The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-19, Page 21,440 IWO E GODERICII SIGNAIrST tr tiberith tiai-itotar QUN$INIIIOfrytu Ii411)Eutou SIGNAL .AND TUX GC/DX*101i STAU IDS filenal-Star Pre" litetitc4, Wein Street, Goderiele Ontarle tummy, pima -nut iou is -THAT XISrDIO OPRVLUS The proposal was Made itk the Town' 00-tmeil at its last Meeting 'that aorae Portion. of the large eqrpins Ilydres , the hands of tiiePa' blie'Util- is,'404-.'41Otild be rebated to. eitstentere The proitl, 'rtas , by Condi and was vaated to,the Vitale Utilities Coministion, whielt at it Meeting held glace teat tie action. Upon.3I; There was on hand aid. la the thault Iteeerobe1st i9, the till* Of $11,884t7tt te the credit of the Codunise -Mote electric. department. "Z edditimi tbe ttOttumaltetleil „held bends. to the *Mount of *1.006 plirelrased Omeare apluS ,..fteadeteittite.,, eleetrie 'departotentamWaL, knewn a hellyclreacoen This means 'that at the eed of 1039 there was "a 'Hydge Surpltia -of ,8134IS, in the hands of the ,Conlinissio». chelieve-.41though the figures have notbeen published' thatthis eurplus waa at least net raved! during the •preaen.t year, Ottiongissiont has no Waritint 'for accumulating :and bold- ing snob it siirplats. "power at coet" Is the dttydro slogan, but eonsiimers •Goderich have been paying more thin .eoet„, even at Wahl& Tate at which the Provincial, ilydre sells power to this No • end would expeet the ite, counts to eome out ex:idly even, or would there 'be any ebieetiOft to the , fitommistetono• ooluing a Sumas surp.us ptovideefersemes sur - Ow et nearly: 303,000 is, we submit, en- tirely tuireaeOnable,and ualtistillable. HYdrootnsteitlip ifind the...going ter iirraeloriSef--Fra liar& these days eertainly have a right :althe Germair ttattitteelatatutgataaHeemet„eaateet mean. ,laot June, there was tsome concern as to pay Oter,raoney Which goes to Wild To...`the7litte ter--r---"W-Wodiehouserothe• British. humoriet, Who avas teat heard uP u'intge tmrplus.ie the halide of the . -4 -11o.urged by the Coramisslon repdtted 'to be in an iaternMent eamp th. It Should have a large fund at band ttvith which to restore thetplant lit ease' of extraordinary damaee by • 'storm or other .eause. sue.li ease-- , which may- neversticeur---the. lOonine niOu alwa,:ys. the able,: to pr4cure iftleAS in the usnal 'wan by the issue .0 debowaos. it was never intended that the OomillitOiciet ehould have the power , to accumulate funds, euffleient to make large capital. ,expendituree. • There 'is, indeed, ' 'danger "Int having ao. Ittrge-sastsurphissat hand -What; --is"; to. prevent the tOcarents- -Slott from spending the money on Some smeller* undertaking, without even: a, "by YOur leave" to the people Of the • town? The present, Members of the °omission may/ have no such deSign;" more Propagauda, but more &terra • taloa tipou the part, of the people, hi aed low, to fa.ce any saerlilee rather than that Bitter sheuld' Peraated. AO survive, • • EDITORIAL NOVO -Sa'...yS The Conditir Fete Press. ""The, real cempetition between the Italian •a.rmies iit'Albarda and Egypt is to' see who van run Faso -1St." *' * ie aumetneed 10:at the Nobel peace prize twill not be attarded this year. Why 'not pess. it around, among the Xtalia4 soldiers?—theg, evidently dowt ilehtingt * atoliteof thosetelever statisfielatt g. and 'wittcing ti* S has digit -red ent that if every Canadian heard' all in Vie saelielfittantr `this winterwould eat forty afro.' applee tvve salVer mealhas become almost a" Canada's surplus e the fruit would ;(art..123:tr l'a.ealcil°Nve" up at • 44aite. disappear. Well, bring on your apples. ta%14eivjhreralir3 high eMinhairwaunildsiiret tblattee * vitamins prescrihed, by, Door It is etflue. arrtingeMent to -have the Soon she'll Start climlAng up and riding' _ en the side-guarda of the ehair cotit shortest days just when winter oeppki boy fashion and when 'Mr; jets to ,Ibite. ,hard. The _lengthening days, her 41,1ovvn. on the floor shell edge "around are a sot -off 'to the ImoWiedge that the hired Man and come tigging at my still ahead of us. a ttentlon. • • PhII Osiferof Lazy Meadows By IWO' J. Boyle, SPOILING 'POE CRUD fl'sdaFic the* night's When we finish the chores. Last ifligheit Was snowing a . bi'gr white Antes thot: spewed a little as they hit the :lantern glass .. left big blobs of wet when tlietr, melted on a person's face. It had Wu Melted on a, p4)rson"s tat*. Lor the anost"Part wresilint,"' with erooked: limbs and 'top"' wood being hauled up. to buts for "next winter's woed supply. 4, - Stopping to blow out the lantern, I eeuld hear. a Pair' of uneven, toddling Steits tripping. across the.kitchen floor. Who I Stopped to brush the snow trom niy boot, , tlie eound of "Dal*" seemed to reach; out and! Stab nie somewhere in. the vicinity of what I have atwoo supposed to be a heart,' „ ,;was ratrieia, Ann, toddling, out to the door in that 'drat stop" .,geit Of hers. There she 'watt eteadyiug Jaereelften the chair Weide. the door and waiting to, be PiClted up. t Waiting to slide two ehubity lite around ta, weatheredeneek, untniedfal, of the melting ,anow and. there are many weeka Of eeed weather avieralls, tOetierallY "I don't pay tiny - "Da .'. - . Da" . . . aed the tug grow$ more impatient ,. mid she fbially wins The' IStiltford, Sage, who holed up bY f1)911-ig *lied' 11.13. She's a queen in her own rightS, We waea oe snow .came, eraerged „for a . . , , s are her hatable sabjects, No daimon& while during, the recent mild, spell and or crown jewels glitter on her "ingeni •predicited; an early slue*, - .Before re- .. . . just a elrifitity- fist that has more omit Views oit fil#0 War A Vattnittlittaltinitt , AN• Aft6f.INIENT VOX REPRISALS •lteprisals is not a very satisfaetory tierxn, for it inay seem to connote an eic. molt of vindictiveness. It is important to recognize that,the whole questiou'is how - it is right and best to deal with the enemy--.4with this'enemy. The term reprisal is used in cowmen par- lance to cover both revengeful ation, which men of, .goodwill clierattS• aud also diselplinattr retribution, which many ;considering melt support. 'With this eaution expretsion 'may erePloYed Or the sliacussion of the ettb- tect. , It is the men who have seen with their own eyes the naked 'motel- ity of the enemy and his revolting end, bloedthirsty etneltY in tilling Wentela children and. refugees.. and' In leaving men to drown, that feel,Mest -certain that Any magnanimity is misimder- atood Whit and that he 'Sees in it . only a fresh .chanee of ekteedirtg his barbarities unehecked. -There need be treating again to his Winter quarters be iniinence, least; in' bOuselYAll. you're spoiling that child " said he 'wished .everA0d7 a Wer.TY Mrs. Phil 'frowns down from the oth;r Ohristmas and teihaltliy 'New Year and out 4)f the table, but yatrielit. Attu nettedy tethotherthinitfor the-next-semlles and).proesied0-40:ife undistUrbed week.s: to accept the odcasional offering of- nOthing ItindictiVe In reprisals under- taken merely (1) to Make the situatio plain to the enemY, boat leaders And people in a language they etiz sunderatieltd,-*Ildt, (2) sto,,Tattke them -cease from bpi:Oleg groups of barnaleeS and. hetpleastindividuals and residential . Without, repudititing Gladsbone's dictlim that nothing ean. be politically. right WhIchtb morally wrong, we may observe that disciplin- ary and reformative' severity is not -ro.thlessneaso That Undoners should demand re- prisals for the unprovoked and terrible Wrong and Injury done to them, that they demand retribution, is right. and human. Their demand ist, more Mei than. not, •discuesed In terms of re- pmroorarteila,seauSse,thleu,Abereltas:mr:or ,()a 1.faeeeki of Vilagiattidhe masena,, wworactons, aandweillinniorgnoe, swrst way to atop terrorisoe tbonoblge Passionate desire shows a lack of moral war. he., breaks the spirit 'of the It is essential that the Germantt be aenset ands a very grave'. lack. There Unglish lie Will certainly .bave wee the taeglit e lesson, that they and their is only one ease against rePrisale— war. It is equally true that if the ehosen leeders, -be made ,to suffer the they Must not be undertaten If to do spirit of the Germans is broken, Ger- conaeellences of crime and outrage. 86 Is.te ,diartinish the number and the many will have lost the war.. If re- ,The German' terroristic' wotem must force oe the blows which are needed prisals will help to defeat her, it would, be broken, for to break it b to bring to break the power of Germany. If re- be wicked as well as polish to refrain the defeat of 'Germany much nearer. PrlealS were to prolong the. war by from taking them,' now that civilian Only those wilo have access bo the tuns' - available evIderiee Red are familiar' -'dlverting-Mentand maehinea feete epee. morale has been made let° a military Special's for Christratui ANGO4 GLOV,P3',, liu Grey, Brown, Red," Meek White, Green., SPEV.IAlio .1.95 LINED GLOVES Women% guest Impelled rult.on Lined Uhl Gleves. Bought away wider value. Reg. 2.54, Pair I (IQ 1VLADEIRA PILLONT.VAOES Aland embioidered dainty.' design's in 'Sat colorings or vvhite on line -heatartluhing. Nee* boxed. tionunikatece. ot, at his villa in.Franee. Bis now In a - diStant part of GermanY. He ness of the tone •adop.ted. Men's Finest All Pure • /R1811 LINEN 11.A.NDkEROSIBPS , „Size 19 x 19. Hemstitched. 89 dozen bought a Year ago at pre-war.priee. 35c 3 'LOO MEN'S ANGLISII TIES Each Tie labeled. "Teatala crease resisting , . -crepe-Made' in"Englaud."Verretilelecto Speellall . ' Pair LS • SILK BED• entails size 80x100 'Rose, Mauve'', Oda, 46.1retin. Specially,: Priced - 2075, VtEWO 001F, Ibuidreds. tit ehoOse front. Seleett Patterns. Sizes 10 to Many regular 750. Pair Ut".; ' illOOSPIELU ALL, WOOL, SLMMATS ‘Sl'alty jolted in sizes. 6'904- '64x84 1201 'Women% Wash DOtORIN 'GLOVES • weent Ene,land they tame:, Tra at size! fir White or natural, Christnnis re; .raitt;1.95„ • tweroarmftimmic SRNA RIMS Reversible, size .,4Qx6a. • €`BarrYmaar'' Mahe. 7Itirge tellieietr of tneetttlesigitsto-M,o, colors' to harmonize-, Each , , eson Son topolowit tOrtart,414 there must be, le the not only doing evil:tot its own 'sate: be Oat, the victitas are not 'being a(.1e'131.1t rePrisabisomemg continue% and as • he is ,trying to kill, Wound, terrify, and I get -Aerator defended, 'for it Is by no meant' WratriStle h t t rrortstie ,bombing is not the sZatuenblne:senesthaenod:ettrhaetegitl000cellit:1•174:„1°4aavvapninoaaiiiitt. tat the 'Royal Air Foree 'owlish* an ascendancy In the air,, there will be no , limit to the hut-lima:kix ideal* which. Hitler and Mussolini and all the other gangster rulers' of ourstime will up. ho_ld:haeesNaiennettelaelnttoh theene ‘tuehriyvaLorynaofeath)e.. . twith-ethe-spsiraaryesl ations needed to ensure rapid and de. ottectiwhy the ;Germ I suppose, ive a.by•girls are victory, then -reprisals are not B,'Spoiled, food not included:1.n, her regular diet. 4 to be tholight of. The attack on Ger- -by-tlieir-fatherst'--4t-oeems-thatst gen'e.rallY 'Pre to the whismile inkinition works, br(Yitlirm"efi gese railway 4)11 alYlsim-e- tcherm of a babyiirL They frown and appear sten” . . . indr-Say;-11Nitivr,'-doxf,t, 33.ti°uattydrYeciarngiaanu-deltwoattgincag4r*.teir-gprIsri:e. you let tateh you doll/g that again. war, , Hitler has made the civilian But :when Mother lent looking, • they morale a military object. It is true gently pat the tiny one on the hands •that he delights in cruelty and in every and try to appease for the slight harsh- kind of abomination for Its own aakee He and his associates are coil creatures - But in Waging tertoristie war- he IS Seems to b,ave run 'into a. spot of trouble "front which even Jeeveo could not eitriate him ' , , but they have no pe,rpetual lease Of office, and 'their sueceesors, finding themselveS in. ecatiol of such a plum, Might make short work of, it. • ' The figures given as to the extent of ; the local Ilydrto surplus are front the publitihed report for the year 1930. The COniraiseion issued no statement at ,election tune this' yea.r, as has been the ettetort4 nor did' either Of the elected - -Members of the Commistiontappear at the nondnationsmeeting to Inform the elettore as to the operations ef tth,e year. Was this fair to the electors? * * There' was eoneternation -last Week when it was reported that the vessel Western Prince on which 'Hon. .0. D.' Howe 'had stilled for Europe had been torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic; but later it became.41tnovvn that Mr, andtthree *facials a his depart; Motherhave a hard task on. their hands aa, far 'as baby girls are con- cerned, It the baby girl grotee up to be an -upstandiag model of femininity, . .sthe father hellos . with pleasure •ana accepts all the lavleh pref.*. If the girl falls by the -wayside or grows . a little tomboyish,. ,the fathers growl and groan about the present generation and say to the motb.ene, "Well, if .yoir haen't babied her, nite that, she would have turned out better." From My own meagre eitperience I. The decision to abstain from re- prisals' for terroHstic bombing •seems ,tostes_a_psythologimitowalticeltoand strategic error: Bitter has again be allowed, le, get :away with .it.' He threitenk-d-thrr countryand'hettlitut carried, out his. threat, with apparent iinpunity. He has resorted to terror- ism, and there:hi no bitting back on half of the men, WoMen and children who are his victimJust retribution is not being aceordede—it may even . • . A. BUSY SEASON Although oftle figures are not evail- lutditmeeineLsintnamtiry beeanthfaotrm.thea4esruireal 1).-Etete,sfrm'reielle_o'asect°U11:utaite_til'aueasons:141pRT'2:.„:aebslilimilateit aottacka eonptrhaettome_foe `invasionrpo;;onitstmainly heal: ircdaal.:.tie come; but it Is none the -teas necessary Great Lakes history. At Ittiedsor navit -thatothe --deruratet-thoMe -front,' tbe eetiontreentsaidotheomiorrement„--or met tamale of the German elyillantpopula- eels between the upper and 'lower takes tion, be treated as a military Objective was not :far bchind bhe 199 banner (and therefore as a legitimate target), year. More than 20,000 ships weed : even if opinion may, differ with regard through the Detroit Ittver during the to its importance• as such. The time seaeons ThetSoo estimates, treflit fifty- -- for reprisals, may, therefore, be not yet: 1 percent. 'healvier ithan in 039. would say that fathers are to blame' Ellett who, accemPanied hun' were safe. • •for the spoiling of baby igitts. As one ifietve as Minister of Munitions aud • Iv wnf THE., Viiiit Prom :time .to time there, app,eat In the "Preitt eoteplaints that, Canada is ' taking in war leadership, and ronto Saturday N'ight In Ito latest issue urges the formation of a ',department at Ott .iitvi with the funetite of "info ing r the people Of Canada wjth a nev to Noducing . and • Maintaining the Psychological state known as the 'will to victory." . ., I Those who say that 'Canada needs a 'ithttrehill ignore the tat that (Churchill spoke and wrote for Many years In Britain without arousing the people , to any degree,' lt wasetvhda invaelon threateoed and bombs began to fall • on :Britain that the'people tinted , to • Ohurchill, and he has since been rheerd with the applause 'that was sit long denied, him, Bombs are not falling- on ., Canada, ,any danger of invasio seems very remote, end a dozen Churchill 'would not atouttalie people of Canada as the people „of England and Seetland hal* WO) aroma by the seund tf falling bentbs ,and crashing Itundingo and s.the sight, of people lwoinuled and kilted in the battle of .Bilitain; We doubt vert". anuch the advieabilitY of setting up oneh a* departmeet aS Satur- . dattkttight 'meioses, with Ile attendant expense. The Government is urged to - do this and do that, all entailing ad- ditional expense arid the diversion a entro twin iittue whic31 in all Nob,- ' ability are more hnportatit mul necesi- mary„ In all the flood of , advice that te 'tieing peered upon. tire Government the most Sen,ellste, it eeems to us, was the sumestion made by soineone writ), 104 toote 'of the Toronto papers, that a dedttetion of ten per Cent, should be t Sakai 3155S reePonilbIfity dot the mil:171:te :trhemeeengc%ivffaitn'tio.t4 fi'ult'seyou-s6ngli. ries() vast program of Government .eXpendit turellor, war purPosee, and his voyage 'to ',Britain is forthePurpose of -further-. ing co operation between 'the, Britbh and idanadian "Gorernnients in'the pro- duction a supplies reqUired for sthe fighting foree.t.' . * * * At the manual meeting of the ,Bank of Montreal the president, Mr.,EI. R.' DruMmond,_ said Int.the' course of Ids $100,000,000 year. , but ao_snauch niter to spoil them, . 'God bless their wee heart." " THERE IS A ' LIIVffT • (Winuipeg Free Press) • 'Becauree the Government is able :to find a -met amqunt of ,money to carry, on the war, tlie '.V.resterp. . Producer asserts. that it can afford' to see that 'the farmers are paid a good deal more for• their Products, Suggestion4 :what the additional payments shyould be would put the total at well over - address:, The svar will -take all the money The marvellous Manner in which the thie Government an 'possibly obtain British people have adapted themselves2 and with such enormous demands upon to the conditions oftwar and have been able to maintain the production of ex - .,parts, with Which to pay fortbe pur- chase of munitions from abroaa,---has been one. of the most impressive spectacleS of our 'time. The latest re- turns. available, which . cover the firet tvvelve months of 'the war, show that in that period exporat amounted to nol lees than, 070400,000, as compared leith £3,O00 000 in the coniparable pre-war period. Of this, Canada. has taken an.inereasing eharetatid I would like to add my verde that of besineet leattera all over the Itorainion, urging our • people to give" at thie time prefer - the ecenornic reeourees a the country, the danger a Inflation will constantly have to be guarded against,. and even they gannot be wholly -prevented. To Increase ,expenditure still !further, for porposes thetproseeittiontot the war, would bring Iittlation that mutts, eloeer. , " It is an' utter. Mietake to think there is practically no limit to What we can "afford." What would the farmers gain 'from the p011ey urged by the Western Produeer and others if they had to pay, say, 50 per cent. more for all their supplies? There IS a.,,very real limit to what the tGovernment ean enee to 'British :goods in their purchases and to make people discontented over of bitportetkproduiets; for every dollar's hnpraetical demands only causes (115 - worth' so purchased helps Britain in union at a time who we all need to her, war effort and helps Canada too in the matter of exehange, * * General Sir Arehibald Wrovell, cone mending the British forces Dgypt, is a Man •of genius.' Ile 'believes in in ,wideit he took the Italians into `canto It all has to' do, apparently, with pull together to pat teinatta'e anaxinium strength' behind the Allied'eatiee. , DON'T LIRE TI1E BAYONET . • (Halifax Herald) • A. 'Fascist spokeeman says bayonat lighting is "a barbareus. fon:kilt War- n:levet:meet and surprise, and the manner fare,"' , • "`whote ox is gored." • revelation of what can be. ac- corapliehed outside the rates of ;military. text -book etrategy. Ile is said to have degeribed the ideal Infantryman as combining the qualities of 'a succeseful . .thiriped bombs on theta. MuSsolini's. son (wasn t It?) ex- patiated tbel"heauties", of bointhing Afritan natives): how bands of these poor defencelesa ,creatutee used to "open like a rote" when Faseiet plaues poachet, eatIburgiar atel gunman.. „As If men anust, fight, the bayonet is a Scot, it. would I* in, Ms nature to make the utmeet .poseible. use of his resourceo, atel hie success in outwitting and dioloaging a foree ranch steteriot in. nuinbero to bis own, with. slight loss about the, nearest approach: to even. h.and-to-hand eileounter in these times Of mechanized warfare—and innocent women and thildren are not tettaghWred in the Preces- " The Fesciot' Oka ot-'ibarbartein" time would seem to ectielst of, any ,tind o to his ovina men, and in ,alnaost no a r ehance. Itttt, to ride high above the doodle, and rain death and destruet cove. We may hear a Ian. laftcr in tion npon civilian populatione — that the Brinell ,offenoive ,against the:, °96,..,,..°1C° of O111,11111 In tlte fortes in nuroPe, and, it wilt be iatereatecc°wftrw'4 warfare in which, both sides, have a at all, stantpa Wan aetthe poasessor of tt a brain -that la tvorth 'eeveral army . • ing to ,see hoW he halidles the Nazi "DON'T STOP ME NILE We • celebrate tiiis...,Seaiort of Goodwill in comfort, our brOtheri,.siSters. and .comrades across the sea live -ineath Tthe shadow of •death :• decith.let-loose from the skies by. the monstrous hordes of Kciticlowand Paganism.: At .this are particularly reminded of the debt we owe to those whose service and sacrifiCe make it poisible. for us to enjoy Our. . I Christmas midst' the oirefree,kkappiness children and fond ' parents . . . those valiant en who. ,patrol the skies, man the the ships, stand bythe guns,. and. place .their all et° even ,unto life between Us and r the -eneMy. .7, • -1-low,can we pay Oa debt.ta.othenit The least we can do is. to Save every dollar that we carkand lend it Canada, ' so that Canada can provide ii'VerOhiing, in pitinitions and equiknent to fortify these for the defence. o'f'Our. country and our civilization , _bur Saving*. should. be inveited in- War Savings.Certificates, and we .shouldr continue to save .and invest in-Wor Scivi.ngt Certificates until • . -Victory is Won. The widow's .1114t, COVOS CIS ,the more fortunate ones' plenty, 't.at-°evi(cienCe of servictio':sattifice..and,determinatiOn. . . - • So then; whatever else you, '40 this Christmas season, save and. .invest in. War • 'Savings .Certificates. The •,ver'yo.consOpusness of your 'service in the' Defence- of your homeland will make greater yOUt. ..personal eniCiyitent of Christmas. ' general:3a • , theterowd eommuters thinned • out, the bartender sate an old custoiner . Teta ' sittitte atone at a table muttering to - 0°°31), hinisell. At, tines he'd laugh heartily Canadian applea are noW at the Peak mid "ttt otherS eutrthe air with his %and of.perfeetion; •Ityieerving apples &erg- in a gesture of dis4104. Ite Nvas day, Canadians are serving their ously pixilate(1. eoontry too, ; War is reetrieting the 1, stamen as he was. free, the bartender full extort, of aPplete . I went over to, the table "Mr. ItenSon, Apples contain high nutritional valui. you've. ittlgsekg'our usuat. train. .1,1rs. for the eash.,,expended, They are, new Boston tvili be Worried, What are Yet; • • sate niade from the solary of every worker being offered for tit•eonqumera a 0 ng of the elvil serviee at Ottawa who la 1 mtlel'' 11*"4-T rtiftin ii'v."'age .sizeand "Can't I just. Mt here calla tell MySelf quality owing to the higher minitatim Storlee?" Mes,l3ensoti asked plaietive, reeeiving V1,000 nr roora. . 11 - i government grade ,whielt WAR in/titttted ly. 4 in/vette* finance'', are under a ter. 1 a year ago andk 48 *till in effeet. Only k ISurelts eurele." the barkeeP (teethed • rifle strain att1.1 pteple will realize there the better quality atiples are available MM. "Mit what doe that geatUre Of a vrar on when they. Mid they havg fr"ii' fruit 'Alt fit"Plablit re"' man'" aid t,, mop ssl,rmeolit, what is nstooc *dial% Vhfistmas preaent ia s barrel, "Oh; ' flint," 'mMrBn . eson, beam. , If barreti, hamper or box of Canadian lug; "that''when I tell mymelf one I've to *In Ore wsr 1* ykot 'film* OPeetlit'op ° apt**. 0 heard before r"---Ileader4 Digeat, w. H. sorss do 0004 fivitibtors, Joint Notion& holtmon,WorSavtagil Contraithatof, Ottawa •