HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-19, Page 1, 10 Pages obertrb $ tna Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star • rm. 10 Pages iillaliVirgooNp YVAN,. Pupils Provide mita Program „wit $oint Meeting- of llomeNand 434001 IFF.* Olos Entertained, at Victoria 00401 at in the kindergarten rOoM of Vitoria school °Was Oiled Oe, Thurs- day • &ening last. The oeseefilon'estite joint meeting of Vietoria and, Central game end Selteol Chiba; the sPeela at traetioe-the alinouncelment that, pupils a the tvvo echools Weu.14 PrOvidia- -musical program, ter the eVening. The President of 'VietOria Vitib, Mr% NV. Macdonald,: welecneed• 'the visitOrfe andi hiTited *a.4.to Jpin u laglig the Christeses'earOlsechrasen ter the even Mrs 'Redditt, on behalcf of 'the mem- • berseat 'Central Home and Sehooi3Olub„ expressed ,theil- .appreciatien a the cordial hwitation -extended to • them, tiefeiliess seselon was eoxi- dueted by each president before the commememerit of the.ilev§i-s_eal .14•44(ram° • Mr. ''Auderten, music instreetor for the public sch6e1S, explained Met the program was arranged as a denionstra- tion of the regular work done in the variamecla,ssroonrs. from, grades 2 tO 8, and --expreseed his appreciation: "Of the sspleudid co-operation extended to him at, all times by the staff members, Of the two Wheels.. The. fithythni Band, eomposed of the Pupile. of grades 2 and 3, Victoria .school, presentees e smart appearance in th4es, eni'forms. of blue . and geld aS- , they •Marched to their places tor the opening song: The .group of nunibers by 'the band opened with '-'15.10anadas7s, gii/ followed by ".1Piddietriddle DUraPling,r ,; °There -Was a 'Crooked gall,. "All Pull •f-'' -Together," and eoftelirded witheTtlEtule, Britannia." The tone and preeisionsof •'this large group of boys end.gfels was very tine, •and • the pupils who were called to "wieM the baton" for :the various numbers sild their Work, well. Grade 4 of Victoria school gave a varied Pregrani consisting of the fol- lowing- numbers': sBound, "Christmas Bells ;" 'long, "Jolly Santa Claus ;", song, "There's a Jolly Old Fellow ;" carol', "'Silent "'Nights" and concluding With the round May, Godbless all. friends here." 'Each. nunalber was so -Well Alone :that tfeis-difficultetoesingic out any particulge one, but the rendi- tion of "Silent Night" was perticula.rly, nee. - Grade 5 of Central school !gave two patriotic Songs, "There'll Aleraire Be "au England'," -and The Maple Leaf • .Foreyer," and were WargialY applauded at the close f each number. Grades '0, 7 and 8 of 10eutral school, cleitionstratecl the work that is being done by the older pupil s in two-partsoegs and descants. Their (first selec- tion 'was a two-part STIg.; "Dame,Swal- low," followed by song with descant, "The Mill," song with descant, "0 Dear, What 10an theMatter Be," and eoaclud- ing with the earol with destant, "The First Noel." These numbers were all rendered remarkably well, aintrefleeted great .eredit on the pupils and their instructor. On motion of \1r&D. D:Slooney and Mrs. Shore a vote of thanks 'wee tend- ered( to Mr.. Anderton and all-thosiswho had contributed in making the Prograna such a suecess. The -meeting closed with the 'singing of the 'National Anthem. GODERICII, ONTARIO, THITRat)AY, bECEIVIICER 19th„ 1940 st eigistutas I mitt (Es4cept 'Where:stated,. the follewing Pregraine are for anet) Decent - 22.), BAPTIST CHURCH 'tQBG• Antherof-s"Dwell with Ils"-Austin Milee ' Duet -Selectee Ant hem)--Mfkjoice"-s-Ref. J, B. Me- Otarmaek MVENING Anthems-4"ln the F1e1cle---4, Farmer DoeVv1;4Z:ifts for ,the ,King"---Irff, B. AnItheanl--1"Therinee oS peueereserre • Masen, , - • , • 'NORTH STREET 'UNITED CHURCH At the morniag service the choir WM "Iiires.-WMWTraPii-eitiriCUrsUirs*Wheras ; '10 GEloly Night' (Adam)e-selo, Miss n.„ Tees -and 'IA Christmas Carol from Lapland)" (rDickinstna) ObligatOS sung daYellise E.'lluine, and Mr, W. Reid. The reeentlY organttee 'choir will sing "lAvvay in a 'ganger" and 'Bing BeUs,-,Bing;"- The catelle-light service in the even- ing' etIll 'special arrangements of earols :with deeea.nts: t.he ant,heme "Behold, 'I Bring You elood Tidings". (10hurchi1l)e-so1oist, Mr I eellowaY, tenor (visiting airman) ; "Sleep, My "Jesus, Sleep" (Dickinson)seseeloist, Mr Henders9e, baritone; Soles by Miss E. Rime arid UT. W. Reid, orgaA and , piano seleetion r mixed quartette, Christmas processional and recessional. 4 : ,..SALVATION ARMY . • A special 'Christ:6as eandle-light carol service.IVAII-WheldRin the 'Sabra - tion Array hall, tenser Waterloo and Lighthouse streets, ort Sunday evening at 7 -pen, Children -will take part 4n tiiia service. • - e KNOX PRESBYTERIAN enugua. Anthem- The 'First Christmas Morn" Carol -",Good. Christian Men Rejoice' the Chair - • „ , •,So10-'10, Leave Your Sheeet"-Miss L. Lane • .• Hyinne-e0; resame, All Ye 'Faithful" "Joy to the World" "Ae With !Gladness Men. of Old" . EVENING -Carol Service • Prelude -Organ Medley of Christmas - Carole ' _ Anthene----In the Little Miami ;of , 'Bethlehem" Offertory - -"Angela' .Seeeeade," by s Drage. • 1,SeIeet1ons troin "The Messiah," ,SY' • Handel - . Solo-"Ikle Shall Feed His Mode' Mise Heist Solo-mCome Unto Hiinr 'Barrett - Anthems-, 'And „the Glory of the Lord" Postlude 'Hallelujah Chorus Carole--'4"Ho1y %Night". ellark, the Herald Angels 4 Rev. A. J. Milligan Addresses Lions King's . Birthday. , the Occasion of ei 13PeCiai PatriOtiO • PrOgrard. .the regular meeting of the Lions Chili, on Friday ffening last, can* eir the eve of King George's birthday. • TODeceraber 14), the' ceMMittee In THIS FARM WOMAN -DOESN'T AGREE WITH; R. J. °SCOTT Editor The Signal -Star. Sir,HShortly after. Mr. Scott's speech'. I spent a. week -end in ,the city, The thy was gay with the spirit a Christmas-. Mr. Scott's speech, sounded as it the farmer. were a bit down and out. Pee; haps he is in the price line, but not in any other way, What •other line of w•oric is there In which a Man hae so much freedom of IVOI4k or thought? • We meat •work karder than ever to educate our young people ta keep to- gether and make a strong, force In this new world we Will -create out -of the present Struggle, ' • Going back to the weeleend spent in thescity, I lamed every minute of it - but was I glad to get beck to the farm! The open feNiges, the -white now (it was so dirty in the eity), thesehildrefr's Voices as thO played happily in the snow, the lowing of contented cattle, the baiting of the eheers, quige,and! haPPle aneking ane think of the table so many years ago. Yes, the farmer hae, some. thing citY People Halle net. NO, N[r. Scott, (TO)* encourage the young people to leave the farm. After all, the best things ./alf life aren't mea- sured in dollars arid eente and the farmer has accese to these 'better things. FIX-Ton:ft% nANOt BANI • Port .Allert Airmen Blase an Orchestra Which Will Maker Its Appearance This Week (teen Elettner'e I)ince Band af twelve pieces, composed entirely of etselt, men ht Port Albert, will make its debut under the attdpicese O. the &mere !Service Club at MacKay Hall temorrow (Vriday) night. The or- chestra ,evas ofily reeentiy 'formed and hae been practisiug diligently in prepar- ation Ter the 'opening •coneert. The leader is none other than. Plight -eke - tenant ttyril elleteher, adjutant Of the eanip, and he le by no means a novice In the Aoreliestral business. Ite con- dueted his own band, a weleknown organization In the Old Country, before ;joining the at.A.r. 'Steele was hie Peatietime profession, he told The SienalZtar. The instruments for the new orcheetra were presented by the ,Lione (tuba of Huron county, !which, the ae lame called "a inagailleent charge arranged, the, prOgram 'a* a demonOtration of loyalty to His Majesty, President Erskine, who pre - at the busitieSe nieeting, yielded the chair to Licin R. •Stonehouse, who aa diairmen Ot 1114Publicity Veraositte4 /Sad arranged 'the sPecial, program Of the evening. The guest ;Speaker Was Rev. A. J. the ilfe of His MaiestY the King, ex- pressing the pride which the people Of the !Empire feel in having at their head a nein of suels kingly eheracter., In former years the .Throne, I he aid, seemed to be far ,aWaY, rather an, ella- etraet thing to 10anatlians; but atter the visit of the King and Queen to this country In -1930 there was new, eon, ception: .bif the, royal offiee--it became csomething alive and. real, something In which -.-•tinadiarts had a shere; the people or this country discovered. the Throne and -realized thot His Majesty was King of Canada. In the strenuotiS thuestirat had Sueceeded, his accession to the throne, Kink George, the speaker declared, had acquitthclehinieelf as a king, and in these daye„When the Bin- pire was pas:sing through be It was providential 'that at its he -ad Were sareh _a cotipleseaaeKingeGeorge and: Qeeen Elizabeth, Mr. Charlei Meakine sang eRecessionalit "There'll A.lwaYs Be an England," ahd-other songs, rvvith Mes. a!Iatthg piano,. The Omer 'was in excellent form and was greeted withtumultous applaute. -• • • A hearty vote a thanks wasr extended to the speaker ,(4 the evenfng and to Mr and Xrs. feleekins on motion of Lions W � Robertson and Roy Hilton. RECEIVES HIS WINGS GS Slag" "The First Nowell"4 "Away in a ganger" • "While (Shepherds -Watched" "Once in_ Royal Diterld4s-City" "It Cagne Upbn the Midnight Olear'r Imiortrurorsniv The SignatStar wishes all its readers a bright and .kappy Ten Freighters in . the Winter 'Fleet -Ott A. A. Hudson, Last to Arrive --Nearly XiBion Bushel* of Grain 0011 Afloat The 6tr. A. A. Hudson, Capt. Dalton U��w wae the last west,. to ,roalte Port here thie, ,frear. The litudeim art rived on Friday Mornieg from Fort WUUam erlth 110,00() buehels Of wheat Ar the elevator au d diseharged 25,000 lanshele tie IN eitrgo before going 'intti winter etorage. Christmas, Season first ship to leave kioderich harbor this The Oudeon, incidentally, woe tne year, as well as the lest to tmt he She left here on April; 3,0th With a ekeleton crew of eix, ix:eluding Capt. Iludeon, •getting itway,lbeforea decision -had been reached in the Seamen's Union ittrike Nina. . AIRMEN The. arrival of the Hudson on Friday EQuip?ED row WINTER brought to •ten the number of vessels win,tering here. Seven, shim the Piindoe, Vert Wildoe, A. A'," Hudson, 'Vendee, Soodoc, Portwells and- Brie& doe, came in with Cargoes, destined for the elevator paid three, the Ca.nadoe, Sehupp an4Saskadoc, (brought grain for the,mill, Two of the ships, the Prindoe and the For Wildoc, have already unloaded' at the elevator and will lie light for the wiuter. The Prindoc discharged 137,180 bus. barley and 11%835 bus, oats and the Fort Wilda, 244;277 bile wheat. The total amount,or wheat still remaining in the holds dt the winter •fleet is 931,853 bus. fer the elevator and 584,000 bus. for the -mill. s • THE STREET INSPECTOR 11 Vin1411 r No Trutt( in Stories Stlifto Be Heard in Tortiete, that Mtn Are•tihaffering from Cold ... • s" Yarns being tarried to Toronto from cr000ritvto the,igeeet tha.t, Old Country airmen can be seen almost ,any time standing on the et,reets of the tostat shivering, ill -clad toe a Canadian Whiter, brought a sharp denial from the men Of thetlt.A.F., thentselves. "It's atter rebbiSli," sa.1(12 a :flight lieuteuant. "One of our flyers Was up. 18,000 feet in -.the air over Huron, County, -in 32 beltiVit•eero weather the other day andelteeWteWt 'colds Ervery etiteh he lee was made in England and broug here. That ctpg3ift to answer _Mese bueybOclieft.," • et • : Asked if it were true that the Old Country airmen had brought sun hel- met% shorts awl -tattier tropical equip- ment with the -Me -the elaineer r • • • • • aVesebroughtestmetelneete, --Ibutemaiise also 'brought skatee., A great many of es nave. mese to Venetia tor the dur- ation, prepared for an ,k.indS of wea- ther." I e was learned that the only elothieee iesues made at .Pore:Albert eince-the- wAs. men, arrieed 'have been thoee•of underwear,. sock, mitts and whiter CapS. 'These, Of course, were aeits0Lial changes -and were anticipatedWhen tlte men left" lEegland, early in , ceedber. "On the whole I think our- men are taking the Canadian whiter very well," stheereportereevasstolat "Mier -all, the :weather is 'not vane% colder -than in many parts of England) and Seetland. We donl care how- cold it getstes long as we have plenty Of Sunlight, cloudless skies and good flying • -weather. ' "If 'ganta Clause wen* bring us g. plenty of 'that we weindret Worry 'what else he might brin" • ARTHUR CIRCLE -ANNUAL Seri. Harold Rivers Re-elected Presi- dent -Reports Indicate a• Success- ful Year in 1940 . The 'annual Meeting of the Arthur Circle was held on. :Monday evening in the lecture 'room of Knox church, with Mrs. Harold Riverse-presidene, in the This being the !Christmas meeting, the • devotional 'exercises were in keeping with the . seaeon. 'Several Chrisames carols were sung by the members; Miss .Madeleine 'Lane read three beautiful pbeins, and Miss Gertrude Heist sling a Chrietma.S solo, ."The •Gift." The. Scripture reading Was given by Mrs. Frank McArthur, and Mrs. 3. B. Milne -offered prayer. •- • The various secretaries then gave their annual reports, which were very interesting and showed tonsiderable activity and a successful year under the leaderehip of Mrs. Harold Rivera. T-vv.o. meinbers had perfect attendance, Misses, Mary MCKay and Gertrude Haist. The nominating eommittee gave their report with the slate of offieere for the ensuing year, and Mrs. D. .1. Lane in it Sitting manner installed the f•ollowiug officers : President, Mrs. Harold Rivers ; 1st vice-president, Mra. Geo. MaeEwaie; 2nd vice-president, Miss Donna Bell; secretarse; Mrs. MelVin Bell; treasurer, Mrs. Arnold McConnell ; corresponding secretary; Mrs, M. Ainslie; press secre- tary, 'Mrs. C. rilealanus; appply secre- tary, Mrs. C. Cutt ; assistants, Mrs: 11. Daer,' Mrs., Clarence MeciDonald; Glad Tidings secretau, -Mrs. 3. -13. Milne; assistants, 'Miss Mary MacVicai, and Mrs. Sparks ; student secretary, Miss Madeleine Lane; literature and library eceretary, Miss Ethel Elder •,-'Weleellie and welfare secretary, Miss Edith Wig- gins; tone helpers' 4seeretary, Miss Gertrude A. Heist; assistants,. Mrs. Walter Newcombe, Mrs. Reed; floWer fund secretary, Mise Dorothy Johnston; pianist, Miss( Eleanor Snider; es,sietant, Miss ,Mary McKay. ' Mrs. Harold Rivets, president fdr 1041, thanked the members •-for their support in the past and asked for their loyalty in 1941, and hoped that each and every member would have a merry Christmas and a proSperous New Year, and that theseethur Circle woeld keep marching • alsead ln•the new, year they were about' to enter. Mrs. Rod. Johnston waS appointed delegate to the Presbyterial ,meeting to Ite? held at Clinton. le January. ° The meeting dosed with the singing of elheletnias hymns, followed • by prayer. he atangere entertained the, Sea 'Se uts at the home of Mr. and -.qrs. II. Norman oir Tuesday evening. Games and' conteste were played through the evening. The Bangers served 1-tmcle VICTORIA ST. UNITED CIIURCII- 1,11011NING- Prelude - Allegro . from "Christina's • Ca.rols"-Alex.. ,Guilmont Anthene-eSing, 0 Ileavene"--Simper Offertory-e'My Believing Heart, Be- Joice, Sing • and. Make .Merry",-- • )3ach-Rummel • Soprano Solo---10antique de Noel- eAslanas. Miss 'Helen Wilson ' Postlude-s--"What Child Is This "-Old English, Carol , EVENING Prelude -- 'Chorale from, iChridtmaa 'Ora torke--•B a ch ,Carols for all- • "It Came upon. a_Midnight Clear" - "Silent Night" "Gentle alary,Lald Her Child LOW- , ly in a Manger': , Trie--"Shepherde, Their Night Watch • Keeping" -Old French Carol. Mrs. Sanderson, Mres SNICTivish • and Mr. Breckow , • Offertoryee"Sleep, Infant /Divine" - Old French Caeol Antheme--"Naiardh";-Gounod Postlude ',Shepherd's Pastorale"- • . Hatris • , : ST. -PETER'S CHURCH Midnight Mass, 'Christmas Eve 11.30-Children'g 'Choir: "in the' Star- light,v "0 'Lead Your Sheep," "0 Holy Night," "Noel," and - 1. 'ISilOnt Night". • Violleeobligato• by !Mies Mary Ahl 12.00 -Senor Choir. Dumont's ...Royal "Ma.ss 'Offertory "Adeste Fidelese" - Male, sextette, ''L.A..C. Xiddleton, Brooke, (R.A.F., j. Hey, A. Weiser, It • Whitely and G. • 'O'Brien. •, ' 'Communion -0)10 by L.A,.C. (Harry •Middletan, B.A.P. mad of llaz..-ertior Choir: "Jesti Bambino." • ST. GEORGE'S CHjR� Christmas Eve, 11,30 p.m. Holy Communion-, • ' ,Offiee-Mauuder Anthent- 'Christmas Recitatiens"" and • ' 'Ohorud "Glory to God," front Handers Soloist -Miss A. Wurtele Orgart MuSle-er'Overture to Hendee. Messiah:, ' "roe 'Unto tle a Child I'S 'Bore - Me -sties . Pastorale, from' ‘igeseiah." Familiar Cirristraes ',carols with des - pants ,(31111STATA0 DAY 8 tem. and 10,30 aan, Holy Communions- ' 'Omen -Marks - • • Carolee'Inthe Bleak Mid into,'" Holt Tee ewe thOut tune P.When the" Day iMits A, Wurtele tie retsee-act was`iiaed in England will 1 OUNDAY, •DIVEMBEIt 29th, 7 P.M. continuo to be used in Canada. Carol Servieb • , t, L.A.C. HERBERT 'MOODY On .Wetinestlatt DeeeMber 11, Leeding Aireraftsman Heebert Moody received his •wings as eull-itedgee pilot in. the It.C,A.F., upon completion of his course at the .Uplands .Service Plying Training School, Ottawa. L.A.C. Moody is son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Joeeph Moody, Market street, Goderich, and is the first Goderieh boy to receive his -wings in the It.C.A.F., Herbert graduated frcifelhe Goderieh Collegiate Institute in June, -1939, with full senior inatriculittioe. He enlisted In the R,C.A.F. at the outbreak of the war, but did no receive hie call to train -Until Stine Of. this year. He re- ceived his initialetraining at Regime Sask., and his elementary flying train- ing at Fort Willitensmoving to Ottawa three menthe ago for his service flying training.. Herbert. ianiked: third in a de -as of some thirty ICana.dien etudente graduatiete from the Uplands school. He has been home only twice' slice joining the Air Force !lest June, btit expects to ,receive 'a two vreek' fur- lough early in the new year. He IS at present taking a short bombing arid gunnery course. D. COIVIIVIISSION Will Consider Town Councirs ReqUeet for Rebate to Hydro Customers At the regular meeting of the Publie lltlilties Connitission, me !Thursday evening- last, instructians were given for the usual Christmas `tree illumina- tion on the -Square.' A ktter from the Town Ceencil ear Ins for an additional street !light on St., Vincent street was 'referred to the superintendent for a report. ' Another letter from 'the Council asked that, In view of the large 'eurplua on hand. in the electric department, the Coneniesion grata a reduction or allow- anee on the next (Hydro bills to ton - :earner& Thie was laid over for further consideration. , • .„ A. nuteber of applic.ations for electric lighting, water heater and range ser- vice Were received and passed +Alio the superintendedt. wootootiottoopoomvotao4,474-tialind SEND NATTER POR • PUBLICATION EARLY ' Advertisers, correePondente and others 'are asked to remember that no work will ee done in this office on Wednesday next (Chriot- may Day) and to send in matter for publicatione day eatllerthati usual, Attention to this reeile.t.hY all conCerned•will be apineciated, by the ttttlittelf000404110•10itttertt****Itttte, -tditor The Signal -Star, . Dear !Sire's -II woul ' 11k4 to have space, in our paper. te answer a letter of Deallaer 12th, sh ded--"The-Blocked- ;r2 110/40.4"1/144' TRW 0010/ONITY ONADMITAS =WO .Santa Outs is expected to ar- rive in tioderieh on hia aauual pre -Christmas visit OA SittinelaY afternoon next, at 2.30 o'clock. the-girie and boys are Mvited to be present at the, Town Uall at that holir to meet hint • . . . . . . BODIES NOT 'FOUND New Believed that They Will Remain Under the Ice until Spring - 'The bodies, of Leading .A,ircraftsmen Debeeham and George, R.A.F. wireless operators who were drowned in Lake . Elven, a short distance from Port Albert Navigation School, on Saturday, December 7tli, Isa.ve not been tweed despite dragging operations carried out by a {sr/aim o -f eloderien men operatiite from rolviboats. ',The lake ' has been dragged for several miles' on either slide of the elicit at which the itragedy oc- curred, but to date the icy waters of Lake ffat.iiron have yielded only a,greaft- coat, identified as hieing' belonged to George. Dragging operations have, been • held p:someeelutt-thisaweeielay.roughewa and it is believed: that, they will soon be Seseended; as there in slight hope of 'reCovering the bodies before the break - or All the Au Who Get Christmas Havs Invitations tett the Holiday -Score* ot eitisene of lieighboring town*** tar east as ford will open their homes on Ohrists, max DaY Ott play best tO head's& et • men. a the RAJ'. at Port eiiittext gatien, Sehool. *bent ten Per cent. ot the tote/ etiength ot the aileb0(4. Will epend the Xitletide setison with Mat Oyes and. Olen& at more **tett points Oiinada'. The remaining airmen - about halt the total, it eXpeetedeeetwill ear tbeirehristMass ' dinner in eameeand the fare to be pro- viidede with respect to both. entertain, meat and Moat will. be 110- lefie preten- tious on that aecelint. • "We. have •Ibeen literally awamped with invitations from phe, good peoPlit of Gederielx and elseWhere to dine at their hones Chritilanaft•_PAYi hitt - naturally We cannot all 'leave _ the camp," 'said Adjutant Fletcher. ' "The Men .?who, are ele eat their C'htistinas dinner out are nowt(being categorized and; assigned to Takious homee. For all 'of this:we are most grateful." It was explained that Menibers of the R.A.F. at •Port ,,,Albett who have rela- tives tie friends in any Part. et Canada s. willbia given. Yuletide leavet but they ' Must pay for their traosportation. and in many cases great.elietauetts, pmvent time from taking advantage of the op- • Portunity. Only 'the more fortunate • will make the tris. +Some 'have al- reacIrleft, itwas-s-Utedee- "sttt- The Christmes. Mei* There will he everything from the ' tin next spring. Tnet general 'opinien Proverilial soul/40-'110W '0114114111ehrlatte- • Streo'rts'jlt- t • t - t ' . is that the bodiee haee been rwasbetelltas climiet_eit. '.•POrt Albeit.' „ It will On December 2nd we fled the worst under' ice -floes and Will new be encased Pl°104 P- `D-41' n'adr-44 "(e" -•4114°Y e years at this time Of year. • On Decem- in the.1,* ' ' . . serving, . with all the trin"Ingel 11*; ' ber 3rd the storm went doWisaslitde er'el mese et! %sae chece-up : 4, -pet Provincial Constable Sidney Cook Ported. English Plum' 1111'ddiug with storm we have had in thirtiefive bthreauldattesraupeesrovaidsser IbItilhiletalditonnel firtallt.' clean Albert this (Thursday) afternoon and and our men -went out te tiekto -the :iivalks ef snow'. They wor -ed :hard wiil send his report •on the ease te'dist Plenty 4)f `Ciallstaas' :eiga 014 cigar,- triet headquarters 'at Kitchener. • -that „day; The' enowpionre went out • at the Sa330.0 time. The teams on tne pima were almoSt played out before eight. They also went out the next day. Then .the thaW came, and When it froze up tne men started to put sand on thewalks, and neve been sand- inge-Very day -since. Our • team was on the grader and a truck With a plow has been out every 'day since. • Novv this writer, so-calleti Merch- ant," ib igeostant of the work that is, .going on on the streets,when lie Says • there • WAS nothing d�ne.1 1:k is not fair or truthful ween .he makes ,thoae remarks. , • We "have about thirtY aniles of streete to look after here,. end we Ceuld not get a power grader. I dont care what particular liking the Writer has•'for .me, but he should be fair, and givethe men credit for what they did in the severe storm; and as kr' the 1940 Council, they still are in existence. Now will someone be good eneugh to tell this -writer that, and they will be In power for some time yet. The men With wrote, this wonderful letter, .to try and do someone harm, is he -ashamed -of his name or .is he a coward? • • R. -C. POSTELETHWAITA Street Inspector, Goderieh. Dec, 17, 1940. RED CROSS It ORT Red Cross Work roonisfwiil close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday, December 19th, and -re-open Tuesday, January 7 the 19-11. _Wool and me terials -will be given out on 'Saturday, Decem- ber 28th, and January 4the2 to 5 p.m. The annual inceting of the women's work committee will beeheid on Tues- dite, January 7th, 1941, at &it -deck, in the work room. All ladies intereetede In 'Red Cross work -are 'asked to attend. After the transaction,a business, Miss Edith Taylor, who attended the Red •Cross war emergency . course in nutri- tion at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, hist July, will give the first of a series of talks on this subject. • . , TOWNSHIP SOCIETIES HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Officer& Elected for Zion Cluirch Ladies' Md and Taylor's -Corner *Red -Cross Blanch • • The Ladiest Aia of Zion ehtircb; and itkti Cross- ef Teylors-Cereeremet at the 11bnie of Mrs. john Watson, Huron road, 1 on Wednesday, !Decenglber with Mrs. Lorne Bodges. presiding. This being the annual business meeting the wofic oe the Year was -wen covered, and 'summarized by the various reports. Clear, depite reports were given by the officere, namely,. ,the secretary . and treasurer of the Ladies' 'Aid 'Seciety, leaders.,of the contest of the Ladies' Aid Socsetys the secretary of Red Cross supplies and treasurer of Red Cross funds. In the contest, Mrs. B. Panel's side won by:tour Points. Mrs: Walter expressed thanks and appreciation of the worki done by all offieere ' Mrs. Bodges plated the meeting in the hand e of Rev. el. Wilding for election of koAcers, which resulted as follows for the Ladies' Aid, !Society President, Miss Nina :,Walters; • first vice-president, Mrs. Reg. Sturdy; sec- ond Vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Ginn; secretary, 'Mrs. John Watson; treas- urer, Mrs. A,' Oke; buying Committee, Mrs. W. Haacke, Mrs. D. Bodges, Miss N. Walterseteirs. R. Fuller and Mrs. A. Oke; soeial ceminittee, Mrs. A. Horlutes, Mrs, A. Sturdy, ,Mrs. D. Rodges, Mr. C. Whitely, Mr. G. Ginn, Mr. O. F. Ed- ward and Mr. A. Oke ; visiting tom- mitteee Mrs. G. Newton, MISR Nina Walteee; Mrs. A. Oke and Mrs. Ellen Sturdy; pianist, Mrs. A. Holmes ; assist- ant pianist, ;Mrs. G. Newton; convener of hostesses for meetings ot 1941, Mrs. Beg. Stuedy, *Us. X. Holmes; auditors for 194142, Mrs. D. :McDougall, Mrs. D. Itodgee. THE WEATHER The temPeratures for the past week and for the corresponding meek last public holiday. year, 58 offidelly vetorded, were as fol - Iowa: 1940 1930 1 . 'Max. Min. Max. Mite Thurs., Dec. 12 -.38 28 42 21 Eri., Dee. 13 11 46' 30 Sae, Dee 14 ,..,.8 10 32 , 24 Sun.,. Dec. 15 lite 33 22 'Atone Dee, 10 47 11.2 41 n Tues., Dee 17, 37 10 40 351 The ttignaletear thie etfiee, will be open Wed., Dee 18 .S32S 1.7 48 371 tis, meal on Thursday next. RED CROSS CONTRIBUTIONS, Alex. Waldie -1.00 Ed. Lynn • • 2.00 Mrs. Jean Robb 1.00 Mrs, Fred Bowen p .0.1 1.00 Mrs. R G. Pellett (N.Y.) '5.50 Mrs, R. W. Ryan 10.00 5.00 2.00 20.75 1.00 29.00 E. Videan 3. Barrett 'Itaelnese Women's 'Club Mrs. G. D. Sturdy (Ore.) Pledges , LANDS sAr my ATTER 11/IISHAr On a routine !flight' of one oe the Port Albert- alma:ft on 4TtiesdaY a connecting" rod in op engine wasburnt out. Immediately' the engine seirkd and, the propellor flew off. This was ift open country northweet Of New Hamburg. The pilot Serge Gardner, flew the aireraft literec to, Port Albert by one engine anitinatle a "succe-seful -landing -• I TO OBSERVE BOXING 'DAY •IN GODERICH most of•tho toWnain this district are observiug the day after (Citrietinas as a holiday, and in reeponse to the request of many eitizees the, Town Connell, of Goderich at a speeial meeting on Wed- nesday night authorized the Mayor' to proelaim Thureday, December Mtb, • TiliS IS an ,OltleCountry ettatom wilieh is coming iuto vogue in thieteountry. The term "Boxing Day," 'need In the Old Country, wilt no doubt be used here also 16 describe the day, in want of a 'better ' "• • ,Sonte of the factoriee will probably be unable to elose down, foe the (Ian., and 'ace Thereday ,18 publieation day' for Officers for the Bed ,Cross : Secretary of Red Cross supplies, (Mrs. W: Haaelte; treasnrer of Ited Cross funds, Mre. E. Calvert ; social conzaittee, Mrs. C. WItifeV, Mrs. Geo. 'Ginn, Mrs. D. Mc- Dougall, all: ,e. Whitely, -Mr. G. Ginn, Mr. -O. F. Edward, and Mr. A. Oke. The secretary of the Ladies' Aid -meeting reported the joint aneettee of the Ladies' Aid and the Red, CrograS eatiefitetory, there 4Ning no confusiop of officers' work or no overlapping of business. , At the doge of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. ST. GEORGE'S W.A. Officers Elected at Annual Meeting -A Successful Year Reported The annual meeting ofSt. George's W.A. *as held in the Guild rcera on Tuesday afternoon, December .10th. The president, airs. -Calder, was in the chair. The 'meeting ope3aeat with the reading of the 'Scripture, tfollowed by prayers. Mrs. Calder, before vaeating the chair, thanked all the naer,abers for their Splendid eo-operation during the peat year and said that In spite of other demands- on time and money the W.A. had had o most saccessful years - The anginal reports of all theOfficers .W.ere given, After which the election -of officers took place. ,The following is the list of officers dor the coming year: President, afro, Calder; let vice-preai- dent, alisa Ilurritt ; 2ne vic•-preaident, Clark ; secretary, Mrs. Tichborne; tAasurer, ,Miee Tdylor, ; Dorcas eon- NTener,, \Xrs, MeIee astistaut, Mrs. Riley ; girls, Mrs. Clarke; toys, Mrs. Bridle; eetra cent -a -day, Mrs. Mundy; tea-eonveners, Mrs, alley and Mre. Shore; Living Message, MrG, 'Whitting- ham; envelope eecretery, Mire4 Middle, ton; preee secretary, Mre. Lissombe; ocial service 2eCrOtarY, atra. Palmer. Mies McKee and Ifir,e liurritt both were presented with life mentherie cer- tificatee and pins. The meeting elet•ed with prayer. ettes, ite well- aS a bottle „of beer for, those -Vito wish it, also ere on. the festive menu; • The itignaltSta.r was assured that everything that ean tbe dame IS being done to make these men Who are live 'thousand miles fretnejatele emelt:1144w at -this season -Of •the year, and....Mat Canadians are being meet generous - the asSistanee. e AU Provided For Mr. Nelson If 113, distrlet deputy -- governor of "Lions Clubs ; reports that through the agency; of the Lions (Aube over three hundred invitations -tor, Christmas Day were iesuedeto the Men of •Port Albert .and f311cy Harbor. A - et-tt 'number of invitations have -bee extended also without referenee to the plan of the Lions Clubs, and this morn- -• "t ing it was stated that„ every man of both airports who (will have Cheistmas leave will 'be entertained in some home, of thetown or dietrict. , The flying studenta- at Sky Harbor, seventy in number, wills be guests of members & the Clinton and Seaforth Lions , Clubs. Half the students will go 'tot, Clinton !and the other half to Seeferth. '• .KNOX CHUROU 'Wing:- - Encouraging Reports Presented. at Annual Meeting-Qfficers Elected for Coming Ware - Tao annual meeting of the Women's -Missionary Society of 'Knox ehureh vitas held 1.. the lecture room Of the church 011 Tuesday afternoon. The deep biter - est of the members was, shown in the splendid' reportS from tecretaries. • The following is the slate of officers for lett ; Hon. president, Mrs. A. G. MacDonald.; ,president, Mrs. D. J. Vane.; int viee-president, gra. elePhail; 2nd viee-prestident, Mrs,. Redditt; 3rd vice- preeident, Mrs. Jae. Bisset; 4111. vice- preeitient, Mrs. Barnett; mending seeretary, Mrs. Alex. /Smith; corree4 ponding secretary,‘ Miss James/ Thoras son ; treasurer, Mr. Dunlop; home helpers' secretary, Mrs. J. W., (Smith; Supply secretary' , Mrs. Gorclon Bisset; press eceretary, Mre. Charles Edward life-memberehip secretary, Mrs. A.' Taylor; welcome afitl-welfare eeeretarYi Mrs. J. E. Whit,ely ; GladTielings secre- tary, Mrs, Welter : library and •litera- eeteeteecretary, Miss Somerville, stu- dents' steeetary,., Mrs. Neil MeKey; pianists glee Somerville ; coevetier ef eocial committee, Misty BellesMeVica.r; auditors's:3,1re. W. T'ebb-ett and Mrs, N. C. LanaWay., ,., • LAID AT REST ege number of Triende paid lest respecta, to the late% Mrs. C. J. S. Naftel at the funeral serviee held at the home of her son, 'Mr. •Ienswet 1. Naftel, Wel- lesley street, on Thurthay afternoon last. Rev. A. C. (Calder, rector Of St. Georgett Anglican elitireb, and, 11017. Canon ' Naftel, of 'Milton, a nephee; of the deceased lady, emettueted the bser- viee., The palibearers were ttharles and, Jain ee tgaftel', erandetina,s. Perey Naftel, nephew, F. R, Darrow, II. 0. Dunlop mad A. titougvie. Interment took place hi !Maitland eemeterb •-• • tteNealallaiNdaeltailaleflea70010/teekta A LETTER PROM 1:101VIE As the year draws to a doge the- time for renewing many newspaper aubscriptione also an: proa.chee. .1"--ininbere of people send the 'Signal -Star US' a Christ- mae gift to smite relative or friend. It serves the Purpose of a letter from home, it gives' 1iir more news than eoold possibly, he seat iu a letter and it gees every week, not Plat once in t while, The Signatettar will Pend a gift card with the reeeipt, eco thet tbo reeipleut will know who we, thoughtful enough to send Ruch an aeeeptable gift.