HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-19, Page 744.
DOEININUILINI 311101a, 101041
•. ,
apie Leaf
Wake* the khld of
that ;nether Wed, to Makes
Their talteS; tarts and Dante,
pies are setinallY as gOod
Made especially for this festive
beats and ingredients.
A choice -stock of greCerieseeare
tied at all tinies.
Phone 4.60J
-.et- se-•
We Deliter
Let us be ef,geod cheer; remembering
that the ntlifortunes hardest te. bear
are those that nerver come.-4ames
Russell Lowell -
Work is healthy but worry is net
ilPen the blade. It Is not movement
that destereys mechinery but ,Trietion.
•seBeechers. "
Drive in to day and we will
JR-16-ur 4. -a -sr to protect' you -from
the delays and discomforts of
being stuck on the ro -
We repair and supply pelts for
all makes. • .
is important to keep your
ear inegeod mechanical tondition
A all thnes, butparticularly dur.
mg the winter.
We are at your service,
• We handle. the Goodrich tires
and batteries on the budget plan.
Let usexplain it to you.
Shell Service
1ingston St Phone; 535
Things Around
14 say last Mama on Thispo Aroload
Bon* itimost 'Protested about beittg
ealled Eat if 1tillair set (Mt +a ituot
1 454UOtV6IX:teeri tO getting rattled. YeSi
r•attled le the buly word to USe of this
SIVenitig, Vieitiug et the Itespifal
yederday, when I DetUrtied to the lobby
'where 1 had left WY Overeottt 'Una 4gt-0
I fouled out when. 1 hiad %/tit on the
coat tliat 1 hutl another pereon'a coat.
%he feel Of It and thontents 1tho
poekete aeeured Ine of thie„ thoughthe
make urtd style and color were just
like mine, 1 hurriedlY replacedit on,
its peg and found; righebY itemY 'own,
Reelkag gratified thut I had not gonO
away with it When, 1 got down the
Street, smiling- at the mistake, I .104
made, and' cerefortiug rayeelt that it
golug too ter? Of cow* Mi Wrey
came filen this loeitlity.
* *
My first Oh -riotous eard itrrivest
wonting. It wee from England 04 it
beauty, An Old firieue who steed to
Loudon, Ontario, sent it It cern-
taiued a threefold wish, Und ea it hi
'Christmas let me pass on the we as
mine to my many friends aud readera
of ethe constitueney of The Goderieh
"•Ilay Peace, Goodwill
And Joy abide,
Within your heart
To eheer and bless'
yow,tuthr Iluo4Upsertinaessnd.,71lome
Xiy Arid; Christmas gift arrived one
'week before. -What de you think It
It would be hard to gluesS. It
beet not been earried too Ter, 1 began W" a Package lelder ete needles It
to feel there Wes ,soniething Wrong,
with my head, or rather the hut that
rested ;oil Iteel had better' not' say
"ifittedPsen ift. It had a way a drop-
ping down fere sand aft, that made
ine suseleioue something sl'iraer wrong.
Itemseaing it, and looking it over, I
was astonished to find it was a strange\
hat of eintilar coler Vo mine, and, very
eeticiesuperier. Oreat (Caesar! I had
Wadn. the seine, mietake as with, the
coats Thanks to my goOd'bringing nIo
and a workingejender conselerteCI
ebeeklo,./- teeltoliRistaleto-Plgle-UR,
ny much inferior hat and. restore 'the
ProPertY of -the stranger, before he
could discever that-, ae preacher .htitd
headtereentlereritieflethe 1Lth
oyeecoat, and his hat had erowited
rattled' minister. .
This is the second time .this year
mistake like this has been. made. One
"Sunday „evening, seme' niOntliS ago, I
eMerged from the vestry -0.'46- 'lfeene
with an overcoat on sthat caused gales
of laughter to earn° froma few Women
who had remained ,to talk atter the
congregation had 1f1 1 was wearing
anergoittg away, unknowingly • (though
I didn't !feel dressed just right), with
the organist's rovercoat, Now, our
organist is a tubby fellow and quite
shokt. You' Can imagine what kind of
spring overcoat he would wear. While
it was all right for me at the Shoulders,.
it was Scant at the sleeves, and the
•length and breadth a ,J!t--(0 ay'sI
laugh, yet tthrink how ridiculous it
appeared 1 didentiy-see 'MC -grotesque -
es .of it all 'in theedimly... lig
Vestry ; but wino isget intb the glaring
quickly retreated to Correct the mietake
had made visitieg the wrong peg,
Had I been fifty , pounds tea** and
nine inches less in height' that eout
might have clothed me with dignity and
eontained a bodkin, four darning need
les, OW large thread nOtales and a
Package of 'email meetile$'; and one Of
those very yea% needle threader. I
2400se 1 should be lest in an IMMense
'thankftflneses ?for this present, for
I am the last man to 10.a needle. (I
don't think I ever Set a bUtton mein iny
!aftesodd years) ...soy wife is an excel-
lent needlevvoinute 'She sines and, she
is Arappy when she is se;sing. You
Shoruld, See the',gleant of delight when
she saw this lahristouts gift,,A.ed Ito*
she Joked 'beingesent to: me)
have had an uncanny knowledge of
the msany buttons on mete and plants
that have gdt loose„ soMellews lately;
atsiehave Ibsen- a• iconetant source ef
trouble. And then the•anysterious holes
that Itave• appeared in socks, and tears
in other 'wearing apparel, 1040 has
been. a bid year for me in that respect.
But now- there will be no ?Vegan- for
no to go eround with a. hanging ea.
missing button, or updarned socks, ok
an uinsightly tear in any ga.rment,:and
espeelally it anyone takes a notion to
seed me some spools of thread and
cotton. "
Ger visitors have been many the last
month. We are always glad to see
our , friends and try to exercise the
grace of shospitality in a glad sort ,of
Wily. Nene were more:welcome than
the trainees in military ate4ker4he'eniii
in from the Brantford ased, Woodstock
-military camper Two boys from ther
atter camp ,were here lest Saturde,y
for supper and we_had a line visit with
l'We'faTIBraTeirali'Ulti&-e--re -srwiii
of Ashfield. ', Cl/1y, what ra tall big fellow
Blake is! Wheel the khaki was handed
out at the censti they r,Vould nave'to go'
to the pile- of largest sizes to cover
'his length and breadth. There is ntith-
ing puny about those farm lads: '
*, r * . * • * * .
The daughter, the:. teachee, told inc 11e doorsto is being well worn. Our
the other day .oiedndueting an examin- cullers of...late have been many. Here
ations in her school of word meanings are a 'few : the boys and girls selling
and how. one boy defined the Meaning Christmas ,eards; wives of men in the
of zephyr; a light 'breeze, as "a wild eillitary serviees end in the Uir service
animal- like a horse •Only with stripes 1 srwho wish •governatent documents to, be
p -and-down." "- ..' *gnett-}for-14identilitation -, purposes; a---
' That was*the Ziay chewing gum. was boy who wished to have a certificate'
condemned by the 'teacher in class. .signed by his miniater'as he Made
Out of a classof forty about tele,weee through it application- to join the nevYse
ehetvieg. The teacher saying nothing ‘a,, man who goesto the Bible to find
about ehevvieg gain qeletre remarked curious things and requested that I
that she 'would like fry see $6, end so should specially read the 18th ehapt,er
and so stay in -After four so she eould of Job and say Who is meant "there;
:Meat: to them' about some matter. These two tough-lookin•g fellows ' 'who said
named happened to be the . ones . they- had-hitelrhiked- from :Windsor and
who were letting. their %jaws have iwanted enough given to theta te provide
-the chewing exercise. The whisper a night $ lodging (how they 'find out
went round, - `4ViThat does • she where_the reverend lives 1 ) t the -insur-
'want erste after filial?? What'iwrong?" anee man tv.ho fele Otte sure I should
By and by ,each One noticed that the be better protected ,fillancially against
c_sthers who had been mimed 'wet* clieW' possible tifisifortnne and disaster; the
dug as' they did their work andexer- canvasser for one's vote to help to get
eiseS. Presenilly a boy get' up, one of municipal honors; the -peddlers of smiall
the offen'derS, and deposited a wad of wares ( they will wear out our electric
mutt in the wastepaper basket. - Then bell) ,and. fast -but not leasttlie-haIting,
another Came up and did the same, and timid yOUng Man who seems hilf dumb'
as Billy Sunday used to get the guilts 'and blushes as he asks if he might see
to take the sii-Wdust trail to the front else alone for a moment. I ktviw wrhat
of the, evangelistie hlall, Ione by one he , has come for before he gets going.
came and,did the Setae thing, surrender- Ile wants to, be married r and I help
big, their eheiv at the wastepaper basket him otit by saying, when he asks if I
br the teacher's deek en.- their 6,-vo11 am going tobe 'Very busy. on a pertain
volition. Ielftethis grim habit on the day, `!`Xes, 1 um, if it, is. your wedding
inereaSe? I ---saw an, old Man in his and you have come'to- arrange 'Air it
eighties at the presbytery of 'the- 114 looks very much : relieved that I
chu:reh 'the . other dlay rchewieg all ,se eaSily came to -the point he has strug-
through one session. At a young ped-
ple's . meeting at a church', just the
other night, five young fellows chewed
throughout - -the- meeting, ---one- reading
the IScriptiires as he did so. I,sn't that
Sooty ANA* if
Pf YOU Wm.
100 (Witt
leuployameit k pretcsl1y
richnocoormot rwitokras Woo, to
liMitirEL Ttix.d Arouttetkor.
Oirourn and Urromon Po' itrOtvx14
Ofircluato trocomrsit of thsit ottility to
haudl. Oar OW Of SOO** Work kr 4
toropotroot xorr000r.
104fARVEL for arsultoreaodeot ress
Ii*bleBeauty School with naivety °kerns
40viore-thirlr stu4asit rv trwo*a to
Pao Ill Uuvri oot r000niturtirorrs undo
tutArto ot fovea* ia evroi brooch
of Beauty Cuittuv,
ENROLL NOW! Write for lilusittirtfr4
00Pkiet. C1414406 now !Omit*.
# Coorodrea Lorribt SAGA
axiowilio pion=
• or noitow TR.A.OT
.(Br H. Johnston In The Louden
kiree Press), t
,th ,period from 1830 to 1845
efi1eia1aot the,Cturada Company as well
as the 'comp ny itself Were made the
butt of an, amount oef abuse that h!
kuown as the Warden of the Forest,
must bear cousiderable blame tor this
fact. -A, writer of nd'intan ability, he
vvrOW-----*The WhiCeh--
painted the 'Buren: Watt inr:siteh rO$ie,
ate Caere that 8 largenumber of Seats--
men were atttoterl to ,61oderie1, in the
years1833, 1804 and len, From (Godes
rich they -erossed.- the Maitland and
locatedein the tOWnship of Colborne.
With charaeberistic pluck' they set-
tled down to hew out heroes for them-
selves; blinding and. elearing home-
steads, • -
. But though a 'measure of success and
contentment came to thetne there was
always the stnlborn fact that coed'.
tions in this land. w ere far from beink,
equal to erhat were pietured to thexn
before'they leflt the old land. They
looked. in -Vain- for the, drawbridge at
the mouth of the river as Shown in the
illustrated -map on the wall of the home
office in London; Fai„T., with the draw
open and a line vessel passing into the
haebor where it fleet of sTessels rode at
a Highland 'fieherman plying 'betweep
the Ridge- and the 1C4ioderie1e side, who
charged a 'York' ginning as his fare.
"Why," asked the elder Airs. Hynd-
man, the sheriff's mother; "why' did
you write as you dild? You must have
knovvri that all of 'The Backwoodsman'
Was not true."
"Oh," was the replyi. "I knew 1 didn't
.tell the truth; but I Wanted good set -
den of, the better *Sort."
The Ilyndmans, tizars, Kippens,
Law:sons, Clultes, John Galt, inniori
and a host of others were of the Col -
'borne Ofique;4while some among the
-English • contingent of linanigrants,,
though hot of the Clique, were anti-
-Canada Oonipany. So *rote the Misses
Lizars in later years.
The Ifirst arraignment against the
• company •e ried three indietunente,
'bridges, roa s and mills, and Henry
Ilyndlian was, the dIrst complainant.
¶rhfltiiestiiIit was a -floating bridge
across the Maitland which parted' in
the afilddle to let pas-sih'. boats through
Strangely enough, the only one to come
to grief was Mre.Elyndanan himself,
He fell in. • •
The building of the bridge was fol-
lewes1 by the erection of Pypor's mill,
but as it was small and lacked power
the Olioue wrote of it thuse "Their
little tuppenny irnilI down op. the Flats
was, Worked- by. a spring, not by the
river, 8,6 It couldn't aiWays rim. ,Twas
just a little tevo-stone mill."
At another time it was charged.:
"Pyper's mill was a humbug 4of a mill.
1,V, did the best :we could and ground
;or own wheat in 'ascoffee mi11 xed
on the -wall, or pounded it with a stone
In the hollowed top of a Et ax,PIL'''-
The lack of ships for titidi1fg the
caftuPany's stores of which its Was said
they sold Only fish, theSineed for the
removal of the bar a:t the -entrance to
the harbor, _and many...other grievances
gate the Clique- cause for complaint.
It was evident that Henry Hyndman I
was not only a clever writer but a "
„master of invectives as an extract froin
one of his contribution s to The 13ritisli
Colonist proves.
A 'Ain IShade had spoken against the
road and bridge building of the Canada,
comptpi3i, In such fy way a§ NJ draw
forth a defencefrom the company's
commissioner. Mr. ,Hyndman did not
lite what the commissioner had written
. and he followed it with a series of
letters to The British Colonist. In one
of these We read:
"I have no doubt the charge against
him (Mr. Sha(1e) will he • triumph a n tly
refuted and it will be shewn that Mr.
•Jones, priding himself on his skill in
navigation, has, in attempting to avoid
Scylla, plunged himself and' thcs, Canada
Company into Charybdis. °My present
business with him 'will ronove him
from thte• Straits of ,alessina, to •the
wlaters..of Lake Huron and the rapids
• of the Maitland, which he may lind as
deep and dangerous aird though not no
salt mulch more bitter." •
Continuing in as:Ong akticle he speaks
.of the bridge; projected to cross the
Maitland,' as the "Suspension Bridge,"
bemuse its ereetion had taken abOut
five years'to hulkL •
An :indignation meeting ofthe free-
We don't preten,d to know everything, but we do claim
to knovir inaolithery and lOw to repair breakages or worn:
out parts.
Our Machine- Shop
is open every daynlid-we are at your service.
W. Stokes
CO4Ly, ou save raoney \as it is coal With little ash, no slate
and 'abundance of heat. When requiring more coal try this
coal, and prove it for yourself.
FORD COKE, del..
in, yard
Chas. C. Lee
Phones—Office 22 House '112
At the
gled for,'Und am so glad to gh•se hiM
services: • r r
. .
, 0
" , •
InSaturclat\gTight John C. Kirkwood
_ ,
registers a protest against tile
nounehrg of many 'words by CBI. and
other broadeastere, and in long para-
graph assembles a number of words
that he has heard Mispronounced by•.
a'nnouncers, and other speakers. Can
you read it aloud without :tripping?
For a few WOrds, sti:Ch as :patrietiem
and ration's, there may be good author-
ity for either of two pronunciations:
"As We sat in very comfortable
chairsh in tont of a blazing Ilye, we
talked aboilt many •things---abeut the
war ; about books; about the vagaries
of Mussolini; about the incomparable
courage 'of, the Britieleoeople ender .the
rainGerman' bombs; about the
decaden'ee of French, morals; about
the machinations of Hitler; about the
Duke of Windsor's. being 'eent', to a;
post -in the BahamaSeabout the Reich's
Balkanaims; about the inhospitable
shores of Northern Russia ; abcattethe
irrefutable rights of Polantk_ti..) he an
independent Country; obOut the irrepar-
Ake damage 1Wilieli'GerilianY 'Itaff done
literself regarded as a country hof learn-
ing and, ceilture; about the strafing:of
German:theld perts on the English
'Channel; 'about Germany's despicable
treatment of colintries conquered by
her; about the inexplicable Japanese;
about the admirable patriotism Of the
'Philanders; 'about ehe inadequate
t'Ion of the (lerinan people; about the
menace to the lelediterrapean trade
route between' tUritain and Pak
East; about the amenities/ of public air-
raid shelters in Combat; about the
neeeesity for greater leisure in these
days Of great tea:talon ; about, the naive
• proposal of tire Axis powers to give
Canada to the United' StateS.if and
• when they win the war abOrat the
baffling problem of the world's) super
litmus wheat production ; about the
,indispatablessaperiority of the; rt.A.r,
pilOtS over. Gentian pilots c, -land %about
, the obligation restino on u114pUb1ie
broad-catlertram141614wood stars. to he
InetietilOusly correct In, pronunciation."
—Mount Poreet Confederate.
A. child tide ditY borstr
A. ehild of high mown,
Most worthy of it alcePterk
A. sceptre itod a crown;
Nowell, Nowell, ,Nowell,
Nowell, sing ell we
IteeitUile the Xing Of 411 MHO
'7!V.as born this Wooed day
''i'$titlinos shepherds heard.
In -field watehing their foltIr
Were by an angel to them
That night revea.al and tO14;
To --w1t-044,111e anek spoke,
'$aying, °.ndre
Be glad, poor eilly eliepherds-,
.Why are you so dismayed?
or lo' 1)4ring you thlin
Of gladness and a mirth,\_
Whieh -eometli to all people by
Thits holy infant'a birth:
Then was there with the wage'
,An host lueentlitelit-
01 hearvenly bright soldierer'
rout e g es .wite sen
X.4 a110 k the Lora OUr
And, his celestial King;
All glory be in'Paradiee,
ThiS heavenly host did sing;
Mul .s the angel tO1d tlieni,
00 to them die appear';
They., found ',tile' Young Child, Jesus
With Mary, his mother dear.
igilgutts :fur altIrtrit-,
maxi- -
A rhyme for Aohristmas, ye good_telks
all, •
,& song tor the time of year, -
Make merry music le bower and hall,
With, hey! 'for a day of eheer. •
But season the jest with a kindly word,
And let love deepen the song ;
In the outer way s thereare hearts that
"' bleed, •
• And hands that labor long.
. •
As the feast is laid, andl the cup goes
round., .
And the, Christmas fun r4ns high,
-Orgentiesieleark-tb theetIolefal-souude
Of the homeless "neath the sky.
For how shall, yo keep the Christmas
Or therish'ifS Founder's name,
Unless that your hearts be open wide
To Ins people's want and ehame?„ -
• holders Of Ooderich, Colborne and -
Stanley Was held to cendeniu Mr, Hynd,
mare but, he„ nothing daunted, eon-
tinued to -write more and more letters.
_ The Dunsosseerote. an able defenre
the company, but the Controversy ton -
tinned for years and probably slid 'some
good. Of one thing we may be certain,
the Colborne 'Clique, led.' by Henry
Hyrodnum, waged a long and' bitter
battle against wliat they called: -the
sins of othission and coroanission of the
Canada Company."
- ' A man whe says his grandmother
raised eight children snceessfully
the West when the Indians were on' the
waniath sendsr along the following:
Grandmother, on a winter's day
-Milked the cows and fed, them ban
Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule,
And got the children off' to school; -
:Ntite; "Did you ever ,Ikee eompany
of women silent?" Ike: "Yeah." Mike:
"When?" Ike: "When the chairman
azAka LO ol&kt VtriyUP,"
.9 # ,
• Agonizing
(Salt Lein)
• No rest, day or night, for the**
afflicted with that • awful tkin dia-
enema, or"sallt rheum as it is
commonly called,
The *Wasp burning, itching and
smarting, especially at night, or
. whet the atecte4 raft exposed to
i3trong heat, or hot water, are almost
unbearable, and, relief is gladly
To get rid of etterna it ia necee-
BOY to haVO the blood clewed by
tee WM of a thoroughly reliable
blood medicine Jet& tot BurdOek
Blood Bittera whisk during the past
60 years has met with great success
in relieving au& diseases by its Wood
cleansing =a purifying properties.
net it. Unborn Co., Ltd., l'amattr, OM.,1
. ,
O4 Yr.
villiMillik909140 ;
on enjoy doping at "wad%
_ ammo 04411.
Cutlery Scissors' Lank irons
Carving Sets Iitch ets
Aladdin Lattips,
TEA POTS TEA -irrnizs
Pocket 'Knives, Razors,
Carpenter's Tools
For :the, Kiddies
11114WCMCV011441Ct. tintarerttart
Did the washing, anoppeththe floors,
Washed the windows' and did some
Cooked a• dish a home -dried fruit, •
Pressed her huSband',s Sunday' suit,
,Se'sept the parlor, made' the bed, •
Baked a dozen loaves of bread; "•
Splikosome Lfirewoed and lugged it in,
Enough to fall the (kitchen bin;
Cleaned the lamps and purt en oil,
Stewed sorde apples she thought would
Spell; •
:Cooked'i sumer, that was delicious,
.And afterwards washed up all the
-dishe.s; '
'Fedi the- eat and sprinkled the clothes,
mended a. basketfu.1 ofhose,
¶Clien"opened the &tan and began to
AWhen. you Como to the End, a a Per -
Pet Da,ye
I1ow march have oost us the evils that,,
never happeeed l—Thomsae Jefferson,. •
'Don't Let It Be
"Too pttle Too Late"
Don't—we beg you—let it bethe same old story—"TOO LITTLE HELP—
TOO LATE!' , •
Don't let Greek heroism blind Ili to the fact that Greek civilians and childrev.
behind ,the lines need help—food, clothing, bOmb shelters, niedical supplies
and .equipment‘.. Don't let Greek courage smokescreen the , fad that Greek
cities—from the immortal Parthenon to peasant hut, are being rath1ess1Sr
bombed, women and children blown to bits.
Don't let the colossal problem of civilian care and, relief become 'a millstone
around the ,neek Of fighting Greece. °
This may be the turning point of the ira:ri Don't let it be "TOO LITTLE
Do ,it now with. dollars—the help that doesn't *have towait for factories or
produetion lines. Greece can tse tomorrow the help you send today.
• For the, people and land where democracy SaW its birth -h -open (your hearts.
Any contribution, large or small, left wall Mr. T. Manjuris, of the Vein's Restaurant
Goderich, for the families of his heroic fellow-coutrymen, will be ferwarded to and
• gratefully acknowledged by the Central Committee in Montreal.
ANY BRANCH of:the, goY4 BANK: of
Endosod is my contribution $.... ,
civilian relief in qyeece.
Name „
Street ...
• • ** le # • • • • 4 .
•• V • • • • • • • 0. • • • • 1,1 • • '•
4 4fOr
• • • • O, • ar.
44•64*0 • I,
• • O. • • • * V • II 4 •
Make eheques payable to GREEK WAR Rztazr rum)