HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-19, Page 5R l fit. 2040 THE OODERJOH BIONAL4ITAR LET THERI BE N %**.* ,40 f'- .*`a, • f., THIS CHRISTMAS What inure popular gift than a p►ir of comfy slippers, . , . Uo°li use then `often and remember you every time he does, We have a marvellous selection to choose from, , • • See them to -morrow. 19 OPERA SUPPERS Smart styling and the finest 'quality .. choice of Red, Brown ' or Black kid vampg with patent leather ' quarter . grand gift. • a F#TY $2.50 SLIDE FASTENER Soft kip leatherqn Wine or, Blochwith padded. leather* ,; covered solesand heels to match , - the--eo1n dart shoe the young chaps like. *"1;75 to $3.00 AOMEt SLIPPERS „Dad's favorite always .",' we `have them in various quali- ties, nevone. a real value leader, —Brack .or Brown, ,in flexible . sewn leather, soles .. , see us soon, they're sell.' i\ng fast. . o 75 to $3.50 TI SLIPPER MEWS LEA. S. AS 10W AS $1.00'. THE GIFT . OF 'GOOD TASTE. • fh. • -Yx-mr t'RtI.L�FI1'8f„H�ONEQy Fantods for quality, KISMET HOS- IERY is known, to thousands of --,. Canadian.: women fori is fine, sheer texture, its long wearing qualities, ••• and; above all,, its economical price.° the o newest Shades in Chiffon or Semi -S wive ., now available, . , her several pairs, she'll - compliment you on- your ,good 'taste. prs. { i GIFT BOXED FREE! aummassumilikowlmummit OBITUARY fill OMA $ jAltiDltNtE Thom** Edgar Jardine passed *way Sn Aleraudrii ll sipltitL UlirIfriday even- ing in his 'slaty -:third year, atter a brier illness. A native of Co'Ierieb, dosed liati► lived here the greater part of his lite. lie is survived Ery' four brothers, John, George, 'Charles dad Frank. The funeral ,was b$0,14 from, Wheeler's funeral parlor on Sunday. afternoon, 'Vv. D. J. Lane officiating. The pall- bearers were William, MedioUgall, liam i11aarke,' John Bell, Bern {McLean, John Graham and Norman *IdP1sa.il• Interment was in Colborne cemetery. ,.a x ill #;:+daTIltbX WAisI$. 1 The 'death of john: 'Patrick Walsh, accountant with the ' Quebec Liquor Commission—occurred recently at his bonnie in Montreal anter a heart attack. 3,fr, Walsh was a brother-in-law of Mr. W. F (Ohigholni► ,A,nglesea, street, Gude= rick, his wife , being the Tomer Miss "Anne iaiaisbe1 i. He was in his: seven. tieth year. A. native of Montreal, Mr. Walsh received his education' at St, Mary's Acadriy.,in that city and served vartonaMontreai firm§ in the capacity of accountant. iSu>rv1Qin (besides his wife, are three 'brothers, Justice J, V. Walsh,,Thomas E. Walsh, K.C., ud Mathew. Walsh of the:Meat Oustems.,,:The uaa a ..•t ahold ty St. a'briel s :ohurch to 'Vote des Neige • cemetery. MRS, J'OS: OLOWUGH The death _of 'Annie 3, Itichardson, widow of Joseph: Colclough, which oc- curred Oollingwood ' on Thursday illys Cars 1938 COt1PE, fully guaranteed 1940 ,S)EDAN, ; •with Company's guarantee- of. avers 90,000 mites, - These• Cars cannot be duplicated. Call at JOHN W. MeGEE'S . now,. rte -these Cars' will save you big money over new War tag Prices. 51 - McCEE loot, r uvod oft oftl rooldio t of Ols- ten. Mrs• ti heron b wi vlattin a oral" Kt (haunt WuO t *No 000tm rl J 1 t failing health, In her eight third roar. Korn on the 21iil couoeUU at Gude- :Itch townribip, sloe married J4oeptr Col - dough and they fit- ed: est the Base line a 4boort distance from Olinteu, Mr. ('titelough died; in 1913 a;i doer the list twenty yearn the (widow had presided in Chiron, She is survived by three sons and one daughter, BOY. J.. 1I. ,fol- elough, reotor of ,the Axtg'lican p .risk; of Thornhill; Albert, err CrOderieli town- ship; Arthur, of lOollingwoOd, and Mit. Wm, Pickett, of 4 derieh township. The remains were (brought baek to Clin- ton fur burial. M ' . 'SAMUEL t,EmI I The death of Mm' Samuel Freeth, the former Itosina Clara FPv'ans, occur- red at her,,hcrn e.of Keays street earl •Sunday morning, after a lengthy ill- ness. (Mrs bireeth was in her seventy- fourth year. ' 'She Was born in, England on October 14,. 1,E16,7, the daughter .et the *late Mr. and Mrl,.',Ceorge ,E`van , came to this country with her, parents as a littlegirl, and had lived : in !Godes richaver , since. Surviving, ' besides, her. husband., are two sons, Ol tford, at 'home, and williaan George, 4 member of the Cana ian .active seerviee forces, stationed ' at I'etaw'awa and tour sisters, ; Mrs. !Elizabeth Wilson . of Waikerv'i lie, 'Maud of Los Angeles., Mrs, Arthur.Be(' iarv'ersr(IIdfa.) and Mrs:k teor Yule. nd"a'Y b►c>tl `e `Geller eIL = The funeral took lace from the family 'residence on Tu sday;a°fternoon, Ite$v. Mr, Taylor of heo Pentecostal thumb conducting the survives. The Pallbearers 'were Emerson Evans, George Yule, Arthur 'Beavers and Robert Doak. -Interment was in Col-. borne cemetery V. T '-a'(RE Michael Thomas O'Reilly, retired Ashlleld township farmer, passed Only. at his home on Napier street during Tuesday night, . in his e ighty-seventh year. Despite his advancedrs,Mr, O"Reiby 'bad given no indication that deathawasso near. He passed away in .his sleep and was discovered dead by his wife' on ,Wednesday morning. • • Mr. 'O'Reilly was horn at K1ngabridge on January 1, 1854, and had farrned••in Ashfield township all his life,: with` the exemption ,of six years spent in Color- ado, Until. moving . here thirteen years' ago. He was a member of the Moly Nome ttotty of lit. kotoeo Ho i titer by hi. tumor %so Otionipiolio ; 4rri sou. Iturdirelt, . Cir 114,0kitiar, ' Wadi.; ; Vikeet r, of Detroit ; Melviu, of Wto , x l+ey, of 'Tomato, and My.ton, of God rieli d three daughter)), Eat' llel ,(Mrs. J. R. l4ntter), of Detroit; Olive, of t ieago, and Isabelle, of Detroit.; and thiee sisters, Mra• :l'attriek Vino, of Gdrieriele Iiira. William, Mellarthy, of leing+ibrittge, and iMrs. Thomas Dren- nan, Of Ringebridge. Eleven grand- ehildre t. also survive, The itarera1 service will,be held at it. Peter's ehurck on $atut'ay amaorning- lntermeat will be in Colborne R.C. cemetery. ' MRS. MURDOCH '3.taeliONAID The death ,iii, 'Flora ael)on.ahl, widow or the late. Captain Murdoch MacDonald, occurred suddenly at ,the home of her daughter, axis s'Jiazel Mac - Douala, Winnipeg, on ;Monday last. Mrs. MacDonald had !teen a 'resident e _.Gotlerieh for fifty-six years before moving to `WTin peg'four ;years `ago to live 'with her, 'itu liter. ;She was par-, ticularly well "known in Preebyterian church work here and her,. passing o rasions deep,regret among the mermabers of that (church. She was a life member 'of the .Women's `Missionary 'Society', a former president of the Lad+ies'' Aid, and w,4$ also Itetive in Women', Institute work," , • Mfrs. „diaui)onald was bora at Kilt- eardi " 1 =the daughter• oaf.;kt and Mrs. Archibald MacDonald. In 1880 she married ;Oapt, Murdoch Mac- Donald and made 'her eine with halm in . Goderich. Capt. Mael)ona1tb who was well known as ':a ;Orrea't Lakee skipper, lea his -life .-hy:-,drow,ning- in 1922. flurviving Mrs, aIacDonald are two daughters, ►Haz 1 N., of Wihnipeg, and. Forme$ J,, of Toronto Ctwo sons, Gordon, Dighthouse• -street,. town, :and:. John,, of California; a Sister, Elizabeth, of Nev York, and a brother, •: yD, S,i MacDonald, of ,Kincard'inie, • , The remains Were (brought to ,Erode- rlich, uriving 'Wednesday at •noon: .TheY•stedat the hone of Gordon • cID�uald 'Lighthouse street,until this. (;Thursday) afternoon, when the funeral 'service took place -there, Rev. D. •J. Lance officiating, .• The .pallbearers were Norman MoKay, John Baker, John Marwick, :Oharles •S'aj.inders, Ater MacDonald" and Donald Wiggins. In- terment was is Maitland Cemetery. %wu GODERWCIi TI1NE IN: THE Agnew-Strhpass flINTPARADE—T :WEDNESDAY 1.30 to.8 pall., E.S.T. 8,30• to 9 • p.m., D.S.T. ' S• Og STXPWE5 L-1MiTi;b CFRB " 87 STORES. IN- CANADA CHRISTMAS GItEETINGS • The passing years :serve only to in�eree,se the sincerity of • dour greetings to you Merry Christmas OURRIE' visited aft the home of Mr, and Mrs. ' David Little the-pase week.. ' Mr, Jim Drennan, who has been 111 inteoderich.-hospital, is somewhat inn proved., Mfrs. (Bud' Earrish went to Toronto 'Sunday,- having secured -a position there.- Mr. Dob-rarrish also, is vworking in the city, ' IC rump l coatasT ai s, Deer,. V. -- miss Anna Mae Farrish, who' spent the past 'tvvo : vmreeks in, ;Toronto, returned home_ on Saturday • Miss Myrtle Johnstone Of; !Goderielk spent the w k -end at lier i}le-life Mr. ° and Mgrs; Jerry' Alton of ,Algoma i ' 1841 Gel ' Your -: .1841 auto Markers rand PhitlYIIT CARDS early The applications: on your 1940 Permits MUST -RE FILLED' IN AND SIGNED, before presenting 'them for renewal. ° All Permits t. -expire. .December ..31st,.. 1940.• _w. WMac, r-' Wico:„ a: At 1VIacVICAR'S - SHOE- STORE Box 414 Goderich • en !n ! Ulf ..visit•the Kegis- otel .Sherbourne St• at Carlton. One. Hundred Modern Rooms With private baths, showers and private. 'tele r1 ,' : I b p9� •Rooms, single, from $'2,00 to .$2.50 Rooms, double, from $3.00 to $3459 and $4.00.. Good Food served at moderate price. Dancing nightly; no cover charge VIM ponompap Trtivx :Lastfy top VVVVVVIAITIIIM • IwiY JI peinhe inute hoppers ll fndmany pleasing and practical al personal gifts and gifti for .. r °•tire house. 1 gifts'.in Christmas , boxes and, specially wrapped in Christmas a r Our paper for coneenM nee. shop at the, Christmas store TO OM ]Y/' 1 t FRIBNDS jiNti OUSTOMERS WE EXTEND SINCERE, CHB,ISTMAS GREETINGS. MAY PEACE ON EARTH( AND GOOD' WILL TO HIEN ,. SOON'' PREVAIL IN TTS TROUBLED WORLD..' Store GEO. W. SCHAEFER due Phone !i8 14111' t. J. VIM .111114VV PetiVereMI a. 1 t W nth Fiowers..... • ,,Thus Christmas- Season call and see 1ti:r stock of Flowering Plants and 'Cut Flowers. Owing to the dull weather we would • advise you- to order early 'and save disappointment.. GEO. STEWART - Florist Godes ch• , Phone 105 vemetwoovetwacte J J }./...� .ro . xy Imtartv-tr MILLINERY I R .rA`w . xy trvirvtar TO THE LADIES OF GODERZCH AND;. VICINITY WE THANK YOU AND WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND kik HAPPY NEW "YEAR. McKinnon's Millinery ryr Phone.. 455 " The Square... Az. 13 14' . YT ast-• tit x„ ugges tions! $1.89 to 43.50 IIl WOOL . WATEz,. VXneek,, button and . zipper sfyle. MEN'S FINE KID . GLOVES, fleoecwIiued, .. , Y . .95c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, collarr' attached and, 1 ': 100 • separate collar ., , f Y y, Y ,..• • Y Y Y. Y Y, Y. Y 1 M MEN'S FANCY' PITILOVER,S, all sizes . .95e to $1.95'' MEN'S SILK ANI) WOOL OOL SCARPS Y , . , .- i . ,. •Y . .. i Y i1,Y . • i SCARPS.... • Robins Ltd. Agent Tip Top Tailors .+.. R.- MO wwwµ •\. Phone '384 • Square KING! AIG An Old Resident Passes.•—thie dreath of Miss Ellen . 'Reilly, whichocenrr:_bd_- t a f ` sudor an 'k`hurs ay,"December S'ft i,: m. removed ori old resident of Kingsbridge. Miss .O'Reilly was in her eighty-second Year. 'S'he leases a brother, RevJohn O 1'eilrk,•, of -Reliance, 'South, Dakota, and two sisters, :Misses Rose and Julia O'Reilly, of London, The ' remains ,Were lbrought Icingsbridge.for iburialr_, requiem high mass being celebrated in St. Joseph's church on IMonda morn- ing by her brother, Rev. J. O'Rei 1y. •gave• a1tting ser=- mon. The , interment was in -St. Joseph's cemetery; the pallbearers Ibeli g Murdoch McLeod, 'Tina 'Griffin, James Garviey, (George Drennan, Thos. Garvey and •John O'Connor. FERSQNAL MENTION -'fir: anti Mrs. D.,7U.• Downie left_ for Toronto on Tuesday, to Spend the•winter in that City. Mrs:' .Elizabeth 'Hardy of •Listowel is a guest with ,Mts. •H, •Philliips; East Street, • .. Mr, and illus. jack ,Allenn' left on wed- nesday, to spend the winter in Coiling= wood , Xr's. Fra nk ohnston is.enjoyin -an S —CORNERS .,j 0. The identical gal i nt 'in three lengths . J . with as x i . t e adjustable: (patented waistixneafeature nor;; . la both �i 'makes alis adient flit as lilt odd and:even Sizes , .. �' .r were custom' made. Designed ,,of figured batiste with `chme"knnit anelsa ' a bft told of lade ti Mod, ls'clastic 2486A.. ►,veragee "gall Averes a�r F. '� hart Rve.a�� ' During the-. festive holiday season. every woman °wants to look her best either entertaining or being entertained. When she wears a GQS.A.RD GARMENT �h .,oa n sure her figure l oks !aultless and: hergo o b @ beautifully. TREAT YQURSELF TO A CHRISTMAS Gift— NEW7GOSSARD-G-ABMENr Miss ernabur fllxp�tfersetierr' give ou Personal attention. HIBBER`T'S still b.avb .a good assortment of `' Ghirist�gms:. merchandise: Why not.. make,out your: Christinas ' gift list' today and' visit -- "The',-�' - • • .�,� p` _Shopp.r: OPEN" EVENINOS• F`. • w ' rwonannmorzrzt*Iirttrior N. Ste, extended visit with "friends at '%ask- atoon„ < . Mrs. J'. Braphey and +daughter, Peggy, have gone to Montreal for a visit with' the iformer'a Sister,1Mrs:.R. N. Wickens:: Messrs..:NoSrman CGolclorigh. •aild Ogle Miller, of town, were paiibearers at „the funeral of - the late Mrs. Joseph 'Col- clough at 'Clinton on Sunday, °: Mr. Col= .d.ough'.-is _ olephet e the deceased. ILLXAA1ipE; & -SON GR,thTB • n ' "WORD,-. 1.451 Sty Fatriclt St. T. T O •, sTRA ��, O •IiirgeSt Stock. In. Western Ontario - To Choose From NO ADVANCE IN PRIM: fs vi HAVE 1 GIVE SE1V Fp he famous ARDLEY suggests ihete shaving acce sol'y IMO: for a'ginntleman you wantto: please. 14.60 Campbell's' lE -p AVVInT HE GIFT THAT YO STEMS RATE "TOPSil A BROWNIE We *have ,them from$1.25Upin thelatest, smart- est models: Gifts of Kodaks and Brownies Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets $1.96 and up z Christmas Cards. '4) Leather Bill Folds Gift Sets in Arden, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Hudnut's, *Rubenstein, • Apple Blossom andhosts, of other Gifts. WRITING PAPER and CHESTS OF STATIONEEAY` 'APEPEITES You are welcome to look or buy Phone 90 VITOTAltalla4 AV Drug ..r� 44/ \ _eler• ' s . A Chattning dud frown r ' polr ... tiluet . Gross Rowes Mist, 8lu Gross Dusting ' ' 'Cawtldr, to o gift box that's Qoderich t and goy . Ms �~Ir