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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-12, Page 9
AY„ ,D +' M10 1 verijreen IA C OUNU YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria GOLF isplayed all year 'round! Wanes sea.brreezes and the�u rr. a "o n pot ofthe mighty Coastal mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which .all' dutdooir sportstake on an invigorating newness; �.. Plan ' now to visit Canada's EVER-. GREEN Playground—for . rest or play, the i ea d l 1 r': . e -th enjoyable Winter vacation! Special Winter rates at hotels. The new .Hotel; Vancouver's spacious rooms and de- lil;htful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. TR▪ AVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED AT'T,RACTIVE, RAIL RATES Reduced steeping-'carfares .. , Low meal rates on trains Always Use CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS TELEGRAPHS'•'MONEY ORDERS , Speed .. Dependability . Safety By Katherine 'Edelman mos Jack !I res1ar hunched hiS broad; shoulders deeper into the big'chair, turning u new page' of bis book., Ile,d was rereading a. 'i%h:ristn tt story, trying hard It'IhUt'.'on e absorbed in . the 'gale. A sharp ling from the tel� a Qn( brought -him to his feet. Who eould be calling him on Christman ''eve? • _ A.strange. voice r'espond'ed ' to his <hello." "I Bate to (bother yeu on Christmas' eve, Mr. Treslar., 7 u't I'na, ringing zip' to ask if it 'would be pos- sible`for you to come•and spend, "Phrist- .Ixtas with me," My . name is Bevan Willem I live out at ,Richmond, I have ,a big 'home, :oncl-'a "Put ---tout 1 dbn''t, even ''know you, '3/r. Wrlllers� . The're ,niiust be Some mis- take." `I want you:"' -the low voice was emphatrtc� Will you core or flat?"' ,,-'Jack 're reSeed : a " tial!,-exa larm'ation:. "I-t=hadlf-alightS nd g,C3h t - ma ,' he began. . • `°Woouldn't it be possible to change your plans? 1 %ave a 'feeling; they could be sidetracked easily,,, Jack thought of the lonely.Vbristmas he bade been anticipating. After all, You can rest assured you are getting the 'beim in, Bread Cakes Tarts - a 'Q>.1>� ` tihx�listmt a uddixl,ge and Cakes are made• with scr<u Moue . attention to the quality o1' everyiri redieri We ask '-our customers order early. 1414 ▪ > gotthe right blah'?" •:There Was wist- ful entreaty in his dark eyes. ; don't Just 'think I'm absolutely positive:" - Three hours Iafe, tlio enowbnund train reached Chicago; ''Mary Loan gathered 'h'er irag;;age• together and 'to 01 the 'bus acro 'to the, ,other station, to Hind her connecting train had left on .Sctr.'cdele. The folks 'would drive in to town Ito meet the train unless 'she i‘ceuld head ,[hent Off. Iker message Put through, nary Lou sank down on one 6f the tenches to collect ler thoughts and make her plans until 'train time- rive o'eloek, and no 'train until. 9.40 ,the .next rei'orn- "Going, outs Soon?" a cheery -voice near her asked, She looked up- to And. , tlhe" chief lusher • standing' beside her. .& middie,a,ged, friendly-1oolting (fellow. 1i(�a` r,, -yr yLvou told ' huh of her missed con- ) nections. zT.. ,ix � [leis a• d, cap, initerrupted her story. He 'was leading. a three-year-old 'chile, a dear 1i!ttle girl 'wit'h big •t lue eyes ,eine[ yel- low 'curls "Whet di.; you doing with the kid? Is he lost?r" Eddie 'asked sharply, turning away ,from Mary Lou. I':Vliglht as welt. ?be.. ee came, iu 'from Denver, in ayliarge of the steward- ess• hey'.missed the .train north, and: the st 'ardess is ,celebrating Christmas le by h'aving her appendix out, emergency p case. They told me to turn the kid over to -you," the boy grinned as she handed her over to' the chief usher. i!)ddie 'took her clumsily. "See here, what can a bachelor like nee do with --`- a kid like 'this?" He looked! appefrl('partznent ofriculturre bulletin) At a golf club • one 'Sunday morning a member_' turned up late. Asked why, he :said it was really 'toss-up whether should come there, or go to ehureh. "And 'I had to togs up '.fifteen 'times," he added. , OLD, DISABLE©! OR DEAD : CATTL HtiRSE$�::�:j�E � removed ,promptly and ellicientlir. pliiOne "COLLECT ie WILLIAM' E 4ONS i I*ONE121 a . I GERSQU - wi r* 1 Clitttoa' ` Try HOTEL. WAVERLEY Looated on Wide Spadina Ave. College St. Easy Parking Fac1Iitlis Convenient 10 Highways Sines +' - $1.50f to $2.50 Rates Double ^ - 52.50 to 55.00 Rut to Room, $5.0a to $6.00 • . c Close to :the °Universityr,- Parliament ,Buildings, Maple Leaf Gardene, Theatre, Hospitals, ` Wholesale ---Houses;-µ and the Fashionable Retail Shopping District. A. M. POWELL, PREaaogri'r (Traditional) All hail to. the days that merit more praise Than all the rest of the year, And welcome the etiglits that double delights-. .' As well. for the poor as the peer! Good fortune attend each merry man's •friepd: That doth but the best that he may, Forgetting old wrongs' with carols and • songs, • • To drive the .cold winter away. 'Tis I l for a mind toAnger incline d To think ,sof small -injuries now; If wrath be 'to seek, 'du not 'lend her thy' cheek, . - ' Nor let her inhabit -thy brow._ • ,Grecs out of'thyboolis 'm'alevolent-looks, • !loth beauty and -youth's decay. And wholly. consort • with. mirth' and 'with sport, • ;,To drive the cold winter .,away.. - This away..This time of the year .is_ spent in good cheer, ' And neighbors together do meet, by- the fire,with friendly desire, sit y t ey' Each other.in love_ to greet. ' Old grudges forgot are put in 'the•'pot, All . sorrows aside they lay ; 'The old and the young doth carol this r-. song, . To drive the cold winter away. • When Ohristmas's tide comes in like a b ride; With holly and ivy clad, Twelve days in th'e year: much mirth and good cheer • In every household is had. The conic rY : b ise is then -to -devise Some 'gambols 'of ,Christmas play, Whereat the young, men -'do the best that they ears' To drive the cold Winter away. We•,don't pretend to know everything,; but we do elainf to know machinery' and how to repair breakages or worm;.. -Machine Shopdux ,: is open every day and we are at your service. Assoon as Darrel Thorpe got a chance to use the phone, he dialed his the 'youngster. "What is your name, home. Hee anust tell Edna how sorry, dear?" She •at ked.. .own free will, says W. D. Albright,. how terribly sorry he was for what had "Annette Pollard. I am. three Years.+ superilxtendent, Doan! •ion Experiment - happened, . this morning. All the way' old- and I am going from 'Cheyenne tc, al S•ub-'Station, ' Bea,Verlodge,. Alberta. down on the car' he had reproached y d }{ hiLuse1 •'.for the' 'hasty '-Words he 7 y said. Ile couldn't understand how he had spoken to EEdna like that, and on (thristnras eve. .� �i��•.•r•~ d more_d impatiently onthe desk <:r as he waited. + dn' 'wits alwa une- • *t tual about answering the phone and e ' }doorbell. It was arway' she had, going ascended the T d steps leading to the right through with things. massive door; Whicli really was the cause of his there ;night the something to this un- flash of .temper this ,morning. In her doh Efn& W,nrrs �I d ------- Ii.ing Weneewiar kiukrd out ' At he 1,'ea4t of 'Stopl'wu, n the );bow lay, rouutltsbeut, l Wel), end crisp, and ti -en; t1:lrightly shone the nun ,that alight, Though iii<e blot wa$ t'ru 3, Wireu a poor Mall eau, in eight, gathering winter fuel, If !tiler, 1)age, Mil Stand by use, if `tii`oU 3;naw'et ft, ''telling, Yonder PeP•Sant, who is lie? Where a lad what lii42dwellin,g r" 0',81 •e, he '111, A good league hence, Underneath the mountain, ititht against 'the•'fc►rest 'tenet), • I►y`. 'Saint Agnes' towntain T • bring 'me flesh, and 'bring me wine, Ifring 'me pine logs hither; Thou end .I will see 'him dine, When. we !bear thea thither." �went, and monarch forth then wet, ?orth they went together, Through fJ e rude wind's wild lament, A.nd the bitter leather. "Sire; the night is;darker now, And the wind' blows stronger; faints any heart, $ 'know net how, I can go; no 'longer," .R . - r `ai:' ahYoafips ;pair good `sag; Tread .thou 4n,them lbgldly ), Thou shalt find the wint,er'e treget „, reeze thy blood Bless coldly rt -In his. master's •.steps be trod, Where the snow lay dtnted; Heat WAS in 'the very sod - Which the saint had, pr'ili�d.` Therefore, iCiarietianmen, be. wire, Wealth or .rank possessing, Ye who now will bless' the poor.. Shall yourself and blessing.' OR WIN DAG? Driveals to.day anal wa your ter to protect you trona the Mays and disoaintorto at being: stuck on the root We repair and supply.. "tom aU nuthe . It Is art* to ke your ear In good mechanical caal mon at all •nines, but particularly dor. inf; the winter. We are at' yuurr°Sefl'Ice We handle tie Goodrich tip and 'batt+eries - oke • the budget plan. r ou. ii�t � =qtr - THE MERCIFUL .MAN hS" . MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST ly at Mary Lou. Mary Lou'•, eyes „filled with • tears. Then she held out .her arm's toward If one touches his tongue to a piety of steel in subzero weather he is up - likely to repeat the experiment of his usual invitation. uY , • geick, decisive; 'way, she had" swept "You are right about 'ray plans," he aside his mien- of having old Mrs. admitted. `They are ratter in the Darby for Christmas' dirinerce, The little 'air. But—but agoing to spend 'Christ- I lady, now down on her luck, had be had came to mss with an utter stranger took me_ friehderl; �Dar'rel �- when h�e — � _. ..��. 'back for a momenf:." the City. "That's Why I tiioii ilt you might "I'm not going to have her'!" Edna come." There wasp a note disappoint- had declared emphatically. "We're went in 1I3evarx, 'W Illus' voice. "I pro- bably got the wrong man, .however." Jack 'thought again Of t+he lonely s' f `sf:•:f<J�,:;y it r cf tr ;•r.2 �: i �'y.4 c 'Ch'rI• � , before ..� {' rY/� yT{j^v' h,ry i'rh..:.: f /' S'; ,}'�• /mtfi�,�;J '•?r. f441 stm,as, before 1x1m. And Y2 r could debate the question he 'heard a .fir •v n .r:.. f.r/.. r l.L4 voice r s de him answering, calling g through the wire to Richmond,"You '• 1 ti I • rif •.Y r: got +the. right , .nt'a a i� ' `\l ...i \ i t rs:� .1 m.....,: 4'•. - %..V.�.r ::. rr. Jsof,. ,. •:�. s^' � �;. y:;... �. z commg. . _ An hourlalbathe& and dressed, Jack 7. reslar was speeding along the �,, � f f n >,/Jf :% •�:� ,,, frosted - highway to iR1.Chmoiid. .111011- ' lowing It'Ol-'lowing the detaled:insbructious that had been given him, '.Jack 'found the long -:winding drive leading from -tom --- roadway. roadway. What a secluded 1)1'a1e he thought, as- he drove . under the snow -sprinkled 'trees. Bevan Willers was waiting. - In' the dim libhit from the chandelier, his tall bent ,,figure Seemed grotesque. "I have felt the servants away for the evening," he said, his :bony hand motioning to- ward o ward the end ,of the shadowed hall. el,e"freslar felt .a twinge -of -fear as he followed.' Here he was—alone in the house with this strange old man. The big man dill not seem to hear' Anything could happen. ' There wasn't -him. His eyes were glued on a closely 'another residence within blocks. •Then, typed statement. a his' adventurous spirit- reasserted itself, going to skip �Christmas as much as and: he looked: smi'lingl'y across the possible—go out 'and' eat somewhere— table eatBevanVille"rs. "Well, what's and miss all the rush and bother." °it all about?'-' __ -_ -- - --`1 think [h'at's a - darn selfish jv-a# A dead' silence was the only answer. of doing," Darrel shot back.,"Christ- MACHINIST COAL . +� A The best, is the ehcapest. • When you buy D&H Cone-Clean..ntb:raeite COAL, you buy the best. - We, repeatedly, heard from our "customer's that it is the 'best coal they have ever burned. There is 'so little sash and no slate or clinkers. When you require fuel, give us a call : D&fl CONE -CLEANED ANTIMACtill COAL ALBERTA CHESTNUT COAD E RTLEY FOUR -POINT POCA.HONTA,S • STOER COAD Foil) con' LONE STAR DOMESTIO and STEAM COAL Also IIA.RDWAKE, 1141/ME/NC' and HEATING • Gray eyes under heavy 'bristling brows, 'Inas is a home day, with a turkey, and stated at him intently. Jack stared 'la tree, and gifts; and, above all, some - Then a hearty: laugh rang through Then, without waiting to .see the the library. -With amazement Jack effete of iris words, Darrel rushed from saw the old •mitn straighten up in his the louse, banging the door. `' ['hair. '"Years seemed "'to fall off his NOW, he dialed the number three shoulders. The twisted, grotesque ale, tinea, but there was no an's'wer.•' Panic pear -ante vanished 'as if by !nal ic. IIs "seized hind.. 1 ltd rL• +'due believed 'that spoke quietly.he meant what he had said? He had "I'm not crazy,," he began ; ".1'211 just heard of young wives who bad packed lonelyold,.fellow, ticketed asa sort of recluse. The true facts are that I've been trying for years to write. Yes!teirday I gat w'ordethat a story of mine had been accepted."' ."iiu't 1 still don't understand your strange inyitation,'•tlnd—" Jack inter- rupted. • "I'm coming to that," Bevan Willers for 'Wheatley, keeping hires 'rurrniur� continued. � The herrn:. o'f' any book is around in circles, he might have been a• dazing, adventurous fellow. . manaround to reach Edna gong ago. And if willing' .to arlsrver a strange call that the old man hadn't ,lie n in the name ugly niood yesterday, Darrel knew th'ut he himse=lf wouldn't have been on edge this morning, that he; wouldn't have spoken to Edna 'lis he ' had done. Ile blamed .,Wheatley as niuch' as himself. "You sent for e," he said -stiffly, up and left for much less reason. What a 'brute he had been, to dare up as he did ! - " The morning Was unbearably long. Inwardly fuming, he hung up the re- ceiver, to answer an imperative buzzer from the inner office„ It was about the tenth this morning. It it hadn't been cane inthe night. I got intrigued with the fellow, and began thinking. Wond- ering ,if there was any young fellow who would act as he had done. So I rang• the.'first°^°hotel that <.o;fit''tcl,`'mind' and described 'my Nero,• 'young,, un- married, lit >reeting tort of chap. _Pre- as he waited beside the deele The big. tended his, name Niel slil)ped my mind man did not seem to hear .hire: ':lis• eyes were glued,,an a closely typed statement. ' Darrel' �spoke again. Then Daniel Wheatley looked up, 'and rubbed hie handacross his forehead as 12 try - Rio, 'Wisconsin, to my grandpa Poi- ret- :6E'` daddy Ts 'there." ~Its was a., lesson she had. been taught. Mary Lou held her, close. "Iliad a little girl" almost as old as Annette 7", yf`�"•:?, , .!•"<r -t%$' for the mordeen;t. , They, eonuecteil me Witur room, Yeti kniow, the rest.'' • Jetek stretched out his lofig linin across the desk, and gripe the old mans hand. "Now that Pm here, Mr. ' in'g to remember something. Willem, do you Xstill . believe ;you . (belle ..Uit' yes,, yes," he a began ; "Mrs. Thorpe -called . before yeu got to the oflie€) this morning: I forgot to tell' COAL'YARD and HARDWARE STORE ?hones—Office 22 House 112 "'Biliousness is 'east another ' name. • for a clogged or aluggiiab. liver. xt is a. very common complaint, but can, be quickly remedied by stimulatingthe flow of bile. This softens the accumulated ,noes, the poisons' are carried out ofr the system, and *lie liver ' and towels are relieved and t tonup. Milstmlos tAntt l Iver Vills quicken and enliven the sluggish liver, open- ing up every channel, by ctttrsrng a free flow q. bile end .thins elcansing the r li e e the clogging inu uritiee. They •Ate Sratal. And may to t8ko. Do not gripe, weaken oraxles, trill[ T. /mars Our, . Toon% OM. you. She;left -word that. she was going nrarketin, with a ' •rs. .Mrs, Darby, or some suck) name. Also, she wanted, me to be sate tto tell you to bring home ta. !Christmas tree and sell the 'trim-, wings." There was a arierreetwinkle in W11,0010 '0 uuuilly hard eyes. "Looks as if you were going; to *"lebrate'C:hirat- inas at your house," he 'finished, with a laugh. .•: "We eertainly are" Darrel grinIxed -back; "we're going to'lrave a real oI'd- fasliioned;. t '1ebretioh of the day." • "Think your, wire • 'w'ould *object if ,you tool: aYci'anl:y 'old roan to Christ - Mas dinner?" Darrel ;Wondered if he were hearing things, then his cgt kt wit jumped to the surface. "12 you really mean that, WheatleA1., carr .aJJy.sure y"'t)lt 'of; a hearty welcome. My wife thoroughly `belloveu in having; 'people for Chrciatinas dituter. c%.t least, am .,lire :she does now." y� The last eirtcnc a Darrel whis- pered tri bltn elf. . vvlien outside long in'very ;cold weather, finding 'even the dry metal painful to the bridge of the -hose. Homes, yhether in spite of or ,be cause of their -vegetarian diet, seem tougher than humans, yet it is non for nothing that 'poor Dobbin lays baek his. ear,,s when a bit far eelder to the toueh than 'ice is,rforced into hie mouth.. If horseseotild talk, more' consider- • ation • would undoubtedly be shown them..__. ; Therefore, tlrev should •' be treated in ,the manlier human beings, would like to be treated rif positions were reversed. Rubber ,bits.:are_merci-,. I.2ul. 'An -alternative -is a steel bit -carer_ fully wrapped with Cotton or some good wearing fabric, well , flashed, around the bit rings. If upon occasion an unwrapped steel bit, must 'be put into a horse's' mouthe in a freezing temperature, dip it First intowater to "draw the cold'," otherwise 'hold the, )I itud rings sin-the e handsuntil warmed rm ed to -32 degree Fahrenheit. • "T1ie .merci ful man is merciful to his` -beast " '' c Not on reindeer but On a wbtbe:horse, St. Nicholas arrives in Soulearts oC., Holland, and instead of looping, Or stockings he Searches for wooden shoes to fill them witli gifts. It is :Bard . to keep ' the children from ' tiling cold; they., will run out of doors not properlytlacl; have oil too much 'clothing and gat overheated „ ' and. cool -off too suddenly; they, get their feet wet'; kick Doff the bed clothes at tught The mother cannot --watch.thein:-ell thetime, so IS _11 she going to del w�. Mothers should 'never neglect the child's cough or cold, but on its: in. ception: should procure a ''bottle of " Dr. Wood's Syrup. Norway Fine' S .It. is' so pleasant .to the taste the t Young M ext without sters take fuss, Y any' The T. Milburn Co. Ltd., Toronto, , Ont. *Lary Lou heard the 'voice of An -1 nette's father- ° when :she died," she said brokenly to Eddie., "Leo hie keep the child tonight,' and 'take her to her home. bi missed the same train she did." ' .Eddie studied her 'face.. What he saw satisfied him. ,Still he hesitated for a .moment. "That sounds good to me: • Blit °T'd'better get the conductor to authorize It." ' • 1t was soon decided that Mary Lou should keep her. But she :mus't not lease the stations 'it won't be very comfortable for you, ma'am, -but the kid can curl up on a 'bench here and be dead to the world in no time. There are • some rocking chair'srin ;, the far room there.' Why, of course 'there are some cats there, and, baby 'bed's." ",We ought to telephone -"the child's relatives" Ilary*-Lou-suggests L- "Of coursewe should. Here is the address and telephone 'numb per. You do it for me, will you; please, ma'am? I've got my last minute slioliping to do. l'in • mighty gia:d you came in en this train. Eddie'il take 'the kid while you. telephone to .Rio," and the ,eon- du�ctor was'°off, after' turning over,°, the child's money to 'Mary Lou. But not until SIary Lott had made' him promise to selid a big doll back for the child's {Ori:stnias,, • ° - -We'll let, 'Annette say hello to•her daddy herself, if she wants to," Mary Lon exclaimed. Anil' so it was done. Mary Lou •heard the voice of Annette's- father;' tenhe with concern, and then 1oy'iul a's 'he • realized where his baby was, and heard her childish treble over the Thane. . Tier mother's 1)ar v,ts sent her back here' to have Christmas with Inc. Iler mother died two years ergo," he added. • The sun Was,, shining dazzlingly bright ,the Ilett morning when the train stglmetl at Rio. The 'red-haired Tuan w'ho 'was waiting. expectantly on the piatfolaill had only time to thank Mary Lou,oand .get her ,addles, !before the train . pulled out leaving ' h;ini holding Annette as she waved e good'by to Mary Lou. But the trip home was much easier. Mary Lou forgot the 'burning; pain at the loss of her own 'little daughter, the aching r loneliness sine her own hus- band's death, as she remembered 'the soft kiss of the baby lips of the •mother- ,less •child who had been' in her charge the. night before. And th'e look in' the face o'f Annette'S daddy made her sure she would see Atanette soon. •Rethlehen lora `Christimas Dile to modern transportation one call leave Ame'ric'a as late as the rlritldle` of I>et nlbe1 and' lie in .11ethlehena: , in' Palestine for !Christmas', 0,00Q miles away. ,There' a ° good -'story told of the; A.r'eh,bishop of • San Antonio. When three modern ',ounce,' ladies• were pre- sented to him he said to the ,first, "My child, I : am sorry 'for..you, e'o youhg and pretty, and :already suffering with liigh blood pre sure" •' Answering her protests that he was 'rnietal.en, the prelate said, "No, little lady, •x can tell it by • your [finger male." 1'leery body saw the point but Annabelle; A. mote(! Clatholie editor vggec.;0 That the reason the a ltl l>;rin"t their lin: et wills is that I, they hope the attention of aboorverS tivx l;be div+ertc►d'ttuian 'tIMetr ugly 'faces. Buy now while the present stock lasts at the old prices. We have a well- el s ectled stock of Floor Lamps, Elea 'c Clocks, Flash Lights, .'erco1ators„ Radios] Washers, Ranges, and Refrigerators. Christmas Tree Sets and bulbs, • 49c and up. None of these can be replaced.,: at the present ,rices so buy now. There are gifts here for every member of your family. Complete line of Electrical Appliances. • Thi Square 17 Montreal St. Phone 309 OUR COMPLETE STOOK WZ%l,, SURFRISE YOU NO INCREASE IN . PRICES OPEN EVENINGS