, the hoiley and other delicacies. If they could only have some of these geed tliingsS'agabil: *gore, then, 'bre suggest - tions -fOr those in fame: :home% for Oliristmakpresente that do not Involve much ottlay of caeh.What could be -nieer then a boxwith a fat turkey, a thicken or a goose, With a jer-ef the family's famous jelly, jam or preserves venea-4 oefeof--heme-madesiereed;-sth very mention oT which eauSas home- sickness. With the jar of home-made ' jam Mincemeat, pumpkin or pickles, eneloie asopy Of the recipe from whieh it was made. • - . • • Some dried; herbs from 'the home garden and packages or bunches of dried seasonin7s-e-eage or thyantor dill THIS YEAR Yuletide , Shower By Slixabotit Zaduorn$011141000.0)o1d1o1..l "I wish we 'could do somethnig ex- eitiiig-seoMething„ different at -Ch. Peggy looked out at the whiter landselape as she spoke. oFor instance?' Vivian Cistrk glanced up from the (usigaZine4 "'Something like Making e0Meone ttemendonsly happy." Peggy came eloser to her sister .as she answered, and Vivian saw that she Was very much UL earnest. ° • "I've been thinking," Peggy went on, "how wonderfal it would be to bring something ithrilling-esomething unfor- gettable—into soMeones life. I don't means like helping with the baskets and the entertainments at the church; we've always done that; but a sort of special 'something, for one particular PT:ru , yen' voices sur- rendered to silences The gay 'little 'clock Ou •the dresser made audible sound. Suddenly Peggy jumped to her feet, "Pie thought Of something!" he cried breathlessly, "something tefellY different!' You know 9r4 iffelfThF411 an invalid tOi years—shut in from the World exeept for a' few friends who run in every now and then." "But whet can we do for her? We do visit her occasionally, and have always taken her a little Ohristmas ,gift. 'You know, she's much too proud to accept charity." - "Who's falking of eharity? What I have in mind IS something that 'Wilt just- thrill- her linr, going =to orite .to -.Iona Muir—you know, she rune that department on t,he Star—and I'm going to tell her how wonderful Sara has been, and ask a card shower for h Viviap whietlecl through her teeth. "Well, that is a *grand idoa, Peggy. I 'know she'll' be thrilled." "She's bound to be! Think of the 'Postman stopping with ;loads and leads of mall every day." Peggy's blue eyes .ivere dancing.. • . , '"But Suppose pedple, don't write? You know how busy everyone Is at Christmas." Vivianh; face refleeted the doubt ,in her words - - "Betthey will Write,". Peggy's voice :WAS g9113114tiezto liogd the tlionglit that Sara Werby will be just swampedwith mail." • " Together :they penned the letter" to Mona Muir on the big city paper. Later, between snateliesof shopping,' they dis- cussed the posSiblenturiberof cards and letterSsthet vvotild be delivered at the little cottage on 'Bank street. They or mint. Gifts‘,.004 as these express both ,Seemed to be more concerned with the thoughtfulness behind the-gift„that -touches the heart Most and beet ex- • presses the true Spirit of Christmas. , NEW ,3E1 -,I; TELEPHONE DISTRICT- MANAGER P. 1). -formerly manager of certain ichanges in Windsor, wae re- cently appointed 1]3e11Telephone man. ager at , Stretford, SUcceeding J. M. McIntosh. esss- ••, Mt- Wilson ,lias.""had over twents. years' service with pie telephone com. panys which 1101e:feed- in May, 1920 iii the aCeounting 'deliartment at Tor- onto.' Three years later, lie was trans- ferred te the comnlercial departm.ent. P. ,D. WILSON • Ile went to 'Windsor in April, 1929. In addition' to ,Stratferd, Mr. Wilson' superviSeS the eichanges at Atwood,. Clinton, Drayton.s Goderich, Listowel; Mitchell; New Hamburg, -Palmerston, Platteville, Seaforth, •St Marys, and Tavieteek. —Mural:ger at Stratford for the -past ten ear Mr. MOIntosh has been trans- ferred tO North !Bay, eucceeding F,, W. Thompson, who is on, leave of absence for War service., A minister on a westbound train was reading. his :Bible when a man leaned over the back of his seat and said, "I don't: believe a word in 'that book." The minister ignored .the remark. Pre- sently it Wa3 repeated in a louder "Voice: "Isdoret believe 'a word In that book!" Losing his patienee, the Min- ister 'turned and looked at his inter- rhpter. "My good inan,". he 'said, "would you mind goipg t�lsell-quietly?" Nagging, Dragging 'Pains lo the Back - Many ViOmen nave to do their housework, and the sonstant bend- ing over,. lifting, making beds, weeping, ironing, sewing, so neces- sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney weakness the back would be strong and well. tooauls l'idrkey Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney eat, tering women. _4" Doan 's Kidney Pills are -put up In an oblong grey liex with oar trade mark a "Maple Leaf on ths wrapper. Don't accept a aubstitute, 114 sure and get 4,1 ottn,S,," littbtirs Co.. Ltd.. Torsos*, oea, • yoor,. 4.144.44. % "I've thought 032 something!" -she cried breathlessly, , what Sara Werby was going to receive than about what they: themselves were going to get. 'It's funny how doing something for' .others gets a told of you," Vivian said one day ; -I wasn't nearly as enthusi- astic as you at !first, Pegg -y; liovv I be- lieve I'm even More eager," , But their ' real happiness came on Christmas eve • e'en they etood by Sara. Werbre bed and saw the radiance upon her faee. 'Staelis of, letters, eardS, and packages were piled everywhere, with. postinarks from almost every,State in' the Union. the /nest :thrilling thing that ever homed in ply life," ;Sara told them. "I never knew there were so many Wonderful pepple in the 'world. It will take me weeks and weeks to answer them all, but it's going to be loads of fun." Ilei' brown eyes sparkled like a girl's. "I imagine eible 'of them develop into lasting,. friends,'" Peggy ventured. "Milan and ,1 are so •happy about It all—in fact, I think we're just 'about as exeited as you hre.". ' —"You're pretty happy then," Sari Weft whispered softly, "for -I don't believe there is anyoge-e-anywhere— who is ping 'to, have a more thrilling Christmas thats.,anine." , dANARY MARES TROUPLE Walkerton Illeralfivriines) Mr. Val Berberick's canary can hard- ly be •termekl a dove of peace in viesv of the distuibance it eaused, an'd the injury f it wat direetly wsponsible- for inflicting on the person' sof its mastet kat the latter home opposite the former bis- cuit factory.site lastirriday; noon. The bird, which got oUt itseage when the doer wag left ajar a moment while, feeding It, settled on the hanging lamp over' the kitchien 'table and when Val mounted a chair and attempted to pick It off, 1We the 'Frenchman's flea, it wasn't there,amt. in the reaching pro- eia'3 he' not only 1ost the bird 'but lost his Valanoe as well and, doing a half spiral en an effort to save himself, eraOied backwards on a table ftilly set* for ,the noon -day meal, 1,3eing a man of hefty avoirdupois -the precipitation Was most devaotativg to the chinaware, 1.:but° a cup that he unintentiiinally simattvl on in the speedy gravitation bitrA Into fraginenttinder 1tini nepes- ,sitating the ealling 111 of a doctor and the closing up a a gaping apeiture, a remit Val will be taking his meals ,g/anding up for a congiderable period, while the canary, which has since been returned to its eage, Is viewed by hint as isoniething of a jail bird that needs wateltIng as •kri.11 119 fectlivg: , 14. 4- ale 011#10huao fur PP110,4•.••• (Traditionia) The Lord at drat did 'Atiammalre Out of the dust and day', And in ba neistrila breathed E'en as the &Scripture say. And then diklea's raradive trilil:titlidre vitht°sdowuelili' ' main, To dress and keep it well. Now let good ChriStians *all begla An holy life to live, Arid to reJoiee and merry be For this is Christmas NOW Ararl; the podness of the Lord Which he for Mankind bore; His, mercy soon he did! extend ,Ael'-,41.emna,nfotejorrtototed"setellm in'our From death: and hellish thr 11, .1:le said his own dear on shiyald be ThieJSaviour us all; ow 'for the blesshigs. we enjoy, Which, are from heaven above, Let us -.?renounce all wickedness, AO, live in perfect love; - Then shall We do Christ's own com-„ Bland, • Ilrea his.own. .written word; Anfl when we die, In heaven ' Enjoy. Or ingXord ; - And ,now ithe tide is ni*h at handl 111whkekonr...Savibut,eamei, _ Thtu 'rejnioe and merry' be In keeping of the salve; Let's feed the poor and hungry souls, And such as do it erave; Then when We die, in.heeven we Our sure reWard• shall have. 1111. Ifat 30 -Okla? What 101iild 15 this Wlite lad to rest, On Mai7's lap Is sleeping 'Whom .angels greet with asithems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? This, -this Is 10likist the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing :' ° Haste, haste to brie; Him laud, The 'Babe, the Soft of atary: why •lien He in such mean estate, Where -ox -and ass are feeding? Good Christian, -fear, for sinners here • 'The silent Word is pleading! Nail, Spear, shall pierce Him, through; The erose he bore, forame, for you*: Hail, hall, • the Word 'made flesh, The Babe, .the .Son• 01? Mary. 8(1 -bring Him -incense, gold and myrrh, Come, peasant; King-to-own--litimf- The 'King of kings' salvation. bringe, • Let loving hearts enthrone Him. Raise, raise the song on high; • The Virgin sings her lulleby. -Joy, 'for Christ is born, • '. The Babe, the -IS -on of Mary! (0. DIX. 1 (6t*ft Caspar, Meleheir, Balthazar, , These are „they who .follow the star, Frank,tneense and myrrh and gold, TheSe' e.'ere the -gifts they brought of old. These were the precious,. Wonderful . • - Tney brought as 'befitting three Wise ' kings. , , Tb.e nameless shepherds-Were,quiteltw ' poor To lay such gifts on the =stable, floor; But One, Pm tom, left his cap and another . . His shepherd's Coat end'his crook; and his brother, , Who had .carried a, lamb across.. the . Left that as a gift for the Holy Child. Oh, Mary might better have liked a gem,, For the , best of Women afe 'fond of • them.,ss , And Joseph, no doubt, the gold ap- promed— 'Tis a thing men's hearts have always ' loved Q , These things 1 suspect ; but sure 1 am That the little Lord Jesus preferred .the Lamb.. , ' ISpenee Porter 111101110DAY. 411K11111011M Stop ad ThkIhi In the 'flints' t That tiekling In the throat is *soot distressing, aud is owed by a cold settruig in the throat. a- The dry, herd cough not way keeps you in misery all day log, but also • prevents you getting a good night's sleep. What you steed, to relieve this tickling cough is Dr. wocia?oxorway rim) Syrup. This'valuable prepara• Oen is composed. nt Os must south. ing and healing expectorant barks and herb* with which i* combined the virtues of the world-famous Norway One tree. 11When you ask for 44Dr. Wood.'00 sea that roil got it. N IMOWa Antlintt 00,0 t(44. TOMO. Os& Gladys; Uy eldest sister had her face lIfted Ilitb How does it leok? Gladys; Ols, it Ien again as soon as uhe received the, pm, BROPIIETS -- EUNERAL :SE RVICA' (Established '.41870) TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND EXPER1100NCE • Prompt Ambulance Service. rhoin 120 - FLOYD M. LODGE, Director% 4114111.1111141. 1•1110, NriiiiiiMMIN111141111111MINNI1mal R. Wheeler „ funeral *rector 'and Embahaer , All calls promptly attended* to day or night -,AMBULANCE F,17,,ne:.tSotoTe_335Res 3t5W Hamilton Street; Goderlch 1111111111111111.1111111111N111111111.1111111111.11.111111, The Cranston Funeral ilome :*Complete Sertiee, at ReaSonable : Prices , PROMPT INVALID CAR sEtiviep No ektra, clierge., for, the use Oti our. „modern Funeral ,lionae. • 17 Montreal 'Phone 399 : amoniminamonnommum, 01111111entSL To those contemplatihi bufld Ing a Monument s . Get my ,prices before bbying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty, All work gnara.liteed. • TOESLG- ItANT CLINTON MARI3LE & -GRANITE WOOS' Clinton Ontario • Successor to Ball & Zapfe • ..uumurriorli.mmonamen.moknor...emmimps,..' tlionfirgig ni 5. ALL YEAR ROUND NM Va... sehis GoAf N CAN/OBA:IS Peen P LAYS ROA D YES, out inNancouver and -Victoria GOLF is played al 1 year-srountil Warm sea -breezes and the proterAon$ of the mighty Coastal. mountains • • mamtam a moderate temperature in which altoutdoor sports take on. :an invigorating newness; Plan now to viit Canada's EVER." GREEN Playground—for rest or play,. .ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation! Special ° Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and de- lightful accommodations will add to the pleasare of your 4ay in Vancouver. TRAVEL WEST THEJASPER WAY 1400 THE ,Aia-cONOITIONtp CONTINENTAL LIMITED ATTRACTIVE RAIL RATES, Reduced sleepinkcar fares • . • Low meta rates on :mins Aiwaystisi CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS. TELEGRAPHS '1111,ONEY ORDERS Spaati ; ; ; Dopondability ; ; ; Slaty ' ma information row arty tichet igriat CANADIAN NATIONAL 0,4